101 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed

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101 Quick Tips

To Get
Your Business
Lynnaire Johnston


101 Quick Tips to Get Your Business Noticed

These quick tips have been taken from the book 9 Proven Methods for Communicating
with Clients. Details can be found at www.supersizeyoursales.com//ljsbooks/

1. Your company name is not your headline! Put your name at the end of the
advert, not the beginning.
2. Make your headline attention-grabbing and targeted at the audience you want to
3. Write your advertisement from your prospects point of view not yours! Think
about whats in it for them.
4. Test your advertisements so you know what works and what doesnt. Dont
spend money on adverts that dont bring in sales.
5. Advertise where your target market is. Know your demographics and those of
the media youre advertising in.
6. Advertise in your chosen media on a regular basis so you get seen by your
prospective buyers. The effect of advertising is cumulative.
7. Dont cancel your advertising when times are tough. Thats exactly when you can
stand out from the crowd.
8. Plan your advertising a year in advance so it will be more effective than the hitand-miss effect of ad hoc adverts.
9. Make your call to action a compelling one so people know what you want them
to do and have an incentive to do it. Coupons can be very effective.

10. Use advertorials to stand out from the crowd of advertisements. They give you
credibility and show you to be the go-to company in your field.
11. Write them from an objective viewpoint so people will read them, not ignore
12. Include testimonials in your advertorial to give it even more third party credibility.

13. A good advertorial, written as an interesting case study, could be published on

your own site and your clients website, as well as in the newspaper or magazine
it was written for.
14. When preparing an advertorial know the requirements of the publishing
company so its not too short, too long, has too many photos or not enough.
15. Include at least one, preferably more, interesting and eye-catching photograph.

16. Spend adequate time and money on your brochure so it reflects the quality of
your products and services.
17. Plan it properly and in plenty of time so it is not rushed and therefore not as
good as you would like it to be.
18. Have your brochure professionally designed, written, photographed and printed.
19. Make it benefit-oriented as opposed to feature-oriented. Eg airbags are a
feature; safety is the benefit.
20. Make your call to action very clear so the reader knows exactly what you want
them to do next.
21. Include links to websites where people can find out more. For this to be useful,
there must be more information on the website than is in the brochure.

22. Use flyers for promotions or other short-term advertising.
23. Flyers arent usually as big or as expensive as brochures so print lots and
distribute them far and wide.
24. Flyers dont need lots of text but what you do have needs to be convincing.
25. Keep sentences short. This gives them more punch.
26. Bullet points work well on flyers as they make the text stand out.

27. After your name, the most important part of your email is the subject line. Its job
is to get the reader to look at your email and not delete it. Make it memorable.
28. Unlike a sales letter, a PS after your signature is wasted. It often falls below the
bottom of the page and gets missed.
29. An email can be sent as frequently as you have something of interest to say. Be
clear on what you want it to achieve: increase sales, promote a product, make
an announcement etc. Emails are exceedingly versatile.
30. To send a sales-style email you must by law have the recipients permission.

31. Send a newsletter to everyone on your database, clients, potential clients,
suppliers, in fact anyone you can think of.
32. Send your newsletter regularly more frequently than quarterly will get you the
best results. But dont overdo it. Too often will cause people to ignore it or
33. Include items that are useful to you your clients. For example, real estate agents
often put recipes in their newsletters. As cooking is not part of the sales process
it would be more relevant to give tips on how to get a house ready for sale.
34. Have your newsletter professionally written, edited, designed and produced. It
will pay dividends because good quality outperforms shoddy quality every time.
35. If your newsletter is being sent by email include live links to your website and
other useful places like your blog. This helps drive traffic to your website.
36. Dont send a newsletter once or twice and expect results. Commit to it for at
least 12 months.
37. Set up a programme with deadlines for each stage and stick with them.
38. Between issues collect material for the next one so you have plenty to choose
from when youre ready to put an issue together.
39. An email newsletter must have an opt-out button or a way to unsubscribe.

40. Send out a media release promoting your event or promotion. Include an eyecatching photo. This will increase the chances of your release being published.
41. Upload it to as many places as you can to get backlinks to your website.
42. Use accepted press release format. A professional writer can help you with this.
43. Come up with a novel and innovative angle for your release. Just because its
new doesnt mean its newsworthy.
44. Put your most important information first and the least important last. If it gets
cut everything the reader absolutely has to know will still be included.
45. Ensure your release answers all these questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why
and How.

46. Hold a newsworthy event you can generate publicity for.
47. Invite trendsetters, opinion leaders and influencers so you spread the word far
and wide.

48. Word of mouth referrals are the single best way to bring in business so join
networking groups and widen your circle of business acquaintances.
49. Give as much back as you can by helping wherever you see the need.
50. Join in the events where possible and get to know people at a personal level. You
never know who knows whom.
51. Be involved in the running of your group if possible so you get to know as many
members as you can.

Sales letters
52. Long copy always outsells short copy so get as much detail in as possible.

53. For best results follow a standard formula eg AIDA attention, interest, desire,
54. Always include a PS when sending a hard copy letter. Never include a PS if your
letter is via email.
55. Your PS should include a compelling reason to take action and a roundup of the
benefits of your product or service.
56. Have an outstanding headline (4 Us see below)
57. Include plenty of benefits detailing why they should buy from you
58. Use sub-heads to break up the text and make it easy to read
Check and double check your letter before it is sent. You dont want mistakes.
59. Use formatting techniques like bold, underline and italics.

Social media
60. Have a full profile that is well written and showcases your skills and abilities.
61. Include video, presentations and examples of you and your companys work
62. Set up a company page and put up regular updates.
63. Get involved in groups and contribute to discussions.
64. Give recommendations; they will come back to you and you want a profile full of
65. Aim for 500+ connections
66. Post useful updates regularly
67. Contact your connections regularly
68. Set up a company page and update it regularly
69. Find ways to engage people questions, competitions, polls etc
70. Put up posts that are both interesting and useful

71. Know whether your company would benefit from Twitter ie you have special
deals regularly
72. If you are going to send out tweets do it frequently.
73. If your product is visual, make use of boards to get noticed
74. Link it back to your website the more backlinks the better
75. Set up your own channel and post videos to it
76. Create your own videos. They dont have to be studio quality.

77. Update your site and pages regularly
78. Increase the size of it constantly by adding new content
79. Include a call to action on each page
80. Every page needs an attention-grabbing headline that is different than the page
81. Give information freely
82. Set up a blog that you can link to from other platforms like LInkedin, Facebook
83. If using blogs and newsletters, update them regularly with thought-provoking
items and material
84. Keep up with latest trends eg include video
85. Include plenty of third party endorsements, in the form of testimonials or case
86. Spend some money on SEO so your site ranks well.
87. Dont leave out-of-date material up on the site, for example events that have
already happened. Keep it regularly updated.

88. Planning know what you want to achieve from every piece of communication
you send
89. Attitude its not about you, its about the client. Write from their perspective.
What do they want to know, what benefits does your product or service offer
them? Put yourself in their shoes.
90. Appeal to their emotions fear, greed, vanity etc
91. Write as is you were talking to them (the bar stool method).
92. Headlines Every document or piece of communication should have one.
93. Target your headline to appeal to the exact reader youre trying to reach. Eg,
Attention Arthritis Sufferers!
94. The 4 Us of headlines urgent, useful, ultra-specific, unique
95. The job of headlines is to grab the readers attention and to intrigue or promise
enough that the reader will go on to the next paragraph.
96. Tone dont use jargon, weasel words or formal speech
97. Structure have an appropriate beginning, middle and end.
98. Make the copy flow, each section should be related to the next in an orderly way.
99. Simplicity dont try to be overly complicated. Make it simple to understand and
100. Design dont use reverse text. It is hard to read.
101. Accuracy check and double check the copy to make sure there are no

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