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Electromagnetic modelling of a steel wire armoured cable

Richard Ireland
QinetiQ Farnborough, United Kingdom


A numerical model is created and solved to obtain

the magnetic flux density in and around the
location of the cable. Although the outer steel
sheath of the cable will assist to reduce stray
electromagnetic fields, futher reduction can be
obtained. Therefore a second model is created
where a steel box is placed around the cable.

This paper examines numerical modelling of a

three-phase steel wire armoured cable. A time
transient, finite element model of a cable is
created and the associated magnetic fields are
calculated in the vicinity of the cable. Steel
armouring is then placed around the wire and the
model re-solved to ascertain the changes to the
stray magnetic field as a consequence.

The layout of this paper is as follows. A .brief

description of the problem formulation in terms of
Maxwells equations and the method of solution
are given. The models are then described in more
detail and the results summarised. Conclusions
and ideas for further research are presented at the
end of the paper.

In recent years, numerous studies have been
undertaken to determine high frequency
electromagnetic (EM) emissions from a variety of
sources. For example, there have been many
research articles studying the effect of mobile
phone radiation on the human body (e.g. [I] and
[2] ) Unfortunately, similar attention has not been
paid to low frequency EM radiation.

The low frequency subset of Maxwells
Equations, with the displacement current
neglected, are

It is presently not known what the long term

effects due to prolonged exposure to this type of
emission are: However, it is likely that there will
be a threshold limit, above which, there will be
serious Health and Safety issues.
There are many circumstances where low
frequency EM radiation may occur, e.g.
machinery, domestic appliances, power supplies,
transformers and cables. There have been many
research articles written on machinery (e.g. [3]
and [4] etc.) but attention is mainly focused on
efficiency and general design criteria. Wires and
cables play essential roles in linking various
devices together. However, they have not received
the same degree of detailed investigation that is
given to the machinery. This paper aims to show
that cable modelling is just as important (and
interesting!) as machine and device modelling.



where E is the electric field, B is the magnetic

flux density, H is the magnetic field intensity and
J the current density. These are supplemented by
Ohms law


There are many different types of cable ranging

from small loudspeaker cables, domestic mains
cables, through to large three-phase, industrial
cables and High Tension (HT) cables used in the
national grid. This paper will concentrate on low
frequency EMC radiation produced by a generic
three-phase cable



is the electrical conductivity Also,



where p = p,po is the magnetic permeability and

po (=4xx IO- Wm) is the permeability of free


space and p,. is the relative permeability. It is

assumed that the cable has a constant crosssection throughout its length. For this case, a
suitable model will consist of a 2-D slice through
the cable. The formulation used is based upon the
magnetic vector potential. A Cartesian co-ordinate
system is used with the x axis in the horizontal
direction, going from left to right, the y axis
vertically upwards and the z axis chosen such that
the 3 axes form an orthogonal triad. (In practise,
the x and y axes are taken to be in a 2-D plane
represented by the computer screen with the z axis
pointing outwards.). Using this co-ordinate
system, the problem is formulated in terms of the
z component of the magnetic vector potential,

where i is the unit vector along the z axis. The

magnetic flux density B is then given by
B = O x A = V x A,?,


thus identically satisfying Equation (1).

Substituting Equation (7) into Equation (2)
integrating the curl and setting the gauge function
to zero gives the electric field E as

The governing equation to be solved can now be

derived. Using Equations (4) and ( 5 ) to write
Equation (3) in terms of E and B and then rewriting in terms of the magnetic vector potential

is the current density that contains both eddy

current terms and any external impressed current
density sources. Equation (IO) can then he written
more compactly as





Equation (12) is the governing equation and, once

solved, the corresponding electromagnetic field
quantities can then be obtained using Equations
(7) and (8). Further details can he found in [SI.
A commercial Finite Element (FE) code called
MEGA, developed by the Depament of
Electrical Engineering at Bath University, is used
to solve Equation (12). A 2-D mesh representing
the cross-section of a cable is created, with
different material properties assigned to elements
representing the various material regions.
The three-phase cable is represented by three
inner copper discs (wires) each having an outer
diameter of 5.7mm. These discs are surrounded
by a steel sheath having an outer radius of 1.43cm
and thichess of 2mm. The steel is given a
relative permeability of 120 and an electrical
conductivity of 4.0 x IO6 S/m and the copper a
relative permeability of 1 .O and an electrical
conductivity of 5.8 x IO S/m A three-phase ac
current is simulated by injecting a sinusoidal
current of frequency 6OHz and an amplitude of
350 Amps into each of the three discs. Each disc
has a 120 degree phase lag relative to its
Finally, boundary conditions are added to the
mesh to complete the problem definition. In all
the models described throughout this paper, A,
is set equal to zero on the outer mesh boundary. It
is important to place the outer boundary
sufficiently far away from the areas of interest so
that the boundary conditions do not interfere with
the computed solution.






A second model is created, based loosely on the

first model. This second model uses the same
cable but it is shielded by a square, steel box. The
box is lmm thick and the outer edge is placed
1.83cm from the centre of the cable.


The models are solved as time transient problems
and the results displayed as time snapshots.
Contours of the magnitude of the magnetic flux
density in the vicinity of the cable without the box
present are shown in Figure 1. It should be noted
that, since the model is a time transient, the
electromagnetic field quantities will vary in time,
As the current oscillates together with the phase
lag in each of the discs, it is found that the
magnetic field rotates around the circular sheath.
Values for the magnitude of the magnetic flux
density oscillate between l . 0 x 1 0 ~ 4 - l . 4 ~ 1 0 ~ i l T
at a distance of 2.3cm from the centre (or 8.9mm
from the outer sheath) ofthe cable.
Figures 2 and 3 show the results when the cable is
surrounded by a steel box. Figure 2 shows the
magnetic flux density vectors on the steel box and
cable and Figure 3 shows contours of the
magnitude of the magnetic flux density external to
the box. However, the time transient behaviour of
the magnetic flux density cannot he seen in these
figures. As the current varies, the vectors within
the steel box display oscillatory behaviour. Also,
the contours of the magnitude of the magnetic

flux rotate around the box. Values of the

magnitude of the magnetic flux density oscillate
between 4 . 2 ~ 1 0 ~ ~ - 5 . 4 ~using
1 O ~the
measurement point as before (5.81nm from the
outer box edge). The shieIding effect of the steel
box can be seen by the reduced field values in
Figure 4.
The results for the cable without the box present
have shown good agreement with a limited set of
measurement data. However, further validation is
required, particularly for the box model. It is
important to note that when taking experimental
measurements, the magnetic flux density will vary
in both time and space. Therefore sensor position
and time output are crucial when obtaining
validation data.

This paper has demonstrated that it is possible to
numerically model a three-phase steel wire
armoured cable. A 2-D, time transient model has
been created and the output has determined the
magnetic field profiles both inside and outside of
the steel armour. The model can be extended to


Figure 2, Magnetic flux density vectors on the steel box and cable.

Figure 3, Contours of the magnitude of the magnetic flux density external to the box.


Figure 4, The effect of a steel box on the magnitudes of magnetic flux density at an external point.


include several cables (or other electric and

magnetic sources) and a variety of external
shielding. Indeed, it would he interesting to see if
the interaction of several cables in close proximity
can be used to limit the stray EM fields.

1. Renacholi M H. 2001. "Health risks from the

use of mobile phones", Toxicologv Letters, 120:
2. Gjonaj E, Bartsch, M, Clemens M, Schupp S
and Weiland T, 2002, "High-resolution human
anatomy models for advanced electromagnetic
field computations", IEEE Trans. Maa. 38:(2),

The modelling can he extended into 3-D and can

predict the magnetic fields that might he present
in an enclosed environment such as a warehouse,
factory, ship or aircraft. The effect of these stray
magnetic fields could have important Health and
Safety implications.

3. Nashiki M, Satake A, Kawai Y , Yokochi T

and Okuma S, 1999, "A new flux-bamer-type
reluctance motor with a slit rotor", IEEE Trans.
on Industrial Electronics 46:(6), 1199-1206

Using numerical modelling, complex interactions

can he examined with a view to improving the
EMC of multiple devices. Furthermore, such
numerical modelling also assists in understanding
the mechanism behind low frequency EM

4. Williamson S and McClay C I, 1996,

"Optimization of the geometry of closed rotor
slots for cage induction motors", IEEE Trans. on
Industrial Auuications. 32:(3), 560-568

Part of this research was funded by the UK MOD
through the Applied Research Programme. The
author would also like to thank Drs T. R Watts, C.
E. A. Payne and G. J Tomka, for reading the
manuscript and suggesting improvements.

5. Rodger D and Cottingham-Hill R J, "Mega

User Manual", AERC, University of Bath, Bath.


0 2002 The Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Printed and published by the IEE, Savoy Place, London WCPR OBL. UK.

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