Mission: A Study Report On ERP System

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A Study Report on ERP System

As directed by Hon. Chancellor Sir, I am hereby giving a brief repot on my

study and understanding of the ERP system at the University.
IFW ERP system will help for future growth of the University and will also help
to increase the productivity, provide cost savings, time saving and also help
boost the trust and confidence of Students and Staff at the Campus.
To expand our potential to become a leader in Education Sector and become
a pioneer in the integration and implementation of ICT to use our resources
Vision Statement
Oriental University combines innovative teaching and pioneering
research in a highly collaborative environment that transcends
traditional academic boundaries.

It provides to the students and the faculty exceptional opportunities for

intellectual, personal and professional growth in a setting enhanced by
the richness of India.

To strive for use of Excellent ICT based ERP Services.

Using Pioneering Technology and integrating Hi-tech hardware system

for better management.

Maintaining Highest Standards of Skills & Creativity for better progress.

Keeping Integrity & Honesty in all our dealings and commitments.

Long Term Gains from the System

Cost Saving on Pre-printed Stationary

Every year College used to get a lot of things printed for day to
day operational work like student fees, staff salary slips, staff
leave forms, student application formats, Student Certificates
etc. Many a times the printed materials used to get wasted due
to change of formats in mid session etc. A lot of money and
paper was wasted in this. After the implementation of "IFW
Campus ERP" all this wastage stopped completely.

Single ERP Solutions, no need of multiple softwares

The College was few years ago using a Library Management
Solution, a separate Accounting Software and also a separate
software for Timetable management. Needless to say they were

paying separately for all these softwares and all of them had
different vendors and databases. They used to manage the databackup and installation of those softwares seperately and also
had to enter the data of students and staff etc. in each of them
separately without any kind of integration between them. After
getting "IFW Campus ERP" implemented in the campus now they
have a single solution with a single and centralized database.
They are paying less than before and are now able to automate
all the departments on one platform.

Less Man Power and Man Hours required for Day to Day Work,
College becomes system oriented rather than person oriented
Since all the staff members are working with respective modules
in the ERP all the data is in an integrated format. Any one can
check the data corresponding to the other departments if they
have the required permissions for it. So, no employee has to wait
for update/ report from other departments to complete his or her
task. With "IFW Campus ERP", the Management can check the
complete status of the student in the college like his fee status,
library status, current or past exam marks, his discipline report,
his attendance, details related to Hostel or Transport etc. with
just a single click. This gives the Principals, Directors and HODs a
powerful mechanism for quick and accurate decision making.

More Time Saving for Employees and Management

After implementing "IFW Campus ERP" more and more time was
invested by the Employees and College Management in
increasing the Academic activities and Improvement of the
Students, this gave the College Students fantastic Placements
and increased admission scenario. Also, there was no data
redundancy and data duplication in multiple departments and
this made all records of all departments very accurate. The
College Management was able to plan and better forecast the
finances of the College and also track the performance of staff

College on ERP = Hi - Tech Campus = Great Brand Image

When the Students and Staff get updates on SMS, when the
Parents get SMS and E-Mails from the College on there Child's
performance regularly, this says a lot about the quality of College
Administration and way of working. When all departments can
give the required details and data to AICTE, State University,
Government Bodies, Top Management of the College/Society with
a single click of a button, this says a lot about the quality of
College Administration and way of working. Needless to say a HiTech Campus in true sense is the one who can do this all and
save cost and time for them selves and give more to the
Students for whom the College came into existence in the first

User Benefits
Benefits for Management:
IFW EduTech introduces a complete decision support system
integrating all the departments of the institute with an interconnected
modular approach.
The modules give the freedom to the user to access the essence of the
system with proper inter modular data exchange and data sharing on
behalf of control of the administrative bird eye.
To provide a paperless and fully/centrally computerized campus
IFW EduCamp is intranet/internet based web application which helps
students, faculty & administrative staff to use the data of IFW EduTech,
access relevant reports and handle day to day processes.
It lets the users to interact with basic operation & information of IFW
Benefits for Teaching Faculty:
Faculty can manage and check timetable.
Faculty can assign students assignments.
Faculty can manage students exam/test marks etc.
Faculty can manage leaves and other HR activities.
Benefits for Students:
Students can see the Library Books, Timetable, Assignments,
Exam/Test Results etc. here.
Students can submit feedback, can check Campus News, College
activity calendar, Download Notices etc. here.
Students can get updates on Training and Placement Activities and
Alerts for Fees, Library Book dues etc.
Benefits for Parents:
Parents can see the Timetable, Exam/Test Results etc. here.
Parents can submit feedback, can check Campus News, College activity
calendar, Download Notices etc.
Parents can get updates on Training and Placement Activities and
Alerts for Fees, Library Book dues, students attendance and discipline

Submited By : __________________________
Date : ___________________

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