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Kiril Kolikov, Dragia Ivanov, Georgi Krastev , Yordan Epitropov*, Stefan Bozhkov
Plovdiv University P. Hilendarski 24 Tzar Asen Str., Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In the paper we consider the problem of the electrostatic interaction between two charged
conducting spheres with arbitrary electrical charges and radiuses. Using the image charges method
we determine exact analytical formulas for the force F and for the potential energy W of the
interaction between these two spheres as well as for the potential V of the electromagnetic field in
an arbitrary point created by them. Our formulas lead to Coulombs law for point charges.
We theoretically prove the experimentally shown fact that two spheres with the same type
(positive or negative) of charges can also attract each other.

Key words: conducting sphere; Coulombs law; image charges method; electric interaction;
potential energy of electrostatic interaction; potential of electrostatic field.

1. Introduction
The problem for determining the electrostatic force of interaction between two charged
conducting spheres with arbitrary radiuses and charges is firstly investigated in a complex way by
Poisson. Later, Sir Thompson (Lord Kelvin) introduces his image charges theory thus significantly
simplifying the investigation. This theory is based on the function of influence of a point source in
the three dimensional case for the first boundary problem for the Poissons equation. This method
eliminates the need to solve the Laplaces equation in order to determine the distribution of the
image charges whose electric fields have to meet certain boundary conditions.
This problem is later on considered by Maxwell ([1], Chapter 1). He discovers that the
electrostatic force between the two spheres with charges Q1 and Q2 is different from the electrostatic
force between the point charges Q1 and Q2 located at the centres of the spheres respectively, which
is derived by Coulombs law. According to Maxwell this deviation is caused by the redistribution of
the charges as a result of the mutual electrostatic influence between the spheres.

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (Y. Epitropov)

Having in mind the redistribution of the charges, Maxwell suggest a general method for
determining the force of interaction between two spheres with arbitrary charges and radiuses using
zonal harmonics with complex mathematical apparatus ([1], Chapters 11-13). Many scientists after
him find other principle solutions to the problem. In different special cases they derive exact
formulas or give approximate formulas which are good enough for the solution of some theoretical
or practical problems.
The electrostatic force F and the potential energy W of the electrostatic interaction between two
conducting spheres, as well as the potential V of the created electrostatic field can be determined
analytically using the method of integration [2], the method of electrical inducted coefficients [3] or
the image charges method [1, 4, 5].
The image charges method has two main directions.
In the first direction (for example [6], [7], [8], [9]) it is considered how the outer electric field
firstly induces dipole in the centre of each sphere. After that these two dipoles induce iteratively a
sequence of image dipoles in the spheres.
In the second direction the electric field created by the electric charges in the two conducting
spheres is considered. Each of the two initial charges induces image charges in the other sphere;
these charges themselves induce respectively new image charges in the given spheres and so on. In
order to construct the images transformation by inversion [1, 4, 5] is used. Analysing this process,
the distribution of the charge in each sphere can be determined. This method yields very complex
analytical form of the results. Thus there are many, but approximate or partial results.
Smythe uses the image charges method in order to determine the electrostatic force between two
spheres, which are not intersecting, with arbitrary charges and radiuses [4, Chapter 5]. Moreover, he
considers the special case when one of the spheres is grounded using hyperbolical functions. He also
calculates the first few terms in a sum describing the force as a function of the capacities of the
Jackson considers a number of special cases and the application of Greens functions, Laplaces
equation and Fouriers series with regards to this problem [10, Chapter 2]. He does not give a
solution to the problem in the general case but using the image charges method he describes the path
for discovering the solution of the problem for two spheres, which are not intersecting, with different
radiuses and charges by pointing out how the induced charges and their locations can be determined
Soules analyses Coulombs trials and conducts precise experiments having in mind the induction
effects [11]. He uses the image charges method to develop a computer program in order to determine

numerically the force of interaction. Based on the analysis of the numerical values (and not
theoretically) Soules also suggests an approximated formula for the electrostatic force.
A number of authors using the image charges method derive approximate formulas for the force
of interaction between two charged conducting spheres in the special case when they are with equal
radiuses and charges [12, 13]. Such formula is found by Slisko and Brito-Orta and using a computer
program they compare the values calculated using different approximations, thus showing that
Larson Goss and Soules formulas are wrong [13]. However, they also conclude that when the
distance between the spheres is rather small compared to their radiuses their analytical approaches
turn out to be very impractical ([13], p. 353).
In the current paper we further develop the image charges method, also considered by us in [14].
We derive in the most basic form exact analytical formulas for F , W and V created by two charged
conducting spheres, with arbitrary charges and radiuses, which are not grounded. Moreover, we use
an easily applicable algebraic method which overcomes all of the above mentioned disadvantages.
Our formulas lead to Coulombs law when r1 = r2 = 0 . Furthermore, we determine the deviation
between the values of F , W and V for charged conducting spheres and their corresponding values
F0 , W0 and V0 for point charges. We also theoretically show that two spheres with the same type
(positive or negative) of charges can also attract each other a fact which is experimentally shown.

2. Electrostatic interaction between two charged conducting spheres

Let S1 and S 2 are two charged conducting spheres, which are not grounded, with charges
respectively Q1 , Q2 and radiuses r1 , r2 and R is the distance between their centres O1 , O2 in the
inertial system J (Fig. 1). As the charges Q1 and Q2 are equally spread on the surfaces of S1 and

S 2 , we assume that before the interaction of the spheres they are concentrated respectively in the
centres O1 and O2 .

Fig. 1. Electrostatic interaction between two conducting spheres

As a result of the electrostatic interaction between S1 and S 2 on their surfaces induced charges
respectively Q1 and Q2 appear which are connected with each other. Then on the surfaces of S1 and

S 2 there are left equally distributed charges Q1 and Q 2 and from the law of preserving the electrical
charge the following equations can be deduced

Q1 = Q1 Q1 and Q 2 = Q2 Q2 .

Formally, we can assume that Q1 and Q2 are situated on the line O1O2 and Q1 and Q 2 can be

assumed to be concentrated in the centres O1 and O2 of the spheres.

We will determine the charges Q1 and Q2 and using them the charges Q1 and Q 2 . Let as a

result of Q1 the image charges Q1, j ( j = 1,2,3,... ) are created. As each charge Q1, j creates Q1, j +1 the
charges with odd index Q1, 2 m 1 ( m = 1,2,3,... ) are situated in the sphere S 2 and the charges with even
index Q1, 2 m in the sphere S1 . Analogically, we determine the image charges Q2, j ( j = 1,2,3,... )
created as a result of the charge Q2 . The charges with odd index Q2,2 m 1 ( m = 1,2,3,... ) are situated in
the sphere S1 and the charges with even index Q2, 2 m in the sphere S 2 .
For i = 1,2 and j = 1,2,3,... the function f (i + j ) = 1 when i + j is odd and f (i + j ) = 2 when
i + j is even is introduced.

Let us denote by d1, j the distance between the charge Q1, j to the centre O1 of the first sphere and
by d 2, j the distance between the charge Q2, j to the centre O2 of the second sphere. Moreover, let
1 =

and 2 = 2 . Then using the image charges method [5] it is easy to determine the recursive


d1, j = f2(1+ j ) R


, d 2 , j = f2 (2+ j ) R
d1, j 1

, j = 1,2,3,...
d 2, j 1

Here the distances d1,0 = d 2,0 = 0 correspond to the charges Q1,0 = Q1 and Q2,0 = Q 2 .
From Formula (2) we get the equations

d1,1 = 22 R , d 2,1 = 12 R ,
d1, 2 = 12 R

d1,3 = 22 R


d1, 4

, d 2, 2 = 22 R
1 2
1 12

1 22
1 12

1 12 22
1 12 22

1 12 22
1 12 22
= R
, d 2, 4 = 2 R
1 12 2 22 + 24
1 22 2 12 + 14

We assume that the binomial coefficient = 1 for each whole number n and introduce for
j = 1,2,3,... the following notation

j 1 s j k + s 2 ( k s ) 2 s

2 ,
s = 0 k s

A2, j = 1 + ( 1)

A1, j = 1 + ( 1)
k =1

k =1

j 1 s j k + s 2 s 2(k s )

1 2
s =0 k s


j s j k + s 2 ( k s ) 2 s
2 ,
s =0

k s

B1, j = 1 + ( 1)

k =1

B2, j = 1 + ( 1)
k =1

j s j k + s 2 s 2(k s )
1 2
s =0

k s

Based on (3) using the equations (4) we derive that


d1, 2 m 1 = 22 R

A1, m 1
B1, m 1

, d1, 2 m = 12 R

B1, m 1
A1, m

, d 2, 2 m 1 = 12 R

A2, m 1
B2, m 1

, d 2, 2 m = 22 R

B2, m 1
A2, m

Using mathematical induction on j , we can rewrite the equations (5) in the following form


d1, j

B j 1
= f2(1+ j ) R 2
A j

(1) j

and d 2, j

B j 1
2 ,
= f2(2+ j ) R 2
A j

( 1) j

j 1
j 1
and denote the integer part of the numbers


Then using Formula (5) the distances d1, j and d 2, j respectively from the positions of the image
charges Q1, j and Q2, j on the line O1O2 to the centres of the spheres in which they lie are determined.
We will determine the image charges Q1, j and Q2, j . Firstly, according to [14], the following
recursive formulas hold Q1, j =

d1, j
f (1+ j ) R

Q1, j1 and Q2, j =

d 2, j
f ( 2+ j ) R

Q2, j 1 , j = 1,2,3,...

By continuously considering each Qi , j represented using Qi , j 1 ( i = 1,2 ) we determine that

1m 2m
1m 2m
1m 1 2m
1m 2m1
Q1, 2 m 1 =
Q1 , Q1,2 m =
Q1 , Q2, 2 m1 =
Q 2 , Q2, 2 m =
Q2 .
B1, m 1
A1, m
A2, m


1m 2m
1m 2m
1m 1 m2
1m m2 1
X1 =
, X2 =
, Y1 =
, Y2 =
m =1 A1, m
m =1 A2, m
m =1 B1, m 1
m =1 B2, m 1


where i0 = 1 when i = 0 ( i = 1,2 ).

As the charges Q1 and Q2 are sums of all image charges, situated respectively in the S1 and S 2 ,

Q1 = Q1, 2 m + Q2, 2 m1


m =1

Q2 = Q1, 2 m1 + Q2, 2 m . Using (7) and (8), this leads to
m =1

m =1

Q1 = Q1 X 1 Q 2Y2 and Q2 = Q1Y + Q 2 X 2 .
Then, using these equations and (1) we get:

Q1 =

Q1 (1 + X 2 ) + Q2Y2
Q2 (1 + X 1 ) + Q1Y1
, Q2 =
(1 + X 1 )(1 + X 2 ) Y1Y2
(1 + X 1 )(1 + X 2 ) Y1Y2

Based on formulas (7-9) we determine the image charges Qi , j ( i = 1,2 ; j = 1,2,3,... ).

Let us denote the charges from Formula (7) which are situated in the sphere S1 with Qj and
these, which are situated in the sphere S 2 , with Qj ( j = 0,1,2,... ). Then Q1,0 = Q1 = Q0 and
Q2,0 = Q 2 = Q0 and for m = 1,2,3,... we have Q2, 2 m1 = Q2 m1 , Q1, 2 m = Q2 m and Q1, 2 m1 = Q2m1 ,
Q2, 2 m = Q2m (Fig. 1). Let us also denote their corresponding distances from formula (5) with d j and

d j ( j = 0,1,2,... ).

If j =

d j

d j

and j =

, then according to Coulombs law for the size F of the projection of the

force of interaction on O1O2 acting in spheres S1 and S 2 we get



Qj Qi
4 0 R j =0 i =0 (1 j i)2

The potential energy of the interaction between the two spheres S1 and S 2 according to [15] is
W =


Qj Qi

4 0 R j =0 i=0 1 j i

Let us point out that in (10) and (11) we do not deny the interactions between the charges inside
the spheres S1 and S 2 as the interaction is outer between the charges on the surfaces of S1 and S 2 .
Let M be an arbitrary point in the electric field created by the charges Qj and Qj ( j = 0,1,2,... ).
If M is at distances a j and b j respectively to the charges Qj and Qj (Fig. 1) then using metric
relations in a triangle we can determine

aj =



Rd j (R d j ) + b02 d j

and b j =



Rd j (R d j) + a02 d j

Then based on the principle of linear superposition of the conditions, the potential in point M will
be the sum of the potentials of all charges in M [15]. Thus
V (M ) =


1 Qj Qj
+ .
4 0 j =0 a j b j

3. Complementation to Coulombs law for nonzero charges

Let us assume that the two spheres have nonzero charges Q1 0 and Q2 0 . Then, if


then from (9) it follows that Q1 = Q1 L1 , Q 2 = Q2 L 2 , where

L1 =


1 + X 2 + kY2
1 + X 1 + k 1Y1
, L2 =
(1 + X 1 )(1 + X 2 ) Y1Y2
(1 + X 1 )(1 + X 2 ) Y1Y2

According to the equations (7) Qi , j = Qi Li , j for i = 1,2 , j = 1,2,3,... where for m = 1,2,3,... we have

L1, 2 m1 =

Let us denote

1m1 2m
m m
m m1
m m
L1 , L1, 2 m = 1 2 L1 , L2,2 m1 = 1 2 L 2 , L2, 2 m = 1 2 L 2 .
B1,m 1


L0 = L1 , L2 m1 = L2, 2 m1 , L2 m = L1, 2 m and L0 = L2 , L2m 1 = L1,2 m 1 , L2m = L2, 2 m .

Then we can rewrite Formula (10) in the form



Lj Li

where the coefficient L =

j =0 i =0

Lj Li
, i.e. F = F0 L ,

4 0 R 2 j =0 i =0 (1 j i)2

(1 )

, which follows from the geometry of the two spheres,

complements F0 . Thus, if L = 1 , then F = F0 .

Analogically Formula (11) can be written in the form
W =


Lj Li
, i.e. W = W0 H ,

4 0 R j =0 i=0 1 j i

Lj Li
, which follows from the geometry of the two spheres,
i =0 1 j i

where the coefficient H =

j =0

complements W0 . Thus, if H = 1 , then W = W0 .

Now we can rewrite Formula (12) in the following form

V (M ) = 1 Lj + 2 Lj .

b j
j =0 a j


In (16), (17) and (18) we determine Lj and Lj using Formulas (13-15).

4. Special cases
1) Let Q1 0 , Q2 0 and r1 = r2 = r .
1.1) If there are two point charges Q1 0 and Q2 0 then r1 = r2 = 0 . Then Q1 = Q1 , Q 2 = Q2
and 1 = 2 = 0 . From (8) X 1 = X 2 = Y1 = Y2 = 0 , and according to (13-15) L1 = L 2 = 1 , Lj = Lj = 0
for j = 1,2,3,...
Thus in (16) we get L = 1 and from there follows Coulombs law F0 =
H = 1 and we get W0 =

. In Formula (17)
4 0 R 2

. And according to (18) we have V (M ) = 1 + 2 .
4 0 R
a0 b0

Therefore, when r1 = r2 = 0 we reach the well familiar results for F0 , W0 and V0 (M ) with two
point charges.
1.2) If there are Q1 0 , Q2 0 r1 = r2 = r 0 , then 1 = 2 = 0 and

m 1 s m k + s 2 k

A1,m = A2,m = 1 + ( 1) k
k =1
s =0 k s

m s m k + s 2 k

B1,m = B2,m = 1 + ( 1) k
k =1
s =0 k s

According to ([16], p. 18, 3b)

m 1 s m k + s 2m k


s = 0 k s

m s m k + s 2 m + 1 k

k s

If for each non-negative whole number n we have C j = (1)

n s 2s
, then according to
s =0 s

k =0

([16], p. 81, 7d)



(1 +

1 (2 ) 2

) (1
j +1

1 (2 ) 2

2 j +1 1 (2 ) 2

j +1

, j = 0,1,2,...

From here we get the equations A1, m = A2, m = C2 m , B1, m = B2, m = C2 m +1 . Then from (5) we get
d1, j = d 2, j = 2 R

C j 1
, j = 0,1,2,... ,

And according to (8):

2 m1
X1 = X 2 = X =
, Y1 = Y2 = Y =
m=1 C2 m
m =1 C2 m 1

Thus from (9) and from

= k it follows:
Q1 = Q1

1+ X + kY
1 + X + k 1 Y
(1 + X ) 2 Y 2
(1 + X ) 2 Y 2

And based on (7)

Qi , j = ( 1)

Q i , i = 1,2 ; j = 0,1,2,...

If in this subcase it is given that Q1 = Q2 = Q 0 , then k = 1 and Q1 = Q 2 = Q . Therefore, the

following equations hold


where =

L1 = L2 =

2 m 2 m1

1 +

C2 m1
m =1 C2 m

and Lj = Lj = ( 1)

, and C j is determined in Formula (19).

, j = j = 2 j 1 , j = 0,1,2,... ,

Using the significantly simpler forms in Formulas (16), (17) and (18) determined in this subcase,
we get the corresponding formulas for F , W and V (M ) .
Example 1: Let us consider two conducting spheres with the same type (positive or negative) of
fixed nonzero charges and equal to each other, but changing lengths of their radiuses.
On Fig. 2 the relation of F as a function of R under constant Q1 = +16 10 9 C and
Q2 = +4 10 9 C and radiuses r1 = r2 = r taking iteratively values (on the graphic from bottom to
top) r = 0 m, r = 0.5 10 2 m, r = 1 10 2 m, r = 1.5 10 2 m, r = 2 10 2 m, r = 2.5 10 2 m is

Fig. 2. Force of electrostatic interaction between two spheres with fixed same type of charges and
changing but equal to each other lengths of radiuses

The graphics on Fig. 2 show that for two spheres with fixed same type (positive or negative) of
charges and equal nonzero radiuses F can be both a force of attraction and a force of repulsion.
Under particular distance between the centres of the spheres F assumes a zero value as well.
However, according to Coulombs law when the charges are the same there is only a force of
repulsion (as seen on the top graphic when r1 = r2 = 0 ). The attraction between the spheres S1 and

S 2 which have the same type of charge is caused by the redistribution of the charges on the surfaces
of the spheres as a result of the electrostatic interaction between them.
Let us point out that attraction between the spheres S1 and S 2 is impossible if they have the same
radiuses and the same type (positive or negative) of charges.
2) Let the two spheres have arbitrary nonzero radiuses r1 0 and r2 0 and Q1 = 0 and

Q2 = Q 0 , i.e. one of the spheres is not charged. Then A1,m = B1,m = 0 , A2,m 0 , B2,m 0 ,
X 1 = Y1 = 0 , X 2 = X 0 and Y2 = Y 0 . From Formula (9) we get
Q1 =

, Q2 =
1+ X
1+ X

In this case we determine d1, j = 0 and Q1, j = 0 and d 2, j and Q2, j ( j = 1,2,3,... ) respectively using
Formulas (5) and (7). Using these equations in Formulas (10), (11) and (12) we get respectively F ,
W and V (M ) .

Example 2. Let us consider two conducting spheres charged with the same positive charges and
equal radiuses.
On Fig. 3 the relation of F as a function of R under constant charges Q1 = Q2 = +16 10 9 C
and radiuses r1 = r2 = 0.1 10 2 m is shown. Moreover, we calculate the value of the force F using
our formula (16) the upper graphic (a), using the equations (20) from the special case.
We have also calculated F using the Slisko and Brito-Ortas method [13, Formula (8)] the
lower graphic (b).

Fig. 3. Force of the electrostatic interaction between two spheres with equal charges and equal

The graphics on Fig. 3 show, as it has been experimentally proven, that between two spheres
with equal charges and equal radiuses only force of repulsion ( F > 0 ) exists. The deviation of F in
the approximated formula of Slisko and Brito-Orta from our exact formula is shown when the
distance between the spheres is rather small compared to their radiuses.

The graphics on Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are achieved with the help of Wolfram Mathematica 7.0 and are
based on the formulas from Section 2.
3) Let us consider the case when r1 = r 0 , r2 = 0 , Q1 = 0 , Q2 = Q 0 , i.e. we have uncharged
conducting sphere S1 = S and point charge Q situated out of it. Then 1 = =

, 2 = 0 . From (5)

and (7) follows d 2,1 = 2 R and d1, j = d 2,n = 0 , Q2,1 = Q , Q1, j = Q2,n = 0 ( j = 1,2,3,... ; n = 2,3,4,... ).
Based on Formulas (8) we get X 1 = X 2 = Y1 = 0 and Y2 = =

and according to (9) Q1 = Q ,

Q2 = Q . Then from Formulas (10) and (11) we get



Q 2 r 3 (r 2 2 R 2 )

4 0 R 2
(1 2 ) 2 4 0 R 3 ( R 2 r 2 ) 2


W =

4 0 R 1 2
4 0 R 2 R 2 r 2
The result for F is the same as the known for the size of the projecting of the force with which
the uncharged conducting sphere and a situated out of it point charge interact with each other [1, 10].
Under these conditions, according to (12)

V (M ) =

4 0

+ .
a0 b0 b1

This result is known for the potential, created by an uncharged conducting sphere and a point
electric charge, situated out of it [17].

4. Discussion
The formulas derived using an algebraic method for two charged conducting spheres with
arbitrary charges and radiuses are easily applicable. They give an analytical description of both the
force of the electrostatic interaction and the potential energy and the potential of the electrostatic
field. Our formulas summarise many of the results found by other researchers. Our results also yield
the fundamental Coulombs law. Moreover, our algebraic method does not have any electrostatic
We compared the general analytical formulas we derived with already known results and
confirmed the correctness of our conclusions. For example, in the special case when we have spheres
with equal radiuses and charges the numerical values for the force F of the electrostatic interaction,
determined by Formula (8) in [13] approximately equals the values given by our Formula (16). This
equality does not hold when the distance between the spheres is rather small compared to their

radiuses because we can calculate an infinite number of interactions between the charges in the two
spheres. When we have uncharged conducting sphere and a point charge located outside of it our
formula for the force F is the same as the result in [1] and [10] and our formula for the potential V
is the same as the famous result in [17].
From Fig. 2 it is clear that only when the conducting spheres are far enough apart from each
other, the deviation of F from the corresponding value from Coulombs law for point charges Q1
and Q2 is very little. Moreover, our algebraic method gives (in Formulas (16), (17) and (18)) the
deviation of the values of F , W and V for charged conducting spheres from the corresponding
values F0 , W0 and V0 for point charges. This deviation is caused by the redistribution of the charges
on the surfaces of the spheres caused by the electrostatic interaction between them. Based exactly on
that redistribution, two spheres with the same type of charges can attract each other.

6. Conclusion
Our method is also applicable for electrically conducting solid bodies, having a single centre of
symmetry. In that case we can consider such solid body to be an approximation of an equally
surfaced sphere, i.e. sphere having the same surface area and centre the centre of symmetry of the
body. Such bodies are for example an ellipsoid, torus, as well as the five regular polyhedrons in the
three dimensional Euclidean space: tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron and
Judging by the current publications the results in the paper are applicable not only to the
electrostatics, but also to fields like composite materials, suspension and others. We also apply these
results when considering the interactions between the nucleons in the cores of the atoms [18].

We would like to thank Pando Georgiev (PhD, DSci, Assoc. Research Scientist, Center for
Applied Optimization, ISE Department University of Florida) for the careful inspection of the
current work which confirmed our results.
The current research is done with the financial support of the Fund Scientific Studies of the
Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science as part of the contract DTK 02/35.

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