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Di bawah setiap soal dicantumkan 5 kemungkinan jawaban

A, B, C, D, E.
Contoh pengisian pada lembar jawaban:

Nilai jawaban tiap soal:

4 untuk jawaban yang benar
0 untuk tidak ada jawaban
-1 untuk jawaban yang salah

Section 1. Structure(1-27)

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Direction : Choose the correct answer.

1. I started running when I was six. I_____ for 23 years now.
a. Ran
b. Had been running
c. Am running
d. Was running
e. Have been running
2. Some psychologists interpret dreams as a repressed desire on part of
a patient who may wish that his or her life_____
a. Different
b. Were different
c. Was different
d. Will be different
e. Differently
3. Ray : Hey Dick, Whats wrong with your face? Any problem?
Dick : Yeah, I Wish I didnt have to move so soon because I havent
found another place
The underlined sentence means_____
a. Dick had to move so soon
b. Dick have found another place
c. Dick have to move so soon
d. Dick didnt have to move so soon
e. Dick will not move so soon
4. Since my father and my mother are both working, we usually go_____
on Sundays.
a. To shop
b. They shop
c. Shopping
d. For shopping
e. Shop
5. I wonder how old he is.
He was Ridhos classmate in 1985, so he____at least twenty five
a. Will be
b. Should be
c. Must have been
d. Should have been
e. Shall be
6. According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia
he_____ the world
a. Had conquered
b. Would conquer
c. Would have conquered
d. Conquered
e. Were conquered

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7. Although the Ojibwa Indians fought frequently with the Sioux, they
didnt have_____ with early white settlers.
a. Much contact
b. Lots contact
c. Many contact
d. Large contact
e. A few contact
8. Nini
: Do you prefer playing hockey or playing football?
: Id rather _____hockey.
a. Playing
b. Play
c. To play
d. Am playing
e. To be playing

Mrs. Milland : Though this school is favorite, I have been told that lots
of teachers are so Snobbish, stiff, unnergitiable and not respecting
parents like us

9. Mrs. Rolland : What about this school?

From the dialogue above, Mrs. Milland will mostly probably_____

a. Not going to send her kids to study there
b. Going to send her kids to study there
c. Acknowledging that the school is favorite
d. Demanding the teachers so her kids can study there
e. Going to ignore the fact
10. John is a very lazy student; besides, _____
a. he is good in extra-curricular activities
b. he always does his homework
c. he prefers studying until late night
d. he never pays attention in class
e. he sometimes practices English
11.Debora : Ted, why did not you come my party last night?
Debora asked Ted why_____
a. Did not you come to my party last night?
b. You had not come to my party the previous night
c. He not come to my party that night
d. He not come to my party the previous night
e. He had not come to my party the previous night
12.If the plane had taken off on time, we wouldnt have been late for
the opening of the seminar. This means that we were late because
the flight ..
a. Was delayed
b. Has to be delayed
c. Was going to be delayed
d. Had not been delayed
e. Was not delayed
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13.Husein: Whats wrong? You look so unhappy.

Rio: Oh, my father just bought me shoes, but I dont like the color. Its
Husein: I also dont like red, but it is okay because your father doesnt
know your favorite color.
We know that_____
a. Neither Husein nor Rio like red color.
b. Neither Husein nor Rio likes red color.
c. Both Husein and Rio like red color.
d. Only Husein likes red color.
e. None is true
14.The Theory of Continental Drift assumes that there_____long term
climatic changes in many areas during the past
a. Should have been
b. Could have been
c. Ought to
d. Could have been
e. Might to
15. Samantha_____her plumbing repaired two days ago by a plumber.
a. Let
b. Got
c. Had
d. Asked
e. Asked for
16. George : Bill, Why did you fight with your sister?

: Because she insisted that my mother was here

The underlined sentence means____ Billys sister wanted her mother

to be there.
a. Billys
b. Billys
c. Billys
d. Billys


knew that her mother was there

was not sure that her mother was there
did not know that her mother was there
did not want her mother to be there

17.Sir Simon disappeared seven years ago. His body _____(find) , but his
ghost still haunts the Castle.
a. Never found
b. Has never been found
c. Has to be found
d. Found
e. Was to be found
18.My professor has been teaching us for two hours now. I thought it
would be_____(interest) . But in fact, it is_____(bore). He makes all of
us _____(bore).

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a. Interested, boring, boring

b. Interesting, boring,boring
c. Interesting, boring,bored
d. Interested, bored, boring
e. Interested, boring, bored
19.He/ by/ for/eight/ the/ London/ studies/ finished/ been/ Alex/ his/ had/
for/ years/ over/ in/ time
a. By the time Alex finished his studies, he had been in London for
over eight years.
b. By the time Alex had finished his studies, he been in London for
over eight years.
c. The time by Alex had finished his studies, he had been in London
for over eight years
d. The time by Alex finished for his studies, he had been in London
over eight years
e. The time by Alex had been in London for over eight years, he had
finished his studies
20.The diagrams below represent a class of children.
G is the set of girls and F is the set of children who like football.

Decide which diagram has the shading which

(a) girls who like football
(b) girls who dislike football
(c) boys who like football
(d) boys who dislike football
a. Diagram A, diagram C, diagram D, diagram B
b. Diagram B, diagram D, diagram C, diagram A
c. Diagram B, diagram D, diagram A, diagram C
d. Diagram D, diagram A, diagram C, diagram B
e. Diagram C, diagram B, diagram D, diagram A
21.As a vendor in cars industry, Mazda have to make a new breakthough
immediately,_____ Rating of Mazda will be becoming worst
a. Consequently
b. Otherwise
c. Besides
d. Whereas
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e. Furthermore
22.(1) The result of the surveys carried out by feminist organizations
revealed that in way very difficult for woman to enter various
professions. (2) In 1972, for example, only 9.3% for doctors and
dentists were woman, only 4% of all lawyer and judge were female ;
and only 13% of all medical students were woman. (3) It was also
shown that society preferred to promote men to the positions of
highest responsibility-even in traditionally female profession. (4) For
example, Although more than 90%, of elementary school teacher in
1970 were women ; more than 80% of the principals were men. (5) In
addition, in many areas of employment, women received lower wages
than men for the same work.
Which one is the opinion sentence?
a. 1,2,3
b. 3,4,5
c. 3,5
d. 2,3
e. 1,2,3,4,5
23.The flower were judged for their unusual colors, pleasant fragrance
a. Attractively shaped
b. Attractive shapes
c. Shaped attractively
d. Attractive, shapely
e. Shapely and attractive
24.I would not have opened the mail if it had contained a virus. Which is
wrong from the statement below?
a. The mail contained a virus. I opened it
b. The mail did not contain a virus. I opened it
c. The mail contained a virus. I did not open it
d. The mail contain a virus. I did not open it
e. The mail contained a virus. I was confused whether to open it or
25.More than 60 percent of the worlds radio program are in English.
Pilots and airport control operators also speak it on the airways of the
world. In addition, almost 85 percent of the computer programs in the
world use English, and over 70 percent of the worlds mail are written
in English. English is clearly the first International language.
Based on the passage above, which is not the reason why English is
the first international language?
a. More than 60 percent of the worlds radio program are in English
b. almost 85 percent of the computer programs in the world use
c. over 70 percent of the worlds mail are written in English

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d. More than 60 percent of the worlds television program are in

e. Pilots and airport control operators also speak it on the airways of
the world
26. I am not going to see that film and neither is Laila. It means_____
a. I am not going to see that film but Laila is.
b. Im going to see that film and so is Laila.
c. Laila is going to see that film, and I am, too.
d. Laila and I are not going to see that film.
e. Both of Laila and I going to see that film
27.He_____with his friend because his eyes are swollen and his nose is
a. Ought to have fought
b. Had to have fought
c. Should have fought
d. Must have fought
e. Would have fought
28-36 : Choose belong the underlined words which have wrong
28. That they have graduated makes their parents are happy.
a. That
b. Graduated
c. Makes
d. Are
e. Happy
29.The accident would not have happened if I drove carefully last night.
a. The accident
b. Would
c. Have happened
d. Drove
e. Carefully
30.I am more diligent, more smart, and more handsome than he.
a. Am
b. More diligent
c. More smart
d. Than
e. He
31.We were talking and played cards in the guest room when our parents
came back from their holiday.
a. We were
b. Talking
c. Played
d. In
e. Came back
32.Either Ani, Andi, Anto, Rini or Monica are going to go to Bali next
a. Either

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b. Or
c. Are
d. To go
e. To Bali
33.I khow that it was him who broke that window pane
a. Know
b. It
c. Him
d. Who
e. That
34.After he had bought herself a new car, he sold his old one.
a. After
b. Had
c. Herself
d. Sold
e. One
35.Maria has yet finished her assignment, and neither have I.
a. Has
b. Finished
c. And
d. Neither
e. Have
36.Buying clothes for my cousins are always time consuming for me
because I am always doubtful whether the clothes will fit the or not.
a. Buying
b. Are
c. Am
d. Doubtful
e. Whether
Section 2 : Analytical Reading 35-42
37.Let E be the median and e the mode of the following set of number :
10, 60, 20, 70, 70, 90. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of E
and e ?
a. 55
b. 57.5
c. 65
d. 67.5
e. 75
38.One day in STIS college, 1/15 of the students were absent, and 1/5 of
those present went on a field trip. If the number of students staying in
college that day 840, how many students are enrolled in STIS?
a. 2150
b. 1750
c. 1350
d. 1225
e. 1125

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39.Class XII A consist of 10 boys and 20 girls. Half of boys have curly
hair, and half of girs have curly hair too. If a student is chosen to do
an exercise, the probability that the chosen student is boy or has
curly hair is_____
40. Based on a research it is known that the population of animal A
decreases by half every ten years. In 2000, only 1 million population
lives. Population of animal A in 1960 is_____
a. 64 million
b. 32 million
c. 16 million
d. 8 million
e. 4 million
41.Population by Age Group and Gender in the Province of A in 2012


If sex ratio is ratio of male populations to female populations ratio,

with formula :

So, what is the value of the sex ratio in Province A, 2012??

a. 91
a. 92

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b. 93
c. 94
d. 95
42. A screwdriver and a hammer currently have the same price. If the
price of a screwdriver rises by 5% and price of a hammer goes up by
5%, by what percent will the cost of 2 screwdriver and 3 hammer
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
e. 25%

Section 3 : Vocabulary (43-50)

Direction :
In question 43-50 each sentence has an underline word or phrase.
Below each sentence are five other word or phrase, marked A,B,C,D
and E. You are to choose one word or phrase that keeps the
meaning of the original sentence if it substitutes for the underline
word or phrase.
Nearly half of lebak
indigenous civilizations.
a. Native
b. Poor
c. Hard working
d. Backward
e. Foreigner





Rachmat decided to pay his new car on the instalment plan.

a. Cash and carry
b. Piece by piece
c. Monthly payment
d. Credit card
e. By gambling

45. Penguins are bellicose especially during the mating season.

a. Lovable
b. Beautiful
c. Warlike
d. Protective
e. Incubate
46.At the crucial moment, George seized the opportunity to present his
proposal to the director.
a. Realized
b. Rendered
c. Grasped

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d. Delivered
e. Used
No. 47-49
The life span of an elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty
five years. Of course, an elephant can perish from a number of
unnatural causes. E.g it can be killed by hunters, most probably for the
valuable ivory in its tusk ; it can die from diseases that spread
throughout an elephant herd ; or it can die from drought or from the
lack of food that almost certainly accompanies the inadequate supply of
If, however, an elephant survives these disasters, it falls prey to old age
in its mid sixties. Around this age, the cause of death is attributes the
final set of molars. When this last set of teeth is gone, the elephant dies
from malnutrition because it is unable to obtain adequate nourisment. In
old age, elephants tend to search out a final home where there is
shade for comfort the sun and soft vegetation for cushioning ; the bones
of many old elephants have been found in such places.
47.The word perish in line two means...
a. Fall ill
b. Shoot
c. Die
d. Get rich
e. Dying
48.The expression a final home in line 9 is closer in meaning to...
a. A comfortable house
b. A place for sale
c. The only remaining place to live
d. A place to find some food
e. A place to die
49.The word drought in line 4 means...
a. A drowning
b. A lack of food
c. An inadequate supply of water
d. An overabundance of animals
e. A lack of water
50.In Guns, Germs, and Steel, University of California at Los Angeles
physiologist Jared Diamond contend that geography had a pivotal
role in development, arguing that the West was lucky to develop first.
Pivotal is closest meaning to...
a. Superfluous
b. Extraneous
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c. Irrelevant
d. Fundamental
e. Supestitious

Section 4 : Reading Comprehension (51-60)

The largest of the giant gas planets, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 times
greater than
Earths, contains more than twice the mass of all the other planets
combined. It is thought
to be a gaseous and fluid planet without solid surfaces, Had it been
somewhat more massive, Jupiter might have attained internal
temperatures as high as the ignition point for nuclear
6 reactions, and it would have flamed as a star in its own right. Jupiter
and the other giant planets are of a low-density type quite distinct from
the terrestrial planets: they are composed predominantly of such
substances as hydrogen, helium, ammonia, and methane, unlike
terrestrial planets. Much of Jupiters interior might be in the form of
liquid, metallic hydrogen, Normally, hydrogen is a gas, but under
pressures of millions of kilograms per
12 square centimeter, which exist in the deep interior of Jupiter, the
hydrogen atoms might lock together to form a liquid with the properties
of a metal. Some scientists believe that the innermost core of Jupiter
might be rocky, or metallic like the core of Earth.
Jupiter rotates very fast, once every 9.8 hours. As a result, its clouds,
which are composed largely of frozen and liquid ammonia, have been
whipped into alternating dark and bright
19 bands that circle the planet at different speeds in different latitudes.
Jupiters puzzling Great Red Spot changes size as it hovers in the
Southern Hemisphere. Scientists speculate it might be a gigantic
hurricane, which because of its large size (the Earth could easily fit
inside it), lasts for hundreds of years.
Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as it receives from the Sun. Perhaps
this is primeval
25heat or beat generated by the continued gravitational contraction of the
planet. Another starlike characteristic of Jupiter is its sixteen natural
satellites, which, like a miniature model of the Solar System, decrease in
density with distancefrom rocky moons close to Jupiter
to icy moons farther away. If Jupiter were about 70 times more massive,
it would have become a star, Jupiter is the best-preserved sample of the
early solar nebula, and with its satellites, might contain the most
important clues about the origin of the Solar System.

51.The word Attained in line 4 is closest meaning to .

a. Attempted
b. Changed
c. Lost
d. Reached

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e. Contained
52.According to the passage, some scientists believe Jupiter and Earth
are similar in that they both have
a. Solid surfaces
b. Similar masses
c. Similar atmospheres
d. Metallic cores
e. Same Composition of substance
53.Why does the author mention primeval heat (lines 19-20) ?
a. To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the Sun
b. To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the other planets
c. To suggest a possible explanation for the number of satellites that
Jupiter has
d. To suggest a possible source of the quantity of heat that Jupiter
gives off
e. None is true
54. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
a. If Jupiter had fewer satellites, it would be easier for scientists to
study the planet itself.
b. If Jupiter had had more mass, it would have developed internal
nuclear reactions.
c. If Jupiter had been smaller, it would have become a terrestrial planet.
d. if Jupiter were larger, it would give off much less heat
e. All is true
55. It can be inferred from the passage that the appearance of alternating bands
circling Jupiter is caused by_____
a. the Great Red Spot
b. heat from the Sun
c. the planets fast rotation
d. Storms from the planets Southern
e. None is true
56.A sport Jacket marked $50 is offered at a discount of 20 % during a
storewide sale. At this reduced price the dealer makes a profit of 25%
on the cost. The cost to dealer is..
a. $30
b. $33
c. $35
d. $40
e. $45
57.The man sitting next to Sasya said, do you mind ?
a. Smoking
b. I smoke
c. To smoke
d. My smoking
e. Be smoking

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58.They derived their conclusion from a statistically. insignificant

a. Investigated
c. Drew
e. Demonstrated
59.Ayu likes playing cards better than
a. To study
b. To studying
c. Studying
d. Having studied
e. To be studying
Opportunity in the Global Financial Crisis
US. financial crisis and its contagion to Europe and the rest of the
world could also create new opportunity for Indonesia in term of foreign
direct investment and the development of basic infrastructure.
As the US. financial crisis has now spread to Europe, the oil-rich
countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Arab Emirate which have
accumulated hundreds of billion of Dollars in their foreign reserve, are
now reviewing their holding or investment vehicle. They are looking for
more diversified investment outside the US and Europe. Because of
unfavorable political developments in Thailand and Malaysia over the
past few months, Indonesia which has largely Moslem population could
become one of these oil-rich countries' favorite place for foreign direct
investment. That wil be true if the conditions, legal and market
infrastructure are conducive for Islamic financial instruments.
The government had improved the legal framework with the
recent actment of laws on sharia banking and bonds. The long term
nature of Islamic bonds could make them the most suitable investment
instrument for Indonesia, as these bonds grant an investor a share in an
asset along with the cash flows and risks commensurate with such
The financial crisis that has gripped the globe and weakening
economic growth in the rest of the world will serve to the government to
accelerate the investment reform measures in order to grab the hidden
opportunity in the global crisis.
(simplified from the on Oct 9)

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60.Based on the passage above, which is not included in the arguments

used to support the authors idea?
a. The financial crisis that has gripped the globe and weakening
economic growth in the rest of the world will give a chance for
Success to
to be
be specialist
goverment to grab hidden opportunity in the global crisis.
practice and
and repe
b. The goverment had improved the legal framework with the recent
actment of laws on sharia banking and bonds.
c. As the US. financial crisis has now spread to Europe, the oil-rich
countries are looking for more diversified investment outside the
US and Europe.
d. Because of unfavorable political developments in Thailand and
Malaysia over the past few months, Indonesia which has largely
Moslem population could become one of these oil-rich countries'
favorite place for foreign direct investment.

Halaman 14 dari 15

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