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The lesson that will be developed is for an art class that consists of adult students.
The classroom will be an informal class and set up in an art lab with tables and
ample room to work on their project. The purpose of this lesson is to teach the
students how to create canvas art themselves instead of taking their photos to a
professional studio and paying the high cost for them to create the canvas art.
Students will need to bring in photos or pictures that they would like to use for the
canvas project. The lesson will be a hands on type of instruction where the
instructor will explain and demonstrate the process to create the canvas and the
students will create their own canvas as a practical exercise. The classroom will be
equipped with all supplies such as, mod podge, paint brushes, canvases, acrylic
black paint, and any job aids and instructions that are necessary for the students to
use. The only necessary material for a student to bring with them is the
photographs or pictures they would like to use for the lesson.
1. Cognitive Characteristics:
General aptitudes The general aptitude for the students is to be able to
comprehend and follow instructions presented by the instructor. The students
aptitude should reflect the skill in retaining the lesson instructions, organizing the
steps that are provided in order and ability to apply the lesson information into
creating the project.
Functional literacy (e.g., reading level) Students should be able to read and
comprehend information at the level of seventh grade. Most people read and
comprehend at a seventh grade level and this lesson will be written at this
particular reading level.
Visual literacy (e.g., ability to perceive graphics) Part of the lesson will consist of
diagrams and images for helping students use during and after completion of the
lesson when they go home to attempt the project at a later time. Students should
be able to understand how to read a diagram or understand an image that shows
step-by-step procedures of techniques of performing specific painting strokes or
methods of adhering the photos or pictures to the canvas.
Computer literacy If students do not have photos or pictures when they arrive to
the class, it will be necessary for students to have basic computer literacy in order
to use a computer and a printer in order to print their photos for use within the
class. As part of the computer literacy, students will need to have electronic access
to their photos by creating a file on a USB drive or have electronic access to the
photos on electronic media such as, smartphones, social media, etc.

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Learning Styles - The learning style that will be hands on. Students should be able
to listen, follow instructions then use the instructions learned in the lesson and
create the ending project results.

2. Personality Characteristics:
Motivation to learn The motivation for the students should be the idea of
creating their own professional looking canvas prints without having to pay for a
professional to create the same type of canvas print at a higher cost.
Interests Students should have an interest in art and design. Since this is an art
lesson, students need to be interested in the art of creating something for their
Attitudes toward content Students should maintain a positive attitude toward the
lesson content and the desire to learn the project. Their attitude should reflect the
interest and enthusiasm for art.
Attitudes toward learning Students should have a positive attitude toward
learning new material and creating something new and useful. The content may
seem redundant or mundane, but students need to keep a positive attitude and
willingness to learn,.
Self-esteem Students should have a positive attitude toward creating an
outstanding project without being afraid to make a mistake. The lesson hands on
portion (practical exercise) will allow the students to practice creating a canvas
even if their first canvas does not result in success.
Locus of control Students do not need to worry about their results if their project
does not result in a perfect image on the canvas. There are times when placing a
picture on the canvas using Mod Podge does create a wrinkled or bubbled effect and
this is not the fault of the student. Students need to understand that unforeseen
circumstances can create an imperfect canvas. The student also needs to
understand that sometimes a wrinkled or bubbled image on the canvas can dry
smooth and create better results.
3. Social Characteristics:
Attitudes toward collaboration Students should feel comfortable with working
with each other and be able to get along with others or accept constructive criticism

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

in order to provide a better product. Students will be situated in groups around

different tables to allow them to assist each other with their project.
Tendencies to cooperate or compete The lesson and practical exercise for the
lesson will not be a competition so the students do not need to worry if someones
final product turns out better than another students. Students will not be graded as
a comparison to another students final product.
Relationships with peers Students will be able to assist each other during the
project and need to be able to discuss their ideas with each other and take criticism
without offense.
Socioeconomic status - This lesson is for any adult student from any
socioeconomic status. Each student must not have any prejudices toward different
socioeconomic statuses.
Attitudes toward authority Students will be in a facilitated learning environment,
but they should be respectful to the facilitator and provide the facilitator and
demonstrator their undivided attention in order to learn the material of the lesson.
Educational level The educational level of the students should be that of at least
a 10th grade high school student level in order to understand and read the material.
4. Physical Characteristics:
Visual abilities Visually impaired students will not be able to attend this lesson
since the project goal is to create a canvas with a photograph. Visually impaired
students will not be able to perform the activities required for the lesson.
Auditory abilities The lesson will be a demonstration and have the availability of
job aids with diagrams and instructions. A hearing impaired student can attend the
course, but they must have the capability to follow the written instructions and
follow the visual demonstration in order to complete the project. It is preferred that
students with hearing disabilities not attend this lesson. In case of a hearing
disabled student, there will be an available teaching assistant to interpret the
Tactile abilities This is a hands-on project so students must be able to physically
capable of using their hands to create the finished project. Physically handicapped
or paralyzed individuals will not be able to complete this type of project.
General health Students should be in good general health. Any student that is
suffering from an illness or not feeling their best should not attend the lesson
because this may cause them the lack of motivation to complete the project.

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Age The age of the students is recommended to be adults of any age. It can be
considered that high school students can attend, as long as, they can fulfill the
other characteristics that are required from the above list.
Sex This lesson is designed for both male and females to attend the lesson. This
lesson and creation of the project is non-gender specific.

Objective 1 After completing this lesson, students will be given a series
of photos to determine the appropriate type of photo paper.
A (Audience) Art Students
B (Behavior) Determine type of photo or picture
C (Condition) Given a series of photos or pictures
D (Degree) Using the appropriate type of photo paper
Objective 2 After completing the lesson, students should be able to
perform the steps required to prepare a photo with 100% accuracy.
A (Audience) Adult Students
B (Behavior) Prepare the photo
C (Condition) Given the photo, a conducive learning environment and all
necessary supplies.
D (Degree) 100% accuracy
Objective 3 - After completing the lesson, students should be able to
perform the steps required to prepare a canvas with 100% accuracy.
A (Audience) Art Students
B (Behavior) Prepare a Canvas
Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

C (Condition) Given an conducive learning environment with all supplies

D (Degree) 100% accuracy
Objective 4 After completing the lesson, students should be able to
perform the steps required to attach a photo to a canvas with 100%
A (Audience) Art Student
B (Behavior) Attach the photo
C (Condition) Given a conducive learning environment with all necessary
D (Degree) 100% accuracy

Objective 5 After completing the lesson, students should be able to

perform the steps required to complete the project in a professional
A (Audience) Adult Students
B (Behavior) Complete the project
C (Condition) Given a conducive learning environment with all necessary
D (Degree) In a professional manner

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Project Title/Topic: Do it yourself Professional Canvas Photo
1. Determine type of
photo or picture.

Arrange photos on work table.
Examine the photo array and
photo paper.
Examine the photo to determine if
the image is visible.
Examine the photo paper to
determine if it is the correct type
of paper.
Select the desired photo to use for
the project.

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Tools (if needed)

2. Prepare the photo.

Determine the desired size of the

photo that matches the canvas
Determine the image on the photo
fits on the flat surface of the
Measure photo to fit the canvas.


Trim the photo to desired size.


Determine that the photo was cut

to fit the flat surface of the canvas

3. Prepare a Canvas.

Determine type and size of canvas Different sizes of

to use.
Paint edges of the canvas with
small overlapping on top of the
canvas in black.

Black acrylic paint,

paint brush

Wait for paint to dry.



Tools (if needed)

Apply second coat of black paint.

Wait for second coat of paint to

4. Attach the photo

5. Complete the

Open the jar of Mod Podge.

Jar of Mod Podge

Using a clean paint brush, paint

the top of the canvas.

Paint brush

Place the photo evenly on the top

of the canvas.


Smooth the photo on the canvas,

using a lint free towel.

Lint-free towel

Paint Mod Podge on top of the

attached photo.

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Cover the entire photo and canvas

with Mod Podge
Set canvas aside to dry and

Learning Objective
Objective 1 After
completing this lesson,
students will determine
which photo or picture
using the appropriate
type of photo paper.

Task 1-Arrange photos on work table.

Task 2-Examine the photo array and photo paper.

Task 3-Examine the photo to determine if the
image is visible.
Task 4-Examine the photo paper to determine if it
is the correct type of paper.
Task 5-Select the desired photo to use for the
Activity/ Assessment-Selection of the appropriate
photo paper. Questions and answer and selection
of appropriate photo paper.
Objective 2 After
completing the lesson,
Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Task 1- Determine the desired size of the photo

that matches the canvas given.

students should be able

to perform the steps
required to prepare a
photo with 100%
Task 2- Determine the image on the photo fits on
the flat surface of the canvas
Task 3- Measure photo to fit the canvas.
Task 4-Trim the photo to desired size.
Task 5- Determine that the photo was cut to fit the
flat surface of the canvas
Activity/Assessment-Observation of the
instructor demonstrating the ways to measure and
trim the photo. The instructor will observe the
students while performing the activity and ensure
the photo edges are straight.
Objective 3 - After
completing the lesson,
students should be able
to perform the steps
required to prepare a
canvas with 100%

Learning Objective

Task 1- Determine type and size of canvas to use.

Task 2- Paint edges of the canvas with small
overlapping on top of the canvas in black.
Task 3- Wait for paint to dry.
Task 4- Apply second coat of black paint.
Task 5- Wait for second coat of paint to dry.
Activity/Assessment- Students will follow the stepby-step procedure as instructed. The instructor will
observe to ensure that the edges of the canvas are
covered in black with no white canvas showing and
that there is a black overlap on the top of the

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Objective 4 After
completing the lesson,
students should be able
to perform the steps
required to attach a
photo to a canvas with
100% accuracy.

Task 1- Open the jar of Mod Podge.

Task 2- Using a clean paint brush, paint the top of

the canvas.
Task 3- Place the photo evenly on the top of the
Task 4- Smooth the photo on the canvas, using a
lint free towel.
Activity/Assessment-Students will follow the stepby-step procedure as demonstrated by the
instructor. The instructor will observe the students
to ensure that the entire top of the canvas is
sufficiently covered with Mod Podge.
Objective 5 After
completing the lesson,
students should be able
to perform the steps
required to complete the
project in a professional

Task 1- Paint Mod Podge on top of the attached


Task 2- Cover the entire photo and canvas with Mod

Task 3- Set canvas aside to dry and complete.
Activity/Assessment-Students will follow the stepby-step procedure as demonstrated by the
instructor. The instructor will observe the students
to ensure that the photo is lying flat on the top of the
canvas with no excess bubbles underneath the
photo. The instructor will also observe that the
photo is completely adhered to the canvas after the
Mod Podge has dried. There will be a final question
and answer session, a survey for feedback from the
students, as well as, the opportunity for the students
to critique each others work.
Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Project Grading Rubric


1. Selection of
photo paper

2. Preparation of
the photo.

3. Prepare the

4. Attach the

5. Complete the

Student did not
select paper.

Student did not

measure the photo
size accurately and
did properly trim
the photo. There
was excess
Student did not
completely cover
the edges of the
canvas with black
paint. There was
still white canvas
showing through.
Student did not
completely cover
the top of the
canvas with Mod
Podge. There was
more than 10% dry
area. The photo
was not smoothly
adhered to the
Student did not
neatly or
completely cover
the photo with
enough mod podge
to sufficiently
secure the photo to
the canvas.

Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

Student selected
incorrect paper.
Student did not
select laser paper
as instructed.
Student accurately
measured the size
of the photo to fit
the canvas, but did
not properly trim
the photo and
there was a small
amount of overlap.
Student covered
the canvas edges
with less than 1%
white showing of
the canvas.

Student covered
the top of the
canvas with Mod
Podge with less
than 5% of the
canvas with dry
spots. The photo
has one or two
small bubbles
when attached to
the canvas.
Student neatly and
covered the photo
with mod podge to
sufficiently secure
the photo to the
canvas, but there
was a small
amount of

Fully Complete
Student selected
laser paper as

determined the
accurate size of the
photo by
measuring and
trimming the photo
to fit the canvas
with no overlap.
Student completely
covered the canvas
edges and a small
overlap on the top
of the canvas with
no white from the
canvas showing.
Student completely
covered the canvas
with little or no dry
spots on the
canvas. There
were no bubbles or
wrinkles under the
photo when
attached to the
Student neatly and
completely covered
the photo with mod
podge to
sufficiently secure
the photo to the
canvas with no
bubbling and the
photo looked like


Hamby, Dianna
DIY Canvas Lesson Plan Project

professional quality
when completely

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