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Crime figures and detail

Date range: 26th Jan 22nd Feb 2015

Bordesley Green Ward

Recorded Crime
Over 4 Weeks


Other Information

Over a four week period we have had Twelve Thefts from
Motor Vehicles and Eight Thefts of Motor Vehicles. The
thefts from include Six vehicles that had Registration
Plates Stolen and Six Vehicles that had damaged caused
allowing entry to be gained and items to be stolen from
within. The Eight thefts of Motor Vehicles were four cars
and four Motor Cycles or Scooters. At least two of the
stolen cars had been left running, insecure and
unattended while being warmed up in the cold weather.
Police advice is never to leave your vehicle insecure and
unattended. Dont become a victim.
Three Robberies occurred two of these the victims had
been attacked for mobile phones and cash, with one
offender arrested. The other Robbery occurred where two
friends were sat drinking alcohol when one of them asked
the other for money? When being refused, the offender
then proceeded to attack his friend and steal his money.
Police advice is not to walk out in open spaces with items
of value on show. Dont give thieves the opportunity to
steal from you.
Five Burglaries have occurred over the last four weeks
and three of these were where offenders have forced open
front doors, gained entry then gone on to conduct an
untidy search of the properties and stole items from within.
Police advice is to make sure your security measures are
of a high standard with security locks fitted to doors, chain
up bins away from your property and install a good CCTV
system and security lights, and for added security use Anti
Climb Paint on low Roofs and the top of Fences.

Officers are currently dealing with a case where two

neighbours are in dispute over noise and affect its
having on the one family. The main offender has been
at a property for less than four months and in this time
has proceeded to be a nuisance and continued with a
course of conduct by playing loud music and constantly
making noise in the early hours of the morning. This
conduct has caused the family endless nights sleep
deprivation and in turn has affected work, schooling and
health. The nuisance neighbour is now going through
courts action for causing Harassment Alarm and
Distress to the family.
If you and your family are suffering at the hands of a
nuisance neighbour or someone else and this is causing
you endless nights of sleep deprivation, or causing you
Harassment, Alarm and Distress please report it, Your
Neighbourhood Team may be able to help you. Noise
Nuisance is now dealt with by Environmental Health but
on occasions The Police may need to get involved.

Contact Us

We would like you to follow us on Twitter

If you have any information about crime or ASB in
your area contact us on: 101 ext 841 6105 or call
Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
You can email us on:

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