Hiv Case Study Msiii

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1. What is an EIA test? Does a positive EIA mean that C.Q. definitely has HIV?
An EIA test is a enzyme immunoassay test, this test is done to detect serum
antibodies that bind HIV antigens in test plates. A positive EIA has to be confirmed a
second positive EIA. Once this is done a more specific confirming test such as the
Western blot or immune-florescence essay is done (Lewis, 2014).
2. You explain to C.Q. that one of her tests needs to be repeated and you need to draw
another blood sample. Why wouldnt you tell C.Q. that her first test result was positive
and that another test is needed before the diagnosis can be confirmed?
C.Q. may not take the diagnosis of HIV well, the test should be confirmed, and the
physician should be the one that gives C.Q. her diagnosis (Lewis, 2014).
The physician informs you that C.Q.s Western blot test results confirm that she is HIV
positive; he requests that you be present when he talks to her. Before leaving C.Q.s
room, the physician requests that you obtain another blood sample for further testing,
give C.Q. verbal and written information about local acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) support groups, and help C.Q. call a friend to accompany her home
this evening. She looks at you through her tears and states, I cant believe it. J. is the
only man Ive had sex with since my divorce. He told me I had nothing to worry about. I
cant believe he would do this to me.

3. C.Q.s statement is based on 3 assumptions: (1) J. is HIV positive, (2) he intentionally

withheld the information from her, and (3) he intentionally transmitted the HIV to her


through unprotected sex. Based on your knowledge of HIV infection, how would you
counsel C.Q.?
The nurse should counsel C.Q. about the transmission of HIV, she should be made
aware that HIV can be transmitted anytime someone comes in contact with blood, semen,
vaginal secretions or breast milk infected with HIV. She should also be counseled about
the transmission of HIV, which can occur within a few days after a person has been
infected. Patient counseling should include the how long blood test have been used to
diagnose HIV and the length of time it takes to detect HIV (Lewis, 2014).
4. In addition to offering alternative explanations and exploring options, what is your
most important role at this time?
At this time C.Q. may be very upset, so therapeutic communication would be needed.
Spending time with the patient to ensure that she is okay and patient education about
group therapy and other coping mechanisms.
5. Identify at least three issues related to (R/T) C.Q.s care. C.Q. has had a positive EIA
test and is seropositive for HIV. Why doesnt she have signs and symptoms (S/S) of
1. Knowledge Deficit
2. At risk for infection
3. Depression
C.Q. doesnt have signs and symptoms of infection because her CD-4 count is not below
200 yet and she does not have an opportunist infection (Lewis, 2014).
6. What are some of the acute signs and symptoms of an HIV infection?
According to (Lewis, 2014), acute signs and symptoms of an HIV infection
include a mononucleosis-like syndrome of fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat,


headache, malaise, nausea, muscle/joint pain, diarrhea, and a diffuse rash.

7. Why is it a good idea for C.Q. to have someone she trusts transport her home this
C.Q. could be devastated at the news she has just received, her depression could lead
to suicidal thoughts, which wouldnt make it safe for her to drive home alone (Lewis,


C.Q. gives you the name and phone number of a relative she wants you to call. You
remain with her until she leaves with her relative.

8. Has C.Q.s right to privacy been violated? Explain why or why not.
No, simply because C.Q. gave the nurse to call a family member and nothing
about her diagnosis was discussed with the family member (Health Insurance Portabilty
and Acountability Act, 2015)

9. C.Q. returns to the office 4 days later to discuss her diagnosis. What issues will you
discuss with her at this time?
This visit should be focused on patient teaching about what to expect now. This
should include how to prevent the transmission of HIV, pregnancy, and nutrition,
maintaining her stress level and staying healthy.
10. Does C.Q. have a legal responsibility to inform J. of her HIV status?


Yes, only if her and J are having unprotected sex. If they are not, C.Q has no legal
responsibilities (Health Insurance Portabilty and Acountability Act, 2015).

Lewis, S. D. (2014). Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and
Management of Clinical Problems (Vol. 9th ). St. Louis, MO: Elveiser,

Works Cited
Health Insurance Portabilty and Acountability Act. (2015, january 01).
HIPAA. Retrieved Febraury 13, 2015, from HiPPA:
Lewis, S. D. (2014). Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and
Management of Clinical Problems (Vol. 9th ). St. Louis, MO: Elveiser,

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