Providing Maximizing: Value. Success

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Providing Value.

Maximizing Success

Corporate Profile

Copyright Adit Microsys Private Limited @2014




The company was founded in 1993, by an inspired

team of entrepreneurs from India, who realized that
there was tremendous opportunity in providing IT
outsourcing services to clients globally by forging
together the outstanding talent in software
development available in India and exemplary project
management and customer oriented work culture as
practiced in the West.

Adit Microsys has quickly established strong footholds

in fields of Offshore Dedicated Development Center,
Application Development & Maintenance, Software as
a Service, Enterprise Solutions, Product Development
& Support, Game Development Mobile Solutions,
Business Process Outsourcing, Testing Services,
Multimedia Services and Search Engine Optimization.
Expertise in Quality & Project Management has helped
us achieve high standards for our clients. Adit Microsys
has achieved proficiency in offshore software
development, IT consulting & Offshore Development
Services while improving reliability, speed & Agility of
delivering solution for our customers.

Fact Sheet

100+ Employees Globally constituting some of the best technically competent brains in the
Spotless delivery record of over 1000+ projects ensuring 100 % Client Satisfaction over the last 20
Total financial stability by means of internally generated funds and growth path projections
based on the same means.
Adit prides in achieving 80% of it business from repeat clients proving confidence created in the
client by means of Innovation, commitment & total dedication.
Phenomenal growth planned in the next 3 years through IT innovation, dedicated development
centres & timely implementation of solutions.
Wide Spread Clientele in over 23 countries world wide.
100% Stability of the top management.
10,000 Sq. Ft. Office space owned globally.

Plan to grow to 300+ people company by 2015


Total Office Space: 10,000 Sq. Ft. of total office space globally.
Hardware Infrastructure: 100+ Workstations for Software Development, Testing, Support & Training
Internal Training Facilities: In-house staff training facility to train people with LCD Projector (beamer), and
other interactive tools.
Internet Connectivity: A dedicated leased line for all our development facility supported by a backup
broadband cable link incase the leased line fails.
Dedicated Servers for application Hosting, Testing and Client presentation: we have co-location servers
with one of the best data center in USA having multiple OC3 connectivity and all the latest Firewall
Communication Infrastructure: Facility for video conferencing/ 24 x 7 VOIP calling for onsite-offsite-client
team coordination
Contingency and Disaster Recovery: An offsite location with 30 seat capacity has been created for any kind
of eventuality should the main center be rendered unusable. Power supply at the main center as well as
the offsite location have inbuilt redundancies.

Human Resource Policy

Selection process includes initial screening, short-listing, background checking, personality profiling,
psychometric, aptitude, functional know-how, and final recruitment.

Realistic Job Preview and Opportunity to develop ones skills

Regular appraisals, attitude surveys and grievance addressal systems

Competitive compensation and benefits package continuously mapped to industry standards

Internal Recruitment for Top Position

More Entrepreneurs and less managers

Stable Top and Middle Layer

Encouraging good-fellowship within the team

Employee Welfare activities

Incentive, Rewards, Acknowledgement

At Adit we believe that Human Resource is the Key & Strength to our success & Growth

Core Competency- Software Development

Tech Competency


Core Expertise

.NET Expertise
SQL Server
Linux/ Apache/ MySQL/ PHP,
Wireless & Mobile Technology
(IOS, Android, Windows Mobile,
Brew, RIM)
C/ C++/ VC++
Database Expertise (MySQL, MS
SQL, Oracle)
Gaming Expertise
( Flash, Flashlite, Game Engines,
RPG, MMORPG, Mobile Games)

Banking, Finance & Insurance
Stock Exchange
Legal Sector
High End Technology
Gaming Industry
Real Estate & Mortgage
Advertising & Media
Retail & Distribution
Manufacturing & Engg
Educational Institutions

Web Based App/ ERP

CRM Applications
Supply Chain Mgmt
Mobile Applications
Content Management Systems
E-Commerce Applications
Social Media Integration
Social Media Enhancement
Legacy System Migration
Workflow Application
Game Development
Multi-Media Creations
Flash/Flex Development

Core Competency- Multi Media Services

Tech Competency


Core Expertise






Identity Creation



2D Animation

Sound Forge


3D Animation

Free Hand


Flash, Flex

Flash Banners



3D MAX Studio

3D Modeling

Mimic Pro


Game Development
Flash/Flex Development
HTML 5 & CSS 3
Web Responsive Sites

Core Competency- Multi Media Services

Design Consulting





Web-Media Campaigns

Packaging Design


Website Design

Brochure Design

Corporate Brand

TV Adverts (animated)


DTP Work

Touch Screen Kiosks

Banner Ads

Corporate Presentation

Game Development

Corporate Identity

Multi-Media Arts & Creation

2D Animation

3D Animation

Online Gaming

Cel Animation

Character development
& Animation

Mobile Gaming

CGA Animation

Stereoscopic Movies

Game Apps
Flash / Flex Gaming
Social Media Games

Packaged Software Development

Easy Life
developed and marketed
by Adit Microsys

Easy Life
Professional Edition
Professional Finance
software specifically
developed for SME &

Payroll software for
small and medium

Easy Life
One Stop Finance
Investments, Assets,
Liabilities, Insurance,
Budget and Taxation

Extensive reports

Great utilities

AMC (Maintenance)

Net Worth, Portfolio

Analysis, Contact
History, Analysis of

Custom Plugins
Data Management
Downloadable Plugins
Asset Management
Alerts & Reminders

Adit Microsys provides

Annual Maintenance
Contracts and ongoing
support models

E n d To E n d S o l u t i o n s

Authorized Resellers for all leading software : Oracle, Microsoft, Symantec, Adobe,
Websense, Commvault, CA, Tally and many more
One stop Total Solutions Provider products, custom solutions and services
Complete solutions from one IT vendor
Preferred vendor Status with many reputed companies
Gujarats most reputed software solution provider

Business Models
Dedicated Team Model
An Extension of the Software Facility/ Team, our front office
becomes your Back Office. The Client pays a Fixed Monthly Rate
for the Team.

Fixed Cost Model

The Client pays Fixed Cost per Project which has been prenegotiated and associated with Planned Project Milestones.

Time and Material Model

The client pays for the resources put on the project and time
spent by the resources on the project. This model is best suited
generally when the project cannot be scoped.

Build, Operate and Transfer Model

Adit Microsys builds the team and infrastructure as per the
clients requirements and on maturity transfer the ownership of
the facility and team to the client.

ODC Software Development

Concept @ Adit

Client Initiation

NDA, NCA & Legal Docs

Contract @ Adit

Study, Research & Analysis

IT Strategy & Business Plan

Development Strategy

System Requirement Study

Business Models


System Design & Architecture

Technical Documents

Testing & Quality Assurance

Module/Phase Deliveries

Modifications & Enhancements

Train Client Team


Final Delivery & Onsite


Change Management

Version Control

Bug Fixing

Maintenance Contracts

Technical Support

Develop @ Adit

Support @ Adit

ODC (Offshore Development Center)

H e r e To d a y G o n e To m o r r o w P h i l o s o p h y

ODC is immediate and on demand. You hire Team ADIT as needed to address
immediate challenges, handle urgent priorities that your staff doesnt have time for, or
help implement strategic vision for your company.

Outsourcing increases efficiency. When they try to do all tasks internally, companies
frequently discover they are paying a premium in terms of higher costs. The reason:
aside from very large companies, most businesses cannot execute on non-core
activities like an outsourcing firm because they dont have the outsourcers cost
structures or economies of scale that generate efficiencies.

ODC provides a high level of industry-specific expertise and knowledge thats not
currently available on your staff. Resources @ Team ADIT are highly skilled
professionals in their particular area of expertise, whether this is finances, accounting,
marketing or IT. By retaining them on a temporary basis, you reap the benefits of their
skills and knowledge without having to hire them on a full- time basis. This also
enables you to stay focused on your business core competencies.

ODC increases your current staffs bandwidth for the most pressing and urgent
needs. Most companies go through temporary periods when their staff is stretched to
the limit and unable to handle the current workload without running the risk of serious
burnout. Team Adit can help you get through periods like this without jeopardizing the
morale and health of your staff.

ODC (Offshore Development Center)

H e r e To d a y G o n e To m o r r o w P h i l o s o p h y

Resolution of your most pressing challenges. Once the pressing challenge is met and the
project is complete, Team Adit will leave your business. There is no ongoing commitment
on the part of either party your business or Adit Microsys.
Lower ongoing overhead. Once the engagement is complete and Team Adit has left,
there are no ongoing overhead costs for your business no office space, salaries,
benefits, etc. Your company might even be able to avoid moving into a larger and more
expensive facility by outsourcing such functions as marketing, IT and R&D instead of
hiring full-time employees to perform these tasks.
The meeting of key deadlines and milestones. As noted above, there may be times
when your staff is unable to meet pressing deadlines and milestones with their current
bandwidth. Once the deadlines are met and the engagement is complete, Team Adit
moves on to the next client. Should you need Adits services to meet future deadlines,
you can hire the firm again under a new engagement.
Training of your staff that benefits your company long after the engagement is
complete. In the course of working with your existing staff during an engagement, Team
Adit will usually provide valuable training to the staff. Theres usually no extra charge for
this training its a value-added benefit of working with Adit Microsys that lasts for
much longer than the term of the engagement itself.

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

Project Management
Project Planning, Scheduling, Scope/Time/Cost Management, Project Tracking & Project Status Reporting

Analysis &
Validation &



Design Criteria
Software Structure
& Architecture
Design Reviews

Coding Guidelines
Coding Reviews
Unit Testing



Test Planning
Test Process
Conducting Tests
Test Results &

Impact Analysis
Maintenance &

Software Quality Assurance

Quality Planning, Work Process Reviews, Process Tailoring, Metrics, Improvement Actions

Configuration Change Management

Configuration Planning, Change Request Management, Impact Analysis

SPE (Software Product Engineering)

P r o c e s s To o l s & M e t h o d o l o d i e s



Requirements & Change Management

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Change Requests and Impact Analysis

Design Tools

Rational Rose, MagicDraw UML and Microsoft Visio

Work Product Reviews

SRS Review by functional Review Teams

Design Review by Technical Review Teams
Integrated Validation and Verification

Code Review Tools

FxCop for .NET

Eclipse Plugins for Java code review
JProfiler for Java Code Profiling
.NET Memory Optimization tools
Rational Purify and Valgrind tool for C++ code reviews
Code Smith Code Generator for .NET

Configuration Management

Microsoft VSS, CVS

Project Scheduling & Tracking

Microsoft Project, Microsoft Project Web Access, Inhouse Timesheet tracking

application, Project Status Reviews

Collaboration Tools

GotoMeeting, LiveMeeting, MSN, Yahoo, Skype, VOIP, Wikis

Testing Tools

Unit Testing Tools : NUnit for .NET, JUnit for Java, Mercury QuickTest Pro 8.0
Functional and Regression Tests: Mercury QuickTest Pro 8.0, Mercury WinRunner
Load and Performance Tests: OpenSTA, ANTSLoad, WAPT, Mercury LoadRunner,
Microsoft Application Center Test
Bug Tracking and Issue Management: Bugzilla, Mantis BT

Quality Process

A holistic quality approach combining tools and methodologies.

Proficiency in implementing the best suited development methodology depending on the project

Quality Processes are continuously improved with a vision of achieving Quality Certification.

Specialized and Dedicated QA framework that augments development teams and is fully
responsible for ensuring quality of products and services we deliver.

Dedicated QA Team of 15 professionals currently geared to map our processes to CMM III

Well defined process tailoring mechanism for different types of projects.



Methodology Adopted

Uttar Gujarat Vij

Company Limited


Agile Methodology & RAD

Rashtriya Swasthya
Bima Yojna


Iterative Development with Prototyping Approach

Outlook Integration

High End

Rational Unified Process & UML Modeling

Mobile Apps


Waterfall and Iterative Development Cycles

Why Adit?

Brings in the strategic differential advantage of offshore outsourcing to your business thereby
enhancing your profitability.

Modest sized company with extensive experience of offering offshore services to clients globally.

Global presence enabling us to offer local Contracts and local project management.

Preference for small-medium clients wherein our role can make a tremendous impact on success.

Competitive pricing & risk sharing (dedicated model, pay as you go model, No Work No Pay

Speed & agility (response time)

Aggressive No work no pay models!!!

Local language, local culture, local responsibility, local guarantee, global quality, Indian pricing.

A Software company that understands & Invests in your Business & Future.

Advantage @ Adit

Exploit the Time Zone Advantage and reap the benefits of 24-hour
development cycle.

Utilization of Indias abundant English speaking IT talent at economical rates.

Drastic reduction in your operating costs.

Gain access to world-class software engineering skills.

Share the risks involved in development.

Seek resources not available in-house.

Finish projects which otherwise cannot be finished in-house due to technical

or staff limitations.

Free up non-capital resources for other in-house projects.

Gain a fresh and new perspective on a stalled project.

Localize existing software for use in other countries & markets.

Alliances @ Adit

Clientele @ Adit

A d i t I n v e s t i n g I n To m o r r o w

Over the years through continuous technology driven business process transformation Adit has
mastered the ways to overcome the challenges of operating Offshore Software Development teams
to deliver excellent 24x7 support to our clients across the globe.

Adit has mastered the Global Delivery Model, as a crucial aspect of the business strategy and
acquisition. The philosophy of Global Delivery Model is:

Breaking pieces of work into logical components, and

Performing these components geographically where it creates the maximum value.

Adit is working towards creating a Sales and Marketing Support Team for our Offshore Software
Development Center in India so that its Direct Sales Team/ Partners across the Globe can perform to
their maximum output.

With a growth plan laid out to touch 300+ people team by 2015 Adit Microsys has Money,
Infrastructure, Resources, and Business to achieve this goal.

Contact Details

Head Office

Adit Microsys
502, Shapath II, Opp Rajpath Club
S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad - 380 015, India.

+91 79 6661 3045/ 46/ 47

Instant Messenger IDs


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