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The Maple Lake

Volume 120, Number 22 Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Maple Lake, MN 55358

Inside . . .

Operation Glass Slipper

by Ashley Becker

Basketball: page 8

Ski team ends season:

page 9

Irish Mentors Blood

Drive: page 6

Once a year, high school girls

have the opportunity to feel like
a princess. Theyre given the
chance to get dressed up in beautiful gowns and jewelry and go
show them off. Schools all over
hold the event, and like it has for
many years, Maple Lake High
School will hold their own this
spring: the prom. Unfortunately,
though, the fantasies of prom
never get to be a reality for some
girls whose families are finding
it difficult to make ends meet financially. Thankfully, such girls
can still attend prom thanks to organizations such as Operation
Glass Slipper.
Operation Glass Slipper is a
Minnesota non-profit dedicated
to providing prom gowns and accessories to high school girls
who wouldnt be able to afford
them otherwise. In my latest endeavor as Miss Teen of Minnesota 2013-2015, I have
decided to team up with Operation Glass Slipper with only one

goal: help families who are struggling financially send their

daughters to prom and help their
daughters look and feel beautiful
for the big night.
I started a collection of formal
gowns, shoes and accessories
about two weeks ago and I have
been completely blown away by
the overwhelming support I have
received from people all over
Minnesota since. Between when
I started the collection and now,
I have received over 90 dresses,
10 pairs of shoes and numerous
accessories, all of which will be
donated to Operation Glass Slipper to be provided at their annual
Princess Event on March 14-15
where over 1,000 qualifying girls
will be given the opportunity to
find a gown and accessories at no
cost to them with the help of volunteers known as fairy godmothers.
I would like to send countless
thanks to all of the donors who
have helped me collect as many
dresses, shoes and accessories
that I have, including businesses

like Bridal Aisle Consignment in

Osseo, and I would also like to
extend a challenge to anyone
who is just now hearing about
this collection: if you have an old
formal gown or shoes in your
closet, please consider donating
to this wonderful cause. Within
the next two weeks while I continue to collect for the organization, my goal is to end with at
least 150 dresses, it sounds like a
lot, but based on the support that
I have received so far, I have no
doubt that it is possible.
If you have any questions or
if you are interested in donating
a gown, shoes or accessories,
please call Sandy Becker at (612)
For more information regarding the organization, how girls
can become princesses or volunteering at the Princess Event in
March, please visit
Every girl deserves to feel like
a princess, and with your help,
we can make sure that every girl
gets her chance to.

Ashley Becker, Miss Teen Minnesota, is collecting donations for Operation Glass Slipper to help girls less fortunate feel like princesses on prom night. (Photo submitted)

Four wrestlers head to state

Coming up

by Brenda Erdahl

* Bloodmobile in
Annandale on Feb. 26

Sports Writer

* Maple Lake
Community Theatres
Arsenic and Old Lace
plays Feb. 27, 28 and
March 1, 6, & 8
* MLE Kindergarten
Round-up is March 5
* Irish Pre-Party is
March 7
* Daylight Savings
Time Begins March 8

Wright County
Highway Dept.
The Wright County Highway
Department is responsible for
the maintenance and administration of 511 miles of county highways and 39 county bridges.
This includes activities such as
engineering design, construction
signals/roundabouts, and routine
maintenance of all kinds (snowplowing, patching potholes,
crack sealing, seal coating,
micro-surfacing, mowing roadside ditches, cleaning culverts,
brush cutting, etc.).
Wright County recognizes
and supports the critical role of
transportation planning and construction as the county continues
to experience growth. Vital to
this growth is a strong infrastructure system, which will be
bolstered by the improvement
projects in 2015 that include:
CSAH 12 Reconstruction (including a roundabout at CR 138
& CSAH 12); approximately 19
miles of pavement preservation
(bituminous overlay); approximately 45 miles of seal coating;
approximately 4 miles of microsurfacing, and installation of
rural street lighting at eight (8)
intersections. These 2015 projects represent an investment of
approximately $11.5 million
dollars and are funded with a variety of State Aid gas tax, local
levy, and federal dollars.


The ANML wrestlers Section 6AA championship matches.

Top: Tanner Vassar won a 12-3 major decision over Derek
Fruetel of Litchfield. Middle: Quinn Youngs won an 8-5 decision over Josh Lumley of Becker. Bottom: Holden
Youngs won an 11-3 major decision over Bradley Prestin
of Dassel-Cokato. (Photos by Mary Christen)

The Annandale-Maple Lake

wrestling team will send four
wrestlers on to the State
Wrestling Tournament after
some stellar performances at individuals last week.
Holden Youngs, Quinn
Youngs, Tanner Vassar and
Spencer Ogden won their
weight class over the two-day
tournament, Friday, Feb. 20, and
Saturday, Feb. 21, at DasselCokato, to go on. Only the top
two earn that honor.
They will compete at the
Xcel Energy Center during the
three day tournament, Thursday,
Feb. 26 through Saturday, Feb.
The Lightning were coming
off a heartbreaking one-point
loss to Foley a week early in the
team tournament, dispelling all
hopes of advancing to state as a
It was a pretty tough week
for the boys to bounce back
from, coach Jason Bartels admitted, but I think that most of
them were able to shake it off
and focus.
We knew that with the top
two going at each weight class,
we could have anywhere from
about three guys to nine guys.
Sending four champions was
nice, but it was also tough to see
the guys that were so close not
make it.
Friday night proved to be a
good night for the Lightning.
The team sent 12 wrestlers to
the semi-finals and put themselves in a position to send several to the finals.
ANML knew they would be

underdogs in a handful of their

matches, but they also knew
they had a chance in all of them.
Unfortunately, the Lightning
lost three of the matches they
thought they had a good chance
to win, and one of their wrestlers
who was favored to win, did not
make weight the second day,
Bartels said.
Two more wrestlers fought
back for true second matches for
a final shot, but both came up
Holden Youngs went into his
match the top seed at 106
pounds and dominated repeatedly for the right to go on, pinning Ryan Helgoe of Big Lake
and Thomas Stageberg of New
London-Spicer, then winning an
11-3 major decision over
Bradley Prestin in the championship round. Holden is currently ranked sixth in state.
His brother, Quinn Youngs,
was the top seed at 113, but
knew, if he made it to the finals,
he would have a rematch of a
one-point win over a wrestler
from Becker from last Fridays
team duals.
After beating a young and
scrappy Foley wrestler in the
semi-finals, Quinn started off
aggressive against his Becker
opponent, and topped the No. 2
seed 8-5. It will be both Youngs
brothers first trips to state, Bartels said. Quinn is currently
ranked No. 7 in state.
Vassar was also the top seed
going into the tournament at 126
pounds. Vassar pinned his way
to the finals where he won a 123 major decision over a 20match winner.
He looked focused and

ready to go all weekend, Bartels said. Vassar is currently

ranked No. 2 in state.
Ogden is the final Lightning
wrestler to advance to state. At
195 pounds Ogden was the No.
2 seed going into the tournament
and is a returning state entrant.
He is also ranked ninth in state.
He had an awesome tournament and looked focused, Bartels said.
Ogden scored early in his
semi-final match and just kept
scoring to win convincingly. In
the finals he wrestled the No. 1in-state ranked Wyatt Juhl of
Big Lake, but made sure he controlled the entire match.
He came out firing and it
was never in doubt that he was
determined to win. He looked
better than he has all year and is
gearing up to make some noise
in his second state appearance,
Bartels said.
Third-place finishes for the
Lightning came from Cullen
Gallagher at 120 pounds; Nate
Carlson at 132 pounds; Noah
Hayes at 145 pounds, Hunter
Hicks at 152 and Trae Bedford
at 182 pounds.
Gallagher had a good
chance in his semis match, but
we knew it was a tough match
up for him style-wise. He came
up scoring first, but unfortunately, he gave up some points
trying his own offense, but his
opponent was able to scramble
into positions to score on us. We
were unable to come back from
the early deficit, and lost by two
points, Bartels said.

continued on page 3

Council stalls support of landfill expansion

by Katie Friedman

At its most recent meeting

Tuesday, February 17, the
Maple Lake City Council demurred from Advanced Disposal Landfills request for a
letter to Wright County supporting its proposed expansion. Instead, the council countered
with a request of its own.
Advanced Disposal, parent
company of Rolling Hills Landfill on County Road 37 in Monticello Township, is seeking a
72-acre expansion, and is also
looking to accept household
waste in addition to the industrial and demolition waste the

company currently accepts. The

proposed facility would also
have an area for accepting yard
waste, appliances and tires. Located east of the Wright County
compost facility, the site has existed since 1965, owned by a
number of corporate entities.
Advanced Disposals current
facility is about 78 acres. The
addition would be filled in
stages, and initially, would not
be visible from the road. The
company has set the third quarter of 2015 as a target date to
begin accepting waste at the expansion area.
Local business owner and
former State Senate Majority

Leader Amy Koch spoke in

favor of the expansion, saying
that Monticello Township has
signed off on it, and that following public testimony and a site
visit, the Wright County Planning and Zoning Commission
would vote on the proposal in
Representing Rolling Hills
Manager Mike Niewind, who
was attending another meeting,
Koch said Niewind would love
to see a letter of support from
Maple Lake.
Mayor Lynn Kissock asked
if any neighboring municipalities had agreed to express their
support in writing, and Koch re-

sponded that the request

process was just beginning.
Councilmember Deb Geyen
cited a recent letter to the editor
published in many area newspapers and expressed reservations
about reports of pollution from
the site already leaking into the
aquifer, saying she wasnt comfortable with the city sticking
its neck out in favor of the expansion.
Koch said tests have determined that the leakage point is
from the old landfill, has
been monitored for growth
(which is not occurring, Koch
said) and that Advanced Disposal is working with the state

on potentially exhuming and

amending that site.
To address the concerns of
both the council and the citizens
of Maple Lake, Kissock requested that Niewind write a
letter to the editor to the Maple
Lake Messenger, addressing all
of the points in the published
newspaper letter, which Koch
agreed was a reasonable approach.
Niewind did make an appearance later in the meeting,
and also agreed to the mayors

City Council
continued on page 7

Maple Lake Messenger Page 2

February 25, 2015


by Harold Brutlag
Mike Muller, who spends some of the winter in sunny Florida,
didnt give me a yes when I offered to send him some long-johns
because of the cool temperatures in Miami (in the 30s) last week.
He did tell me about one of his recent fishing trips on Okeechobee
Lake with his buddy, Jesse, and Mikes 16-year-old Kentucky
grandson, Griffin. He said they caught a lot of bass (35) in the 5pound range or less. Griffin had the big fish for the day, a 13-pound
dogfish; and Mike said he had two edible catfish, one over 10
pounds. He said the three of them went through four dozen minnows that day; and when asked about the price of bait, he commented $101.00 and a few cents, but they had great bass fishing.
He said it was cold the day he went out with Griffin and he figured
he might have caught his cold that day, as he wasnt feeling 100%
when I talked with him. . . I received another call from him
Sunday morning at 8:45 and he left me a needling message to tell
me the temperature was 74 degrees. Considering ours was -11 that
morning I felt a wee bit jealous. Anyway, his son, Kenneth, and
granddaughter, Jennifer, were visiting him at his Boca Raton hideaway. Ken checked the temperature at his North Dakota residence
(White Earth) which was -22, a difference of 96 degrees. That swing
in temps would make it difficult for me to head back to the oil patch
country. They went fishing with Jesse on Saturday and Jennifer had
a good time catching bass. Ken caught some bass and dogfish and
Mike, who said he was fishing for crappies, got skunked.
I finally got off my duff Friday afternoon and headed for Rock Lake
to see if I could find enough sunnies for a meal. The six that I did

catch would have been keepers in another year or so, but didnt
measure up and they each went back to grow up. The Vexillar
showed a lot of action in the 15-16 feet of water we were fishing
with some of them following the bait up about seven feet. They,
perch I think, seemed more interested in looking than biting, although I did catch one. It was fun to see all of that activity on the
Vexillar and maybe next time (Im the eternal optimist) theyll be
in the feeding mood.
If you have any doubts about spring after the cold snap were in,
consider daylight savings time goes into effect March 8th which is
only about 10 days away and the first official day of spring is March
20. Of course there are lots of things happening before either of
those dates, like the Annandale/Maple Lake wrestlers who are in
the State Tournament (individuals) this week and the Irish boys basketball team which finished out their regular season defeating Pierz.
They are a team to be reckoned with, finishing with a 24-1 overall
and 13-1 record in the conference. The section playoffs have Maple
Lake vs. Mora Feb. 26 at Maple Lake as they continue their quest
to play in the State Tournament. The Irish girls basketball team entertain Howard Lake/Waverly the following night, Feb. 27, also in
Maple Lake.
Just a reminder, fishing licenses need to be purchased by the end
of the month to be legal for the 2015 season which runs through
February. The annual individual fishing license is $22.00 and the
combination license is $35.00. The individual sportsmans license,
which includes small game hunting, is $38.00 and the combination
is $52.00. These are all for residents of Minneota.
I wasnt especially interested in this years Academy Awards
show Sunday evening and apparently none of the other coffee
drinkers were. None of us had any idea about what the winning
movie, Birdman, involved, but none of us have seen Fifty Shades
of Gray either! Its obvious we arent keeping up with the times.

Twin Cities.
Answer: The Minnesota Department of Transportation
(MnDOT) will consider permits
for activities relating to the
safety and convenience of motorists for example, activities
by Sgt. Jesse Grabow
involving rest, parking and
travel information. Activities
Question: I am an Occupa- a place I could legally conduct cant interfere with the normal
tional Medicine physician who my business? Would I need a use of the rest area, and they
does DOT driver physical permit or other form of permis- must be free of charge. Unless
exams. We use a Winnebago RV sion to do so? Most privately this is a free business, I dont
converted into a medical clinic owned places, especially truck believe you would be allowed to
and set up our clinic wherever stops, always seem very cordial do this.
we are asked to perform
and allow
me to put
out a 2 x 3
Examples of permissible acSame
exams, mostly at truck stops, sign indicating what we are of- tivities include: providing cofprivate trucking firm headquar- fering and the cost of our serv- fee or windshield washing at no
ters, shopping centers and so on. ice and this works well. But I charge, and distribution of See
I was wondering if freeway rest have always wondered about Motorcycles bumper stickers.
stops, where there are always doing the same at rest stops Examples of impermissible acplenty of CDL drivers, would be along the freeways around the tivities include: weddings, wor-

Ask a

ship services, political events,

geocaching, hunting, posting of
signs or posters, and distribution
or exhibition of obscene materials.
You will want to contact
MnDOT for more information
A portion of state statutes
was used with permission from
the Office of the Revisor of
Statutes. If you have any questions concerning traffic related
laws or issues in Minnesota,
send your questions to Trp.
Jesse Grabow Minnesota
State Patrol at 1000 Highway
10 West, Detroit Lakes, MN
56501-2205. (You can follow
him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW

Readers are invited to take part in discussions of interest to the Maple Lake community.
All letters to the editor must be signed and must include the writers address and telephone number or email address. Letters of private thanks, solicitation, petition and
those containing libelous material will not be published. The Messenger reserves the
right to edit all letters.

Dear Editor,
For many years the Buffalo
Police Department and other
local law enforcement have participated in a series of campaigns that promoted seat belt
use and educated motorists
about its life-saving importance.
While we have issued many citations, writing tickets is not our
goal we do this work to
change behavior and prevent injuries and deaths.
As most readers are likely
aware, Minnesota has a primary
seat belt law which means drivers and all passengers must be
properly buckled up or in the
correct child restraint, and law
enforcement can stop motorists
or passengers for belt violations.
This law has saved lives and has
helped Minnesota reach a
record-high daytime seat belt
compliance rate.

With the cold weather continuing and winter jackets still required for at least the next
several weeks, I would like to
remind you to be sure to tighten
those seat belts and car seat restraints. Puffy winter jackets
along with layers of clothes can
be a hidden danger if you do not
take an extra step to make sure
your restraint straps are snug.
When the weather finally warms
up and the winter coats are put
away for the season, be sure to
readjust the straps, especially on
car seats, so they fit properly
without the extra layers.
A little extra effort can go a
long way toward keeping you
and your family safe while driving.
Chief Pat Budke
Buffalo Police Department
Safe Communities of Wright
County Board Member

Maple Lake History

Question of the Week
As Maple Lakes 125th Anniversary
approaches we want you to help us
learn more about Maple Lake!

CALL the Maple Lake Messenger 320-963-3813

or EMAIL ads

Now Open!
New veterinary clinic in Maple Lake!
Full service care for your animals with
24-hour on-call veterinarian.
Located on Highway 55 next to H&H Sport shop.
We also have locations in Watkins (320-764-7400)
and Kimball (320-398-3600)
Call now for an appointment!

Where was the Maple Inn located?

Hint: In 1951 Ray and Florence Menth
bought it from Ernest Kloss.

Know the answer? Call or Email the Messenger...


Help Us Celebrate
Maple Lakes





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The Maple Lake
Maple Lake, MN 55358
Michele Pawlenty, Publisher
Harold Brutlag, Master Printer,
Columnist, Publisher 1968-2000
Kayla Erickson, Projects Manager
Vicki Grimmer, Ad Sales/Marketing
Sam Zuehl, Newspaper Ad Design/Sales
Linda Ordorff, Office/News
Mollie Graham, Student Intern
Published every Wednesday at
Maple Lake, MN 55358,
Second Class Periodical Postage Paid at
Maple Lake, MN 55358

Subscription Rates
$25 per year in Wright County
$28 Minnesota Out of County
$52 Out of State
E-Edition Free with print subscription
(No refunds on unexpired subscriptions)
For change of address send old address with
current address to the Maple Lake Messenger,
P.O. Box 817
Maple Lake, MN 55358
(USPS 3285-6000)

We need your old pictures

of people, places and things
from Maple Lake.


News: Monday at 4 p.m.
Programs and Events: Monday at 4 p.m.
Display Advertising: Monday
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We especially
would like photos
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Maple Lake Messenger Page 3

February 25, 2015

Feb. 23 Wright County

Sheriffs report
On February 17, Joshua Lee
Lewandowski, 35, of Monticello,
was arrested in Benton County
on a Wright County warrant for
failure to register as a predatory
On February 17, Jennifer
Ruth Laquier, 25, of Rockford,
was arrested in Buffalo on a
Wright County warrant for a
methamphetamine related crime.
On February 17, John Craig
Elletson, 37, of Rockford, was
arrested in Buffalo on a Wright
County court order for a 5th degree controlled substance violation.
On February 17, Kyle Joseph
Grunenwald, 35, of Monticello,
was arrested in Monticello on the
charges of felon in possession of
a firearm, carrying a firearm
without a permit and carrying
under the influence.
On February 18, Aaron
Michael Peterson, 29, of Montrose, was arrested in Montrose
on the charge of 3rd degree DWI
and obstructing with force.
On February 19, Gregorie
Robert Shish, 30, of Monticello,
was arrested in Monticello on the
charge of 2nd degree DWI.
On February 20, Brian
Patrick Hibbs, 25, of Buffalo,
was arrested in Buffalo on a Department of Corrections warrant
for malicious punishment of
On February 20, Julie Ann
Marty-Neal, 21, no permanent
address, was arrested in Buffalo

on a Wright County warrant for

minor consumption.
On February 21, Paul John
Grady, 28 of St. Michael, was arrested in Monticello on a Wright
County warrant for domestic assault.
On February 21, Adam
Robert Heaver, 25, no permanent
address, was arrested in Buffalo
on Wright County warrants for
3rd degree criminal sexual conduct and danco violation.
On February 22, Nicole Brittany Imgrund, 24, of Monticello,
was arrested in Buffalo for a
Wright County warrant for theft.
On February 22, Brian John
Irgens, 35, of Delano, was arrested in Delano on the charge of
1st degree criminal sexual conduct.
On February 23, Scott Gerald
Kaminski, 37, of Buffalo, was
arrested in Buffalo on a Wright
County warrant for 5th degree
possession of drugs.
On February 23, Todd Joseph
Newman, 49, of Monticello, was
arrested in Monticello on a
Wright County warrant for driving after cancellation-ips.
There were 29 property damage accidents, 4 personal injury
accidents, 1 hit and run accident
and 2 car-deer accidents.
There were 3 arrests for DWI,
1 underage consumption arrest, 1
school bus stop arm violation
and 83 tickets for miscellaneous
traffic violations reported this

Feb. 22 Maple Lake

Fire Department Report
Maple Lakes Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Service responded to the following
emergencies during the past
Feb. 22, 11:04 a.m.: Lift assist, no ambulance transportation.
Feb. 20, 1:57 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 19, 7:48 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the St.
Cloud Hospital ER.

Feb. 19, 1:34 a.m.: Medical.

Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 16, 2:08 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Maple Lakes Volunteer Fire
Department responded to a barn
roof fire on Feb. 16, 2:30 p.m.,
at the Maury Carlan residence,
3954 110th Street NW, Silver
Creek Twp. The firefighters used
water and foam to extinguish the
burning roof.

continued from page 1
He wrestled very well this
year and in this tournament. He
gave himself a good chance to go
to state and went out aggressively, but came up against a
tough opponent.
Carlson was a two-time state
entrant and a state place winner
last year, but he had a stacked
weight class this year, Bartels
He matched up fairly well in
his semis match, but knew he
would have to wrestle flawlessly.
Unfortunately, he gave up some
points early and was not able to
come back. He wrestled very
well to come back and take third,
which gave him a shot for a true
second match vs. the No. 1 seed,
but this was not a great style
match-up for him, and he came
up short.
He had a great season, and
will come back even better next
Hayes, a freshman for the
Lightning, came into the tournament 1-0 and lost in the semis to
a very experienced wrestler,
Bartels said. He has a great future.
Hunter Hicks made the jump
up a weight class, to 152, and
was seeded No. 3 in a deep
bracket. A senior, Hicks has always been one of the hardest
workers on the team, Bartels
said, so a lot of people were rooting for him.
He lost a close match in the
semis, but fought his way back to
big wins in the wrestle-backs for
It was heck of a career for
him and we will miss him
greatly, Bartels said.
Trae Bedford jumped all the

use or possession of firearms or

dangerous weapons, undergo a
chemical dependency evaluation
and follow all recommendations,
have no same or similar violations. Sentenced by Judge Mottl.
Franks, Alysia Lynn, age 36,
of Monticello, sentenced on
02/13/15 for Gross Misdemeanor
Third Degree Refusal to Submit
to Testing to 365 days jail, $200
fine; 359 days stayed for two
years on conditions of probation,
serve 6 days jail, pay $200 fine
plus surcharges, have no use or
possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs, submit to random testing, remain medically
compliant, attend Awareness
Panel for Impaired Drivers, undergo counseling and follow all
recommendations, pay restitution, undergo chemical dependency treatment and follow all
recommendations, have no same
or similar violations. Sentenced
by Judge Strand.
Grimaldi, Franchesca Alicia,
age 39, of St. Michael, sentenced
on 02/13/15 for Probation Violations for Gross Misdemeanor
Second Degree Refusal to Submit to Testing to 365 days jail.
Sentenced for Probation Violations for Gross Misdemeanor
Obstructing Legal Process to 365
days jail. Sentenced by Judge
Habiger, Tracey Dennis, age
37, of Waverly, sentenced on
02/18/15 for Felony Controlled
Substance Crime in the Fifth Degree to 21 months prison, provide
DNA sample. Sentenced by
Judge Halsey.
Holloway, William David,
age 36, of Annandale, sentenced
on 02/19/15 for Felony First Degree DWI to 57 months prison,
provide DNA sample. Sentenced

beaten him twice earlier in the

season. Jackson claimed the victory, but Tomberlin fought back
in the next match and put himself
in a position to take third place.
Unfortunately, he lost the thirdplace match to Logan Eckoff of
New London-Spicer who pinned
him earlier in the year.
He had a good season, Bartels said.
The tournament wrapped up
the season for all but the four advancing to state. They are slated
to wrestle on Friday, Feb. 27,
starting at l p.m.
Section 6-2A individual
106 first place, Holden Youngs
(ANML) won by fall at 1:11 over
Ryan Helgoe Big Lake; won by fall
at 3:17 over Thomas Stageberg
(NL-S) (semi-finals); won an 11-3
major decision over Bradly Prestin
(championships); 113, first place,
Quinn Youngs (ANML) won by fall
at :25 over Jack Selseth (DasselCokato); won a 6-2 decision over
Nathan Garceau (Foley) (semi-finals); won an 8-5 decision over Josh
Lumley (Becker) (championships);
120, third place, Cullen Gallagher
(ANML) won by technical fall at
4:00 over Trevor Ziegenhagen
(Litchfield); lost a 5-7 decision to
Logan Donais (Big Lake) (semi-finals); won a 12-2 major decision
over Taydon Butcher (D-C); won by
fall at 3:57 over Kevin Andres
(Becker); 126, first place, Tanner
Vassar (ANML) won by fall at 1:38
over Jacob Waalk (Zimmerman);
won by fall at 1:38 over Ben Morris
(B-L) (semi-finals); won a 12-3
major decision over Derek Frutel
(Litchfield) (championships); 132,
third place, Nate Carlson (ANML)
won by fall at 2:42 over Pat Liebl
(B-L); lost a 4-2 decision in overtime to Trent Milless (Zimmerman)
(semi-finals); won a 12-0 major de-

cision over Jacob Schmitz (D-C);

won a 4-2 decision over Ryan Anderson (Litchfield); lost an 8-1 decision
(Monticello); 138, fourth place,
Hunter Malachek (ANML) won a 74 decision over Logan Nelson
(Litchfield); lost a 5-1 decision to
Andrew Mergen (Monticello)
(semi-finals); won a 3-2 decision
over Simon Bryce (Foley); lost a 41 decision to Caleb Vekved
(Becker); 145, third place, Noah
Hayes; won by fall at 2:54 over
Blake Anderson (B-L); lost by fall
at 1:44 to Jack Anderson (D-C)
(semi-finals); won by fall at 4:13
over Randy Kutz (Foley); won by
fall at 1:27 over Blake Anderson (BL); 152, third place, Hunter Hicks
won a 7-2 decision over Josiah
Borst (Becker); lost a 5-2 decision
to Nathan Goulet (Foley) (semi-finals); won by fall at 5:02 over
Cooper Hanson (Monticello); won a
13-2 major decision over Josiah
Borst (Becker); lost a 3-6 decision
to Cody Klabunde (Litchfield); 160,
fourth place, Derek Tomberlin
(ANML) won a 12-7 decision over
Clay Brost (D-C); lost by fall at 3:18
to Brandon Jackson (Foley) (semifinals); won a 10-7 decision over
Parker Millam (B-L); lost by fall at
2:29 to Logan Eckoff (NL-S); 170
Cory Schmidt (ANML) won a 7-5
decision over Jareth Hoernemann
(D-C); lost by forfeit; 182; third
place, Trae Bedford (ANML) won a
6-0 decision over Jared Travis (NLS); lost a 5-1 decision to Austin May
(Zimmerman) (semi-finals); won by
fall at 4:31 over Kyle Nathan (Monticello); won a 9-4 decision over
Mike Leffler (D-C); 195, first place,
Spencer Ogden won an 8-1 decision
over Billy Johann (Zimmerman);
won a 10-4 decision over Wyatt
Kaping (Litchfield) (semi-finals);
won a 4-2 decision over Wyatt Juhl
(B-L) (championships); 220 Ben
Gindele (ANML) lost an 11-2 major
decision to Dillon OLeary (B-L);
lost by forfeit.

County preparing for proposed landfill expansion

by John Holler

Over the years, siting of landfills has consistently been a controversial issue that has often led
to the disputes being subject to
lawsuits. Next month, the latest
request for expansion of the
Rolling Hills Landfill in Monticello Township will be discussed
and debated.
The Wright County Board
discussed the matter following
the Feb. 17 board meeting, because, as of yet, the matter has
yet to be discussed at the board

Feb. 16 Wright County Attorneys report

Bickmann, Alexander Ryan,
age 19, of Delano, sentenced on
02/17/15 for Felony Receiving
Stolen Property to a stay of imposition for five years on conditions of probation, serve 60 days
jail, pay $300 fine plus surcharges, pay $75 public defender
co-payment, obtain permission
before leaving the state, have no
use or possession of alcohol or
non-prescription drugs, submit to
random testing, provide DNA
sample, obtain GED, have no
same or similar violations. Sentenced by Judge Strand.
Capko, Dennis George, age
33, of Clearwater, sentenced on
02/17/15 for Probation Violations
for Felony Terroristic Threats to
18 days jail. Sentenced by Judge
Crandell, Rachelle Marie, age
21, of Buffalo, sentenced on
02/13/15 for Misdemeanor Theft
to 90 days jail, $50 fine; 87 days
stayed for one year on conditions
of probation, serve 3 days jail,
pay $50 fine plus surcharges, pay
$75 public defender co-payment,
pay restitution, stay out of Buffalo Walmart, have no same or
similar violations. Sentenced by
Judge Strand.
Farrier, Adam Aaron, age 24,
of Howard Lake, sentenced on
02/17/15 for Felony Controlled
Substance Crime in the Fifth Degree to a stay of execution for ten
years on conditions of probation,
serve 180 days jail, pay $100 fine
plus surcharges, pay $75 public
defender co-payment, obtain permission before leaving the state,
have no use or possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs,
submit to random testing, undergo a psychological assessment
and follow all recommendations,
provide DNA sample, have no

way up to 182 pounds from

being under 160 pounds. He was
the fourth seed and much lighter
than the rest of the bracket, Bartels said.
He lost in the semi-finals to a
returning state champion, but
fought back to take third place by
dominating the rest of the
He looked tough. An illness
took a toll on his body late in the
season, but he finished strong
and could be a beast next year,
Bartels said.
Finishing fourth at last weeks
Malachek at 138 pounds and
Derek Tomberlin at 160 pounds.
Malachek was the No. 3 seed
going in against a wrestler he
split close matches with earlier in
the season.
We knew it could go either
way, but we thought he would
have a good chance, Bartels
His opponent came out very
aggressive and built an early lead
that he was never able to chip
I dont think this was necessarily a case of Hunter not
wrestling hard, but his opponent
taking it to another level, Bartels said. Hunter had beaten the
kids who placed second and third
earlier in the year, so he knows
how close he is to making that
next step. That next step will be
up to him, though, and I think he
wants to and will take it.
Tomberlin went into his
match the No. 5 seed in a tough
bracket. He won his first dual
convincingly, then found himself
pitted against Brandon Jackson
of Foley, a wrestler who had

by Judge Halsey.
Kleinsteuber, Victor Willis,
III, age 51, of Monticello, sentenced on 02/19/15 for Misdemeanor Social Host Violation to
90 days jail, $1,000 fine; 85 days,
$850 stayed for one year on conditions of probation, serve 5 days
jail, pay $150 fine plus surcharges, have no same or similar
violations. Sentenced by Judge
Kleinsteuber, Victor Willis
IV, age 18, of Monticello, sentenced on 02/18/15 for Misdemeanor Social Host Violation to
5 days jail. Sentenced by Judge
Lee, Brandon Ernest, age 31,
of Buffalo, sentenced on
02/18/15 for Gross Misdemeanor
Second Degree Refusal to Submit to Testing to 365 days jail;
325 days stayed for three years
on conditions of probation, serve
40 days jail, have no use or possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs, submit to
random testing, serve 80 days
one electronic home monitoring,
attend a support group, complete
intensive supervision program
and follow all recommendations,
remain medically compliant,
have no same or similar violations.
Sentenced by Judge
Wasik, Eric Lee, age 45, of
02/18/15 for Probation Violations
for Gross Misdemeanor Second
Degree DWI to five days jail.
Sentenced by Judge Strand.
Wolney, Justin Michael, age
26, of Maple Lake, sentenced on
02/13/15 for Probation Violations
for Gross Misdemeanor Violation of an Order for Protection to
365 days jail. Sentenced by
Judge Strand.

level. The request to rezone 323

acres of property on the Rolling
Hills site from agricultural land
to industrial land first came before the county planning commission at its Jan. 15 meeting,
which was followed by a public
hearing Feb. 12.
Part of the rezoning request is
to include mixed municipal solid
waste to be dumped at the landfill. Currently, the landfill accepts
Commissioner Pat Sawatzke,
who voted against the last major
expansion of the landfill in
2000, said that the county board
is waiting to see how the matter
plays out at the planning commission level before the county
board has to make a decision on
the matter.
This time theyre seeking a
rezoning from agricultural land
to industrial, Sawatzke said.
The public hearing was laid
over until March 19 so there
could be a site inspection made
by the planning commission.
Depending on what comes out
of that meeting will determine
what county board action needs
to be taken.
Commissioner Charlie Borrell represents the county board
on the planning commission and
said that the issue is still being
discussed and input is still being

taken. The Feb. 12 meeting was

laid over so the planning commission could conduct an eyeson site inspection, but no
decisions have been made.
Its still very much up in the
air, Borrell said. Weve been
cautioned by the county attorneys office to be very careful
what we say, because there is a
pretty strong likelihood that this
issue could end up in court because both sides feel quite
strongly about it both those
proposing it and those who are
against it. We got a lot of public
input at the (Feb. 12) meeting
and people were able to get their
concerns made known. The last
thing we wanted to do was to
have public input squelched.
While the board anticipates
addressing the matter at some
point, Board Chair Mike Potter
pointed out that the issue wont
come to the board level unless it
gets approval from the planning
commission. Given the potential
for a lawsuit, Potter said the
commissioners arent forming
any opinions on the matter until
the point where it might come
before the full board.
The big hurdle is not with
the county board, it will be getting through the township board
and the planning commission,
Potter said. In response to our

legal opinion, I have no opinion

on that. If history has taught us
anything on these types of issues, it doesnt matter which
way the mop flops, somebody is
probably going to sue us. All we
can do is batten down the
hatches and prepare for the
Borrell said the matter will
likely be voted up or down at the
March 19 meeting and the information process is being sifted
through because, like three of
the other four commissioners,
this is the first time hes taking
part in the process. Monticello
Township has given the project
the green light, but there are issues both the planning commission and the county board will
need to address.
Landfills are a big business,
so there are strong feelings on
both sides, Borrell said. Im
trying to get as much information as I can reading up on it
and listening to people about
their concerns and the new technologies that have been created
over the last several years. Im
keeping an open mind on it and,
at the end, all I can do is weigh
the facts and make what I feel is
the best decision for the county.

County Board
continued on page 12

Arsenic and Old Lace begins Friday

Maple Lake Community
Theater brings you Arsenic and
Old Lace, a classic dark comedy about crazy relatives.
Showtimes:: Friday, Feb. 27,
at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7

p.m.; Sunday, March 1, at 2

p.m.; Friday, March 6, at 7 p.m.;
Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m.
Doors open 30 minutes prior
to showtime. Tickets are available at The Costume Shoppe,

Star Bank, and at the door. Performances are at the Maple Lake
High School on Hwy 55. Call
320-963-6277 for more information, or find MLCT on Facebook.

Moritmer Brewster (Luke Baehr) tries to stop Mr. Gibbs (Culynn Curtis) from being poisoned by his aunts (Lorie Hegle, Theresa Anderson-Kentner). (Photo by Bob Zimmerman)

Maple Lake Messenger Page 4

February 25, 2015


ers AA & Al-Anon, 8 p.m.,
United Methodist Church of
Annandale, 20 Oak Ave. N.
March 3: Gamblers Anonymous & AA, 7:30 p.m., Buffalo Evangelical Free Church,
2051 50th St. NE, County Rds.
25 & 113.
March 3: Celebrate Recovery
Christian-based recovery program), 7 p.m., Monticello
Covenant Church; 763-2952112.
March 4: Maple Lake
Chamber of Commerce,
noon, at Maple Lake Bowl.
New members always welcome.

And thats the

way it was . . .
Maple Lake resident Tom
Clarke relied on adrenaline for
strength during his Haiti rescue
mission. ... Morgan Wolff and
Courtney Couette represented
Maple Lake at the gymnastics
state tournament. ... The Maple
Lake Community Theater presented an original comedy, 116
Ashbury Lane, written by
Stephen King. ...Andy Hudek
was selected by the Maple Lake
Chamber of Commerce as the
winner of the Minneapolis
Aquatennial Commodore Award
for volunteer service. ...And
Thats The Way It Was Five
Years Ago Today.
Queen Laura Haglin prepared
to pass on her crown as Miss
Maple Lake. ... Minnesota author Linda Francis Lein, a homemaker and freelance writer,
visited Maple Lakes craft show.
... Joe Miessen set the record of
most team pins in a season, 189,
and placed third in the conference as a wrestler. ...And Thats
The Way It Was 15 Years Ago
This Week.

The Maple Lake Irish gymnastics team finished fourth

place overall at the state meet,
along with Tammy Bakeberg
finishing third on her floor routine during individual competitions. ... The school board
approved a full-time school-age
child care program known as
Kidville. ... The Maple Lake
weather almanac reported 15
inches of snow had fallen during
the week of February 20th.
...And Thats The Way It Was
25 Years Ago This Week.
Members of the State Conservation crew rescued and released 42 pounds of Northern
Pike; 20 pounds of large mouth
bass; and 150 pounds of both
sunfish and crappies into Maple
Lake. ... The Right Reverend
Monsignor Loyola A, ODougherty, Vicar General of the
Diocese of Tucson, celebrated
his 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. ...
Andys Red Owl sold 20 pounds
of Red River Valley potatoes for
just ninty-nine cents. ...And
Thats The Way It Was 50 Years
Ago This Week.

Upcoming Red Cross blood drives

Donors of all types are encouraged to help save lives by giving
blood. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS
or visiting Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Wright County: Feb. 26, 1 - 7 p.m., St. Ignatius Church,
35 Birch St. E., Annandale; March 9, 1 - 7 p.m., American Legion,
200 Babcock Boulevard West, Delano

February 25th Puzzle

Feb. 26: Knights of Columbus, 7 p.m., St. Timothy's

Feb. 26: AA & Al-Anon,
7:30 p.m., Buffalo Evangelical
Free Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Feb. 28: AA, 7:30 p.m.,
Buffalo Evangelical Free
Church, 2015 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
March 2: S.A.M. quilting
group, St. Timothy's Church
basement, 8 a.m.
March 2: Al-Anon and
Men's 12 Step Group, 7:30
p.m., Buffalo Evangelical Free
Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
March 3: Annandale Lak-

Programs & Events

Bloodmobile in Annandale Thurday

Annandale is sponsoring a Red Cross bloodmobile at St. Ignatius Catholic Church on Feb. 26 from 1-7 p.m.
It takes about an hour of your time and a pint of your blood to
save at least three lives. You can donate, relax, chat with friends
and neighbors and have a snack. If you are 16 years (with parental
permission) or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good
health, you can donate. To make an appointment and for more information, please call Valerie Kaz at 320-274-5531.
The Need is Constant. The Gratification is Instant. Give Blood.

Maple Lake Community Theatre show dates

Heres How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into
nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must
fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once
in each row, column, and box. You can figure out the order in
which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already
provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier
it gets to solve the puzzle!
Answers on Page 12

Wellness on Wheels

Wright County Public Health

offers cholesterol testing in the
Wellness on Wheels van. The
WOW Van schedule is available
at and or by calling our
new phone number, 763-6827516 (toll-free 1-800-362-3667
ext 7516). Please use this number for more information or to
make an appointment.
Wellness on Wheels Services
include: Adult and Child Immunizations; Health Screening:
Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cholesterol (by appointment), Pregnancy, Health and Wellness;
Child Car Seat Check (by appointment); Information about:
Healthy Lifestyle - Exercise,
Nutrition, Recommendations for
Routine Medical Care, Safety Individual, Home, Car Seat,
Pregnancy, Childbirth, Parenting, Child Health, Growth &
Development, Reproductive
Health & Family Planning, Infectious Diseases, Chronic Ill-

ness, Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviors, such as Smoking, Drug

and Alcohol Abuse, Unsafe Sex;
Information and Assistance in
Accessing Resources.
For immunizations, bring
past immunization records to the
van, if available. * Van hours
Monday through Thursday are
from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Upcoming dates:
Thursday, February 26:
Bank West, Rockford
Tuesday, March 3: DJs
Hardware, Albertville
Wednesday, March 4: Zion
Lutheran Church, Buffalo
Thursday, March 5: Cub
Foods, Monticello
The complete WOW van
schedule is available online at:
Wright County Public Health
offers cholesterol testing in the
Wellness on Wheels (WOW)
Van. The entire test takes about
30 minutes. We have two different test options. A 12 hour fast
is required for a lipid profile including blood sugar screening.
The cost is $35. A non-fasting
test is also available. This test
gives your total cholesterol and
HDL. The cost is $25.

Maple Lake Community Theater brings you Arsenic and Old

Lace, a classic dark comedy about crazy relatives.
Showtimes:: Friday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 28, at 7
p.m.; Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m.; Friday, March 6, at 7 p.m.; Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m.
Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime. Tickets are available
at The Costume Shoppe, Star Bank, and at the door. Performances
are at the Maple Lake High School on Hwy 55. Call 320-963-6277
for more information, or find MLCT on Facebook.

Powder Ridge to celebrate 60 years in business

On Feb. 28, Powder Ridge Ski Area will be celebrating 60 years
in business. The area first opened for the 1954-55 season and has
been a major winter attraction for residents of this and surrounding
Everyone is invited to help celebrate this special occasion. There
will be a ticket and rental special, giveaways and drawings throughout the day, a large memorabilia display, food and beverage specials and Powder Ridge donuts.

Relay for Life Winter Luminaria event

The 2nd annual Relay for Life Winter Luminaria event will take
place at the Robert Ney Memorial Park Reserve in Maple Lake on
Feb. 28 from 5:45-8 p.m. Upon arrival, you can decorate and light
your luminaria in remembrance or in honor of your loved ones that
have faced cancer. Enjoy special music with the acoustic sound by
Chad Wiles from Rusted Revolver. The luminarias will be placed
while hiking the 1.3 mile pond trail. Sunset is at 6 p.m., so the luminarias should be decorated by 6:30. Luminaria bags, candles,
pens/markers and some bag decorations will be supplied. Refreshments will be provided. For more information email or Ney Park
information online at

Enter the Monticello Photo Show by Sunday

The Monticello Camera Club is currently accepting submissions
for the 12th Annual Monticello Photo Show Saturday and Sunday,
March 14-15, in River City Extremes banquet room. Photographers of all skill levels are invited to enter, and information on submissions can be found at
Entries are due no later than March 1. Admission to the photo show
is free, and everyone is welcome to attend and vote for their favorite
visit, or call Bob Somerville at 763-2953179.

11th Annual Pops Concert is Monday

John H. Jack Geyen, Annandale
John H.
J a c k
Geyen, age
82, of Annandale,
died Monday February
2015, at his
Mass of Christian Burial will
be held 10:30 a.m. Friday, February 27, at St. Ignatius Catholic
Church, Annandale, with Fr.
George Kallumkalkudy as the
Celebrant. Burial will follow at
St. Timothy Catholic Cemetery
in Maple Lake. Visitation will
be 4-8 p.m. Thursday at Dingmann Funeral Care Chapel, An-

nandale, and one hour prior to

the service Friday at the church.
A prayer service will be held
7:00 p.m. Thursday at the funeral chapel.
John Henry Geyen was born
February 7, 1933, in Maple
Lake to John and Katherine
(Cordell) Geyen. He graduated
from Maple Lake High School
with the Class of 1951 and later
furthered his education at Dunwoody Institute in Minneapolis.
Jack served his country in the
U.S. Army during the Korean
War. On February 27, 1960, he
was united in marriage to Darlene Pivec at St. Francis de
Sales Catholic Church in St.
Paul. Jack worked as a plastics

engineer. He was a member of

St. Ignatius Catholic Church
and the Maple Lake American
Legion Post 131.
He is survived by his wife,
Darlene of Annandale; children,
John Geyen of St. Cloud, Paul
(Laura) Geyen of Eagan, Lori
(Brian) Hillestad of South
Haven and Lynn (Jared) Braun
of South Haven; seven grandchildren, Joshua, Alyssa, Erin,
Hunter, Wiley, Josephine and
Tony; one great-grandchild; and
two sisters, Katherine Happe of
(Robert) Rohlin of Buffalo.
Jack is preceded in death by his
parents; brothers Lloyd, Donald, Myron and Norman Geyen;

and sisters, Lenora Stumpf,

Melvina Stumpf, Helen Geyen
and Evelyn Provo.
The pallbearers will be
Alyssa and Erin Geyen, Hunter,
Wiley and Josephine Hillestad.
The honorary pallbearers will
be Tony Braun and Joshua
Geyen. The St. Ignatius Music
Ministry will provide the music
for the service. Military honors
will be provided by the Minnesota National Guard Honor
Guard, the Maple Lake American Legion Honor Guard and
the Maple Lake VFW Honor
Guard. Arrangements are entrusted with Dingmann Funeral
Care Burial & Cremation Services of Annandale.

The Maple Lake High School band department is proud to present the 11th Annual Pops Concert featuring the 5th thru 12th grade
bands on Monday, March 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the high school gym,
doors open at 6 p.m. Food and refreshments available for purchase.
Great raffle prizes from many local businesses. Buy your tickets at
the door.

Irish Pre-Party is March 7

Maple Lakes 38th Annual St. Patricks Day Celebration is approaching. Help Maple Lake make some green and join the Irish
Pre-Party on Saturday, March 7, at the Maple Lake American Legion Club from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. The night includes a social hour,
dinner, silent auction and entertainment by comedian Roger

21st Annual Turkey Banquet is March 7

The National Wild Turkey Foundations Wright County Chapter
is proud to host its 21st Annual Turkey Banquet. The banquet will
take place at The V in Maple Lake on March 7. The night includes
dinner, drinks, and numerous raffles including guns, prizes and
much more. The banquet begins at 4:30 with dinner served at
6:00pm. To purchase tickets or get more information, please contact Adrian Gunnerson at 612-618-8452.

30th Annual Wright County Pheasants Forever

Patrice J. McAlpine, Maple Lake

Patrice J.
age 63, of
Maple Lake,
passed away
by the love
of her family
on Monday, February 16, 2015,
at Benedictine Health Center in
Mass of Christian Burial was
held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 24, at St. Ignatius Catholic
Church in Annandale with Fr.
Andrew McAlpin and Fr.
George Kallumkalkudy as the
Celebrants. Visitation was held

one hour prior to the service at

the church. Memorials are preferred to the family. Arrangements are entrusted with
Dingmann Funeral Care Burial
& Cremation Services of Annandale.
Patrice Jane McAlpine was
born on March 11, 1951, in St.
Cloud to James and Pearl
(Glaim) McAlpine. Patty attended Robbinsdale Cooper
High School. She worked for
many years at the Annandale
Care Center in housekeeping
and as a nurses aide. Patty
loved Elvis Presley and animals.
She enjoyed baking, cooking
and spending time with her fam-

ily. Her grandchildren were her

She is survived by her daughter, Leslie Becher and her husband, Ronald, of Sauk Rapids;
son, Ryan ONeil and his significant other, Stephanie Hennen,
of Clearwater, FL; five grandchildren, Angela, Alisha, Ashlyn, Brady and Hogan; sister,
Nancy Tomis, of Long Beach,
CA; brothers and their spouses,
David and Nancy McAlpin of
Chanhassen, Michael and Kathleen McAlpin of Annandale and
Timothy and Ginger McAlpin of
Marana, AZ; sister-in-law, Marion McAlpin, of Brooklyn Park;
significant other, Brian Johnson,

of Maple Lake; and many nieces

and nephews. Patty was greeted
in heaven by her parents, James
and Pearl McAlpine; brother,
James R. McAlpine; and
brother-in-law, Don Tomis.

Maple Lake
(320) 963-5731
View Guestbooks, Obituaries,
and Videos Online.

The Wright County Pheasants Forever 30th Annual Banquet will

take place on Saturday, March 7, at Classic Hall, 220 Poplar Lane
S. in Annandale. Cackling hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with the dinner
and banquet events at 7 p.m. For more information, call Melissa at
763-354-4090 or Eric at 763-245-3961.

Home Stretch first-time home buyer seminar

Wright County residents thinking about buying a home are invited to attend a one day informative workshop designed to help
them learn the basics of home ownership. Wright County Community Action (WCCA) offers a first-time home buyers seminar
(Home Stretch) which will cover a variety of topics related to the
home buying process.
Home Stretch will be offered on March 7 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
at Trinity Lutheran Church, 449 West Broadway, Monticello, and
March 28 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Lions Park Pavilion, 1100
County Road 75, Clearwater.
To register, call Wright County Community Action (WCCA) at
(320) 963-6500, ext 238.

Visit us online at

Programs & Events

continued on page 6

Maple Lake Messenger Page 5

February 25, 2015

February event at the Maple Manor Dining Site a success

by Ginger OLoughlin
Senior Dining Coordinator

On February 17th the dining

site at Maple Manor held their
February Food and Fun event.
Forty-five diners attended and
enjoyed a fine meal, entertainment and prize give-a-away.
Door prize winners were Judy
Boltman and Don Kloss. Barb
Carnes and Donny Weismann
were the lucky ones who took
home free meal tickets. In light
of Valentines Day, third grade
students Ellie Fuller and Mady
Payne gave up their recess to recite jokes written by their fellow

classmates. Another welcomed

comic was former site coordinator, Lorie Hegle. After the meal
Bingo began, intermingled with
good conversation and trivia. I
was pleased with the turn-out
and asked if the guests were interested in future celebrations.
With hands raised, an end of
March celebration is being considered. Eight new diners registered and now qualify for the
seniors 60 and older reduced rate
when dining here. Thanks to the
Central Minnesota Council on
Aging for distributing these
funds to organizations who want

to provide services to seniors in

Central Minnesota. Catholic
Charities is the organization that
uses this partial funding awarded
to them by the CMCOA to provide nutritious meals to seniors
for that exact purpose here in
Maple Lake. United Way contributions and other private and
community support also help to
fund the senior dining program.
We encourage all seniors to get
registered and reap these benefits while eating at Maple
Manor. Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers that stepped
forward to help arrange, work

Senior Dining Menu March 2 - 6

during the celebration, and contribute to the prize table. A special shout-out to our tremendous
cooks, Bonnie Eastham and
JoAnn Gehrke, who provide
meals to not only congregational
diners every day, but also homebound citizens through the important Meals on Wheels
program. As for you warm folks
who joined us from around
town, Buffalo, and Annandale,
keep coming, and bring a friend.
Entertainment sponsored by
Maple Lake Senior Connections.

Offering a nutritious meal in

a warm, caring atmosphere with
friendship and fun. Everyone
welcome. The Senior Dining
Center is located at Maple
Manor West, 555 2nd St. W. For
more information, call 320-9635771.
MONDAY, March 2
Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy,
Green Beans, Wheat Bread,
Sliced Pears
TUESDAY, March 3
Parmesan Chicken Breast,
Wild-Rice Pilaf, Steamed Car-

rots, Lettuce Salad, Lemon

Swiss Steak, Onion-Roasted
Potatoes, Beets, Wheat Bread,
Dutch Apple Pie
Hot Roast Pork Sandwich,
Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy,
Squash, Pumpkin Bar
FRIDAY, March 6
Lemon-Pepper Fish, Baked
Potato w/Sour Cream, Baked
Beans, Wheat Bread, Mixed

5460 63rd St. NW, Box 462, Maple
Ph.: 763-463-9447
Pastors: Culynn Curtis
Visitors Are Always Welcome!
THURS.: 7 p.m., Bible Study.
SAT.: Scrap-Crafting Day.
SUNDAY: 8 a.m., Traditional Worship;
9:15 a.m., Faith Formation; 10:30 a.m.,
Contemporary Worship; 11:45 a.m.,
New Member Potluck.
MON.: 11 a.m., First of All Prayer
Group; 1 p.m., Quilters.
WED.: 2 p.m., Lenten Worship; 5:45
p.m., Soup Supper; 7 p.m., Lenten Worship.

Ph.: 320-963-3284
Pastor: Marianne Zitzewitz
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship.

400 County Rd. 37 NE, Maple Lake
Ph.: 320-963-3118
Interim Pastor: Michael Fritz
SAT.: 6 p.m., Youth Dinner.
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m.,
Fellowship; 10:45 a.m., Sunday School,
WED.: 6:15 p.m., Lenten Supper; 7
p.m., Lenten Service; Choir to Follow.


1705 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo, Mo. Syn.
Pastor: Rob Jarvis
Ph.: 763-682-3278;
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service; 10:30
a.m., Bible Study and Sunday School.
TUES.: 8 p.m., Young Adults Group.
WED.: 10 a.m., Bible Study; 7 p.m.,
Confirmation Class.


8 Oak Ave. N., Maple Lake
Ph.: 320-963-3726
Pastor: Father John Meyer
Interim School Principal: Dawn Kincs
FRI.: 8 a.m., Mass; 2 & 7 p.m., Stations
of the Cross.
SAT.: 3:30-4:15 p.m., Confessions; 4:30
p.m., Mass.
SUN.: 8 & 10 a.m., Mass.
MON.: 7 p.m., Mass.
TUES.: 8:15 a.m., Mass.
WED.: 8 a.m., Mass.
THURS.: 9 a.m., Mass.
11390 Elliott Ave. N.W., M.L.
Ph.: 763-878-2820, 320-333-8636
Pastor: Rev. George W. Sagissor III
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship Service; 11:15
a.m., Sunday School, Bible Study.
WED.: 6 p.m., Lenten Service.
4282 114th St. NW, Maple Lake, MN
3 miles so. of I-94 on Co. Rd. 143,
just off Hwy. 8; Ph.: 320-963-3957;
Pastor: Luke Baehr
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m., Sunday School, Bible Study.
10252 St. Hwy. 55 N.W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8951
Pastor: Dennis L. Johnson
THURS.: CryOut Practice.
FRI.: 5 p.m., Men's Retreat.
SAT.: 8 a.m., Men's Retreat.
SUN.: 8:15 a.m., Prayer; 8:30 & 11
a.m., Worship Service; 9:45 a.m., Sunday School; 6 p.m., Discovery Class.
MON.: 9 a.m., Grandmas in Prayer; 7
p.m., Men's Bible Study.
TUES.: 7 p.m., Celebrate Recovery.
WED.: 2 p.m., Young at Heart; 5:30
p.m., Wednesday Night Supper; 6:30
p.m., Wednesday Night Connection.
250 Oak Ave. N., Box 329, Annan.
Ph.: 320-274-5127
Pastor: Ruth Hograbe
FRI.: 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous.
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service; 10:15
a.m., Coffee Fellowship, Sunday
TUES.: 8 p.m., AA/Al-Anon.
7809 Co. Rd. 35 W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-963-3592
Pastor: Lynn Machula
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service;
10:30 a.m., Sunday School & Bible
PO Box 1020, Annandale
Location: Hwy. 55, next to The Marketplace
Ph.: 320-248-6024
Lead Pastor: Jason Pence & Facebook
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service; Energized Music and Quality Children's
Programs Provided.
1284 Keats Ave. N.W., Annandale


331 W. Harrison St., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8827
Pastor: Dave E. Nelson and Tom Heyd
SUN.: 8:30 Traditional Worship; 10
a.m., Contemporary Worship.
200 2nd Ave. NE, Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-3582
Pastor: Devin Locati
SAT.: 9:45 a.m., Bible Study; 11 a.m.,
Church Service.

WED.: Discussion Group Meets the 2nd
& 4th Wednesday, Sept. thru May, 7:30
p.m., at Buffalo Community Center,
Across the Street from the Post Office at
206 Central Ave. (Hwy. 25). For More
Information, Call Luke at 763-682-4616
or Visit Everyone is welcome.
2051 50th Street NE, Buffalo, MN
(corner of Hwy. 25 N. & County Rd.
Ph. 763-682-6846;
Senior Pastor: Brian Thorstad
THURS.: 7 p.m., Small Groups; 7:30
a.m., AA & Al-Anon.
FRI.: 6 a.m., Men's Small Group; 7
p.m., Small Groups.
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service, Coffee Fellowship, Children's Church; 11
a.m., Sunday School for All Ages; 6
p.m., Youth Groups; 7 p.m., Small
MON.: 7 p.m., Women's Bible Study;
7:30 p.m., Al-Anon.
TUES.: 7 p.m., Knitting Ministry; 7:30
p.m., Men's Small Group, AA, GA.
WED.: 6:30 p.m., Awana, Choir Practice.
1601 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-1470
Lead Pastor: Max Frazier
SUN.: Special Speaker Matt Loehr--8
a.m., Traditional Worship; 9:30 & 11
a.m., Contemporary Worship, Sunday
School; 9 a.m., Pancake Breakfast
Fundraiser; 9:30 a.m., Membership
Class; 12:30 p.m., AWANA Games
Practice; 6:30 p.m., Chill Out, S.N.I.P.P.
MON.: Noon, Prayer Group; 1 p.m.,
Women's Bible Study; 6 p.m., Marriage
Mentoring Class; 6:30 p.m., Women's
Ministry; 7 p.m., Messianic Expectations in Isaiah.
TUES.: 6 a.m., Deep Waters; 9 a.m.,
MOPS; 3 p.m., Prayer & Care Commission Meeting; 6 p.m., Grief Share, Marriage Mentoring Class; 6:30 p.m.,
Chronic Illness Small Group; 7 p.m.,
Church History: Reformation to Present,
Men's Discipleship Group.
WED.: 6 p.m., AWANA, Hang Time;
6:30 p.m., 9th Grade Confirmation.
THURS.: 6 a.m., Raising a Modern Day
Knight; 6:30 p.m., Worship Team Rehearsal, Divorce Care; 6:45 p.m., Choir
12449 Clementa Ave. NW, Monticello
Pastor: Jim Tetlie, 763-878-2092
Secretary's office hours are: 9 a.m. to 3
p.m., Mon., Wed., Thurs.
Tuesdays, Wednesday & Thursday
SUN.: 8:30 a.m., Traditional Worship;
9:45 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Celebration Worship.
Affiliated with Evangelical Free Ch.
Box 171, Montrose; 763-675-3003
Interim Pastor: Dawson Grover; 763675-3003
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship at Montrose Elementary School Gymnasium.

Left: Ginger O'Loughlin, coordinator of Maple Manor Dining Site and Senior Connections, laughs as third graders
Mady Payne and Ellie Fuller recite jokes. Right: City council member John Northenscold and his wife, Carol, sit among
friends in support of the Maple Manor dining facility.
(Photos by Bob Zimmerman)

Left: Meals on Wheels driver John Haack, locals Don Weismann, and former Superintendent Roger Riesgraf try their
luck at Bingo. Right: A shot of the crowd at the February Food and Fun event at the Senior Dining Cener.

Quantity Rights Reserved

Annandale: Hwy. 55 (320) 274-3828
7 a.m- 9 p.m. 7 Days a Week
Cokato: Hwy. 12 (320) 286-6341
7 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week

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1 lb
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Select Varieties

Head Lettuce

Limit TWO with coupon. Limit one

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& Cokato, MN. Good thru 3-1-15.


24 oz


Honeysuckle, Bone-In



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Value Sized Snacks

13-16 oz pkg


Apple Cider

4 oz can

1 gal



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3 lb bag

Salmon Fillets


16 oz box
Essential Everyday

18.6-18.8 oz can
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3 lb bag

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Farm Fresh





Select Varieties


Pork Spare Ribs


Betty Crocker
4.6-5oz box

10-11 oz bag
Assorted Varieties

Lean & Meaty

Heritage Reserve
Navel Oranges

Rib-Eye Steak

Feb. 24 - March 1

Dont miss the Heritage Reserve Navel

Oranges! They are super sweet and full
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Select Varieties



Citrus-Yogurt Sundae

Sunkist, A&W
or 7Up

1 tsp freshly grated orange peel

1 tsp freshly grated grapefruit peel
2 grapefruit, peeled and sectioned
2 oranges, peeled and cut into half-cartwheel slices
2 bananas, sliced
1 cup blueberries, strawberries, raspberries or seedless
Try this for
8oz lowfat vanilla yogurt
1 tsp sugar
breakfast or
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

12 pack cans
American Bottling

24 pack
1/2 liter btls

3 10


2 liter btls
American Bottling


Combine yogurt, orange and grapefruit peels; cover and

chill. In a large bowl, combine all the remaining
ingredients; cover and chill. To serve, spoon fruit mixture
into individual dessert dishes and top with the yogurt.



1 lb loaf

8464 160th St. N.W.
Clearwater, MN; 320-558-2750
Pastor: Dave Fogal
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service.


Boneless Pork

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Caraway Mini Cherry

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Mrs. Gerrys



Honey Pepper
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Muenster Potato
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Select Varieties


Pita Chips

1 15oz can garbonzo

beans, drained,
liquid reserved
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt

8 oz bag

Blend beans,
lemon juice, olive
oil, garlic, cumin,
salt in a food
processor or bullet;
add as much reserved bean liquid
to achieve desired

Maple Lake Messenger Page 6

February 25, 2015

Wright County Car Club donates

Programs & Events

continued from page 4

Spring Days Workshop and Garden Expo

The University of Minnesota Master Gardeners of Wright County
invite gardeners of all skill levels to join them for a day of learning
and sharing. The Spring Days Workshop and Garden Expo is Saturday, March 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the St. Michael-Albertville Middle School West.
Dr. Karen Oberhauser, U of M Monarch butterfly expert, will discuss the declining monarch butterfly populations. There will also be
sessions on rain gardens, frugal gardening, square foot gardening,
herbs, moonlight gardens, orchids, hibiscus, garden photography, pollinators, and backyard composting. E-mail or
call U of MN ExtensionWright County at (763) 682-7394 for a
brochure or visit our website at

Preschool Wee Irish Family Festival is March 10

Bring your family to the 2nd annual Wee Irish Family Festival on
Tuesday, March 10, from 5:30-7 p.m. in the preschool rooms at the
Maple Lake Elementary. Children will be able to do a variety of
make-and-take projects, while exploring math, science and music in
a variety of creative ways. They will enjoy a snack and face painting,
receive a free book and enjoy music from local entertainers as well
as being eligible for door prizes. Activities will be developmentally
appropriate for children Pre-K but all family members are welcome
to join. Go online to to register or call 320-9635991 or 320-274-3058.

Townships to hold elections on March 10

Wright County has 17 cities and 18 townships. Of those 18 townships, the following will be holding elections for their town boards
on Tuesday, March 10. Those townships are: Albion, Buffalo,
Chatham, Cokato, Corinna, Franklin, French Lake, Maple Lake,
Marysville, Middleville, Monticello, Rockford, Stockholm, Victor
and Woodland.
Wright County is the designated location to vote absentee. To
apply for an absentee ballot or to learn more about the process of voting absentee, you may call the Wright County Auditor/Treasurer's office at 763-682-3900, or 1-800-362-3667; or follow the link below
to the Secretary of State's Office.

Seedlings ARISE...!brunch is March 12

March out old winter and march in to the "Seedlings ARISE...!"
brunch held at St. John's Lutheran Church in Annandale March 12
at 9:30 a.m. Leslie Koehler and Stephanie Smith from the Rustic Garden Center in Buffalo will set your mind to thinking of seeds, soil,
flowers, and veggies. Flautist, Yvonne Rammel of Cokato, will delight your musical senses and speaker, Jan Ostroot of South Haven,
will send you home with thoughts on how to have peace in any circumstance. Invite your friends and make reservations by calling
Amanda at 612-670-4702, Dawn at 612-723-3905 or email This event is sponsored by Stonecroft

Club treasurer, Wilton Ludwig, is shown with Jamie, a

KleinBank personal banker, with the two checks that will
ultimately benefit the food shelves in Buffalo and Annandale/Maple Lake.
(Photo by Heidi Ludwig)
Each year, the Wright County
Car Club designates funds to special community projects chosen
by the club members. They have
a special scholarship fund set up
with the Wright Vocational Technical School and they have also
donated to the Wright County
Area Food Shelf. Recently, two
Wright County Car Club checks

Irish Mentors Blood Drive

For the first time ever a blood
drive to benefit the American
Red Cross was held on MLHS
Arranged by MLHS Community Care Director Celeste
Dahlstrom and the 20-member
Irish Mentor group, the event,
held in the main gym, collected
55 pints- five over their goal of
Irish Mentor members:
Jack Seibert
Brooke Ankerfelt
Aidan Jude
Ross Hickey

Brooklynn Toedter
Madison Neu
Jordan Sifferle
Megan Webb
Holden Youngs
Brandon Borell
Jennifer Pomije
Jillian Goelz
Dusty Strub
Tony Goelz
Gabe Hance
Jackson Willard
Kayla Hoistad
Mollie Graham
Taylor Pilger
David Stokman

were deposited into a special account set up by the local Masonic

Lodge. The Masonic Lodge has
agreed to provide matching funds
for each of these donations. The
monies were raised at the Wright
County Car Club's Annual Car
Show as well as the lunch served
at the New London to New
Brighton Old Car Run.

60+ and Healthy Clinics

The 60+ and Healthy Clinics,
provided by Wright County
Public Health, provides foot
care for the senior citizens of
Wright County. Toenail trimming is offered to meet the
needs of those seniors who have
a health condition such as diabetes or are unable to trim toenails themselves.
The 60+ and Healthy Clinics
will be charging a $15 fee for
foot care services. This fee is
necessary because the clinics are
no longer being funded by grant
money. However, if you are unable to pay the fee, you will not

be turned away. The clinics are

hosted from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
If you have any questions,
please ask clinic staff or call WC
Public Health at 1-800-3623667 or 763-682-7456. Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, March 3: Buffalo
Community Center, 206 Central
Tuesday, March 10: Howard
Lake Community Center Public
Library, 617 6th St.
For the full schedule, visit:

Peyton Beehler donating blood at the Friday, Feb. 20th

(Photo by Mollie Graham)
Irish Mentors Blood Drive.

55+ Driver Improvement Program

Library hours extended starting March 18

Beginning March 18, the Maple Lake Library will be open on
Wednesdays until 8:00 p.m. The additional hours are the result of
community input during the strategic planning process implemented
by the library.

SKYWARNSpotter Training is March 19

Wright County Emergency Management is sponsoring SKYWARN Spotter Training on Thursday, March 19, at the Wright
County Government Center in room 120. There will be two classes
offered; first class starts at 2:30 p.m. and the second class starts at
6:30 p.m. You can pick the class that fits your schedule. After the
class you can register with the National Weather Service as a spotter
or you can take the class just for your own information and training.
There is no cost for this training. Information or questions: 763-6842364

Submit community programs and events to

The Minnesota Highway

Safety Center will be offering
55+ Driver Improvement Program courses on the following
February 25th & 26th (8Hr.
First Time Course) 5:30 p.m. to
9:30 p.m., Handke Center, 1170
Main St., Elk River
March 11th (4Hr. Refresher
Course) 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.,
First National Bank of Elk River,
812 Main St., Elk River
The Driver Improvement
course is open to the public; preregistration is required. A MN
Highway Safety & Research
Center certified instructor
teaches this class. By utilizing
the most up-to-date research in

the field, participants will be provided the latest information in regards to driver safety, new laws,
and vehicle technology. The fee
for the four-hour refresher course
is $20 and the eight-hour course
is $24. For more information or
to register, visit or call TOLL FREE 1(888)-234-1294.
Persons age 55 and older who
complete the course qualify for a
10% discount on their auto insurance premiums for three years,
according to Minnesota law.
First-time participants must
complete the initial eight hours
of training and a four-hour refresher class every three years to
maintain the 10% discount.

The National Wild Turkey Foundations

Wright County Chapter is proud to host its

21st Annual Turkey Banquet

at The V by HH in Maple Lake on March 7th
Begins at 4:30 p.m. Dinner Served at 6 p.m.
The night includes dinner, drinks, and numerous
raffles including guns, prizes and much more.
Please come join us in supporting the
outdoors and habitat improvement efforts.

To purchase tickets or get more information,

contact Adrian Gunnerson at 612 618-8452.



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Maple Lake Messenger Page 7

February 25, 2015

Wee Irish Preschool is an integrated
program providing a high quality
learning experience for children 3, 4,
& 5 years of age. Classes are held two
and three days a week.
Registration is open February 2-27.
Drop off or mail in your completed
form and payment. Registration forms
are available in the Preschool Classroom
at Maple Lake Elementary or online at Please call Christine
Schultz at 963-7468 with any
questions you have.

St. Timothys Preschool

Chad Hammerschmidts 2nd

grade students have been doing
research about presidents and
share some of the favorite facts
they discovered.
Sven Meier - My favorite
fact about Calvin Coolidge is
that he installed the first bathtub
with running water in the white
Madilynn Norgren and
Kaydi Mullers favorite fact
about Abraham Lincoln is that
one of his favorite sports was
Ella Peterson - My favorite
fun fact about Ronald Regan is
that at the age of 69 he was the
oldest man ever elected as pres-

Hailey Klatt - My favorite
fact about George Bush is that
he was a captain of his Yale
baseball team.
Alex Kiebel - My favorite
facts about George W. Bush is
that he collected over 250 autographed baseballs, was a head
cheerleader in his senior year of
high school, and that his nickname was Dubya W.
Amara Schroeder - John f.
Kennedy served in the United
States Navy during World War
Ben Torblaa - My favorite
fact about Benjamin Harrison is
that he shot a pig by mistake

while hunting.
Nora Goelz - Two of my favorite facts about Bill Clinton
are that his nickname was Slick
Willy, and his cats name was
Isaac Jarman - My favorite
fact about Martin Van Buren is
that he was a lawyer by age
Avery Lee - My favorite fact
about George Washington is that
he had a set of iron teeth, a set
carved from ivory, and also a set
from extracted human teeth.
Audrey Como - A fact about
Barack Obama is that he was the
first African American president.
Hayden Pagel - My favorite
fact about Harry S. Truman is
that he loved to play piano.
Mathew Ness - A fact about
James K. Polk is that he died because of chronic diarrhea.
Logan Anglin - My favorite
facts about Richard Nixon is that
he liked to play the piano and
would invite guests to sing

Samuel Hohman - My favorite fact about John Tyler is
that he had 15 children, the most
that any president had.
Jersey Bousman - My favorite fact about James Madison
is that he went to college at the
age of 18.
Ashley Gaffaney - My favorite fun facts about Thomas
Jefferson are that he played the
violin in water and once he ate a
tomato in public to prove it was
not poisonous.
Dayzie Floding - My favorite fact about James Monroe
is that he got in a lot of trouble
as a young teen.
Allie Ertel - My favorite
facts about William McKinley
are that he always had a pink
carnation on his suit and that his
nickname was Wobbly Willie.
Ethan Padilla - My favorite
fact about Andrew Jackson is
that he was the first president
born in a log cabin.

3 & 4 Year Olds

Now Enrolling for Fall 2015!

St. Timothy School is pleased to announce
the opening of our new Preschool for
3 & 4 year olds for Fall 2015!
4 Year Olds: M, W, F - 8:15-11:00 a.m.
M, W, F - 12:00-2:45 p.m.
Cost: $130 per month for 3 day session

3 Year Olds: T & Th - 8:15-11:00 a.m.

Cost: $90 per month for 2 day session

For more information, please call

Mrs. Kincs @ 320-963-3417 or email:

Faith-Filled and Nurturing

Catholic School Environment
From SMALL beginnings come GREAT things!

Bring your family to the 2nd Annual

Wee Irish Family Festival!

Tuesday, March 10
5:30-7 p.m.
Preschool Rooms at Maple Lake Elementary
Children will be able to do a variety of make-and-take
projects, while exploring Math, Science & Music in a
variety of creative ways throughout each room they visit.
They will enjoy a snack and face painting, receive a free
book and enjoy music from local entertainers as well as be
eligible for door prizes to be given away that evening!

School News
Speech team takes 4th at
Saturdays meet
The Maple Lake speech team
had a successful meet Saturday
against very tough competition, including two teams with over 50
competitors. The team took 4th at
Norwood-Young America. Placing
for the Irish were Lexy Medley, 2nd
in Storytelling; Kyle Pilger, 4th in
Original Oratory; Kate LaTour, 5th
in Original Oratory; Catie Medley,
4th in Poetry; Tyler Russell, 4th in
Great Speeches; Ivan LaTour, 6th in
Informative Speaking; Grace Heying, honorable mention in Extemporaneous Reading. Maple Lake had
two champions--Maddie Nelson in
Discussion and Charlie Stejskal in
Extemporaneous Speaking. Maple
Lake will be hosting its annual
speech tournament, "SpeechBall
XII" this Saturday, featuring nearly
300 speakers from the region.

Post Prom dinners

The Post Prom committee invites the public to attend their
Wednesday dinners at The V from
5-7 p.m. Kids meals are also available. All proceeds support the Post
Prom party. You can enter your
name to win one of the two door
prizes at no additional cost. For to
go orders, please call 320-963-3405.
Serving choice of: 21 Shrimp,
Chicken Strips, Roasted Pork Loin,
Bacon Cheeseburger. Meals come

with dinner roll (except the burger),

salad or coleslaw, hot vegetable,
choice of potato, dessert, beverage.
Kids meals also available.
Future dinner dates are March
4 and April 8.

Kindergarten round-up
The Maple Lake Elementary
kindergarten round-up and registration is set for Thursday, March 5th.
Kindergarten round-up is for all
children who are five years old on
or before September 1, 2015, and
planning to enter kindergarten next
The tentative schedule will look
like this:
Last names A-G: 5:30
Last names H-N: 6:00
Last names O-Z: 6:30
If you are new to the area and
have a child who will be eligible for
kindergarten next fall, please contact the elementary office as soon as
possible (320-963-3024).

Preschool registration is
open from Feb. 2-27
Wee Irish Preschool is an integrated program providing a high
quality learning experience for children 3, 4, and 5 years of age. Classes
are held two and three days a week.
Registration is open February 227. Drop off or mail in your completed form and payment.
Registration forms are available in

the preschool classroom at Maple

Lake Elementary or online at Please call Christine Schultz at 963-7468 with any
questions you have.

St. Tims now enrolling for

fall 2015 preschool
St. Timothy School is pleased to
announce the opening of the new
preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds for
fall 2015.
4-year-olds: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:15-11a.m. or
12-2:45 p.m.
3-year-olds: Tuesday and Thursday 8:15-11a.m.
For more information, please call
Mrs. Kincs at 320-963-3417 or email:

Go online to to register
or call 320-963-5991 or 320-274-3058

The Academic High Honor and

Honor lists (dean's lists) for the past
fall semester at Minnesota State
University, Mankato have been announced by Provost and Senior Vice
President for Academic Affairs Dr.
Marilyn Wells.
Among 3,046 students, a total of
735 students qualified for the High
Honor List by achieving a 4.0
straight "A" average, while 2,311
students earned a 3.5 to 3.99 average to qualify for the Honor List.
Students from Maple Lake:

Out & About

Week of Feb. 27 - March 5

Focus (R)
11:45am, 2:15, 4:35, 6:55, 9:35
The Lazarus Effect (PG-13)
12:15, 2:30, 4:30, 7:00, 9:05
The DUFF (PG-13)
11:40am, 2:00, 4:25, 7:20, 9:40
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 (R)
7:35, 9:45
McFarland, USA (PG)
11:55am, 2:40, 6:30, 9:15
Fifty Shades of Grey (R)
11:50am, 2:35, 6:45, 9:30
Kingsman: The Secret Service (R)
11:30am, 2:10, 4:50
The SpongeBob Movie:
Sponge Out of Water (PG)
12:10, 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:20
American Sniper (R)
12:00, 2:50, 6:35, 9:25
No Passes Allowed
100 1ST AVE NE (763) 682-3000


The Annandale Lions Clubs announces...

Richs at Russells

Every Monday night at 6:30 p.m.

Game 1: 36 #s - Win $200
Game 8: 55 #s - Win $500
Game 9: 42 #s - Win $200
Game 16: 55 #s - Win $400



License #02921

City Council
continued from page 1

In other business, the council:

Ordered a feasibility report
for the 2015 Sewer Repair and
Water Repair Project. There are
sewer segments that the sewer
lining contractor was unable to
line in 2013 due to the condition
of the pipe. The planning-level
cost estimate for the sewer replacement is in the range of
$140,000-$150,000. Per the current assessment practice, a portion of sewer main replacement
cost could be assessed to the
benefiting property owners. The
five property owners who benefit from the sewer replacement
could have assessments in the
range of $1,500-$2,000.
Authorized preparation of
plans and bidding for the 2015
Seal Coat and Crack Repair
Project. The project area will
generally be the city streets east
of Oak Avenue, with the exceptions of Linden and Park. Most
of these streets were last paved
in 2003.
Heard an update from
Councilmember Deb Geyen on
activities planned for the citys
125th anniversary celebration.
An all-school reunion is
planned, with a luncheon and
tours at the school, and plans for
a walking tour of the city are in
the works. Two family entertainment shows featuring juggling
and magic will take place in the
fire hall, and free family bowling (with at least one parent
present) will be offered at the
Maple Lake Bowl. Craft brew-

ers have been invited to the

Brewfest, which now has its
own website, Buttons will also
be sold as a promotion for and
souvenirs of the event. An outdoor stage has been rented from
Annandale, with Mitch Gordon
and the Unleaded Band to perform in the afternoon and Outside Recess playing in the
evening, with fireworks to follow. The committee is also in the
process of interviewing some of
the elder and middle-aged residents in town for a video on the
history of Maple Lake.
Approved an amendment to
liquor licenses for outdoor alcohol consumption during the St.
Patricks Day festivities on
March 14.
Approved a Conditional
Use Permit (CUP) for Robert
Wright to open a motorcycle repair shop at 115 Division Street
West and clarified the zoning of
that address as a part of the
citys business district.
Approved, by a 3-0 vote, the
2016 Fire Department budget of
$203,500, with Councilmembers Bart Lauer and Todd Jude
abstaining due to their Fire Department membership.
Approved contracting the
actuarial firm Hildi, Inc. for
services to determine the pension liabilities regarding Governmental Accounting Standards
Board statements 67 and 68,
which deal with pension funds
for such entities as the Fire Relief Association and the Public

Salveson receives
Chancellors Award
Kevin Salveson from Maple
Lake received the University of
Award for the fall 2014 semester.
The award is presented to students who have a grade point average of 3.5 or above.

Local students named

to MN State University
Mankato Honor list

Activities will be developmentally appropriate for children

Pre-K, but all family members are welcome to participate.
This fun event is only $5 per family. Activity

Brady Gagnon, SR, Honor List

Madison Gagnon, SO, High Honor
Tyler Grant, SR, Honor List
Danielle Hudek, JR, Honor List
Tabitha Latzig, SO, Honor List
Brittany Negley, SR, Honor List
To qualify for academic honors,
undergraduate students must be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours for
the semester.

Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota.

Approved the Pay Equity
Compliance report dated January 28, 2015.
Authorized the purchase of
a 2014 Western Star 4700SF
450-horsepower demo tandem
plow truck, along with a plow,
wing, scraper and box, for a total
cost of $208,817, which falls
within the Public Works Departments budget of $210,000. The
Sawatzke to accept bids for sale
of the citys 1985 L8000 tandem
dump truck and 1994 L8000 single axle plow truck.
Approved the third amendment to a lease with T-Mobile,
which is seeking to increase the
number of antennae atop the
citys water tower.
Authorized the signing of an
agreement to receive a $5,000
grant from the AgSTAR Fund
for Rural America and its Rural
Feasibility Study Grant Program, to obtain cost estimates on
the potential development of a
new industrial park in the city.
Approved the appointment
of Planning and Zoning Commissioner Charles Webb to be
the commissions representative
at future Airport Commission
Approved a consent agenda
that included a $36 donation for
downtown flower baskets from
Todd and Elizabeth Borell.
The councils next meeting is
Tuesday, March 17, at 7 p.m.

District 881
MONDAY, March 2
Bacon breakfast pizza (elem. and
high school), sausage/cheese biscuit
or choice of WG cereal, WW toast,
jelly/margarine, vegetable selection,
fresh fruit, milk
TUESDAY, March 3
WG waffle w/syrup, tri-tator (elem.
and h.s.), breakfast burritos or
choice of WG cereal, WW toast,
jelly/margarine, vegetable selection,
fresh fruit, milk
Breakfast fruit crisp (elem. and h.s.),
breakfast pizza or choice of WG cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine,
vegetable selection, fresh fruit, milk
Yogurt bar-yogurt, fruit, granola or
graham cracker (elem. and h.s.),
ham n egg-wich or choice of WG
cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine,
vegetable selection, fresh fruit, milk
FRIDAY, March 6
Iced WG cinnamon roll (elem. and
h.s.), egg n cheese bagel or choice
of WG cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine, vegetable selection, fresh
fruit, milk
MONDAY, March 2
Seven-layer salad or popcorn
chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy,
potatoes/gravy; corn, baby carrots,
peas; choice of fruit, milk
TUESDAY, March 3
Turkey ranch wrap or hot ham on
WG bun, Italian lasagna, garlic
toast; green beans, romaine lettuce,
celery sticks; choice of fruit, milk
Chef salad or chicken tacos on WG
soft shell, BBQ pork riblet; spicy
northern beans, tomatoes, pepper
medley; choice of fruit, milk
Taco salad or chicken alfredo pizza,
BBQ meatball on a sub; green
beans, broccoli florets, cauliflower;
choice of fruit, milk
FRIDAY, March 6
Garden vegetable salad or cheese
calzini w/marinara sauce, chicken
nuggets, dinner roll; glazed carrots,
baby spinach, radishes; choice of
fruit, milk

Maple Lake Messenger Page 8

February 25, 2015


Irish clinch conference title, head into playoffs

By Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

The Maple Lake boys basketball team played one of its best
all-around games of the year,
Thursday, Feb. 19, when the
Irish defeated Pierz, 84-58.
All seven seniors in uniform
scored against the Pioneers,
which was fitting because it was
also Senior Night ast he last regular season, home game they
would play for the Irish.
These seniors have been
great leaders, coach Tim
Staloch said. They have kept us
focused and working hard while
always having fun during this incredible season.
Senior David Stokman led
the Maple Lake team with 32
points and senior Andrew
Schonnesen had 17.
By the end of the first half,
the Irish were up 45 to 25. The

home team outscored the Pioneers 39 to 33 in the second.

Our defense was very good
and offensively we did a great
job of taking care of the ball,
committing a season-low four
turnovers, Staloch said.
Thursday nights victory was
the Irishs 24th win, which ties
the school record. It also secured
Maple Lakes sole possession of
the Central Minnesota Conference title.
With the regular season over,
the Maple Lake team will head
into playoffs with the first game
scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26,
against Mora at 7 p.m. at Maple
Lake. Maple Lake is the No. 2
seed and Mora is seeded 7.
If the Irish win, they will play
again on Saturday, Feb. 28, at St.
School at 3 p.m. The championship game will take place on

Tuesday, March 3, at 6 p.m.

As playoffs begin we start a
whole new season, Staloch
said. Our sub-section is very
tough. The top four teams - St.
Cloud Cathedral, No. 1 seed,
Maple Lake, No. 2 seed, Braham, No. 3 seed, and Annandale,
No. 4 seed - all won their conference titles.
We believe we have just as
good a chance as anybody to
win the title. We hope our fans
will show their support and
come cheer on the Irish.
Maple Lake vs. Pierz
Pts Rebs Asts
I. Rivers
A. Schonnesen 17 5 2
T. Goelz
9 4 2
A. Ruhland
2 2
D. Stokman
32 3 8
K. Anderson
M. Scherber
- 2

B. Wellsted
C. Olson
A. Toedter
N. Paumen
B. Borell




2015 5AA North

Boys Basketball Tournament

First Half
Maple Lake - 45
Pierz - 25
Second Half
Maple Lake - 39
Pierz - 33
Final Score: 84-58
Central Minnesota
Conference Boys
Basketball Standings



Left: Adam Ruhland, #10, fights to keep the ball for an Irish possession. Middle: Even with a Pierz Pioneer player defending him, Andrew Schonnesen, #4, manages to score two points. Right: Ian Rivers, #3, took a shot at a three-point
basket. The Irish went on to defeat the Pierz Pioneers to claim the title of conference champs. (Photos by Charlene Wurm)

Girls hockey loses

heartbreaker at state

Girls basketball down, but not out

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

The Maple Lake girls basketball team continued to struggle

last week against opponents they
beat earlier in the season, but by
the second game they were seeing signs that they will soon be
back on their feet.
The Kimball Cubs came to
Irish territory, Tuesday, Feb. 17,
for round two of a conference
match-up. Maple Lake had
beaten Kimball by four points
earlier in the year, leaving the
Cubs hungry for revenge, and
they got it, with a 53-32 victory
over the home team.
The Irish werent as easily
subdued two days later when
they traveled to Pierz on Thursday, Feb. 19.
The Pioneers were gunning
for them again after a 57-53 loss
to Maple Lake earlier in the season. The Irish seemed to have
overcome their shooting woes in
this game, but now the struggle
was on the defensive end. They
couldnt stop Pioneer post play
and lost 59-50.
We gained some of our confidence back in this game,
coach Adam Ronnenberg said.
Certainly not the outcome we
were searching for, but we
needed a couple of bright spots
in our offense and I feel like we
got that.
Kimball came out in their
typical half-court zone defense

on Tuesday, and Maple Lake

struggled to score from the
perimeter. After shooting just 11
percent in the first half, the Irish
found themselves in a deep hole.
They were down 25-8 at the
Despite causing the Cubs to
turn the ball over 24 times
throughout the game, the Irish
couldnt overcome the deficit.
Linsey Rachel led scoring for
Maple Lake with nine points. It
was the first game all season the
Irish have not had a player scoring in double figures, Ronnenberg said.
Teams are choosing to play
zone on us and we are really
struggling to score. Unfortunately, we dont have the size to
pound the ball inside. We will
bounce out of our scoring slump,
but the key will be to get quality
shots and gain a little confidence, Ronnenberg said.
Maple Lake shot 26 percent
from the floor compared to the
Cubs 45 percent.
After struggling on offense
over the last week or two, the
Irish appeared to have reinvented themselves to start the
game against Pierz on Thursday.
Attacking the basket and
finding open players, Maple
Lake had little trouble scoring
early on in the game. The struggle was against Pierz posts.
Two Pierz post players accounted for 21 of their 31 first-

half points. The Irish trailed by

four heading into halftime, 3127.
Despite changing defenses
and applying full-court pressure,
Maple Lake couldnt slow the
hot shooting of the Pioneer attack and fell by nine.
Emily Webb scored 14 points
and pulled down eight rebounds.
Rachel had 15 points, seven rebounds, four assists and four
The Irish enter their final
week of regular season play this
week with a game on Monday,
Feb. 23, at Norwood-Young
America and on Tuesday, Feb.
24, at home against Lester
Prairie-Holy Trinity. On Friday,
Feb. 27, Maple Lake will host
Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted
at 7:30 p.m.
Playoffs begin on Thursday,
March 5. Their opponent will be
determined in the seeding meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25.
Maple Lake vs. Kimball
Pts Rebs Asts
E. Webb
3 2
L. Rachel
9 5 2
M. Brown
2 1
K. Hoistad
6 1 2
B. Toedter
- 3
M. Scheiber
4 1 1
M. Wurm
5 4 2
B. Paumen
- 1
Molly Scheiber 3 1 1
L. Borell
- 2

First Half
Maple Lake - 8
Kimball - 25

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Second Half
Maple Lake - 24
Kimball - 28
Final Score: 32-53
Maple Lake vs. Pierz
Pts Rebs Asts
E. Webb
L. Rachel
K. Hoistad
B. Toedter
Morgan Scheiber 4
Molly Schieber 5
L. Borell
(remaining results not available
at press time)
First Half
Maple Lake - 27
Pierz - 31
Second Half
Maple Lake - 23
Pierz - 28
Final Score: 50-59
Central Minnesota
Conference Girls
Basketball Standings


Left: Emily Webb, #3, drives toward the basket against Pierz. Right: Maple Lakes Brooklyn Toedter, #20, shoots for
(Photos by Brenda Erdahl)
two points despite Kimball opposition, Tuesday, Feb. 17. The girls lost 53-32.

The Bison girls' hockey team

lost two very close games at the
Minnesota State High School
League Girls Hockey Tournament last week.
The Bison kicked off the
tournament on Thursday, Feb.
19, against No. 3 seed Edina and
fell 3-1.
On Friday, Feb. 20, they
played Eastview and fell 3-2.
Edina and the Bison fought it
out in fairly even play, Thursday, keeping the scoreboard
empty until the third period.
We knew that the longer the
game stayed 0-0 the better our
chances, coach Ray Dahloff
The Bison struck early in the
third when Abby Halluska got
the puck from Rylan Bistodeau
at the left circle, powered past
an Edina defender, and ripped a
shot into the lower corner.
The Bison were whistled for
a penalty at 2:24 and Edina tied
the game on the ensuing power
play on a screen shot from the
left circle to make it 1-1.
The teams traded shots and
scoring chances during the next
12 minutes; the Bison took nine
shots and Edina had 11.
With 1:41 remaining in the
third period, the Bison took another penalty. The Hornets capitalized with 55 seconds
remaining, taking a pass from
behind the net and sending a
shot past Bison goalie Kendra
Carlson. The Hornets added an
empty-net goal with 18 seconds
left to clinch the win 3-1.
The Bison were out-shot by
the Hornets 16-5 in the first period and 13-4 in the second period, but Bison goalie Kendra
Carlson stopped everything the
Hornets put in her way in a career-high game.
Overall, we did a good job
of keeping Taylor Williamson
(a Minnesota State University
Gophers recruit) off the scoreboard, Dahloff said. She didn't
have a goal or assist until the
empty-netter, although she had

around 12 shots on goal.

On Sunday, Williamson was
named Ms. Hockey.
It was a heartbreaking loss
the way we battled throughout
the game. Kendra was in a zone
from the start of the game until
the end, Dahloff added.
The Bison had to come back
and play Eastview at 10 a.m. at
Ridder Arena on the U of M
campus on Friday, Feb. 20.
We seemed a little flat in the
first period against the Lightning, Dahloff said. They
scored a goal 38 seconds into the
game on a low screen shot that
Kendra didn't see.
The Bison out-shot them 8-6
in the first period, but couldn't
get that all-important first goal.
Eastview got ahead 2-0 late in
the second period so the Bison
had their work cut out for them
in the third.
The Bison responded by outshooting Eastview 15-4 in the
third. The Bison struck twice
early in the period to tie the
game. The Bison kept the pressure on for the next six minutes,
but couldn't get the leading goal
past the Lightning goalie. The
Bison took a penalty with 4:15
to play and Eastview scored the
eventual game winner 10 seconds later.
The Bison put more pressure
on for the rest of the period but
failed to score.
It was a tough way to go
out. I think it was tough for the
players to get ready to play at 10
a.m. after such an emotional loss
against Edina, Dahloff said.
We played really well in the
second and third periods, battling back from a 2-0 deficit in
the third period and out-shooting
them 15-4, but it was a tough
loss, a lot of tears in the locker
room after that game, in fact a
lot of tears after the Edina loss
as well.
The Bison players can be
proud of making it to the state
tournament for the first time in
program history. That will be the
legacy of this team, Dahloff

Watch for entertainment specials every week

in the Maple Lake Messenger!

Maple Lake Messenger Page 9

February 25, 2015

Ski team ends season on a positive note Sifferle is 7th at state gymnastics
by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

The Annandale Co-op Alpine

Ski team ended another successful run on the slopes earlier this
Their four-month long season culminated at the section
tournament on Thursday, Feb. 5,
at Afton Alps where the girls
team placed fifth and the boys
finished 10th. Annandale freshman Claire Tikkanen qualified
for state for the second year in a
In my opinion we had a
great season, coach Lori Rice
said. Our team finished the
season with some really excellent growth, not only in size, but
in moving from new skiers to
the hill, to ski racing by the end
of the season. I saw the athletes
develop confidence, build on
their skiing skills and develop
leadership qualities on and off
the hill.
The Annandale Co-op Ski
team is made up of athletes from
Maple Lake, Annandale, Litchfield, St. Michael-Albertville,
New London-Spicer and Kimball.
STM-A, NL-S and Kimball
were new to the co-op this year.
The others have been skiing together for the last five or six
years, Rice said.
All together the co-op was 22
skiers strong; nine on the boys
team and 13 on the girls.
For most of these schools,
being a part of a co-op is the
only way they can offer alpine
skiing to their students.
Maple Lake has only one
athlete in the program.
Nik Dahlgren and his
brother, Kristian, have, so far,
been Maple Lakes sole presence in the program. Kristian
graduated in 2011 and Nik will
graduate this year.
Nik is a great example of a
senior leader, Rice said. He

This weeks Maple

Lake Irish activities
Monday February 23:
6:00pm Basketball:Girls C Game
Norwood Young America @ Norwood-Young America HS; 6:00pm
Basketball:Girls JV Indoor Meet
Norwood Young America @ Norwood-Young America HS; 7:30pm

really enjoys the sport.

Dahlgren was part of the
team that finished 10th at sections. He finished with a season
best at that race.
Skiing is a sport you can
continue all your life, no team
needed, Dahlgrens mom,
Chris said. This year there are
quite a few schools in the co-op.
I hope it continues to grow.
The athletes headed out to
the slopes in mid-November to
begin their conditioning training
and to learn to tune their skis.
They committed their evenings
three nights a week to the sport.
Over the course of the season
they competed in seven regular
season races, including three on
their home slopes at Powder
Ridge in Kimball. They faced
teams such as: the St. Cloud
Area Breakaways, Lakes Area
Alpine, Brainerd, West Tonka
Alpine, Blake and Tri Metro
Schools and Orono.
While the boys and girls
teams practice together, at competitions they race separately,
scoring points based on the top
six finishers. Of course, the
more kids out for the sport, the
more competitive they can be.
That is why Rice is so excited
about three additional schools
joining the co-op.
When we have more numbers, it actually allows us to
maintain the score; if say we
have eight with scoring potential and six finish, she said.
The newcomers not only provide opportunities for athletes in
the area, they add real depth to
the team, helping us to build
varsity and junior varsity opportunities.
But bringing athletes together from different schools
isnt always easy, and it has
been a learning experience for
the Annandale Co-op.
The support of parents and
the schools involved has gone a

long way in helping to achieve

the unity they have been looking
for, Rice said
You see skiers from all the
schools come together in support, learning to ski as a team
for results, and join as one.
The co-op was fairly young
this year with several new seventh graders and a large group
of freshmen. Senior captains
Gabe Gibson of New LondonSpicer, Zach Dorn of Litchfield,
Samantha Isack of Annandale
and Dahlgren, lead the young
I will miss their leadership,
Rice said, now that the season is
over and the athletes will be
moving on. But I know this
will help them move forward in
their education and life. I hope
we have a few more skiers that
will enjoy many more days skiing all kinds of terrain, and
someday will coach or teach
their family to ski.

Basketball:Girls Varsity Game

Norwood Young America @ Norwood-Young America HS
Tuesday February 24:
4:00pm Basketball:Boys
Grade Game vs. Rockford Area
Schools District @ Maple Lake HS
Activity Center; 4:00pm Basketball:Boys 8th Grade Game vs.
Rockford Area Schools District @
Maple Lake HS Activity Center;
6:00pm Basketball:Girls
Game vs. Lester Prairie/Holy Trinity @ Maple Lake High School;
6:00pm Basketball:Girls C Game
vs. Lester Prairie/Holy Trinity @
Maple Lake High School; 7:30pm
Basketball:Girls Varsity Game vs.
Lester Prairie/Holy Trinity @ Maple

Lake High School

Thursday February 26:
7:00pm Basketball:Boys Varsity
Section Qtr Finals vs. Mora @
Maple Lake High School Gym
Friday February 27:
6:00pm Basketball:Girls
Game vs. Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted @ Maple Lake High
School; 6:00pm Basketball:Girls C
Game vs. Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted @ Maple Lake High
School; 7:30pm Basketball:Girls
Varsity Game vs. Howard LakeWaverly-Winsted @ Maple Lake
High School
Saturday February 28:
9:00am Speech: Varsity Meet vs.
TBA @ Maple Lake High School

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Nik Dahlgren was the sole

representative from Maple
Lake on the Annandale Cooperative Alpine Ski Team
this year. The team draws
its members from Maple
Lake, Annandale, Litchfield,
St. Michael-Albertville, New
London-Spicer and Kimball.
(Photo by Brenda Erdahl)

Maple Lake junior Jordan Sifferle returned home from the

Minnesota State High School
Gymnastics tournament last
weekend with a seventh-place
finish on the vault.
Not only did she make the top
10, she improved upon her finish
last year at state by five places.
Sifferle went up against the
most talented high school gymnasts in Minnesota, Saturday,
Feb. 21, at the University of
Minnesota Sports Pavilion.
After waiting most of the day
for her turn to compete - she was
the second to last performer in
the last rotation of the day - Sifferle finally got her chance. She
showed judges two great
vaults, according to coach Kaitlyn Helmbrecht, and improved in
both her score and place from her
performance last year at the U of
This was Sifferles second

Jordan Sifferle during her vault at the MN State High

School Gymnastics tournament. (Photo by Delaney Sifferle)
year competing at the prestigious
event. Last year she finished
12th with a season high score of
She beat that score at sections
a week earlier in Sartell when
she won the vault for the meet
and broke a school record set
back in 1992. Her vault that day
earned a 9.65.
She came just shy of topping
that high vault at state, finishing

with a 9.5.
Jordan did well under the
pressure of state and had two
great vaults, Helmbrecht said.
She improved in both score and
place from last years state meet
which is great to see.
The winning vault for single
A schools Saturday came from
Hannah Wendel of Alexandria
who earned a 9.85 with her performance.

Bemidji ends boys hockey season

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

I was very proud of how we
played, he said. We actually
had them on their heels the first
period and could have been
ahead three or four to two. We
just didn't capitalize on our
chances. Our effort was great.
The Lumberjacks put their
first point on the score board at
3:20 of the first period off a goal
by Erik Fitzgerald, assisted by
Jake Leitner. They followed
with another goal at 6:17 of the
M-A-ML goalie Nathan
Isaacson stopped nine of the 11
shots they had on goal that first
period. The Moose had six shots
on their goal.
Bemidji dominated the next
two periods with goals at 5:55,
14:30 and 16:30 of the second
period with the third and last
goal on a power-play.
They put their puck past the
M-A-ML goalie for the final

The Monticello-AnnandaleMaple Lake boys hockey team

had a tough draw when they
were paired up with the No. 1
seed Bemidji in the second
game of the Section 8-2A tournament.
The Lumberjacks were 19-32 going into Thursdays (Feb.
17) game and had the advantage
of playing on their home ice.
M-A-ML went in boasting a
10-6 record and held the No. 8
seed. They were coming off a 42 win over the No. 9 seed
Becker-Big Lake in the first
round of the playoffs.
Despite being the underdogs,
the local team played tough
against their northern foe, holding them to two points in that
first period. Although Bemidji
went on to beat them 6-0, coach
Sheldon Weston wasnt disappointed in his teams performMust
have player
& parent

time at 14:20 in the third to secure the win and advance on to

the next game in the tournament
on Saturday, Feb. 21, where they
met No. 5 seed Brainerd.
Bemdji cruised by Brainerd
6-0 and will now face No. 2 seed
Moorhead in the championship
game at Thief River Falls on
Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 7 p.m.
for the right to go on to state.
State will be held March 4-7 at
the Xcel Energy Center and the
Mariucci Arena.
We had a great season this
year, lots of underclassmen getting action, Weston said. We
finished 10-17-0, but nine of
those losses were by a goal. We
were young, but we had great
senior leadership.
The Moose will have their
year-end celebration on Friday,
Feb. 27, to wrap up the season,
hand out team awards and send
off their seniors with wellwishes.

Traveling Summer Fastpitch

Girls Softball

Wednesday, March 4 5-7 p.m.

at Maple Lake High School

consist of
girls from
3rd to 11th

Sign-up in the Maple Lake High School Commons. Cost is $140 per player.
*Also looking for Volunteer Coaches! Please sign up & pay dues on March 4. If you cannot make
it for the sign-up, please contact Joe Paumen at (612) 490-4873 by March 5 to guarantee a
team for your child! *This program is not sponsored by Maple Lake Public Schools.
Evaluations are Sunday, March 8, starting at 5:30 p.m.


Post 131 Maple Lake Lottery Tickets On Sale 320-963-3911

Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Sunday: 11:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 27th - Food Special - Prime Rib $14.95
Live Music by Down the Road Band
8 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Friday, March 6th - Big Ts DJ & Karaoke 8 p.m. - 12 a.m.
Saturday, March 7th - Irish Pre-Party featuring Comedian
Roger Radley - Social Hour 5:30 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m. Awards at 7:30 p.m.
Silent Auction from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Entertainment 8:30 p.m. $30 Tickets
Tuesday, March 10th - Legion Post Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 14th - St. Patricks Day Celebration
Live Music by B.L.T. 3-7 p.m.
Diamond Back 8 p.m. - Midnight
Join us after the parade for
Green Beer Irish Stew Hamburgers

Friday Night

Fish Fry
Tuesday Night
Bar Bingo

All You Can Eat with

Salad Bar $9.95
Soup & Salad Bar $6

6:30 p.m. 70% Payback!

Regular Menu Available

8 Regular Games & 2 Jackpot Games

This weeks special is

Prime Rib for $14.95

Food Available

Meat Raffles: Friday 5:30 p.m. & Sunday 3 p.m.

Friday & Sundays Includes a $2/$40 Package & Sundays a $5/$100 Package

Proceeds go to ML Community Cemetery & Annandale/ML Youth Gymnastics

License #2284

Monday Night
Mens Teams
2 for 1 Drinks
all players
Tuesday Night
Womens Teams
2 for 1 Drinks
all players
Wednesday &
Thursday Night
Co-Ed Teams!
$100 per team

$800 in 56 #s
$500 in 56 #s

We offer many Lenten specials

every Friday during lent!

Your St. Patricks Day

Friday, March 13 8 p.m. - Midnight

12 oz. Tap Green Beer $2

Saturday, March 14
Live Music

9 p.m.
Friday, March 13 Saturday, March 14
Sunday, March 15 Tuesday, March 17

Corned Beef and Cabbage w/ fixins $10



Maple Lake Messenger Page 10

February 25, 2015

Legal Notices
the Silver Creek Township Board of
Supervisors that the Annual Meeting
will be held on March 10, 2015, at 7
p.m. at the Silver Creek Township
Hall, 3827 134th St. N.W., Monticello,
MN 55362.
*Meeting will be held 3/17/2014 at
7:00 p.m. if cancelled due to weather.
Nancy Betzler
Clerk Silver Creek Township

low the Annual Meeting

Debbie Uecker, Clerk
Albion Township

The Corinna Township Annual
Meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 10, 2015, 8:15 p.m., at the
Corinna Township Hall, 9801 Ireland
Avenue NW, Annandale, MN. The
purpose of this meeting is for the citizens of Corinna Township to set the
annual levy to be certified against the
property taxes for the 2016 payable
The Election of Township Officers
will be held on Tuesday, March 10,
2015. The polls will be open from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. The Township Officer to
be elected is one (1) Supervisor for a
period of three years. The Board of
Canvass will meet immediately after
the polls close to certify the official
election results.
In case of inclement weather, the
Election and Town Meeting will be the
following Tuesday, March 17, 2015. In
case of inclement weather, the Regular Town Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
For Absentee Ballots call Wright
County at 1-800-362-3667 and ask
for Auditor/Treasurers Office Elections, to apply for absentee ballots.
The Wright County Courthouse will be
open for acceptance of absentee ballot applications and casting of absentee ballots on Saturday, March 7,
2015, from 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
and on Monday, March 9, 2015, from
8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Requests for
mailed absentee ballots will also be
A public accuracy test of voting
equipment will be held on Thursday,
March 5, 2015, at 2:00 p.m.
Mary Barkley Brown


Notice of Annual Meeting and
Election of Officers
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Albion Township,
County of Wright, State of Minnesota,
that the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be
held on Tuesday, March 10, 2015, at
the Albion Town Hall at 9020 20th St
NW, Annandale, MN 55302. In case
of inclement weather, the Annual
Election and Annual Meeting will be
postponed until Tuesday, March 17,
2015, during the same hours.
The Election Poll hours will be
open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at
which time the voters will elect one
Supervisor for a 3-year term and one
Treasurer for a 2-year term.
The ANNUAL MEETING will commence after the polls close at 8:00
p.m. to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law.
Board of Canvass meeting will fol-

MARCH 10, 2015
To vote, completely fill in the oval(s)
next to your choice(s) like this

Write-in, if any
Write-in, if any
The Town of Albion will conduct a
public accuracy test of its marking
equipment at the Albion Town Hall on
Thursday March 5th, 2015 starting at
6:00 p.m.
Debbie Uecker
Albion Township Clerk
The Corinna Township Board requests proposals for the collection
and disposal of residential recyclable
materials included in which are newspapers, glossy print, corrugated
paper, cardboard, glass bottles, aluminum, tin, plastic containers and batteries. The proposal is for the entire
Township of Corinna for both the approximately 941 homestead and approximately 741 non-homestead
properties. (Average monthly participation in 2014 was 551.25 households per month.) The proposal
includes a request for a performance
bond and contractor insurance. Pickup is to be every other week, single
stream recycling.
Service is expected to begin the
month of April, 2015.
Bids are to be mailed to Corinna
Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Avenue NW,
Annandale, MN 55302, and to arrive
no later than 7:00 p.m. Tuesday,
March 3, 2015. Phone 320-274-8049;
FAX 320-274-3792. Bid opening will
be at the town hall, Tuesday, March 3,
2015 at 7:00 p.m.
The board reserves the right to accept or refuse any or all bids.
Mary Barkley Brown,
The filing of an assumed name
does not provide a user with exclusive
rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in
order to enable consumers to be able
to identify the true owner of a business.
1. List the exact assumed name

under which the business is or will be

conducted: Blackbag Airsoft.
2. Principal place of business: 140
Lilac Ave., Annandale, MN 55302
3. List the name and complete
street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide
the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited
Partnership name and registered office address: Jamie Madsen, 140
Lilac Ave., Annandale, MN 55302.
4. I, the undersigned, certify that I
am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as
agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on
his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I
further certify that I have completed all
required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the
applicable chapter of Minnesota
Statutes. I understand that by signing
this document I am subject to the
penalties of perjury as set forth in
Section 609.48 as if I had signed this
document under oath.
Date: 1/5/15
/s/ Jamie Madsen
Jamie Madsen, Owner
Notice is Hereby Given that the
Chatham Township election will be
held on March 10, 2015. The polls are
open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The annual meeting will follow from
8:00 to 9:00 p.m. The regular monthly
meeting will be held on Thursday,
March 12, 7:00 p.m. The positions on
the ballot are:
Township Supervisor:
Thomas Schuveiller
Township Treasurer:
Joan Baert-Demarais
Joan Baert-Demarais,

Chatham Township
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
Section 368.01, Subd. 25, notice is
hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Corinna, Wright
County, Minnesota, will hold a public
hearing on March 17, 2015, at 7:00
p.m. in the Town Hall to consider vacating the portions of public way
legally described as follows:
That part of the 10.00 pathway as
dedicated on the recorded plat of
Maple Villa, Wright County, Minnesota, that lies Northerly of Lot 9,
Block 8, of said Maple Villa and Easterly of the Northerly extension of the
West line of said Lot 9 and Westerly
of the Northerly extension of the East
line of said Lot 9.
A copy of the Petition or Proposed
Resolution is attached to this Notice
as Exhibit A.
Any person wishing to be heard
concerning this matter may make
comments to the Board at this time.
/s/ Mary B. Brown
Mary Barkley Brown,
We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Town of Corinna to vacate
the portion of the public way legally
described as follows:
That part of the 10.00 pathway as
dedicated on the recorded plat of
Maple Villa, Wright County, Minnesota, that lies Northerly of Lot 9,
Block 8, of said Maple Villa and Easterly of the Northerly extension of the
West line of said Lot 9 and Westerly
of the Northerly extension of the East
line of said Lot 9.
We, the undersigned, are a majority of the owners of the land abutting

the portion of the way to be vacated.

We, the undersigned, will reimburse the Town of Corinna for all of
the Town's expenses connected with
this Petition regardless of whether the
Petition is granted. The Town's expenses may include publication,
postage, surveys, legal fees, abstracting, filing fees, copying, Town Clerk
time and other items deemed necessary by the Town Board. Our obligation to reimburse the Town shall be
joint and several.
We, the undersigned, acknowledge that ownership of the vacated
way is based on the application of
legal principles which are the purview
of the courts and that the Town has no
control of, and makes no representations regarding, who becomes the
owner of the way after it is vacated.
/s/ Dale M. Corey
Dale M. Corey
Request for Proposal for
Collection and Disposal of
Recyclable Materials
The Corinna Township Board requests proposals for the collection
and disposal of residential recyclable
materials included in which are newspapers, glossy print, corrugated
paper, cardboard, glass bottles, aluminum, tin, plastic containers and batteries. The proposal is for the entire
Township of Corinna for both the approximately 941 homestead and approximately 741 non-homestead
properties. (Average monthly participation in 2014 was 551.25 households per month.) The proposal
includes a request for a performance
bond and contractor insurance. Pickup is to be every other week, single
stream recycling.
Service is expected to begin the
month of April, 2015.
Bids are to be mailed to Corinna
Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Avenue NW,

Annandale, MN 55302, and to arrive

no later than 7:00 p.m. Tuesday,
March 3, 2015. Phone 320-274-8049;
Fax 320-274-3792. Bid opening will
be at the town hall, Tuesday, March 3,
2015, at 7:00 p.m.
The board reserves the right to accept or refuse any or all bids.
Mary Barkley Brown,
Public Accuracy Test of
Electronic Voting Equipment
A public accuracy test of electronic
voting equipment will be held at the
above named Township, located at
6298 Bishop Avenue NW and County
Road 37, on Wednesday, March 4,
2015, at 1:00 P.M.
Dick Hogan, Clerk
Maple Lake Township
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Maple Lake Township,
County of Wright, and State of Minnesota, that the annual election of
Town Officers and annual meeting in
the precincts of 1A and 1B will be held
at the Maple Lake Town Hall, located
at 6298 Bishop Avenue NW and
County Road 37, Buffalo, MN, Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Polls will open
at 10:00 A.M. and voting will continue
until 8:00 P.M. The annual Town
meeting will commence immediately
after the closing of the polls. In case
of inclement weather, the meeting
and election will be postponed until
the third Tuesday of March.
Dick Hogan, Clerk
Maple Lake Township


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500 Cty. Rd. 37 E

Maple Lake
Open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday

Get your business noticed

weekly in the Messenger!

Building-Home Improvement

Foundation Floating Slabs
Brick Stone Driveways
Patios Sidewalks Steps
Concrete Stamping Floors
Garages Free Estimates
Residential &Commercial

Marv & Buck Howard, Owners

Cell: 612-366-0909

Master Plumber license: Marv 058229-PM Buck 063048-PM

3-D Concrete & Masonry Inc.

TempStar Heating &

Cooling Products
High Efficiency Boilers

Bruce Dalbec

Office: 763-682-2358
Fax: 763-682-2858

Heating & Air

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Buffalo 763-684-3965

P.O . Bo x 85 Buffalo , MN

Water Heaters
Water Softeners
3 Generations Since 1961
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After Business Hours: 320-236-2102

715 Norway Drive Annandale

Well Drilling






Pole Buildings

Complete Well Service

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Well Abandonments

Annandale, MN 55302


Emai l : joehogan. concrete@gmai l . com

Garage Doors Electric Openers

Sales Service Repairs

We will construct your

pole building or sell you
the necessary material.
Come in and talk over
your building needs.
We're here to serve you.

Tim & Lorie Hegle

375 Spruce Avenue N.
Maple Lake, MN 55358

Maple Lake Lumber Co.

Borrell Refrigeration,


Plumbing, Heating
& Air Conditioning

Toll Free: 1-800-273-4699
Call: (320) 963-3934
Fax: (320) 963-1934



Water Conditioning & Drinking Water Systems


Dave Borrell 320-963-3107


Residential & Commercial

Block ICF Poured Foundation Brick & Stone Floors Floating Slabs Garages
Concrete Staining/Stamping Patios Driveways Steps Sidewalks Removal Replacement

Maple Lake

Stan Fuller 612-366-0910

Office: 320-963-5522


Fax: 320-963-5530 fuller@
References Available Fully Insured




Everything in
Concrete &

Licensed & Bonded
Master Electrician

Maple Lake Messenger Page 11

February 25, 2015

Computer Repair--Virus spyware removal, speed up your computer, $40.
Mike, 320-963-6094 or 763-732-3183.

For Rent
One bedroom upstairs apartment in
Maple Lake, avail. March 1; some
utilities paid; $550/mo. References
and damage deposit required; no pets.


Now Hiring!

Agronomy Applicator
Seasonal w/potential for FT employment
Custom agronomy application
CDL or able to attain Clean MVR
Previous applicator exp pref, not required
Able to attain commercial applicator license

Seasonal: Drivers & Laborers

Great employment opportunities with excellent earning
potential. If youre looking to get your foot in the door with
a stable and reputable company, apply today!

Little Falls

St. Martin


Call or e-mail resumes to:

Simple treadmill, nothing fancy, in
good condition. 763-682-2755.


Ca Gr
Aw r ea
ai er t

Local - Dairy farm looking for crop

land to rent 2015 and beyond. Dan
Pawelk 320-963-5750.



local drivers for IA & MINN. $20.00/
hr. some jobs up to $35.00/hr. plus
benets. Call Monson & Sons


2.5 to 5 acres from $49,500. Improved
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is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order
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Call today 800/259-1096 for $10.00 off
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A MN based company is now hiring
Company Drivers & Owner/Operators
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Drivers must have Clean MVR & CDL pref



Company OTR drivers. $2,000 sign on
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Princeton - Licensed Dental Assistant:
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experience helpful. Supportive, fun ofce: 4 days/week,
Your ad here!
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40-70 year old woman who developed
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compare local deals!! 800/297-8706

Part-time outbound calling.
2 shifts 9-2 or 2-7. Start immediately.
Must be dependable and energetic.
Please send resume to

Annandale/Maple Lake Community Education is seeking an organized and

motivated individual to join our Community Education team as a Gymnastics
Coordinator and Instructor. This individual will need Gymnastics coaching
experience, and the ability to work with young children. Hours will vary depending on availability. The position is open until filled.
Applicants should send a letter of interest and resume to:
Chris Runke, Youth Coordinator at

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Endicott Ave.

NW Maple Lake
9571 Endicott Ave.
NW Maple
Fax: (320) 963-3748

The Maple Lake Messenger is looking for a

freelance writer
to help deliver the communitys local stories,
from breaking news to features.
If you have a love for writing and can
demonstrate attention to detail, a creative flair
and have good writing skills, wed love to talk
to you about writing for us.
Having some photography experience a plus.
Interested candidates should contact the
Maple Lake Messenger at 320-963-3813 or

Classified Advertising
Must be placed by noon on Tuesday for Wednesday publication.
Call 320-963-3813-ONLY $2 per line (Minimum-$6)
Free private party classifieds for Messenger subscribers!

Maple Lake Messenger (320) 963-3813

We print almost anything!

For price quotes, call the Maple Lake Messenger at:

Solid Waste320-963-3813
Disposal Services Including:
Industrial Waste
Foundry & General Manufacturing Wastes
Construction & Demolition Waste
Sludges & Ash


Rec Veh Business

Home Farm Auto
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A Policy of Working Together

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Mutual Ins. Co.
Home Auto Farm Business
Fire Wind Liability


Dave Zylstra



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The Maple Lake
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Wind Liability

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Visit us
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Same day copies

For price quotes

Contact us at

Maple Lake Messenger Page 12

February 25, 2015

Find out whats


County Board
continued from page 3
In other items on the Feb. 17
agenda, the board:
* Approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of procurement cards. The cards
would replace the current policy
of allowing specific employees
to use a county credit card or reimbursing employees who submit expense reports. The
procurement cards will be distributed to commissioners and
department heads as well as specific employees who, by the nature of their jobs, need to
purchase items as part of county
business. The switch to procurement cards will keep a more accurate paper trail as to what
each individual employee uses
the card for in terms of expenses
and purchases. The approval of
the resolution was merely the

first step in moving forward

with the process, which is expected to take several months
before a policy is developed and
* Awarded the contract for
the CSAH 12 reconstruction
project to Knife River Corporation in the amount of $5.99 million. Six bids were received on
the project, ranging from Knife
Rivers low bid of $5.99 million
to a bid of $7.45 million. The
Knife River bid was almost
$300,000 less than the nextlowest bid.
* Scheduled the annual board
of appeal and equalization meeting for 4 p.m. Monday, June 15.

If the meeting runs long, a backup time of 11 a.m. Tuesday,

June 16, following the June 16
board meeting is an alternate.
The meetings havent required
using the second date for several
years, according to Interim
County Assessor Tony Rasmussen. Under state law, the
meeting must be conducted in
June sometime after the second
Friday of the month and the
meeting must run until at least 7
p.m. to allow those who work
during the day to attend the
* Referred discussion of the
veterans transportation program
to the ways and means commit-

* Authorized signatures on a
labor agreement with the Assistant Wright County Attorneys
Association. The two-year con-

tract is retroactive to Jan. 1 and

will run through Dec. 31, 2016.
* Acknowledged receipt of
the 2014 annual County Feedlot
Officer Report.

with a Weekly Dose of

The Messenger


Cell: 612-242-0785
Home: 320-963-3063
Office: 763-682-3434
311-10th Ave. South, Buffalo, MN 55313

2015 Maple
Maple Lake
Lake Chamber
Chamber of
of Commerce
*Lake Central Investments is Cetera Investments Services LLC program, member FINRA/SIPC.
Cetera Investments Services LLC is unaffiliated with any other name entity.

Irish Pre-Party

Lets make
make some
some Green
Green for
for the
the Chamber

Annandale 274-8216 Maple Lake 963-3163

Clearwater 558-2271

Saturday, March 7th

at the Maple Lake American Legion
Social Hour
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Silent Auction
5:30-7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.

Featuring Comedian

Roger Radley

This event is a fundraiser for

the Maple Lake Chambers
St. Patricks Day Festival
held on March 14, 2015.

Tickets are
are $30
$30 and
and can
can be
be purchased
purchased in
advance at
at Maple
Maple Lake
Lake Lumber,
Lumber, Star
Star Bank,
Rogers BP
BP Amoco,
Amoco, Irish
Irish Blessings
Blessings and
Maple Lake
Lake Wine
Wine &
& Spirits.

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