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Total score: 14 out of 22, 64%

Question Feedback
Block 1: Question block
1 of 20
If you want to report an event for another location than your default location,
you should use:
The "Reports" link
"My Preferences" link
The "Location" link
The "Menu" link

0 out of 1
Sorry. That's not the correct answer.
2 of 20
It is not possible to find HSE and SQ events for a particular Segment?

1 out of 1
Well done.
3 of 20
You can download the QUEST offline wizard from:
(select the correct options)
(a) The "Help" Link

(b) The "Downloads" link

(c) The "Location" link
(d) The "Reports" Menu

1 out of 1
4 of 20
Can suggestion for local improvements of the Q&HSE be reported in QUEST?


1 out of 1
Well done.
5 of 20
Can you find HSE events reported in the previous years?

1 out of 1
6 of 20
In the list below, select the correct statments:
A- QUEST project initiated to support deployment of QHSE programs
B- QUEST is the single QHSE data capture and reporting tool for
C- QUEST is not used by all Segments
D- QUEST is Web based to allow real time consolidation
E- QUEST can be accessed by all employees

0 out of 1
You made at least one mistake.
7 of 20
The access to QUEST uses the following url:
C- http://quest/
D- None of the above.

1 out of 1

Great job. That was not easy.

8 of 20
Can user with Basic User profile receive automatic email notifications?

0 out of 1
That's wrong. All profiles allow subscriptions to automatic notifications.
9 of 20
The "Reports" link allows:
A- To view the available reports in QUEST
B- To select the criteria for a given report
C- To select the level of the organization for which you want to run the
1 out of 1
Correct. That's the best answer.
10 of 20
What is the purpose of the Search Criteria?
To search all type of reports at a location
It is not recommended to use the Search Criteria, as it is complex to use
To find a list of records matching the criteria in the selected location

0 out of 1
11 of 20
QUEST uses the LDAP Alias and LDAP Password to log in to system.

1 out of 1

12 of 20
Certifications can be assigned based on which of the following criteria:
QUEST Access Privilege
Appraisal result
LDAP specific flag/attribute
Location where you are mapped
Job title in SAP

1 out of 1
13 of 20
QUEST supports the implementation of all QHSE standards?

1 out of 1
Good job.
14 of 20
Can a user with QUEST Guest profile update his own training record or those
of others?

1 out of 1
Well done.
15 of 20
What is NOT one of the objectives of the QUEST Level 1 training?
A- To understand why QUEST is in place
B- To give a good understanding of the QUEST system

C- To become a user with QUEST Manager profile

D- To learn how to access to QUEST

1 out of 1
Well done
16 of 20
Which QHSE processes are supported by QUEST?
A- SLB QHSE Standards
B- Proactive reporting of QHSE events
C- QHSE documentation management
D- The continuous improvement process
E- Tracking of QHSE Trainings

0 out of 1
Well, there was at least one mistake
17 of 20
At a folder level in QUEST location tree:
A- Records (eg. RIR, meeting report etc) can be created
B- Reports cannot be run from reports menu
C- Records (eg. RIR, meeting report etc) cannot be created
D- Reports can be run from Reports menu

0 out of 1
There was a mistake. Sorry.
18 of 20
Can you find an HSE event by its report number?

1 out of 1
Of course.

19 of 20
In the list below, select the best correct statement:
A- QUEST is the Schlumberger Reporting Web
B- QUEST is used to report questions
C- QUEST is the Quality, Safety and Environmental Tool
D- QUEST is the single QHSE data capture and reporting tool for
1 out of 1
Correct, that' the best answer.
20 of 20
Select the definitions that matches the links in the QUEST menu:
To display the status of your QHSE training
My Certifications
Search/Edit Entry

To find a record in the selected location

Create New Entry

To create a new record in the selected location

My Subscriptions

To create or edit subscriptions to receive emails

My Action Items

To display the list of assigned action items

1 out of 1
Very well done.
Block 2: Question block

Coaching Report

Questionmark Perception licensed to Schlumberger

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