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Lesson 1: What is a Chakra?

If we look at ourselves from a broad perspective, we find that we are much more than a physical body. There is
the body, mind, and spirit. The body refers to your physical body, the mind refers to your thought processes, and
the spirit is your soul and your bodys energy system. They are all inter-related, for one cannot exist without the
other in this realm. This lesson series addresses the chakras, a part of the bodys energy system.
A Chakra is thought to be formed at a point on the body where multiple energy lines cross. There are 7 major
chakras, 21 minor chakras and numerous lesser chakras. The seven major Chakras are formed at points where
energy lines of the body cross 21 times. The 21 minor chakras are formed where energy lines cross 14 times.
There are many lesser chakras in which the energy lines cross fewer than 14 times. These lesser chakras are
said to correspond to acupuncture points or the points along meridians as in Applied Kinesiology.
This series addresses the 7 major chakras. These 7 chakras are considered very important in energy healing.
Although this series addresses the chakras from a clinical point of view, whenever possible we will look at them
from the energy healing perspective. For the remainder of this series, the term "chakra" will refer to the 7 major
A chakra is considered to be an energy vortex, where energy exchange occurs with the Universal Energy Field
(ie., the universe). Energy flows into the chakra, ultimately finding its way into the nervous system. Each of the
chakras would appear as a circular energy vortex about 5 inches in diameter at a distance of 1 inch from the
body. This would be within the first, or etheric, layer of the aura. The chakra tapers as it gets deeper into the
body, where it comes to a point at a location very close to the spinal cord. This point is referred to as the root of
the chakra. The roots of all chakras are connected through a line of energy within the body, which runs through
and parallel to the spinal cord.
A normal chakra is one which has energy flowing into it in a clockwise direction. The clockwise direction may be
determined by placing a watch over the chakra location and noticing the direction of the second hand. A
"clockwise: chakra is sometimes referred to as an "open" chakra. It is important for chakras to be open because it
increases our energy flow, which is necessary for good spiritual, emotional and physical health. A person with all
open chakras is freely expressing life as they were intended to, full of joy, and is uninhibited by their situation or
criticism by others.
If energy is not flowing into a chakra, the chakra is termed "shut" or "blocked". If energy is leaving the bodys
energy system rather than being absorbed by it, the chakra is termed one which has "counterclockwise energy
flow". In these cases, little or no energy is being exchanged with the universe. Lack of energy flow into the human
energy system eventually results in physical disease. A person with multiple shut chakras has difficulty
expressing life freely and has difficulty in relating to life in general. All chronic illnesses have a physical, emotional
and spiritual effect on the person, and are always accompanied by one or more shut chakras.
Although we term chakras as being "open" or "shut", differing degrees of open and shut exist. Chakras may also
be termed as "hyperactive", or "weak". These terms are used to describe the relative energy levels of one chakra
to another. The term "balancing" refers to equalizing the energy intake of each chakra so that they are all nearly
The chakras also transmit energy between the layers of the aura. This is done through the tips or roots of the
chakra. Properly functioning chakras are essential to the normal aura. Whether one reads auras or diagnoses
through chakras, normality of one indicates normality of the other, and dysfunction of one is indicative of
dysfunction of the other.
Each chakra has a specific function associated with it, and governs a certain area of our personality, spirituality,
specific glands, specific organs, and is associated with a specific layer of the aura. If a specific chakra is open,
those specific areas associated with it will be normal and healthy. If the chakra, on the other hand is shut, those
areas which it should be nourishing will eventually enter an unhealthy state.
In future lessons we will identify these specific characteristics of each chakra. We will take a look at the organ
systems related to the chakra, the effects of the chakra being blocked., the relation of that particular chakra to the
aura, and a few disorders that may be indicative of a blocked chakra.
Lesson 2: The Locations of the 7 Major Chakras

The 7 chakras are numbered 1 through 7. Chakras 1 and 7 are not paired. Chakras 2 through 6 are paired, with
one component emerging from the front of the body and the other component emerging from the back. For the
paired chakras, they are commonly labeled "A" for the front component and "B" for the back component. For
example, chakra 3 would have 2 components, 3A and 3B.
For the paired chakras 2 through 5, the front component is associated with "feeling" or "emotional" centers. The
back component is associated with the "will" center. Both the front and back components of chakra 6 are
associated with mental functions. Chakra 1 is only associated with the "will" center and Chakra 7 is only
associated with the mental center.
Chakra 1 is also known as the base or coccygeal chakra. Although it is not paired, some believe it to be paired
with chakra number 7, the crown chakra. Its location is between the anus and sex organ, and opens in a
downward direction.
Chakra 2 is known as the sacral chakra and is paired. The front component, 2A, is located right below the navel
and is also known as the pubic center. The rear component, 2B, is located at the sacrum (the triangular shaped
bone at the base of your spine), and is also known as the sacral center.
Chakra 3 is known as the solar plexus chakra and is paired. The front component, 3A, is located right below the
breast bone at the solar plexus (hence its name). The rear component, 3B, also known as the diaphragmatic
center, is located on the back behind the solar plexus, about at the level of T8 to T9.
Chakra 4 is known as the heart chakra and is paired. The front component, 4A, is located at the breast bone. The
rear component, 4B, is located right between the shoulder blades, and is referred to as the ego center.
Chakra 5 is also known as the throat chakra and is also paired. The front component, 5A, is located in front of the
throat. The rear component, 5B, is located at the back of the neck. Sometimes chakra 5B is also called the
professional center.
Chakra 6 is known as the head or "third eye" chakra, and is the last of the paired chakras. The front component,
6A, is known as the forehead center or simply the "third eye", and is located in the center of the forehead. The
rear component, 6B, is known as the mental executive center, and is located at the back of the head.
Chakra 7 is unpaired and is known as the crown chakra. Although it is not paired, some believe it to be paired
with chakra number 1, the coccygeal chakra. It is located at the top of the head and opens in an upward direction.
Lesson 3: Chakra 1 - The Coccygeal Chakra
Chakra 1, the base, root, or coccygeal chakra, is related to physical energy and the will to live. This chakra is
technically unpaired in the traditional sense, but some consider it to be paired with chakra number 7, the crown
chakra. The coccygeal chakra controls the will centers associated with it. There are no feeling centers associated
with the coccygeal chakra.
If the coccygeal chakra is open and working properly, the individual has a strong will to live and is "well grounded"
in physical reality. The person would be characterized by having a strong belief system and as one who has a lot
of physical energy.
Should the coccygeal chakra be shut, the physical energy level of the person will be low, and the person will
avoid physical activity because the energy simply will not be there to participate in such activities. The persons
will to live will be affected, and the person may be suffering from one or more chronic illnesses. The person may
be described as "sickly" or "weak". The color associated with the coccygeal chakra is red. The coccygeal chakra
is related to the Etheric Body of the aura (the first layer). This chakra and auric layer relates to the physical plane.
The coccygeal chakra nourishes the adrenal glands, hence its relation to physical energy, and the kidneys. The
adrenal glands secrete cortisol, norepinephrine, adrenaline, estrogen, androgens, mineralocorticoids (plays an
important role in mineral balance), glucocorticoids (plays an important role in glucose metabolism), and a wide
variety of other hormones essential to normal, healthy living.
The kidneys eliminate toxins and waste products from the body and play an important role in water and mineral
balance. If the coccygeal charka is open, these organs will be working properly, whereas malfunction of these
organs would indicate a blocked coccygeal chakra.

Addison's disease (hypoadrenalism) results from the failure of of the adrenal cortex to produce sufficient
adrenocortical hormones. Cushing's syndrome (hyperadrenalism) results from the adrenal cortex secreting too
much cortisol. It would be likely that a blocked coccygeal chakra would be found in persons with these disorders.
Lesson 4: Chakra 2
Chakra 2, the sacral chakra, is related to ones communion with another person. The sacral chakra is paired, with
the pubic center opening to the front (2A) and the sacral center opening to the rear (2B).
The pubic center, chakra 2A, is related to the quality of love for the opposite sex, and the feelings that are
associated with a healthy relationship. The pubic center of the sacral chakra is one of the "feeling" centers.
The sacral center, chakra 2B, is related to sex drive and the quantity of sexual energy. The sacral center of the
sacral chakra is one of the "will" centers.
If the sacral chakras are open and working properly, the person has the drive for and capability for a normal
sexual relationship with a person of the opposite sex. The quality of love, and the associated giving and receiving
within the relationship would be overflowing, beyond that of simply physical pleasure.
Should the sacral chakra become shut, the physical energy available for a sexual relationship will be low, and the
associated feelings will have something "missing". Inability to achieve orgasm would indicate a block in the pubic
center. Lack of sex drive would indicate a block in the sacral center.
The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange. The sacral chakra is related to the Emotional Body of the
aura (the second layer). This chakra and auric layer relates to the physical plane.
The sacral chakra nourishes the gonads and other organs of the reproductive system. The gonads secrete the
sex hormones, testosterone in the male and estrogen in the female. If the sacral chakra is open, these organs will
be working properly. If these organs are not functioning correctly, for example, infertility, impotence, or certain
hormone imbalances, this would indicate a blocked sacral chakra.
Lesson 5: Chakra 3
Chakra 3, the solar plexus chakra, is related to one knowing their place in the universe and the desire for good
physical, emotional and spiritual health. This chakra is paired. The solar plexus chakra (3A), opens to the front
and is associated with the "feeling" center and the diaphragmatic center (3B), opens to the rear, and is associated
with the "will" center.
The solar plexus chakra, 3A, is related to knowing ones place within the universe and the feeling of
"connectedness" and of "belonging" within the universe. Firm grounding within the universe, and a free
expression of one's being are characteristics of a strong and healthy solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra
is also important in our connections with others. Spiritual connections between two individuals often involves the
solar plexus chakra.
The diaphragmatic center, chakra 3B, is related to ones desire for good physical, emotional and spiritual health,
as a result, this center is also known as the "healing center".
If the solar plexus chakra (both 3A and 3B) is open and working properly, the individual will be "well grounded"
within the universe, and have a great desire for a healthy body, mind and spirit. Such a person will have a great
interest in spiritual matters.
Should the solar plexus chakra be shut, or not working correctly, the person will have uncontrolled emotions and
feel overwhelmed emotionally all the time. In other cases, the person will block feelings toward others, perhaps
not having any feelings at all. This makes it impossible to have a "spiritual connection" with another person. If the
diaphragmatic center is blocked, physical, emotional, and spiritual health would not be a concern for that person.
It is uncommon for 3A to be open and 3B to be blocked, and vice versa. Should this occur, we would be
describing an individual who well grounded within the universe, and has deep healthy relationships with others
yet has no desire for physical, emotional and spititual health and balance for themselves. Such characteristics are
rarely found in anyone.
The color associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow. The solar plexus chakra is related to the Mental Body
of the aura (the third layer). This chakra and auric layer relates to the physical plane.

The solar plexus chakra nourishes the pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder, small intestine and other organs of
digestion. The liver is the organ that detoxifies your body, it also plays an important role in virtually every
intercellular biochemical process in the body. The pancreas and liver play important roles in digestion and
glucose metabolism. If the solar plexus charka is open, the organs of digestion will be working properly, whereas
malfunction or disease of these organs would indicate a blocked solar plexus chakra. The importance of the liver
and pancreas in good physical health cannot be overemphasized.
Often, a persons desire and search for good physical, emotional, and spiritual health leads them to a path where
they are concerned about eating properly, getting the proper vitamins and minerals, not taking medications, but
rather looking for holistic approaches to health. This would be compatible with a healthy solar plexus chakra.
Lesson 6: Chakra 4 - The Heart Chakra
Chakra 4, the heart chakra is another of the paired chakras. In the front, the heart chakra, (4A), is the "feeling"
center through which we form loving relationships with others. In the rear, chakra 4B, also called the heart chakra,
is related to the ego and is associated with the "will" center. Because chakra 4B does not have a commonly
accepted unique name assigned to it, we will call it the "ego center" for the rest of this lesson simply to avoid
confusion with 4A.
The heart chakra, 4A, is related to forming loving relationships with ourselves, our loved ones, our children,
families, friends, and all other human beings. Loving relationships and freely expressing appropriate love are
characteristics of a healthy heart chakra. As with chakra 3, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra (4A) is also
involved in spiritual connections between two individuals. In addition, the heart chakra is very important in healing,
as anyone who has studied Reiki or other forms of energy healing knows.
The other heart chakra, 4B, which we are calling the "ego center", is related to ones desire for accomplishing
things in life. Setting and accomplishing lifes goals, as defined by the individual, not society, is characteristic of a
healthy ego center. Creating the vision for an alternative medicine site on the internet and bringing the vision to
reality is an example of a healthy ego center.
If the heart chakra, 4A, is open and working properly, the individual will be able to form loving relationships with
others easily, and would have a desire to seek out those relationships. An open heart chakra means the
individual can easily see value in the life of every human being, and sees everyone as one of God's precious
creations. If the ego center, 4B, is open, the individual will be able to set realistic goals and accomplish much,
especially if the other chakras are in balance.
Should the heart chakra, 4A, be shut, the person would have trouble loving others and not easily understand the
concept of unconditional love. Love to this person would tend to be more of a physical rather than spiritual
definition. Should the ego center, 4B, be blocked, the person will have trouble setting goals and accomplishing
anything. At the same time, the person may continually be demanding their own way, and see others as
stumbling blocks in the way of their accomplishing their goals.
Unlike the solar plexus chakra, it is quite possible for the heart chakra, 4A, to be shut and the ego center, 4B to
be open. Quite commonly, an overactive ego center (4B) occurs as a compensation to a shut heart chakra (4A).
Should this occur, we would be describing an individual who would attempt to gain all the worlds possessions and
accomplish much, without regard to how it is done or affects other people. Such a person would tend to view
others as a possession or tool, for example the husband who views his wife as a possession rather than an
The colors associated with the heart chakra is green and rose. The heart chakra is related to the Astral Body of
the aura (the third layer). The heart chakra is unique in the sense it bridges the spiritual plane (chakras / auric
levels 5, 6, and 7) with the physical plane (chakras / auric levels 1, 2 and 3).
The heart chakra nourishes the thymus gland, heart, circulatory system, blood, and the parasympathetic nervous
system. The thymus gland, located beneath the sternum, plays a very important role in immune function.
Everyone is familiar with the importance of the heart and circulatory system. Since the blood nourishes every cell
of the body, the importance of a healthy circulatory system cannot be overemphasized. If the heart charka is
open, the immune system will be strong and the circulatory system will be working properly, whereas heart
disease or circulatory problems would indicate a blocked heart chakra. Poor immune system would also be an
indication of a blocked heart chakra.

I have a patient who comes to my office to get her chakras balanced. She states that here in the United States we
have an "epidemic of blocked heart chakras". She is specifically referring to the unloving nature of people today,
and is she ever right when you consider the lack of value placed on human life today by the society in which we
live. When you consider that circulatory disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, the
relationship between the heart chakra and circulation becomes very clear.
Lesson 7: Chakra 5 - The Throat Chakra
Chakra 5, the throat chakra, is associated with an individual being responsible for themselves and gives the
person their sense of who they are in respect to their profession and society. This chakra is paired. The throat
center (5A), opens to the front and is associated with the "feeling" center and the "professional center" (5B),
opens to the rear, and is associated with the "will" center.
The throat center, 5A, is related to a persons development in the area of fulfilling personal needs, such as food.
The throat center is an indicator of a persons ability to receive what is given to them or what life brings them. The
reaction to a persons life experiences is largely governed by the throat chakra. The professional center, chakra
5B, is related to ones sense of belonging and position within society, particularly ones peers, co-workers, and
If the throat center (5A) is open and working properly, the individual will be able to take what life brings them and
joyfully accept lifes positive experiences. Likewise, should negative experiences come their way, they will be able
to see the potential positive aspects of the situation and turn it around for good.
Those who have an open throat center will not be found blaming others for any failures they may have, but would
take the initiative to create the opportunities to fulfill their desires.
Should the throat center be shut, or not working correctly, the person would tend to blame others for failures in
their own life. They will see the world as a hostile place and may sense that "everyone is out to get them". Such a
person will attract negativity. Since likes attract, the persons circle of friends will be those who also have blocked
throat centers.
If the professional center is working correctly, the person has probably chosen a profession that is well suited for
them. They look at their work as a joyful expression of who they are, look forward to going to work, and are
deeply fulfilled by the work experience. They will always give their best, even if they are not being paid for what
they do.
If the professional center is shut, work becomes an unpleasant chore, or a task to be avoided, and the person
finds no joy whatsoever in the working experience and cannot understand how others enjoy what they do. The
person will also have the "fear of failure" syndrome, not taking the chance or risk because of everything that could
go wrong. Late in life, this person will be plagued with thought like "I should have ....." or "I wish I had done ......".
The color associated with the throat chakra is blue. The throat chakra is related to the Etheric template (physical
aspect) of the aura (the fifth layer). This is associated with the spiritual plane. The throat chakra nourishes the
Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, lungs, vocal cords and bronchial tree, and the esophagus. The thyroid gland is
primarily involved in regulating the bodys metabolism. The Parathyroid is involved in calcium balance. The entire
lower respiratory system is related to the throat chakra. If the throat charka is open, the respiratory will be working
properly, whereas frequent illness of this area would indicate a potentially blocked chakra.
Hypothyroidism, Graves Disease, Goiters, Thyroiditis, and problems with calcium and iodine balance and
metabolism all have to do with the thyroid and parathyroid glands. These problems are typically of the chronic
nature, therefore will certainly show up as a block to some degree of the throat chakra. Consider also the "will"
center of the 5th chakra, the professional center, involved in the enjoyment one finds in work. The low energy
characteristic of hypothyroidism is incompatible with the high energy found in those who give 110 percent at the
work they do.
Frequent colds and respiratory infections would indicate a blocked throat chakra. An interesting observation is
that some people get colds, the flu, and respiratory infections all the time, yet others rarely are affected by these
illnesses. The condition of the throat chakra of the two groups should not be a surprise.
Lesson 8: Chakra 6 - The Head Chakra
Chakra 6, the head, or "third eye" chakra, is associated the ability to visualize and understand concepts in general
and follow through with the creation, refinement and implementation of these concepts. The head chakra is

unique in the sense there is not a "will" and "feeling" center associated with it. Both components 6A and 6B are
associated with intellecual function.
The forehead center, 6A, is related to a persons capacity to visualize and understand concepts of the universe,
the world, and reality. Being able to place oneself in anothers position and see their viewpoint (eclectic thinking) is
a characteristic related to the forehead center. The mental executive center, chakra 6B, is related to carrying out
the ideas and visualizations related to the forehead center, and to do so in a well thought out manner..
If the forehead center (6A) is open and working properly, the individual will be able to visualize concepts well, and
have a great insight into how related ideas and concepts will work together to achieve the desired result. Such a
person may be viewed as a "visionary", or one with great plans. The mental executive (6B) would be related to
the visionary carrying out the ideas. This would involve everything from the planning stage through the ribbon
cutting ceremony. A person with an open forehead chakras will be characterized as a leader, manager, and
problem solver, and able to get things done regardless of obstacles in the way.
Should the forehead center be shut, the persons creativity will be severely hindered. Should the center be
strongly counterclockwise, the person will have a confused and distorted perception of reality. With this
counterclockwise forehead center, the individual will be creative, but in a negative way. An example of this would
be a computer engineer visualizing a new way to develop a computer virus, rather than putting the energy into
something positive, such as a way to prevent the transmission of a computer virus.
If the forehead center is open, and the mental executive center is shut, we are describing a person who has great
visions and desires to carry them out, but simply cannot. As a result, the person will be continually frustrated at
not being able to accomplish anything.
The color associated with the head chakra is indigo. The forehead chakra is related to the Celestial template
(emotional aspect) of the aura (the sixth layer). This layer is associated with the spiritual plane.
The head chakra nourishes the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, brainstem (lower brain), cerebellum, left eye, ears,
nose, and a good part of the central nervous system. The Pituitary and Hypothalamus glands regulate the entire
endocrine system, for they are the bodys link between the nervous system and endocrine system. It is clear why
the head chakra is only associated with intellectual functioning when one considers the great amount of brain
tissue associated with it. In the next lesson we will take a look at chakra number 7, the crown chakra.
Segment II - Chakra Manipulation
Lesson 10: Preparation for Chakra Healing
This lesson opens the second segment of the series of lessons on the 7 major chakras. It is assumed that the
student is familiar with the function of each individual chakra and able to easily locate each. This material is
presented in the first segment and is also available in numerous textbooks.
As we have seen in the previous segments, the dysfunction of a chakra is indicative of either physical, mental or
spiritual dysfunction of the individual to varying degrees. We have also introduced the concept that whether one
diagnoses directly through the chakras, reads the aura, diagnoses through kinesiology or other method,
dysfunction of a chakra is evident in the aura and through nervous system. With this in mind, the restoration of a
chakra to a more balanced normal condition will have far reaching effects on the whole person.
As a healer, you have the ability to diagnose the condition of a chakra, correct chakra energy flow, open a chakra,
balance a chakra, and correcting electrical reversal. The remainder of the lessons in this segment will address
these concepts from a clinical viewpoint.
It is extremely important that the healer have correct energy flow of his/her chakras before attempting to diagnose
and correct the chakras of others. For this is a clear qualification to work on the energy system of another
individual. A healer with a shut heart chakra and a shut head chakra is hardly qualified to work on another
individual. A healer with counterclockwise flow and multiple blocked chakras should first look inward to his/her
own healing before attempting to work on others.
Should the healer have a shut chakra or a chakra with counterclockwise flow, it is entirely possible that the healer
may misdiagnose the condition of the patients chakra. For example, a healer with a shut Head or "Third Eye"
chakra may misdiagnose the patient as having a weak or shut chakras when in fact it is the compromised chakra
of the healer that is resulting in the healers inability to properly discern the status of the patients chakra. A healer
with a shut heart chakra may find him / herself in the position of going through the mechanics of diagnosis /

correction / balancing, but failing to achieve good results. This has been seen clinically, again stressing the
importance of the health of the healer.
For those who are Reiki practitioners, much of what is presented in this segment may be found to be very easy to
put into practice. For everyone, the more you practice, the easier it becomes to work on the human energy
system. It is entirely possible to discern the condition of a persons chakras to some degree simply by being in
their presence.
With the position of being a healer inherently comes the issue of trust with your patients and certain moral ethics
by which you practice your healing art. Certain material presented in future lessons will fall under the category of
unethical if used in certain ways. No material will be edited out of the clinical applications presented simply
because of the possibility of its misuse.
In the next lesson we will look at a clinical method used to determine the bodys response to a stimulus. This
method will be used in future lessons to determine the direction of energy flow of a chakra.
Lesson 11: Muscle Indicators
In this lesson we will look at a clinical method to determine the bodys response to a stimulus. This method will be
applied in the next lesson to determine the condition of a chakra.
For two distinct methods of chakra diagnosis we will use what is known as a muscle indicator to determine the
condition of a chakra. A muscle indicator, for those who are unfamiliar with Applied Kinesiology or other similar
methods, is using relative muscle strength as an indicator of a compromised body condition. Food allergy testing,
subluxation detection, distant diagnosis and other types of specialized kinesiology use the muscle indicator as the
diagnostic indicator. Developing the skill of sensing the muscle indicator is an art and takes practice.
Any muscle may be used as a muscle indicator. The best and most common are the hamstring group and the
deltoid muscles. We will describe the use these muscle indicators for purposes of this lesson, if you are familiar
with using other muscles, feel free to use them.
The hamstring muscle indicator is used if the patient is lying face down. Bending the knee 45 to 90 degrees is a
convenient position for both the healer and the patient. The patient is instructed to offer resistance to any force
put to the leg by the healer, but no more than is necessary to keep the leg in the same position. To test the
muscle indicator, hold the patients ankle and attempt to extend the leg back down to the table. Initially attempt the
procedure with both legs, use the stronger of the two if an appreciable difference in muscle strength exists.
If the patient is lying face up, the deltoid muscles are an excellent indicator. In this case the arm (with elbow
extended) is pointed toward the ceiling and the patient is instructed to hold the arm in this position against any
force introduced by the healer. To test the muscle indicator, hold the patients forearm near the wrist (but not on
the wrist) and attempt to push the arm toward the foot of the table. Again, attempt the procedure with both arms,
using the stronger of the two if an appreciable difference in strength exists.
When using a muscle indicator, please be aware that a patient may have a shoulder or knee problem on one side
but not the other. If this is the case, use the other side, for aggravation of bursitis or irritation of a torn meniscus
will not make a happy patient. The muscle indicator is tested immediately following the introduction of a stimulus.
That is, the stimulus is introduced and the muscle indicator is immediately tested. Should the muscle indicator be
strong, the stimulus had no effect on the person. Should the muscle indicator be weak, the stimulus has had an
effect on the person. For all instances and examples cited in these lessons, strong is the desired result, indicating
health. Should a muscle indicator be weak, a problem exists.
The least amount of force possible to discern "weak" or "strong" is the best amount of force to use. Ideally, this
may only be a few ounces of pressure, certainly no more than a few pounds. Using 20 or 30 pounds of force will
cause the patient and healer to get tired quickly. It should be clearly explained to the patient that this is not a test
of "my strength vs. yours". The more you practice and gain the skills, the easier it will be to distinguish between
"weak" and "strong".
Each individual patient will exhibit different degrees of "strong" and "weak". Therefore, it is wise to begin each
session with learning your patients response to the muscle indicators you will use. This is done by testing the
muscle and telling the patient to "hold". Test the muscle indicator and make a mental note of the muscle strength.
Say to the patient "strong is yes, weak is no". Then instruct the patient to "show me yes", then test the muscle
indicator. There should be a "strong" response. Then say to the patient "show me no", again test the muscle
indicator. There should be a weaker response to the test. A "weak" response also may be sensed as a delay in

muscular response rather than weakness. This procedure allows the healer to become familiar with how the
patient will react, and allow the patient to become familiar with the procedure as well. For some patients, the
difference between a "strong" and "weak" response will be very subtle, for others it will be obvious. Do not be
discouraged if you are unable to distinguish between "strong" and "weak", for this is an art that must be learned
through practice.
Occasionally, you will find a patient in which the the strong response is indistinguishable from the weak response.
Such a patient is very "defensive" and is not allowing you to diagnose him/her. The patient, however, will probably
not even be aware of doing this, so don't even bring it to their attention, doing so will not help the situation. This
patient is most likely afraid of what you may find, doesn't completely trust you, or has some repressed issues s/he
may not even be aware of. With the patients clinical history in mind, consider what the patient may be trying to
"not let go of". For example, if you perceive the person does not have many "feelings" and is emotionless, being
militaristic in his/her dealing with others, suspect the Solar Plexus chakra is the problem and proceed accordingly.
Occasionally you will also find a patient where the "strong" response is very strong and the "weak" response is a
complete blow-out of the muscle indicator. Such a patient will be easy to work with and you will probably find that
they are very open and accepting of your healing abilities.
In the next lesson we will use the concept of using a muscle indicator to determine the direction of energy flow of
a chakra.
Lesson 12: Energy Flow Diagnosis Using a Muscle Indicator
In this lesson we will look at a clinical method to determine the health of the energy flow of a chakra. As
previously presented, chakra energy flow should be in a clockwise direction, where the chakra is absorbing
energy from the universe. Counterclockwise energy flow or no energy flow at all is aberrant and is in need of
Recall from the previous lesson that a strong muscle indicator indicates a healthy condition, a weak muscle
indicator indicates an unhealthy condition, or a condition in need of correction. Keeping this in mind, you will
probably find varying degrees of weakness. The degree of weakness is most often proportional to the severity of
the problem.
With the patient lying on their back, instruct them on the muscle indicator procedure you will use. Test the muscle
indicator and determine the baselines for "strong" and "weak" by the "show me yes" and "show me no" test
described in the previous lesson. This will allow the patient to become familiar with the procedure and allow you
to become familiar with the patients response. If you are able to distinguish "weak" from "strong" with your patient,
you are ready to continue.
Have the patient place on hand on their forehead and leave it there for the duration of the testing procedure. To
determine if a particular chakra has a problem, simply place your hand, palm down, into the chakra, and perform
the muscle test with the other hand. If the muscle is strong, the chakra is healthy. If the muscle indicator was
weak, the chakra is unhealthy, ie., counterclockwise energy flow, shut, or weak clockwise flow. Repeat the
procedure with the patient's other chakras. With some chakras, the muscle indicator may be very clear and easy
to discern. With others, it may be a little more difficult to make the determination. If you find a strong muscle
indicator, indicating a healthy chakra, use it for the basis of comparison.
You may check the chakras opening to the rear by having the patient lie face down. A chiropractic or massage
table is ideal for this.
It is often inconvenient to have the patient change position from face up to face down frequently during a healing
session. For this reason, it would be to the healers advantage to be able to check the condition of both the front
and rear chakras without moving the patient.
Recall from the previous examples that the palm of your hand was directed toward the chakra when determining
the energy flow. If the patient was face up, your palm was directed toward the patients front to check the front
chakras. When the patient was face down, your palm was directed toward the patients back to check the rear
chakras. If you turn your palm up, so that the back side of your hand now faces the patients body, following the
same procedures will allow you to check the chakras on the opposite side of the body.
Lesson 13: Energy Flow Diagnosis Using a Muscle Indicator

In this lesson we will look at another clinical method to determine the state of a chakra. The previous lesson used
a muscle indicator to diagnose the condition of the chakra, we will use the same muscle testing technique for this
procedure as well. This procedure is a quick method to determine which chakras are in need of attention.
This procedure is done with the patient lying either face up or face down, using the appropriate muscle indicator.
We are going to verbally activate the chakra and then perform the test on the muscle indicator. This is done by
saying "Chakra 1" and then performing the muscle indicator test. A strong response indicates a chakra which is
clockwise and not in need of attention. A weak response indicates a chakra in need of attention, that is, either the
energy flow is in the wrong direction or the chakra is weak and needs to be balanced.
This should be continued for each chakra. You may use the names - Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, and so on, or
the numbers - 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B and so on. Remember though, it is important to know the names and positions of
which chakras you are testing when you use this method. If you are confused about what you are testing, do not
expect valid results.
Lesson 14: Determining the Direction of Energy Flow of a Chakra.
In the previous lessons we we able to determine the chakras which are need of attention by various methods. We
will now look at three methods to determine the direction of energy flow of a chakra. The first method involves
kinesiology, the second involves the use of a pendulum, the third involves sensing the chakra directly.
Method 1: Kinesiology
Place your hand, palm down, over the chakra, and move your hand in a circular counterclockwise direction and
perform the muscle indicator test. Make a mental note of whether the muscle was weak or strong. Now move your
hand in a clockwise direction and again test the muscle indicator, noting if it was weak or strong. It is important to
check the counterclockwise direction first, followed by the clockwise direction.
If you were unable to discern a notable difference between counterclockwise and clockwise, the chakra is
probably shut, or at best, weakly clockwise. A chakra in this condition is ready to be corrected.
When you moved your hand clockwise, the muscle indicator should have been strong. If it was, this indicates a
chakra ready to be corrected.
If the muscle indicator was weak in the clockwise direction and strong in the counterclockwise direction, there
exists the possibility of neurological reversal (also called neurological switching). Neurological reversal must be
ruled out or corrected before correcting the chakra.
Method 2: Pendulums
The second method involves the use of a pendulum to determine the direction of energy flow of a chakra.
Pendulums are commercially available through various metaphysical specialty shops and organizations. The
better pendulums are made out of beechwood, although just about any commercially available pendulum will
work. You may also construct your own. A quick way to construct a pendulum is by attaching a wooden ball,
about 1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter, on a 7 inch string. Crystals may also be used if suspended on string.
To check the front chakras, the patient must be laying on their back, to check the rear chakras, the patient must
be lying face down.
To determine the energy flow of a chakra, hold the pendulum over the chakra about a half inch to an inch over the
bodys surface. Observe the pendulums movement. The diameter of the circular movement and the direction of
movement indicate the amount and direction of the energy flow of the chakra.
A clockwise, circular pattern is normal. This indicates a healthy chakra. The larger the diameter of the circle, the
more the energy is flowing through through the chakra. The diameter of the circular pattern is NOT related to the
size of the chakra, only the amount of energy flowing through it.
A general clockwise distorted circular pattern, in which there is are axis shifts, elliptical movements, varying
degrees of intensity of movement indicate a chakra which is going through a transitional period.
Counterclockwise flow would indicate energy is flowing out of the chakra, an abnormal condition. Again, the larger
the diameter of the circle, the more the energy is flowing through through the chakra, but in this case the energy

flow is in the wrong direction. Pendulums which swing back and forth without any circular movement indicate
counterclockwise energy flow.
Should the pendulum be still, the chakra is shut and has no energy flow at all. This is a condition that must be
addressed, as it will always lead to a pathology in the body. A still pendulum is the least desirable of all possible
Method 3: Probing the Chakra.
This method is the simplest to perform yet most difficult to master. Place your hand into the chakra and feel the
energy flow. You will know the direction and strength. This is similar to using your hand to feel someones energy
field. After using either of the above two methods, use this method to see what the chakra feels like to you.
Through sensing many chakras, you will begin to develop the skill to diagnose the chakras condition simply by
probing it with your hand. It is important to practice this method in conjunction with the above methods, for this
method takes time and practice to master.
Regardless of the method used, a chakra with counterclockwise energy flow could be indicative of a condition
known as neurological reversal. One of the characteristics of neurological reversal is that the body reports results
opposite of what is actually occurring. For example, a counterclockwise chakra (as determined by either of the
above methods) in a patient who is who is neurologically reversed is actually a correctly functioning chakra. To
reverse the flow to clockwise in this case would not be of any benefit to the patient. Instead, we would want to test
for and correct the condition of neurological reversal if it is found to exist. If neurological reversal is not found to
exist, we then move on and correct the electrical reversal of the chakra.
Lesson 15: Neurological Reversal
Neurological reversal, also known as neurological switching, is a condition in which certain functions of the
nervous system are reversed from the way they should be. The left brain performing functions that are
traditionally assigned to the right brain is an example of neurological switching.
One of the characteristics of neurological reversal is that the body often reports results opposite of what is
actually occurring. For example, a counterclockwise chakra in a patient who is who is neurologically reversed
could be a correctly functioning chakra. To reverse the flow to clockwise in this case would not be the best thing
to do.
Instead, we would want to test for and correct the condition of neurological reversal if it is found to exist. The
chakra would be then retested and corrected if necessary.
To determine the existance of neurological reversal, we will again use a muscle indicator. With the patient lying
face up, we will use the arm as the muscle indicator. Test the muscle initially using the "strong is yes, weak is no"
procedure learned earlier. Place one hand over the patients umbillicus and quickly move your hand in an upward
direction toward the ceiling and immediately test the muscle. Next, reverse the direction of your hand and move it
quickly toward the umbillicus and immediately test the muscle. One direction should clearly have a stronger
If the patient is not neurologically switched, the upward direction of the hand should show a weaker muscle
indictor. If the downward direction (toward the umbillicus) is the weaker response the patient is neurologically
The theory behind this procedure is the upward movement of your hand takes the energy "out of the person", and
thus should prove a weaker response. The downward movement of your hand "replaces the energy" and should
prove a strong response. If the response is opposite of what is expected, neurological reversal exists.
Should neurological reversal exist we will need to correct it before working on any chakras. To correct
neurological reversal, we must identify three points on the body which, when stimulated with the proper
procedure, will eliminate the reversal. The three points are 1) the center of the forehead, 2) the umbillicus, and 3)
the "K27" Applied Kinesiology points. The K27 points are located approximately 1 inch below the midpoint of the
clavical (collar bone). The other points are not too difficult to find. The points will be stimulated in the following

Umbillicus & Center of Forehead

Umbillicus & K27's

Center of Forehead & K27's

One of the above three possibilities is the one which will correct neurological reversal. It is not important, for out
purposes, to be concerned with which pair actually corrects the reversal.
To stimulate the umbillicus & the center of the forehead, place the index and middle finger of one hand on one of
the points, and the index and middle finger of the other hand on the other point. Briskly rub and massage the
points simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
To stimulate the umbillicus & K27's, place the index and middle finger of one hand on the umbillicus, and the
thumb and pinkie of the other hand on each K27 point, contacting both K27 points simultaneously. Again, briskly
rub and massage all three points simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
To stimulate the center of the forehead & K27's, place the index and middle finger of one hand on the center of
the forehead, and the thumb and pinkie of the other hand on each K27 point, contacting both K27 points
simultaneously. As before, briskly rub and massage the points simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
Repeat the procedure learned to check for neurological reversal. The teat should now show the absense of
neurological reversal.
Neurological reversal, in a patient who has a history of being neurologically reversed, may reoccur hours, days or
weeks after its correction. For this reason, it is important to check for this condition at the beginning of each
healing session with these patients. If the patient is found to be neurologically reversed, simply correct it again,
and proceed as you would with anyone else.
Lesson 16: Correcting the Direction of Energy Flow of a Chakra.
In previous lessons we were able to determine which chakras were in need of attention because their energy flow
was either reversed, nonexistent, or weak. We will now look at a method to open the chakra, restoring proper
energy flow. If neurological reversal was found to exist, it should be corrected before proceeding with this and any
future material presented.
Recall from the lesson on "Determining the Direction of Energy Flow of a Chakra" there were several methods to
determine the direction of energy flow. If the energy flow was not clockwise, we determined that correction and
balancing was the solution.
To restore clockwise flow, place your hand palm down over the chakra to be corrected. Move your hand in a
clockwise direction for 15 to 30 seconds and re-test the chakras energy flow direction using your favorite method.
Should you decide to address the chakras on the opposite side of the body, for example, the front chakras when
the patient is face down, the chakra may be addressed with the palm up. In this case, the hand must be moved in
a counterclockwise direction to effect the clockwise motion required on the opposite side of the body.
Repeat the procedure on all chakras in need of attention and then immediately proceed to balance them.

Lesson 17: Balancing Chakra Energy.

After the direction of energy flow in a chakra has been corrected, we would then proceed to balance the energy
flow. Balance between chakra energies is very important. It is desirable that all chakras have similar energy
levels. Recall, for example, from the earlier lessons, that a chakra that is very strong in comparison to the others
can affect the personality and drives of the individual to an unhealthy degree. An overactive chakra 4B causing a
compensory shutting of chakra 4A was cited as one example of the effects of chakra imbalance.
Before we begin balancing chakras, it would be wise to initiate the use of any appropriate Reiki symbols the
healer may be attuned to. This is desirable because during the process of balancing chakras, it could, and most
probably will, drain the energy of the healer to some degree. It would be a good idea to open the Reiki session in
what ever way you are accustomed to at the beginning of the healing session.
To balance the chakras, hold one of your palms over the chakra to be balanced. Hold the other palm over another
of the patients chakras that you know to be healthy. You should be able to feel the energy differences between
the healthy chakra and the weak one. When you feel the energy in each chakra to be balanced, it it time to move

on. You may balance the weak chakra with more than one healthy one if so desired. This is the same principle
and procedure used in Reiki, the hand positions are just different.
Lesson 18: Creating a Spiritual Connection
Distant diagnosis requires that the surrogate and the patient being tested know each other to some degree. The
better the relationship between the two, the easier it is for the healer to obtain information through distant
diagnosis. We can enhance this relationship by creating a spiritual connection between the surrogate and distant
Recall that from previous lessons that "cords" develop between chakras of persons in a relationship. This
relationship can either be a casual or intense one. The term "cords" is just a figurative way of stating that the
chakras are "tuned" to each other and they have the ability to enable one person to spiritually communicate with
the other. This is the basis for distant diagnosis.
Please note that the procedure described here to create a spiritual connection is described in 3 parts. The first
and second parts do not require the two to be together in the same room and may be done from a distance, the
third part has the requirement that the two be in each others presence. The third part is included only for
reference, for it is not necessary to perform the third part for the purposes of distant diagnosis. The third part has
the potential for creating an intense connection between the two individuals.
For the remainder of this section, we will use the terms "the two", "one" and "the other" to refer to the two persons
between whom the connection is to be made.
Part 1. Preparation.
The two may create a spiritual connection or enhance an existing spiritual connection between themselves. They
must first completely open themselves to each other, entering a state of mind in which they completely trust each
other and allow themselves to become completely accepting of the other person regardless of the persons past,
current, or future behaviors or activities. This is best done over time since it is most often progressive in nature.
For some, this may be an instantaneous decision.
Part 2. Initiation.
The spiritual connection may be initiated by one of the two. While one is meditating, visualizing the chakras of
theirself and the other person, draw lines of the appropriate colored light, three times, in both directions, between
the corresponding chakras of theirself and the other person. This may be done between any chakras, ie., root to
root using red, sacral to sacral using orange, solar plexus to solar plexus using yellow, etc. This is symbolic of
one desiring the link to the other and one accepting the link of the other.
For distant diagnosis, the 3rd, 4th, and 6th chakras would seem to be the most important. Recall from lessons 3
through 9 the functions and personality traits associated with each chakra. Spiritual connections between certain
chakras would have different natures depending on which chakras are involved in the connection.

Part 3. Intensification.
The third part requires the two to be present in the presence of one who can balance chakras. The two would lay
face up, on separate tables positioned so that the healer may walk between them. The healer, using one hand for
one patient and the other hand for the other patient, would balance each of the desired chakras of one person to
the corresponding chakra of the other. It is important to balance only chakras which exhibit clockwise flow.
Lesson 19: Distant Diagnosis.
For this lesson, we shall need to define two terms. The first is the "surrogate", who is the person being tested in
place of the distant patient. The other term is "distant patient", who is the patient who is being tested at a distance
through the surrogate. For clarity in this lesson, I will use the name Barbra as the surrogate and the name Kathy
as the distant patient in any examples. This does not imply the sex of the surrogate and distant patient need be
the same. Distant diagnosis requires that the surrogate and the patient being tested know each other to some
degree. The better the relationship between the two, the easier it is for the healer to obtain information through
distant diagnosis. Distant diagnosis between two people who do not know each other is not recommended. To
perform distant diagnosis, we will use the muscle testing procedures presented in earlier lessons. We will need a
photograph of the person being tested. If none is available, we can write the persons name on a 3x5 or other

suitable card. You may also institute a spiritual connection as described in the lesson addressing spiritual
Before beginning the diagnostic session, advise the surrogate that they will become the distant patient. Advise
them that they may possibly feel or experience something they never did before. Assure them that this is OK and
that is just an expression of the distant patient through them. Have the surrogate lay on the table, face up. Place
the photograph or name card, face up, on the surrogate just over the front heart chakra. The photograph or card
shall remain in place for the duration of the testing. During testing, should you require the surrogate to turn over
so that s/he is face down, reposition the photograph or card so that it is face up over the rear heart chakra. Tap
on the photograph or card three times and say to the surrogate "you are now <name of patient>; you are to
respond as <name of patient> would respond as if they were here". For example, if the surrogates name was
Barbra and your distant patient's name is "Kathy", you would say to Barbra "You are now Kathy; you are to
respond as Kathy would respond as if they were here".
Proceed to test the surrogate by using the "strong is yes, weak is no" protocol described in earlier lessons. Then
ask the surrogate "are you <name of patient>. Again, if the distant patients name was Kathy and the surrogates
name was Barbra, you would be asking Barbra "Are you Kathy". A strong response of the muscle indicator is the
desired result, for you are then testing the the distant patient. To be sure, ask the surrogate if they are theirself,
for example, ask Barbra "Are you Barbra". The result should be a weak muscle indicator, indicating no. If you
were unable to identify the surrogate as the distant patient, stop. The spirit of either the surrogate or distant
patient will not allow the surrogate to become the distant patient at the current time. You may test the surrogate
as theirself to find out why if you so desire. Simply ask the surrogate "Are you allowing yourself to become <name
of distant patient>?" For example, you would ask Barbra, your surrogate "Are you allowing yourself to become
Kathy?" A strong response indicates Barbra, the surrogate, is willing. The problem would then be either the
distant patient is not allowing the procedure to occur, or the procedure was done improperly.
Proceed testing the surrogate as if you were testing the distant patient. If you are familiar with other types of
testing done through kinesiology, such as testing for food allergies, testing for supplement prescription, testing for
subluxations in the spine, testing for past events which occurred in the patient, etc., these forms of testing may be
performed as well. Distant diagnosis is not limited to chakra diagnosis, but will work effectively on any tests using
the muscle indicator. When you have completed your diagnostic session, you must restore the surrogate to their
original identity. Have the surrogate lay face up and place the photograph or card face down over the patients
front heart chakra. Again, tap on the the photograph or card three times and say to the surrogate "You are no
longer <name of distant patient>, you are now <name of surrogate>". For example, if your surrogates name was
Barbra and your distant patients name was Kathy, you would say to Barbra "You are no longer Kathy, you are
now Barbra". Perform a muscle test to insure the surrogate has in fact been restored to theirself. Ie., ask Barbra
"Are you Kathy".
A weak response of the muscle indicator is now the desired result, indicating that the identity of the surrogate has
been restored. To be sure, ask the surrogate if they are in fact theirself, for example, ask Barbra "Are you
Barbra". The result should be a strong muscle indicator, indicating yes. Please be aware that if you fail to restore
the surrogate to their original identity, the surrogate will retain certain characteristics and traits of the distant
The next lesson shall conclude this series of this segment.
Lesson 20: Beyond Chakra Energy Diagnosis.
The diagnosis and correction of the bodys energy field through the chakras is, in itself, an incomplete method to
address the wide variety of problems that affect the body-mind-spirit of the patient. This incompleteness is not
inherent in the philosophy or methodology presented, but in the fact that disease can enter the body through the
physical body, spiritual body, or mind. Any disease or disorder must be addressed at the level at which it was
allowed to enter. For example, if the causative agent has entered through the physical body (eg., a parasite)
removal of the parasite would be the initial desired approach rather than to continually correct the energy system.
If the causative agent was a spiritual one, healing of the energy system would be the desired first approach. If the
patients mind or thought patterns was the cause of the disease, directly addressing the issues at hand would be
the desired first approach.
Once a disease or disorder becomes chronic, it affects the body, mind and spirit. Chronic illness must be treated
on all levels, ie., the body, mind and spirit. If one thinks chronic illness can be treated through medication alone,
they are sadly mistaken. This is quite evident through the testimony of those who have taken the medical route for
treatment of their own chronic illnesses. Medication alone cannot cure fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,
anxiety, depression, HLA-B27 inflammatory disorders, ulcers, high blood pressure, cancer and so on. These
problems most often originate from and must be treated at a level other than the physical body.

In previous lessons we learned how to identify a chakra, which is in need of attention. The general procedure is to
identify the chakra in need of attention, correct it, balance it, and move on. More than likely, in future visits, the
patients chakra may revert partially or in whole to its original condition. If this is the case, although we would fix it
again, we must address other issues, which may be causing the chakra to shut or reverse. When performing
chakra diagnosis, occasionally we may find that 2 or three chakras appear to be weak. If the weak chakras are
consecutive, for example., chakra 3 and 4, or chakras 4, 5 and 6, the problem may be elsewhere in the energy
system. We may also find chakras that we cannot correct. If we find consecutive weak chakras or one, which we
cannot correct, we then look to the aura for the answer. We would identify and rake the affected layer(s) of the
aura, clearing the negative auric energy, and then proceed to recheck the chakras in question.
Lesson 21: Breaking a Spiritual Connection
Recall that from previous lessons that "cords" develop between chakra of persons in a relationship. This
relationship can either be a casual or intense one. The term "cords" is just a figurative way of stating that the
chakra are "tuned" to each other and they have the ability to enable one person to spiritually communicate with
the other. This is the basis for distant diagnosis and the whole concept of spiritual connections. Please note that
the procedure described here to break a spiritual connection can be a traumatic one for either party. Quite often
the party you are breaking the connection from will be devastated in some way. We will look at two ways to break
the connection. The first way involves breaking a connection between you and another person, and can also be
used in breaking a connection between your patient and another person. Very simply, all that has to be done to
break the connection is to think of the other person, keeping in mind your intent to break the connection. With
your hand, make a swift karate chop movement in front of each chakra you wish to disassociate from the other
person, visualizing cutting the cords with the appropriate colored light for that specific chakra. Do not contact the
body when doing this movement. The procedure may have to be repeated several times before complete
disassociation occurs.
The second method is a very powerful method that been demonstrated clinically to give excellent results. Have
your patient state their intent of who the connection is with and that it will be broken. The first step is to make your
patient to be the other person (as outlined in the lesson Distant Diagnosis). Once this is done, swiftly cut the
cords of any chakra you wish to disassociate, again using the karate chop movement in front of the chakra. This
may be done for all chakras if necessary. Restore your patients identity to themselves, and repeat the procedure
for each chakra. This cuts the connection at both ends. After completing either procedure, proceed to correct and
balance your chakras, or your patients chakras, ie., who ever had the connection cut. Then proceed to cleanse
and rake the aura. The patient should return in a few days to have the chakra and aura rechecked to make sure
they are in a healthy state.
NOTE: I want to make an apology to the author of these lessons, that I do not have their name. I had copied
these from some forum online and at the time was only intending to use them for personal use. I would like to
share these lessons with the members of Love and Light, and I am sure the author will not mind since they will be
used for goodness and light.

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