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Spring 1995

Volume 5 Issue Number 1

Who I Am and Who I Am Becoming


Leforte 1 is a max
illary advancement
which corrected the
ahgnment of my upper jaw.
My upper jaw was de
pressed about twelve milli
meters and, as a result, I
had an underbite. This was
the part of my face which I
hated because, to me, it was
the ugly part. But as time
slipped away and the opera
tion approached I became
more and more scared. It
was not simply pre-surgery
jitters; it was a powerful
and irrational fear that ex
tended into other areas of
my life not related to the op
It had only been less
than twenty-four hours
since I had undergone a
Leforte 1 with a bone graft
when I saw myself in the
mirror in the hospital bath
room. I did not recognize my
swollen face. The reflection
surprised me, despite the
fact that I knew I was going
to look strange. I was told
that over the next twenty
four hours the swelling
would get worse. It did. I
crept up my face tojust be
low my eyes. My entire face
turned a yellowish hue. My
lower jaw on either side of
my chin lost its roundness
and took on an angular
form. It did not look like me.
My hip hurt from where
they took the bone. I drooled
uncontrollably. I could not
sleep comfortable. I could
not talk. I communicated
through my own version of
sign language and eye
movements, which I mostly

rolled when someone did not

understand that my tugging
on my blanket meant that I
was cold and that I wanted
another one.
But this was all part of
the deal. Two operations
and some orthodontic work
and my facial abnormalities
which were the result of a
cleft lip and palate would be
gone. More important, I
would be able to rejoice in

the knowledge that I had

done everything within my
power and within the
boundaries of medical sci
ence to correct what was
But the promise of sur
gical correction was great
enough to help me go
through with it and to be
excited about it.
The Fall after that op
eration, I returned to school
to start my junior year at
college. While I was pleased
with my appearance I could
not shake the fear that in
vaded my thoughts. In ad
dition, another vague ach
ing began to accompany my
Through some profes

sional guidance, I discov

ered that the ache was sad
ness, a profound sadness
and sense ofloss which re
sulted from losing my
underbite. This experience
helped me to realize the de
gree to which my underbite
and my face significantly
contributed to how I
thought about myself and
how I perceived others felt
about me. I had become a
part of me, a part of who I
was. I discovered that the
strange persistent fear
stemmed from not knowing
how to feel about myselfand
not being able to conceptu
alize how others felt about
me without my underbite.
As a result, I was afraid to
be around people because I
no longer knew how to in
teract with them. So I had
to learn. And I am still
learning. In a way, I have
slowly been reinventing my
self guided only be the fact
that I am acutely aware
that I must do it.
I believed, with all of my
heart, that this process
would finally peel the label
of "birth defect" that I had
&lways put upon myself.
But I discovered that no sur
gery was going to remove
that label. Since I had put
it on, I would have to take
it off.
I once believed that sur
gery would fix it all. But
now I understand that for
me, no physical change
could have occurred without
an emotional one. I was not
expecting this. But the emo

"But the emotional

aspect of my experi
ence showed me how
much my birth defect
has become a part of
me. I came to under
stand that my face not
only determined how
I thought others per
ceived me but also
how I viewed others.
It has contributed to
how I see the world
and what I think is
important in my
life. "
tional aspect of my experi
ence showed me how much
my birth defect has become
a part of me." I came to un
derstand that my face not
only determined how I
thought others perceived
me but also how I viewed
others. It has contributed to
how I see the world and
what I think is important in
my life. Most of these con
siderations have tran
scended the physical
changes of surgery.
For me it has never been
a question of, Why me? Why
was I born this way? Why
did I have to have surgery?
Because ''it'' is "me."is a pro
found part of who I am. I
once thought I could surgi
cally separate my cleft pal
ate from me. But instead I
have opened myself up to
fully accept it as a part of
who I am and who I am be


Forward Face

A Newsletter For

Patients & Families With

Craniofacial Disorders

Spring 1995

Vol. 5 Issue Number 1

ll of us at Forward Face wish our children and

families a very happy and healthy 1995. We look
forward to continuing our partnership in offering our chil
dren the most comprehensive support services possible. We are dedi
cated to continuing our quest to helping each child attain a strong
sense ofpersonal value and self worth.

Forward Face Networking Services -

Board ofDirectors:
Betsy Old - President
Susan Friedman
Vice President
Linda Bonventre . Treasurer
Barbara Robertson Secretary
Patricia Chibbaro, RN, MS
Administrative Coordinator
Trudy S. Attenberg . Editor
David Attenberg . Assoc. Editor
Nancy Bartlett
Joseph Bonventre
Roxane DiVuolo
Elaine Gilbert
Barbara King
Steve King
Margy Maroutsis
Jodie Morrow

Advisory Board:
Betty Bednar
Diana Cassidy
Caren Crane
Hope Charkins Drazin, M.S. W
David Drazin, Ph.D.
Patricia Flanagan, M.S. W.
Lorraine Gibbons
Tony Gibbons
Jack Gross
Gisela Joseph
Joan Robertson
Caroline Rubino, R.N.
Cathy Sharkey Sarubbi
Edith Schneider
Audrey Sosis
Tina Steinbeck
Robert Surles
Charles Thorne, M.D.
Pam Tower
Carol Wolff
Page 2

Forward Face Networking Services are available to all families

that are interested in speaking with another person who has gone
through similar experiences and circumstances. Those interested
in becoming a networking parent are urged to call Forward Face
at 1-800-422-FACE or 212-684-5860.
Cleft Lip & Palate-NY


Apert Syndrome-NY

Debbie Bottiglieri
(516) 6899235
Edith Schneider
(718) 8377320
Veronica OOOr
(914) 947-4008

Trudy Attenberg
(203) 374-8199

Corey Torres
(718) 2715499



Mary Baldwin
(802) 482-3481

Nancy Bartlett
(516) 7952609

Debbie Smith
(908) 364-3384




Linda/Joe Bonventre
(516) 798-2271

Cathy Joyce
(203) 3259766



Moebius Syndrome-CA
Vicki McCarrell
(818) 9089288

Craniofacial Synostosis
Nancy Bartlett
(516) 7952609

Pam Tower
(908) 9647726

Forward Face is an organiza

tion for patients and families
with craniofacial disorders. For
ward Face was formed in 1978
and incorporated in 1980 as a
non-profit organization.
Forward Face and this
publication rely solely on the
generosity ofothers.
For More Information:
Further information about For
ward Face and its support pro
grams can be obtained by writ
ing to: Forward Face Inc. 317
East 34th Street New York, NY
10016 or you may call 1-800-422
FACE or 212-6845860.

Gloria Verdi
(313) 8553474

Microtia & Atresia-CT

Carol & Paul Wolff
(203) 3226405
Liz Keenan
(203) 521-5623

Barbara Robertson
(914) 2456121
Treacher Collins
Jamie Anton
(814) 455-5857
Emily Lustine
(215) 4872360

Betsy Old
(201) 7615438



Jamie Anton
(814) 4555857
Emily Lustine
(215) 4872360

Pam Wiker
(203) 9723043

The Forward Face Newsletter

is published by Forward Face,
Inc. The subscription/member
ship rate is $20.00 per year. Your
check should be made payable to
Forward Face, Inc.


Letters To The Editor:

We welcome and ecnourage
you to submit any stories, expe
riences, comments or sugges
tions that you might have. En
tries should include: your name,
address and phone number. Di-


rect all written correspondence

to: The Forward Face Newslet
ter, 317 East 34th Street, New
York, NY 10016. You may also
submit correspondence by fax
The Forward Face Newsletter
reserves the right to edit all sub
missions. Articles may be re
printed with permission.


Forward Face, Inc.

317 East 34th Street

New York, NY 10016

James Brown:
By: LIZ BROWN, Belfast, Ireland

n the 16th of
March 1992, after
a normal, healthy
pregnancy and a straightfor
ward labour and delivery
lasting just five and a half
hours from start to finish,
our second son, James was
born. At first sight, looking
at the top of his dark, curly

head he looked exactly like

his big brother, Robert. It
rapidly became clear though
from the expression on the
face of the obstetrician who
delivered him, and from the
sudden burst of activity in
the room that something
was wrong.
Initially we were told he
had a cleft palate. Although
we were shocked we had
heard of this condition and
knew it could be rapaired.
The doctor then said that
James was having breathing
difficulties and that it would
be best if he was taken to
I.C.U. right away. The nurse
brought him over wrapped
in his blue blanket for a hug
and a kiss and we then real
ized he had a lot more wrong
than just a cleft palate. His
colour was dusky, his ears
Page 3

The Hope and Love Continues

were malformed and the

lower half of his face was
small and sunken in. Deeply
shocked we kissed him and
he was whisked away. We
felt as ifour whole world had
turned upside down.
We were fortunate that
within an hour or two the
hospital had identified
James' condition - Treacher
Collins Syndrome. For those

of you not familiar with

T.C.S. it is basically a mal
formation of the bones of the
face. In James' case this led
to malformed outer ears, a
very small lower jaw, miss
ing cheekbones and a cleft
palate. Within hours of his
birth James had to be put on
a ventilator to assist his
breathing and two days later
he had a tracheotomy. We
were left in no doubt that
this was not a matter for
debate but an absolute es
sential. James' other prob
lem was, and is, feeding. He
never managed more than
an ounce from a bottle and
the energy he expended in
trying to suck was a sad
sight to see. It became clear
that he would have to be fed
by naso-gastric tube to en
sure he received adequate

James spent six weeks in
the Neo-natal Unit at
Belfast City Hospital as we
learned to handle his tube
feeds and care for his trach
and began to organize our
home to accommodate the
medical equipment which is
an essential part of life for
James. During this time
James sawall the top doc
tors in Northern Ireland in
the fields of Audiology,
KN.T., Plastic Surgery, etc.
His health was stable and
though we were by no means
sure what the future held, at
the age of six weeks and one
day, James came home! His
brother was just over two
years old himself at that
time but he accepted James
undoncitionally and loves
him dearly. If he has every
been jealous of the attention
his brother receives, he has
never shown it.
Although James was
seen by the best doctors in
Northern Ireland, in a coun
try with a population of only
11/2 million, conditions like
T.C.S. are not seen all that
often and we were desperate
to ensure that everything
that needed to be done form
him was being done. We
were in the fortunate posi
tion ofhaving connections in
America in the form of my
brother and his family, and
of course from the moment
they heard of James' birth
and his condition, they
worked hard on our behalf to
find out as much as they
could about the syndrome
and its treatment. Through
them the contact with For
ward Face was established
and, in July 1992, we re
ceived a letter from Betsy
Old offering us the opportu
nity to bring James across
the Atlantic to N.Y.U. to be
assessed by Dr. McCarthy
and his team!! We had no
hesitation in accepting and,
in October 1992 after many
letters and phone calls we

set off. To say we were made

welcome would be an under

During this visit

we also had the
chance to meet two
other families who
had children with
T.e.S. This was in
valuable to us - it
was great to meet
other people in the
same position as our
selves and helped
lessen our feelings of
isolation. "
We attended the cranio
facial conference and James
was also seen by a Pediatri
cian and an Audiologist. Dr.
McCarthy was generous
with his time and advice and
we left NYU. feeling reas
sured that there was a lot
that could be done for him.
On our return home James'
method of feeding was
changed to a G-tube and,
thanks to Betsy's hand-made
headband, he was now wear
ing his hearing aid full time.
The importance of this was
stressed to us lould and clear
by everyone we came into
contact with in New York!
One of the things Dr.
McCarthy mentioned during
our visit was that James was
a potential candidate for
"Mandibular Bone Expan
sion" when he was around
two years old. This proce
dure to lengthen the lower
jaw is usually used when the
child has major breathing/
feeding problems. We read
all the information which
was available about it, then
mentally filed it away for
future reference. At that
time, although we were still
in contact with Forward
Face, we didn't know if we
would have the opportunity
to go back to New York.
(Continued on next page)

James Brown:
As time went by we men
tioned this procedure to our
doctors here in Belfast. They
had heard ofit and were very

interested in its potential

but told us it had never been
done in Northern Ireland.
James' second birthday
came and went and the trach
and the G-tube were still in
place. Then I read an article
by Barb Schinderle telling
the story of her daughter
Megan's successful bone ex
pansion. This really got us
thinking again of the ben
efits it could have for James.
We approached our doctors
here once again and eventu
ally found a surgeon willing
to do the operation, although

James would be his first at

tempt at using this proce
dure on the lower jaw. Al
though we were apprehen
sive, we felt this was James'
best chance for progress. We
were in the process of setting
it all up when, out of the
blue, we had a letter from
Pat Chibbaro saying that Dr.
McCarthy would be happy to
perform the bone expansion
procedure and that James
had been accepted on the
FACE LIFE program by the
Page 4


N.F.F.R. which would help them and application of an

with our expenses. We were antibiotic cream to prevent
absolutely amazed and of infection. We stayed in
course delighted that once America for two weeks after
again our American friends
had come to the rescue! Our
decision was easily made.
We knew that Dr. McCarthy
had performed this opera
tion many times and, from
our first meeting with him
in 1992, we had a great deal
of respect for him and trust
in him and his team. Pat can
testify to the series ofexcited the surgery staying between
phone calls which took place the Forward Face apartment
over the next few days. and my brother's home in
Thanks to Pat's magnificent Philadelphia. Then on the
organizational skills at the 3rd of November, after a fi
Institute and the support of nal check up, Dr. McCarthy
the N.F.F.R. it wasn't long -. agreed we could fly home.
before our plans were in Once home James was moni
place and, on the 14th of tored on a weekly basis by a
October, we arrived once local surgeon and he and Dr.
again in New York.
McCarthy kept in touch by
We attended the Cranio phone to check on his
facial Conference and Dr. progress. After five weeks of
turning and with a total of
approximately 27 mms.
achieved, the turning was
complete. The next stage was
to let the pins sit in place for
8 weeks to let the new bone
form and become solid in the
space created by the pins. As
I write, we are preparing for
a return to New York for re
moval of the pins by Dr.
McCarthy assured us it was McCarthy at the start of Feb
all systems go for the surgery ruary.
to proceed. So, on Thursday
It has been a challenging
the 20th of October, James' few months for our family
"pins" were put in place. The but James, as always, coped
operation ws straightforward magnificently. He proudly
and the next day James was shows his "pins" and his new
able to leave the hospital, chin to anyone who shows
much to his reliefl During his any interest and indeed the
stay he scolded everyone who change to his chin and lower
came into contact with him! jaw is quite substantial. We
In face, to our great embar are delighted with the result
rassment, his nickname "the and our hope now is that
fighting Irishman." After five once James' palate repair is
days Dr. McCarthy turned complete we will start to see
the pins for the first time to progress with his feeding
start moving the jaw for and that eventually his trach
ward. James naturally pro and G-tube will no longer be
tested loudly! Our daily rou necessary. Those of you
tine was then established
whose children has been in
morning and evening one this situation will appreciate
turn of the pins followed by what a difference this would
cleaning of the area around make to all our lives.

The support we have re

ceived from family and
friends has been of inesti
mable value and can never
be repaid. Fortunately for us
this support has extended to
the U.S.A. and here we
learned the importance of
networking and communi
cating. We never cease to be
amazed how much people
are prepared to do for com
parative strangers. The sup
port we have received both
practical and emotional, has
been vitally important and,
far from feeling like strang
ers, we now feel part ofa spe
cial team. That team has the
interests of many people at
heart, and for that what can
we say but THANKS!


Anyone who has a

child with a birth de
fect will know that
life can be tough. In
the past few years we
have learned a lot
about medical proce
dures but more impor
learned the value of
friends. "

With the continuing support

of Forward Face and the
N.F.F.R. we look forward to
a bright and happy future for
our son.
In February of 1995,
James and his mother
Liz returned to New York.
Dr. McCarthy removed
the Bone Expander and
repaired J ame's cleft pal
ate. When JamesandLiz
returned to Ireland a few
weeks later the trach was
removed. On March 17
James celebrated his 3rd
(Continued from Page 3)

Inner Faces - A support group for young adults

Inner Faces is proud to

introduce a column featur
ing questions and answers
which will now appear in
each Forward Face newslet
ter. Inner Faces is a support
group sponsored by Forward
Face to serve teenagers and
young adults with craniofa
cial disorders. The Inner
Faces group is New York
City based, but would like to
network with teens and
young adults from all over.
An important activity
that Inner Faces has created
is a forum for all group mem
bers to meet for a "Rap &
Lunch." A rap session con
sists of all members meeting
at someone's house to openly
talk about issues over lunch.
Recently, we rapped about
dating, which sparked many
different issues. At the end of
the rap session the question
printed below was passed out
to everybody. They were
asked to take the question
home and answer it confiden
tially. We will print names
only if specified. Please sub
mit your answers to:

Inner Faces: Questions & Answers

do Alyssa Morganlander
227 Columbus Drive
Jersey City, NJ 07302 #103B
Inner Faces looks forward to
hearing from you soon!
Please keep in mind that we
only have enough space to
print some of the responses.
Also, if you have an idea for
a question or just some
thoughts to share, please feel
free to do so by sending your
letters to the above address.

As a young adult I'm trying
to put behind all the insecu
rities that past experiences
of looking different have
brought me. The one area I
have the hardest problem
with is meeting guys/girls.
How do I get past my face
and feel comfortable enough
to let someone get to know

My face has never been an
obstacle when it comes to
forming relationships. How

ever, moving from personal

intimacy to physical inti
macy has always been
troublesome. Somehow I felt
that all that was visible was
my face and that I needed to
reject them before I was re
jected. My disability in its ob
servable form may be facial
but inside are the real scars
and fears. I work on myemo
tional paralysis and try to
view myselfdifferently, but it
is hard. It is the hardest. type
ofrisk that I face. Most ofall,
I need to stop seeing myself
as I imagine others do.
THAT is a no win situation.
One way is to let them have
the clinical low down on your
condition i.e. "I was born
with a congenital disease
that caused some facial dis
figurement." This strips
away any mystery and igno
rance that often leads to a
question like "were you in an
accident?" Then I would try

Spring Educational Meeting

On Sunday, April 2, Forward

Face hosted its Educational
Meeting featuring members
of the team at the Insti tute
of Reconstructive Plastic
Surgery. Stimulating and
very informative presenta
tions were made by Dr. JoPage 5

seph McCarthy on the use of

the Bone Expander in Cran
iofacial Reconstruction, Dr.
John Seibert on Microvascu
lar Free Flap surgery, Dr.
Barry Grayson on Cleft Lip
and Palate repair, Dr. Paul
Hammerschlag on Aural

Canalplasty, Dr. Lawrence
Brecht on Ear Prosthetics
and Ear Reconstruction.
Elsa Reich, MS, the Genetic
Counselor presented excit
ing new developments in ge
netic research in the field of
Craniofacial Conditions.
Families from the
tristate area benefited from
the doctors presentations
while their children enjoyed
the entertainment provided
by Part Magic with Bob and

Our next Educational

Meeting will be in the
fall of 1995.

to be myself and charm the

socks offa member ofthe fair
sex. I think, more impor
tantly, one has to be comfort
able with his I her own situ
ation before allowing some
one inside. This is easy to say
and maybe with the support
offriends and family, (and a
psychologist ifneed be) it can
be done.

"In many ways, my

shyness and appre
hension have built
up inside ofme and
now it is this great
wall to climb over. I
struggle' and seek
out insights from
people that I trust. I
need not to see my
entire body as dis
abled. I need not
single myself out as
incapable of giving
and sharing in a ro
mantic way_ "

Ask Dr. Alice Pope

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Staff Psychologist
Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York University Medical Center

Q: Our daughter

is 11 and we are won

dering if it might be
a good idea to find
her a counselor. We
think she might want
someone outside the
family to talk to. Is
this a good idea?
A: Children and
adolescents often
benefit from counsel
ing. The main issues
to consider are when
is counseling neces
sary or likely to be
helpful, who should
the counselor be, and
what kind ofcounsel
ing is best.
Counseling is war
ranted when a child or ado
lescent is showing signs of
distress that don't seem to
be in response to any iden
tifiable incident or that con
tinue following an incident
beyond what common sense
would tell us is reasonable.
In addition, severe distress,
even in response to a dis
turbing event, probably
would be best dealt with by
a counselor or therapist in
addition to the best family
support you can provide.
Distress in children and
adolescents is often seen as:
anger, low frustration toler
ance, and aggression; list
lessness, withdrawal, exces
sive tiredness; frequent sad
ness and crying; worry, fear
fulness, and anxiety that
interfere with normal acPage 6

tivities; chronic difficulties

with friendships; academic
problems that are not due to
learning disabilities or
other intellectual limita
tions; extreme defiance and
uncooperativeness with par
ents or other adults; acting
much younger than age
level in a child who previ
ously was behaving at ap
propriate age level. In addi
tion, signs of hyperactivity
or attention problems, such
as distractibility, fidgeti
ness, and high activity lev
els, should always be evalu
ated and treated by a pro
fessional. Some very severe
problems that require im
mediate attention include
hearing voices, seeing
things that aren't really
there, or not being able to
tell the difference between
fantasy and reality (in a
child who, intellectually and
developmentally, should be
able to know the difference
between real and pretend).
Any of these problems are
an indication that your child
may need some psychologi
cal counseling, even if she
says she isn't interested in
Aside from these
problem areas, there are
other reasons to seek
counseling. Sometimes, an
older child or adolescent
may want to have a place all
her own to talk about her
feelings and concerns. Par
ents may want to consult a
counselor, with or without
their child, to get some guid
ance on how to deal with dif
ficult parenting issues, to
sort out their own feelings
about having a child with
special needs, or to solidify
their relationship with each

other. Parents who take

care of these issues do a
great service to their chil
dren, even if the child her
self never meets with a
Choosing a counse
lor is an important deci
sion. The most important
thing to do is to get recom
mendations from people you
trust, such as a pediatrician
or family doctor, the princi
pal at your child's school, or
even another family. Check
to see that the person is a
licensed psychologist, coun
selor, or social worker, or a
board certified psychiatrist.
Remember that different
counselors will have differ
ent ideas about how a prob
lem is best addressed; you
need to find someone whose
ideas make sense to you.
Part of choosing a
counselor involves de
ciding what kind of
therapy is best. Often, a
family therapist is most
helpful when children are
grade school age or younger,
because the involvement of
parents is critical to helping
the child feel better. Family
therapy is also useful when
the rest of the family is dis
tressed about issues related
(or unrelated) to the af
fected child; for example,
brothers and sisters fre
quently worry quietly about
a child who has multiple
hospitalizations but don't
speak of their worries be
cause they don't want to fur
ther burden their parents.
Parents may also have their
own concerns, as mentioned
above, that would be prop
erly addressed by a family
therapist. Individual coun
seling might be preferred by

adolescents, who feel more

of a need for privacy and au
tonomy. An exception to that
would be any time there is
a difficulty in the
adolescent's relationship
with her parents - for ex
ample, when the youngster
refuses to have any commu
nication with parents, or
when there is much conflict
between parent and adoles
cent. In these cases, family
therapy is necessary to help
parents and adolescent
come to a better under


In general, children
with craniofacial
conditions do not
necessarily need
counseling just be
cause they have thiB
condition. Some
youngste,.. are resil
ient and self-confi
dent and cope well
with the strenes
they encounter, even
though life JrUJy be
harder in SOIlU! ways
for them than for an
unaffected child. So
don't assume that
your child must be
experiencing self
doubt and worry
just because she has
a different face.
However, if you feel
you have reason to
be concerned about
her, or she requests
it, counseling could
be a very positive
growth experience
for your child.

The Face Facts Video

Understanding Facial Disfigurement

Face Facts, narrated by CliffRobertson , is the first
comprehensive set of video tapes focusing on facial
disfigurement. All tapes have the same 23-minute
overview that features in-depth interviews with medi
cal professionals, educators, family members, and

o Cleft Lip & Palate

o Craniosynostosis
o Hemifacial Microsomia
o Treacher Collins Syndrome
o Orbital Hypertelorism
o Complete Set
Total Enclosed


Each tape is highlighted by a concise segment fo

cusing on a particular disorder. Face Facts videos meet
the concerns of a family facing one of these disorders.
Face Facts is appropriate for new parents, medical
professionals, educators and community organiza

Individual Video Price

FF Members
Non-Members $20.00

To order your Face Facts videos call: 18()()422

FACE (212) 6845860 or fill out this form and mail
it with your check or money order to:


Forward Face


317 East 34th Street

New York, NY 10016



Daytime Phone

Complete Set Price

FF Members




The Bruce Morrow

Children And Family Assistance Fund
The Bruce Morrow Children and Family Assistance Fund (originally
named the Forward Face Family Assistance Fund) was established in the
spring of 1990 by the Forward Face Board of Directors. The goal ofthis fund
is to offer financial support to families for those expenses which are not
covered by medical insurance. These expenses include: lodging or housing,
food, transportation, medical equipment and other uncovered costs associ
ated with surgical intervention.
If you feel this fund may be helpful to you, or if you, a friend or family
member would like to make a donation to this very worthwhile cause, please
contact: Nancy Bartlett (516) 795-2609 or Pat Chibbaro (212) 263-5205.
Donations may be made to:
The Bruce Morrow Children and Family Assistance Fund
Forward Face
317 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016

Page 7


Becotne a tnetnber ofForward Face

Your support will help change how a child sees the world
and how the world sees a child


State _ _ Zip

Daytime Phone


o Enclosed is my subscription/membership dues to Forward Face (one year $20.00)

o I would like to make an additional tax deductible donation of $
Please make checks payable to Forward Face, Inc.

Send To:

Forward Face, Inc.

317 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016

For further information on Forward Face and its support programs

please call: 12126845820

Forward Face
317 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016

Mr. Neil 1. Gillespie

2400 20th Avenue NW #5o.

Olympia, WA 98502

Page 8

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