If Only, One Is A Gurmukh

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If only one is a Gurmukh

There are various reasons that we (Sikhs) do not understand the true message of Gurbani. The most compelling
reason among all is our lack of appreciation of the differences between the following three terms, Vidya, Avidya, and
Brahmvidya. Gurbani has many references to these at various places, for instance:
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vii vcr parupkr. (Ang 356)
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Mo abii hi kn. Bibek p maln. (Ang 486)
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P pai kai bii bicrai sahj sube. Bii soai a lahai rm nm liv le. (Ang 937)
It is evident from the above verses that the people who study or teach in schools, colleges, or universities will
not be able to derive the true meanings of Gurbani, because in those institutions, Vidya/Education is only studied/taught
and is not analyzed/researched (vcr). The Vidya/Education that has been thoroughly analyzed can only be beneficial
for our spiritual upliftment. Otherwise, educators (as opposed to researchers) are known to engage in bickering and
therefore, degrade their intellect.
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Akal eh na kai akal gavai b. (Ang 1245)
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Koj upjai b binsai (Ang 1255)
The above verses have been written in context of the educators/scholars or Pandits of that time, and apply cent
per cent to the scholars of today as well, because the Sikh scholars of today are also engaged in useless bickering. The
scholars are usually limited to reading, while Gurmukhs analyze whatever they have read and investigate how much is
the truth in that. That is why Gurmukhs have never been impressed with trivial literature (emanated from Manmat),
while plain educators cant even distinguish what is Manmat and what is not. This understanding can only come when
one considers his own Mat (intellect) to be inferior to his Antar-aatma (inner voice).
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samrath vad mer ma thor rm. (Ang 547)
The educators or scholars never had this virtue and neither can they ever have it. But if such a virtue does
appear in a scholar, then he will never call himself a scholar, and will rather become a Gurmukh. That is why,
understanding Gurbani is the domain of a Gurmukh only.
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Ba birlao bcrs je ko gurmuk hoe. (Ang 935)
Consequently, only if someone has learned from Gurbani instead of reading Gurbani, can comprehend it. Off
late, scholars have also realized that there is no dictionary that can help us understand Gurbani, because Gurbani in
itself is an independent language. A language in which the knowledge of formless is provided, and which is not a
subject of interest in colleges and universities.

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