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Fw: MUST READ! re U.S. District Court Central District of CALIFORNIACase No. CV10-08185 ODW (FFMx) (JAVAHERI v.

Dennis Dvorin ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Dennis Gray <> To:
Dennis gray <> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 4:12 PM Subject: MUST
READ! re U.S. District Court Central District of CALIFORNIA- Case No. CV10-08185 ODW
Jun 24, 2012
----- Forwarded Message ----From: Dennis Gray <>
To: Dennis gray <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 4:12 PM
Subject: MUST READ! re U.S. District Court Central District of CALIFORNIA- Case No. CV10-08185

To All,
See attached re U.S. District Court Case No. CV10-08185 ODW (FFMx): JAVAHERI v. JP
MORGAN et al.
From the decision:
"JP MORGAN CHASE BANK's assertion that the P&A Agreement suffices to establish
their ownership of the Note is no longer viable. Indeed, the P&A Agreement does not
specifically identify Plaintiff's Note. The Court finds that Plaintiff has now sufficiently
alleged that JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA did not own his Note and therefore did not have
the right to foreclose."
I downloaded some of the case filings from The decision cites case law from the U.S.
Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit Court, and CA state courts.
There are also a number of quotable statements/arguments included in the Plaintiff's
memorandum of law.
FYI and reference.
Be Blessed and do not let the Banksters intimidate you. Your note is your surety. and you are
the one that gave it

Also remember

[17 CFR 240.15c 1-2] Fraud and misrepresentation and

[18 USC 1957 ] Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from
specified unlawful activity
-Blessings always
Dennis Gray
(619) 571-7011 - (Cell)
(760) 462-3806 - (Fax)
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