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OSI model

(Open Systems Interconnection model) The International Standards Organization's OSI

model serves as a standard template for describing a network protocol stack (see OSI
andISO). For comparisons between the OSI model and other protocol stacks, see TCP/IP,
NetWare, ATM, SNA and SS7.
The Protocol Stack

Using TCP/IP as a model, the sending application handsdata to the transport layer, which breaks it
up into thepackets required by the network. It stores the sequencenumber and other data in its
header. The network layeradds source and destination data in its header, and thedata link layer
adds station data in its header. On theother side, the corresponding layer reads and processesthe
headers and discards them.

Upper Layers
Layers 7 through 4 comprise the upper layers of the OSI protocol stack. They are more
geared to the type of application than the lower layers, which are designed to move
packets,no matter what they contain, from one place to another.
Application Layer 7
This top layer defines the language and syntax that programs use to communicate with
other programs. The application layer represents the purpose of communicating in the
firstplace. For example, a program in a client workstation uses commands to request data
from a program in the server. Common functions at this layer are opening, closing,
readingand writing files, transferring files and e-mail messages, executing remote jobs
and obtaining directory information about network resources.
Presentation Layer 6
When data are transmitted between different types of computer systems, the presentation
layer negotiates and manages the way data are represented and encoded. For example,it
provides a common denominator between ASCII and EBCDIC machines as well as
between different floating point and binary formats. Sun's XDR and OSI's ASN.1 are
twoprotocols used for this purpose. This layer is also used for encryption and decryption.
Session Layer 5
Provides coordination of the communications in an orderly manner. It determines oneway or two-way communications and manages the dialog between both parties; for
example,making sure that the previous request has been fulfilled before the next one is
sent. It also marks significant parts of the transmitted data with checkpoints to allow for
fast recoveryin the event of a connection failure.
In practice, this layer is often not used or services within this layer are sometimes
incorporated into the transport layer.
Transport Layer 4

This layer is responsible for overall end-to-end validity and integrity of the transmission.
The lower layers may drop packets, but the transport layer performs a sequence check
onthe data and ensures that if a 12MB file is sent, the full 12MB is received.
"OSI transport services" include layers 1 through 4, collectively responsible for
delivering a complete message or file from sending to receiving station without error.
Lower Layers

Layers 3 through 1 are responsible for moving packets from the sending station to the
receiving station.
Network Layer 3
The network layer establishes the route between the sender and receiver across switching
points, which are typically routers. The most ubiquitous example of this layer is the
IPprotocol in TCP/IP (see TCP/IP). IPX, SNA and AppleTalk are other examples of
routable protocols, which means that they include a network address and a station address
in theiraddressing system. This layer is also the switching function of the dial-up
telephone system. If all stations are contained within a single network segment, then the
routing capabilityin this layer is not required. See layer 3 switch.
Data Link Layer 2
The data link is responsible for node to node validity and integrity of the transmission.
The transmitted bits are divided into frames; for example, an Ethernet, Token Ring or
FDDIframe in local area networks (LANs). Frame relay and ATM are also at Layer 2.
Layers 1 and 2 are required for every type of communications. For more on this layer, see
data link protocol.
Physical Layer 1
The physical layer is responsible for passing bits onto and receiving them from the
connecting medium. This layer has no understanding of the meaning of the bits, but deals
withthe electrical and mechanical characteristics of the signals and signaling methods.
For example, it comprises the RTS and CTS signals in an RS-232 enviro
Difference between OSI and TCP/IP reference model
1)It has 7 layers
2)Transport layer gurantees delivery of packets
3)Horizontal approach

4)Seperate presentation layer

5)Seperate session layer
6)Network layer provides both connectionless and connection oriented services
7)It defines the services,interfaces and protocols very clearly and makes a clear
distinction between them
8)The protocol are better hidden and can be easily replaced as the technology changes
9)OSI truly is a general model
10)It has a problem of protocol filtering into a model

1)Has 4 layers
2)Transport layer does not gurantees delivery of packets
3)Vertical approach
4)No session layer, characteristics are provided by transport layer
5)No presentation layer, characteristics are provided by application layer
6)Network layer provides only connection less services
7)It does not clearly distinguishes between service interface and protocols
8)It is not easy to replace the protocols
9)TCP/IP can not be used for any other application
10)The model does not fit any protocol stack.

nment, as well as
techniques for
multiplexing data
on a line. SONET
also providesThe
TCP/IP Network














and is transparent
to the layer above
it and the layer
below it. Network
models are used to
conceptualize how




network protocols




model is one of



common network models, the other being the OSI Model.

The TCP/IP Model of networking is a different way of looking at networking. Because

the model was developed to describe TCP/IP, it is the closest model of the Internet, which
uses TCP/IP.
The TCP/IP network model breaks down into four (4) layers:

Application Layer
Transport Layer
Internet Layer
Network Access Layer


The Application Layer provides the user with the interface to communication. This could
be your web browser, e-mail client (Outlook, Eudora or Thunderbird), or a file transfer
The Application Layer is where your web browser, a telnet, ftp, e-mail or other client
application runs. Basically, any application that rides on top of TCP and/or UDP that uses
a pair of virtual network sockets and a pair of IP addresses.
The Application Layer sends to, and receives data from, the Transport Layer.
The Transport Layer provides the means for the transport of data segments across the
Internet Layer. The Transport Layer is concerned with end-to-end (host-to-host)
Transmission Control Protocol provides reliable, connection-oriented transport of data
between two endpoints (sockets) on two computers that use Internet Protocol to
User Datagram Protocol provides unreliable, connectionless transport of data between

two endpoints (sockets) on two computers that use Internet Protocol to communicate.
The Transport Layer sends data to the Internet layer when transmitting and sends data to
the Application Layer when receiving.
The Internet Layer provides connectionless communication across one or more networks,
a global logical addressing scheme and packetization of data. The Internet Layer is
concerned with network to network communication.
The Internet Layer is responsible for packetization, addressing and routing of data on the
network. Internet Protocol provides the packetization, logical addressing and routing
functions that forward packets from one computer to another.
The Internet Layer communicates with the Transport Layer when receiving and sends
data to the Network Access Layer when transmitting.
The Network Access Layer provides access to the physical network.
This is your network interface card. Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, ATM, OC, HSSI, or
even Wi-Fi are all examples of network interfaces. The purpose of a network interface is
to allow your computer to access the wire, wireless or fiber optic network infrastructure
and send data to other computers.
The Network Access Layer transmits data on the physical network when sending and
transmits data to the Internet Layer when receiving.

All Internet-based applications and their data, whether it is a web browser downloading a
web page, Microsoft Outlook sending an e-mail, a file, an instant message, a Skype video
or voice call; the data is chopped into data segments and encapsulated in Transport Layer
Protocol Data Units or PDU's (TCP or UDP segments). The Transport Layer PDU's are

then encapsulated in Internet Layer's Internet Protocol packets. The Internet Protocol
packets are then chopped into frames at the Network Access layer and transmitted across
the physial media (copper wires, fiber optic cables or the air) to the next station in the
The OSI Model uses seven layers, and differs quite a bit from the TCP/IP model. The
TCP/IP model does a better job of representing how TCP/IP works in a network, but the
OSI Model is still the networking model most technical people refer to during
troubleshooting or network architecture discussions.
- See more at:
layer 1 capability.

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