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Three months away from graduating from Harvard Business School, Dave Armstrong is faced with
the first difficult decision of his life. He must figure out what to do next. He is currently weighing
three job prospects. Dave views his problem as which one of the three job prospects should he
choose. Using the PrOACT approach, Dave could define his decision problem in various ways. He
could weigh a comprehensive, broad definition against his narrow decision problem. Additionally,
Dave has not established a clear objective. He is focused on financial implications but is ignoring
personal fulfillment. Without a clear objective, Dave cannot clearly evaluate alternatives. His
alternatives are limited to his three job prospects. He has not developed a range of alternatives that are
distinctly different. For the consequences portion of the PrOACT approach, Dave has asked his wife
for her opinion; however, it seems like his wife has not placed much thought on how Daves decision
will affect her. Dave must deal with tradeoffs between his career and his family. Clearly defining an
objective will help him strike a balance. Clarifying uncertainties and evaluating his risk tolerance will
help Dave with his decision. Lastly, Dave should consider linked decisions by clarifying his long
terms goal.
2. The elements most relevant for Daves decision problem are problem and objectives. Dave is only
looking at the obvious problem that is in front of him: which of the three job prospects should he
choose. He has constrained himself to only those three job prospects. Reevaluating his decision
problem can help him better understand his decision problem. Clearly defining objectives will help
Dave what is important to him; consequently, he will be able to look at the three job prospects and see
if they are the only option for him.
3. Dave could have defined his decision problem in other ways. I would recommend him to redefine his
decision problem to make it more broad and comprehensive. Clearly defining his objectives will help
him understand what is important to him and he may be able to take parts of each of the three job
prospect and search for a job elsewhere. Dave needs to question his constraints and look for a range
alternatives as he decides what to do next.

4. The decision Dave Armstrong is facing is a difficult one because it will have huge financial impact on
his future; additionally, it will also impact his family. Each job prospect he is weighing has something
to offer him. At the age of 29 with a family to care for, Dave needs to evaluate risk tolerance to help
him with his decision.

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