National Security Statement (Opposition Leader)

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Good afternoon.
Labor believes keeping our country secure and our people safe is above politics, it is
a solemn responsibility of our Parliament.
That is why Labor has consistently taken a bipartisan approach to these matters.
We believe this is a partnership in the interests of the nation.
Historically Labor has always demonstrated our preparedness to do what is right and
necessary both in government and opposition.
We believe that when it comes to fighting terrorism, we are in this together.

The report into the tragic events at Martin Place remind us that our national security
system must be constantly evolving as well as constantly vigilant so that we are
prepared for the changing threats to our security presented by terrorism.
And we must acknowledge where flaws have occurred sometimes with tragic
consequences, lessons must be learned.
The current contest between Australia and terror is unlike any we have witnessed in
our history.
Lone wolf, low grade attacks, combined with the sophisticated use of social media
and asymmetrical violence, require new thinking.
And the source of these new threats is Daesh and other like groups in Syria and
Northern Iraq.
The rise of Daesh in the Middle East and the methods it uses to spread its
malevolent message across the globe, demand new efforts and new urgency.
Daesh are totalitarian zealots beyond redemption.
Its followers worship no god but death they believe violence is an end in itself.
In the Middle East, the brave, skilled professionals of our Australian Defence Forces
are making a vital and important contribution to protecting vulnerable people,
threatened by Daesh
This is not a nation versus nation conflict it is transnational threat spawning
fanatics who believe in violence for the sake of violence.

We cannot drain the swamp of terrorism by military means alone.

We must take a broader international approach developing a political, economic
and social solution to counter Daesh.
This means supporting the internal mobilisation of the Iraqi people, promoting a civil
society as well as damaging Daeshs ability to access funds and resources.
Once again, we thank our courageous men and women in uniform, we offer them
Australias united support and we stand by their families at home.
We are proud of them just as we are grateful for the skill and strength of our
domestic security and policing agencies.
These are the people who keep us and the people we love safe here at home.
The same brand of hatred and extremism that we are fighting in the Middle East,
threatens us here in Australia.
The measures that Prime Minister Abbott has proposed deserve full and careful
consideration and Labor will engage constructively with them.
We recognise that what is required is not propaganda but facts.
Not hysteria, but sensible discussion of practical changes.
Given Australias character, history and love of freedom there should always be a
strong presumption in favour of the liberty of individual citizens.

Labor believes this presumption should only be reduced, rebutted or offset to the
extent that current arrangements are proved to be inadequate.
Any proposed changes must be shown to be effective for the nation as a whole.
And any alternative solution must deliver a superior good in terms of safety of the
In the past year, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security has
done outstanding work: considering draft legislation, canvassing the views of experts
and the community, and proposing important amendments to improve the final laws.
Good people, from both sides of the Parliament, have worked together to strike the
right balance between enhancing our security and protecting the rights and liberties
we respect and have fought so hard to defend.
Better protecting the freedom of the press is just one example of the improvements
that have been made through careful and reasonable discussion and compromise.
And Labor believes that our Parliament and its committee process remains the best
way of examining new measures in detail.
We will work cooperatively with the government, as always, through this process.
I welcome the greater emphasis on the coordination of information at the
government level.
And I believe there is still more we can do to craft a more innovative and effective
counterterrorism response: eliminating bureaucratic impediments so that information

that should be shared among agencies is available to the right people at the right
Labor believes in a seamless, integrated national security system.
A system that guarantees the best tactical response for any situation is available,
and employed, without qualification or delay.
The pathology of Monis reveals no single failure, but rather a chain of missed
opportunities and overlooked warning signs:
Monis was a man with:
A history of family violence and sexual assault a willingness to harm those closest
to him. And a man willing to hurt his own family, should always be regarded as a
serious risk in all circumstances.
A history of political extremism, adapting and absorbing the propaganda of violent
movements. Sending, for instance, hateful letters to the families of Australian service
people who had lost their lives in Afghanistan.
And he had a history of fraud and deception at every turn.
He was known to authorities, but he was underestimated.
And as his crimes caught up with him, as his lies unravelled, as the walls of justice
closed in he went to Martin Place.

For those trapped inside the Lindt Caf, for the families and loved ones of Tori
Johnson and Katrina Dawson Monis last act of violence came at a devastating
We can never allow this to happen again.
It is our responsibility to look closely at everything we can do to defeat terrorism.
Forging better agency understanding and cooperation is part of this.
And it will help to address what the Martin Place siege report has called an ad-hoc
approach where susceptible individuals can be overlooked.
So too is a new priority on harmonising our international and domestic efforts,
particularly in regards to maintaining security and deepening understanding in our
And we must also increase our focus on the time-honoured preventative strategy of
countering violent extremism through community engagement.
We know that the tiny minority of Australians drawn to violent extremism, do not
represent the Islamic faith, nor Australias great, generous and diverse Muslim
As the former Director General of ASIO, David Irvine said last year:

the strongest defence against violent extremism lies within the Australian Muslim
community itself.

This is wise counsel it reflects the good work and goodwill of our Australian Muslim
community who have been working with our police and security agencies to counter
violent extremism.
Labor rejects the notion of irreconcilable differences between Islam and Christianity.
History shows, time and time again, the ability of people of goodwill, regardless of
faith, to band together to defeat evil.
Yazidis, Copts, Assyrians, Alawites, Druze have all suffered at the hands of Daesh.
Women of all faiths have been driven into the degradation of sexual slavery.
But the overwhelming majority of the thousands and thousands of victims of Daeshs
violence have been Muslims.
Sunni Arabs, Sunni Kurds and in particular Shiite communities around the world have
borne the brunt of their attacks.
Defeating Daesh is unquestionably the common interest of all people of every faith
and we must make it our shared mission.
The Martin Place siege report makes it clear that we cannot wait for at-risk

individuals [to] develop into high level threats.

We must aim for a deeper level of prevention, pulling out the roots of extremism
and stopping its growth.

As the report suggests, communities, families and friends are the ones most likely

recognise the changes in someone that may be radicalising and most likely to be
able to reach out and divert them from this path
We must reach out, we must reinforce our community policing and throw open the
doors to positive, meaningful and rewarding opportunities for our young people.
Let me say this, however, in no uncertain terms.
There is no justification, there is no excuse, for consciously and deliberately
choosing to inflict harm on the innocent.
Those who seek to cross the very clear boundary of right and wrong should feel the
full force of the law.
And people who would threaten our national security, should never be able to take
advantage of our social security.
These are indeed challenging times, but all of us should take heart from the fact that
the very qualities which have made modern Australia the confident, optimistic and
welcoming country we love - remain our best defence against extremism.
Hope will always be stronger than fear.
Inclusion will always trump intolerance.
Understanding will always defeat prejudice.

Terrorists get what they want when we fracture, when we divide, when we
surrender our way of life.
Today our message to those who would seek to do us harm is simple.
Australia is and always will be - stronger, more generous and braver than you.
Terrorists may seek to spread division, discord and suspicion we will always choose
unity and optimism.
Terrorists may trade in fear and hatred we will always choose courage and
Terrorists care nothing for the future we choose a safer, stronger and happier
Australia in the years ahead.
Let that choice be our Parliaments shared goal, our common cause and our first

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