7 Things You Should Add To Your "Stop Doing List"

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7 Things You Should Add to Your "Stop Doing List"

You probably make lists of things to do and follow them through. But what about the things you
should stop doing? Successful people do not do the following things but chances are you still do.
Make a decision to add these to your "stop doing list" these from today going forward:
Making Excuses. Successful people do not blame others or make excuses or complain
about their bad luck. They take full responsibility for their lives. They know that success and
failure lie in their hands. So stop being a victim, stop whining and stop making excuses.
2. Drifting. Winners have a plan. They have a direction and a purpose. They do not
drift through life hoping for the best. They set goals and then set about achieving them. If you
approach each day in a happy go lucky way then stop. Stop drifting and start planning. Develop a
vision of a successful you. List what you have to do to get there. Plan your work then work your
3. Sitting in Front of a Computer All Day (or worse stilla TV). Sure there are some
important things you can do sitting at your screen but do not spend all day there. Get out and
meet people, network, learn. Do things with the people you want to lead or help or do business
4. Putting Things Off. Procrastination is the enemy of success. Decide on your objective, list
out the tasks you have to complete, prioritize them and then get on with the top ones. We all
suffer the temptation to put off the jobs we fear or dislike. Bite the bullet. Eat the frog. Do the
5. Just the Easy Stuff. Which tasks do you spend most time on? The important, the urgent,
the easy or the routine? If you spend most of your time on easy or less important tasks then stop.
You should focus first on the most important jobs, the ones that will move you towards your
strategic objective. You should delegate or ignore the low value activities.
6. Sitting in Ineffective Meetings. Do you waste time at work in low-value meetings? Most
office workers do. Every meeting should have a clear purpose, an agenda and a skilled
chairperson who keeps the meting focussed on delivering its objectives. Do not go to poor
meetings just ask for a summary of agreed actions.
7. Limiting your Ambition. Successful people have enormous self-belief, drive and ambition.
They hold themselves to high standards. Are you holding yourself back? Have you lost some of
your self-belief and confidence? Start afresh. Set yourself ambitious goals. Remind yourself of
your skills and achievements. Motivate yourself every day.
If you can eliminate the low value activities and the negative things you do then you will free
yourself to succeed. Stop doing the things that you know are wasting your time and start building
your success.
Homemade Mosquito Repellent Materials

Mosquito seems to be a very small flying insect but it is very lethal to human
life and health in real. It is an agent of transmitting various deadly diseases
into the human body by its bite. The diseases get into the human body
through the mosquito bite via blood which carries them into the body and
makes it infectious. They also transmit disease into the animals especially
the dogs. It is an important thing to notice that diseases are transferred via a

female mosquitos bite mostly. It is estimated that around one million people
die of mosquito-borne diseases each year throughout the world. There are
different types of mosquito-borne diseases which are as under:



Yellow Fever

West Nile Virus

Dog Heartworm

These diseases can be got rid of by adopting certain preventive measures. These measures should
be adopted seriously by considering them important to prevent the epidemic flow of mosquitoborne diseases. The most essential preventive measure is to use homemade mosquito repellent
materials in order to get rid of mosquito and the fatal diseases caused by it. There are a number
of ways to make homemade mosquito repellent materials of which some are given below:

Listerine Mouthwash Spray

The Listerine mouthwash can be used by putting it in a spray bottle and spraying it
around to keep the mosquito away. It is an easy to make homemade repellent.

Mixture of Water and Vanilla Extract

By mixing equal quantity of water and vanilla and putting it in a spray bottle makes a
good mosquito repellent. The use of pure vanilla extract in water makes a smelly mixture
which when sprayed keeps the mosquito away.

Sliced Lime and Clove

If a lime is sliced into two pieces and cloves are pressed all around it than by placing it
around the area, especially the outside sitting area, it keeps the mosquito away. These can
be put in windows or at doors to keep them away from entering the house.

Applying Vicks
Applying Vicks on the body keeps the mosquito away. It is as good as any other mosquito
repellent to keep them away. Its smell makes them run for their life and they never dare to
come close again.

Applying Lavender
Lavender oil and lavender flowers can be very useful if rubbed on the skin and the
surroundings in a household. Their application can be very effective to keep the mosquito

away from one self and the home. Lavender oil can be very useful if applied on the pulse
points on the body.

Rubbing Leaves of Mint Family Plants

The mint family consisting of (spearmint, catnip, peppermint, citronella, lemongrass and
pennyroyal) can be very useful homemade mosquito repellent. By rubbing the dried and
fresh leaves of any plant among these mint plants can be very useful to keep the mosquito

Basil Leaves
Basil is a very effective mosquito repellent. By planting the basil plant in the garden and
by keeping its leaves in the windows and at the doors keep the mosquito away. It is a very
simple to get homemade mosquito repellent.

Mixture of Neem and Coconut Oil

A mixture of neem oil and coconut oil can make a great mosquito repellent. By putting
this mixture in a spray bottle and spraying it around or by applying it on the body and
surroundings helps in keeping the mosquito away.

Using Garlic
Using garlic or concentrated oil of garlic as a skin applicant can be very useful to get rid
of mosquito and mosquito-borne diseases. By rubbing garlic on the skin keeps mosquito
away and this makes it a useful homemade mosquito repellent.

Different Oils
A variety of oils which have good qualities of repellent can be very useful to keep away
the mosquito. The oils of rosemary, cinnamon, castor, eucalyptus, peppermint and cedar
can be very handy in this purpose. These oils can be applied single or in a mixture with
each other especially on the pulse points on the human body. They can also be used by
adding them in moisturizers and then applying on the skin through rubbing. All these oils
have the mosquito repellent qualities which make them very useful homemade mosquito

Organic Soybean Oil

The soybean is very easy available and cost effective material which is also a very
effective mosquito repellent. The organic soybean oil is a good moisturizer if rubbed on
the skin and can be found very easily.

All the above are very useful homemade mosquito repellent materials which
are very cost effective and harmless. By successfully adopting the above
homemade mosquito repellent materials, the mosquito and the resultant
mosquito-borne diseases can be kept away very easily from the household.
What 10 Things Should You Do Every Day To Improve Your Life?

10 things that scientific research shows can help improve your life.

1) Get out in nature

You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually,
theres research that says you do.) Being in nature reduces stress, makes
you more creative, improves your memory and may even make you a better
2) Exercise
We all know how important this is, but few people do it consistently. Other
than health benefits too numerous to mention,
exercise makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases
libido and makes you feel better about your body. A Harvard study that has
tracked a group of men for more than 70 years identified it as one of the
secrets to a good life.
3) Spend time with friends and family
Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert identified this as one of the biggest
sources of happiness in our lives. Relationships are worth more than you
think (approximately an extra $131,232 a year.) Not feeling socially
connected can make you stupider and kill you. Loneliness can lead to heart
attack, stroke and diabetes. The longest lived people on the planet all place
a strong emphasis on social engagement and good relationships are more
important to a long life than even exercise. Friends are key to improving
your life. Share good news and enthusiastically respond when others share
good news with you to improve your relationships. Want to instantly be
happier? Do something kind for them.
4) Express gratitude
It will make you happier.
It will improve your relationships.
It can make you a better person.
It can make life better for everyone around you.

5) Meditate
Meditation can increase happiness, meaning in life, social
support and attention span while reducing anger, anxiety, depression and
fatigue. Along similar lines, prayer can make you feel better even if
youre not religious.
6) Get enough sleep
You cant cheat yourself on sleep and not have it affect you. Being tired
actually makes it harder to be happy. Lack of sleep = more likely to get
sick. Sleeping on it does improve decision making. Lack of sleep can make
you more likely to behave unethically. There is such a thing as beauty sleep.
Naps are great too. Naps increase alertness and performance on the
job, enhance learning ability and purge negative emotions while enhancing
positive ones.
7) Challenge yourself
Learning another language can keep your mind sharp. Music
lessons increase intelligence. Challenging your beliefs strengthens your
mind. Increasing willpower just takes a little effort each day and its more
responsible for your success than IQ. Not getting an education or taking
advantage of opportunities are two of the things people look back on their
lives and regret the most.
8) Laugh
People who use humor to cope with stress have better immune systems,
reduced risk of heart attack and stroke, experience less pain during dental
work and live longer. Laughter should be like a daily vitamin. Just
reminiscing about funny moments can improve your relationship. Humor
has many benefits.
9) Touch someone
Touching can reduce stress, improve team performance, and help you be
persuasive. Hugs make you happier. Sex may help prevent heart
attacks and cancer, improve your immune system and extend your life.

10) Be optimistic
Optimism can make you healthier, happier and extend your life. The Army
teaches it in order to increase mental toughness in soldiers.
Being overconfident improves performance.

This Is Your Brain On Meditation - Awakening Your Brain's Highest Potential

Science and meditation teachings are exactly parallel, but they dont speak the same
language. Mingyur Rinpoche, new generation of Tibetan Buddhist Masters
Did you know that a daily meditation practice soothes and awakens your brains highest
potential? Of course you did. But how? No, really. How?

When you sit down with the committed intention to meditate, you light up the frontal
cortex - that's the part of the brain behind your forehead. This engages your limbic
system, which is really just a system of nerves and networks in the brain that controls
your basic emotions and drives. So when you sit down with your intention, the emotions
get involved and you begin to have positive feelings. Great start.

You are actually built to handle stress, but not chronic stress, and of course its very
difficult to be mindful when youre stressed. Stress activates the monkey-mind tendencies
inside you, which is all part of your flight or fight system. This stress is connected to your
sympathetic nervous system, and here you have the real power: You can calm down
your sympathetic nervous system simply through consciously exhaling. Thats the trick.
Half a dozen long, slow exhales. Your brain is then soothed and you feel balanced.

Its very important to feel safe in life, and meditation is the best place to practice this
feeling. For the most part we overestimate threats and underestimate opportunities
resources for dealing with threats. Unfortunately. But you can feel safer than you
normally do. You can feel less guarded, less braced, and more confident in your ability to
meet life. You know you can. And practicing it in meditation rehearses it for life.
This sense of safety helps you to be present and conscious, because you cannot be
internally self-aware if you are continually scanning for threats (worries, fears, mistrusts)
and increasing your external vigilance.

Not that its a given, but you typically experience a sense of necessary well-being in
meditation. And you want to continue to experience that as you go about your day.

Maintaining that focus requires holding it in your working memory, which is a kind of
gate that is either open or closed. Figures. When its closed, the content of it (a wellbeing feeling, for example) stays there. That translates to you as a steady mind, a
grounded or centred feeling, and you are able to stay with whatever you want to pay
attention to. This gate stays closed because of a steady drop of the brain transmitter,
dopamine, BUT, the gate pops open when you get distracted, when you allow yourself to
become guarded, or anything that sends the signal to the brain that you are no longer
meditating. Got it? Staying in the meditative state increases your memory of feeling, and
that ripples out into your life. Thank you, brain.

Another experience of meditation is the glorious feeling of boundless space of

weightlessness, limitlessness, flying, expansion. This feeling activates the networks on
the side of your head that are associated with mindful, open, and spacious awareness.
What I love, is that meditation moves you out of the typical mind state in the middle of
the brain (which is busy planning, thinking about the past, using language...and always
with a strong sense of self or ego). Dont get me wrong though. Its important to function
from the middle of the brain, but you probably tend to overemphasize the activities in
your midline sections, and therefore get a strong buildup in those regions. It takes training
and practice to activate the expansive lateral networks.
You can do this through trusting in the process and flow of life, and by practicing nonattachment, but its infinitely easier to practice this in meditation. In meditation you can
cultivate a sense of boundless awareness, of expansive bliss. You can obtain and
experience a birds-eye, panoramic view and sense of the world, your life, and all things
in it.
In its wholeness, your meditation practice stimulates a mindful attention, called neural
substrates - but dont worry about that term. Im just trying to inject science into the
meditative experience.
With an ongoing practice, you build up the substrates of compassion, self-esteem,
resilience, insight, and deep concentration. These build-ups actually make your brain
thicker! Crazy, huh? It builds synapses, synaptic networks, and layers of capillaries, if
you really want to know.
The pre-frontal cortex (behind the forehead, remember?) is the part of your brain that is
involved in deliberately paying attention to something. Its the executive control of
attention, giving you more development in your concentration. And, it gets thicker too. I
And in meditation, when youre scanning your internal sense of your body, and becoming
aware of your higher feelings of other people (or advanced empathy and self-awareness),
you are causing the insula part of your brain to get thicker as well.

Okay, okay, thats enough for now. Or forever. I get it. TMI.
But, in brief then, here are

the basic instructions for how to meditate in 5 easy steps.

1) Bring your awareness and focus to what youre doing (meditating)
2) Soften your thinking and your body by exhaling longer than your inhales (at least six
times).Exhale to the maximum and your lungs will automatically inhale more
breath, thus more oxygen, This will enable you to calm down and concentrate better.
We should do this before starting meditation, saying, Dua, tasbih etc. anywhere,
anytime. - Very important.
3) Drop your guard by allowing yourself to feel as safe as you reasonably can.
4) Using your senses, open to the simple feelings of well-being
5) Become aware of the unlimited, expansive space
And do all this for no other reason than to soothe and awaken your brains highest
7 Ways to Build Effective Social Skills

Do you feel awkward in conversations with people? Are you having a difficult time of
pinpointing why? Do feel it's impossible to forge lasting and meaningful connections with other
kids and adults, no matter the situation? If your answer to any of these questions is "yes", then
you need to look at how you attempt to interact with others, and see how your social skills can be
improved to get you out there and interacting with people in no time. Here are seven proven tips
to improve your social skills and get you out there.
Many of the problems that come with poor social skills is the mistaken understanding that we
look to others to validate our own emotions and worth. This is incorrect. You and you alone are
responsible for the state of your own emotions, no matter what awful things someone might say
to you. Be a mature adult (or kid) and take responsibility.
People are not rational creatures, they are rationalizing creatures. Most awkward social
interaction stems from one person attempting to logically interpret the actions or emotions of the
other person, when logical simply doesn't apply. Stop trying to be logical, and much if not all of
the frustration you feel will melt away.
Socially awkward people often have a problem with learning their mental filter, and controlling
their compulsion to say whatever crosses their mind, positive or negative. Learn to control your

need to criticize others. Criticism is a bad verbal communication habit.

Social interaction would be easy if everyone simply wanted to talk about the other person. Alas,
it rarely works that way. Learn to be interested in other people, and find the best ways to get
them interested in learning about you, without volunteering to do it for them.
Try to become more of an extrovert if you're introverted (even though biologically this is
impossible), in all facets of your life, and shift your focus away from yourself and towards the
needs of others.
Along the lines of the previous point, do not blame others for your own ability to communicate
or interact socially. You alone are responsible for fostering good social skills in yourself.
No one likes to be around negative people, and nothing inhibits social interaction or growth more
quickly than your own negative attitude. Try to keep the condemnations and complaints to a
minimum in any and all conversations.
Social skills can be tough for kids and adults. In this article are seven proven tips to improve
your social skills and get you out there socializing well with others.
Follow the seven tips for effective social skills and you'll be easily making friends in no time.
You can also learn about a helpful resource called Elite Social Control.
7 Cs of Success

Clarity: Eighty percent of success comes from being clear on who you are, what
you believe in and what you want.
Competence: You can't climb to the next rung on the ladder until you are excellent
at what you do now.
Constraints: Eighty percent of all obstacles to success come from within. Find out what is
constraining in you or your company and deal with it.
Concentration: The ability to focus on one thing single-mindedly and see it through until it's
done takes more character than anything else.
Creativity: Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a
muscle; if you don't use it you'll lose it.
Courage: Most in demand and least in supply, courage is the willingness to do the things you
know are right.
Continuous learning: Read, at the very least, one book a week on business to keep you miles
ahead of the competition. And just as you eat and bathe, organize your time so you spend 30

minutes a day exploring email, sending messages, going through websites, because like exercise,
it's the only way you can keep on top of technology. If you get away from it, you'll lose your
The 8 "L's" of Parenting

LOVE your child. For your child to be successful, he or she must feel valued.
Your gentle touches, smiles and hugs communicate love. Giving your undivided
attention, especially at the end of each day, demonstrates caring.
LOOK for the good in your child and make specific comments on what he or she
does well. You must believe in your child's worth before he or she can believe it. If
you want your child to have self-confidence and motivation, watch for positive
behaviors and comment on them.
LISTEN, without judgment, to your child express his or her thoughts and
feelings. If you do not listen, your child may attempt to gain your attention by
LAUGH with your child, not at him or her. Demonstrate a sense of humor as you
cope with life's difficulties. Laugh and play together.
LABOR diligently and with pride so that your child will want to work hard,
persevere and do his or her best.
LEARN new information. It is fine to say, I don't know, but then add that you
both can find out together. Take the time to read and thus instill a love of learning.
On car trips play word games, read or listen to books on tape.
LEAVE the television and other media off. Many programs and video games
desensitize your child towards violence and contribute to fearfulness and
aggression. Place computers in central locations to monitor internet use.
LIVE life to its fullest. Take pleasure in little things like an ice cream cone, a
beautiful day or the enthusiasm of your child. Read, pretend, take walks, play
games, have pleasant meals, share dreams, and enjoy each other.
7 Ways to be More Organized

Why Staying organized helps?

Staying organized has many advantages in terms of having more time for yourself and family; in
terms of saving money; peace of mind, better health, balanced life and improved professional/Social
Below are some considerations on how to be more Organized and consequently get the benefits
mentioned above.
How to stay organized?
Use files or folders to place all your Personal documents. Segregate your documents and place
different kind of documents in different files. For example utility bills, educational documents and
purchase receipts to be placed in three different files. If you want you can scan (or take a picture
from your mobile) and put it in your email for quick reference. Make sure your password is safe!
Advantage: Saves time and avoid stress to find the relevant document.
2. Differentiate between urgent and important tasks. Important tasks sooner or later will come
out to be either very fruitful (if you have given them proper attention) or would be a complete
disaster (if you have avoided them). Advantage: Attending Urgent tasks in timely manner will
ensure healthy outcome in terms of family, personal, financial or professional life.
3. You need to closely observe your Time stealers. the routine tasks which takes away a lot of
time but do not produce real good results should be optimized. Advantage: You will have more
control on your time and arrange it for family self matters.
4. Place your things at right locations. Allocate proper drawers, boxes, cabinets, Files, balcony for
accessories. Advantage: you don't have to waste your time when you need something.
5. Google Calendar is a great service which sends you email and SMS for any event which you
store in your online Calendar. You can set reminders for next car service, tires replacement,
remembering birthdays anniversaries and so on. Advantage: you will save money by avoiding
disasters (car malfunctioning etc), you will have healthy family relations (birthdays etc)
6. Make a to-do list. Maintain it on daily/weekly basis. Use 'post-it' notes for shopping list.
Advantage: Critical tasks will not be missed. Unnecessary market revisits will be avoided.
7. If you are Muslim, your Prayers timings can make you punctual and give you the convenience to
organize a lot of events in-between two prayers. You can become a role model for others by being
organized this way.
Stay organized for a concrete grip on your life starting today.

Body, Mind, Heart and Soul

Every other day we listen people complaining about something or someone. The buyer
complains about seller, the subordinate complains about manager, public complains about
systems failures and so on. Whilst everyone may be right about their opinions but do we think
that whether our own hearts are clean or contaminated? For example lets do a quick audit of

1. In routine life, do we forget our brawls or we keep the grudges for long term?
2. Do we punish if the people under over supervision commit some mistake?
3. Do we deceive others whenever we find a chance to do so?
If yes, then why not improve ourselves before complaining about others? If we don't have the
power to forgive others, if we don't have the flexibility to respect someone's point of view, if we
are not clean from inside then what's the point in complaining about others?
We must remember that society comprises of individuals and every one of us is equally
representing the society. If we at individual level are not genuine souls neither we try to become
one then it's useless to complain about society.
So now is the time to sweep before our own door and kill all the germs of our character such as
criticizing, complaining, blaming, leg pulling, back biting, spying, humiliation and jealousy.
Now is the time to put efforts to align our bodies, minds, souls. Once we wash ourselves with the
soap of spirituality, self-audit and clean conscience we will be more concerned about our own
mistakes and flaws instead of being argumentative and reactive about others.
"Conscience is a hypothesized ability that distinguishes whether one's actions are right or wrong.
Basically, it is a person's inner sense of what is right or what is wrong morally. It leads to
feelings of remorse when one does things that go against his/her moral values, and to feelings of
rectitude or integrity when one's actions conform to our moral values. It is also the attitude which
informs one's moral judgment before performing any action."
6 Steps to Avoid Over-worrying about Kids

Here are 6 DONTs when it comes to over-worrying, over-focusing on your child and being a
helicopter parent:

1. Dont hover over your child. Dont tie your 5-year-olds shoes when she can tie her own, or
dress her when she can dress herself. Avoid hovering and holding her back from normal risks a
child would take at her age level. Its also not a good idea to talk to her teachers incessantly, or
answer all your childs questions so she doesnt have to think of answers for herself. If she
hesitates to make her own decisions, try not to jump in and do it for herlet her reason it out on
her own if she can. Allow her to feel discomfort or pain; its part of growing up. Dont prevent

her from struggling or rescue her from lifes hardships. Kids cant learn if their parents are
always doing it for them.

2. Dont put your worry on your childs back. Dont focus on your child morning, noon and
night, imagining all the worst outcomes. Let go of negative thoughts about her future, like,
What if she doesnt amount to anything when she grows up? Is her shyness a sign of her lack of
confidence? Dont interrogate her when you get anxious, and keep asking, Are you okay?
Are you sure? Or That looks difficult. Are you sure you can handle that? Or Do you have
anyone to play with at recess? Who? Dont look for evidence to confirm your worst fears about
your child.

3. Dont make your child the center of your universe. Dont try to get all your emotional
needs met by your child. If youre there at his beck-and-call and over-functioning for him (in
other words, doing for him what he can do for himself), hell have a hard time functioning on his
own in the world. Most importantly, dont allow his achievements to determine your self-worth
and validation as a parent.

4. Dont label your child. Negatively (or even positively) labeling your child is not a good idea,
because it can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, or push her into a box that isnt right for her.
Dont remind one of your kids that she is the pretty one or the funny one or the lazy one or
the one who will turn out just like Dad. Avoid saying, You never or You always Let
go of deciding now who your child is or will become; nobody knows yet, not even your child.
Allow yourself to imagine other possibilities. The bottom line is that words are powerful, so
dont make negative predictions about what your child will become.

5. Dont take it personally if your child doesnt agree with you, or does things differently
from you. If you get in your childs head, he wont be able to hear his own thoughts and beliefs.
Even if he thinks differently than you, dont argue with him over itinstead, invite him to tell
you more. Dont shut him down when he has ideas or opinions that are different from the ones
you would like him to have, or insist on having the last word. And finally, try not to take things
personally if he chooses a different path in life than the one you thought he would take.

6. Dont focus on your child as a way of not having to deal with your own struggles. This is
a big one, and can be very hard for parents. Try not to get so involved in your childs life that you
neglect your own. Dont think or worry about your child so much that you avoid thinking about
your own life, your work or your adult relationships. What I often say to parents is, Dont focus
so much on taking care of your childs garden that you forget to tend to your own.
Whats a better approach? Let your child experience the consequences of his actions. Let go of
constant worry as a parent, and realize you cant control everything your kids doyou can only
respond to how they behave. Try to see their strengths as well as their struggles. You can avoid
over-worrying and being a helicopter parent if you work on developing strong relationships with
your children by getting to know them for who they are. Allow them to make their own mistakes,
face their own consequences, and solve their own problems. This will allow you to let go of
hovering, doing too much for your kids and worrying about them all the time, and best of all,
it will help you become a calmer, more peaceful parent.
Worries & Prayers

Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering
wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so
Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on.
Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to
All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If
going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamonds! If you get a Diamond, don't
forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
Often when we lose hope and think this is the end,
however, in actual it should be, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
A blind person asked a wise person "Can there be anything worse than losing eye
sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"

WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away todays'
10 Common Reasons Most People Fail

1. They dont look before they leap.

Sometimes, spontaneity is a good thing. However, its often good to do some planning before
tackling a big task. For example, dont go into a music audition without looking at the music first
that sets you up for failure. Instead, practice until you feel ready to perform.

2. They dont want it enough.

Often, to get the things you want, youre going to have to want it really badly. This motivates you to
do your absolute best. Try to envision yourself succeeding at whatever youre working toward. That
way, youll be pushed to do well.

3. They dont look for alternatives.

So what if something isnt working out? Try tackling it from a different angle. You might be
surprised how many things you could accomplish if you just tried approaching it in a slightly
different way. This gives you a completely new perspective and might end up in success.

4. They give up.

For some people, failing once means never trying again. But theres a lot to be said for those who
bounce back and keep trying. It shows persistence and often leads to success. Dont get too
discouraged after failing once or twice. Keep going and youre more likely to get what you want.

5. They dont have a goal.

You cant succeed if you dont know what you want. If you havent defined what constitutes a
success, you cant ever reach it. Make sure you have a very clear idea of what success means to you.
That way, you have a concrete goal in mind that you can work towards and eventually reach.

6. They dont heed advice from others.

Listening to those who have been in your shoes in the past can be very helpful. Reach out to those
who understand what youre going through and have accomplished what youre working toward. They
might just give you a piece of advice that will change your entire view of the problem.

7. They listen to too much advice.

Conversely, listening to too much advice at once can get confusing. Limit yourself to a handful of
people who really know what theyre talking about. Chances are, many people who try to dole out
advice dont know much about the subject. Only seek help from people who know exactly what youre
going through and have the skill set to talk about the topic.

8. They have too many excuses.

Excuses can only get you so far. Instead of making excuses as to why youre failing, try thinking
about what the real reasons are for your failure. The sooner you face these reasons, the sooner you
can get back on track to success. Address any major issues and get back on your feet as quickly as

9. Theyre all talk and no show.

We all know someone who talks a big game but never follows through. Dont be that person. Yes, you
should plan and talk things out with others, but dont let that get in the way of actually doing

10. They misjudge.

Time, difficulty, monetary investmenta lot of people fail because they havent done their homework
properly. Before you start a project, make sure you know what youre getting into. Always
overestimate to give yourself some wiggle room.

10 Things that You Can Control in Your Life

We humans spend much of our time trying to control every aspect of our lives.
Unfortunately, too often we try and control things that are simply beyond our
The list of what we can control is quite short, but once you know these 10 things
you will be able to take control of your own life.
What you do: Your actions are yours alone.
You choose to make them or not make them and you are responsible for the
effects of those actions.
What you say: Likewise, the words you speak (or write) are also consciously
Like actions, they have an impact on your life and the lives of those you contact.
What you think: Yes, there are some subconscious thoughts that you can't
But the things that you really think about, your beliefs, your ideals, etc. are
concepts you have chosen to accept and believe in.

Your work: Many people like to overlook this one, it being much easier to say, "Oh,
I'm! trapped in my job because I don't have a degree, experience, etc."
That's simple a way of denying one's responsibility in having chosen the job in the
first place.
It's your job and you chose it.
If you stay (or go), that's a choice as well.
The people you associate with: There's a famous T-shirt that states: "It's hard
to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys."
Colloquial is very often correct!
Your friends can either lift you up or bring you down.
You make the decision which type of friends you wish to have.
Your basic physical health. Much about our health is a factor of genetics,
environment, and exposure.
Much more of our health is simply a matter of the decisions we make about our
health, such as: diet, exercise, drugs, sleep, routine physicals, check-ups, etc.
The environment you live in: Your house, the condition of your home, the town
you live in, the amenities available to you are all things you can control, although
some to a lesser degree (i.e., you decide to tolerate them or move someplace else).
Your fiscal situation: Having or not having enough money is a factor of what you
make versus what you spend.
Your time: You choose how to "spend" your time and how much of your time to give
to various activities.
You'll never get more time than the 24 hours your given each day.

Your legacy: All your actions, words, and knowledge that you share while you are
living become the gift that you leave when you are gone
Source: Unknown
Loving Our elders

Man also goes through the cycle of second childhood when he grows old. What
pains me is that the current generation has a care free attitude, and leaving their
parents in old-age homes. please remember that When one grows old the mental
and physical capacities go down - here is when he/she needs help and hand holding.
The present generation is leading a hify life but never cares for the elderly
parents who patiently wait for a few words from them - the parents live in solitude
expecting someone to speak to them and make them feel happy and wanted in this
I have always come across people saying that its a headache to take care of elders
- I would think within myself - imagine if the same would have been thought by your
parents when you were a kid.
Every month sending money from abroad or from the city that you live in, does not
fulfill the void created by feeling lonely and wanting to be talked to,listened
to,cared for. We have to make them feel that the world is still wanting you and is a
better place to lead a life to the fullest stand beside your parents because they
had a dream with you, they did so much for you. Most important what you are today
is only for your parents not anyone else in the world. Look your parents with Love
and care.
Story: Honest Lincoln

Lincoln was one of the few great men who really was great. Before he became
president, Lincoln spent twenty years as an unsuccessful Illinois lawyer -- at least
he was unsuccessful in financial terms. But when you measure the good he did, he
was very rich indeed. Legends are often untrue, but Lincoln was the real thing.
George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree, but Abraham Lincoln was
honest. During his years as a lawyer, there were hundreds of documented examples
of his honesty and decency.
For example, Lincoln did not like to charge people much who were as poor as he was.
Once a man sent him twenty-five dollars, but Lincoln sent him back ten of it, saying
he was being too generous.

He was known at times to convince his clients to settle their issue out of court,
saving them a lot of money, and earning himself nothing.
An old woman in dire poverty, the widow of a Revolutionary soldier, was charged
$200 for getting her $400 pension. Lincoln sued the pension agent and won the
case for the old woman. He did not charge her for his services and, in fact, paid
her hotel bill and gave her money to buy a ticket home!
He and his associate once prevented a con man from gaining possession of a tract
of land owned by a mentally ill girl. The case took fifteen minutes. Lincoln's
associate came to divide up their fee, but Lincoln reprimanded him. His associate
argued that the girl's brother had agreed on the fee ahead of time, and he was
completely satisfied.
"That may be," said Lincoln, "but I am not satisfied. That money comes out of the
pocket of a poor, demented girl; and I would rather starve than swindle her in this
manner. You return half the money at least, or I'll not take a cent of it as my
He was a fool, perhaps, by certain standards. He did not have much, and it was his
own fault. But he was a good human being by anyone's standards and I'm glad we
celebrate his birthday.
Honesty makes you feel good about yourself and creates trust in others. It
improves your relationship with yourself and with others. It is not much in fashion
these days to talk about the benefits of honesty and decency, but the benefits are
there and they are valuable and worth the trouble. Honesty. It may be corny, but it
is the finest force for good in the world, and it always will be.
Do some honest good in the world.
10 Things Smart People Dont Do

What do you think of when you hear that someone is smart? You probably
conjure up an image of an intelligent person. But being smart is so much
more than being able to answer trivia questions and scoring highly on tests.
Smart people are also compassionate, imaginative, humble, and
appreciative. They view themselves as a small piece of a vast world, and
they know that they have the ability to do great things.

And smart people definitely do not do these 10 things.

They dont let past stumbles dictate their present state.

Smart people know that failure is an essential part of growth. Too many
people allow past events to stop them from achieving greatness, but not
smart people. They put the past behind them, because they know whats
done is done. They look at stumbles as opportunities to grow and get better.

They dont focus on the negative.

Smart people know that they are in control of their thoughts. And they
choose to focus those thoughts on the positive. Smart people believe
wholeheartedly that what the mind can conceive, it can also achieve. They
know that life becomes easier and more enjoyable when they harness their
ability to dream, wonder, create, build, transform, and love.

They dont run from their problems.

We all have problems (even Jay-Z has 99 of them). Whether its our jobs,
money, family, health, etc., smart people face these problems head-on. They
search for creative solutions to their issues. And when smart people
stumble, they get up and keep right on walking. They have the courage to
face their fears, and treat every problem as an opportunity to improve.

They dont worry about what other people think about them.
Smart people dont let the negative opinions of others deter them from
living a life filled with happiness and purpose. The world has no shortage of
doubters, haters, and cynics. But smart people brush the naysayers aside.
They surround themselves with other smart people who share their values
and passions.

They dont waste time.

Author Doug Larsen had this to say about time: For disappearing acts, its
hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of
sleep and eight of work. Smart people make the most of their time. They
form productive habits that allow them to work smarter, not harder. They
dont waste their time on meaningless tasks. And they also recognize the
need to balance purposeful work with mental decompression.

They dont expect instant gratification.

Smart people understand that good things come to those who wait. We live
in a society of instant gratification. In other words, we expect everything to
happen quickly and easily. Most people aren't willing to bust their tail and
put in some good old fashioned hard work. Smart people, on the other hand,
dont forget that there is something greater than getting things handed to
them on a silver platterthe satisfaction that comes from the every day
journey of working toward something they care about.

They dont focus on things that are out of their control.

We encounter things on a daily basis that we cant control. Traffic, rude
people, bad breaks, and dismay. But smart people take these things in
stride. They focus on what they can control, which is how they respond to
unfortunate circumstances. They know that calmness of mind is one of the
beautiful jewels of wisdom, and they make the most of that gift.

They dont spend time with people who bring them down.
Smart people surround themselves with other smart people. They make
time for family, friends, and acquaintances who share their values and
appreciation for life. But they also recognize that they need to limit the time
they spend with negative people. So they choose to spend most of their time
with positive, intelligent, uplifting people.

They dont display arrogance.

Youll never hear a smart person tell you theyre smart. Thats because
smart people are also humble. They take pride in their humility. They dont
boast about themselves and their accolades.

They dont go a day without giving thanks.

This is perhaps the most important thing you can do if you want to be
smart. Smart people know that the world doesn't revolve around them.
They believe in the power of the greater good and know that a simple
selfless act as small as a smile to a random stranger may just change
someones lifeand their own.
20 Great Uses for Black Pepper
There's good reason why black pepper is considered the 'king of spices'. With
its aromatic appeal, a culinary selection and a large variety of medicinal
advantages, the black pepper has gained a place of honor in any kitchen or
spice rack, and even in the medicine cabinet.

Since ancient times, the pepper appeared in many medicinal arts, for its ability
to calm stomach ache, reduce liver problems, lung diseases and digestion
problems, as well as improve blood flow, acting as an anti-depressant and
reduce the risk of Colorectal Cancer.
Here, we've collected 20 more great uses you can get out of your
black pepper!

1. To keep your cholesterol low - Add a 1/4 spoon of black pepper to a glass
of buttermilk. Mix in some finely cut onion and drink.

2. Dealing with cold feet - Put black pepper grains, a few pieces of garlic
and mustard grains in a cloth bag and hang around your neck.

3. To lose weight - Add a 1/4 spoon of ground black pepper to a glass of

water and add 2 spoons of lemon juice and a spoon of honey. Mix well and
drink daily.

4. To reduce fever - Take 7-8 leaves of basil and 3-4 grains of black pepper
and chew them together.

5. To treat a cold - Make some tea and add 2-3 grains of ground black
pepper, a piece of ginger and basil leaves.

6. To relieve a dry cough - Grind 5-6 seeds of black pepper and mix with
natural honey. Swallow a spoon of this mix daily until relief is achieved.

7. To relieve asthma attacks - Boil 8-10 grains of pepper, add 2 clove buds
and 10-15 basil leaves to the water. Let the brew sit for about 15 minutes,
strain it and add 2 spoons of honey. Tip: Drink with milk!

8. Treating a sore throat - Squeeze some lemon juice, add a bit of salt and
ground black pepper - and gurgle.

9. To treat a chronic cold - Consume ground black pepper with some dates.

10. To open a blocked up nose - Mix equal amounts of black pepper,

cinnamon, Cumin and cardamom seeds. Grind to a thin powder and smell or
inhale the mixture. This will cause healthy sneezing and will open the nose

11. To relieve any kind of cough - Grind some black pepper and add sugar.
Consume the mix with clarified butter.

12. To ease a heavy cough - add 2-3 grains of black pepper to a glass of
boiling hot milk, wait for it to cool a bit and then drink.

13. Treating toothache - Mix ground black pepper with clove oil. Smear the
ointment on the afflicted area.

14. To treat indigestion - Mix some black pepper with ginger juice and sip
after every meal.

15. Relieve nausea - Mix black pepper and water in a glass, add some fresh
lemon juice, mix and drink slowly.

16. Treating skin conditions - Prepare an ointment from ground black

pepper and refined butter. Apply to skin conditions such as allergy rash,
Eczema and scabies.

17. To fight baldness - Make a thick mix from black pepper and lemon
seeds.Apply it daily to the balding areas about 10 minutes before showering.

18. To deal with hemorrhoids - Grind and mix 20 grams of black pepper, 10
grams of cumin and 15 grams of sugar. Mix in water and drink morning and
evening, each day.

Story: Manage your appearance

A famous scholar was delivering the lecture to some people. He had pain in his knee
joints so he was sitting on a chair as his audience was aware of this knee pain. After
sometime a person in a nice suit and overall decent looking personality came and
asked to join. The scholar didn't find it appropriate to continue delivering the lecture in
sitting position so he stood up and continued his lecture. Though he had pain in the
knees but he was patient thinking that the recently joined person is a noble, wise and
educated personality.

After a few moments, the person interrupted the scholar and asked, what is the time
to take breakfast? The scholar wasn't expecting this stupid question so he politely
said, you can take any time in the morning you wake up. The person said, what if I
wake up at 2 o'clock. The scholar thought that it's time to sit on the chair
again because his perception about the person was no more the same as it was some
minutes ago :)

The concept here is that your first looks matter a lot. The people you meet

usually make the perception about your personality up to a degree of 70%. Although
this story ended up as a disaster for the scholar however had this been the case that
newly joined person didn't speak, he would have made a great impression on the
whole class !

However, making a good impression doesn't mean that you have to be in a costly
tuxedo or a high end car; you can still make a good impression by being decent and
simple. A neat appearance, a politely started conversation, a strong hand shake, a
humble voice and a warm good-bye will increase your respect a lot regardless of your
financial situation, your education level and your professional or business position.
Remember the fact that human psychology, most of the time, follows the
standard mental paradigms and common sense logics; which simply means that a
good appearance will make a good impression. If you understand this basic concept,

you can make a great deal out of it in your day to day life.

Having said that life is not about first impressions only. You need to meet same people
again and again which means you need to have long term impression on others which
requires you to demonstrate strong personality traits. This primarily involves
your communication skills, your emotional and empathic skills and consistent

Always remember that your character is your real wealth and you must endeavor to
improve this in every single aspect of your life. Below are some recommended articles
in this context:

How to develop Analytical Skills

How to manage when trapped in office
How to build trust for healthy relations
How to be organized
How to fight depression

Story: Man Locked In Cold Room

Juan worked at a meat distribution factory. One day, when he finished with his work schedule, he
went into the meat cold room to inspect something, but in a moment of bad luck, the door closed
and he was locked inside with no help in sight.
Although he screamed and knocked with all his might, his cries went unheard as no one could hear
him. Most of the workers had already gone, and outside the cold room it's impossible to hear what
was going on inside.
Five hours later, whilst Juan was on the verge of death, the security guard of the factory, eventually
opened the door and saved Juan's life.
Juan then asked the security guard how he got to open the door, as it wasn't part of his work
routine, and he explained thus:
"I've been working in this factory for 35 years, hundreds of
workers come in and out every day, but you're one of the few who
greets me in the morning
and says goodbye to me every night when leaving after working hours. Many treat me as if I am

Today, like every other day, you greeted me in your simple manner ' Hello ' at the entrance when
resuming for work. But curiously,
after working hours today, I observed I've not heard your '
bye! see you tomorrow '. Hence I decided to check around the factory.
I look forward to your
' Hi ' and ' bye ' every day. To you, I am someone. By not hearing your farewell, I knew something
had happened.
Then I Sought and found you!
"Moral Lesson to reflect upon":

Be humble, love and respect those around you. As life is too short! Try to
have an impact on people in ways we can't even imagine, especially the
people that cross our path every day. Someone seemingly so insignificant
and irrelevant today could be the only help you can get tomorrow.
Story of Farmer's daughter
A young man wished to marry the farmer's beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his
The farmer looked him over and said,
"Son, go stand out in that field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the
tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter."
The young man stood in the pasture awaiting the first bull.
The barn door opened and out ran the biggest, meanest-looking bull he had ever seen. He decided
that one of the next bulls had to be a better choice than this one, so he ran over to the side and let
the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate.
The barn door opened again. Unbelievable. He had never seen anything so big and fierce in his life.
It stood pawing the ground, grunting, slinging slobber as it eyed him. Whatever the next bull was
like, it had to be a better choice than this one. He ran to the fence and let the bull pass through
the pasture, out the back gate.
The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest, scrawniest little
bull he had ever seen. This one was his bull. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just
right and jumped at just the exact moment.
He grabbed but the bull had no tail!


Life is full of opportunities. Some will be easy to take advantage of, some will be difficult. But once
we let them pass (often in hopes of something better), those opportunities may never again be
available. So always grab the first opportunity

Lion, Rats, Snake the Honeycomb

Once a man saw in his dream, that a lion was chasing him.
The man ran to a tree, climbed on to it and sat on a branch. He looked down and saw that the
lion was still there waiting for him.
The man then looked to his side where the branch he was sitting on was attached to the tree
and saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch. One rat was black and the
other one was white. The branch would fall on the ground very soon.
The man then looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black snake had come
and settled directly under him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will
fall into it.
The man then looked up to see if there was anything that he could hold on to. He saw another
branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey were falling from it.
The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he put his tongue out and tasted one of the fallen
drops of honey. The honey was amazing in taste. So, he wanted to taste another drop. As he
did, he got lost into the sweetness of the honey.
Meanwhile, he forgot about the two rats eating his branch away, the lion on the ground and the
snake that is sitting right under him.
After a while, he woke up from his sleep.
To get the meaning behind this dream, the man went to a pious scholar of Islam. The scholar
said, the lion you saw is your death. It always chases you and goes wherever you go.
The two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day. Black one is the night and the
white one is the day. They circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time as they
take you closer to death.
The big black snake with a dark mouth is your grave. It's there, just waiting for you to fall into
The honeycomb is this world and the sweet honey is the luxuries of this world. We like to taste
a drop of the luxuries of this world but it's very sweet. Then we taste another drop and yet
Meanwhile, we get lost into it and we forget about our time, we forget about our death and we
forget about our graves.

52 Character Building Thoughts for your kids

The following quotes may be used in a variety of ways by both teachers and counselors. One
idea is for a thought to be posted, read, and discussed at the beginning of each week. It could
then be read daily with the students. At the end of the week ask them what they learned or how
the thought applied to their lives or activities during the week. Have the children give written or
oral examples, or have them draw a picture to illustrate their ideas.

1. How I look is not as important as how I act.

2. I treat others the way I want them to treat me.
3. I am a good sport; I follow the rules, take turns and play fair.
4. It is okay to laugh at funny things, but not to laugh at others.
5. I do not gossip; if I cannot say anything helpful, I do not say anything at all.
6. When I am sad, I help myself feel better by thinking of things that are good in my life.
7. In order to have friends, I must act in a kind way.
8. I believe that I am someone who can do important things.
9. What I say and how I say it tells others the kind of person I am.
10. I appreciate my family, my teachers, and my school.
11. I treat everyone with respect.
12. When I listen, I show others that I care about them.
13. I am being a good citizen when I volunteer to help others.
14. I think for myself and make smart choices that are good for me.
15. Each day offers a new start to do my best.
16. I try to understand what my friends are feeling.
17. Everyone makes mistakes, so instead of getting angry with myself, I try to do better.
18. I do not give up; I keep trying until I can do my work.
19. Sharing with others makes me feel good and makes them feel good too.
20. I work out my problems without hurting myself or others.
21. I am being polite when I wait for my turn and say please and thank you.
22. When I smile at people, they usually smile back.
23. I encourage my friends to do their best.

24. My values guide me to do what is right.

25. I am honest; I do not cheat or steal.
26. When I am angry, I use self-control and do not hurt others.
27. I am being creative when I draw, paint or write a poem or story.
28. I say, "No!" to things that could hurt my body like tobacco/cigarettes/alcohol.
29. When I do what I say I will do, I am being responsible.
30. I am grateful for what I have, so I share with others.
31. I try to learn something new each day.
32. When things do not go my way, I stop and think of what I can do to make them better.
33. I do not make fun of other children because I don't know what their life is like.
34. I feel successful when I do my best.
35. Everyone has good and bad feelings.
36. I take care of myself by eating healthy food, exercising and getting enough rest.
37. I am being punctual when I am on time and do not keep people waiting.
38. When I cooperate with others, I get more done.
39. I follow the rules and try to make my school a better place.
40. I like to get to know children who are different from me.
41. Since I tell the truth, my friends trust me.
42. I look for what is good in others and I say what I like about them.
43. I buy only what I need and I save my money.
44. When I use my time wisely, there is usually enough time to do what I want to do.
45. I think before I act; how I act affects how others treat me.
46. Using manners helps me keep my friends.

47. I have courage to stand up for children who are teased.

48. Before I do something, I ask myself, "Is it safe?"
49. I am me -- I do not try to be like someone else.
50. I care about living things on earth so I recycle and do not litter.
51. When I write down what I think and feel, I learn about myself.
52. I plan ahead and think about what I want to do when I grow up.

Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is basically loose or watery stool. It is common in people and is
classified as a disorder of the digestive system. It is normal to have diarrhea
twice or thrice a year, and these people face diarrhea for a few days only.
Then there are a few people who suffer from diarrhea chronically. They
usually suffer from some irritable bowel syndrome or have some type of
large intestinal disease that doesnt allow the proper functioning of the

Causes of diarrhea:
The causes of diarrhea vary from person to person because the efficiency of
the organs varies in different people. There are many causes of diarrhea; a
few of them are listed below:

Food poisoning due to bacteria

Viral diseases


Side effects of medication

Side effects of radiation

Intestinal diseases


Drug abuse and even laxative abuse




A person may have any of these causes that may lead to common or chronic
type of diarrhea. One must consult an expert as soon as possible. Then again
think twice while going for allopathic medication considering the
consequences. Many people now believe in homemade remedies and
consider it the answer to their call. So we also offer remedies as a solution
for diarrhea.

Remedies for diarrhea:

These remedies are categorized in 2 main types, food and drinks to get rid of
diarrhea. Below are the tricks one needs to overcome diarrhea and heal as
soon as possible.

Eating the right food:

Many times we end up suffering from diarrhea because we eat food that
doesnt suit us at some particular time or which isnt meant for our body and
taste. To overcome diarrhea, we go for food that brings more stability in our

Yogurt: yogurt is a good remedy for diarrhea but try going for yogurt that has active
bacterial cultures; most commonly lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as bifidobacterium
that are easily available. Such yogurt helps the good bacteria in your stomach fight
against the ones causing the disorder by producing lactic acid themselves.

Ginger: ginger is a forever source of sound health. You may grate a small piece of ginger
and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Eat it for better performance of the digestive tract and
you may have a glass of water over it.Another way of consuming ginger is to boil it in a
cup of water for around 5-7 minutes, strain it and let it cool a bit. Add honey, not sugar or
salt and drink it when it is warm. It will surely help.

Carrots: carrots are a rich source of nutrition. You may stir fry carrots in a little amount
of oil or you may cook them and puree the carrots, then consume them. In either way,
your intake of carrots should increase. They contain vitamins needed by the intestine to

health faster. Eating a carrot daily also keeps your digestive system working properly.
Boiling the carrots and then eating them is another option in hand.

Potatoes: when one suffers from diarrhea, he is advised to increase hos starch intake as it
is beneficial at this time for him. But dont consume fried potatoes in any form. Go for
boiled potatoes. By frying them you decrease the nutrition level of the potatoes so try
eating boiled potatoes with a little salt and pepper to taste.

Make sure you dont eat anything hard or solid that your stomach might not
be able to digest. Keep your diet very simple and if you want to have bread,
make sure you toast it first.

Drinking a lot of fluids:

When one is suffering with diarrhea, he or she needs to keep themselves
hydrated. In any case they are losing a lot of body fluid due to excessive
watery stool and it needs to be compensating or the results may be lethal.
Water is foremost very important and one must be drinking a lot of water. A
long with that, as mentioned, the ginger tea should also be taken for better
working of the digestive system.

One should also consume fruit juices. Such as apples, it contains starch and
we dont recommend you eating the fruit because the possibility of it
burdening the digestive tract may arise. So drink its juice for it will be
helpful. Similarly, also try drinking carrot juice. It has vitamins and nutrition
that helps maintain the body nutrition levels and with a little bit of honey it
can help change the taste of your mouth.

Also increase, guava juice is recommended for those suffering from diarrhea.
Also, try to make these juices at home in front of you and not buy them from
the market in packs. What you may do is get them from a shop that prepares
them in front of you so that you know its coming from real fruits.

Hepatitis C - Overview, Symptoms and Treatment

What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Toxins, certain drugs, some diseases, heavy alcohol
use, and bacterial and viral infections can all cause hepatitis. Hepatitis is also the name of a
family of viral infections that affect the liver; the most common types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis
B, and Hepatitis C.

What is the difference between Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C are diseases caused by three different viruses. Although
each can cause similar symptoms, they have different modes of transmission and can affect the
liver differently. Hepatitis A appears only as an acute or newly occurring infection and does not
become chronic. People with Hepatitis A usually improve without treatment. Hepatitis B and
Hepatitis C can also begin as acute infections, but in some people, the virus remains in the body,
resulting in chronic disease and long-term liver problems. There are vaccines to prevent Hepatitis
A and B; however, there is not one for Hepatitis C. If a person has had one type of viral hepatitis
in the past, it is still possible to get the other types.
What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease that ranges in severity from a mild illness lasting a few
weeks to a serious, lifelong illness that attacks the liver. It results from infection with the
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is spread primarily through contact with the blood of an infected
person. Hepatitis C can be either acute or chronic.
Acute Hepatitis C virus infection is a short-term illness that occurs within the first 6 months
after someone is exposed to the Hepatitis C virus. For most people, acute infection leads to
chronic infection.
Chronic Hepatitis C virus infection is a long-term illness that occurs when the Hepatitis C
virus remains in a persons body. Hepatitis C virus infection can last a lifetime and lead to
serious liver problems, including cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) or liver cancer.

How common is acute Hepatitis C in the United States?

In 2009, there were an estimated 16,000 acute Hepatitis C virus infections reported in the United
How common is chronic Hepatitis C in the United States?

An estimated 3.2 million persons in the United States have chronic Hepatitis C virus infection.
Most people do not know they are infected because they dont look or feel sick.
How likely is it that acute Hepatitis C will become chronic?

Approximately 75%85% of people who become infected with Hepatitis C virus develop chronic

Transmission / Exposure
How is Hepatitis C spread?
Hepatitis C is usually spread when blood from a person infected with the Hepatitis C
virus enters the body of someone who is not infected. Today, most people become
infected with the Hepatitis C virus by sharing needles or other equipment to inject
drugs. Before 1992, when widespread screening of the blood supply began in the
United States, Hepatitis C was also commonly spread through blood transfusions
and organ transplants.

People can become infected with the Hepatitis C virus during such activities as

Sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs

Needlestick injuries in health care settings

Being born to a mother who has Hepatitis C

Less commonly, a person can also get Hepatitis C virus infection through

Sharing personal care items that may have come in contact with another
persons blood, such as razors or toothbrushes

Having sexual contact with a person infected with the Hepatitis C virus

Can Hepatitis C be spread through sexual contact?

Yes, but the risk of transmission from sexual contact is believed to be low. The risk increases for
those who have multiple sex partners, have a sexually transmitted disease, engage in rough sex,
or are infected with HIV. More research is needed to better understand how and when Hepatitis C
can be spread through sexual contact.
Can you get Hepatitis C by getting a tattoo or piercing?

A few major research studies have not shown Hepatitis C to be spread through licensed,
commercial tattooing facilities. However, transmission of Hepatitis C (and other infectious
diseases) is possible when poor infection-control practices are used during tattooing or piercing.
Body art is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, and unregulated tattooing and
piercing are known to occur in prisons and other informal or unregulated settings. Further
research is needed to determine if these types of settings and exposures are responsible for
Hepatitis C virus transmission.

Can Hepatitis C be spread within a household?

Yes, but this does not occur very often. If Hepatitis C virus is spread within a household, it is
most likely a result of direct, through-the-skin exposure to the blood of an infected household
How should blood spills be cleaned from surfaces to make sure that
Hepatitis C virus is gone?

Any blood spills including dried blood, which can still be infectious should be cleaned
using a dilution of one part household bleach to 10 parts water. Gloves should be worn when
cleaning up blood spills.
How long does the Hepatitis C virus survive outside the body?

The Hepatitis C virus can survive outside the body at room temperature, on environmental
surfaces, for at least 16 hours but no longer than 4 days.
What are ways Hepatitis C is not spread?

Hepatitis C virus is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing,
holding hands, coughing, or sneezing. It is also not spread through food or water.
Who is at risk for Hepatitis C?

Some people are at increased risk for Hepatitis C, including

Current injection drug users (currently the most common way Hepatitis C
virus is spread in the United States)

Past injection drug users, including those who injected only one time or many
years ago

Recipients of donated blood, blood products, and organs (once a common

means of transmission but now rare in the United States since blood
screening became available in 1992)

People who received a blood product for clotting problems made before 1987

Hemodialysis patients or persons who spent many years on dialysis for

kidney failure

People who received body piercing or tattoos done with non-sterile


People with known exposures to the Hepatitis C virus, such as

Health care workers injured by needlesticks

Recipients of blood or organs from a donor who tested positive for the
Hepatitis C virus

HIV-infected persons

Children born to mothers infected with the Hepatitis C virus

Less common risks include:

Having sexual contact with a person who is infected with the Hepatitis C virus

Sharing personal care items, such as razors or toothbrushes, that may have
come in contact with the blood of an infected person

What is the risk of a pregnant woman passing Hepatitis C to her baby?

Hepatitis C is rarely passed from a pregnant woman to her baby. About 4 of every 100 infants
born to mothers with Hepatitis C become infected with the virus. However, the risk becomes
greater if the mother has both HIV infection and Hepatitis C.
Can a person get Hepatitis C from a mosquito or other insect bite?

Hepatitis C virus has not been shown to be transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects.
Can I donate blood, organs, or semen if I have Hepatitis C?

No, if you ever tested positive for the Hepatitis C virus (or Hepatitis B virus), experts
recommend never donating blood, organs, or semen because this can spread the infection to the

What are the symptoms of acute Hepatitis C?

Approximately 70%80% of people with acute Hepatitis C do not have any symptoms. Some
people, however, can have mild to severe symptoms soon after being infected, including



Loss of appetite



Abdominal pain

Dark urine

Clay-colored bowel movements

Joint pain

Jaundice (yellow color in the skin or eyes)

How soon after exposure to Hepatitis C do symptoms appear?

If symptoms occur, the average time is 67 weeks after exposure, but this can range from 2
weeks to 6 months. However, many people infected with the Hepatitis C virus do not develop
Can a person spread Hepatitis C without having symptoms?

Yes, even if a person with Hepatitis C has no symptoms, he or she can still spread the virus to
Is it possible to have Hepatitis C and not know it?

Yes, many people who are infected with the Hepatitis C virus do not know they are infected
because they do not look or feel sick.
What are the symptoms of chronic Hepatitis C?

Most people with chronic Hepatitis C do not have any symptoms. However, if a person has been
infected for many years, his or her liver may be damaged. In many cases, there are no symptoms
of the disease until liver problems have developed. In persons without symptoms, Hepatitis C is
often detected during routine blood tests to measure liver function and liver enzyme (protein
produced by the liver) level.
How serious is chronic Hepatitis C?

Chronic Hepatitis C is a serious disease that can result in long-term health problems, including
liver damage, liver failure, liver cancer, or even death. It is the leading cause of cirrhosis and
liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation in the United States.
Approximately 15,000 people die every year from Hepatitis C related liver disease.
What are the long-term effects of Hepatitis C?

Of every 100 people infected with the Hepatitis C virus, about

7585 people will develop chronic Hepatitis C virus infection; of those,

6070 people will go on to develop chronic liver disease

520 people will go on to develop cirrhosis over a period of 2030 years

15 people will die from cirrhosis or liver cancer

Can a person have normal liver enzyme (e.g., ALT) results and still have
Hepatitis C?

Yes. It is common for persons with chronic Hepatitis C to have a liver enzyme level that goes up
and down, with periodic returns to normal or near normal. Some infected persons have liver
enzyme levels that are normal for over a year even though they have chronic liver disease. If the
liver enzyme level is normal, persons should have their enzyme level re-checked several times
over a 612 month period. If the liver enzyme level remains normal, the doctor may check it less
frequently, such as once a year.
Who should get tested for Hepatitis C?

Talk to your doctor about being tested for Hepatitis C if any of the following are true:

You were born from 1945 through 1965

You are a current or former injection drug user, even if you injected only one
time or many years ago.

You were treated for a blood clotting problem before 1987.

You received a blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992.

You are on long-term hemodialysis treatment.

You have abnormal liver tests or liver disease.

You work in health care or public safety and were exposed to blood through a
needlestick or other sharp object injury.

You are infected with HIV.

If you are pregnant, should you be tested for Hepatitis C?

No, getting tested for Hepatitis C is not part of routine prenatal care. However, if a pregnant
woman has risk factors for Hepatitis C virus infection, she should speak with her doctor about
getting tested.

What blood tests are used to test for Hepatitis C?

Several different blood tests are used to test for Hepatitis C. A doctor may order just one or a
combination of these tests. Typically, a person will first get a screening test that will show
whether he or she has developed antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus. (An antibody is a substance
found in the blood that the body produces in response to a virus.) Having a positive antibody test
means that a person was exposed to the virus at some time in his or her life. If the antibody test is
positive, a doctor will most likely order a second test to confirm whether the virus is still present
in the person's bloodstream.

Can acute Hepatitis C be treated?

Yes, acute hepatitis C can be treated. Acute infection can clear on its own without treatment in
about 25% of people. If acute hepatitis C is diagnosed, treatment does reduce the risk that acute
hepatitis C will become a chronic infection. Acute hepatitis C is treated with the same
medications used to treat chronic Hepatitis C. However, the optimal treatment and when it
should be started remains uncertain.
Can chronic Hepatitis C be treated?

Yes. There are several medications available to treat chronic Hepatitis C, including new
treatments that appear to be more effective and have fewer side effects than previous options.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a complete list of approved treatments for
Hepatitis C.

Is it possible to get over Hepatitis C?

Yes, approximately 15%25% of people who get Hepatitis C will clear the virus from their
bodies without treatment and will not develop chronic infection. Experts do not fully understand
why this happens for some people.
What can a person with chronic Hepatitis C do to take care of his or her

People with chronic Hepatitis C should be monitored regularly by an experienced doctor. They
should avoid alcohol because it can cause additional liver damage. They also should check with a
health professional before taking any prescription pills, supplements, or over-the-counter
medications, as these can potentially damage the liver. If liver damage is present, a person should
check with his or her doctor about getting vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.

Is there a vaccine that can prevent Hepatitis C?

Not yet. Vaccines are available only for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. Research into the
development of a vaccine is under way.

Hepatitis C and Employment

Should a person infected with the Hepatitis C virus be restricted from
working in certain jobs or settings?

CDC's recommendations for prevention and control of the Hepatitis C virus infection state that
people should not be excluded from work, school, play, child care, or other settings because they
have Hepatitis C. There is no evidence that people can get Hepatitis C from food handlers,
teachers, or other service providers without blood-to-blood contact.

Hepatitis C and Co-infection with HIV

What is HIV and Hepatitis C virus coinfection?

HIV and Hepatitis C virus coinfection refers to being infected with both HIV and the Hepatitis C
virus. Coinfection is more common in persons who inject drugs. In fact, 50%90% of HIVinfected persons who use injection drugs are also infected with the Hepatitis C virus. To learn
more about coinfection, visit http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/factsheets/hepatitis.htm.
Knowledge and Wealth:
It is related that once ten learned men approached Imam Ali a.s., and wanted to know how
knowledge was better than wealth. They requested that each one of them be given a separate
answer. Imam Ali a.s. answered them as follows:
01. Knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets; wealth is the inheritance of the Pharaohs. As the
Prophets are superior to the Pharaohs, so knowledge is better than wealth.
02. You have to guard your wealth, but knowledge guards you. Therefore, knowledge is better
than wealth.
03. When knowledge is distributed it increases. When wealth is distributed it decreases. As such
knowledge is better than wealth.

04. A man of wealth has many enemies, while a man of knowledge has many friends. Therefore
knowledge is better than wealth.
05. A learned man because of his wider outlook is apt to be generous while a rich man because of
his love for money is apt to be miserly. As such knowledge is better than wealth.
06. Knowledge cannot be stolen, while wealth is constantly exposed to the danger of being
stolen. Accordingly knowledge is better than wealth.
07. With the lapse of time, knowledge gains in depth and dimensions. Hoarded coins get rusty, or
cease to be legal tender. Therefore knowledge is better than wealth.
08. You can keep account of wealth because it is limited, but you cannot keep account of
knowledge because it is boundless. That is why knowledge is better than wealth.
09. Knowledge illuminates the mind, while wealth is apt to blacken it. Therefore knowledge is
better than wealth.
10. Knowledge is better than wealth, because knowledge induced the humanity in the Holy
Prophet to say to God "We worship Thee as we are Thine servants", while wealth engendered in
Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim Godhead.

Story: The Eagle and The Chickens

Once upon a time there was a large mountain side where there an eagle's nest rested. The eagle
nest contains four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of
the eggs to roll down the mountain, to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens
knew that they must protect and care for the eagle's egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and
raise the large egg.
One day the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however the eagle was raised to
be a chicken. Soon the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle did what
the other chicken did. It scratched in the dirt for seeds. It clucked and crackled. It never flew
more than a few feet because that is what the other chickens did. The eagle loved his home and
family but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day he looked to
the skies above and noticed an eagle soaring gracefully and majestically in the skies. He asked
the chickens: "what is that beautiful bird?' the chickens replied, "That is an eagle. He is an
outstanding bird, but you cannot fly like him because you are just a chicken." So the eagle never
gave it a second thought, believing that to be truth. He lived the life of and died as a chicken
depriving himself of his heritage because of lack of vision.
What a waste! He was born to win but conditioned to lose.

The same thing is true for most people. The unfortunate part of life is as Oliver Wendall Holmes
said, " We don't achieve excellence because our own lack of vision."
Don't let negative people drag you down. Remember that a person's character is not only judged
by the company they keep but also by the company they avoid.

What You Imagine is Extremely Important

In your imagination, go again and again to magnificent, beautiful places. In your life, work to
bring into being the beauty you have imagined.

Let your imagination inspire you. Feel the power of your imagination as it gets you going.

Allow your imagination to assist you in zeroing in on a meaningful and compelling destination
and purpose. Use your imagination to explore ways to get there and to remind you of why you
want to get there.

What you create comes from what you imagine. From a well-nurtured imagination comes a welllived life.

Though imagination doesn't do all the work, it can serve to powerfully direct and focus the
efforts you make. Imagination gives you meaningful, desirable and compelling places to go.
Imagine living with greater energy, more enthusiasm, joy, effectiveness and fulfillment. Imagine
it, and you're well on your way there.

Easy and Difficult

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.
Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...

Easy is to forgive others.

Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action

Story - The Green Concept

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the older woman that she should bring
her own shopping bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.
The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days."
The cashier responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our
environment for future generations."
She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day.
Back then, we returned milk bottles, pop bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them
back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so they could use the same bottles over
and over. Yes, they really were recycling.
We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen; and we replaced the razor blades in a
razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.
But, we didn't have the green thing back in our day.
We walked up the stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every shop and office building. We
walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two
But, she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.
Back then, we washed the baby's nappies because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes
on a line, not in an 'energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts;' wind and solar power really did dry
our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not
always brand-new clothing.
But, that young lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day.
Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And, the TV had a small
screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the county of Yorkshire .

In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do
everything for us.
When we packaged a fragile item to send in the post, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion
it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower
that ran on human power.
We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate
on electricity.
But, she's right. We didn't have the green thing back then.
We drank water from a fountain or a tap when we were thirsty instead of demanding a plastic bottle flown
in from another country.
We accepted that a lot of food was seasonal and didn't expect that to be bucked by flying it
thousands of air miles around the world.
We actually cooked food that didn't come out of a packet, tin or plastic wrap and we could even
wash our own vegetables and chop our own salad.
But, we didn't have the green thing back then.
Back then, people took the tram or a bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning
their mothers into a 24-hour taxi service.
We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances.
And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles
out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.
But, isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't
have the green thing back then?

Fascinating Facts about Human Brain

Nature has made some awe inspiring and wonderful living things and their
organisms that control their functions. Of these living things, a human being
is considered to be the best of all because of its brain power which has led it
to development since its origin. The human brain is undoubtedly the most
intelligent organism in the universe considering its innumerable uses and
features. The imaginative power of human brain astounds all and the
scientists have worked on discovering the abilities, powers and capabilities of
the brain in their researches.

Apart from being the most intelligent organ, the brain is the most
complicated organism as well. All the great inventions made by the human
race thus far are the result of the capabilities of human brain because
creativity and innovation are the most salient features of human brain. It is
the storage device in the human body which keeps in it years old memories

and many other information. It is the powerhouse of all the motions in the
human body. In addition, the brain is the command centre of the CNS
(Central Nervous System) which gives a number of cognitive and physical
abilities to the human body.

There are many fascinating facts about the human brain apart from all these
vital functionalities. Some of which are described as under:

Human brain is the command and control centre of all the functions of the human body
which are lead by CNS (Central Nervous System). Despite of this fact, the brain lacks
nerves like other body organs and because of this it cannot feel any pain.

The human body consumes a lot of energy of which the largest part is consumed by the
human brain. This consumed energy is very important to fuel the nerve impulses and to
maintain healthy brain cells.

There are around 100 billion neurons present in the human body which are there to
increase the processing ability of the brain. 100 billion is a huge number which accounts
for more than 15 times of the total human population on planet earth. Moreover, there are
1000 to 10,000 synapses per neuron in the human brain.

Human brain is the fastest organ in the human body because it controls all the functions
of the body and transmits the signals through the nervous system to different organs in
the body within fractions of a second.

The human brain is comprised of 60% of fat which is the highest level of fat present in a
single organ of a healthy human body.

Water carries on and regulates many important functions of the brain throughout the body
in a very fast and effective way. Water comprises 75% of the total mass of the human

The human brain is made up of 76% of neocortex, a vital portion of the brain which is
used to carry the language and consciousness functions in the human body. The huge
quantity of neocortex in the brain mass makes it largest in comparison with other living

A human brain consumes around 25 watts energy which is sufficient to illuminate a light
bulb and the average weight of a human brain is 3Lbs.

Of the cardiac output of the blood, around 20% is directed to the brain every minute
which makes around 750ml.

In a pregnant woman, during early stage of pregnancy the neurons multiply very rapidly
at an approximate rate of 250,000 neurons per minute which is a huge quantity.

The human brain is comprised of two matters, white and gray matter. Of these, the white
matter is consisted of axons and dendrites which make for 40% of the brain. On the other
hand the gray matter is consisted of neurons which make for 60% of the brain.

The brain is consisted mostly of cerebrum which makes around 85% of the human brain.
In addition, the entire human brain is used to carry on different functions by a human,
contrary to the misconception which states it to be used only 10%.

The brain organization is increased by music and if a person is having stress, than it alters
the brain functions and cells. A brain produces on average 70,000 thoughts per day.

The human brain is believed to stop its growth when it reaches 18 years of age.
Moreover, a human brain is comprised of 100,000 miles of blood vessels.

A person cannot tickle ones own self because the brain recognizes ones own touch.
Similarly, dreaming requires more brain activity than any other function carried by a
human brain.

The human brain preserves the learning it receives and uses it during the
course of life to enable the effective functioning of human body. It can easily
be labeled as the most hard working and continuously functioning organ in
the universe. All the awe inspiring fascinating facts about the human brain
make it an incredible body organ in a human being. It requires utmost care to
keep going in processing many vital functions in a human body.

Natural Therapies for Headaches

For many of us, experiencing headaches isnt a big deal because we are so
used to it now. According to a survey conducted, 47 million Americans suffer
from headaches each month. Almost 9% of the US population suffer from
migraines; that is, a complicated form of headaches that has many problems
linked to it as causes and after effects. Hence, it is hard to treat migraines
but not as hard to treat headaches. Many people turn to non-steroidal drugs,
such as anti-inflammatory drugs that are easily available at the drugstore for
normal headaches and they seem to work to a great extent.

Types of headaches:
There are many types of headaches. At first all headaches were considered
to be the result of tension, yet there are many different causes now. Though
a type of headaches is called tension headaches, but this involves the
stiffening of the shoulder and neck muscles. Another type of headache might
be Migraines; these are high intensity half headed pains that are caused due
to a number of problems and involve difficulties for the patients. Moreover,

cluster headaches are another form of chronic headaches that might occur
on daily basis for months. But then they disappear on a similar pattern and
return from time to time. They are unpredictable.

Therapies for headaches:

Considering the fact that headaches are curable to a great extends today
due to modern science, here are a few natural therapies that might help in
getting rid of headaches. The effects may vary from person to person, since
the condition and pain is different for everyone.

Massage therapy: massage is one of the best ways to get rid of any kind of pain. This
includes all kinds of muscle pain. In the case of headaches. On might get a message on
the neck, back, the shoulders and the head. One may massage the neck and shoulders
themselves and also rub the forehead symmetrically. Through extensive research, experts
came to the conclusion that message therapies help decrease the frequency as well as the
intensity of the headaches. It also helps a person sleep well as night. This goes for
migraines as well. Experts consider migraines as a major issue and it is not listed in the
average headache. Yet, getting 5 massage sessions a week can help reduce the pain

Meditation: medication itself is the art of self-control. It is used for concentrating and to
quiet the mind from any interruptions like chronic pain in different parts of the body.
Many forms of meditation are under discussion and are being trialed in order to see their
effects on headaches and migraines because many people have reported to said that
meditation has helped lower the intensity of the pain. Such as example is Vipassana, the
ancient Indian technique of meditation. It has been seen useful in improving the quality
of like and bringing down the severity or magnitude of the pain that one goes through.

Exercise: one of the most important aspects of in headaches to be considered is the

muscles under pressure. So relieve oneself from headaches, one must work on stretching
stiff muscles and cutting loose pain that is piled up in the neck. Such exercises may be
done to relax your neck and shoulder especially. So follow this technique:

Drop you head forward and let your neck relax in this position. Push your head to the front to the
extent when the chin touches the chest. Stay in this position for two minutes. Then put your
hands on the crown area of your head. This will again cause stretching and increase pleasure and

These were very easy home remedies that require less than a minutes time to accomplish. Make
sure that you do them well and you will be free from headaches. These methods have been
researched on and proven to help patients suffering from headaches. Living a life of technology
we have forgotten the basic necessity of going out and stretching to bring a change for their
muscles. These basic home remedies require neither complex techniques nor supplements.
practice them twice or thrice a days. As soon as you feel a headache coming or sometime
purposely before or after that, make sure you try these as a precaution.


Once upon a time, there was a selfish man. He liked everything to be his own. He could not
share his belongings with anyone, not even his friends or the poor.
One day, the man lost thirty gold coins. He went to his friend's house and told him how he lost
his gold coins. His friend was a kind man.
As his friend's daughter was coming from an errand she found thirty gold coins, when she
arrived home, she told her father what she had found. The girl's father told her that the gold
coins belong to his friend and he sent for him. When the selfish man arrived, he told him how
his daughter had found his thirty gold coins and handed then to him. After counting the gold
coins the man said that ten of them was missing and had been taken by the girl as he had forty
gold coins. He further commented that he will recover the remaining amount from him (the
girl's father). But the father refused.
The man left the gold coins and went to the court and informed the judge there about what had
taken place between him and the girl's father.
The judge sent for the girl and her father, and when they arrived asked the girl how many gold
coins did she find. She replied thirty gold coins. The Judge then asked the selfish man how
many gold coins did he lose and he answered forty gold coins.
The judge then told the man that the gold coins did not belong to him because the girl found
thirty and not forty as he claimed to have lost and then told the girl to take the gold coins and
that if anybody is looking for them he will send for the girl.
The judge told the man that if anybody reports that they have found forty gold coins he will
send for him. It was then the man confessed that he lied and that he lost thirty gold coins but
the judge did not listen to him.
This story teaches us to be always honest as dishonest never pays.

Story: The Stone Soup

There are many variations on the story of stone soup, but they all involve a traveler coming into
a town beset by famine. The inhabitants try to discourage the traveler from staying, fearing he
wants them to give him food. They tell him in no uncertain terms that there's no food anywhere
to be found. The traveler explains that he doesn't need any food and that, in fact, he was planning
to make a soup to share with all of them.
The villagers watch suspiciously as he builds a fire and fills a cauldron with water. With great
ceremony, he pulls a stone from a bag, dropping the stone into the pot of water. He sniffs the
brew extravagantly and exclaims how delicious stone soup is. As the villagers begin to show

interest, he mentions how good the soup would be with just a little cabbage in it. A villager
brings out a cabbage to share. This episode repeats itself until the soup has cabbage, carrots,
onions, and beets-indeed, a substantial soup that feeds everyone in the village.
--This story addresses the human tendency to hoard in times of deprivation. When resources are
scarce, we pull back and put all of our energy into self-preservation. We isolate ourselves and
shut out others. As the story of stone soup reveals, in doing so, we often deprive ourselves and
everyone else of a feast.
This metaphor plays out beyond the realm of food. We hoard ideas, love, and energy, thinking we
will be richer if we keep to them to ourselves, when in truth we make the world, and ourselves,
poorer whenever we greedily stockpile our reserves. The traveler was able to see that the
villagers were holding back, and he had the genius to draw them out and inspire them to give,
thus creating a spread that none of them could have created alone.
Are you like one of the villagers, holding back? If you come forward and share your gifts, you
will inspire others to do the same. The reward is a banquet that can nourish many.
A Silent Love and it's very rare in this world

From the very Begining, the girl's family objected strongly on this guy.
Saying that it has got to do with family background that the girl will have to
suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.
Due to family's pressure, they quarrel very often. Though the girl love the
guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"
As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very
upset. With that the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him.
As for him, he only endure it in silence.
After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated decided to further his
studies in overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very
good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take
care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk
them round. Will you marry me?"
The girl agreed, with the guy's determination, the family finally gave in
agreed to let them get married. So before he leave, they got engaged.
The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseas,
continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails phone calls.
Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a
car that lost control. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her
bed. She realised that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum crying, she

wanted to comfort her. But she realized that all that could come out of her
mouth was just a sigh. She has lost her voice......
The doctors says that the impact on her brain has caused her to lose her
voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from
her, she broke down.
During the stay in hospital, besides silence cry,.....it' s still just silence cry
that companied her. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same.
Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart
everytime it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know. not wanting to be
a burden to him, she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to
wait any longer.
With that, she sent the ring back to him. In return, the guy sent millions
millions of reply, and countless of phonecalls,. . all the girl could do, besides
crying, is still crying....
The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget
everything be happy.
With a new environment, the girl learn sign language started a new life.
Telling herself everyday that she must forget the guy. One day, her friend
came told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know what
happened to her. Since then, there wasn't anymore news of him.
A year has passed her friend came with an envelope, containing an invitation
card for the guy's wedding. The girl was shattered. When she open the
letter, she saw her name in it instead.
When she was about to ask her friend what's going on, she saw the guy
standing in front of her. He used sign language telling her "I've spent a
year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not
forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You.
With that, he slipped the ring back into her finger. The girl finally smiled.

The Story Of Two Wolves

You might have heard the story about the two wolves. If not, here is the refresher.
The old man told his son that a battle between two wolves inside each one of us goes on all the
times. First wolf is the Evil character wolf; it produces germs of anger, envy, sorrow, greed,
arrogance, stress, lies and tension in our minds. Whereas, the second one is Good character wolf; it
generates the energy for hope, peace, happiness, truth, generosity and ethics in our mind, heart and
soul. The son asked, so who wins the battle? The old man replied, the one which you feed more!
The story has a superb driving force motivating us to do our self audit. The question is that which
wolf we feed daily and how much? If we surround ourselves in negative character people, do back
biting, leg pulling, learning tricks to deceive people and talk pessimist events or ideas then
definitely we are strengthening the Evil Wolf. On the contrary, if we spend our times with nice and
positive people, read good books, focus on solutions, and assist people in resolving their problems
then we are encouraging the Good Wolf to overcome the Evil one. In the long run, the Wolf

represents our character because eventually our character gets molded either in to a Good Wolf or
Evil Wolf.

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