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I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet Thee at this time and
to bring unto to Thee the blessings of Light, of Truth and of Humour.
Greetings Beloved Ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather in the presence of Christ
with you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the
hands of God.
This is truly a time of great celebration as each one of you come to greet the energy of the New
Year that will bring for many of you great opportunities of growth as well as wonderful
opportunities of discovering the treasures within yourself. Over the past six years there has
been a very deep and intense process of awakening for many of the Light workers who have been
asleep, even those who have been awake have had to emerge from the ashes of their past selves
that have been limited and trapped by fear, anger, guilt, shame and many other debilitating
emotions, feelings, attitudes and thoughts. This year particularly is the opportunity for your
inner child to emerge from the closet and for you to utilize your throat chakra. The year of
2003 is supporting the throat chakra in awakening from any processes of limitation, of being
shut up. Now some of you may find that this process is new, where in the past perhaps you have
swallowed your emotions, you have swallowed your words, which has caused blockages in your
base chakra, in your sacral chakra as well as your throat chakra You will experience shifts within
these Chakras as the voice within you emerges. This voice is the voice of your Will, it is the voice
of your Truth and it is the voice of your Soul. Communication is one of the most important keys
in relating to fellow human beings as well as in relating to the many aspects of yourself. How
often have you tried to communicate your own feelings and emotions to your inner child or your
inner child trying to communicate its feelings and thoughts to your adult self and it gets
confused and you feel conflicted. You feel sad, angry and limited, frustrated at the inability to
truly understand what you are feeling. Now if you as an individual are unable to understand what
your own inner self is communicating to you, how on Gods green earth are you able to
communicate to someone outside of you what you are needing. And this is where there is
misunderstanding and people are feeling that they are not being heard, that the other party
cannot relate to the turmoil they are feeling inside or even their excitement and joy, because in
communication there are words being exchanged and the other party is not privy to the emotions
that you are feeling inside, and this is why all of you and the greater community of the mass
consciousness need to look at your communication skills. Communication is also the opportunity to
create a unified community within yourself where your inner child, your adolescent self, your
adult self, your female self, your male self, your inner parent - the critical parents, and
supportive parents can all get together and work through some transformative conflict
management. Healing always begins with the self and if there is conflict inside of yourself it will
be a little more difficult to resolve conflicting issues outside of yourself. In the process of
communicating your truth you may find that individuals are rebelling against this new you,
however it is that we beseech each one of you that through this year you stand up for
yourselves. Protect that inner child, parent yourself in all the ways that you wished that you
were parented regardless of how wonderful your parents were, you may have felt there was
something missing. This year is the time to do it for yourself. This is the wonderful journey of
stepping out of victim consciousness and into victory consciousness. It is the process of lovingly

embracing the aspects of you that are victim to your own anger, that are victim to your fear, to
your grief, whatever it may be and to change that, to find the opposite, the positive of what is
perceived to be a negative. The so called negative emotions are negative when they are hurting
another, when they are destructive to yourself, if they limit you, if they keep you trapped in
denial, and this year you will be given the opportunity to awaken to that which you are in denial
about, to recognize any self destructive patterns and to lovingly help yourself pick up the pieces
of your puzzle that builds the picture of your truth. There will also be a time where you will
come to face your shattered dreams, where you will need to look at the broken promises that
you have experienced, because within those processes you will find many jewels, you will find
many of the pieces that you have been searching for that will finish the picture of your puzzle,
that will open many of the doors for you to take a new step in the direction that will allow you to
consciously manifest that which you long for within your heart, whether it be career orientated,
family orientated, whether it is to do with your own spiritual growth or simply changing your
attitude toward life in general. All of these aspects will benefit from the process of supporting
and loving yourself. This year will bring the opportunity for many of you to travel. Some of these
travels will be physical, literal journeys and for others will be the opportunity to travel inside, to
venture into those untouched territories within yourself. This will also take you on journeys into
the cosmos, into the universe, and you will find that for many of you your psychic energy will
become stronger, your ability to receive telepathic communication from your guides and the
masters will become stronger. The fact of the matter is that each day you are receiving
telepathic communication from us, but you do not always recognize it. The reason for this is that
many of you were raised believing that the imagination is a fantasy, that what comes into your
head cannot always be trusted, that it is daydreaming, that it is wishful thinking, and even if for
a split moment you sense that the thoughts impressed in your mind are coming from a Higher
power, it is not long and you push it aside. Remember that the first ten seconds of any
information that comes to you in your heart and in your mind is truth, after that your left brain
begins to analyze and break down the original message. This is where the fears of the lower ego
limits your ability to trust the communications coming, not only from discarnate entities but also
from your own Higher Self.
This journey will allow you to find that part of you that is not being able to enjoy the sweetness
of life to its fullest potential. This is why many of you are feeling very positive about this year
because there is an inner sensing that the sweetness of life has not disappeared, that it is still
present somewhere inside of you. Its now that you can begin to reap the rewards of the past six
years of deep intense processes of emerging from the ashes of breaking out of the shells of
other peoples belief systems that you adopted, breaking out of the energy that you built around
yourself for various different reasons. This is the time to come out of yourself and to show the
world your individual true colours. Flexibility is also very important for the New Year. Go with
the flow of what comes to you. You will find that if you/people are not going with the flow,
you/people will develop problems with the knees. They will also develop problems within the
kidneys, the elbows and the neck. The body on a physiological level always reacts to the bodys
energy levels. So, be conscious of the messages that your body brings you to. For some of you,
you may experience a slight detoxification during this month which may manifest as headaches
or a cold, for some of you it may be hay fever or uncontrollable coughing. The throat chakra will
experience the shifts in ways that manifest as coughing and perhaps feeling like the onset of a
sore throat, but it does not get so bad that you are unable to bear it. Is this clear to all of you?
We would also suggest that during this time that you take into your body as much fresh fruit
and fresh vegetables as you can. This will support the bodys natural energy building systems as

your body goes through the molecular and cellular changes because of the energy that is being
filtered into your planet at this time. Diet will become a very important process for many of you,
not because you feel you have bulges in the wrong places and you are wanting to make them
disappear. You will find it is a natural process, a sensing that your body is needing to be nurtured
and it will be a very easy process because your body will naturally crave it. We would also suggest
Vitamin C as this supports the emotional body and we would also suggest the intake of Arnica
tablets, not in high amounts, one per day. The Arnica taken internally will support the inner child
with the bruising that it has experienced as well as the adult and adolescent selves with the
emotional bruising that they have experienced because of shattered dreams and broken
promises. Lord Poseidon is also very present at this time and His energy will bring a great amount
of support, healing and transformation over the next three years. The Temple of Poseidon that
was originally created in Atlantis has been reactivated and those of you who had Atlantean
incarnations and who were present in the Temple of Poseidon will begin to awaken to that which
you mastered during that time. The Beings of the Ocean world are also projecting a tremendous
amount of loving energy to support you who are in human bodies in order to understand the
transition taking place. Lord Poseidon's message is also one of a request for humanity to
recognize the sacredness of the Beings within the marine world, that they have as much to offer
as any other kingdom that shares your world with you. This world has also been severely raped,
invaded and it is time that humanity becomes more conscious of the marine world being a
consciousness. As much as people are rallying to support the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom,
and others, the same is needed for those of the ocean world. There have however been certain
species of the marine world who have offered their energy in order to work with humans like
crystals, like herbs and like plants who offer their energy to heal humanity, such has been done
in the ocean world. These come in the form of the starfish, the sea horse, the sea urchins and
many others. Many of the various Vibrational frequencies that are emitted and projected
through the dolphin and whale kingdom, the seals and the turtles, the Beluga whale and the
Humpback whale and the Bottlenose dolphin are at this time holding specific pillars of energy
from Sirius that are allowing to you integrate the powerful energy that is coming to support the
manifestation of the remaining strands of DNA within the body. These changes genetically are
imperative because the body is changing from carbon base to silicon base. The crystal kingdom is
a vital tool of support during this healing process. We would suggest that you work with them,
treat them with respect and they will support you. Those of the plant kingdom will also bring the
opportunity to maintain the energy levels as the shifts take place and those energies of the
marine world who have come to support the healing process will work specifically with the
emotional body. The plant kingdom works with the mental body and the crystal kingdom supports
the physical body. Colour supports all of the energy bodies. Is this clear to all of you?
Honey is also a very potent energy to work with. It builds Soul immunity. By this we mean that it
works with the Souls immunity very much like the physical bodys immunity needs to be
supported to keep the physical body strong. It is such with the Soul body. This process is
unfolding in this year as a result of the grounding of the Matreiya grid work in preparation for
many new Master Beings coming into physical body. It is that your Merkaba bodies are changing,
their vibrational frequencies are increasing so that you may find it easier to work with the multi
dimensional aspects of yourself as well as those parts of yourself that are in parallel reality.
This allows your present self - who you are today, to support your past self as well as connecting
with your future self who will help you now because you are your future selves past selves. You
are your future selves past life. Do you all understand this? So all the different levels of
experience are becoming more and more integrated. We have heard millions of requests. People
asking - Show me, who I am, Show me what my purpose is? With all of this energy being

manifested through the intentions set, it has resulted in the opportunities being presented to
you through this year as well as the years to come, but this year specifically because this is the
time to build your receptivity unlike you have had any other opportunity to do before. It will also
show you how powerful your ability is to manifest your world. You will come to see that you are
either your very best friend or your very worst enemy. Again it boils down to Choice. Are you
going to invest in fear and in your lower ego or will you invest in your Soul. Invest in the
development plan of Soul growth. Remember, God and fear cannot be in the same place at the
same time. It is all your choice. Is this clear to everyone?
You will find through this year too that many new techniques for supporting the bodys growth
physically and spiritually will manifest. We do however caution you to use your heart as well as
your head. Use discernment, if you are not feeling trusting of the process being presented to
you, listen and do not participate. The reason why we share this with you is because as the Light
grows stronger so will the darkness also try to increase its strength, and the fact of the matter
is that there is a certain amount of darkness that will always be present trying to break down
the light. It is like your own patterns of fear trying to break down your happiness, trying by
telling you that your happiness will not last very long or do not place your trust in such an
experience because the past has shown you that it never manifests. So the darkness within you
as well as the darkness manifested in your outer reality will challenge you. Do you all understand
So use your head and your heart together. The process of the past six years has also been to
teach you how to build that bridge between your heart and your mind. If you live in your head,
then you are unable to follow certain promptings of your heart, but if you live only in your heart,
you will lose out on many practical opportunities that are meant to support you with the very
practical responsibilities and realities of your life such as finance, such as business, such as the
opportunities to grow through relationships. Balance is the key. That is what you all had to learn
last year. This year is putting your lessons learnt into practice. Speaking your truth, honouring
your truth, transparenting yourself and believing in yourself. If you could all place as much trust
in yourselves as what you do in many of your outer aspects of your life you will be "gobsmacked"
at what you are capable of doing. This is the time to build your world from the inside, out. We
are not however saying that you must reject outside assistance. Remember, use your head as well
as your heart. If you are facing a conflicting situation and you are feeling you are needing
support ask for it but do not forget the responsibility to make the decision for yourself at the
end of the day. If you are going to reject your responsibility to yourself you will then also find
that the path becomes challenging, it becomes sticky and the flow is not a smooth one. At times
like that simply ask for the support to find yourself, your centre and to re-align with your
original goal or focus. This is why planning for your month ahead does support you. Setting goals
helps you to focus on a specific direction. When you are focusing on that direction your Soul will
guide you as to what step to take and when to take it and this is where you need to be flexible.
There is one whom we love dearly who often says Life is what happens while you are making
plans Remember that.
So it is that we hold each one of you in the presence of your Higher Self, in the presence of
your Monad, so that you may be a clear and pure channel accessing that wisdom that is yours
that will guide and support you. May each one of you be supported in channeling that into your
life. May each one of you be supported to be channels of laughter, channels of Messages of
Light, Channels of Love, may each one of you emerge and embrace your Mastered Self.

And so it is at this time Beloved Ones that we Bless each one of you with the inner strength,
with the courage, with the belief and faith in yourself to manifest all that will bring you all that
you need, to grow and to evolve. We set the intentions that this manifest for each one of you
under Grace in perfect and miraculous ways. Trusting the many invisible arms that hold you and
know that not ever are you walking your path alone and that we are with you always in all ways.
May the Light of your heart shine upon the path of your Soul, and may God show you the way to
your heart and to your Soul. I am Master Kuthumi and I greet and I bless each one of you.

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