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Song of Dragon Noir

These rules are not official and nor are endorsed by Andrea Sfiligoi or Ganesha Games. A
Song of Dragon Noir is a fan supplement created for use with a Song of Blades and Heroes
rule set by Edwin Charoenpitaks.
Dragon Noir is a fantasy expansion for the Cry Havoc game system. Cry Havoc simulated
medieval man to man combat. The Cry Havoc series was well-known for its beautiful
counters and maps.
This expansion for A Song of Blades and Heroes (SOBH) allows you to use the excellent
SOBH rules to play the Dragon Noir expansion. SOBH is a perfect fit for the Cry
Havoc/Dragon Noir counters and maps while using a modern tactical rule system.
The Dragon Noir/Cry Havoc system is an excellent source of material for your SOBH
campaigns. I highly encourage you to take a look at the rule system and campaigns for
ideas to use in your SOBH games.
Web updates to these rules can be found at

Special Rules
Some of the special rules used here were play test rules from the SOBH forum. The most
common special rule was Shock and Sharpshooter. These rules were used to give more
variety and uniqueness to the individual warriors in Dragon Noir.

+1 to combat in Melee

Sharp Shooter
+1 to combat in Ranged Attacks

Weapon Master
You may roll 2 dice for your combat roll. Choose one of the values as your final combat roll.

Whenever you tie in combat, you win

Epic Attack,
When you roll a 6 on your combat roll, you may roll an additional d6 and add it to your
combat roll.

When your Combat roll is a 5, you may change it to a 6.

Treat as Heavy Armor.

Shoot or Move
If you move, you cannot shoot. If you shoot, you cannot move.

Quick Shot
You may make 1 additional ranged attack at -1 in addition to your normal 1 attack.

A bodyguard is a special model that must be deployed adjacent to a
personality. When that personality is targeted by a ranged attack, or when a
model moves in HTH contact with the personality, the Bodyguard makes a Q
roll. If the roll fails, nothing happens. If the roll is a success, the
Bodyguard and the personality switch place and the attack that was meant for
the Leader hits the bodyguard instead (roll for Combat as normal). The
bodyguard and the leader must be adjacent for this ability to work.

A Sniper can ignore the targeting restriction rules, firing at any target in
range and ignoring 1 point of range modifiers if he does an Aimed Shot.
Snipers are personalities.

Army Lists
These army lists are for use with the HTML SOBH Warband builder. The SOBH warband
builder is an excellent tool and can be used to create a warband sheet like this.

Rebels War band

Arlon;33;4;3;false;Sharpshooter,Shoot or Move,Shooter: Long;
Barin;36;4;3;false;Magic Resistance,Shock,Shooter: Medium;
Barney;38;3;2;false;Acrobat,Free Disengage,Stealth;
Ceodoras;64;3;3;false;Quick Shot,Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;
Cerenbril;70;3;3;true;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long,Sniper;
Dill;32;4;3;false;Armored,Hatred,vs orcs;
Ferin;36;3;3;false;Mighty,Shock,Short Move;
Findarfin;56;3;3;false;Forester,Hatred,Shooter: Long,vs orcs;
Gerfindel;80;3;3;true;Leader,Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;

Gorin;27;4;3;false;Hatred,Shock,Short Move,vs orcs;

Gotmar epreuve;36;4;3;false;Group Fighter,Mighty,Shock;
Gustav;24;4;2;false;Free Disengage,Shock;
Hurin;29;4;3;false;Shock,Shooter: Medium,Short Move;
Jon;26;4;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Medium;
Kerin;60;3;3;true;Leader,Shock,Short Move;
Khuzun;36;3;3;false;Berserk,Shock,Short Move;
Laberne;41;4;2;false;Quick Shot,Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;
Lucifer;50;3;3;false;Animal,Bodyguard,Long Move;
Santiago;23;4;2;false;Free Disengage,Shooter: Short;
sarah epreuve;35;4;2;true;Coward,Summoner;
Simon;24;4;2;false;Opportunistic,Shooter: Short;
Thorin;44;3;3;true;Shock,Short Move,Weapon Master;

Black Fox War band

;Black Fox Warband
Ashrak;48;3;3;false;Armored,Evil,Lethal,Shock,vs mounted;
Attrag;33;4;3;false;Hatred,Sharpshooter,Shoot or Move,Shooter: Medium,vs dwarves;
Baby Dragon;86;3;4;true;Armored,Epic Attack,Tough;
Black Fox;96;3;4;true;Armored,Leader,Savage,Weapon Master;
Crazy Ork;39;4;4;false;Berserk,Mighty;
Fnarad;29;4;3;false;Evil,Shooter: Medium;
Gattog;39;4;3;false;Evil,Quick Shot,Shooter: Medium;
Gharvs;38;4;4;false;Animal,Big,Long Move,Slow;
Graz;33;4;3;false;Evil,Hatred,Sharpshooter,Shoot or Move,Shooter: Medium,vs elves;
Grishnak;48;3;3;false;Armored,Lethal,Shock,vs elves;
Gromrak;44;3;3;true;Evil,Weapon Master;

Grunek;26;4;2;false;Gregarious,Shooter: Medium;
Kommog;44;3;3;false;Evil,Sharpshooter,Shooter: Medium;
Krek;24;4;2;false;Free Disengage,Gregarious;
Shraggag;36;3;3;false;Evil,Group Fighter;
Throda;41;5;4;true;Big,Group Fighter,Tough;
Thrugg;35;4;4;false;Evil,Mighty,Savage,Short Move;
Zrodek;24;4;2;false;Gregarious,Hatred,vs dwarves;

Scenario 1: Elves Oath

Dragon Noir Scenario:

Map: The WaterMill Map. For a miniature map, you will need to build a map with
a river running through it with a building on one side and forest on another.
A sample image of the Cry Havoc maps can be here.

The exiled Rebels - Laberne, Jon, Grast, Hohmley, Gustav, Evans (all mounted); The Orks Zed (mounted), 1 archer, 1 crossbowman, 2 Elite Orks (both 16 attack strength), 3 warriors
(2 x 14, 1 x 10).
The humans start mounted on horses. Give them the special "Mounted" and "Long Move".
For the unnamed orcs, pick orcs that match the general stats on their images.
As a special rule, if a mounted figures ever gets "Fallen" as a result. Remove them off their
horse and place them adjacent to their mount. It takes 2 actions to remount a horse in
battle. Horses stay in the hex where their rider was unmounted. They may be pushed aside
with no penalty as part of a character's move to an adjacent empty hex.

Flavor Text:
"We are like leaves from the same tree: same blood, same destiny" says the Oath of the
Since their arrival on Kazhdin, Zacharie has advised Konrad to send a small group to meet

the Elves in the forest of Penrad.

If Laberne and Jon, half-elven through their mother, were to join with the Elves
then the assistance of the Elves of the island would be acquired.
Black Fox, well named, suspects that there may be elves among the strangers
and that they will seek contact with their brothers on the island.
So he sends a patrol to intercept them on the road leading to the forest.

Starting positions and Sequence of action:

The Orks enter by side 8 of the map, in the section between the corner (with side 5) and the
They make one initial full move and then a second.
The exiled Rebels then start the first game turn by entering through side 6 in the section
between the corner (with side 7) and the stream.

Important: A bridge is placed over the stream 2 hexes from the edge of the map (side 6),
where the watercourse is no wider than one hex.
Characters may make use of this normally.
The fallen wall represents the bridge.

Victory conditions:
The first scenario is essentially a breakthrough scenario. Team 1 needs to break through
the opposing team's side in order to achieve the scenario objective and gain victory points.

Specific rules:
If, before the end of the twelfth turn, the Rebels are able to exit Laberne or Jon through
side 8 of the map, between the stream and the corner (with side 5),
they have won. If neither of those two characters exit the map by the specified edge before
the end of the twelfth game turn, the Orks win.

Victory Points:
1 VP per 25 point kill. 3 VP for winning scenario + Campaign scenario bonus below.

Campaign scenario:
If the Rebels win, the 4 Elf archers will take part on their side in the decisive battle (see
Scenario 5).

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