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Kathryn Moody

UbD Final Draft

Stage 1 Desired Results
Content Standard(s):
1. NBT.1-Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this
range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with
a written numeral.

1. NBT.5-Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less

than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used.

1. NBT.6-Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of

10 in the range 10-90 (positive or zero differences), using concrete
models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction;
relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

Understanding (s)/goals
Students will understand that:

Values are represented with

the digits 0-9.

Position of the digits in

numbers, or place value,
determine the quantity that
the number represents.

There is a pattern to the

formation of numbers.

Understanding of place value

can be applied to operations
for mental math.

Essential Question(s):
For the following three
questions, 28 can be replaced
with any number up to and
including 100

In the number 28, what

amount does the 2 represent?

What amount does the 8


If I changed the order of the

digits, would this represent the
same amount?

What pattern do you notice

when you count?

What pattern do you notice in

the columns of the hundred
chart? What stays the same?
What changes?

Student objectives:
Students will know

That the digit in the tens place represents how many groups of ten
would be needed to model a number, and the digit in the ones place
represents how many ones would be needed to model a number.

That ten more or ten less than a given number will change the digit in
the tens place only.

That adding or subtracting a multiple of ten will not change the digit in
the ones place of a number.

Mentally, how to determine ten more or ten less than any given
number under 100

Student objectives (continued):

Students will be able to

Count to 120

Demonstrate ten more and ten less on a number line, ten frame,
hundred chart, and with tens and ones (manipulatives and pictures)

Mentally determine ten more or ten less than a given number under
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:

In small, heterogeneous-ability

Listening to students count to

groups, students pick two
cards out of a stack containing
100, individually.
the digits 0-9 and are

Student completion of a blank

instructed to make and record
hundred chart.
the largest number that they

Student completion of a blank

can make with their two digits,
number line.
and the smallest number they
Formative Assessments
can make with their two digits.

Teacher observation of
Students then have to explain
individual contributions to
their reasoning.
performance tasks.

In small, heterogeneous ability

Asking for mental ten more or

groups, students will solve
ten less of any given number,
word problems that address
via a game of Around the
adding and subtracting
World, a whole class review
increments of ten, as well as
game in which two students
modeling the word problems in
compete to mentally answer
a hundred chart, number line,
teacher given questions. The
and ten frame. Students will
first to correctly answer moves
share and discuss their
on to the next student. The
methods and solutions and
questions move around the
point out any patterns that
room, the goal being for one
they noticed in the numbers
student to make it all the way
involved in their word

Students modeling jumps of

ten by coloring in on a hundred
Summative Assessments

Students asked individually to

orally count to 120.

Students asked to state ten

more or ten less of any given
number, without counting.

Student completion of a (readaloud) word problem requiring

subtraction of a multiple of ten,
showing their thinking with

pictures, numbers, or words.

Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities:

The teacher will gather students on the carpet and ask who would like
to take a guess at how many pockets there are in the room. Decide as
a class to figure out this problem by allowing each student to place a
connector cube in a tub for each pocket that they are wearing. The
teacher will model this with his or her own outfit. After all students
have placed their cubes in the tub, the teacher will ask students to
think about how the class should go about counting such a large
number of cubes. Start by counting by ones. The teacher will
(purposefully but carefully) spill the contents onto the carpet and
sloppily count the cubes, purposefully losing count. The teacher will
ask students to think of some things that might make the counting
more efficient, or easier. The teacher will then ask the class to think of
some ways that would be easier to count than by ones and try these
until grouping by tens is suggested. At the conclusion, ask students
what worked well and what did not. W, H, E1

After counting along and moving with Let's Get Fit | Counting to 100
by 1's | Kids Songs | Jack Hartmann (
v=0TgLtF3PMOc) students will work individually while sitting at their
table groups to count out an assigned two-digit number (for example,
47) of colored bears (or another commercial math manipulative) from
the large tub containing many of the manipulatives. While students
count out the assigned amount, the teacher will circulate among desks
to note any grouping strategies that students use while counting.
Teacher will allow students two minutes to play, as is recommended for
this age (with students reminded of their expectations for utilizing
manipulatives). Once all students have gathered their amount, discuss
the following questions: What worked well when counting that many
bears? What did not work well? Did anyone group their bears? How did
you group them? How did you arrange them? W, H, E1

In a similar manner to the previous lesson, students count out an

assigned two-digit number while the teacher circulates among desks to
note counting strategies. The teacher will give students a work mat
containing 10 blank ten frames. Students record in their math journals
how many groups of tens and how many left overs their number made,
and the process with two more ten-digit numbers, each ten more than
the last number (for example, 34, 44, and 54). Students will have
different numbers to count out and arrange on their ten frames. The
teacher will lead the students in a discussion about what they noticed
about their numbers and what those numbers looked like on their ten
frames. Students will also discuss what their recorded information
looked like (how many full ten frames and how many left over). W, E1,
R *See attachment 1 for ten frame mat.

Students will work in pairs to travel around the room to different

stations. Each station will have a collection of items in a plastic bag.
Students will count out the set and write both the number and the
number word for their collection amount in the corresponding location

on a teacher-made table. Student pairs will then sort the objects in

their collections into groups of tens. Students will record the amount of
groups of ten and the left over amount in the appropriate column of
the same table. After rotating to all stations, the teacher will lead
students in comparing results as a class. Students will discuss again
what they noticed about these amounts and numbers and any related
discoveries about what the number looks and sounds like and what the
recorded groups of tens and left-overs reveal. R, E2, T *See
attachment 2 for table.
Students will count and move along with Let's Get Fit | Counting to
100 by 1's | Kids Songs | Jack Hartmann (same as previous lesson).
Students will gather with the teacher where a hundred chart is
displayed. Students will count along while the teacher points to the
corresponding number on the hundred chart. The teacher will then lead
students in a discussion about what they know already about the
hundred chart. Students will be invited to share any patterns that they
notice on the chart. The teacher will synthesize and restate student
discoveries, inviting other students to share. H, E1, O
Students will work in small heterogeneous ability groups to solve a
word problem with a subtraction of a multiple of ten. Students will be
instructed to illustrate their thinking on a blank hundred chart and on
blank ten frames how they solved their problem. Students will share
their thinking with the class and students will discuss what they
noticed about the illustrations. R, E2, T
Students will use their math notebooks to record the amounts that they
see in a quick-show activity. Using a document camera, the teacher will
quickly display a 10 x 10 dot array. Using two pieces of paper to
partially cover rows and columns (column changing only for the last
row to signify ones), the teacher can display different amounts of dots.
The goal for students is to relate the amount of rows displayed to
groups of tens, and the remaining partially covered row to the ones
place of the amount. Students will compete against each other to get
as many amounts correct as possible. The teacher will then show all
amounts and count the correct amount with each one. The teacher will
discuss with students their strategies for quick counting. R, E2 *See
attachment 3 for dot array example.
Students will work as a whole group to fill in nearly blank hundred chart
(only border numbers, 25, and 75 filled in) and with the teacher
beginning with the number 25 to invite children to tell the numbers
neighbors. In this manner, fill in the rest of the hundred chart,
making sure that the answers are student-directed and encouraging
the use of noticed patterns in the hundred chart. E1, R, O *See
attachment 4 for hundred chart.
Students will then work independently with individual complete
hundred charts, counters, and connector cubes to model teacherdetermined numbers with the cubes, as well as cover the
corresponding number on their hundred charts with a counter. The
teacher will then ask students to cover ten more than that number and
ten less than that number. The teacher will write all three numbers on

the white-board and encourage students to note the patterns,

continuing to wonder aloud whether the pattern will be the same each
time. The teacher will continue to direct students to cover any three
sequential numbers in a column and noting whether the pattern
continues. R, E2, O
After review of concepts and discussion of learning activities and
student discoveries, students individually complete summative
assessment tasks. Individually, students will be asked to orally count to
120, state ten more and ten less than three given numbers between 20
and 100, without counting, and complete a (read-aloud) word problem
requiring subtraction of a multiple of ten, showing their thinking with
pictures, numbers, or words. E2

Hartman, J. (May 7, 2014). Lets Get Fit | Counting to 100 by 1s | Kids Songs |
Hartmann. YouTube. Retrieved from

Attachment 1- Blank Ten Frame Mat

Attachment 2-Groups of Ten Recording Table

Name: ________________

Bag of

How many?


Number word



How many groups

of ten?
Groups of ten:

Groups of ten:

Groups of ten:

Groups of ten:

Groups of ten:

Attachment 3-10x10 Dot Array with Quick Show Example

This is an example of a quick-show number. The blue and gray

rectangles represent movable pieces of paper covering partial rows
and columns of a 10x10 dot array. This example is showing the number

Attachment 4-Partial Hundred Chart

Name: ____________________




























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