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Speaking Pack
Part 1 topics
1. Lets talk about the place where you live now.
-Do you like the place where you live now?
-Do you know many people who live near you?
-Is your area a good place for families with children?

2. Lets talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a
-What kind of work do you do?
-Why did you choose this kind of work?
-Did you enjoy your first day in this job?
-Where are you studying?
-Why did you choose to study there?
-Did you enjoy your first day there?

3. Street markets
Lets talk about street markets.
-Do you like going to street markets?
-Are street markets common in your country?
-Would you find it interesting to visit a street market in a foreign
-Why do you think some people prefer street markets to shops and

4. Maps.
Lets talk about maps.
-How often do you use a map?
-Did you learn how to use a map when you were younger?
-Which is better: a paper map or an electronic map?
-In a city, do you ever ask people for directions?
5. Birthdays
Now lets move on to talk about birthdays.
-What do people usually do on their birthdays in your country?
-What did you do on your last birthday?
-Do you think its important to do something special on birthdays?
-Do you think birthdays are more special for children or adults?
6. How you spend your week
Lets talk about how you spend your week.
-Which is your favourite day of the week?
-Do you do the same things on the same days every week?
-Which day of the week is the busiest for you?
-If you could change something you do every week, what would you
7. Weather
Lets talk about the weather.
-What kind of weather do you generally prefer?
-Do some kinds of weather make you feel different?
-Do you ever talk about the weather with your friends?
-Would you like to visit a place that is extremely cold or extremely

8. Food
Lets go on to talk about food.
-What is your favourite type of food?
-When do you normally eat this type of food?
-Do you like the same food now as when you were a child?
-Did you learn to cook when you were a child?
9. Concentrating on studying
Lets talk about concentrating on studying.
-Do you find it easier to concentrate on studying in the morning or in
the evening?
-Do you work better when the room is silent or when there is some
-How can you help yourself when youre studying for a long time?
-Did you find it easier to concentrate on your studies when you were
10. Taking photos
Lets talk about taking photos.
-Do you prefer to use a phone or a camera to take photos?
-What kinds of thing do you like to take photos of?
-What do you do with your photos after youve taken them?
-Would you like to learn more about photography in the future?
11. Relaxing
Lets move on to talk about relaxing.
-Do you find it easy to relax?
-What is your favourite way to relax?
-Do you think that physical activity can help people to relax?

-Do you find holidays are the best way to relax?

12. Museums and art galleries

Lets talk about museums and art galleries
-Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?
-What can you learn from visiting a museum or art gallery?
-Tell me about any museums or art galleries you visited as a child.
-Do you think schools should take children to visit museums and art
13. Gifts
Lets talk about gifts.
-What sort of gifts do you prefer to receive?
-What sort of gifts did you like when you were younger?
-Do you enjoy giving people gifts?
-Do you think the internet is a good place to find gifts?
14. Travelling by car
Lets talk about travelling by car now.
-Do you often travel by car?
-When was the last time you travelled by taxi?
-Is there a lot of traffic in your town or city?
-Do you think everyone should learn to drive a car?
15. Parks and gardens
Lets talk about parks and gardens
-Do you often go to parks and gardens?
-When did you last go to a park or garden?
-Do you prefer parks with open space or with leisure facilities?

-How would you improve the parks where you live?

16. Lets talk about your home.

-Tell me about the house or apartment you live in.
-How long have you lived in your house/apartment?
-Which room in your house/apartment do you like best?

17. Friends
Now lets talk about friends.
-How much time do you spend with your friends?
-What do you like to do with your friends?
-Where did you first meet your best friend?
-Would you prefer to have a lot of friends or a few special friends?
18. Shoes
Id like to talk about shoes.
-Do you prefer shoes that are comfortable, or shoes that are
-Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
-How often do you buy new shoes?
-Have you ever bought any shoes on the internet?

19. Nature
Lets talk about nature and places of natural beauty.
-Do you enjoy spending time in natural places?
-What is the best way to learn about nature?

-Have you ever been camping by the sea or in the mountains?

-Is the countryside a good place to live?

20. Advertisements
Lets talk about advertisements.
-Do you watch advertisements on TV or the internet?
-Would you prefer to watch TV without advertisements?
-Have you ever bought anything because of an advertisement?
-Do you like seeing advertisements in the street?

21. Seasons and times of year

Lets talk about seasons and different times of year now.
-What is your favourite season or time of year?
-How does the weather change during the year in your country?
-What free-time activities do you do at different times of the year?
-Would you prefer to live in a place with different seasons or in a
place with the same weather all the time?
22. Handwriting
Lets talk about handwriting and writing by hand.
-Do you enjoy writing by hand?
-Is your handwriting easy or difficult for other people to read?
-Do you like receiving handwritten cards and letters?
-Do you think you can find out about someones personality from
their handwriting?
23. Teachers
Now lets talk about teachers.
-Did you have a favourite teacher at school?

-How have teachers helped you?

-Are you still in contact with any of your teachers?
-Would you like to be a teacher?
24. Colours
Lets talk about colours now.
-Do you have any favourite colours?
-Did you wear bright colours when you were younger?
-What colours would you choose for the walls of your room?
-Is the colour of a car important to you?

25. Taking a break

Lets talk about taking a break.
-Do you often take short breaks when youre working or studying?
-What do you usually do when you take a break?
-Have you ever had a short sleep when taking a break?
-How do you feel after taking a break?
26. Where you come from
Now lets move on to where you come from.
-Which part of your country do you come from?
-Has your family always lived in the same home town or village?
-Do you think your home town or village was a good place to grow
-What would you recommend a visitor to see in your home town or

26. Buying things

Lets talk about buying things now.

-When did you last go shopping?

-What time of day do you prefer to go shopping?
-Do you prefer to buy things in big shops or small shops?
-Is there any kind of shopping that you dont like?
27. Public holidays
Lets talk about public holidays in your country.
-Are there many public holidays in your country?
-Which is your favourite public holiday?
-What do you usually do on a public holiday?
-Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?

28. Household tasks

Lets talk about household tasks.
-Do you enjoy doing any household tasks?
-How can you make household tasks more interesting?
-Did you help with household tasks when you were a child?
-In the future, will it be good if machines do all household tasks?

Part 2 and 3 topics

1. Describe a time when you to share something with another
person or other people.
You should say:
-what you had to share
-who you had to share with
-why you had to share
and explain how you felt about sharing something with another person or
other people.

Children sharing things

-what are the types of things children sometimes dont like sharing with
-how do you think that parents can teach children to share their things?
-what are the benefits for children of learning to share things?

Things and places we often share

-why is sharing food with others an important part of celebrations or
-how can cities or businesses encourage people to share transport?
-do you think that people need clear rules when they share

Sharing information


-do you think that the internet can lead to people sharing too much of
their personal information?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of researchers sharing their
results freely?
-do you think that countries must share information in order to build good
international relations?

2. Describe a good law in your country.

You should say
-what the law is
-how you know about this law
-who the law affects
and explain why you think this law is good

People who work with the law

-is being a police officer a popular job in your country?
-what are the characteristics that a person needs to be a good police
-why do you think that people prefer to become lawyers rather than police

Law and society

-do you think most of the people in your country obey the law all the
-are there any situations when breaking the law might be acceptable?
-why do you think a society needs laws?

International law


-what are kinds of situation where it is necessary to have international

-what difficulties are there in establishing international laws?
-do you think that in the future all countries will share the same laws?

3. Describe a time when you stayed somewhere away from home.

You should say
-what type of place you stayed in
-how long you stayed there
-why you stayed there
and explain how you felt about staying away from home

Staying with friends and relatives

-what are the reasons why people go to stay with friends or with relatives?
-do you think guests should help in the house when they stay with
-whats the difference between staying in a friends house and being at

Staying in hotels
-how common is it for people to stay in hotels nowadays?
-what are the qualities that people look for in a hotel?
-how important is friendly service compared to luxury facilities in a hotel?


The hospitality industry

-how desirable is a career in hotels and restaurants in your country?
-do you think that the hospitality industry needs to be strictly regulated?
-what contribution does the hospitality industry make to a country?

4. Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of

equipment (e.g. a TV, a washing machine).
You should say
-what the equipment was
-what the problem was
-how you felt at the time
And explain what you did about the problem

Equipment in everyday life

-what equipment is most useful in everyday life?
-how do people feel when they buy a new piece of equipment?
-do you think that having so much equipment in everyday life makes
people lazy?

Repairing things that are broken

-what are the common reasons why things break?
-do you think it is always better to repair something than throw it away?
-do you think that teaching children to repair things would help them to
learn about science?


Inventing new things

-do you think that people were more inventive in the past?
-do you think people have a natural ability to invent or whether it is
-how important are inventors to a countrys economy?

5. Describe a school friend you remember well.

You should say:
-what he or she looked like
-how you became friends
-what things you enjoyed doing together
and explain why you remember this school friend well

The importance of having friends

-what are the main benefits of having friends?
-whats the difference between the friendships people make as children
and those they make later in life?
-do you think it is better to have one or two very close friends than many
different friends?

Meeting people
-what are the best ways to make new friends?
-do you think it is more difficult to make friends in todays world than in
the past?


-why has there been an increase in the number of people looking for
friends through the internet?

Influence of friends
-do you think that parents should choose their childrens friends?
-in what situations do you think that people may feel that friends are more
important than family?
-how important is honesty in maintaining friendships?

6. Describe a family celebration that you attended.

You should say
-what the celebration was for
-where it took place
-what people did at the celebration
and explain whether you enjoyed this family celebration.

Celebrations in general
-what are the most common occasions for family celebrations in your
-do you think everyone enjoys family celebrations?
-do you think most people enjoy family celebrations more than national

Wedding traditions
-how important are weddings in your culture now compared to the past?
-who is responsible for organising wedding celebrations in your culture?


-is too much money spent on wedding celebrations nowadays?

-why do you think some people nowadays are marrying later in life?
-do you think it is increasingly important to marry someone with a similar
level of education?
-how much are male and female roles in marriage changing?

7. Describe a country you would really like to visit for the first
You should say:
-which country you would like to visit
-how long you would like to stay there
-what time of year you would like to go
and explain why you would really like to visit this country for the first time

Foreign travel
-what are the most popular foreign holiday destinations for people from
your country?
-why do people choose to travel abroad?
-what are the advantages of travelling abroad with travelling in your own

Tourism and its effects

-what advantages can tourism bring to a country?


-can tourism have any negative effects?

-how might tourism have to change in the future due to environmental

Living in a different country

-whats the difference between visiting another country for a short time to
going to live there?
-do you think that people going to live in another country should adapt to
its culture and traditions?
-what effect is globalisation having on cultural differences?

9. Describe what difference your first mobile phone made to your

You should say:
-when you got the phone
-how you got it
-why you wanted it
and explain what difference your first mobile phone made to your life.

Mobile phones in your country

-at what age do parents usually give their children a mobile phone?
-how popular are mobile phones with people of different ages?
-what are the disadvantages of mobile phones?

Different ways people use mobile phones


-why is text messaging popular?

-why are more and more people using mobile phone apps?
-what are the advantages of being able to connect to the internet from a
mobile phone?

Modern technology and interpersonal communication

-do you think that technology will soon make international business travel
-do you think that computer translation will ever make it unnecessary to
speak foreign languages?
-do you think modern technology is changing interpersonal
communication for the better or worse?

10. Describe a person you know who has an interesting job.

You should say:
-who this person is
-what this person does in the job
-how this person got the job
and explain why you think this persons job is interesting.

Choosing a job
-what are the most popular kinds of job nowadays in your country?
-why do people choose to work for a large or a small company?
-do you think that most people find it difficult to choose a career?


Work and study

-what is the difference between being a full-time student and working at
the same time?
-how important is it to be well-qualified in order to get a job nowadays?
-why do some companies pay for their staff to get more qualifications?

The labour market

-how important is it to be willing to move to another region for work?
-what impact does a mobile workforce have on families and communities?
-do you think it will be more common in the future to change careers?

11. Describe something special you took home from a holiday.

You should say:
-where and when you went on holiday
-what special thing you took home
-why you wanted to take this thing home
and explain what you did with this special thing when you arrived home

-what are the kinds of things people buy to remind them of the places
they have visited?
-why do many people like to collect souvenirs?
-do you think that selling souvenirs is a good way for local people to make
money from tourism?


Taking photographs
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of taking a camera on
-why do people like to show friends and family photos of their holiday?
-whats the difference between recording a holiday in a written diary with

Remembering past events

-how useful is technology in helping people remember the past?
-do you think that technology can ever replace human memory?
-which memories are most important for people as they get older?

12.Describe something you did to help a neighbour.

You should say:
-how you helped the neighbour
-when you helped the neighbour
-where you were living at the time
and explain how you felt about helping your neighbour

Helping neighbours
-how do people help their neighbours?
-what are the advantages of neighbours helping each other?
-why do you think some people do not like to ask their neighbours for


Urban neighbourhoods
-why do you think people living in cities often do not know their
-do you think that big cities can be lonely places for some people?
-how can people in cities get involved in community life?

Volunteering at home and abroad

-what are the ways in which people volunteer to help others at home and
-how do governments support volunteer organisations in the community?
-who benefits more, volunteers or the people they help?

13. Describe a language (not English) you would like to start

You should say:
-what the language is
-why you would like to learn it
-what you could do to learn it
and explain how difficult you think it would be to learn this language

Learning languages
-should everyone learn a foreign language?
-why are some people better at learning languages than others?


-how could language lessons be more attractive?

An international language
-what are the benefits of having an international language such as
-what are the negative effects of having one major world language?
-which languages may become major world languages in the future?

Language and culture

-do you think your language has been influenced by other languages and
-how much can be learned about a culture without knowing its language?
-how important is language to cultural identity?

14. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading.

You should say:
-what type of magazine it is
-why you started reading it
-what kinds of articles it contains
and explain why you enjoy reading this magazine

Popular magazines
-what types of magazines are most popular in your country?


-do you think that you can learn a lot from reading magazines?
-what are the reasons for reading magazines and the reasons for reading

-do you think writing for a magazine or newspaper would be an exciting
-what skills do journalists need in their work?
-do you think that journalists always report the news accurately?

Keeping up with the news

-how important is it to keep up with local news and to keep up with
international news?
-do you think that the internet will completely replace printed newspapers
and magazines?
-how effective is social media in spreading news?

15. Describe a school you went to when you were a young child.
You should say:
-where the school was
-what the classrooms looked like
-what you remember about your teachers
and explain how much you enjoyed being at this school


Teaching young children

-why do people want to teach young children?
-what qualities are needed to be a good teacher?
-do you think that teachers make young children work too hard today?

Large and small schools

-why do you think that its better for children to be taught in small
-do you think that its easier to make friends in a small school or a large
-what are the possible educational advantages of going to a large school?

A socal education
-what are the functions of a school in addition to teaching academic
-how can schools teach pupils appropriate social skills?
-do you think that schools have a more important role than parents in
teaching children how to behave when they become adults?

16. Describe something you bought that you have not used very
You should say:
-what you bought
-whene and where you bought it
-why you bought it
and explain why you have not used it very much


Buying things
-how popular is shopping in your country?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a large
shopping centre?
-do you think that quality is more important than price when buying

Recycling products or materials

-what are some products or materials that are commonly recycled?
-how important is it to recycle products or materials?
-why do you think that peoples attitudes to recycling have changed in
recent years?

Power of advertising
-how important is advertising on television and how important is it in
-how can advertisements make people buy things they dont need?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of government regulation of

17. Describe a situation in your life when you received some good
You should say:
-what the situation was


-who gave you the advice

-what the advice was
and explain why this advice was good

Personal advice
-is it better to get advice from someone in your family or from a friend?
-do you think teachers should advise students about their personal lives or
only about their education?
-what are the qualities someone needs to be good at giving advice?

Careers and advice

-who usually gives advice to young people about their future choice of
-is it better to make careers decisions alone or to ask for advice?
-what sort of information would a person need to advise someone about a
choice of career?

Advice about consumer goods

-how can people find reliable information about products?
-should harmful consumer products be banned?
-who should be most responsible for peoples health and safety:
individuals, companies or governments?

18. Describe an animal that you think is interesting.

You should say:


-what type of animal it is

-where it lives
-how you first learned about it
and explain why you think this animal is interesting.

Learning about animals

-why do you think schools should teach children about animals?
-what are the benefits of watching programs about wild animals on
-what can young children learn from looking after pets?

Saving rare animals

-do you think that keeping rare animals in zoos is the best way to save
-how can governments help protect rare animals in the wild?
-what can ordinary people do to help save rare animals?

Our relationship with animals

-is it right to use animals in a work context?
-to what extent should humans be concerned when an animal species dies
-what is the future of humankinds relationship with the natural world?


19. Describe a famous person who is not fro your country-that

you would like to meet.
You should say:
-who this person is
-why this person is famous
-what you know about this person
and explain why you would like to meet this person.

Being famous
-how do some people become famous?
-why do some people continue to be famous for a long time?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?

Fame and influence

-how do famous people influence young peoples behaviour?
-how do some people use their fame to help others?
-do you think that celebrities can help solve the worlds problems?

Benefits of fame to countries

-how do countries benefit from having internationally famous people?
-why do businesses use celebrities in international advertising?
-do you think people will be less aware of the nationality of celebrities in
the future?


20. Describe an important letter or email you have written.

You should say:
-who you wrote this letter or email to
-when you wrote this letter or email
-what the letter or email was about
and explain why this letter or email was important.

Letters and emails in general

-what are the types of letter people receive today?
-do you think that some things are better communicated by phone than
by email?
-do you think that letters have been replaced by other forms of

The power of communication

-what makes someone a good communicator?
-what are the advantages of communicating face-to-face with people?
-do you agree that the written word is often more powerful than the
spoken word?

Different ways of communicating

-how important are pictures in communicating a message?
-how will technology change communication in the future?
-do you think that in the future the whole world will communicate in the
same language?


21. Describe a city that you visited.

You should say:
-what city it was
-why you visited this city
-what you did there
and explain what you liked or disliked about your visit.

People living in cities

-what type of person enjoys city life?
-what are the main benefits of living in cities for families with children?
-why do more people choose to live in cities now than in the past?

City problems
-what are some of the most important problems that affect cities?
-how do city problems affect peoples lives?
-do you think that people living in the countryside have fewer problems?

City planning and development

-what factors make cities develop from small towns?
-do you think that city growth needs careful planning?
-how do you think that cities in the future may be different from cities


22. Describe an indoor game you enjoyed as a child.

You should say:
-where and when you played the game
-who you played it with
-what you needed to play the game
and explain why you enjoyed playing this game as a child.

Childrens games
-what are the most popular games for children nowadays?
-how important is it for children to play games outside?
-do you agree that games help children to develop their imagination?

Learning through play

-what skills can children learn through playing games?
-should children only play games that teach them something?
-do you agree that competitive games have no place in school

Being competitive
-what re the advantages to an individual of being naturally competitive?
-do you think that competitiveness between colleagues should be
encouraged in the workplace?
-do you think that its possible not to be competitive yet still be successful
in life?


23. Describe a member of your family who you would like to

spend time with.
You should say:
-who the family member is
-how often you spend time together
-what you do together
and explain why you like to spend time with this member of your family.

Spending time with family

-how important is it to spend time with family in your country?
-why is it good for young people to spend time with older relatives?
-do you think that young people should spend all of their free time with

Family relationships
-do you think that family relationships become more or less important as
people grow older?
-why do you think that some families are closer than others?
-do you think that the family unit will be very different in the future?

Online relationships
-why have social media become so popular in recent years?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of having friends on social
-how will increased use of social media affect relationships?


24. Describe a film you enjoyed that was made in another country.
You should say:
-what kind of film it was
-why you chose to watch it
-how easy it was to understand
and explain why you enjoyed this film

Watching films in English

-how easy is it in your country to watch films in English?
-do you think that watching films in English is a good way to learn the
-whats the difference between watching a film in English and reading a
book in English?

Films from other countries

-what are the most popular types of foreign films in your country?
-what can people learn about daily life in other countries by watching their
-do you agree that films cannot really express what it is like to live in
another country?

Aspects of the film industry

-why is cinema such a popular art form around the world?
-how important are international film stars to the success of a film?


-how can the investment of huge sums of money in film production be


25. Describe a beautiful place where you would like to have a

You should say:
-where this place is
-what the place looks like
-how you know this place
and explain why youd like to have a home in this place

Types of homes
-what kinds of homes do most people in your country live in?
-what type of home is best for a family?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an old house?

Choosing where to live

-how important is it to live near other family members?
-why can small homes be better than large homes for some people?
-why are some areas more popular to live in than others?

Living in the countryside

-what could governments do to encourage people to live in rural areas?


-do you think that people should be able to build homes wherever they
wish in the countryside?
-do you think that people who live in the countryside benefit from a
greater sense of inner harmony?

26. Describe a time when you felt proud of a friends success.

You should say:
-who the friend was
-what success he/she achieved
-how important this success was for your friend
and explain why you felt proud of your friends success.

Being successful at school

-what kinds of ways can a student be successful at school?
-how can students be rewarded for their success?
-do you think that doing well in academic subjects is more important than
doing well in practical subjects?

Success at work
-what are the different ways people can be successful at work?
-do you think that money is the main factor that motivates people to
achieve success at work?
-what difficulties might people experience while trying to achieve success
at work?

Success in life


-do you think that success in life always leads to happiness?

-do you think that success has more to do with opportunity than ability?
-do you think that it is impossible for people to feel successful without
receiving public recognition?

27. Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone.

You should say:
-who you talked to
-when and where you had the conversation
-what the conversation was about
and explain why it was an interesting conversation

Speaking face-to-face
-how different are the topics that men and women like to talk about?
-what are the differences between speaking to someone on the phone and
-do you think it is polite to agree with other peoples opinions?

Giving presentations for work or study

-why are some people nervous about giving oral presentations?
-how important are visual aids when giving oral presentations?
-do you think people should use humour when giving oral presentations?

Speaking to the wider public

-in what situations is public speaking important in modern society?
-what makes an effective public speaker?


-how does the media influence public speaking today?

28. Describe a person you have met who you think is beautiful or
You should say
-who this person is
-where and when you met him/her
-what his/her personality is like
and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome.

Looking beautiful
-how important are clothes in making a person look beautiful?
-do you agree that its necessary to have beautiful models to sell clothes?
-do you think being beautiful is always a good thing?

Beauty in nature
-what landscapes are considered beautiful in your country?
-do you think that a city can never be as beautiful as a natural landscape?
-do you think that words or pictures are better at showing the beauty of

Beauty and society

-do you think that society is too focused on physical appearance?


-do you think that perceptions of beauty remain the same over time?
-how necessary is it for people to conform to the current perception of

28. Describe an app which you find very useful.

You should say:
-what the app is
-how long you have had this app
-how easy it is to use
and explain why you find this app so useful.

Technology in everyday life

-what things do people do every day that technology has made easier?
-do you agree that technology always saves time?
-do you think that people depend too much on technology now?

Keeping up with technological change

-why do some people always want to have the newest technology?
-how do different age groups cope with rapid changes in technology?
-do you think changes in technology are always necessary?

Effects of technology
-what is the growing impact of technology on social relationships?


-what are the possible effects of people believing everything they read on
the internet?
-do you think that technology has had a negative effect on all aspects of

29. Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a

traffic jam
You should say:
-when and where the traffic jam happened
-what you did while you were in the traffic jam
-how you felt about having to spend time in the traffic jam
and explain what problems the delay caused you.

Traffic in cities
-what are the times of day when traffic is heaviest in most cities?
-what is the difference between being stuck in a traffic jam in a car and in
a bus?
-do you think that traffic in cities will get worse in the future?

Traffic management
-do you think that highways make traffic flow more smoothly?
-how can public transport reduce traffic congestion?
-do you think that traffic problems can only be solved by government


Traffic and the environment

-what is the impact of traffic on the environment?
-do you think that there should be higher taxes on large cars?
-do you think that to reduce global warming, people will have to travel

30. Describe a good habit a friend has that you would like to
You should say:
-who the friend is
-what the habit is
-what made you notice this good habit
and explain why you would like to develop this habit

Habits in children
-what are good habits children need to learn?
-how can parents help children learn good habits?
-why do children learn bad habits?

Habits in adults
-how do the habits of adults change as they grow older?
-what are the benefits of having a daily routine?
-do you think that people who have fixed routines are not creative?


Social customs
-why do you think that social customs are often different from one culture
to another?
-how necessary are social customs to a society?
-what are likely to be the effects of globalisation on social customs?

31. Describe a long journey which you enjoyed and would like to
make again.
You should say:
-when the journey took place
-which type of transport you used
-what you saw and did during the journey
and explain why you would like to make this journey again

Making long journeys

-what are the problems people may have when travelling long distances?
-how can we make long journeys more comfortable?
-what are the benefits of travelling with someone compared to travelling

Travelling to other countries

-what preparations should people make before travelling abroad?
-how do young people decide which country or region to visit?


-what are the attitudes to overseas travel now and in the past?

Travel as education
-what can travellers learn about a country when they travel abroad?
-what can people learn about themselves when they travel?
-do you think that increased international travel is the best way to
increase intercultural understanding?

32. Describe a time when you had to wait for someone.

You should say:
-who you had to wait for
-where you waited
-what you did while you were waiting
and explain how you felt while you were waiting

Waiting for people

-what are the situations when it is necessary to wait for people?
-what is the difference between waiting for a friend and waiting for
-why are some people more patient than others while waiting?

Waiting for things

-why do people today find it hard to wait for something they want?
-do you think that people appreciate something more if they have to wait
or save up for it?


-do you think that modern technology has decreased the amount of time
people wait for things?

Effective use of time

-why do you think that industrial societies value the effective use of time?
-how does the pressure to use time effectively alter relationships between
people at work?
-do you think that workplaces can continue improving time-efficiency into
the future?

33. Describe a historical place that interests you.

You should say:
-where this place is
-what you know about this place
-how you learned about it
and explain why you find this historical place interesting.

Visiting historical places

-what are the kinds of historical place in your country that many people
-how interested are people in visiting historical places nowadays?
-do you think that people should pay to visit places of historical interest?

Finding out about history

-what are the different ways people can find out about history?


-how does watching films about history make people more interested in
the past?
-do you think that the makers of historical films have a responsibility to
show the past accurately?

Reflecting on the past

-how important is it for individuals to know about their countrys history?
-why do you think that interpretations of the past may change over time?
-how do you think that people in the future may describe the early 21st

34. Describe a sportsperson who did very well at an event.

You should say:
-who the sportsperson was
-what the sports event was
-why the sportsperson did well
and explain how you felt when the sportsperson did very well.

Sport and young people

-which sports are popular with young people in your country?
-do you think that most people enjoy taking part in sports competitions?
-how important is it for children to do a number of sports?

Successful sportspeople
-what skills and qualities do people need to be good at sport?


-why do you think it is difficult to be a top sports professional today?

-how is technology becoming more important in sports?

Sportspeople-recognition and money

-do you think that professional sportspeople deserve the high salaries
they receive?
-why do you think that some sports do not receive much global
-do you think that governments or private companies should fund major
sporting events?

35. Describe the last book you read.

You should say:
-what it was about
-when you read it
-why you read it
and explain what you liked and disliked about this book.

Children and reading

-what kinds of book are popular with children in your country?
-how can parents interest children in books?
-do you think that parents, not teachers, should teach children to read?

Changes in adult reading habits


-what are some of the reasons why adults read?

-what are the effects of modern technology on adult reading habits?
-what will be the role of books in society in the next generation?

The benefits of reading

-what are the benefits of reading compared to watching television or
-what are the difficulties faced by people who have never learned to read?
-do you think that people should be encouraged to read more?

36. Describe something that you did with a group of people that
you really enjoyed.
You should say:
-what you did
-who the people were
-where and when you did this
and explain why doing this thing with a group was so enjoyable.

Interaction in childhood
-what kinds of thing do young children most enjoy doing with adults?
-how can a child learn to interact well with other people?
-do you think that it is important for boys and girls to play together as


Interaction in the workplace

-why do you think that some groups of people do not work well together?
-which kinds of work are best done alone, or in a group?
-do you think that every successful group in the workplace needs a

Interaction in society
-why do you think that humans feel the need to be part of groups?
-how can group behaviour affect the way individuals behave?
-do you think that the choices that individuals make often conflict with the
interests of society?

37. Describe a prize you know about that you would like to win.
You should say:
-what the prize is
-how you know about this prize
-what you would have to do in order to win it
and explain why you would like to win this prize.

Prizes for children

-what are the kinds of school prizes that children can win in your country?
-what are the benefits of giving children prizes for things they do at


-are there any disadvantages if parents push their children to try to win

Giving rewards to good employees

-what are some ways of rewarding employees who work particularly hard?
-how can companies benefit from offering rewards to good employees?
-do you think that the best reward is doing the job well?

Achievements in sport
-are there any differences in attitude to winning between amateur and
professional sportspeople?
-do you think there are any risks in being too focused on achieving
success in sports?
-how important are international sporting competitions in a global world?

38. Describe a regular radio or television program that you often

talk about with your family or friends.
You should say:
-what the program is
-what its about
-what you like or dislike about it
and explain why you talk about it with your family or friends.

Radio and television as entertainment

-what are the kinds of program that are the most popular your country?


-do you agree that watching television is more enjoyable than listening to
the radio?
-do you think there should be controls on the types of program on radio
and television?

Radio and television as education

-how can radio and television help people to learn?
-what are the disadvantages to using radio and television for educational
-do you think that other technologies are replacing radio and television as
educational media?

Issues that affect broadcasting

-are there any developments that are taking place in broadcasting in your
country now?
-what are the ways radio and television programs can be funded?
-what factors influence the quality and content of radio and television

39. Describe something that you made by hand to give to a friend

or a relative.
You should say:
-what you made
-why you decided to make it
-how easy or difficult it was to make
and explain how your friend or relative felt about this handmade gift.


Handmade gifts
-what are the kinds of things that some people make as gifts?
-why do you think it takes too much time to make gifts by hand?
-why do you think people enjoy receiving homemade gifts more than gifts
from shops?

Developing creativity
-do you think that little girls enjoy making things more than little boys do?
-do you think that schools should teach creative subjects like art, drama or
-why do you think that computer games help to develop creativity?

The benefits of creativity

-how do individuals benefit from creating things themselves?
-are there any commercial benefits from using the word handmade to
advertise a product?
-what are the benefits to society of encouraging people to be creative?

40. Describe a time when you invited friends or family to a meal

(either at home or in a restaurant).
You should say:
-who you invited
-why you decided to organise this meal
-where and when you had this meal


and explain how everybody felt about this meal.

Eating in restaurants or at home

-how common is it for people to eat in restaurants in your country?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
-do you think that in the future nobody will cook at home?

Food for celebrations

-what is the difference between everyday meals and celebration meals?
-do you think that food is the most important part of most traditional
-do you think that too much money is spent on food at times of

Producing food
-what is the difference between the way food is produced nowadays with
the way it was produced in the past?
-how is climate change affecting food production?
-how might science and technology affect food production in the future?

41. Describe a project (or some homework) you did as part of

your studies.
You should say:
-what it was about
-how long it took you


-how easy or difficult it was

and explain what you learned from doing it

Homework for schoolchildren

-how does doing homework help schoolchildren?
-do you think that young children should be given homework?
-do you think that children in high school have too much homework?

Learning outside the classroom

-why do you think some parents might decide to educate their children at
home (instead of sending them to school)?
-what are some other ways (apart from homework) for students to extend
their learning outside the classroom?
-do you think its possible to learn a subject properly without attending a

Technology and university learning

-do you think that university students who dont have a computer of their
own are at a disadvantage?
-how reliable is the internet as a source of information for university?
-do you think that computer-based learning will replace class-based
teaching in universities?

42. Describe a job that you think is important in your country.

You should say:
-what the job is
-what sort of people do the job


-what sort of training is necessary to do this job

and explain why you think this job is important.

Work in your country

-what is the best age for people to start full-time work?
-how easy is it for people to find work in your country?
-do you think working conditions are better today than in the past?

Work and education

-what are the ways in which school and education can prepare children for
working life?
-what skills do employers look for in young people?
-do you think that it would be a good thing for a country if every young
person went to university?

Attitudes to work
-what things make a job attractive to young adults today?
-what are the advantages and disadvantages of putting work first and
family second?
-how do you think that social changes may affect attitudes to work in the
future? (e.g. ageing workforce, migration)

43. Describe an old person that you know and respect.

You should say:
-who this person is


-what you know about his/her younger life

-what you usually do together
and explain why you respect this old person.

-what are the benefits for young children of spending time with their
-what can grandparents learn from contact with teenage grandchildren?
-do you agree that grandparents should play an active part in helping
young parents with child-care?

Caring for the elderly

-what are the qualities needed by people who take care of the elderly?
-in what ways can neighbours help elderly people?
-is it always better for old people to live with their families?

The elderly in the modern world

-in what ways are technological changes bringing benefits to old people?
-what are the possible benefits to companies of employing older workers?
-what are aspects of modern lifestyles that elderly people may find
difficult to accept?

44. Describe something you cant do now but would like to learn
to do.
You should say:


-what you would like to learn to do

-how you would learn to do it
-who could teach you or show you how to do it
and explain why you would like to learn to do this.

Children learning skills at home

-what things do children generally learn to do at home rather than at
-do you think that it is good for children to learn from their parents as well
as from their teachers?
-do you think that parents today are too busy to teach their children life

Learning to use technology

-what are the best ways of learning how to use a computer?
-why do younger people generally learn computer skills more easily than
older people?
-do you think that to use a computer effectively involves continuous

Technology for education

-what are the advantages and disadvantages of getting information from
the internet?
-how have computers changed the way people are taught?
-do you think that classrooms and teachers will not be necessary in the


45. Describe a singer or band that you enjoy listening to.

You should say:
-what you know about this singer/band
-what kind of songs this singer/band performs
-when and where you listen to this singer/band
and explain why you enjoy listening to this singer/band.

Singing and voices

-which types of singer are popular in your country?
-is it possible for everyone to learn to sing well?
-are there any advantages of having a good singing voice?

The music industry

-what can make a particular song successful?
-do you agree that the music industry is more interested in making money
than producing good music?
-what developments do you think we will see in the music industry in the

Music and society

-what are the reasons for teaching children about the traditional music of
their country?
-do you think that children have to be brought up in a culture to
appreciate its music?
-to what extent should governments fund the teaching and development
of music?


46. Describe an occasion when you received very good service

from a company or shop.
You should say:
-what kind of company/shop it was
-what you needed from the company/shop
-who in the company/shop helped you
and explain why you thought the service was very good.

Dealing with the public

-what are the kinds of job which involve dealing with the public?
-what personal qualities are needed by staff who deal with the public?
-do you think that companies should offer training for all staff who deal
with the public?

Dealing with problems

-do you think that most companies respond quickly to problems reported
by customers?
-what should companies do if a product is faulty?
-how can companies avoid having problems with their products or

Successful companies
-what are the challenges big companies can face when operating in
different countries?
-how important are happy staff to the success of a company?
-do you think that a successful company must be innovative?


47. Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were

growing up.
You should say:
-who the person was
-how you knew about this person
-what kind of person he or she was
and explain why you wanted to be similar to this person.

Children and famous people

-who are the kinds of famous people who are popular with children in your
-do you think that famous people have a responsibility to be good
examples for children?
-do you think that companies should use famous people to advertise
goods for children?

Growing up
-what is the difference between growing up today and growing up in the
-how independent do you think children should be from their parents?
-at what age do you think young people should be regarded as adults?

Child welfare
-what are the most important needs of children?
-do you think that parents should receive training to bring up children?


-what is the role of governments in promoting childrens welfare?

48. Describe something you do that is good for your health.

You should say
-what you do
-why you started to do this
-whether you enjoy doing it
and explain why you think this is good for your health.

Healthy lifestyles
-what are the kinds of activity that are good for peoples health?
-why do many people today not do enough healthy activities?
-what changes could people make to their lifestyles to improve their

Health and education

-how should schools teach children to look after their health?
-what is the influence of the media on peoples knowledge about health?
-do you think that doctors have a responsibility to educate people about
their health?

Health and society

-what is the role of employers in looking after the health of their


-do you think a government should make laws to protect peoples health?
-how is the general health of the population important for society?

49. Describe something you did that you felt was a waste of your
You should say
-what you did
-where you were when you did this
-why you did this
and explain why you felt that what you did was a waste of time.

Wasting time
-what are some of the most common ways that people waste time
-what are some ways people can avoid wasting time?
-do you think that doing nothing is not always a waste of time?

Managing time
-what are some of the things that people can do to manage their time
-why is it useful to learn time management skills?
-do you think that its important for parents to manage their childrens


-do you think that success is only possible through careful planning?
-how important is planning for the immediate future compared with
planning for the long term?
-how concerned should governments be with planning for the future of the
next generation?

50. Describe something you borrowed from a friend or family

You should say
-what you borrowed
-who you borrowed this thing from
-when you borrowed it
and explain why you borrowed this thing from a friend or family member.

Borrowing things
-what are things which people in your culture often borrow from
-why do you think that people often borrow rather than buy some things?
-do you agree that its never a good idea to borrow money from friends?

Problems with borrowing

-what problems can occur when people borrow things?
-what should be done when something borrowed is not returned?
-why is it sometimes difficult to ask for something to be returned?


Shared ownership or pooling

-what do you think of schemes where people pay to use communal cars or
-why do you think more people are not willing to share ownership of
houses or cars?
-do you think that there will have to be more shared ownership in the

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