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Volume 6, Issue 12 January 24, 2010

Working With Our Shepherds!

ASSEMBLY TIMES Back in 1957 the 1st Brethren Church of Sara- We’ve spent time looking at the true role of an
sota, Florida had a groundbreaking service. elder, and while we don’t have all the answers
Sunday Morning:
Ordinarily, a church will get a few shovels and one thing we do know is that they are to tend
10:00am Bible Class certain people will turn over a few chunks of to God’s flock, to stand in the gap and protect,
11:00am Worship Service dirt. But recalling the words of Jesus, "Take my care for and love His sheep, Us! But they do
yoke upon you," this church decided to borrow not lead this congregation as bosses, or au-
Thursday Evening: an old one-horse plow and harness two of their thoritarians…they do not Lord it over us that
7:00pm Bible Study strongest young men to it. they are “In Charge!” The position they take is
___ The signal was given and the men PULLED… but not glorious or glamorous, nor is it administra-
nothing happened. They strained at the har- tive. It is a humble role, focused entirely on
CONTACT INFORMATION ness, but they were unable to pull the plow knowing the flock intimately and meeting us
even an inch. where we are. Not because they are above us
So then the entire Building sheep in anyway, as they are sheep them-
1 Christina Street
Committee of the con- selves, but because they want what our
Village of Kenosee Lake
gregation took hold of Chief Shepherd Jesus wants…for us to
the rope, and they draw near to God. We commission
Box 184
PULLED. But the plow these men and their wives to serve
S0C 2S0
wouldn’t budge. Even as guides among us, to men-
they couldn’t get the plow tor our young people, and
t o m o v e . pray for our sick, and to help
___ Other church officers were bridge the gaps between us.
added, and the Sunday
LEADERSHIP school officers and teachers, It is the desire of God that we
and they PULLED… but still should all connect our spirit with His
Elders: they couldn’t get the plow to spirit. James tells us to “Draw near to
Cameron Husband budge. God and He will draw near to us!” In
Harold Floyd Finally every member of the our human condition, we often find it
Dale King congregation who was present extremely difficult to draw near to
Jim Sedor each took hold of the rope. With Him, to have spirit touch spirit. But
every member pulling together, God has made a way for us to do
Minister: the plow moved, the ground was just that, when we connect our spir-
Rolland Bouchard broken. its to one another through our mu-
tual and unchanging love for Jesus,



THRIFT STORE DAYS taking up this special collection on the Last

Marie McMillan - continued health
We will be working the thrift store Sunday of January. For more information talk 
January 26 & 28 to Owen King.
February 23 &25  Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard—
More dates coming very soon. ANNOUNCMENTS 
missionaries in Mexico.
Anyone interested in volunteering to help out Please submit written announcements by
please come any of the days listed here! Feel Thursday each week. Bernice Lawrence—struggling with

free to talk to Kay health problems
Brent Peterson–
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers Circle
events. For more information talk to Judith. Chris Cornforth—continued health
Friday, February 5, 20 
February - General Craft Night. 10 concerns
At the Brew Pub with
March - Spa Moose Jaw. the movie fol-
April - Public Speaker/ to be announced. lowing at the church
building on the Those whose names have been put

May - Greenhouse. BIG screen. forward for Shepherding
June - Tea house.
Starting at 7:00pm 
The specific details will be announced as each The new year: Our Resolute hearts
Bring snack food for the
activity comes up. movie
 And an appetite for wi
ngs!  Pam asked us to Pray for her
a romantic com-
The Missions committee would like to invite edy, so your manhoo Paul and Katrina Korchinski - friends
d will remain in-
everyone to participate in a special collection tact through the even  of Pam King. Paul is undergoing sur-
to support the relief efforts in Haiti. We will be geries for Colitis.
Volume 6, Issue 12 January 24, 2010

(Continued from page 1) ASSEMBLY, January 24, 2010

we also connect with God. It is the role of each of us to make those connections, Welcome
that are why He tells the Hebrews that, even in the face of certain hardship, perse-
cution, and maybe even death, to “not forsake the assembling of them together.” Announcements
Those who would shepherd us maintain the same thing that they would work to
Ephesians 4:22-24
keep us rubbing spirit with spirit, connecting us continually with the master God.
Our connections with each other are necessary, and strongly biblical. 1 John 1:5-6
O To Be Like You
tells us this “5 This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are pass-
ing on to you: God is light, pure light; there's not a trace of darkness in him. 6 If we
Would You Be Poured Out Like Wine
claim that we experience a shared life with him and continue to stumble around in
the dark, we're obviously lying through our teeth - we're not living what we claim. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
7 But if we walk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a
shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all Lamentations 3:22-24
our sin.” God is indeed, our light, and when we walk in the light, as do those
around us, we cannot help but to be in fellowship with them that are in the light. Take My Life
John’s desire was, as The elder in deep compassion for God’s children, was that
they would walk in the Light as Jesus, Himself is in it. He urged Christians to recog- Communion
nize that dwelling in the light meant that they would be in deep fellowship with
one another. He then says in the 2nd chapter; “6 Anyone who claims to be intimate Open the Eyes of My Heart
with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.” We are those who claim
this! We desire to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. As such we have Message
need for people, men and their wives, to go before us! Through mentorship, exam-
ple, and ultimately sincere care, these shepherds would set us an example to fol- O To Be Like You Reprise
low. But there is so much more than just an example; we commission men and
their wives who are intimately involved with the flock. Caring and Sharing

1 Timothy 3:1 It is a true saying that if someone wants to be an elder, he desires an

honorable responsibility.
Above all we must remember this, No one is to break this ground alone! God de-
signed it in such a way that we would all pull the plow together. I am not, nor are
any of these men to replace you in the work that God has for you to do here in
Kenosee, or in your respective homes. We are all in this together.
Let’s get to work.

Excerpt from Sermon, January 17, 2010



Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

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