Assignment 2

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Aakash Bhatia - Assignment 2

To watch this video: Wiring the World

And list 10 people that are featured in this video and write 3 sentences about
his/her contribution to the Internet.
1: Tim Berners Lee
He is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), founded World
Wide Web Foundation and a senior researcher at MIT Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory .He was the one of the key figures for the
development of World Wide Web and for keeping it free. He also
implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the Internet. He worked at
CERN in 1980, where he handled project on hypertext and also created the
first Web browser.
2: John McAfee
He is a Scottish-American computer engineer, who founded McAfee. He
worked at NASA's Institute for Space Studies from 1968 to 1970 as a
programmer. He also worked at Univac, Xerox, and CSC as a systems
architect. While working in Lockheed he received a copy of the Pakistani
Brain computer virus and began working on antivirus software to remove
viruses. In 2010, he also started a new project on anti-quorum sensing
technology. In 2013 McAfee started a new company, Future Tense Central, to
produce a secure computer network device called the D-Central.
3: Robert William Taylor
He is a computer scientist who is known for making the personal computer.
He had worked in NASA backing special projects like Apollo for moon landing.
He wrote an article in 1960 lightning different ways to use computers. He
met Douglas Engelbart in California and funded his studies on computerdisplay technology that led to invention of computer mouse. He has also
known for his work on ARPANET in California. He later moved to Xerox Corp
and developed many technologies like powerful personal computers with
windowed displays and graphical user interfaces, Ethernet and first Internet
and on software that led to the laser printer
4: Marc Andreessen
He is an American software engineer and an entrepreneur. He is co-founder
of Netscape Communications Corporation and a creator of Mosaic browser.
Marc Andreessen In 1992, a few of the students led by Marc Andreessen
came across the World Wide Web protocol released from CERN. He also

created Netscape Navigator with Jim Clark, which was later turned into
Internet Explorer by Microsoft. He also invested in many startups which
included LoudCloud, Twitter and Qik. He with business partner Ben Horowitz
acquired Skype in 2009. Andreessen and the Gang of Six eventually rewrote
the browser and changed its name to Netscape Navigator (actually, they
have always called it Mozilla).
5: James Gosling
He is a Canadian computer scientist, who is also as the father of the Java
programming language. One of the products that has thrived internet is the
cross-platform language called Java. He was a senior programmer at Sun
Microsystems, and was working on the forefront of new ideas. He had already
established himself as one of the world's best programmers, and his job at
Sun was to push the limits of computers. He wrote a version of Emacs called
Gosling Emacs and had built a multi-processor version of UNIX with several
compilers and mail systems at Carnegie Mellon University. He created a
pseudo-code (p-code) virtual machine for the lab's DEC VAX computer, to run
programs written in UCSD Pascal.
6: Eric Schmidt
He is an American Software Engineer and CEO of Google. He also worked as
an intern at Bell Labs to re-write program called Lex to generate lexical
analyzers for the UNIX computer operating system. He also served as chief
executive officer of Novell. Schmidt joined Sun Microsystems in 1983 as a
first software manager and then became Director of engineers-Softwares.
Schmidt was elected to Apple Inc.'s board of directors in 2006. He has also
worked in IT positions in Bell Labs and Xerox's PARC. He has also worked in
boards of Carnegie Mellon University and Princeton University.
7: Ted Nelson
Also known as Theodor Holm Nelson is an American engineer who is known
for hypertext and hypermedia. Nelson earned a BA from Swarthmore College
in 1959 and Doctorate in Media and Governance from Keio University. There
he worked on his Project Xanadu for creating a computer network with a
simple user interface. This project is also known as "the longest-running
vaporware project in the history of computing. He presented the paper
"Complex Information Processing: A File Structure for the Complex, the
Changing, and the Indeterminate" at the ACM National Conference and also
co-founded Itty bitty machine company, which was a small computer store.
He is currently working on a new project called ZigZag and XanaduSpace
which is a system for the exploration of connected parallel documents.
8: Stephen Case

Stephen McConnell Case is a businessman and also former CEO of AOL. He

has also worked in different businesses like CASE Foundation with his wife
Jean Case and also selected by American President Barack Obama as a
Chairman of the Startup America Partnership. Under Steve's leadership,
AOL's user base grew to 10 million, ultimately reaching 26.7 million
subscribers at its peak in 2002. AOL has also worked with Time Warner as
one of the world's largest media, entertainment and communications
companies. He has also worked in shaping government policy on issues
related to entrepreneurship and advance public policies

9: Jeff Bezos
He is best known as founder and CEO of who has played a key
role in developing e-commerce. Under his leadership Amazon grew to
become largest online retailer on the internet. He studied at Princeton
University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in electrical engineering
and computer science. He has also worked in Wall Street as a computer
engineer and then building a network for international trade for Fitel. Bezos,
under his leadership acquired The Washington Post in 2013. He was also
named as World's Worst Boss by the International Trade Union Confederation
in 2014.
10: John Doerr
He is a venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, California. He
completed his MBA from Harvard University in 1976. He had also worked for
Intel Corp. and known as one of Intel's most successful salespeople for
selling 8080 8-bit microprocessor. He also owns some patents for memory
devices. In 2009, He also worked with the President and his administration
for fixing America's economic slowdown. He is currently working in boards of
many multinational organizations like, Google, Zynga Bloom Energy,
Flipboard and many more. He co-chaired Proposition 39 and Proposition 71
which created $3 billion funding for California research into stem cell

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