Back Pain Symptoms Aren

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Back pain symptoms arent due to a serious health issue such

as arthritis or a fracture. In fact, the culprit could be as innocent

as your posture, mattress or your favorite pair of shoes. Some of
the most uncommon reasons for a back pain are:

Gadgets like smart phones, iPads,

laptops: These days, most of us are either staring at our
smart phone screens, laptops, iPads or some other gadget, but
while this technology is extremely useful, it brings with it a host of
ailments including back pain. The constant bending in an odd
posture is a common cause for neck and back pain. Not only
does the overuse of these gadgets cause eye strain, but it also
causes repetitive stress on your back and neck causing pain.

Your office chair or sofas at home:

could suffer from back pain as a result of staying in one position
for an extended period of time, whether its sitting in an office
chair, a drivers seat, or standing in one place as a part of your
job. The more pressure you place on your vertebral discs in your
spine, the more they will wear out. The human body was meant
to move, so to relieve and avoid pain, get up from your computer
at least once every hour to take a short walk. Another important
change you must make is to pick seats (in public places like a
theatre) is to choose an aisle seat so that you can stretch your
feet once every hour. This will not only help improve blood flow to
your legs and back, but will also help correct your posture and
avoid constant pressure on your vertebral disks (or spine).

Stress and depression:

For physical
and emotional reasons, any type of stress and depression have
been known to make back pain worse. Experts believe that its
probably a combination of lifestyle and the fact that emotions can
make pain feel worse. If exercise doesnt bring help
relieve stress, talk to your doctor about other approaches.


Cigarettes hurt more than just your heart

and lungs. In fact, smoking deprives cells all over your body of
oxygen, including those that control the motion of your back.
Studies show that smokers are more than twice as likely to
develop lower back pain than those who have never smoked. But
apart from your back, smoking can cause a lot more damage.

Poor footwear: We all know that stilettos are not the

best shoes for your back. But even a sensible pair of shoes can
change your gait and lead to back pain if the soles are worn, so
be sure to replace old shoes. Keep in mind that fit is most
important to keep your footwear from causing back pain as well
as foot pain.

A bad mattress: Your mattress is not only

responsible for giving you a good nights sleep but it can also be
a leading cause for back pain. This is because when you lie
down, your spine that is supposed to be well supported is
strained on a mattress that is either too hard or very old. It is
recommended that the mattress you choose should give you
uniform support. You can gauge that by seeing to it that when
you lie down there shouldnt be any space between your body
and the mattress. I recommend using a mattress that has
medium firmness to avoid back pain. But probably the most
important factor is the age of your mattress. If youre sinking in
when you lie down, its probably time to get a new one to help
keep back pain away.

Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle

and muscle weakness: Being sedentary can lead to
weight gain and back pain symptoms. On the other hand,
exercises gives you the muscle tone you need to support your
back and keep it pain-free. Strengthening your back helps to
reduce the stress on the spine and reduces chances of injury.

Poor posture or slouched sitting: When you

sit, it is essential that you avoid slouching. This is basically

keeping your back straight and not curving it. Leaning your head
forward or slumping your shoulders tends to strain the muscles in
your back, exert immense pressure on the center of your
vertebral coloum and your lower back, leading to back pain.
Ideally, your ears should be over your shoulders. Make a
conscious effort to maintain good posture during the day to ease
or help prevent back pain.

Carrying a heavy shoulder bag or hand

bag: Any time you have to balance the weight of a purse,
shoulder bag, or even a heavy wallet in your back pocket, you
change the curvature of your spine which can lead to back pain
as they put additional load on the spine and could lead to lower
back pain.

Sitting for long hours:

Sitting is the new smoking

and doing it constantly for 6 to 8 hours in a day puts undue stress
on your spine, leading to a lot of biomechanical changes in your
back. To avoid this make sure while sitting, you move all the way
behind on the chair and support your back completely. Also
during standing or in jobs that involve repetitive bending/
lifting, take frequent breaks to allow your back some much
needed rest.
o Almond or


is one of the earliest cultivated trees, mainly

popular for their seeds. The seeds of almonds are enclosed within a
hard, stony shell surrounded with succulent pulp, just like the peach
fruit. But unlike peaches, you dont have to wait for a specific season
to reap the benefits of almonds. They are available throughout the
year to add flavour to your dessert and spicy dishes. Almonds are
nutrient dense super foods that offer some amazing benefits.

1. Helps to control and lose

weight: Although almonds are rich in carbohydrates and
total calories, they have proven to help weight loss and control. A
low-calorie diet containing almonds was more effective in reducing
weight compared to a diet having complex carbohydrates.

2. Lowers cholesterol and lipids: The high fat

containing almonds might be the reason youre not having them too
much but heres something you should know. Almonds do not
contain saturated fats or unhealthy fats. They contain monounsaturated fatty acids or good fats. Almonds consistently help in
lowering low density lipoprotein (

LDL) cholesterol or

bad cholesterol.

3. Reduces risk of heart disease:


disease also lowers. Patients with high
lipid levels who had almonds as snacks
had a significantly reduced risk of
coronary heart disease. The nonfat
(protein and fiber) and the high amount
of monounsaturated fatty acids help
protect the heart.









4. Has prebiotic properties:




content of almonds helps proper functioning of the digestive system.

But did you know that almonds possess prebiotic properties? The
skin of almonds contains certain compounds that stimulate the


growth of good bacteria like

in the
intestine. It suggests that changes in the intestinal microbes were
associated with changes enzymes that improved digestion.

5. Controls


If youre a diabetic, you

should eat almonds. They fight and decrease the amount of the free
radicals that damage cholesterol and increase blood sugar level. It
especially prevents the rise in blood sugar after meals.

6. Stimulates hair growth:

Theres a reason why

almond hair oil is recommended for hair growth. Almonds contain

omega- 6 fatty acids that promote hair growth. They naturally
moisturize hair and make them strong and healthy.

7. Rejuvenates the skin:

Because of their powerful

antioxidant activity due to Vitamin E, almonds prevent early ageing

and wrinkling of skin. It rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin cells,
keeping it fresh and glowing.

8. Prevents gallstones: More and more people are

now suffering from gallstones or problems with the gall bladder. But
prevent disease the gall bladder could be as simple as eating a
fistful of nuts, including almonds.

9. Keeps cancer away:

Antioxidants have immense

power to protect the cells from becoming cancerous. But apart from
antioxidants like vitamin E, almonds are loaded with other nutrients
that individually prevent specific types of cancer. The high fibre
content in them helps prevent colon cancer. The rich folic acid stores

in almonds may reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Scientists have

even found a link between almonds and reduction in the risk of lung

10. Improves brain function:


badam to sharpen your mind, an old adage used by your

grandmother, actually has a scientific basis. Almonds contain
nutrients like riboflavin and L-carnitine, which boosts neurological
activity and brain power. It also helps reduce the risk

Alzheimers disease. Even Ayurveda

intellectual level and longevity.

Benefits of curd

Curd or dahi improves the digestive system as it contains a host of beneficial

bacteria in it.
It helps to cope with stomach problems.
Consuming curd or yoghurt regularly increases the capacity to absorb the
nutrients and minerals from other foods as well.
It proves beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant as they can gain all
the nutritive contents of milk through curd.
Consumption of curd provides relief from dysentery or diarrhea.
Consuming curd proves beneficial for those suffering from vaginal infection.
It helps strengthen bones and teeth as it is high in calcium.
Curd also helps minimise the risk of high blood pressure.
Persons who wants to gain weight, curd is an effective solution. Curd should be
taken along with jaggery. Curd should be discouraged by Obesity patients or Obese
people as it acts like as an stimulant to add to weight.
Curd is an effective remedy for person suffering from Piles and Diarrhoea. In
these case, one should take curd with ginger and rice.
Curd enhances digestion and also strengthens the digestive system. Being acidic
in nature, it enhances salivation which ultimately helps in digestion.
Yogurt keeps you away from bacterial oral problems. Tartar and Bacteria which
are the reasons for many oral diseases are prevented by Curd.


Curd is thrust quencher and also reduces the burning sensation when taken with
Curd along with little quantity of sugar and salt acts like as an appetizer.

It works as an energy booster. It also hydrates your body and

works as an antioxidant.
Great for hair and skin You can apply it directly, but
consuming a cup a day shows results too.
Best form of fat curd has the same nutritional value as milk.
Stress buster and mood lifter Curd is a great mood lifter.
Flavoured yoghurt especially helps deal with lows.
Increases immunity and defence mechanism of the body.
Improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals from other
foods in your body.
Best comfort food for all seasons, swear curd-eating people in
South India especially Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh!

Tips to keep in mind


People who feel they catch cold or cough frequently on having curds
can just prepare it fresh and consume it at room temperature without

Those on a weight loss diet can also have it, they only need to
ensure it is prepared from skimmed milk and not full cream buffalo milk.

How can curd be a part of daily meals?


Curd is commonly had with a meal or simply consumed as it is. Here

are some interesting ways of making curd a part of your daily meals:

The easiest way to enjoy your curd is by adding some flavouring to it

like a pinch of salt and pepper or some chaat masala

It can be had along with your daily breakfast/lunch or even dinner.

You could simply have it as a mid-meal snack as well.

One can throw in a bunch of chopped fruits to have it as a

wholesome meal.

You could blend curd for a healthy glass of namkeen buttermilk. It

can also be eaten with rice.

Curd is ideal to have in the form of delicious dips either used with
salads or even as sandwich dressing. You could try some hung curd dip
which could be had with raw salads like cucumber, carrot, etc.

Different types of raita preparations can be made from curd like

mixed vegetable, palak, doodhi or pineapple etc.

Reasons You Should Start Eating Cucumber

Cucumbers are number four most cultivated vegetable in the
world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall
health, often referred to as a super food.
Cucumber rehydrates body
If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber,
which is 90 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate your
water lost.
Cucumber fights heat inside and out
Eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn. Apply
cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.
Cucumber eliminates toxins

All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping

waste products out of your body. With regular eating, cucumber is
known to dissolve kidney stones.
Cucumber replenishes daily vitamins
Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single
day. A B and C, which boost your immune system keep you
radiant and give you energy. Make it more powerful by juicing
cucumber with spinach and carrot. Dont forget to leave the skin
on because it contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 12
percent of the daily recommended allowance.
Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals
Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is
why spas abound cucumber based treatments.
Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss
Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an
ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use
cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite
snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat
yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout
and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of
cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation.
Cucumber revives the eyes
Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichd
beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and
puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties.
Cucumber fights cancers
Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol
and pinoresinol. The three lignans have a strong connection with

reduced risk of several cancer types, including ovarian, breast,

prostate and uterine cancer.
Cucumber cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and
controls blood pressure
Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells
of the pancreas for producing insulin which is widely spread to be
beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers have found that a
compound called sterols in cucumbers can help decrease levels of
cholesterol. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber, potassium and
magnesium. These nutrients work effectively for regulating blood
pressure. That is why cucumber is good for treating both high
blood pressure and low blood pressure.
Cucumber refreshes the mouth
Cucumber juice heals and refreshes diseased gums. Get a slice of
cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue
for a half minute, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your
mouth responsible for causing unpleasant breath.
Cucumber smoothes hair and nails
The wonder mineral Silica in cucumber makes your hair and nails
shinier and stronger. The sulfur and silica in cucumbers help to
stimulate your hair growth.
Cucumber promotes joint health, relieves arthritis and
gout pain
As cucumber is an excellent source of silica it promotes joint
health by strengthening the connective tissues. When mixed with
carrot juice, cucumber can relieve gout and arthritis pain by
lowering levels of the uric acid.
Cucumber cures hangover

To avoid a morning headache or hangover you can eat a few

cucumber slices before going to sleep. Cucumbers contain
enough B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish many
essential nutrients and reducing the severity of both hangover
and headache.
Cucumber keeps kidneys in shape

Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your body and though

keeping the kidneys healthy.

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