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Meadowlark Rehabilitation Center

2901 78th Street
Bardston, IA 50434
Phone: 563-278-0044
Fax: 563-344-6859
To: Thomas Watkins
From: Casie Tindell and MaryK Koithan
Date: November 4, 2014
Subject: Meadowlark Rehabilitation Center Relocation Recommendation

At the Meadowlark Rehabilitation Center, our mission is To specialize in assisting veterans and
the elderly in re-gaining motor skills and returning to daily activities post-surgery, injury and
other trauma. We are wholly devoted to improving the lives of those coping with the stresses of
limited mobility. Over the past few years, the Centers building has experienced trauma of its
own, being the weakening of the building structure and the extensive damage caused by the July
tornado. As a result, we gained access to research data collected by a consulting firm, which
specializes in logistics and property/marketing analysis, regarding possible solutions to this
problem. Rather than investing in renovation of the old building, Meadowlark narrowed down
three possibilities for relocation: Decker, IA; Flynn, IA; and Oleander, MO. In order to provide
ultimate benefits and economic gains to the Center, we recommend relocating to Oleander, MO.
This proposal is supported by the following measures:

Economic considerations
Community demographics
Building qualities
Growth and sustainability

Oleander, MO is the best suited location for relocating the Meadowlark Rehabilitation Center. In
terms of cost-effectiveness, the benefits Oleander has to offer Meadowlark outweigh the overall
benefits seen in Decker, IA and Flynn, IA. By relocating to Oleander, MO, the Meadowlark
Rehabilitation Center has the opportunity to grow not only as a business, but as a community.
The Centers clients will feel a general sense of comfort and stability in the town of Oleander.

Analytical Report Outline

1. Backgrounda. list criteria and state recommendation (Oleander, MO)

b. At the Meadowlark Rehabilitation Center, our mission is To specialize
in assisting veterans and the elderly in re-gaining motor skills and
returning to daily activities post-surgery, injury and other trauma. We
are devoted to improving the lives of those coping with the stresses of
limited mobility. Due to the damages of the July tornado and normal
2. Recommendationa. Locationi. nursing homes(Map of all 3 towns)
ii. medical clinics
iii. proximity to closest city
b. Economic considerationsi. renovation costs (graph),
ii. corporate tax rate in MO (graph)
iii. Avg. cost of living
c. Community Demographicsi. age
ii. family size
iii. Psychographics (town friendly factor)
d. Building qualities
e. Growth and sustainability
i. Overall employment growth
ii. Business relocation longevity and success
iii. Political situation
3. Summary

You handle financials, organize the yearly budget, hold fundraisers, and the like, and
this fall, youve had your hands full dealing with ramifications of the Centers
summer tornado damage. When founders built Meadowlark Rehab, it had state-ofthe-art equipment, spacious rooms for group activities, private rooms for
individualized care, shower rooms, two indoor pools for water-based therapies, an
exam room for lab work-ups, and a full cafeteria serving breakfast, lunch, and
dinner seven days a week. But in the last decade, due to the economic recession,

normal wear and tear, and the July tornado, the building needs significant updating
that will likely take time, energy, and funds away from your patients. Rather than
risk failing to provide for your clientele, you and your partner have decided that its
a more lucrative option to relocate the Rehab Center entirely.

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