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Using the supplemental documents provided and referenced citations, provide a review and


Discuss how each method relates to relevant concepts from your work this semester (i.e.
increased storage, peak flow reduction, attenuation, connected vs. unconnected impervious

If possible discuss potential costs ofimplementation (this will likely require some additional



It is widely known that the number of people ontheplanetisexponentiallyincreasing,

and as a result of population rise there is an increase of areas in the world with human
developments. In this case, human developments are consider as all man made structures,
residential, commercial or others types of constructions that alter an already existing
ecosystem. Many times, these new developed areas are not well planned and secondary

there is a provoked need for a restructure, this is the increase ofimperviousgrounds.Before
the human impact, these grounds used to infiltrated all stormwater inground from natural

Human developments create obstacles to these systems which need to be fixed. High
percentagesof runoff arenowcreatedfromthe addedimperviousareas,generatingfloodings
as well as provokingthe contamination of water during the washoff of therainthatcarriesall

Low Impact Development (LID) techniques have been created to alleviate this nonnatural
issues. LID practices are stormwater management concepts developed byPrince Georges
County, Maryland on the 1990s. Some of its benefits will be discussed in the following

With the idea of filtering pollutants created by human activity, LID alternatives can be put on

LID techniques control runoff volumes which alleviate stormwater sewer systems aswell as
prevents flooding. Multiple options for LID proposals can take place in this matter such as
onsite DetentionandRetention.Thesesamemeasuresalsocontributestocontrolonsitepeak

Groundwater recharge is another possible benefits from developing these kind of practices.

Decrease of pollutants inreceiving water bodies is more of a responsibility tousashumans.
Not only we alter natural ecosystems, but as a consequence of our development, rainwater
runoffispollutinglakesandstreamsthateveniftheyare farawayfromurbanareas,whenthe

The whole idea of Low Impact Developments isthatweasa raceminimizeourimpactonthe

environment. Nature should not restructures its ways around human activity, but rather

Some of the LID techniques costs are very minimal and in some cases,thecostsarezeroed
However, other implementation projects might be costly if considering already existing sites

Some of the LID methods are permeablepavers,eliminationofcurbandgutter,bioretention/


Permeable pavers are implemented in impervious areas and this materialanddesign allows
stormwater to percolate through the pavementintotheunderlyingsoil.Thisisbeneficialsince
it increases infiltration and therefore reducing the peakflow inthestormwatersewersystem.
Disadvantages includethemaintenance ofuncloggingsomepartsofthispavement.Theprice
of this system, which ranges between $2/sf and $10/sf may seem high compared toasphalt,
which ranges between $0.5/sf and $1/sf (1). However, after the cost for stormwater

The elimination of curb and gutter in developed areas allows runoff to flow into pervious
areas. This can potentially increase the time of concentration. This disadvantages could
include the difficulties mowing grass swales with standing water which could bring
mosquitoes. The price for the removal of curb and gutter is considered moderate and it is

Bioretention/ rain gardens are engineered swales designed to detain and treat stormwater.
This systems provides increases infiltration and evapotranspiration rates. The infiltration rate
will increase dueto the presence of plants in these gardens that willretain water. Therefore,
this system should significantly decrease the peak flow into the stormwater sewer system.
While the existing soil in the area is used, it is possible to install an additional underdrain
infiltrationifthe soilconditiondoesnotprovideadequateinfiltration.Thecostforthissystemis

Disconnecting impervious area surfaces directs stormwater that falls in these areas into
pervious areas, such as roofs. This method increases the time of concentration and lowers
the peak runoff. For instance thiscan be done by disconnecting the roof gutters that tie into
the stormwater sewer and instead letting the water run into nearby pervious areas. This
method needs an area with no pedestrian use nearby as the area may flood and difficult
pedestrian traffic. The cost of these method should be minimal assuming the previous


For each of the following Low Impact Developmentproposals,twoalternativesituations

were analyzed. The first situation represents the baseline scenario with the existing runoff,
infiltration and evaporation rates. The second case represents the same variables after LID
practices take place on site. All this data is taken from theEPAStormwaterCalculatorsoftware
provided for free on the EPA webpage. A storm of 7,9 in. was chosen, selecting a 25 year 24
hour storm (3). As for the specifications of the site, an average annual rainfall of 40.73 in. is


This parking lot of an approximate area of 0.65 acres, is located in between HoughHall
and Criser Hall which is also bounded by Union road to the south and to the east. The
stormwater that falls within this property is connected to the stormwater sewer system that
conveys most of the runoff from campus to LakeAlice.Theperimeterofthe parkinglotismark
by curb and gutters that impede rain water to runoff to the adjacent lawn strips to the south
(between the road and the beginning of the lot) and to the north in adjacent to HoughHall. The
improper grading of the lot and a poor maintenance and design of this stormwater collection
systems creates the faulty serviceability. It is often observed that Union Road ponds up when
Form the 40.73 in. annual average rainwater that falls on the delineated area, only 12%
evaporates, and 9% percolates into the ground. The reminder 79% will become runoff that gets
into the stormwater sewer system. This represents anannualvolumeof73,235cfofwatergoing
The proposed solution is to make this parking lot of 100% permeable pavers with the
extraction of the curb and gutters to the sides of the lot. By applying this changes, significant
reductions intherunoffwill beexpected.Thismeasureswillenhancepercolationintotheground
After running the National Stormwater Calculator software developed by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the resultant decrease of total annual runoff decreased
from 32.31 inches to 0.18 inches. This representsadecreaseof99.4%ofthetotalcurrentannual
runoff or equivalently, a runoff volume of 425 cf of rainwater. Form the water that falls on the
parking lot, most will be filtrated of pollutants and percolatethroughthepaversintotheground.

The exceedence in runoff would be diverted to the lawn areas to the sides of the parking lot to
improve the LID system.Theamountofdays throughouttheyearwithrunoffwilldecreasefrom
Even though this permeable pavers might seem the perfect solution for impervious
parking lots, the cost ofconstructionareelevated,approximately$27/sf whichthisnumberdoes
not include the work and time that takes to construct them. This costs can be minimized if the
construction of them is planned before hand, and there is no need to extract all the existing


These threebuildingshaveatop areaapproximately0.78acresarearelocatedinbetween
McCarty Dr. and the Reitz North Lawn. Currently all stormwater that falls in this area is
connected to the stormwater sewer system that conveys the runoff from campus to Lake Alice.
No treatment is done to this water before it makes it waystothelake.Also,theproximitytothe
lake and the low time of concentration increase the peakflow going to Lake Alice making this
As the baseline scenario represents on the EPA Stormwater Calculator and given the
nature of this site, from the 40.73 in. of rainfall annual average, 13% evaporates and 87%
becomes runoff. The reason for which there is not infiltration is because the delineated area
represents the three roofs from McCarty Hall A, B and C. This runoff of 87% represents an
annual volume of 112,492 cf of water that can be prevented from going to Lake Alice to be

The proposed solution will redirect as much of this stormwater to Rain Gardensbuilton
the sides of the three buildings. This solution intends to retain some of the runoff onsite
enhancing infiltration and evaporation and by these, alleviate the overload of the stormwater
sewer system. The Rain Garden will have a ponding height of 6 in., a soil media thickness of
12in. and asoilmediaconductivityof10in./hr.Theseraingardenswilldetainingwaterawellas
it is going to add a more pleasentviewto thelandscapewiththeaddedplantsandflowerswhich
The average annual runoff will decrease from 35.62 in. to 4.99 in. This represents a
decrease on the runoff of 86% or the equivalently, a volume of 15,759 cf of reminding runoff.
This solution enhances onsite infiltration as well as evaporation ratios to increase. The
infiltration percentage increases from 0% to 54% and theevaporationpercentageincreasesfrom
13% to 34%. Some of this water retained on site will help sustain the plants which will add an

aesthetically pleasing view. Moreover, this method will increase attenuation of the runoff. The
numbers of days in one year with runoff decrease from 54to17.Eventhough,thisLIDpractice
does not eliminate the problem of runoff from McCarty Halls roofs, the measure will decrease
The construction of this LID measure can be relatively cheap. This gardens canbebuild


Turlington Hall is bounded by Union Road on the North, and Buckman Dr. and Newell
Dr. on the West and East respectively. Currently, the Turlingtons roof has a stormwater
collection system with gutters that collect all rainwater that falls on 0.89 acres roof, and plugs
into the stormwater sewer system that flows down into lake Alice. Thisrepresentsabigamount
ofwaterthatcouldbe storedandtreatedonsitewithouthavingtosendittoLakeAlice.Fromthis
area, and as same as the case fro McCarty Hall, only 13% represents water evaporation and the
reminding 87% will become runoff going to Lake Alice. This runoff represents a volume of
Since the entire roof has a considerably big area, a conversion of this roof into a green
roof is proposed with the ideal of diminishing the peak flow that goes to Lake Alice. This roof
will mimique the already existing green roof of Rinker Hall and it will consist on aselectionof
The benefits of this green roof are not only from the stormwater perspective. This roofs
are also ideal for controlling ambient temperature inside the building. Big fluctuations in
The average annual runoff forthissitedecreasedfrombeing87%ofthetotal40.73in.of
rainfall annually, to being 62%. The proposedsolutionincreasestheevaporationratesfrom13%
to 38%. This is mainly because of the plants absorbing the water and releasing it to the
atmosphere as water vapor in theirnormalphotosynthesisprocess.Theamountofwaterretained
on site becomes 52,533 cf of water that stop from going to Lake Alice. This represents a 28%
decrease of runoff. As expected, these green roofs alleviate the situation, but in a lesser degree
compared to other LID methods as theRainGardenspreviouslymentioned.Thenumber ofdays
These green roofs can have very low costs of construction if the structure is already
adequate to build on top of it. There is some maintenance cost to these green roofs that come
from taking care of the plants. However, the maintenance becomes easier once these plants are


This section will explain the design for a detention basin in the Yuleepit area. It will explain
the thought process used and it will go through the calculations done in excel (See Excel

Initially, the basin corresponding to the Yulee pit area was analyzed. The areas measured
were thetotalbasin,theimperviousareainthebasin,andtheperviousareainthebasin.This

To estimate the volume that will go into thebasintwostateswerechecked.Thefirstonewas

the entire basin area times 1 in., and the second was the impervious area in the basintimes
2.5 in. This calculations correspond to the St. Johns River Water Management District(5).
The maximum volume was given by the impervious area as 116,250 cf and this value was
selected for the design of the permanent pool.In addition,theentirerunoffcomingfromInner
Rd. was designed to be directed to the pitas well. ForthispurposetheareaofInnerRd.was
measured usingDaft Logic, and the volume was measured by multiplying the area times2.5

The designed pond will retain the runoff coming from the basin asapermanentpoolofwater
and will detain the runoff coming from Inner Rd. as an aid measure to decrease the runoff
going into Lake Alice and delay the time it takes for this runoffto reachthe Lake. This pond
needs to hold a maximum volume of 125,598 cf, which is the sum of the volume from the
basin and the volume coming from Inner Rd. A pond area was designed using AutoCAD
where an scaled image from google maps was imported (See Appendix B, Figure B5). The
delineated area was 0.69 acres. The heightofthepondwasdesignedas6ftwithsideslopes
of 4:1 (horizontal:vertical) since this will allow a maximum volume storageof133,800cf(See
Appendix B, Figure B6). Themax expected water levelinthepondwillbe5.71ft,thefirst5.4
ft will be the runoff from the basin. Therefore, a weir was designed to be placed at 5.4 ft.
above the bottom of the basin. This weir will allow the overflow coming from Inner Rd. to tie
into the sewer connected to lake Alice. The water will start overflowing and going into the
sewer when it reaches 5.4ft. The dimensions on the weir will be explainedwithmoredetails

The water from inner road will travel to the pond through a PVC pipe. Thepipe inlet will be
located next to the Fresh FoodFactorydining facility. In order to size this pipe the rational
method was used. The area of the of the InnerRd. wascalculatedusingDaftLogicsoftware.
The runoff coefficient for asphalt ranges between 0.7 and 0.95, hence 0.95 was used as a
conservative approach. The intensity was selected by looking at a25 yr, 24hr storm in the
Alachua county and choosing a time of concentration of 10 min. Thistime wascalculatedby
analyzing the road in two separate sub basins. The west portionhadasteeperslopeandthe
slope relatively flat and the resulting time of concentration was 9.17 min. These values are
smaller than typical design valueswhich set a minimum of 10 min for the designparameters
which is the value used on these calculations. Consequently, the max flow the pipe should
handle is wascalculated tobe 7.75 cfs. Using a 15inpipethatruns600ftovera3.3% slope
will be adequate tohold this flow. The pipewillhold amaximumof8.33cfs,themax.velocity

The storage indication method was used to determine inflow and outflow from the pond
caused by the runoff coming from Inner Rd.Initially,aninflowhydrographwasdesigned.The
NRCS Unit Hydrographmethodwas followed. A time of concentration of 10minwaschosen
due to the explanation previously mentioned. In addition, the time incrementwasselectedas
1.5 min as a conservative approach, and the area from Inner Rd was measured as 1.03
Acres. The values and graph for this method can be seen on Sheet 2 of the Excel

The storage volume elevation was measured every 2 inches starting from aheight of 5.4 ft,
this is wheretheweiropeningisstarts.ThestoragevolumewasmeasuredinAutoCAD,since
the pond delineation was already in the file, a 3D model of this volume was drafted. The
outflow elevationwas measured by following the design for a Cipollettiweir. Finally, asseen
in the graph show in excel spreadsheet on sheet named Graph, the outflow reaches a
maximum height of 5.53 ft and the water will reach its equilibrium stage in approximately 3
hours and 55 minutes. This fulfils the design desired since the system will delay therunoff
from Inner Rd into Lake Alice. Since the bottomofthepondwill notbelined,waterisallowed
to percolate into the groundandrechargegroundwatersystems.Thedesignedpondwillalso




(1) Lowimpactdevelopment(n.d.)Retrievedfrom
(2) 2012concretecurb,gutterandsidewalkreplacementbidcomparisons.
(3) CityofGainesville(August,2014).EngineeringDesignandConstructionManual[pdf].
(4) DaftLogic(2014,November5)[StreetMap]Retrievedfrom
(5) St.JohnsRiverWaterManagementDistrict(2012,May27).EnvironmentalResource

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