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Govt moves to strengthen judiciary
KUALA LUMPUR: A Judicial Appointments crisis from which the nation never fully recov-
Commission to help the Prime Minister choose ered," he said.
judges is to be set up as part of reforms The dinner was also attended by former
announced last night by Datuk Seri Abdullah Lord President Tun Salleh Abas, Tan Sri Azmi

Ahmad Badawi to renew the people's trust in Kamaruddin and Datuk Seri George Seah. They
the judiciary. were among six judges who were sacked in
Shut down for Addressing the Malaysian Bar Council din-
ner here last night, Abdullah said the
1988. The other announcements by Abdullah
breaching rules Government proposed the change to make the > Goodwill ex-gratia payment to the six out-
>NI4 process of nominating, appointing and pro- standing judges as recognition of their contri-
moting judges more transparent and repre- butions;
sentative. > A review of the judiciary's terms of service
The Prime Minister, as expected, also and remuneration to ensure that the Bench

addressed the sacking of six Supreme Court can attract and retain the very best of the
judges in 1988, saying "the legacy of 1988 nation's talent;
haunts us until today". Abdullah said there would be more reforms
"For many, the events of 1988 were an to come to strengthen the capacity and credi-
upheaval of the nation's judicial system. Right- bility of the judiciary.
ly or wrongly, many disputed both the legality
and morality of the related proceedings. > SEE PAGES 4,16 and 18
"For me, personally, I feel it was a time of > FULL TEXT OF PM'S SPEECH ON PI2



Pope: Crisis
badly handled

India seals off

Renewing trust: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi shaking hands with former Lord President Tun Salleh Abas as Chief Justice Datuk
torch route Abdul Hamid Mohamad (right) looks on during the Bar Council dinner at the J W Mariott Hotel in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. — AZHAR MAHFOF / The Star

Govt extends civil servants' retirement age to 60
By S I M LEOI LEOI Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah adding that Cuepacs was mindful that "Cuepacs is relieved the Govern- Ahmad Badawi at his office here yes- prices of certain goods such as flour, ment has agreed to all of the above," he
terday, the Government had agreed to bread and rice had also been increas- said, adding that the Public Service
PUTRAJAYA: The Government has all its demands except the honorari- ing recently. Department (PSD) would brief
agreed to five of the six demands by um. However, Omar said the Govern- Cuepacs today on the new method of
Cuepacs, including extending the "The Prime Minister explained that ment had agreed to the other demands evaluation for PTK.
retirement age for civil servants from should the Government give out the - the extension of the retirement age, The PTK, which has become a bone
56 years to 60, and the scrapping of the honorarium, it may spur another reinstatement of critical and housing of contention among the 1.2 million
efficiency level assessment (PTK) round of price increases, like what allowances, pension payment to be civil servants, was introduced in 2002
examination. happened last year when we received based on one's actual years of service when the Malaysian Remuneration
However, there will be no RM2,000 our salary revision. and the scrapping of the PTK exam. System replaced the New Remunera-
New blood honorarium payment in lieu of bonus- "We agreed that we should sacrifice "The Prime Minister will make the tion System.
es for last year.
for Devils Cuepacs president Omar Osman said
this demand as we also don't want cer-
tain parties to take advantage by
announcement soon," he said, describ-
ing the outcome of the meeting as
Passing the PTK exam was used as a

>S73 that in a 45-minute meeting with increasing the prices of goods," he said, "positive". > T U R N TO P A G E 8

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