The Script: Aayush Naik and Sneha Nanavati Presents You The Toilet Times With Nikey and Nana

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The Script

Aayush Naik and Sneha Nanavati presents you The Toilet Times with Nikey and
Nikey: Picture this: Youre walking down the road and youre in a hurry. There is an important
meeting to attend and suddenly you get the natures call.
Nana: The pressure is building strong and you desperately hunt down a toilet in your vicinity to
be disappointed.
Nikey:But wait! You *DO* find a toilet eventually. The public toilet on the side of the road you
didnt know existed. You enter feeling thrilled but alas! You almost faint by the poopy smell and
disgusting looks of the toilet. The lack of ventilation is killing you. But you got to use the place.
But, if you did, your 3-piece suit would be spoilt. What do you do?
<2 sec pause>
Nana: So as you might have guessed, the issues faced by the current toilet sanitation level is
extremely saddening and pathetic. The toilets are scarce in number and the ones that are there
exist in the condition that youd do everything to avoid it. So what do we do about it?
Nikey: At this point wed like to tell you guys over here about the social experiment we
conducted in the hostels of IIIT-Hyderabad. And like every classic CBSE Text-book experiment,
this is how it goes.
Nana: Aim of the experiment: To analyze the effect of visual messages/posters on real people.
Nikey: Material Required: A simple poster that shouts please Flush. Use a cello-tape and
scissor. Theyll come handy. :)
Nana: Procedure: When no one is looking around, invade respective washrooms and quietly
stick up the posters on one floor and leave the other floor without posters in washroom and leave
Nikey: Observation: The toilets on the floor with posters were much cleaner than the floor
without posters.
Nana: Result: A small step like putting up posters made a significant change in the cleanliness
Nikey: Conclusion: We all know whats the right thing to do. We just need to be reminded of it. :)
Nikey: So from our little social experiment we learned that the youth has enormous potential to
be the torchbearers for the future changes. We need to tap this potential and utilise it.
Nana: On going through the statistics available, we found out that there are around 33,023
colleges all over the country having 25.9 million students. Imagine if even two students from
each college contributed for this noble cause, the total number of contributors would be enough
to bring a revolution in the toilet sanitation sector in few months.
Nikey: We have ideas that focus and revolve around the technical and aesthetics skills of youth.
One of our main focuses is to assign the technical engineering colleges to focus on developing
green and clean technology to make the equipments in the existing toilets work. Government
should encourage the college students to develop cheap and innovative equipment and provide
them with the incentive to them in a very formal structure?
Nana: IIIT is known for its adept quality of digitally-oriented minds. So we brainstormed and
formulates the plan of developing a centralised digital tracking system that will alert the
authorities of the places that require cleaning and track its development and update the
cleanliness quotient. Whats even better is that the centralised digital system will be
designed and maintained by the youth of the engineering colleges around the country.
Nikey:Develop a motion sensing hand sanitising dispenser and automated bathroom
flush that will calculatingly eject content in a green and clean manner designed by college

Nikey: Scientifically sound and green toilet with a standardised design with ventilation to be
followed nation wide.
The Sulabh Two-Pit design is one such design. Its not only hygienic in all sense, but also uses
very less water(1L compared to standard 12L) and even generates manure.
Nana: The non-technical background people can assist the project by beautifying the toilets and
maintaining the aesthetic value of it. An event where school students around the country will
make posters and drawings that encourage healthy habits and spread awareness about
hygiene and sanitary habits will be conducted under this structure of planning.
Nikey:This will be bringing a significant change in the mindset and attitude of people, quite like
our social experiment did, but also bring about widespread awareness about the issue to a larger
sect of the population. The posters can be archived, again, by the students belonging to the
technical background and hosted on the world wide web. This will encourage the students to
give their best shot and provide an internet database for one-of-a-kind social change initiative.
Nana: So we have brainstormed enough ideas. But we got our one mega-idea! The idea
factory! Government, we believe should organise the competition for all the young bright
inventor minds out there! We introduce you the pilot idea of conducting the (S)crap
Inventors Workshop where all the techy will unleash the best of their ideas to invent a
totally novel gadget that will transform the sanitation environment in India! Let the best
idea and mind win!
Nikey: To bring a critical change in the society one must improve not only the infrastructure but
also the mindset of the people. We strongly believe that the solution for a cleaner toilets and
workspace is not only in the fancy technological but touching the inner patriot and human factor
of each person. This will create the sense of responsibility and answerability among the
Nikey:Its time we start taking this shit seriously.
Nana:No pun intended. Good night. Hope you had fun listening to this presentation just
as much as we had while making this. See you on the other side of a changed world!

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