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Honey, hes so adorable, but its a little strange he has teeth already!

I know dear, but its not unheard of for a child to be born with teeth. Our little precious one is
special thats all.
Sarah grinned.

Im glad hes here now!

Me too! He winked as he stared at the small caramel colored child who was staring back at him.
Both the childs parents looked at each other and smiled.

Lets get some rest dear husband; its been a rough night

Awaaaaah! Awaaaaah! Awaaaaah!

The babys crying Sarah, he mumbled as he rolled over in the bed.

Sarah sighed.

I know hon.

She slumbered out of bed, grabbed her old worn bible and started toward the room where the
infant lay, balling from the top of his lungs.
Aww, my little precious had a nightmare? Its ok, mommy bought your favorite toy.

Sarah placed the worn leather bound bible next to the infant and the child became silent
almost instantly, replaced with a smile. It had amazed her that an old book had such an effect on a
child who was barely a month old. She tried other books, toys, stuffed animals, but nothing had the
power to comfort the child like the bible. This was indeed a mystery she would later in life know
the answer to.
She bent over and kissed her firstborn.

One thing is for sure, God put you here for a reason.


Please mister! Dont kill me! I have two children!

Shut up Bitch! The attacker snarled as he ripped the womans blouse apart while clawing and
grabbing her bare breasts.
No, please! She sobbed.

As the big man in the trench coat and foul smelling breath attempted to slap the half-naked woman
once again he was lifted off his knees with such a force the woman jumped.
What the Fu!!! the big man barked as his face met with a punch that crushed his nose and drew
tears to his eyes.

Tell me rapist, what demon possesses you? I have seen legions of them so there is no need to lie.

The big man trembled violently as his watery eyes caught a glimpse of the menacing creature
responsible for his blood soaked face. Even though he had the face of a human, the jawline was too
perfect, the eyes were hawk like, and his teeth where sharp like a canine.
Mister please! I was just having a little fun with the lady!

The creature turned to the woman as he held the intended rapist by his neck in midair.

Woman, you must go now. Do not reveal what you have seen here tonight! Do you understand?
He sneered.
Yyyyessss! She nodded and ran off.

The man creature turned back to his victim dangling helplessly in the air.

It is time for you to depart demon!

He bared his razor sharp teeth.

Nooooooo! The man screamed


Got an ID on our dead friend here Lieutenant. Seems this is, or was our friendly neighborhood
serial rapist. I guess the piece of crap finally messed with the wrong one!

The lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose. He had been up 24 hours and was tired. One
of the reasons was due to the dead man lying before him. He had been so close to cracking the
Serial Rapist of Jamaica Ave Case. Now it was over, the suspect was dead, just like that! Murdered
in cold blood. Something told him this wasnt the last he would hear of this vigilante murderer

Dont anybody move! You know what this is! Get on the damn floor, NOW!

The man with the ski mask pointed his AK-47 at the security guard and fired a 3 round short
burst of gun fire into the old mans chest, killing him instantly as the woman behind the bank
counter screamed in horror. The old veteran she had known most of her life was murdered right
before her very eyes!
Woman shut up and fill my duffle bag with the cash, or all of you are dead! And dont trip the
alarms, or you get shot next!

The lady did as she was told but continued to sob softly, along with the other patrons lying
with their hands out in front of them on the cold tiled floor of the First National Bank. All of a
sudden the lights flickered; then went out for a brief second.

It happened so fast the sobbing bank teller didnt even notice the shiny blade slice through
the bank robbers thigh, severing it from the mans body.
Ugh! The masked man squealed, as his body fell to the ground, holding the bloody gushing stub
that was once a strong, well-toned leg.

The man creature stood over him like a giant as he sheathed his ancient sword covered in
the mans blood.
Tell me, what demon possesses you?

What the hell are you talkin about!? The man cried in agony. Im bleeding to death here!
The creature smiled menacingly.

Help you! Like you helped that saint, lying dead on the floor over there!
He turned to the people lying on the ground.

This demon was going to kill all of you without hesitation after he received the money. He is part
of the Destroyers plan to kill, steal, and destroy!

The creature then turned his attention to the female bank teller standing in awe of what just
You there, I need you to get all of these people out of here. None of you need to witness what I
have to do to this demon.

He knew it was futile to warn them not to tell what they saw here today. There would be
too many questions from the authorities now. Either way, it didnt matter now. He had to continue
the will of the MasterIt was what he was here for
What the hell is going on Sarg!? Two dead bad guys in two days! If this keeps up we are out of a

The 15 year veteran with the NYPD just shook his head in disgust as they both stared at the
would be bank robbers lifeless body lying on the floor of the bank in a pool of blood.
His name is James Thomas, AKA Jesse James. He was given that nickname by the New York Times
after his fifth bank heist in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Every one of which ended in the
deaths of innocent citizens. James Thomas had an insatiable blood lust along with greed for

The lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He was very tired, and knew
there were more sleepless nights to come. He would get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing
he did in his 20 year career.
I want everyone questioned! No one leaves! Find me something! Anything!

His men scurried away, digging for answers that would not come easily


So youre telling me the one responsible for the death of the man who attempted to rob this bank
was not human? Maam, are you currently taking any prescription medication at this time?

No lieutenant, I am not! The bank teller replied adamantly. I know what I saw! I have been
working at this bank for 10 years; have seen countless faces and that was not the face of a typical
human being. It was as if he was transforming into something. His cheekbones were really high set
and his nose flared. And how could I forget those teeth! She gasped, covering her mouth.
He raised an eyebrow.

What about his teeth maam?

Well, they were fang like and when he spoke it was like two people were speaking instead of one.
Maybe there were two of them. The lieutenant barked.

No, there was only one officer! His hawk like eyes seemed to pierce my very soul as if he were
judging my character.
The Lieutenant snorted.

Yeah, like he has the right to judge anybody!

Christy Graham smiled nervously.

Well I dont know about that, but he seemed to have judged that crazy bank robber pretty well

What do you want with me?! Just take what you want and leave!

We gonna take whatever the fuck we want! We dont need your damn permission pops! My
suggestion is that you keep your fuckin pie hole shut before I kick you in it nigger!

The intruder immediately stepped on the older black mans neck with hatred in his eyes.

Your old black wrinkled ass sentenced my brother to life without parole! Now Im gonna sentence
your ass!
The old man struggled under the weight of the mans foot, but it was futile as his hands
were bound behind his back.

The jury found your brother guilty of the murder of an African American Pastor and his wife, not
me! I had no choice but to sentence him to the maximum under the law for his hate crime!
The Aryan intruder kicked the old man in the mouth, shattering teeth on impact as he
moaned in pain.

Good bye nigger!

He pointed the Glock nine millimeter at the back of the judges head and pulled the trigger,
but felt a strange numbness, then burning, then excruciating pain.
I find you guilty demon! Guilty of perverting righteousness, justice, and truth!

The man creature had grabbed the gunmans hand just as he pulled the trigger, turning the
gun back around on his own self with such lightning speed the Aryan didnt have time to retract his
finger, causing a self-inflicted fatal gunshot wound to the stomach. The intruder couldnt believe
what happened as the life drained out of him and his body fell to the ground in a crumpled heap

This is just getting weirder and weirder Sergeant! Three damn homicides in 3 days! All the victims
scum. I feel like retiring and let this guy get all these criminals off the streets!
Stop it boss! The Sergeant snapped.

We are the good guys! This guy is just another psychopath out there on the streets! We enforce
the laws! He is judge, jury and executioner! Thats why we have checks and balances in place. Next
thing you know, this guy will start whacking little girls for shoplifting candy!
The lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose as he always did.

I dont know Sarg, he hasnt picked the wrong bad guy yet


So judge, what youre telling me is that he didnt look human and he sounded like 2 people instead
of one?
Yes, yes, thats exactly what it sounded like! He had the voice of authority! I know authority when
I hear it, he stammered.
The Lieutenant sighed.

Im sure you do sir, but if its all the same to you Id like to get down to the hard facts. What did you
see and hear between them?
Well, the man who broke into my home shouted a bunch of racially motivated obscenities because
I sentenced his brother to life for the murder of a Pastor and his wife. He pointed his gun to my
head and told me I was guilty. I heard a gunshot but was unharmed. Thats when I heard another
voice, the voice I told you about. He said, I find you guilty demon! Guilty of perverting
righteousness, justice, and truth!
The detective raised an eyebrow.

Sounds like a religious fanatic to me.

The old judge of 70 years just looked down at his worn shoes.

Maybe evil has overtaken us so much and weve strayed so far away from God he sent us help

Hey son, whatever brings you to my humble home?

Sorry for not coming around sooner dad, its just that Ive been a little busy trying to keep the
creeps off the street.
Jacob Smith, patted his son, Lieutenant Jacob Smith Jr. on the back gently.

No need to apologize son. Each man has his own path from the Lord and I would never stand in
the way of yours.

Jacob Smith Sr. had worked the beat as a patrolman for 20 years then a detective himself for
15, but had since retired into the world of Christianity, where he worked at a mission feeding the
homeless. Something his son could not understand.
Dad, I have some questions to ask you; Questions about religion. I have this case

You mean those recent slayings I been hearing about on the news?
Yeah. His son nodded.

Well son if you ask me, those men represented an evil that probably needed to be judged.
Dad, its not for us to judge what is evil and what is not! His son replied adamantly.

The old man smiled sympathetically at his son. He knew he was torn between doing well in the
world and doing what God wanted him to do. This caused great confusion in the minds of a lot of
people, including his at one time. Now that he was a missionary, he understood a great deal more
about God than he did 20 years ago. Even so, the Lords will be done regardless of an
understanding mind.

I understand your frustration son, believe me, but there are some things that will happen that you
or I will never be able to explain or stop from happening.
The Lieutenant rolled his eyes and sighed.

Dad, you really believe in angels, demons, spirits, and all that stuff?! He mocked.

Son, I was a Homicide Detective in the NYPD before you were a teenager! Dont patronize me!
Im sorry dad, just been under a lot of pressure lately.

Jacob Smith felt sorry for his son. The position he held had a great responsibility and he
needed God to guide him in these terrible times. He knew his son didnt understand the role he
took on as a missionary for the Lord, but it had been his calling; a calling that was much higher than
himself and the NYPD.
Son dont worry, maybe we can figure this thing out together.
Jacob Jr. exhaled

The witness in the most recent murder case was a municipal court judge, and he told me the
suspect spoke of some kind of judgment to the victim before murdering him. He said he was guilty
of perverting righteousness, truth, and justice.
The Lieutenants father pushed his bifocals up the bridge of his Nordic shaped nose and
grabbed his bible off the end table in the small living room they stood in.

Son, there are quite a few scriptures that pertain to righteousness, justice, and truth and a lot of
them have some sort of judgment from God through some sort of disaster, another human or
heavenly being. I suggest you start here, in the good book for the answers you seek.

I dont understand, so God sent disasters or had others do His dirty work? His son asked

Oh yes my son! For instance, King David was said to be a man after Gods own Heart and one of the
greatest Patriarchs in our history often killed in the name of the Lord. He is the one who wrote
most of the book of Psalms and defeated a giant named Goliath.
Jacob Jr pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He knew that something was about to unfold
Lieutenant Jacob Smith sat in his cluttered office on his laptop searching through possible
scriptures related to the recent crimes he was investigating for some type of clue when it hit him
like a ton of bricks! The scripture literally leaped out and spoke to him.

Psalms 82: God stands in the congregation of the mighty. He judges among the gods. How long will
you judge unjustly, and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to
the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; free them from the hand of the wicked.
He pounded the table.

Thats it! We have a religious fanatic living executing the bible to people he believes need justice!
Or could this be real

He shook his head and dismissed that thought immediately


Pull up all records in our database of suspects with violent history that were arrested, but either
never charged with the crime, or were found not guilty.
This is New York, which could take weeks Lieutenant! The Sergeant barked.

I dont have weeks Sergeant! Im running out of time, and so are you! Find something!

He hated to come down on his partner of 7 years, because he was diligent in everything he
was tasked to do, but this was serious! This could bring every wacko claiming to kill in the name of
God out of the wood work, and that would bring chaos to the streets of New York
Uwaaahhhhhh.UwaaahhhhhhOh Baal, please hear your servants!
Dont worry child, soon all fear will go away when you meet the master.

A small framed womans eyes bulged with fear as she struggled against her restraints on a
cold, concrete table meant as an alter for sacrifice in front of the hooded devil worshippers. She had
been at a party and had met a nice looking guy who fed her drinks and complimented her all night.
Something she was not accustomed to at her high school due to her homely looks.

She had always been passed over by the hot guys because of that and the fact that she was
indeed a virgin! And because she didnt want to let the older, handsome man get away was the
reason she was in this predicament. He had spiked her drink and offered to take her home when
she felt woozy.

That was all she rememberedUntil nowShe started sobbing knowing this was probably
going to be her last day alive, sacrificed like some animal to a demon lord.
Continue the ceremony! The leader of the group barked.

Another hooded member produced an ancient looking dagger almost immediately and
walked toward the 17 year old terrified virgin.

The leader of the cult turned around with a surprised look as one of his minions flew across
the room, crashing into the others.
What the hell is going on?! He yelled, as his eyes caught a menacing creature looming ahead.
Hell is right demon!

You are not welcomed here whoever you are! This is a private affair, and you are on private
property mister! The leader stammered.

On the contrary demon! I was called here by MY MASTER! You know Him as your enemy, but I
know Him as the King of kings, and the Lord of lords!
The mans eyes widened with shock and fear!

Get this fucker!

All 5 men ran toward the creature on the attack as he unsheathed his ancient angelic sword,
but he sliced through flesh and bone with such ease and finesse the would be assailants never knew
what hit them as limbs fell off their bodies to the ground
You killed them!!! The leader screamed, incredulous at the swift and silent deaths he witnessed.
The man creature sheathed his bloody sword and turned to the leader of the evil cult.

No demon, I destroyed them! There is a tremendous difference between destroying the presence
of evil and killing someone! You and your minions were going to kill that young child laying on that
stone slab you call an altar, all in the name of Baal! This Baal you know nothing about! An eternal
enemy of my God, the One who created him in the first place!

He walked toward the sobbing teenager and gently caressed her forehead as tears formed in
the wells of his eyes.
Do not fear me child, I come from a God of Love, Peace, and mercy. I can sense that you are pure
from your innocence, dont be in such a rush to lose it in a night of pleasure, because once it is gone,
so shall your purity beNow sleep my child, you have been through a lot for one evening.
He breathed on her face and she fell fast asleep as a single tear rolled down her soft

Man, look at all this carnage Lieutenant!
The lieutenant sighed heavily.

Yeah, looks like our perps work again.

Sargent Jake Robinson, an older African American man in his mid-fifties, much taller than his
superior, wore a grey flannel sports jacket over a black cotton turtleneck and khakis slacks, looking
more like a distinguished gentleman than a seasoned detective.

Although hed been with the force 20 years, almost twice as long as Lieutenant Jacob Smith,
he had a deep respect for him and his nearly perfect track record of putting away bad guys.
I want forensics to cover every inch of this room! I will question the girl myself!

After he killed the evil men who were trying to murder me I remember him speaking to their
leader saying there was a difference in what he did to those men verses what he was going to do to
me; whatever that meant.
The lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose.

And what did he say after that young lady?

The young girl shrugged her shoulders and sighed.

I didnt really understand what he meant, but he said he was destroying the presence of evil.
The detective sighed.

Do you remember anything else?

Well yes, she replied with uncertainty. I know youre gonna think Im crazy for telling you this.
Go on, He coaxed. Everything Ive seen so far is making me think Im the crazy one!

Well after he finished speaking to the crazy man, he walked over to me, stroked my forehead gently
and lulled me to sleep with his gentle voice. Oh yeah, and gave me some advice on why I should
keep my purity! She added with a frown.
Why would he say that? The lieutenant asked impatiently.

The young lady shrugged again.

I dont know, I guess he somehow knew I was a virgin; that I shouldnt be in a rush to lose my
innocence. Then he breathed into my face and I cant remember anything after that.
Mustve had some knock out breath, the Sergeant snorted.

Detective Jacob Smith just shook his head. They thanked the girl for her cooperation and
left the scene. They would head back to the 7th Precinct to do some more research on the victims
they had just seen sprawled out and dismembered everywhere.


Abba Father, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel! I praise your Holy Name dear Lord! There is no
God like you in heaven or on earth! Forgive thy servant for my sins, and any trespasses against
thee. Show me what I must do next my Lord! And so shall it be.

Perched on his knees in the cool sand of Coney Island beach, Uriel looked to the heavens
with tears in his fierce eyes as if hearing the voice of God brought peace to this Nephilim. A
descendant of the giants spawned from ancient times between angels and the woman of the earth.

He was the last of his kind in a world where God, angels, and demons were slowly becoming
nothing more than fairy tales told in a few households. This human with an angels bloodline knew
his purpose for being here and he would complete his mission no matter what the cost.
He bowed.

Yes my Lord, the demon shall be destroyed as you wish.

The Nephilim turned just in time to catch a glimpse of a ragged homeless man rummaging
through a nearby garbage can while mumbling to himself

Lieutenant weve composed a list of offenders who have been arrested, or under investigation for
the most violent crimes in New York. The list is rather large!
The Detective beamed.

Thank you Detective Robinson! Finally, a break! I can almost bet my pension most, if not all of our
victims are on that list. We just need to find the link between them and we can narrow it down! Let
me have a copy and we can comb through it together.

He knew it was a long shot in finding this vigilantes next victim but he had to try

It was 3 am and Lieutenant Smith was tired. Hed been pouring over the names on his list
for hours in his 2 bedroom townhome in Ozone Park. He just couldnt see a connection.
What am I missing?

They were from different areas of the city; they all had priors, but different charges. They
were of various ages, racesThe only similarity were, they were all males.
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he flung the list against the wall in frustration.

This is Bullshit!!! Defend the poor and needy! The fatherless! By allowing this man to continue
killing in your name?! What kind of God are you?!

He lay back on the worn brown leather couch in a living room he barely got a chance to see
lately due to his workload and sighed as he flipped through the channels of his 50 screen
After some time his breathing became steady and he closed his eyes


The lieutenant awoke to the ringing of his telephone. It was 10 am, way past the time he
shouldve been at the office. He was late
This is Detective SmithWhat?! Ill be right there!

He jumped off the couch and flew out the door


Well Lieu, I guess we can rule out the connection that all the victims were males. Meet the charred
remains of Charlene Harris. Found her I.D in her purse, along with a couple of bags of heroine,
syringes, spoon, and a lighter.
The smell of burnt flesh permeated the hall of the abandoned building in the Fort Apache
section of the South Bronx.
What was the exact cause of death? Was she burned to death, or was she dead already?
Sergeant Robinson looked down at the victim and shook his head.

Well, the positioning of the body suggests she was dead already, the body was then consumed in
fire, although I dont see any signs of an accelerant. Strange.

Its a crematory burial. The Lieutenant insisted.

How do you know that Lieu?

The detective sigh, although he didnt want to believe it, he was actually seeing the Old
Testament being reenacted.

In Old Testament times people who practiced witchcraft, sorcery, spiritualism, and the like were
often stoned and their bodies burned after death to purge them from among Gods people. Look up
her rap sheet; Im sure she has something in there to do with one of those things.

You were right Lieutenant! The deceased Ms. Harris was indicted on the deaths of her 3 children;
ages one, three, and five. Stabbed them all to death, and then lit them on fire. She claimed her
master made her do it and got off on an insanity plea!
Lieutenant Jacob Smith raised an eyebrow.

What about the childrens father?

Get this; he was murdered by her heroine dealer after an altercation ensued between them, over
Ms. Harris and his children, before they were killed of course.
He remembered the scripture he read just recently.

Defending the fatherlessThe poorThe Needy

Sergeant Jake Robinson knew what his boss was thinking

Ill cross reference all our victims in connection with their victims to see if we can narrow the list
we have Lieu!
The detective nodded. He really liked working with Jake; no one knew him better. He
admired him as a peer as well as a friend. He would miss him when he retired in a few years.


Well the list went from 200 possible perps, to 20. Our first victim, the rapist, was a rich creep with
a good lawyer from Park Avenue who went into neighborhoods of the less fortunate to rape and
maim women he knew the courts would not convict him of doing.
Victim number two, the bank robber, shot a woman and her infant to death in a previous
attempted bank robbery gone sour. Victim number three, the Aryan, burned down a full gospel
A.M.E church in Montgomery, Alabama in which a Pastor and his wife were burned alive.

And last but not least, the devil worshippers; the girl left alive wouldve been their fourth
victim had they still been alive. They were indicted on the counts of murder, but got off due to a
technicality; A few of the officers gave them a good beating at the Precinct they were being booked.
The Lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose as he had done many times in the past as he
stared at the list Sergeant Robinson handed him.
Then his eyes registered shock.

Holy shit, I know who hes going after next!

All units stay clear of the target! I repeat, stay clear of the target! Do not blow your

cover! Maintain visual only!

Do you think this guy will actually show his face Lieu?
The detective sighed.

I really dont know Sarg, but my gut tells me yes. I checked the dates on the indictments of all the
victims of our suspect, in order from oldest to the newest and I found them all to be exactly 7 days
apart, so according to my calculations along with the significance of that number in the bible, his
next target should be Robert King aka King Robert.
Robert King was well known on the streets of Harlem. A drug dealer who beat the system
time and time again on the loop holes of a flawed judicial system. Heroine was his drug of choice,
pumping that poison in the streets of New York, killing children before that had a chance to come
into the world as addicted mothers introduced it to them while in the womb. He was responsible
for killing James Harris, the husband of the late Charlene Harris.

Detective Robinson once arrested him for murdering his ex-girlfriend, Kim Johnson; a
woman he impregnated by accident. The police found her lifeless body in her apartment with a
needle stuck in her arm and launched an investigation only to find out from sources who knew her
that she had never used drugs a day in her life.

King Robert was charged for 1st degree murder, but the circumstantial evidence would not
be enough to hold him in the end. Now Detective Lieutenant Jacob Smith had a feeling retribution
was coming for him

From the roof of the tall abandoned warehouse building stood the menacing man-like
creature standing over seven feet tall in a long leather trench coat which hid his massive frame. He
clenched his fist as his hawk-like eyes pierced the darkness and zeroed in on his next victim.
Unbeknownst to the creatures gaze, King Robert walked down Amsterdam Ave to his
intended destination with his two burly body guards trailing close behind.
Your time has come fallen king!

Just as he was about to swoop down on his unsuspecting victim he noticed three men
standing not more than 5 yards away from his intended victim talking to themselves, and a woman
pushing a baby carriage with no child inside. She too, seemed to be speaking to herself.
He listened and waited

Shht, suspect is on the roof.

Ahhh, so the authorities are here to intervene, he snorted. No matter, nothing can stop
the will of God!

How many times do I have to tell you Rasta man, the price is 100K! I got the best shit in
New York!
Alllllright mon, you win aya King Robert! Pay da Mon brethren.

King Robert was a tall, handsome light skinned man with a slender face and a
goatee. When he smiled his teeth glittered with diamonds.

As they walked toward each other to complete the drug transaction, a creature
crashed through the window of the old abandoned warehouse with such speed no one had
time to react.
What the hell?!

The man-like creature landed on the concrete and rose to his feet, staring at the
only man he had come for.

Fallen king, your time has come to be judged by the Creator! The King of Kings, and the
Lord of Lords!

Growing up in Haiti with his grandmother, witnessing all kinds of occults, King
Robert had never been afraid of anything. He even learned some of the black arts that
became the norm in his daily life and would never let anything shake or move him even if
it meant death. He would fight or kill anyone large or small because he believed that fear
of death was in fact death itself. He would never give anything more power than
He smiled and raised his hands.

Ok, ok, you got me, whatever you are.

He dropped his hands in an instant and sneered

Shoot this ugly mother fucker!!!

Both his henchmen raised their Glock 9 millimeters in unison to fire, but were
shocked to see the hand that held the pistols severed from their arms. The speed of the
man-creature was like none had ever seen as he leaped upon them in an instant. It was as
if he read their minds to stay one step ahead of them.

After the initial shock, everyone in the building reached for weapons and started
shooting; Just then the lights went out and everything became dark in the building leaving
only screams and muzzle flashes in the darkened lobby.
Holy shit!!! Did you here that Lieu?! Sounds like gunfire coming from the warehouse
King Robert entered!
The Lieutenant grabbed his car radio.


A dead silence loomed after several minutes of mayhem as the lights filled the giant lobby
once again to reveal King Robert and the man-like creature facing each other, covered in the blood
of other men who had joined in to fight.
Who the hell are you! And what do you want you ugly son of a bitch!
The man-like creature sneered.

Silence demon! You have no right to speak of the woman who bore me! It is of no consequence
who I am! What matters is that my Masters will be done! The destruction of the demon standing
before me now!
Just as he was about to leap onto his victim, a Teflon coated hollow point round hit him
square in the chest, sending him backward into some old wooden barrels. The wound sent
excruciating pain through the creatures body as he lie on the cold concrete floor.

What the hell is that thing?! The lieutenant yelled as he kept his gun trained on the massive heap
on the ground in from of him.
I have no idea Lieu; Ive never seen anything like that in my entire career on the force!

Although the man-creature was hurt, he was far from critical condition. The regenerative
tissue in his body began healing him by the second.
DONT MOVE! the detective barked.

The officers surrounded King Robert and the creature with their weapons drawn.

Easy big fella, Sergeant Robinson stammered.

The man-like creature knew if he made a sudden move he would be fired upon by some
tense, jumpy police officers who were just afraid. Although he wasnt afraid of being shot and killed
by them, he did not want to hurt any of the good men he sensed surrounded him.

He watched King Robert being led away in handcuffs. His only option was to
surrenderFor now


My name is Lieutenant Jacob Smith with the New York State Police Department. What is your
My birth name is Uriel.

The lieutenant tried to remain impassive as he questioned this very unusual suspect
chained to a concrete slab in the nine by twelve foot cell.
There is a Uriel mentioned in the Hebrew bible. He was an arch angel, am I correct?

The man-like creatures eyes lit up for a brief moment as if remembering; another time, another
He is a servant of God, just as I.

The Lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose. His suspect was playing the direct answer
game. It was time to pull out all the stops and get directly to the point.
Why were you in the same warehouse as Robert King, Aka King Robert?
Gabriel remained silent.

Detective Smith grimaced.

So now you choose not to talk to me Mr. Uriel, or whatever your name is. Well then, you can just
listen and I will do the talking! Why do you think it to be your duty to judge and execute people in
cold blood?!
The man-like creature leaned forward with a determined look.

Officer, do I have the right to remain silent, or was I mistaken? Nevertheless, I will answer your
question. My duty is to do the will of God! I have never murdered anyone in my entire life.

Lieutenant Jacob Smith leaped out of his seat in a fit of rage even though he knew the
suspect was no ordinary man he was dealing with.

Are you freaking kidding me!!!? Five people are dead because of you, and Robert King was going to
be number 6!!! I am charging you with 5 counts of first degree murder pal!!! Lets see this so called
God of yours get you out of this!

Clawed hands gripped his neck, lifted him off his feet and pinned him to the wall so fast he
couldnt believe his eyes as Uriels face drew near to his.
Detective, do not test my God again; especially since you chose to know nothing about Him!

Put him down now!

Sergeant Jake Robinson and two other officers barged in the interrogation room almost
immediately after witnessing their superior officer being whisked off his feet, training their guns on
the man-like creature.
Hold your fire! The Lieutenant yelled.

Uriel pulled the detective to him, and began walking toward the door blocked by the other
Let them pass, the Sergeant barked. Hes using the Lieutenant as a shield.

All three officers moved to the side, guns drawn as the man-like creature and the lieutenant
made their way through the door and down the corridor, passing offices and cells full of startled
inmates and police.
Stand down!

Although Jacob Smith was not in fear of his own life, he was however, afraid for the lives of
the men and women who worked in the precinct the man-like creature wanted so desperately to
escape from.

He had been amazed at the strength and speed of the suspect, as remembered him breaking
free of the restraints that held him secure in the interrogation room just before the vise-like grip on
his neck.
No, this was no ordinary manThis was something elseSomething not of this world

Who are you really? Why are you doing this?

Detective, there are things in this world that your carnal mind will, and can never understand. My
God is a Holy Spirit, and only spiritual beings can understand the Holy Spirit. I am just a servant,
doing His will, and like the angels who are in heaven, it is not our duty to know why; it is our duty to

Since the beginning of time, man has striven to understand God completely. Why he
destroys some, builds up others, why babies die tragic deaths, why some are rich, while others
remain destitute, why, why, why. The only thing we can be sure of is that His Mind is infinite, as
well as His love for us.

He knows the beginning to the end and makes decisions accordingly. How do you know
whether a child that dies was not going to grow up and destroy thousands of lives had he lived, or
that a poor man who became rich would not use his money to destroy himself and his family?

Lieutenant Jacob Smith pinched the bridge of his nose. After the man-like creature escaped
the precinct with him as a hostage and were at a safe distance, he was released from the grip that
had him immobilized and let down to his feet where they stood atop a large 20 story brick
apartment building somewhere in the lower East side of New York City in the chilly night air of
winter, as dozens of cars and people were going to and fro like colonies of army ants.
I dont know why things happen to different people the way they do, but who are we to judge who
lives and who dies by our hand?
Uriel chuckled.

Detective, you make judgments every time you confront a suspect, do you not? You made a
decision to shoot me in an attempt to stop Mr. King from being harmed in that warehouse.
Detective Smith reached for his weapon and aimed it at the man-like creature.

Im sorry Uriel, but as an officer of the law I cannot allow you to continue to murder in this city I
swore to protect with my life!
Uriel maintained his composure.

And Im sorry Lieutenant, sorry the Lord has not opened your eyes of faithPerhaps one day He
will; you are a good man
In an instant, the man-like creature leaped from the building and out of sight.


In todays news, Officer Michael OConner was once again acquitted of the murder of 15 year
old, Samuel Johnson, an African American high school student on the honor role at his school. Officer
OConner was acquitted of the shooting death of 17 year old, Joseph Brown, an all-star football quarter
backHe too, was an African American

The hell with the both of them! They shouldve been giving me a medal, instead of trying to indict
me! I did my country a favor by getting rid of a possible pimp, pusher, or gang banger! Thats all
they grow up to be anyway!

Officer Michael OConner threw his threw his empty bottle of whiskey against the wall of his
penthouse apartment on the Upper Westside of Manhattan. He was an angry Irishman who took
bribes off the streets and thought his badge meant he was the law. He had killed a number of
suspects, or people he called a suspect just because he could.

Michael OConner, today retribution has come for you!

The officer glanced at his holstered Glock 9 millimeter, not 3 feet away.

What the?! Who the hell are you?! And what the hell are you doing in my house?!

God gave you this position of authority to carry out justice for the people, but you have oppressed
them with your wickedness. You are a demon, and I am here to destroy you!
Officer Michael OConner dove for his weapon in an instant, but was cut in half by the manlike creature before he could reach his intended destination.
Whhhaaat are you?

I am the one who has brought justice for the people! I am your enemy you worker of iniquity!
Lieutenant are you ok? You seem a bit shaken up? I have never seen anything like that thing we
encountered at the station!
Detective Jacob Smith pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled.

Me neither Sarg, we are definitely not dealing with an average man here. I spoke with him and he
is serious about his convictions in serving the Lord.
Sergeant Robinson raised an eyebrow.

The Lord???

You know what I mean Jake.

I also know that you are a bonifide heathen Lieu. You would never call God, Lord. You dont
believe that stuff about God sending someone to deliver justice to evildoers are you?

Jacob sighed. He couldnt refute what was happening, and it all made sense when you
viewed it from a spiritual sense. Lord knows he wanted justice for all the poor souls who fell victim

to the ones murdered, raped, robbed, or tortured by the animals he tried to put away and couldnt
because of the laws that bound him. Finally, someone, or something was doing something about
itSo why was he trying to stop it???

At this point I dont know what to believe. Im burnt out on all this, I need to rest and get my head
Lieutenant Smith, you have a 187 on the Upper West Side, all units in the area respond.
Well Lieu, I guess that rest is going to have to wait; duty calls
I never liked that guy! He was worse than the criminals we swore to put away!

Sergeant Jake Robinson let out a low whistle as he gazed upon the lifeless corpse of Officer
Michael OConner.

Hey Lieu, looks like he was trying to reach for his weapon and was cut in half with something
really sharp; perhaps a sword or something. Looks like our perp is at it again. How do you want to
handle this?
Run the name Uriel through our database to see what we come up with.
Jake chuckled.

That will be a very long list of names Lieu.

Detective Jacob Smith pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew it was a long shot but he had
to check.
I have a hunch Jake, just trust me on this. I think I can narrow it down a bit.

They both walked out of the dead officers apartment and headed to the squad car.

By the way Lieu, why didnt you let us get this guy before he escaped the precinct? Im fairly
certain I couldve gotten a clear shot and put him down.
Jacob stopped dead in his tracks.

Because I didnt want anyone hurt in my precinct! This is no ordinary man with ordinary
circumstances we are dealing with!


Here we are Lieutenant Smith; there are over 5,000 Uriels in the city of New York. Where would
you like to start first?
Just give me the list officer Lin, I will take it from here, thank you.

There has to be a name that stands out on this list.

Just as he was about to put the printout away, his eyes caught sight of a name that was
different than all the others. Uriel Zadok was different than all the rest. It sounded like an old
Israeli name from ancient times.
Officer Lin, I need you to look up the name, Uriel Zadok and give me an address, my guess is
whatever we are searching for starts there!


Lieutenant, the address we have on file belongs to a Sarah Zadok, age 68, wife to deceased
husband, Joseph Zadok. It says here they had one son, Uriel Zadok who died in a car accident with
his father at 5 years of age. You sure we should be questioning her about her dead son? It could
open some old wounds.
Detective Jacob Smith wasnt sure about anything since speaking to the suspect 36 hours
ago. He needed some type of answers, and was willing to sacrifice a lot to find them.
I dont know what answers lay behind this questioning, but Im not leaving here without them!
Both officers walked to the front door of the old Brownstone home and knocked.

Officers, how may I help you? An elderly lady replied as she opened the door.

She was vibrant for her age; with long flowing silver hair and a statuesque figure that made
both officers do a double take!
Uh, Mrs. Zadok, may we ask you some questions about your son?

Sarah fought back her tears as she beckoned them to come inside.

Detective, theres not a day go by that I dont think about my boy.

Lieutenant pinched the bridge of his nose as he made his way into the old fashion brick
home with old fashion furniture looking as new as the first day it was bought nearly 40 years ago.
He knew this was not going to be a comfortable situation, but it was something he had to do.
Maam, how did your son die?

He was in a car accident with my husband over thirty years ago; they hit a patch of black ice and
went over a bridge. Only my husbands body was recovered.

Both detectives looked at one another.

Maam, was your child special in any way? Meaning, did he have any type of abilities that didnt
seem normal for a child his age?
The elderly woman rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Well, yes, as a matter-of-fact he did! His healing abilities were amazing! He would fall, scrape
himself up and heal within the next hour! I remember this one time he caught his hand in the door
jamb of our Ford and his poor little fingers were broken. I was a nervous wreck, crying like a little
girl, but he never made a sound. It was as if he was trying to control the pain by not giving in to it.
An hour later, he was completely healed. We never talked about it after that; we just thought he
was a special gift given to us by the Lord.
Lieutenant Jacob Smith knew that the man they were after was indeed her son, but how
would he tell a grieving mother who has made peace with the fact that her son was dead, is alive.
That her son was killing in the name of God


Thats absurd Detective, my son cant be alive! And on top of that, youre telling me hes killing in
the name of God?!
Jacob took a deep breath, this was one of the hardest things hed done in his entire career.

Mrs. Zadok, please just hear us out, or more people will die.

Sarah folded her arms indignantly, but remained silent.

Maam, my partner and I were investigating a string of vigilante murders and caught up to the
suspect attempting to kill a murderous drug dealer who escaped justice at the hands of the judicial
I had to wound him just to apprehend him, but by the time we transported him to the
station, his wound was completely healed. I questioned him, asking his name, along with other
questions and he told me his name was Uriel.
Detective, that doesnt mean hes my son, she retorted.

Before she could say anything else, Sergeant Jake Robinson handed her a series of photos.

These were taken at the station unbeknownst to the suspect Mrs. Zadok. Is this your son?

Mrs. Zadoks eyes widened as she put her hand to her mouth.

Oh my God!

Mrs. Zadok, is this your son?

Yes, detective, yes it is. He looks different than I expected but his eyes are the same. A mother
never forgets her childs eyes.
Do you have any idea where he might be? Lieutenant Smith asked.

She couldnt take her eyes off the photos of her only son. Why hadnt he come back home to
her? How did he survive on his own? There were so many questions she needed answers to.

No, I dont know where he is Lieutenant.

Jacob sighed heavily.

Maam please think hard on that, because the more time goes by, the more people will be
The once vibrant elderly lady seemed to age in an instant as she started sobbing

Im sorry Detective Smith; I dont think I can help you. The son I knew was only 5 years old before
he left me.
Did he have a favorite place he liked to go? Sergeant Robinson interjected.
Sarah smiled despite the tears.

Well, his father and I used to take him to Coney Island beach often. He really loved it there; he
would walk along the shore for hours talking to himself. Well thats what we thought he was doing
at first, but then I asked him who he was talking to and he said God. It truly amazed me that a 5
year old has an intimate relationship with God.
Lieutenant Smith had an idea that was a long shot but it might work.

Uh maam, would you like to accompany us to Coney Island? We might be lucky enough to find him
there and you could try to speak to him.
The elderly woman smiled again.

Of course I will accompany you Detective, I am eager to see my child after all these years!


All units stand down! Do not engage the suspect!


Lieutenant Jacob Smith and Sergeant Jake Robinson exited their squad car along with Sarah

Lieutenant, please allow me to go to him. I want to speak to him first, she insisted.

Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose. This was a hard call to make, because he didn't know
what the outcome would be for a woman encountering a son who was a stranger to her now.

I dont know about that Mrs. Zadok, anything could happen to you. He is dangerous, even though
he is your son. I should escort you to him.
Nonsense Detective Smith! The son I knew was very respectful to his mother and I refuse to
believe even after all these years he changed that much!
Sergeant Jake Robinson tapped his partner on the shoulder.

Its ok Jacob; let her go talk with him. Our sharpshooters will keep him in the crosshairs.

The Lieutenant reluctantly allowed her to go to her son, hoping it was the right decision.

Uriel, is that you my child?

A wave of emotions overcame Uriel as he turned toward his mother; it had been over 40
years since he heard her sweet voice. He always checked on her to make sure she was ok, but kept
his distance so as to not involve her with the things God tasked him with.
Yes mother, it is I.

She ran to him and embraced him, sobbing uncontrollably while he himself let the tears
flow down his rugged cheeks.
My darling son, Ive missed you so much! Why didnt you ever come back home to me?
He gently tore away from her embrace and looked into her eyes.

Mother, there are things that I was chosen to do for the Lord that you wouldnt have understood. I
needed to protect you from any type of repercussions that might have put your life in danger. My
father already paid the price of me being born into this world when someone ran us off the road,
trying to kill me as a child.
I thought that was an accident! Oh my, why would someone want to kill a 5 year old child?

There were many things he wanted to tell his mother, but there was not much time left. His
gaze fell on the policemen who were afar off.

Mother, I will explain everything to you, but now is not the time. I will find you and we can speak
under different circumstance. Just know that I love you dearly, and have always watched out for
you over the years.
In an instant, Uriel dove into the cold sea and was gone

Maam, did he tell you where he was headed next?!

The elderly woman just stood there gazing at the ocean as if she was in a trance.

Maam, are you alright, Detective Robinson inquired.

He knew this had to be hard on the old woman. To see your child alive after all those years
of grieving had to have taken a lot out of her, but still they had to stop him before he killed again.
Detective, my son didnt tell me where he was going or what he was planning, but its hard for me
to believe that he is a cold blooded killer! Take me back home please!
Lieutenant Smith pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded.

You heard the lady Jake, lets take her home.

With a sigh of resignation, Detective Jake Robinson opened the car door for the distraught

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