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Uranium Corporation of India Limited

Banduhurang Open Cast Mine
Banduhurang Open Cast Mine is the first open cast Uranium Mine in India. Here
mining operation is done by Uranium Corporation ofIndia Limited.
Uranium mineralisation is bounded between
22 43' IS" to 22 43' 45"
Longitude 86 9' 45" to 86 11' 30" Survey ofIndia Topo sheet No. 73 J / 2.
The deposit is situated 6 km. south of Tatanagar railway Station, under Dhalbhum sub
divison ofE. Singhbhum Dist. Jharkhand.
Physiographically the region is marked with three prominent ridges E-W& NW-SW
trend. They are Talsa Pahar, Nandup & Banduhurang.
Regional geology:Banduhurang mine is located at Singhbhum thrust belt which is well know for polymetallic' mineralisation mainly copper uranium mineralisation. At - Banduhurang,
mineralisation is mostly confined within chlorite schist. The quartzite/ sericite band
overlying the Cu - U mineralisation over the whole stretch of STB from Rakha- Jaduguda
in the east to Mohuldih on the west considered as a marker horizon for locating uranium
mineralisation. The quartzlsericite schist is overlain by Mica schist. A thin band of
Talcose- sericite schist has been reported below the mineralized chlorite schist which is
marked by end of mineralization (barrier of radioactive mineral). The bottom most rocks
like conglomerates, quartzites with metabasics are represented by Dhanjori group of
formation. Basement Singhbhum granite are exposed at south (Rajdoha village).
Succession (by AMDt...:
Soda granite
Mica schist
Quartzite /sericite schist
Meta graywake (quartz granular rock) chlorite schist
Talcose sericite schist
Banded quarzite with /with out magnetite
Conglomerate & metabasics.
Singhbhurn granite.

Local geology:At Banduhurang uranium mineralisation is found at the horizon of chlorite schist
horizon is bounded by arkosic rocks on south and northern boundary is not so well
defined due to soil cover.
At the upper band of chlorite schist small bands & patches of feldspathic schist and
silicified schist /quartzite are present discontinuous.
StructuresThe cross folds affect Turamdih and the neighboring area with a trend of WNW to
ESE having asymmetrical fold limb. Steeper limbs dip 70 to vertical & other dip from
10 to 45, both limbs dip northwards. Plunge ofthe folds is to the east.
The transverse thrust fault at the eastern side causing dislocation and up throw the
continuity of mineralisation further east wards.
Joint: Three set of joints
47 towards N 28
65 towards N 118
81 towards N 297

Common radioactive mineral is Uraninite, occurs as descrete grains in three different

modes: 1.
As inclusion in single flakes of chlorite.
In the folia ofphyllosilicates &
As large grains
Shape - Rounded, Oval, & irregular outlines. Mostly associated with chlorite
and less with quartz.
Other radioactive mineralsr->- geothite, epidot.
Accessory minerals: - Sulphides (Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Bornite), Oxides (Magnetite,
Limonite), Silicates (Epidote, Tourmaline), Titanium rich mineral (Ilmenite, Rutile,
Sphene, Anatase) etc.
On toe basis of lithology it is difficult to demarcate the Uranium horizon from
non uranium bearing rocks except that the uranium mineralisation is always bottomed
by talc - sericite schist.

By - M.S.Alam & B.R.Paul

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