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Role of Doctors in the Society

Role of Doctors? Wow! A doctor is the one called by my mother whenever a member
of our family is sick. Thus, it stuck to my heart and my mind that doctors have a very
important role in our society. Imagine being sick and no doctor is available. Oh my goodness!
That would be the only phrase one could utter. Unfortunately, since there is a lack of doctors
in remote places, people there just wait for the grace of God to intervene. But prayers pertain
to our spiritual being. God created man composed of spirit, body and soul and he also
mandated that a profession be established to take care of our physical body hence, the
existence of medical doctors.
Being a doctor encompasses more than merely treating the wounded and the sick. As
humans evolve and become part of an increasingly complex society, doctors undertake more
roles than merely treating the diseases, thus, mercy and compassion must be instilled in the
mind and heart of one who wants to be a doctor and these traits must be developed while still
in medical school.
When I was a child, I had the notion that if one is to be brought to a hospital, of
course, if you will be brought to a hospital, there will be doctors who will attend to you and
that doctors are always equipped with needles for injection, hence, I was afraid of being
brought to the hospital. One time, I had a severe stomachache. My mother brought me to the
hospital. I was so scared then. However, I could no longer take the pain in my stomach. I
kept on crying and wailing until we reached the hospital. Then the doctor came over and
gave me a balloon made of surgical gloves. She was cheerfully comforting me of what she
will do to ease the pain. She told me that the pain was caused by indigestion and too much
food intake and nothing much to worry. As she tried to explain to me these things, I was
mesmerized by her love and compassion and ultimately she told me that there was no reason

for me to be alarmed since no injection had to be performed on me. She further stated that
granting injection had to be done, the pain would be very minimal and short lived.
If no doctor was available, do I have to die of indigestion or of ignorance? Doctors are
important, even for the very simple indigestion, not only to ease the pain but also for the
knowledge they impart on ordinary folks who seemed ignorant on what to do for simple
inconveniences or sicknesses. Aside from that, doctors have a responsibility not only in
making people feel better physically and mentally but also emotionally. This may be a bit
absurd as there is a distinct line between a professional and a social worker. But he/she must
practice both to extend his/her services to the remote areas where the people hardly have
enough for their existence. Doctors are much needed in far-flung areas, where the poorest of
the poor are so numerous. Hence, doctors must interact with the patient patiently and know
how to be kind and compassionate. In other words, doctors must be the epitome of
compassion. The importance of the responsibility of a doctor as a compassionate professional
is further highlighted when the patient is terminally ill and needs the emotional support
provided by a doctor to strengthen a persons spirit. If the illness is incurable, the doctor must
present himself as a professional yet humble. Being a compassionate doctor will also be
beneficial to people who are scared to face their health issues if they are under the care of a
physician that knows what to do in order to make patients feel at ease.
Aside from having the know-hows of dealing with patients, it is a duty of a doctor to
provide healthcare not only to people that can pay him handsomely but also to those sick poor
people who are in dire need of medical attention. Doctors must understand the situation of
some people that are less fortunate. Essentially, when someone wants to become a doctor, the
thought of wanting to heal people must come first before the money. As such, he has an
important role to play in the social welfare of a community even if the profession doesnt pay

well. He needs to constantly remember that there are people who choose to endure pain and
suffering because they dont have the money to pay for the services of some doctors.
Being a doctor doesnt stop from treating patients. Sooner or later, a case that you
encounter for the first time comes in and you have yet to find out what to do about it.
Therefore, aside from treating patients, a doctor must have an endless pursuit of knowledge
through research to improve the state of healthcare provided to patients as well as to extend
the lifespan of terminally ill patients. In fact, due to modern technology, people with terminal
illnesses are able to live longer. There is a constant need to learn when one is a doctor since
you have to have the best knowledge and experience in order to heal someone. Having the
life of someone elses in your hands is a no laughing matter. With research, doctors can
improve their understanding of the human body and can easily administer the proper
procedures to cure patients. Moreover, if he is knowledgeable, a doctor will be able to face
different situations calmly. Research must also be coupled with practice since a doctor must
also have the best skills because a persons life will be at stake. With practice and experience,
a doctor can become more resourceful in times of adverse situations which is often the case in
remote areas wherein there is a lack of proper instruments and materials for treating patients.
Another role of a doctor is to educate people. Through advocacies, doctors could help
people live a better life and prevent them from acquiring lifestyle diseases by providing
scientific explanations and facts as to how peoples activities and diets could affect their
health. He could also convey the needs of the society in the field of healthcare. Thus, he is
responsible for leading the people and must be able to communicate with them properly in
order to mold our society into a better one through establishing improved healthcare systems.
He must be competitive and aware of the pressing issues in the society so that he may be able
to analyze it and find solutions to the existing problems in the healthcare systems as well as
to be able to address current ethical issues in medicine and research.

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