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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition

Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

1. 1 Fashion matters

1 What sort of clothes do you prefer to wear? Do you

ever have to wear things you don’t really like? If so, 1a
why? Talk with a partner.
2 In pairs, describe what people in the class are
wearing today. Then list topic vocabulary under
these headings, adding to the words given.
Clothes: suit, sweatshirt, .................................................................
Footwear: (flat/high-)heeled shoes, .....................................
Jewellery: bracelet, pendant, .........................................................
Headgear: beret, helmet, ...................................................................
Materials: woollen, leather, .............................................................
Hairstyle: curly, spiky, .........................................................................
Appearance: stylish, smart, ...........................................................

Vocabulary spot
List topic vocabulary in sets like these, using headings to help
you learn the words and their meanings. Listening
6 N You are now going to hear some short
3 Work in pairs. Each student chooses a pair of photos, recordings, where five of the people in the photos
for example, 1a and 1b. Take it in turns to describe talk about what they like to wear. Say who is
what each person is wearing and say something speaking in each case.
about their appearance.
Here is an example: Speaker 1 is the man in
photo 3b. Look at the photo of him as you listen.
Exam spot In this transcript of what Speaker 1 says, some
In Part 2 of Paper 5, each candidate is given a pair of photos words and phrases are highlighted. This is to show
to talk about on their own. The task will involve comparing and that parts of an exam recording may make you
contrasting the two photos, rather than just describing each think that other answers are possible. This is why
you must listen carefully and check when you listen
a second time.
4 In the same pairs, compare the two people in your
I’m not a suit man – even for work, I can get away
pair of photos. Talk about their age, their clothes,
with casual stuff, though I still like my clothes to look
their hair, or even imagine their personality! These
smart. I love shopping – my favourite place is Paul
examples may help you.
Smith in Covent Garden. I bought a really nice
The one on the left is younger than the one on the right. woollen shirt there recently. Clothes are important to
This girl’s clothes are not as stylish as the other one’s. me, but they need to be comfortable as well as stylish.
He/She has longer hair than the other one.
This man seems to be less serious than the man in the 7 N Now listen to the other four speakers and match
suit. the correct photo to each speaker. Note down any
words and phrases that help you to decide. Compare
5 As a class, summarise what you said about the
your answers with another student when you have
Speaker 2 Speaker 4
Speaker 3 Speaker 5

8 u n it 1

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition
Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

2b 3a

2a 3b 4b

Vocabulary 9 Now choose six of the phrasal verbs to complete

this letter, using each of them once only.
In the recordings, there are several examples of
phrasal verbs. For example, Speaker 1 says: What advice would you give the writer? Discuss
in pairs.
… even for work, I can get away with casual stuff.
Phrasal verbs are used a lot in informal English.
Dear Jayne
8 N Listen to Speakers 2–5 again and list the Last night, Maria, Sally and I
nine phrasal verbs you hear. Then match
(1) ............................... ............................... clubbing.
them to these short definitions. Because I was late back from work,
a be seen very clearly I quickly (2) ............................... ...............................
b join or combine things that black skirt of mine and a
c return T-shirt, but the other two really
d wear smarter clothes than usual (3) ............................... ............................... ! Maria
e keep money for something special chose a beautiful purple dress and
f reduce sprayed her hair gold. Sally
(4) ............................... ............................... the
g get dressed in something
most outrageous outfit — red leather
h go somewhere for entertainment
shorts, a bright green top and high-
i know the most recent facts about
heeled, knee-length boots with stars
on. When we got there, they both
(5) ............................... ............................... on the
dance floor and I looked very
Corpus spot
ordinary in comparison.
Many phrasal verbs contain irregular verbs.
Be careful with past tense forms – the
Honestly, I can’t (6) ...............................
Cambridge Learner Corpus shows FCE
............................... ............................... them —
candidates often make mistakes with these.
they’re so fashion-conscious. What
I took off my coat and sat down. would you do in my position?
NOT I taked off my coat and sat down.

fas h i o n mat t e r s 9

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition
Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

1. 2 Why is it that fashion houses design their

clothes for the youngest and skinniest men
and women? We may not actually want to
look like supermodels, but it is a fact that
Comparison the most emaciated figures have dominated
the world’s catwalks for a very long time. It
1 Read this short text seems it is not in the interests of the
about the fashion fashion industry to represent an ‘average’
industry. Do you person. Although ‘slimmer’ may not always
agree with its mean ‘more desirable’ in the real world,
fashion succeeds because it carries with it
that image of the least attainable figure.

2 Think about these comparison structures. 4 Now complete the following sentences by using one of
the adjectives in exercise 3, choosing either the
-er than more … than the most …
comparative or the superlative form.
the -est less … than the least …
a There’s no way you can fit into my shoes – you take
● Why do we say younger than but less serious than;
a ............................................... size than I do!
and the youngest but the most emaciated?
b Jake wears ............................................... clothes of any of us –
● Which common adjectives can we either add
take his pink and purple ties, for example!
-er/-est to or use more/most with?
c Don’t dress up for the club tonight – everyone’s
● What are the spelling rules for forming the
looking ............................................... there nowadays.
comparative and superlative of words like slim
d You can’t put those jeans on again – they’re
and skinny?
............................................... pair I’ve ever seen!
Check the Grammar folder whenever you see this:
e I’m a bit worried about Sally. She doesn’t eat a thing
G > page 198 and so she’s getting ............................................... than ever.
f Australia is ............................................... place I’ve ever
travelled to.
g Have you painted this room recently? Everything’s
Corpus spot
looking a lot ............................................... than before.
Correct the mistakes that FCE candidates have made with h Market stalls often offer slightly ...............................................
comparatives in these sentences. value for money than shops.
a What are the better clothes to wear at the camp?
b He is famouser than all the others in the film.
c You look more tired and thiner. G rammar extra
d I would like to buy a much more better one.
e It’s now more easy to get there. Note the use of a lot and slightly in sentences g and h. These are adverbs of
degree, which are commonly used with comparative adjectives. Some
f This is even worser than before.
adverbs of degree are also used with superlative adjectives, as in this
3 Give the comparative and superlative forms of Kate Moss is by far the most famous model of the 1990s.
these adjectives. Put these adverbs of degree into the following sentences. Which one
can be used with both comparative and superlative adjectives?
bright brighter the brightest
a bit a great deal much
large ................................... ...................................
thin ................................... ................................... a This ring is only ...................... more expensive and it’s ......................
dirty ................................... ................................... nicer than the others.
b Tracksuits may be ...................... warmer, but shorts are ......................
casual ................................... ...................................
the best for running in, whatever the weather.
outrageous more/less outrageous ...................................
good ................................... the best G > page 198
bad worse ...................................
far ................................... ...................................

10 u n it 1

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition
Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

5 not as … as / not so … as 7 Now practise using all these comparison structures.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
You used this structure to compare the people in
meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
the photos in the last lesson. Now compare these
Do not change the word given. You must use
photos of cars in the same way, choosing suitable
between two and five words including the word
adjectives from the ones below to describe them.
given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
EXAMPLE: The Beetle is not as fast as the Ferrari.
0 Mary is shorter than her brother.
comfortable elegant fast practical sexy not
not as tall as
Mary is ............................................................... her brother.
1 These sunglasses cost a bit less than my last pair.
These sunglasses ............................................................................
than my last pair.
2 Coco Chanel was an extremely talented designer.
Coco Chanel was one of .........................................................
.............................................................. in the world.

3 That supermodel is only 17 – I thought she was

Comparison as
That supermodel is not ...........................................................
of adverbs I thought.
6 Identify the comparative adverbs in this short
4 It takes much less time to travel by train than
newspaper article and then explain how they are
by car.
G > page 198 Travelling by train ........................................................................
travelling by car.
5 This jewellery shop is the cheapest one I’ve


This jewellery shop is .................................................................
Androgenous clothing design is produces the Copperwheat all the ones I’ve found.
a familiar idea nowadays, Blundell label. She says, ‘I
although it is perhaps the term design trousers for women 6 Suzanne’s host at the dinner party wasn’t as
‘unisex’ that is more commonly and Lee will re-cut them for elegantly dressed as she was.
used by the fashion industry. men. We have even started more
Traditional dress restrictions doing unisex pieces, such as At the dinner party, Suzanne was far ............................
for men and women are trousers and raincoats, in six ........................................................................... her host.
becoming blurred, largely different sizes to fit everybody.’
because gender roles in today’s Many other designers work in 7 I preferred you with curlier hair.
society are defined less strictly this way, with the result that straight
than they were. similar lines for men and I preferred your hair when it wasn’t
With menswear designer Lee women are now much more ........................................................................... is now.
Copperwheat, Pam Blundell readily available.
8 John wears smarter clothes now he has a
What do you feel about these sorts of clothes? Do less
you think that unisex clothing will still be in John dressed .....................................................................................
fashion in five years’ time? Why?/Why not? he didn’t have a girlfriend.

fas h i o n mat t e r s 11

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition
Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

Exam folder 1

Paper 3 Part 4 Key word transformations

In this part of the Use of English paper you are tested on both
grammar and vocabulary. There are eight questions and an example
at the beginning. You can get up to two marks for each question.

1 Read the Part 4 exam instructions below and then look at the
example (0). Advice
● Read the first sentence carefully.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the ● Think about how the key word
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. given is commonly used.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given. ● Complete the gap with a possible
Here is an example (0). answer. You can use the question
paper for rough answers.
0 This is the most exciting holiday I’ve ever had. < First sentence ● Count the number of words you
exciting < key word – this never changes have used in the gap. You must
use not less than two and not
I’ve never had a ............................................................................................................ one.
more than five, including the
The second sentence must mean the same as the first when it is word in bold. Note that a
complete. contracted form such as ‘don’t’
The gap can be filled by the words ‘more exciting holiday than this’, so counts as two words.
you write: ● Read the completed second
sentence to check it means the
0 MO R E E X C I T I NG HO L I DA Y THAN TH I S same as the first.
● Ask yourself whether the words
more exciting holiday than this in the gap fit the sentence
I’ve never had a ..................................................................................................................... one.
1 mark + 1 mark grammatically.
● Transfer your answer (just the
Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate words in the gap) to the answer
answer sheet. sheet.

2 Think about what is important in this exam task. What advice

would you give another student about answering Part 4 in the
3 Now read the advice given in the bullet points.

12 e x am f o l d e r 1

© Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-70063-4 - Objective First Certificate Student’s Book, Second Edition
Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp
More information

4 Complete these transformations, using exactly the number of words in brackets

(this includes the word given). There is an example at the beginning (0).

0 Have you got a brooch that is cheaper than this one?

less (4)
a less expensive brooch
Have you got ......................................................................................... than this one?
1 ‘A club has just opened in Leeds,’ said Maria to Sally.
told (5)
Maria ............................................................................................................. club in Leeds.
2 I returned the dress to the shop because it was badly made.
took (3)
Because the dress was badly made, I .............................................................................................................
to the shop.
3 Some shops try really hard to help you.
effort (3)
Some shops really ............................................................................................................. to help you.
4 Fifty years ago, cars were slower than they are nowadays.
as (5)
Fifty years ago, cars ............................................................................................................. they are
5 People wear casual clothes where I work.
up (4)
People ............................................................................................................. where I work.
6 It’s a lot easier to learn a language by visiting the country where it’s spoken.
much (4)
You can learn a language ............................................................................................................. you visit
the country where it’s spoken.
7 Peter Høeg writes the best novels in Danish today.
far (4)
Peter Høeg is by ............................................................................................................. of Danish novels
8 The stall didn’t sell much jewellery because of its high prices.
highly (3)
The jewellery on the stall was so ............................................................................................................. not
much was sold.

e x am f o l d e r 1 13

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