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Student name:
School mentor:
Community Mentor & Organization:
School mentor
: Please sign to acknowledge that you have reviewed and approved all aspects of this product:
* This form should be submitted
your product. This is an explanation of what actually happened during the
execution of your project. You may refer to your approved proposal when describing your Topic, EQ, and Goal.
Category (check one):

: Based on a students interest in a particular career field

Service learning

: Based on a students interest in solving a social issue.

Personal interest

: Based on a students interest in learning something that he or she has always wanted to learn.
Pathway (check one):
Personal Action Plan:

Focus on personal growth; must share gained knowledge so as to affect community (e.g., publish your
findings or present to a group).
Focused Community Action Plan:

Take action within a smaller community.

Community Action Plan:

Take action in a larger community.

DESCRIPTION of Your Project & Physical Product

Essential Question
Describe all steps you
took to achieve your
goal. (I.e., Explain what
you actually did during
the execution of your

Ocean Acidification
Do we really understand Ocean Acidification?
Raising awareness with regards to Ocean Acidification to inform the younger
generation (grades 2-12) to create more prepared voters and activists.
Initially, I had planned to give my presentations to elementary schoolers however, I
changed the target demographic to juniors and seniors in high school
I asked a teacher if I could use their class to conduct my presentation on
Pre-tests were distributed to each student and collected after a 10 minute
answering period
I then presented a 20 minute powerpoint covering the content on the pre-test
A Q&A was held to answer any questions the students had regarding the topic
An Ocean Acidification game was then played amongst the students
Post-tests were passed out and after 10 minutes the tests were collected

Physical product(s)
Describe the physical
product(s) you created to
help you achieve your

Pre-test - Gather initial understanding

PowerPoint presentation - Begin to teach audience basic of topic
Activity/ Game - Further teach the audience via a hands-on approach
Post-test -See how much the audience has learned through my powerpoint and

what role the
physical product(s)
played in your project.

Pre-test: Gather an idea for students base knowledge regarding the topic of Ocean
Presentation: Cover areas of: what is ocean acidification, what has been done to
address the issue, what can be done to address the issue, why it is important to
address this issue, when can we begin to work in solving this problem, and how the
individuals I was presenting to can spread awareness
Activity/ Game: Jeopardy style game where students answer questions in
categories of What is Ocean Acidification?, How to avoid adding to the
problem, What we are currently doing?, and What can we do to help solve this
Post-test: Gather an idea of what the audience learned after presumably learning
through each of my other products

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