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v2.4.3 -->
On phones with PMT block (if emmc type flash ) compares the partition table in a
kernel to pmt and if there is a difference does scatter with adding "_pmt" into
file name . This scatter shall help to prevent errors 8038 and 4050. Scatter is
made during preparation blocks for SPFT of ROM_ and when choose Create Scatter F
ile from window of a Blocks Map if there is root shell or in the CWM mode.
I corrected names of blocks for alcatel
verification of presence of the new version of the program if Internet access is
v2.4.4 -->
it is possible to set either SuperUser, or SuperSU
the algorithm of analysis of pmt tables is changed. Tables with 64 bit addresses
shall be understood
scatter file can make from pmt file, for example __ nodl_pmt from a backup. It is
added to the same button where was made of Phone shall be discon
nected from the program!
adb v1.0.26 include. With v1.0.31 for some person doesn't work correctly
url links in a window of a log became clickable. They open in the default browser
in the course of receiving root shell if set SuperUser is found and busybox isn't
set, it is set
the case of a choice of SD card for a backup on phones with emmc type a flash is
from the recovery mode now it is impossible to write boot and recovery since it o
ften leads to incorrect results
the MTKdroidTools.ini file is created when program start.There it is possible to
change value of keys. While there only two keys also are comments to them. For n
ormal use of the program to change nothing it is necessary.
v2.4.5 -->
bugfixes for v2.4.4
v2.4.6 -->
MT8389 support is added. For SPFT it is known as 6589 therefore the name scatter
of the file begins with 6589
the prevention is added at IMEI change in a case when it is necessary root shell
keys in MTKdroidTools.ini file are added
1.MTKsocs = ^MT(65(16|73|75|77|89)|8389) ; Regular expression all MTK SP FlashTo
ol SOCs (Hardware is shown in cpuinfo)
2.Pttycmd1 = /dev/pttycmd1,dev/radio/pttycmd1 ; Possible paths of the pttycmd1 d
evice (for IMEI set)
Get root by clicking the ROOT button on phones with v3.4.5 kernel (Android 4.2.1
on MT6589) by means of the motochopper exploit (credit to djrbliss ). After rebo

ot it is offered to make in turn a backup, to reinstall SU (It is recommended! S

ince SuperSu is initially set as non system application and will be gone after r
eset on factory defaults! ), to make and download to phone CWM and boot with roo
t shell.
In ini the file is added a key of SocToScatName in which there is a compliance of
numbers of the "cut-down" platforms (about which doesn't know SPFT) to numbers
of platforms with which SPFT works. (6513:6573,6515:6575,6517:6577,8317:6577,837
7:6577 ,8389:6589). Now there will be no message about false hardware if, for ex
ample, SPFT defines a phone as 6575, and in a kernel someone changed to 6515. In
formation will be visible now as Hardware: MT6575 (MT6515? )
v2.4.8 -->
New root algorithm on devices with kernel v3.0.13
support of devices with 16GB ROM (thl W8+)
Instead of the IMEI button there was an IMEI/NVRAM button. Now it is possible to
save and recover still NVRAM. Well in the presence of root shell and busybox
v2.4.8b -->
v2.5.0 -->
Running on Win 8.1
Support MT6572 and MT6582 (already in v2.4.8b)
Support phones MTD flash and different from the 2048/64 ratio Page/Spare. In the
log window displays at a connection is an ratio. Because Spare determined intui
tively, there is the probability of error definitions. Then the images will have
to recompile under Linux.
if the file system ubifs, then a warning is displayed with reference to the inde
x page with a description of the problem.
Cleaned checkboxes "Backup userdata and cache" and Leave "FlashTool files on SD
card" (wrote about this plan recently).
Fixed bugs found
v2.5.0b -->
Bugfix for device with nonstandart MTD Page/Spare ratio
v2.5.0c -->
Bugfix for some device with nonstandart MTD Page/Spare ratio
v2.5.1 -->
v2.5.1 is a bug fix for v2.5.0. Older added fix for backup flash emmc

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