Accts Receivables: Today's Topics: Homework

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Accts receivables


Saturday, September 10, 2005

9:18 PM
Today's Topics:

Most Important Facts Covered Today:

Reason codes:
Whether the diff should be charged off to a GL acct or if a residual posting
should be made
Residual Payments:
It clears the line item to be paid and creates a new open item for the
difference of the amt
Valid only for one company code
Transaction code: OBBE
Reason codes conversion versions
Underpayment of the invoices
It is normally customary to clear the underlying invoice and create a
residual item to follow up
Payment diff on an invoice can result in posting of a check w/o
clearing the line item or distribution of the payment among other
To avoid this, reason code conversion versions are used
You can have more than one reason code versions per company code
Transaction code: OBCR
Give an identifier
Next map customer reason code to the SAP reason codes
Transaction code: OBCS
Mapping of the reason codes are done at the country code level
Default Account Assignments
First step is to assign the GL accts to the reason codes
Transaction code: OBXL
Cash discounts
Necessary to define a discount acct that will be used by the auto acct
assignment. This acct is debited when the customers avail of the
discounts offered
Transaction code: OBXI
Overall A/R and Employee tolerances
Customer tolerance groups
Assigned to the customer master
Can specify the min payment diff that can be written off to the GL accts
Min cash discount
Max cash disc percentage
Can specify a NULL tolerance group
Transaction code: OBA3
Credit Management
Maintained by both FI and SD.
Credit Control Area
A company code can be assigned to only one credit control area
A credit control area can be assigned to mare that one company code
Transaction code: OB45
Update field
Next step is to assign the credit control area to the company code
Can do it at the global parameters screen of the company code
Transaction Code: OBY6
Credit risk categories
Transaction code: OB01
Id / Credit control area / Desc
Credit rep groups
Transaction code: OB02
Id / Credit control area / Desc
Assign employees to Credit rep Groups
Transaction code: OB51
Define days in arrears
Allows you to set the grouping of days outstanding
How the due date is calculated
Transaction code: OB39

AR Notes Page 1

5 day fields - 6 groups

Things to look for from SD side - goto
SPRO -> Sales & Dist -> Basic Fn -> Credit Processing

Customer Master Records

Requires good integration w/ SD
Customer Groups
Field status
Segregated by SD partner fns
Transaction code: OBD2
Field status
Number Ranges
Transaction Code: XDN1
Assign Number ranges to the Customer groups
Transaction code: OBAR
Create Recon Acct for A/R
Transaction code: FS00
Create Customer Master Record
Accounting -> Fin Acct -> A/R -> Master Records -> Maintain centrally
Enter the general data like name, add etc
Enter the bank details
Enter the recon acct created for customers
Doc number ranges
Transaction code: OBA7
Customer Invoice: DR -> 18
Customer Payment: DZ -> 14
Customer Doc: DA -> 16

Transaction Codes for Customer Master

XD01 Create
XD02 Change
XD03 Display
XD04 Display/Change
XD05 Block/Unblock
XD06 Deletion

Posting Documents
Sales Invoice
TC: F-22
Debit the Customer invoice: 01
Credit the Sales Revenue : 50
Incoming Payment
TC: F-28
Select the open item to be cleared
Credit memo
TC: F-27
Credit the customer acct : 11
debit the GL Bank acct: 40
Values enters as a separate line item - has to be cleared at f-28 with 0
Down Payment
Create a GL acct - Advance from customers
Link this GL acct to the Recon acct created above
Advance Payment Receipt
TC: F-29
Enter Sales Invoice
TC: F-22
Transfer amt from the down payment/advance acct to the normal customer
TC: F-39
Clear the open item
TC: F-32
Bills of Exchange - Ask Prashant / Ramesh
Lock box
Define the Lock box
TC: OB10
Give the name/address
Define lock box control parameters
Define Lock box posting data

Bank clearing acct: 400110

Bank (GL) acct: 500001 (cash at bank)

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