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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic


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Magic SEA Underground

Magic SEA Underground targets to be a catchall for all popular magic rituals across the Southeast
Asia regions. Most of the introductory materials are copied from the intranet just to make a point, or
translated into English and provided as it is under one roof to ease your reading. This blog materials
are for light reading purpose only. By 'underground' means this is a black box blog, no references to
original sources will be provided.

Treat me a cup of tea!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Taoist 7 Steps Exorcism Method (


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SEA Translation
The Ucchusama Vidyadhara Sutra
Part III
1 day ago

SEA Rojak Talk

(In The Wake Of
2 days ago

Herbal SEA Underground

Curcuma Xanthoria ()
1 month ago

Magic SEAcollection
Feng Shui Major Life Foundation
2 months ago

SEA Wai Kru Mantram

The Wai Khru Mantram
8 months ago

Magic SEAopen
The Benefit Of Rain Water

She gave us a creepy smile through the mirror reflection at us when we entered the

1 year ago

Thai Magic Apprenticeship

Some Useful Yants
1 year ago

The Taoist 7 steps exorcism method is one of the most powerful exorcism methods
available out there to exorcise any spirit out from a place. It is not easy to perform this
ritual as the magician must be powerful enough to control the spirit he or she wishes
to cast out. Furthermore, this 7-step method is a very rude way of saying to the spirit

Magic SEAmember
Saefi Rizal/Lanang
2 years ago

to go to hell with one-way ticket.

Alternative Medicine (1)

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I have only performed this ritual once and that was about 20 years ago when I dared

Angel (2)

to try anything without due consideration to the risks. This true incident happened to
my school mate Ah Beng and the scene is set in Taiping.

Animal Magic (38)

10/06/2014 09:52 AM

Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

Announcement (4)
Arabic Magic (3)

For those folks who know Taiping quite well, they must know that there is a market

Asma (15)

place where people congregated to bet on rain falls (). On both sides of the

Astrology (38)

market there were and there still are rows of double story pre-war buildings. Ah Beng
was staying in the second floor of one of the buildings.

Ayurveda (1)
Balinese Magic (18)
Bazi (4)
Bonpo Ritual (5)

Ah Beng got married fairly early, that is after his O Level exam he married his wife Ah
Mei and they were only 18 years old when they got married. Both of the couple was
managing a small hawker stall selling roast pork and chicken. I was then a frequent
customer of Ah Bengs stall because I would pass by the stall daily on route to work.

Buddhist Medicine (1)

Bugis Magic (1)
color (1)
conjuration (40)
Dzongchen (2)

Things got pretty smoothly for Ah Beng for first few years or so. I cant remember

Face Reading (7)

since when it was Ah Beng who managed his stall alone. I held my curiosity to myself

feng shui (80)

until one day that I just busybody enough to open my big mouth.

Filipino Magic (22)

Folk Cult (25)
folklore (7)

Me: Wheres your cha boh (wife)? I havent seen her for quite some time.

ghost talk (111)

Haunted Locations (6)
Herbal Magic (63)

Beng: Oh, she wasnt feeling too well I asked her to rest at home.

Hikmah (7)
Himalayan Magic (12)
Hizib (4)

Me: Listen, your face looks very dim and your eyes look tired there must be
something troubling you

Indian Magic (34)

Indochinese Magic (20)
Industrial Engineering (7)
Islamic Herbal Medicine (1)

On hearing that, Beng invited me to sit on a chair and he pulled another chair and sat
beside me. So happened that there werent any customers, we started to talk.

Japanese Shinto (13)

Kalachakra (4)
Kalimantan Magic (9)
kejawen (79)

Beng: Well, to tell you the truth, my cha boh acted pretty weird lately she would
comb her hair repeatedly alone in front of her makeup table in the dark. At time she
would sing and smile at the mirror. When I asked the cha boh, she would ignored my
queries and only reply me with a cold smile that sent the coldness down under to my

Kejewen (10)
Khmer Magic (17)
khodam (1)
Laotian Magic (1)
Life & Death (3)
Local Belief (10)

I looked at my watch and it was around 2pm, so I figured that it will be better to visit
Ah Bengs place after night. I will need to make some preparations before I go for my
safety considerations

love magic (31)

Lu Pan Magic (5)
magic (13)
Magic Talk (16)
Malay Magic (130)

Me: Ill go to your place at 8pm tonight but Ill need to get some stuff

Malay Royal Ceremony (1)

Mantrayana (8)

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

mao shan (10)

Ah Beng agreed and we parted after chatting on other things for few more minutes.

Minangkabau Magic (1)

Mineral Magic (1)

How time flies, it was already 8pm. Ah Beng and I was at the doorstep of Ah Bengs

money magic (22)

place. Though the temperature was pretty warm, there was a sense of chillness came
out from the apartment.

Mr. Ong (8)

Music (1)
Necromancy (2)
New Age (28)

Ah Beng opened the main door and let me step in first

Ninjitshu (3)
Nusa Tenggara Timur Magic (1)
Palmistry (1)

As what had been described, Mei was sitting in front of her mirror combing her hair.
She looked skinnier and instead of greeting us, she continued to do what she like best
while her eyes veered at us from the reflection with a very strange smile that
somehow showed her hostility.

Psychology (8)
Question And Answer (72)
Religion (23)
Ritual Implements (1)
Saefi (1)

I quietly told Ah Beng that it looked like Mei was possessed and in order to proof my

SEA Fairytales (5)

doubt. I drew seven small circles on the floor with the final circle facing the main door.

Sex Magic (1)

After that I burnt a piece of joss stick and started to chant while stepping on the first

spirit invocation (9)


spirit possession (31)

Sports Magic (2)
Sulawesi Magic (2)

As I chanted, the atmospheric pressure in the place suddenly increased. For every

Sumatra Magic (12)

step forward, the pressure increased still until I stepped onto the last circle where the
room was pressurized to the max. At this point, Ah Beng collapsed onto the floor and I

Taiwan Folklore (5)

felt difficulties to breathe

talisman (2)
Taoist Magic (243)
Tenaga Dalam (3)

Finally I stormed my right foot, broke the joss stick, pointed to the main door and
shouted: Get out!

Thai Magic (162)

Tibetan Ritual (61)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (27)
Vietnamese Magic (50)

At this point, the door suddenly slammed opened, a gust of wind rushed out of the
house and I was thrown about 10 feet back with my back slammed heavily onto a wall
as if a kite that has lost its string.

Voodoo Magic (4)

Western Magic (41)

Search This Blog


Within seconds, the pressure inside the room was gone. Ah Beng gathered himself
and managed to pull me up too.

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We went to the bedroom and found laid fainted face down on the makeup table.

Blog Archive
2014 (271)
October (3)

Ah Beng propped his wife up and after sprinkling some cold water, Mei finally woke up
and she has no recollection of what so ever of her experience.

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September (44)
August (40)

10/06/2014 09:52 AM

Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

July (39)
Ah Lings Ghost Month
Experiences ()

After the incident, Ah Beng finally decided to move house. As for me, I wont want to
engage in anything similar anymore. That was the most horrible experience I had ever
experiences as the power and the danger were so real and powerful!

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 10:23 PM

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Labels: ghost talk, Taoist Magic

Occultists Guide To Jungle

Hiking ()
Phra Ngan Is Not For Everyone
The Sutra Of 33 Heaven (
Invocation Of Chinese Goddess
Kali ()
A Discourse On Power Of Gods

Cured By A Cup Of Tea ()

This is a personal story told by one of my late medium acquaintance from Guangdong,
China some time ago. I just recall it and recorded it in this posting for sharing
purposes before it is wiped out from my memory.

Fate Characteristic Of Sing-Ma

Professionals (...
All Quiet At The North-western
Quarter? ()
Conversation With A Zen Master
The Spirit Wanted To Go Home

There are many types of spirit mediums in Chinese culture, the medium I refer to here

Master Lais Major Life

Foundation ()

is also known as asking rice (). Her name is Aunty Ann and she was quite
famous in her profession as a medium who acted as a bridge between the life and the

Beware Of Fire In The House



One day, a gentleman known as Mr. Wong from Hong Kong came to Aunty Ann to ask
for help. Apparently Mrs. Wong was suffered from final stage of lung cancer and was
sent home by the good doctors for the family to make final preparations.

Bad Vibe Suppression With

Stele ()
One Hundred Households Rice
Annihilation Of Fox Spirit (
Ghost Stories From A Radio DJ

Aunty Ann was just like you and me when not going into trance. So, she asked Mr.
Wong to be seated and she will go down to underworld to fetch Mr. Wongs late
father to ask if there is any hope for his Mrs.

Religions & Occult Bring

Troubles ()
Superstition In Religion (
Human Efforts Vs Luck Of A
Nation ()

After some mumbo jumbo, Aunty Anns head begun to shake and her body begun to
tremble as if being possessed. A few minutes lapses and finally a seemingly familiar
voice came out from Aunty Anns throat:

She Never Eats Outside Food

Earth Spirits And Dragon Knots
Taoist 7 Steps Exorcism Method

Son, if you wanted to cure your wife, then quickly go to a village in Shanxi ()

Cured By A Cup Of Tea (


and look for a farmer call Wenxi and ask for him to give you a cup of tea to bring back
to Hong Kong for your wife Once your wife consumed the tea, then she will

Strange Encounters During

Dragon Hunting ()

recover Wenxi owed a favor to your wife in the past years so now is the time to ask
him to repay his karmic debt. Remember, you must bring back the tea within 7 days

Lamenting The Ill Fated Big

Horse Transport

Before Mr. Wong can ask further, Aunty Ann shivered for a while and regained her

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Magical Uses Of Plants

According To Javanese
The FS Minor Life Foundation
Method ()

10/06/2014 09:52 AM

Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

consciousness. Apparently the spirit of Mr. Wongs father is gone back to the

The Story Of A Longevity Grave

Feng Shui Master Lai Buyi (

So Mr. Wong thought it wasnt too difficult to try as he loved his wife a lot. In order to
find out the truth, Mr. Wong travelled to Shanxi the next day. After some searching, he
finally arrived in front the door of Wenxi.

Hostile House And I (

The Secrets Of Old Javanese
Horrible Electromagnetic
Interference ()

Mr. Wong started to knock on the wooden door for a while and finally a gentleman
opened the door and asked: Who are looking for?

It Takes More Than Voodoo To

God Of Fortune Lucky Number
Yant ()

Mr. Wong said: I am looking for Wenxi.

About Enhancing Tibetan Ritual

Empowering Massage Healing
Two Buddhist Jokes

The gentleman: Do you know Wenxi?

Mr. Wong: No. Where can I find Wenxi?

The Deity Of Old Dynasties:

Guan Gong ()
It Is Economy, Not Compassion;
June (23)
May (16)

The gentleman: I am Wenxi. Do I know you?

April (6)
March (20)
February (27)

Mr. Wong: No. You dont know me but I have a favor to ask
So good old Mr. Wong told Wenxi the whole story and naturally Wenxi brushed aside
the story and treated Mr. Wong as a psycho. But Mr. Wong kept bagging and under
the promise of a handsome payment, Wenxi finally agreed and poured a cup of tea for
Mr. Wong to bring back to Hong Kong

January (53)
2013 (238)
2012 (480)
2010 (40)

About Me
Once home, Mr. Wong immediately gave his wife the special tea to drink.

Shih Perng Liew

View my complete profile

After three weeks, since Mrs. Wong was still well and healthy, she went back to the
hospital for a follow up check up.

It was to the doctors surprised that Mrs. Wongs cancer was gone!

No one can explain the above incident until today.

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

The above story was quite a sensation for quite a while in Hong Kong.

There were and perhaps still are many people use Aunty Anns name to attract
unwary customers in China and Hong Kong now days.

More info on Chinese asking rice:

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 10:16 AM

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Labels: Folk Cult, ghost talk, Taoist Magic

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The FS Minor Life Foundation Method


Minor life foundation for Immortal Liew

Basically there are two types of life force methods; the major and the minor.

Naturally, the major life foundation is more powerful than the minor, but it is more
difficult to do it good. So, the alternative is to use the minor foundation method which
is much simpler and easy to perform.

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

There are many methods in performing the minor life foundation; the actual
implementation would depend on individual school. As the saying goes:

Different master, different method, different power.

One method made popular by a Hong Kong occultist is just to put a persons personal
belongings (finger nails and hairs) into an incense burner and the incense burner is
worshipped in his altar.

The more powerful minor life foundation is as shown in the above illustration.

Say that Mr. Liew wanted to do the minor life found for himself, first he must construct
a statue of a deity with the face look similar to himself. Then he must find or construct
a temple for people to worship this statue. Mr. Liew must also give this statue a name
such as Immortal Liew () for example.

Now as before, Mr. Liew must also put his personal stuffs into a large incense burner
for visitors to burn their incense. The more visitors; then more power will be bestowed
to Mr. Liew.

When Mr. Liew dies, he will be worshipped as a local god.

Perhaps that too, explains why the Chinese have got so many gods and goddesses.

So far, I have seen a Taiwanese Taoist practise the second method.

When I visited a temple in Kaoshong, I thought the face of the deity looks somehow
similar to the temple caretaker. So I ventured to ask him concerning my doubt and he
pulled me aside and told me this secret. I am not sure if anyone beyond Taiwan knows
such a method however.

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 4:12 AM

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10/06/2014 09:52 AM

Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

Labels: feng shui, Taoist Magic

Thursday, July 10, 2014

It Takes More Than Voodoo To Win

The lost of Brazilian football team in World Cup 2014 to Germany has really stunted
the world and that too has also broken my pals heart. Despite powerful warlords and
witches with countless sessions of publicized voodoo ceremonies and fanfares; Brazil
still lost to Germany 7 to 1.

I am no fan of football as to look at a bunch of men chasing a ball around the field for
90 minutes cant be boring enough. Indeed to many folks, they arent really interest in
football but the betting. It is said that if you dont bet, then it is no fun to watch a life
football match.

Likewise, the same situation happens to civil suit cases in Singapore and Malaysia.
Before 2014, I seldom being consulted on civil suits; but just this year I already had 4
cases at least

Amongst the cases are the cases of:

Building committee Vs former treasurer

Who has taken our money?!

House owner Vs fund contributor

Formerly lovers but now parted and wanted the investment back

Business proprietor Vs investors

Investors wanted out but owner refused to pay back

Between business owners

I want him out from my business!

So, how to go about these civil cases incorporating magic rituals?

I am no lawyer and not at liberty to discuss openly all of the above cases, just some
experience to share though. Most of the above cases normally fall into grey area; it is
up to ones wit to wriggle ones way out through mediations. I supposed the

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

government doesnt care of the outcome as they are not criminal cases:

Get the facts right: who has the advantage? I think there is a tendency of You
are guilty unless proven innocent happening in recent cases: At least I was
being consulted 3 cases out of 4 from Singapore this year alone

If you receive summonses from court, then get yourself a good lawyer and do
an assessment of your case.
Most of the civil suit cases will go into mediations as no one wanted the case
to be prolonged: very expensive!

It is during the mediations that magic can perhaps to be used on the outcome
of settlements; which also depends on your opponents ability to pay as well.

Personally, I dont like to be consulted on civil suit cases as there are many hidden
areas and people dont normally tell the truth. Anyway, it is indeed a new exposure to
an occultist to work on such cases and thus enhancing ones practical magic

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 4:39 AM

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Labels: Hikmah, Industrial Engineering, Malay Magic, New Age, Sports Magic, Taoist
Magic, Thai Magic, Tibetan Ritual, Western Magic

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Empowering Massage Healing Hands

We have at times wondered on how a healer can alleviate a patients pain by simply
placing his/her hands on the patients discomfort part. There are many ways to go
about and below are just some of the tricks anyone can pick up:

The Chinese Qigong ()

A Qigong master can channel chi into his/her hands until this hands felt warm. After
that, the hands are placed on patients discomfort part for about 5~10 minutes.

The Taoist Mulberry Hands ()

On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, one must go to a mulberry tree and plug some
mulberry leaves. Chew up the leaves and then spit the mashed leaves together with

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

saliva onto ones palms. Rub both hands until dry and avoid washing hands for 3
days. After the empowerment period, the hands are said to be very effective in curing
fracture, tumors, pains etc.

The Japanese Reiki ()

The Reiki need not be introduced further. There are many variants of Reiki and
amongst these variants; there are many levels too. Once empowered, a practitioners
hands can be used to cure various sicknesses.

The Since Of Longevitology ()

As with Japanese Reiki, this is the Taiwanese variant. This practice is pretty popular in
Singapore and Malaysia.

The Javanese nectar of gods

One must first collect some morning dew from the roof of a chicken bun. The dew is
then poured onto ones palms and rubbed until dry. It is said that this will empower the
hands to be a pair of healing hands.

The Hikmah Massage Healing

One must chant the verse Allahumma syaffi mariidhana repeatedly while placing the
hands on painful part.

I am sure there are many more methods out there, if you know any variants; then
please let me know.

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 4:51 AM


Labels: Hikmah, Kejewen, New Age, Taoist Magic, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Deity Of Old Dynasties: Guan

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

Gong ()
There was such a story told by a local cult religion () that the Jade Emperor (
) will resign and his position will be taken over by Guan Gong (). For
Chinese, Guan Gong is the most worshiped and respected Taoist deity today. We see
this deity pretty often in Hong Kong detective and ghost movies: it is always a scene
in a police station that Guan Gong is worshiped in an altar.

The main reason Guan Gong is so popular because he was said to be extremely
generous () and the beholder of brotherhood (). There are many
stories told about the heroic behavior of Guan Gong such as: defeating of six generals
(), in search of brother and sister-in-law (), the brother hood in
palm orchid (), the rider of a thousand miles () and etc.

Well, that was what described by epics such as The Romance Of The Three
Kingdoms () now let us see what the actual history has to say about Guan

Why is Guan Gong being honored as 'the saint of warfare' ()? Why the three
brothers () failed to defeat Lubu () and yet worthy of being
bestowed as the saint? It should be other way round.

The history has it that Guan Gong was a hardheaded self centered (), braved
but not so tactful militant (). During the Three Kingdoms (),
Caocao () of Kingdom Wei () was the strongest and it was possible for
Kingdom Shu () and Kingdom Wu () to defend against Wei, but due to Guan
Gong's ruthlessness in offending the King Shunquan () from Wu; the cooperation
was ruined.

According to the story, Guan Gong has a pretty daughter while King Shunquan has a
not so handsome son. Shunquan's prince wanted to marry Guan Gong's daughter but
the proposal was refused by Guan Gong. That was no big deal if Guan Gong had not
agreed with the marriage, but the disagreement should be declined politely as
Shunquan was still the king of Wu. Guan Gong was so rude in hurting Shunquan by

The daughter of a tiger cannot marry the son of a dog.


Needless to say, the plan for Shu and Wu to join force failed.

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

Prior to Qing Dynasty, the title saint of warfare referred to Yuefei () as he has
practically won all wars he has participated and the reason was also Yuefei also very
loyal and ready to serve his emperor.

When the Manchurian took control of China, they used authoritative yet soft approach
to control the Chinese of that time and made use of the slogan:

The world (China) is one family.


In order to emphasize the approach, the Manchurian made use of the story of brother
hood in palm orchid () and bestow Guan Gong as the Saint of Warfare to
unite the Chinese folks and that worked pretty well and proven in history too until

There is probably one or two temple worshipping Yuefei, but there are countless of
temples worshipping Guan Gong. I would attribute this to the wit of the Manchurian
emperor of that time.

Wonders why that a reckless militant that has no special contribution to history in
particular can be worshipped as a saint and that person who has really contributed a
lot to his race and country is being neglected so?

That, my friend; is history.

That is also something we need to think about

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 9:25 PM

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Labels: Folk Cult, Religion, Taoist Magic

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Conjuring The Spirit Of A Basket (


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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

Conjuring spirits of baskets is a folk game inherited in many Southeast Asian cultures.
While the Chinese call it the immortal of baskets (), the Malaysian and
Indonesian call it Jailangkung. Such game was once popular in villages and before
the advent of electronic gadgets. We can occasionally come across people make use
of this folk game to perform divination and also to ask for lucky numbers.

It is not difficult to conjure spirit of a basket but we will first need to make the effigy of
the spirit and dress it first as shown above. When the effigy is assembled, the game
can be started after dark normally after dinner. We will need 3 players. In old days, we
will need two young girls holding the hands of the effigy and a third person as the

The conjuror will stand in front of the effigy holding 3 pieces of burning incense sticks.
While swinging the incenses to and fro, the person must chant the below mantra
repeatedly until the effigy moves by a mystical force:

Immortal of basket, god of basket, I invoke the basket to possess. I call once, twice
and thrice, calling the god to possess me. Possess me and do wonders. I invoke you
sincerely. As my will, so mote it be!

Now that the spirit has arrived, interested parties can start asking what they want to
know including lucky number picks of course. When the service of basket spirit is no

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

longer desired, then it should be sent off by simply saying:

I request the basket god to return to where you belonged.

After the basket spirit is dismissed, the effigy should be stored in a quiet corner to be
used later. Only when the service of basket spirit is no longer needed and the effigy is
to be dismantled, then it is appropriate to prepare some food offerings and burn some
incense to thank the spirit.

Related link:

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 8:38 PM

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Labels: Folk Cult, Malay Magic, Taoist Magic

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Taoist Borrowing Life Ritual (

When a person is in his/her terminal stage, it is a norm still for some of Chinese folks
to go to temples or visit spirit mediums to perform rituals in the hope to prolong the
love ones life. But if the person is determined by the gods or goddesses that his/her
life is coming to an end; there is nothing one can do but to prepare for the funeral
services and the wake.

However, if the person is the sole income earner and that he/she is still young in such
a way that if he/she dies; then the whole family wouldnt be able to live. Then there is
a Taoist ritual known as borrowing life.

Basically, this ritual can only be done amongst the parents and children and it is not
workable amongst brothers, sisters or amongst relatives. The life can only be
borrowed for two seasons max; with 5 years as one season and no more than that.

Anyone who wanted the ritual to be performed must first write a written statement

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Magic SEA Underground: Taoist Magic

indicating both parties personal particulars including date of birth, the duration of life
to be borrowed. This chore is best to be done by the Taoist who will later carry out
further rituals as he should be familiar on how the statement should be written. In
normal circumstances one should prepare three copies of borrowing life statements.

After that, an auspicious date is selected and the Taoist will bring the requestors to the
temple of Lord of Death, in this case it is the Emperor of the Eastern Mountain (
) and the Three Judges of Northern Yin () where two copies of the
statements are burnt in front of the statues of the deities and the final copy must be
burnt in front of the house deities.

While burning the statements for borrowing life, the person must make a wish such as
to donate to the poor or to employ monks and Taoists to perform deliverance rituals
for the wandering spirits. If the ritual is fruitful, then the dying person will recover within
three days time.

However, if the person dies after the ritual, then the person who had borrowed life to
the deceased must visit the temple of the Lord of Death to revoke the agreement or
his/her life span will be shortened too.

My personal take is: while performing the above borrowing life ritual, one must also
seek the help of modern medicine too so as not to miss the patients critical moment
that would make the love ones regret for whole of their lives.

Posted by Shih Perng Liew at 6:19 AM

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