How Are You A Leader? Describe A Time You Have Demonstrated Leadership Qualities

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How are you a leader?

Describe a time you have demonstrated

leadership qualities.
I am the kind of person who starts work with the end goal in mind, and
as a leader, my end goal is always to choose the solution that gives the most
benefits to everyone in my team. Whenever I am faced with a situation, I try
to look at it in everyones perspective. In that way, I am more likely able to
come up with the solution that is best for the entire group. My leadership has
been manifested many times during various instances, but I think it was
demonstrated best during my years in Scouting and in the Youth for the
Environment in Schools Organization (YES-Otwo youth movements that
foster the care for the community and the environment.
When I entered high school, I got involved in the Boy Scouts of the
Philippines as a senior scout. This opened various opportunities for me to
exercise my leadership skills. After some time of training, I was appointed as
a leader in many scouting events such as the 15 th National and 2nd Regional
Scout Jamborees, Jamboree on the Air, and the National Peace Camp along
with other day-long programs. During these events, I led my co-scouts
throughout the obstacles we had to go through. Leading fifty people from
different parts of Manila was not as easy as it seemed. There was a lot of
contrasting ideas whenever a decision had to be made, and the options had
their fair share of cons. By examining different perspectives, I was able to
decide which solution was best for the entire team.
Another highlight of my leadership was when I organized the Region IVAs involvement in the 27th International Coastal Clean-up. As the Regional
President of YES-O, I made it a point to involve the entire region in this
annual community service. It was unheard-of before in the said area, and
communicating to regional officials was not entirely easy. It was still pushed
through, nonetheless, and since then they have been participating in the
said event continuously. This change seemed to be insignificant, considering
it was just initiating participation in a project existing for so long, but it paved
the way to other similar acts of community serviceseveral of which have
been organized by the Region IV-A YES-O itself. It was the first step that led
to more services for the community and the environment.
These are but small deeds, and perhaps a lot of other people my age
would be able to say more. Nevertheless, I believe that these small steps still
initiated significant changes to the groups I was involved in. Moreover, I can
say that this is but the early phase for me, and that by having more

leadership opportunities, I would be able to improve my skills. I am positive

that I would be able to do more in the near future, given a lot of noble
examples to emulate.

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