2 Successful Hunts

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The wind was ripping through his ears vigorously and his panting and
frowning often put him off. It had been only 3 days since Greg had left home,
and aware of having completed more than half his journey, he had no wish to
return. It was damp and dirty, with isolated trees bending in the wind.
Coming across a large puddle, which at first was rather disturbing to his
path, but by now, he had such a great thirst that could be quenched with a
handful of sand, that the brackish water was valued like the softest and
purest crystal-clear water. Gregs formal attire was stained and torn, but he
didnt care as he hadnt seen any sign of civilization for long. The day passed
monotonously by walking over rocks; by the end his legs were aching, and
restricted by the darkness and cold, he cuddled on the floor, sound asleep
10 hours later, the sun was shining brightly. He woke up determined to
reach his goal today; to touch the Buddhist Snow Temple. He made an
encouraging start to this by brisk walking. The few clouds overhead were like
puffs of white cushions. They looked quite perfectly rounded and piled in a
consistent pyramid-like pattern, laying over the horizon, behind the intense
blue. Away from civilization, he began admiring this scenery. Gregs feelings
were growing intensely for nature, for he had never valued every breath of
fresh air, and the soothing sound of trickling water after a drizzle.
Drained out, hours later, he finally reached a shady halt beneath a tree.
Gazing into the midst of the sky, the puffs of white cushions seemed to have
enlarged, but yet surprisingly he had caught no sight of a temple. He did
doubt, now and then, the direction in which he was walking. But now that he
had reached so far, he tried to convince himself that he was going the right
way and that success was awaiting him at the temple. In less than ten
minutes, he was mentally fit to walk another few miles.
Soon the horizon below the clouds was burning with the last light of the
day. The silver moonlight immediately replaced the golden suns escape, but
surprisingly the puffs of white cushions seemed to gloss with the moonlights
reflection. A peculiar sight, which doubted the property of clouds. Eyes fixed
on that reflection, Greg walked ahead for ages until soon he realized that
natures unbelievable beauty blinded him. The puffs of white cushions in the
sky, were not clouds, it was the marble top of the Buddhist Snow Temple. He

shed tears of happiness. Extreme emotion gave him all the energy needed to
dash towards the temple. The end of his hunt was now only metres away.
The smooth red carpet touched his feet. Greg raised his chin, proud of
himself. 10m ahead stood the huge Golden Buddha, surrounded by vacancy.
He stood at the entrance as still as a statue, in awe. The pure silence,
however, was disrupted after a few minutes, by the jingle of anklets as two
priests approached the temple. He still stayed immobile.
Excuse me, sir, interrupted the leading priest.
With respect and curiosity, Greg turned around. He suddenly jerked
backwards in astonishment to their appearance; they had three red lines
painted across their forehead, and ear, nose and eyebrow piercings, they
were bald and wore a black tunic with a red cross. They were barefooted.
Noticing his unacceptable reaction, he quickly got back to place and cleared
his throat. Yes?
We were wondering if you would like to offer something to Buddha.
Forgetting that he didnt have much on him, he immediately answered
politely, Of course! My dear friend, I have come here all the way by myself
only for Buddha, how could I possibly say no?
Once you have agreed, you cannot say no, sir.
The other priest, who didnt utter a word, awkwardly marched ahead the
leading priest. He quickly glanced at Greg, from head to toe, then walked
around Greg twice. Greg, confused and motionless, was about to walk away
when all of a sudden he felt the plunging of a knife through his spine. Yelling
in pain and shock, he reached his arm out to strangle the leading priest.
This is the way WE hunt. We are innocent; you agreed an offering to God, we
make it happen.

By Anmol Sadhwani year 10S


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