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Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

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Effect of a magnetic eld on dispersion of a hop extract and the inuence

on gushing of beer
Zahra Shokribousjein a,, David Riveros Galan a, Chris Michiels a, Kurt Gebruers a, Hubert Verachtert a,
Johan Martens b, Christine Peeters c, Guy Derdelinckx a

KULeuven, Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S), and Leuven Food Science and Nutrition Research Centre (LFoRCe-MaltBeerSci), Heverlee, Belgium
KULeuven, Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Heverlee, Belgium
KULeuven, Expertise Unit on Educational Provision, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Heverlee, Belgium

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 30 April 2014
Received in revised form 6 August 2014
Accepted 7 August 2014
Available online 19 August 2014

a b s t r a c t
Hydrophobins are surface active molecules that cause gushing of beer. Gushing is vigorous overfoaming
of carbonated beverages without any shaking. A hop extract was used to decrease gushing of wort
induced by hydrophobin HFBI. The inuence of a magnetic eld on dispersion of the hop extract was used
to decrease gushing by HFBI. The results indicate that when a magnetic eld exerted on hop extract, this
compound is dispersed more and smaller particles are formed. Therefore, the specic surface areas of the
particles are increased and interact with larger numbers of hydrophobins. This resulted in less gushing by
HFBI. When hydrophobins and hop extract together were submitted to magnetic eld more gushing was
obtained than in the absence of magnet. This is due to the extensive dispersion of the combination by the
magnet and can be limited by using less amount of hop extract.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Filamentous fungi are distributed all over the world and may
infect many plants including grains due to their amazing ability
to adapt to a wide variety of environmental conditions and ecosystems (Gow and Gadd, 1994). They spread through their hyphae in
the substrates that they grow on and they can grow upward into
the air and spread spores. These fungi form hydrophobins which
are specic proteins needed in such development and growth
(Hakanp et al., 2004). The hydrophobins are needed to attach
to solid surfaces such as plant leaves or insect cuticles and help
fungi to cause plant diseases such as Head blight of barley, Dutch
elm disease, rice blast, and chestnut blight (Sarlin et al., 2005;
Tucker and Talbot, 2001). These proteins are involved in the formation of aerial structures of fungi by decreasing the surface tension
of water and forming a protective layer on the aerial structures or
spores (Talbot, 1997, 1999; Wsten et al., 1999).
Hydrophobins are among the most surface-active molecules
known and are stable proteins with a size of about 100 amino acids
which resist temperatures of boiling water (Wsten and de Vocht,
Corresponding author. Postal address: Centre for Food and Microbial Technology, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 box 2463, 3001 Heverlee, Leuven, Belgium. Tel.: +32
16 37 68 15.
E-mail addresses:, zahrashokri@gmail.
com (Z. Shokribousjein).
0260-8774/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

2000). Based on their specic characters, they have potential for

several applications. They can function as adhesion enhancing molecules for the immobilization of other molecules to solid supports
(Linder et al., 2002; Scholtmeijer et al., 2002) and as tags in fusion
proteins for afnity purication (Collen et al., 2002). Since these
molecules are surface active, they interact highly with non-polar
gaseous molecules and form foam. These molecules are also able
to self-assemble and form nucleation sites for gaseous CO2. Thus
by addition of these proteins to bottles of carbonated beverages
and opening of the bottle after some days of shaking, the energy
for nucleation is provided and overfoaming occurs. This is one of
the easily detected characteristic of hydrophobins which is called
primary gushing. Gushing is observed in many carbonated beverages such as beer (Sarlin et al., 2007). The major reason of primary
gushing in beer found to be hydrophobins.
The mechanism of this phenomenon is explained by Deckers
et al., 2010 and 2012. They explained that since hydrophobins have
at least one exposed hydrophobic patch, they form di- tetra- and
oligomers in a solvent to shield their hydrophobic patch. If an
interface exists they move to the interface and form a monolayer.
In a closed container of a carbonated beverage, gaseous CO2 molecules are in equilibrium with the solvent form of CO2. These gaseous molecules form an interface with which hydrophobins
interact. Deckers et al. (2012) used molecular dynamics simulations to show the interaction of a class II hydrophobin with CO2.

Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

The hydrophobic CO2 molecules cluster near the hydrophobic

patch of hydrophobins (Fig. 1). This effect is enhanced by selfassembled hydrophobins. These ndings led to study the possibility to inactivate the hydrophobic patch of hydrophobins as an
approach to inhibit gushing.
Preventing or reducing primary gushing continued to be challenging for industry. As mentioned before, this phenomenon is
related to the poor microbiological quality of barley and malt,
resulting in extraction of hydrophobins into the nished beer.
The addition of non-polar molecules to hydrophobins may affect
their binding with gaseous CO2 and gushing. This was shown in a
research with saturated and non-saturated hydrocarbons as well
as unsaturated fatty acids, binding to hydrophobins and prohibiting gushing (data not published yet). Although inhibition of gushing with the model substances is successful, their addition to the
beverages may not be the most appropriate. These molecules not
only inuence the taste and aroma of the nished beer, but also
according to the European food safety authority, the amount of
hydrocarbons in food is very limited. Therefore, an acceptable
method to inhibit gushing would be the addition of extracts (components) related to the beverage in question. Hop extracts may be
appropriate in the context regarding beer gushing.
Several methods to prevent and to solve gushing have been proposed, such as the addition of proteolytic enzymes or adsorbents
such as charcoal, activated alumina during the beer ltration step
and addition of a mixture of different calcium-enriched silicates
(Aastrup et al., 1996; Sarlin et al., 2005; Evans and Bamforth,
2009; Besier et al., 2013). The addition of hop components like free
linalool (50 lg/L) and humulones (5 mg/L) to the beer was one of
the gushing decreasing methods (Hanke et al., 2009). The amount
of total linalool (free and cell wall bound which will be used by
yeast) in beer is 500 lg/L and humulones is 520 mg/L, which
are much higher in the nal beer but not free to decrease gushing
(Briggs et al., 2010; Hanke, 2009; Hanke et al., 2008).
Membrane ltration of beer (0.1 lm pore size) (Christian et al.,
2009), and addition of unsaturated fatty acids has been claimed to
have gushing decreasing properties (Hanke et al., 2009).
Among the curative methods of gushing, one study on hop oils
demonstrated that the hydrophobic characteristic of hop oils leads
to their accumulation on hydrophobichydrophilic interfaces. This
would result in non-stable nuclei by making gaps between the
molecules of gushing promoting surfactants, therefore, reducing
the gushing tendency (Hanke et al., 2009).
Hydrophobins are not the only molecules with gushing ability.
In a study by Christian et al., 2011 on the gushing provoking tendency of hydrocarbons, they found a relation between structure
(either carbon chain length or degree of saturation/unsaturation)
and gushing potential of fatty acids. By increasing the carbon
length of fatty acids from C10 to C16, overfoaming increased, due


to the fact that a specic hydrophobic interaction is needed to initiate gushing. Unsaturated fatty acids were not gushing inducers
and even suppressed gushing by saturated molecules.
Some hop extracts are used frequently in brewing to control the
foam in boiling kettles and fermenters and to increase their capacity for the process. Such extract is a suitable alternative in order to
decrease gushing and the result showed that it decreases gushing
of beer when it is added before carbonation (Shokribousjein
et al., 2014). The extract creates an interface in wort with which
hydrophobins interact and further contact with gaseous CO2 is
inhibited. In nished gushing beer, the hydrophobins and CO2 were
in contact together and form nanobubbles. These nanobubbles are
very stable and addition of the hop extract did not destabilize them
as much. Therefore, addition of the hop extract to the nished beer
is not a useful method to decrease gushing (Shokribousjein et al.,
2014) and the extract should be used before carbonation to inhibit
gushing. In a research it was shown that destabilization of the
formed nanobubbles are possible through dropping of the crates
of gushing beers (data not published yet) or pasteurisation
(Garbe et al., 2009).
The intensity of effects of hop extract on gushing is related to its
specic surface area. Aggregation of the particles of this extract
causes a problem for their interaction with hydrophobins. Better
dispersion of the extract, increases specic surface area and interaction with hydrophobins and consequently reduces gushing. For a
better dispersion, the high temperature during mashing was considered but that approach was not successful. This is due to the
extensive dispersion of the hop extract at high temperature which
changed it to become a gushing inducer (Shokribousjein et al.,
2013). Therefore, it is advised to add the extract in a so called cold
wort which means after wort cooling. Since this extract is used as
a foam control in fermenters, the best step to add it to the wort is
before fermentation.
Another method to disperse the hop extract is the use of a magnetic eld. The idea of using this method came from the studies of
Stuyven et al. (2009) who found that the aggregates of silica particles are dispersed in a magnetohydrodynamic device. Thereafter,
Kerkhofs et al. (2011) used a magnetic eld for emulsication of
mayonnaise. Based on these, an orthogonally magnetic eld was
investigated on dispersion of the hop extract, and the effect on
gushing of hydrophobin HFBI.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Production and purication of hydrophobin HFBI
Class II hydrophobin HFBI was extracted from Trichoderma reesei MUCL 44,908. This fungi was cultivated for 7 days in Tricho-

Fig. 1. Gaseous CO2 clustering around hydrophobic patch of class II hydrophobin HFBII (Deckers et al., 2012).


Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

derma medium containing glucose (40.0 g/L), peptone (4.0 g/L),

yeast extract (1.0 g/L), KH2PO4 (4.0 g/L), (NH4)2SO4 (2.8 g/L),
MgSO4  7 H2O (0.6 g/L), CaCl2  2 H2O (0.8 g/L) and 2 ml per litre
of a trace elements solution. This solution contained FeSO4  7
H2O (5 g/L), CoCl2  6 H2O (3.7 g/L), MnSO4  H2O (1.6 g/L),
ZnSO4  7 H2O (1.4 g/L). The pH of the medium culture was
adjusted to 4.55.0 with HCl (1 M). After 30 h, 25 ml of glucose
solution (240 g/L) was added to 1 L of medium culture. After 7 days
shaking (25 C, 120 rpm), the mycelium was separated from medium culture by centrifugation (8000g for 20 min at 4 C, Beckman
model J221). Hydrophobin HFBI was extracted from mycelium by
addition of 25 mL of a 170 mM Tris/HCl buffer (pH 9) containing 1%
SDS and shaking for 1 h at room temperature. The mycelium was
then separated by centrifugation at the same time and speed as
above. After obtaining the liquid extract, SDS was precipitated as
water-insoluble potassium dodecyl sulphate by addition of 10 mL
of a 2 M KCl solution and further centrifugation (8000g for
10 min at 4 C, Beckman model J221). In this step a crude mycelium extract containing HFBI is obtained.
HFBI was further puried by reverse phase high performance
liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on a 15 RPC column
(6.4  100 mm, GE Healthcare) with a linear gradient elution from
0.1% TFA in MilliQ water (A) to 0.1% TFA in acetonitrile (B). The
elute was monitored by UV detection at 214 nm. The fractions
between 40% and 50% of acetonitrile were collected.
Fractions containing hydrophobin HFBI were detected by
matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time of ight (MALDITOF) mass spectrometry with an Ultraex II instrument in linear
mode and a-cyano-4-hydroxy cinnamic acid matrix (Brker Daltonics GmbH). Fractions containing 7.5 kDa molecular weight peptides were conrmed to be hydrophobin HFBI by automated
Edman degradation on a capillary protein sequencer (N-terminal
amino acid sequence) (Procise 491cLC, Applied Biosystems).
The concentration of the puried HFBI was measured with
NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Technologies,
Wilmington, DE, USA) and was 0.15 mg/mL.
After conrmation that the puried hydrophobin is HFBI, a
crude mycelium extract was further used in the present study.
During purication, there are some losses of the molecules, therefore, the concentration in the crude mycelium is higher than
0.15 mg/mL.
2.2. Gas chromatography (GC) and GCMS analyses of hop extract
2.2.1. Sample preparation
Prior to GC and GCMS analyses, the lipid compounds of the
antifoam sample were extracted with chloroform. Part of the
chloroform extract was analysed as such, while one other part
was further processed in order to prepare derivatives. Before derivatisation, the chloroform extract was evaporated to dryness under
N2. A methanolysation procedure was used as a derivetisation
method. During the methanolyzation, the tri-, di- and monoglycerides, as well as the free fatty acids were converted to fatty
acid methyl esters (FAME). Therefore, the dry extract was dissolved
in a mixture of boron triouride methanol complex (BF3) in
methanol (1.5 M, Acros). After incubation at 70 C for 1 h, the derivatisation reaction was stopped by the addition of distilled water
and the lipids were extracted with octane. The octane extracts
were used for chromatographic analysis of the lipophilic fraction.
2.2.2. GC analysis of lipophilic fraction
A Shimadzu GC-210 gas chromatograph equipped with a split
injector, a ame ionisation detector (FID) and a CP-SIL 5 capillary
column (60 m  0.25 mm i.d., 0.32 lm) was used for GC analysis
of the lipophilic compounds. N2 was used as the carrier gas. The

injector and the detector temperatures were set at 280 C and

320 C, respectively. The oven was programmed at 180 C for
20 min. Then the temperature was increased to 225 C at 10 C/
min, followed by a 15 min hold at 225 C. Finally the temperature
was raised at 10 C/min to 320 C and held there for 45 min. Peaks
were identied with a mixture of standards (FAMEs, Supelco,
SigmaAldrich, Belgium), alkane standard solution C21-C40 (Fluka,
SigmaAldrich, Belgium) and with information provided by GCMS
analysis (see below). Quantication was based on area percentage.
2.2.3. GCMS analysis of lipophilic fraction
GCMS analyses were performed on an Agilent 6890 N gas
chromatograph coupled to a quadrupole mass spectrometer detector (Agilent). The GC was equipped with a split injector (split
ratio = 10:1) and a 30 m  0.25 mm i.d.  0.25 lm HP-5 capillary
column. The injector temperature was set at 325 C. After an initial
hold for 20 min at 180 C, the oven was heated from 180 to 225 C
at 10 C/min and held there for 15 min. Then the temperature was
increased to 325 C at 10 C/min, followed by a 40 min hold at this
temperature. Compounds were identied by comparing their mass
spectra with mass spectra in the NIST Mass Spectral Database, by
mass fragmentography, and, when possible, by comparison with
authentic standards (FAMEs and hydrocarbons).
2.2.4. GC analysis of FAMEs
FAMEs, obtained after derivatization with BF3 in methanol,
were analysed with a Hewlett Packard HP 6890 gas chromatograph
with a split injection system (split ratio = 100:1) and N2 as the carrier gas. A 100 m CP-SIL 88 highly polar column (0.25 mm
i.d.  0.2 lm) was used for separation. Initially, the column temperature was maintained at 180 C for 50 min and then raised at
10 C/min to 225 C and held there for 25 min. The FID detector
used was maintained at 280 C. FAMEs were identied based on
retention times, using references (Supelco, SigmaAldrich). For
quantication, heptadecane (SigmaAldrich, Belgium) was used
as external standard.
2.3. Magnetic eld setup in laboratory scale
The experimental magnet setup was carried out in stainless
tubes and the pump was Riotherm circulation pump C 12/15T.
Fig. 2 shows the system that was used for creating a magnetic eld
and circulation. An orthogonal magnetic eld was applied by
mounting 0.31 T magnet on the circulating system with the inner
diameter of 1 cm. The whole volume for lling the system was
200 mL. Filling of the system with wort took place at point 1 in
Fig. 2. Addition of hydrophobin and hop extract was carried out
at point 2 (Fig. 2). After circulation, the sample was taken from
point 1 for further analysis. After each run, the system was washed
with 2% NaOH for 1 min and rinsed with water (at least 5 times)
which was lled from point 5 and removed from point 1.
As the rst experiment, 1 mL and 2.5 mL of the hop extract were
circulated (1.5 L/min) in 200 mL wort for 1 min and 30 min with
and without magnet. The treated wort was mixed with 1 mL
hydrophobin extract and gushing and particle sizes were measured. In another experiment, 10 mL hydrophobin extract was circulated in 200 mL wort with and without magnet for 1 min and
30 min. The particle sizes as well as gushing were measured for
this sample. To adapt the experiments with the real situation in
beer, 10 mL hydrophobin extract was mixed with 1 mL hop extract
and the mixture was added to 200 mL of the wort. The same was
carried out with 2.5 mL of hop extract. The prepared mixtures
were circulated for the same time as above with and without
magnet. The gushing analysis as well as particle sizes was measured. All the mentioned experiments are shown schematically
below in Fig. 3.

Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018


differences of variances were analysed by Independent samples

T-test or one-way ANOVA.
2.5. Particle size distribution
The particle size of the samples was determined by DLS with a
90 Plus Particle Size Analyzer (Brookhaven Instruments Corporation). Ten repeats for each sample were carried out for 1 min and
for better comparison, the mean diameter was calculated and
probed. For the particle sizes of samples in industrial scale, the
intensity sum distribution was probed versus particle sizes. This
representation is easier for comparison of the samples. Statistical
analysis was carried out the same as for gushing measurements.
2.6. Magnetic eld inuence on dispersion of hop extract in brewery

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of magnet setup with stainless steel tubes.

2.4. Gushing measurement

The gushing test was performed according to the Doubly Modied Carlsberg Test (M2CT) for the samples in wort (Garbe et al.,
2009). Twenty millilitres of samples, prepared as explained above,
were added to 1 L sparkling waters which were stored at 2 C for at
least 24 h. In order to have the same amount of liquid in all bottles,
prior to the experiments, 20 mL of sparkling water was removed
and then the sample was added. The samples were shaken on a
horizontal rotating shaker at 150 rpm (Bhler shaker SM30,
Germany) for 3 days at 25 C (Bhler TH30 incubator hoods,
Germany). After 3 days, the samples were allowed to stand for
10 min and then turned upside down three times (180) by 10 s
intervals. After the last turning, the bottles were stand for 30 s
and then opened. The amount of overfoaming was calculated from
the difference of weight after opening. All gushing experiments
were carried out with at least ve repeats.
The statistical analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics
22, ShapiroWilk method. Based on the normality results,

In order to study the inuence of a magnetic eld on the dispersion of hop extract at brewery scale, experiments were carried out
in a brewery in Belgium. In this brewery, hop extract is added to
the wort after cooling and before transferring to the fermenter.
Intention is to decrease the foam in fermenters and to maximise
the vessel capacity. For the experiment, 800 g hop extract was
mixed with 1 L of cooled wort in a small vessel. The mixture was
passed through the magnet (0.31 T) by means of a pump (membrane pump, Prominent 99011124, 3.4 L/min) to be distributed in
27,000 L of wort.
Before mixing with 27,000 L wort, the samples with and without magnet were taken and particle sizes were analysed by DLS
(Nanoex 180 from Microtrac, Germany).
3. Results and discussions
3.1. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
The hop extract antifoam was methanolyzed and then analysed
with GC and GCMS. The GCMS chromatogram of the methanolyzed extract is shown in Fig. 4 and the composition of the main
compounds is summarized in Table 1. The main lipid classes identied in the sample were (partial) glycerides, n-alkanes, steroid

Fig. 3. The schematic representation of different experiments carried out in this study. Filled and dashed arrows show the number of samples which were prepared for each
experiment. Each preparation was repeated 4 times and samples were analysed for gushing and particle sizes.


Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

and triterpenoid compounds and wax esters. The most dominant

lipid compounds were found in the group of the n-alkanes, namely
n-hentriacontane (C31) (18%) and n-nonacosane (C29) (14%). These
compounds are labelled A5 and A3, respectively (Fig. 4 A).
Other major n-alkanes were in the range from C27 to C32. By
methanolyzation, free fatty acids and mono- di- and triglycerides
are converted to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). Within the
group of the FAMEs, the most predominant was linolenic acid
(C18:2), comprising 50 wt% of the total FAMEs identied in the
derivatized extract (Table 2). Steroid compounds comprise also
an important fraction of the extract, the most important is sitosterol (S1 in Fig. 4A). Finally longer wax esters were identied and
were found in the range from C38 to C50.
The hop extract contains molecules which behave differently
regarding gushing. In another research different non-polar molecules including saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons as well
as fatty acids were studied whether they cause gushing (data not
published yet). The results show that long chain saturated hydrocarbons could provide enough hydrophobic interaction with
gaseous CO2 and cause gushing. Unsaturated fatty acids such as
linoleic and oleic acid did not induce gushing (data not published
The major components of the hop extract are waxes (C29 and
C31) which are strong gushing inducers (Shokribousjein et al.,
2014) while some unsaturated fatty acids were gushing inhibitors.
Based on the total amount of individual molecules in the hop

Table 1
Composition of lipids from lipophilic fraction of hop extract (based on area
percentages of GCMS analysis).
Fatty acid methyl esters
C16:0 (F1)
Unsaturated C18 (F2)
C18:0 (F3)
C20:0 (F4)
C22:0 (F5)
C24:0 (F6)



C27 (A1)
C28 (A2)
C29 (A3)
C30 (A4)
C31 (A5)
C32 (A6)



Wax Esters


Mainly steroid and triterpenoid compounds.

Table 2
Composition of the fatty acid fraction obtained by quantitative GC
analysis of the methanolyzed extract.
Fatty acid




Fig. 4. GC/MS chromatogram of the methanolyzed lipid extracts: F = fatty acid methyl ester, A = n-alkane, W = wax ester, S = steroid compounds (A). Ion extraction of GCMS
spectrum (m/z = 57), characteristic for alkanes and wax esters (B).

Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018


extract, it is found that the majority of the molecules are gushing

3.2. Particle size and gushing analysis of hydrophobin HFBI and hop
extract with/without magnetic eld
Figures below show the results of a magnetic eld on particle
sizes of hop extract antifoam (Fig. 5), of hydrophobin (Fig. 6) and
of a mixture of both (Fig. 7), and the effects on gushing are presented. As a control sample, non-gushing wort was circulated with
and without magnet for 1 and 30 min. After circulation, no gushing
was detected. The particle sizes of the control sample were analysed after 30 min circulation with and without magnet. Particles
smaller than 2000 nm did not change by 30 min circulation with
magnet, while the particles between 2000 and 5000 nm had a
mean decrease of 428 nm.
Fig. 5 (Exp 1) shows the effects of a magnetic eld on hop
extract antifoam particles and gushing by hydrophobin HFBI. The
following experimental condition was used. At rst the hop extract
antifoam was circulated in wort with and without magnet for
1 min and 30 min. After circulation the particle sizes of the sample
and gushing were measured. The prepared sample was mixed with
10 mL mycelium extract (containing HFBI) and gushing was analysed. The obtained data from particle size analysis and gushing
measurements were all statistically analysed. The normal distribution was tested with ShapiroWilk method. The data distribution
were normal, therefore, Independent samples T-test was used for
analysis of differences of variances (Table 3).
The results show that the hop extract antifoam is dispersed in
the presence of a magnetic eld. The magnetic eld decreased
the particle sizes of hop extract antifoam signicantly (Table 3).
The dispersion is due to the hydrodynamic forces of turbulent ow
and Lorentz force. Lorentz force is a combination of an electric and
magnetic force which is applied to a particle with a charge which is
moving in a magnetic eld. Since there are polar molecules in the
hop extract antifoam such as fatty acids, Lorentz force is present
for this product. This force enhances shear stresses which cause

Fig. 6. (A) The particle sizes of the mixture of HFBI and hop extract antifoam after
circulation with and without magnet for 1 min and 30 min. (B) The gushing amount
of the mixture of HFBI and hop extract antifoam circulated with and without
magnet. The bars indicate standard deviation. The number of repeats was 5.

Fig. 7. (A) The particle sizes of the mixture of HFBI and hop extract antifoam after
circulation with and without magnet for 1 min and 30 min. (B) The gushing amount
of the mixture of HFBI and hop extract antifoam circulated with and without
magnet. The bars indicate standard deviation. The number of repeats was 5.

Fig. 5. (A) The particle sizes of hop extract antifoam after circulation with and
without magnet for 1 min and 30 min. (B) The gushing amount of HFBI in the
presence of the hop extract antifoam which was circulated with and without
magnet. The bars indicate standard deviation and the number of repeats was 5.

segregation of the particles. This result is in accordance with the

results of Stuyven et al. (2009) who studied the dispersion of silica
suspension in the magnetic eld.
By using the magnet, less overfoaming by HFBI is observed in
the presence of smaller particles of hop extract antifoam. The magnetic eld disperses hop extract antifoam, increases the specic
surface area and allows more reaction with HFBI molecules. Therefore, gushing is decreased. The statistical analysis of the gushing
measurements carried out with Independent samples T-test
method and the results show that magnet could signicantly


Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

Table 3
Sample descriptive are analysed t-test equality to compare the differences of
circulation with and without magnet. The t-values for gushing amounts and particle
sizes are mentioned in the table. The amount of hop extract antifoam which is
circulated in 200 mL wort is indicated.

1 mL
1 mL
2.5 mL
2.5 mL

1 min
30 min
1 min
30 min

t-Test for

Particle sizes



ns = Not signicant.
p < 0.05.

decrease gushing by HFBI (Table 3). Gushing by 2.5 mL hop extract

antifoam which was circulated for 30 min was not signicantly
decreased (t = 1.828, df = 8, P > 0.05).
Fig. 6 shows the effects of a magnetic eld on hydrophobin particles. The following experimental condition was used for this analysis. Ten mililiter of mycelium extract (containing HFBI) was added
to wort and circulated with and without magnet. The particle sizes
and overfoaming amounts of the sample were measured (Exp 2).
This analysis was carried out to nd out whether, without any
addition of hop extract antifoam gushing could be decreased just
by applying a magnetic eld on circulating wort. The objective
was to see if the magnetic eld is able to destabilize the crystalline
structures of class II hydrophobins. The crystal structure of class II
hydrophobins forms nucleous sites for gaseous CO2 and causes
The statistical analysis carried out rstly for normal distribution
of data of either particle sizes or gushing amounts and thereafter,
for the analysis of differences of variances. The data of particle
sizes and gushing were analysed by ShapiroWilk method for distribution and they were all normally distributed. For the differences of variances, Independent samples T-test method was used
and the results show that there is a signicant difference in particle
sizes of HFBI when they are circulated with magnet (Table 4).
Gushing measurements were statistically analysed the same as
particle sizes and the results demonstrated that gushing by HFBI
is signicantly decreased when it is circulated for 1 min with magnet (Table 4). The circulation by magnet for 30 min did not
decrease gushing by HFBI signicantly (t = 1.069, df = 8,
P > 0.05). Gushing by HFBI when it was circulated with or without
magnetic eld for 30 min was signicantly less than 1 min (F:
1221, P < 0.05).
The results demonstrate that circulation of HFBI in magnetic
eld decreases the sizes of the particles and also gushing (especially circulation for 30 min). This is probably due to shear stresses
by circulation. The circulation with 1.5 L/min for 30 min can affect
the other properties of wort. Therefore, it is not possible to use it as
a method to decrease gushing in big scale.
Comparing the gushing by 1 min circulation of HFBI (Fig. 6B)
with the experiment where the hop extract antifoam was

Table 4
Sample descriptive are analysed using t-test to compare the differences of circulation
with and without magnet. Ten mililitre HFBI was circulated in 200 mL wort. The tvalues for gushing and particle sizes are mentioned.

10 mL HFBI
10 mL HFBI
ns = Not signicant.
p < 0.05.

(with and without magnet)

t-Test for

Particle sizes

1 min
30 min



inuenced by magnet and then HFBI was added (Fig. 5B), indicates
that the amount of gushing which was decreased with hop extract
antifoam in magnetic eld was signicantly higher (100 g) than
here (50 g). This shows that using hop extract antifoam along with
magnet is more effective to decrease gushing by hydrophobin.
In order to approach the real situation in breweries, hydrophobin and hop extract antifoam were mixed in wort and then circulated with and without magnet for 1 min and 30 min. This is
essential to study if hop extract antifoam needs pre-treatment
with magnet before addition to wort or it can be added to the gushing wort and then passes through magnetic eld. For this analysis
the following experimental condition was used. Ten mililiter of
mycelium extract (containing HFBI) and 1 mL and 2.5 mL of hop
extract antifoam were added to the wort and circulated with and
without magnet for 1 min and 30 min (Exp 3). Fig. 7 shows the
effects of a magnetic eld on a mixture of hop extract antifoam
and hydrophobin particles.
The results (Fig. 7B) were very complex but clearly showed that
when hop extract antifoam is used in low amount, magnet could
decrease gushing, but high amount of the extract did not work as
well. The particle sizes and gushing measurements were statistically analysed for normal distribution and thereafter, for differences of variances. In both cases, the data were normal.
Therefore, the Independent samples T-test method was used for
analysing the differences of variances. Either particle sizes or gushing amounts were signicantly different when there was the magnetic eld (Table 5).
The results demonstrate that by circulation (1 min and 30 min)
of the mixture of hop extract antifoam (2.5 mL) and mycelium
extract (10 mL), gushing disappears. This is an indication for the
best situation for gushing inhibition. This means that the amount
of hop extract antifoam in combination with the circulation was
sufcient to inhibit gushing. The result with magnet was compared
with the results without magnet and it is clear that magnetic eld
did not inhibit gushing. This is due to the changes obtained by the
magnetic forces in addition to the circulation forces (turbulent
ow). To complete this analysis, 1 mL and 2.5 mL hop extract antifoam were circulated in wort for 1 min and 30 min (Exp 1) with
and without magnet and the gushing was measured. The results
show that in presence of the magnetic eld, 1 mL hop extract antifoam did not show any gushing, but 2.5 mL of hop extract antifoam
overfoamed 51 g/L and 142 g/L after 1 min and 30 min circulation,
respectively. This gushing is of the secondary type in which the
long chain molecules form nucleous sites for gaseous CO2 and
gushing happens. Based on the particle sizes, it is clear that in
the presence of magnetic eld, dispersion happens and since there
are many gushing inducers in the hop extract antifoam, it shows
gushing. The same results were obtained in chapter 5 for extensive
dispersion by mashing.
Since hop extract antifoam is composed of mainly gushing
inducer molecules, by extensive dispersion, they are released from
the matrix and gushing appears. The reason that this phenomenon

Table 5
Sample descriptive analysed by t-test for equality to compare the differences of
circulation with and without magnet. The amount of hop extract antifoam and HFBI
which are circulated in 200 mL wort is mentioned.

1 mL hop extract + 1 mL HFBI

1 mL hop extract + 1 mL HFBI
2.5 mL hop extract + 1 mL HFBI
2.5 mL hop extract + 1 mL HFBI

p < 0.05.

Circulation (with and

without magnet)

t-Test for


1 min
30 min
1 min
30 min




Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

did not happen with 1 mL hop extract antifoam could be due to the
less amount of gushing inducers that are released after dispersion.
3.3. Investigation of effects of a magnetic eld on the dispersion of hop
extract at brewery scale
The analysis of the effect of magnetic eld on dispersion of hop
extract antifoam in wort was carried out in large scale at an industrial brewing site. This analysis was carried out in laboratory scale
(in wort) with some differences including the pump (membrane
pump in brewery scale and circulation pump in laboratory scale)
and the pump speed (3.4 L/min in brewery scale [turbulent ow]
and 1.5 L/min in laboratory scale [turbulent ow]). Unlike the differences, the results were the same. The results of magnetic eld
on sizes of hop extract antifoam in wort in brewery scale are
shown in Fig. 8. According to the results, the particle sizes of the
hop extract antifoam were decreased in wort with magnetic eld
and the same result was obtained in laboratory scale. The big different between the analysis in brewing scale and laboratory scale
is the number of times which hop extract would pass through
the magnet. In industrial scale, only one time the hop extract particles passed through magnet while in laboratory scale 7 times for
1 min circulation and 225 times for 30 min of circulations.
Statistical analysis was carried out for the particle sizes. The
data was tested for normality distribution using ShapiroWilk
method. The distribution of particles between 0.95 and 289 nm
was not normal, therefore, for comparison of the variances, ANOVA
was used. Data showed that there was no signicant difference
between the particle sizes of this range (p > 0.05). The distribution
of particles between 344 and 6500 nm was normal and the differences of variances were tested using Independent samples T-test.
The data are shown in Table 6.
This brewery installed a magnet since 2011 for better dispersion of hop extract antifoam and more benet from this extract

regarding foam control in fermenters. According to the hop extract

antifoam supplier (Barth-Haas, England), the hop extract antifoam
should be added at a dose range of 1030 g/hL wort while at this
brewery, using a magnetic eld, 800 g of this extract is added to
27,000 L of wort. This is 1900 g less than the minimum amount
which is advised by the supplier. The benet is probably due to
the magnetic eld which provides more active surface area to
interact with foaming molecules.
The changes of average particle diameters by magnet are calculated at the identied intensity sum distribution in Table 7.
The decreased diameter increases the specic surface area of
the particles. The increase of specic surface area by magnetic eld
is calculated based on the decreased sizes of particles.
The particles are assumed to be spherical and the differences of
Specic Surface Area (SSA) for the particles with the signicant
difference by magnet are calculated.


surface area of a particle

4p r 2

volume of the particle

4=3pr 3

The changes of specic surface area for the particles which have
signicant differences after magnet are calculated and mentioned
in Table 8:
According to the above calculations, the average of SSA changes
because of magnet for the selected points will be: 4  104 nm1.
Through this change, the amount of hop extract antifoam that
needs to inhibit foaming is decreased while no overfoaming in fermenters is detected and no gushing.
3.4. Determination of the surface area of hydrophobins that needs to
be inactivated: mathematical approach
In order to establish a mathematical measure for the hydrophobic patch of hydrophobins which is needed to be inactivated or
covered by non-polar molecules, the calculations were conducted
for 10 mL of HFBI with a concentration of 0.15 mg/mL. This calculation was carried out to have an idea about the size of the surface
which is needed to inactivate hydrophobins.

1HFBI 7:5 kDa 7500 g=mole

10 mL  0:15 mg=mL 1:5 mg HFBI

Fig. 8. (A): Particle sizes of hop extract antifoam mixed in wort passing through
magnet and no magnet. The standard deviations are shown. The particle sizes
which are signicantly different because of magnet are mentioned in the graph. (B):
Schematic representation of dispersion of particles is shown. This representation is
clearly showing that dispersion of the particles by means of magnet is a 3-D effect.
Therefore, the specic surface area of the particles are increased by dispersion.

Table 6
Samples descriptive analysis for the particles at the range of 3446500 nm using
Independent samples T-test.
Particle size ranges (nm) after treatment with magnet




ns = Not signicant.
P < 0.05.

6:02  1023 molecules  1:5 mg HFBI

7500  1000 mg

Table 7
Comparison of particle diameters (nm) by magnet at the identied intensity of
distribution. Values obtained from measurements made on two different brews (30
runs at each measurement by Microtrac). Values in bold have statistically signicant
Intensity sum
distribution (%)

Average of particle diameter (nm)

Without magnet

With magnet




Difference of average
particle diameters

Table 8
Changes of SSA for the signicant differences of particles by magnet.
Diameter before magnet

Diameter after magnet


Changes of





Z. Shokribousjein et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 145 (2015) 1018

x 1:2  1017 molecules of HFBI


Based on the fact that the area of hydrophobic patch of one HFBI is
4 nm2 (Szilvay et al., 2006):

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1:2  1017 molecules  4 nm2 4:8  1017 nm2 0:48 m2

Therefore, at least 0.48 m2 of a surface is needed to interact with
1.5 mg hydrophobins and inhibit their interaction with gaseous
This calculation was carried out for 1.5 mg HFBI for 1 L of wort,
while for 100 hL of wort which is even less than 1 day brewing,
4800 m2 is needed to be inactivated.

4. Conclusion
In this article the dispersion and interaction of HFBI molecules
with the hop extract antifoam in the presence of a magnetic eld
are described. Addition of hop extract antifoam, composed of
non-polar molecules, to HFBI decreases the interaction of these
molecules with CO2 and therefore, decreases gushing. The inuence of a magnetic eld was investigated on the dispersion of
hop extract antifoam and HFBI, either individually or in mixture.
Gushing by HFBI is used as a measurement for the behaviour of this
molecule in the presence of a hop extract antifoam with and without a magnetic eld. When hop extract antifoam and HFBI are individually exposed to magnetic eld, their particles disperse and
smaller sizes are formed. The dispersed hop extract antifoam has
more specic surface area with which hydrophobins interact and
therefore, gushing is decreased.
The particles formed by HFBI, disperse in the magnetic eld and
later in the sparkling water, they could make less nucleation sites
for interaction with gaseous CO2 and therefore, gushing is
decreased. The dispersion of the particles is governed by the magnetic Lorentz force combined with the turbulent ow.
When HFBI and 2.5 mL hop extract antifoam are mixed and
then submitted to the magnetic eld, the particles segregate and
smaller sizes are detected. They showed higher amounts of gushing compared to the treatment without magnet. This phenomenon
shows the extensive dispersion of the hop extract antifoam which
releases the gushing inducers.
According to all the results, using a magnetic eld and addition
of hop extract antifoam is an effective method to decrease gushing
but the best method is passing the hop extract antifoam through
magnetic eld before mixing with the wort. In addition, the concentration of the hop extract antifoam should be as low as possible,
since this extract can be dispersed extensively by magnet and
shows gushing. In the brewery scale, magnetic eld is used for dispersion of hop extract antifoam and very good foaming control was
obtained with small amounts of the extract and no gushing was

This study was supported by the KUL-University Foundation
Hydrophobin Grant by the Duvel-Moortgat, Orval, and Chimay
breweries and Cargill Malting. We thank the laboratory of Food
Microbiology and Food Technology and the Centre for Malting
and Brewing Science for the use of equipment. Special thanks to
Spadel S.A. for the production of the sparkling water, and Botanix
Ltd. and the Barth-Haas group for providing the hop antifoam samples. We are grateful to Orval Brewery for construction of the magnetic system for installation in the laboratory and permission to do
experiments in the brewery.

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