Huawei OptiX OSN 1500 Parts Replacement (V100R008)

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OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission


Parts Replacement





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Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

About This Document

About This Document

Based on various services of the OptiX OSN 1500, this document describes the matters for
attention during the replacement of boards.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.
Product Name


OptiX OSN 1500


OptiX iManager T2000


Intended Audience
The intended audiences of this document are:

Field Maintenance Engineer

System maintenance engineer

This document is organized as follows.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)



1 General Precautions

This chapter describes precautions and

the operation flow of replacing boards
and components.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

About This Document




2 Safety Operation Guide

This chapter provides guidelines to

safety operations during routine
maintenance. The guidelines consist of
the safety regulations for humans and the
equipment. These guidelines must be
followed to avoid injuries to humans or
damage to equipment.

3 Categorized Description of Components


Different types of boards are used on the

OptiX OSN equipment, including SDH
board, PDH board, and Ethernet board.

4 Tools

This chapter describes the tools and

instruments that are required in
component replacement.

5 Replacing PDH Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

PDH processing boards. When a PDH
processing board becomes faulty, you
need to replace the faulty board for
normal running of the network.

6 Replacing SDH Interface Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

SDH interface boards. When an SDH
interface board becomes faulty, you
need to replace the faulty board for
normal running of the network.

7 Replacing Ethernet Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

Ethernet boards. When the Ethernet
board becomes faulty, you need to
replace the faulty board for the normal
running of the network.

8 Replacing SAN Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

SAN boards. When a SAN interface
board becomes faulty, you need to
replace the faulty board for normal
running of the network.

9 Replacing ATM/IMA Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

ATM/IMA service boards. When the
ATM/IMA service boards become
faulty, you need to replace the faulty
boards for normal running of the

10 Replacing WDM Interface Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

WDM boards. When a WDM interface
board becomes faulty, you need to
replace the faulty board for normal
running of the network.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

About This Document



11 Replacing CXL Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

CXL boards. When a CXL board is
faulty, it needs to be replaced so that the
associated network can return to a
normal state.

12 Replacing the Optical Power Amplifier


This chapter describes how to replace a

faulty optical power amplifier board.
When a BA2/BPA board becomes
faulty, you need to replace the faulty
board for normal running of the network.

13 Replacing DCU Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

DCU boards. When a DCU board
becomes faulty, you need to replace the
faulty board for normal running of the

14 Replacing AUX/EOW Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

faulty AUX/EOW boards. When an
AUX board becomes faulty, it is
required to replace the faulty board for
normal running of the network.

15 Replacing TSB8/TSB4 Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

TSB8/TSB4 boards. When a TSB8/
TSB4 board becomes faulty, it is
required to replace the faulty board for
normal running of the network.

16 Replacing PIU Boards

This chapter describes how to replace

PIU boards. When a PIU board becomes
faulty, it is required to replace the faulty
board for normal running of the network.

17 Replacing COA Amplifiers

When a COA amplifier is faulty, you

need to replace the faulty unit to restore
the network.

18 Replacing Fans

When a fan is faulty, you need to replace

the faulty unit to restore the network.

19 Replacing FIB Board

When an FIB board becomes faulty, you

need to replace the faulty board for
normal running of the network.

20 Board Version Replacement

Using the board version replacement

function, you can replace an old version
board with a new version board.

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

About This Document

Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows.

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.




Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which,

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not
avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and
performance degradation, or unexpected results.


Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

your time.


Provides more information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

General Conventions


Times New Roman

Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.


Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For

example, log in as user root.


Book titles are in italics.

Courier New

Terminal display is in Courier New.

Command Conventions





The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italic.


Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

About This Document



{ x | y | ... }

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets

and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } *

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can
be selected.

GUI Conventions



Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in

boldface. For example, click OK.


Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For
example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation



Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2

Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2

Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operation

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)




Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.


Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without
moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

About This Document

Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest issue contains all updates
made to previous issues.

Updates in Issue 03 (2010-11-30) Based on Product Version V100R008

This document is the third issue for V100R008. Compared with the second issue, this issue
contains the following update:

Section "Replacing the CF Card of a GSCC Board" is deleted.

Updates in Issue 02 (2010-03-31) Based on Product Version V100R008

This document is the second issue for V100R008. Compared with the first issue, this issue
contains the following updates:

Section "Replacing an SDH Board" is modified.

Section "Replacing Ethernet Boards" is modified.

Section "Replacing a PIU Board" is modified.

Section "Board Version Replacement" is modified.

Updates in Issue 01 (2008-07-30) Based on Product Version V100R008

This document is the first issue for V100R008.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement


About This Document...................................................................................................................iii
1 General Precautions...................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Name and Feature............................................................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Correct Board Swapping.................................................................................................................................1-3

2 Safety Operation Guide............................................................................................................2-1

2.1 Safety Labels...................................................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Using Fibers with Safety.................................................................................................................................2-2
2.3 ESD................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.4 Laser................................................................................................................................................................2-6
2.5 Short Circuit....................................................................................................................................................2-7
2.6 Operations on the Equipment with Power On.................................................................................................2-8
2.7 Precautions of Using the ................................................................................................................................ 2-8

3 Categorized Description of Components Replacing...........................................................3-1

4 Tools..............................................................................................................................................4-1
5 Replacing PDH Boards..............................................................................................................5-1
6 Replacing SDH Interface Boards............................................................................................6-1
7 Replacing Ethernet Boards.......................................................................................................7-1
8 Replacing SAN Boards..............................................................................................................8-1
9 Replacing ATM/IMA Boards...................................................................................................9-1
10 Replacing WDM Interface Boards......................................................................................10-1
11 Replacing CXL Boards...........................................................................................................11-1
12 Replacing the Optical Power Amplifier Board................................................................12-1
13 Replacing DCU Boards.........................................................................................................13-1
14 Replacing AUX/EOW Boards...............................................................................................14-1
15 Replacing TSB8/TSB4 Boards..............................................................................................15-1
16 Replacing PIU Boards............................................................................................................16-1
17 Replacing COA Amplifiers..................................................................................................17-1
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

18 Replacing Fans........................................................................................................................18-1
19 Replacing FIB Board..............................................................................................................19-1
20 Board Version Replacement.................................................................................................20-1
20.1 Background.................................................................................................................................................20-2
20.2 Board Version Replacement Relations.......................................................................................................20-3
20.3 Board Replacement.....................................................................................................................................20-3
20.4 Board Capacity Expansion..........................................................................................................................20-4
20.5 Board ID Modification................................................................................................................................20-5

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement


Figure 1-1 Example of specification bar code of a board.................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 2-1 Slanting optical interface....................................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-2 Level optical interface........................................................................................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-3 Wearing an ESD wrist strap (OptiX OSN 1500A).............................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4 Wearing an ESD wrist strap (OptiX OSN 1500B).............................................................................2-5

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement


Table 1-1 Board replacing precautions.................................................................................................................1-1
Table 2-1 Safety labels stuck on the equipment...................................................................................................2-2
Table 3-1 Boards on OptiX OSN 1500................................................................................................................3-1
Table 4-1 Required tools and meters....................................................................................................................4-1
Table 5-1 Corresponding relationship between PDH processing and interface boards.......................................5-2
Table 7-1 EFS0/EFS4/EFT8/ETF8/EFF8 corresponding relationship between processing and interface boards
Table 11-1 Corresponding relationship between CXL and logical boards.........................................................11-4
Table 20-1 Board version replacement relations................................................................................................20-3

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

1 General Precautions

General Precautions

About This Chapter

In capacity expansion or maintenance, you need to add or replace boards and other components.
Improper operations may cause accidents. This section introduces the precautions taken during
operations for the replacement of components.
Table 1-1 lists the precautions taken during the replacement of the board and other components.
Table 1-1 Board replacing precautions



l The board and operation tools should be available.

l Check and record the board specifications, version and related
configurations. Make sure that the board specifications and version are
consistent before and after the board replacement. Confirm the optical
transmission distance and the interface rate of the optical interface board.
l Check whether the label of the outgoing fiber cable of the board is complete
and provide additional information if necessary.
l Set the DIP switch and jumper correctly.
l Query related alarms and performance events through the NM.
l Make sure the service has been switched to the backup board if the backup
board is available.


l Wear an ESD wrist strap.

l Insert and remove the board correctly. Remove any fiber connecting to the
board before replacement, and then connect it again after the board is
l Record the settings of the jumper and DIP switch on the board.
l Protect the board against short circuit.
l Prevent the laser from causing damage to your eyes.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

1 General Precautions




l Make sure that the fiber cables are connected correctly.

l Make sure the board works normally by observing the board indicators.
l Query related alarms and performance events through the NM, and make
sure that there is no abnormality alarm. For a board without the alarm
reporting function, you need to check the operation of the connected device.
l To replace the GSCC board, send the configurations again, set performance
monitoring and backup the database.
l For a functional unit with backup, check whether the switching is normal.
l Put the replaced board in an ESD protection bag and attach a maintenance
label on the bag, displaying the NE name and fault.

1.1 Name and Feature

Select the correct backup board whose name and features are the same as those of the faulty
1.2 Correct Board Swapping
Removing an in-service board may cause service interruption. It is recommended that you
perform hot swapping of boards during off-peak hours.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

1 General Precautions

1.1 Name and Feature

Select the correct backup board whose name and features are the same as those of the faulty
There are two types of bar codes for the equipment.

16-digit manufacturing code + board version + board name + feature code

20-digit manufacturing code + board version + board name + feature code

The manufacturing code (16-digit bar code) is placed on the front panel, as shown in Figure
Figure 1-1 Example of specification bar code of a board

Bar code

0364401055000015 -SSN3SL16A01

Last 6-character serial code of BOM

Internal code
Board version
Board name
5 Board feature code

1.2 Correct Board Swapping

Removing an in-service board may cause service interruption. It is recommended that you
perform hot swapping of boards during off-peak hours.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

1 General Precautions

l Do not use excessive force when inserting a board to avoid distorting the pins on the
l Insert the board along the slide rail of each slot. Do not let the components on the board touch
one another as they may cause short circuit.
l When handling a board, do not touch the circuit, components, connectors, and connection
slots on the board.
When the board is inserted into the backplane again, it needs several minutes to achieve the
running state.
For the operations of board swapping, refer to Installing the Boards and Removing the Boards.

The time interval between powering on and powering off of equipment should be more than 10 seconds.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

Safety Operation Guide

About This Chapter

This section provides guidelines to safety operations during routine maintenance. The guidelines
consist of the safety regulations for humans and the equipment. These guidelines must be
followed to avoid injuries to humans or damage to equipment.
2.1 Safety Labels
During the equipment maintenance, observe the precautions indicated by the warnings and safety
symbols to prevent damage to the human body or equipment.
2.2 Using Fibers with Safety
Use the fiber in a safe and correct manner, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and
prevent damage to the human body and equipment.
2.3 ESD
ESD can damage boards. Some measures such as proper grounding and wearing the ESD wrist
strap should be taken to protect the equipment against ESD.
2.4 Laser
When you install and maintain equipment, follow the safety precautions to prevent personal
injury or equipment damage.
2.5 Short Circuit
When you install and maintain equipment, follow the operation rules when you use or place a
tool to prevent the short circuit caused by metallic objects such as tools.
2.6 Operations on the Equipment with Power On
When you operate on the equipment when it is powered on, ensure that you take the safety
precautions to prevent personal injury or equipment damage.
2.7 Precautions of Using the
To use the correctly, you should observe the precautions of running, setting, and operating the .

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

2.1 Safety Labels

During the equipment maintenance, observe the precautions indicated by the warnings and safety
symbols to prevent damage to the human body or equipment.
Table 2-1 lists the safety labels stuck to the equipment.
Table 2-1 Safety labels stuck on the equipment

ESD Protection Symbol
Indicates a caution that you need to wear
an ESD wrist strap or glove to avoid
damage caused by electrostatic to boards.




Laser Level Symbol

Indicates a warning that laser beam may
cause injuries to eyes or skin.

Subrack Grounding Label

Indicates the position of the grounding






Regular Cleaning Label

Indicates a warning that you need to
regularly clean the air filter.
Fan Warning Label
Indicates a warning that you cannot touch
the fan blade before the fan stops.
APD Alarm Label
Indicates the optical interface overload
threshold is -9 dBm.

2.2 Using Fibers with Safety

Use the fiber in a safe and correct manner, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and
prevent damage to the human body and equipment.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

The laser beam at the optical interface board or from the fiber may cause injuries to eyes. Do
not stare into the optical interface or fiber connector during installation and maintenance of
optical interface boards or fibers.

Clean the Fiber Connectors and Optical Interfaces

Use the special cleaning tools and materials to clean the fiber connectors and optical interfaces.
Some common tools and materials are listed as follows.

Special cleaning solvent (Isoamylol is preferred, propyl alcohol is the next, alcohol and
formalin are forbidden.)

Non-woven lens tissue

Special compressed gas

Cotton stick (medical cotton or long fiber cotton)

Special cleaning roll, used with cleaning solvent listed in the first item

Magnifier for optical connectors

For details on how to check and clean fibers, refer to "Inspecting and Cleaning the Fiber-Optical
Connectors" in the Supporting Task.

Replace Fibers
Use filter caps to cap the connectors of the fibers that are not used temporarily.

Connect Fibers
When the optical power is too high, use an attenuator to prevent damage to the optical interface.

The slanting optical interface can be directly connected to an attenuator, which must be
inserted in the IN port, not in the OUT port.

The level optical interface cannot be directly connected to an attenuator, but can be
connected through the optical distribution frame (ODF).

Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 respectively show the slanting and level optical interfaces.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

Figure 2-1 Slanting optical interface


Figure 2-2 Level optical interface


2.3 ESD
ESD can damage boards. Some measures such as proper grounding and wearing the ESD wrist
strap should be taken to protect the equipment against ESD.
The general rules pertaining to ESD are as follows:


Check that the equipment is securely grounded according to requirements.

Always wear an ESD wrist strap during the operation.

Before touching a device, a board or an integrated circuit (IC) chip, you must wear an ESD
wrist strap, and properly ground the other end of the ESD wrist strap to prevent static
electricity in the human body from damaging the static sensitive components. Ensure that
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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

the metallic portion of the ESD wrist strap is in contact with the skin and the other end is
properly connected to the grounding connector. If the ESD wrist strap is not available, wear
the antistatic gloves. For the method of how to wear an ESD wrist strap on the OptiX OSN
1500A, refer to Figure 2-3. For the method of how to wear an ESD wrist strap on the OptiX
OSN 1500B, refer to Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-3 Wearing an ESD wrist strap (OptiX OSN 1500A)

Figure 2-4 Wearing an ESD wrist strap (OptiX OSN 1500B)

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

Check the validity and functionality of the wrist strap. Its resistance value ranges from 0.75
Mohm to 10 Mohm. If the validity period (usually two years) of the wrist strap expires, or
the resistance value fails to meet requirements, use a functioning wrist strap.

Avoid touching boards with your clothing, because the touching generates static electricity
beyond the protection scope of the wrist strap.

Wear antistatic gloves and place the board on an antistatic pad when replacing board
software or chips. Use antistatic tweezers or extraction tools to replace chips. Do not touch
chips, circuits, or pins with bare hands.

Keep the boards and other ESD sensitive parts to be installed in antistatic bags. Place
removed boards and components on an antistatic pad or other antistatic materials. Do not
use non-antistatic materials such as white foams, common plastic bags, or paper bags to
pack boards or allow them to touch boards.

Wear an ESD wrist strap when operating the ports of boards because they are also ESDsensitive. Discharge the static electricity of cables and protective sleeves before connecting
them to the ports.

Reserve some materials for board installation (such as antistatic boxes and bags) in the
room for future use.

2.4 Laser
When you install and maintain equipment, follow the safety precautions to prevent personal
injury or equipment damage.
The safety precautions of lasers consists of the following two parts:

Personal injury

Equipment damage

Personal Injury

The laser beams from fibers or the optical interface on boards cause eye damage. Do not look
directly at the optical interfaces or fiber connectors during the installation and maintenance of
boards or fibers.

In the case of an optical interface that is in use, use protective caps to cover the optical interface
and the fiber connector when you remove the fiber from the optical interface to prevent eye


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

Equipment Damage

Use protective caps to cover idle optical interfaces and fiber connectors so that they do not gather

When performing a hardware loopback test on optical interfaces by using a fiber, add the optical
attenuator to prevent damage to the equipment because of the high power of the laser beam. Add
the optical attenuator at the receive optical interface on the board that supports optical

When you use the optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), disconnect the fiber between the
opposite station and the board to prevent damage to the receive optical module because of high
optical power.

Exercise caution when you remove or insert the board that is connected with fibers.

2.5 Short Circuit

When you install and maintain equipment, follow the operation rules when you use or place a
tool to prevent the short circuit caused by metallic objects such as tools.

Do not place tools, such as screwdrivers, on the air baffle.

Ensure that screws do not fall off into the subrack or chassis.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

2 Safety Operation Guide

2.6 Operations on the Equipment with Power On

When you operate on the equipment when it is powered on, ensure that you take the safety
precautions to prevent personal injury or equipment damage.

Do not install or disassemble the equipment when it is powered on.

Do not install or remove the power cables of the equipment when it is powered on.

2.7 Precautions of Using the

To use the correctly, you should observe the precautions of running, setting, and operating the .

Precautions of Running the

To ensure that the runs properly, be aware of the following precautions:

Install the software in the file path that contains only English characters.

On the Windows platform, log in to the operating system as the user that is used during the
installation. Do not change the login user of Windows.

Precautions of Setting the Computer


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

3 Categorized Description of Components Replacing

Categorized Description of Components

The boards used on the OptiX OSN 1500 can be classified into different types such as SDH
board, PDH board, and Ethernet board.
For board classifications, refer to Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Boards on OptiX OSN 1500
Unit Name

OptiX OSN 1500A

OptiX OSN 1500B

PDH board

Processing board: R1PL1,

R1PD1, R2PD1, N1PL3A,

Processing board: R1PL1, R1PD1,

R2PD1, N1PQ1, N2PQ1, N1PQM,
N1PL3, N2PL3, N1PL3A, N2PL3A,
N1PD3, N2PD3, N2PQ3, N1DX1,

Interface board: R1L12S,


Interface board: N1MU04, N1D34S,

N1D75S, N1D12S, N1D12B
SDH board

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

Processing board: R1SL1,

N1SL1, N1SL1A, N2SL1,
R1SL4, N1SL4, N1SL4A,
N2SL4, R1SLD4, N1SLD4,
N2SLQ4, N1SL16, N2SL16,
N3SL16, N1SL16A,
N2SL16A, N3SL16A,

Processing board: R1SL1, N1SL1,

N1SL1A, N2SL1, R1SLQ1,
N1SEP, R1SL4, N1SL4, N1SL4A,
N2SL4, R1SLD4, N1SLD4,
N2SLQ4, N1SL16, N1SLQ4A,
N2SL16, N3SL16, N1SL16A,
N2SL16A, N3SL16A, N1SF16
Interface board: N1EU04, N1EU08,
N2EU08 and N1OU08

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


3 Categorized Description of Components Replacing

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

Unit Name

OptiX OSN 1500A

OptiX OSN 1500B

Ethernet board

Processing board: R1EFT4,


Processing board: R1EFT4,

Interface board: N1ETF8, N1EFF8,

ATM board



IMA board



SAN board



WDM interface

TN11MR2, TN11MR4,
TN11CMR2, and TN11CMR4


TN11OBU1, TN11MR2,
TN11MR4, TN11CMR2,
TN11CMR4, and N1LWX

Boards combining
SCC, line, crossconnect, and timing

Q2CXL16, Q3CXL1,
Q3CXL4, Q3CXL16,

Q2CXL1, Q2CXL4, Q2CXL16,

Q3CXL1, Q3CXL4, Q3CXL16,

Optical amplifier




Power input board



Auxiliary interface



Orderwire board



Fan control board



Electrical interface
protection board

N1TSB8 and N1TSB4

l According to impedance, the N1PQ1 can be classified into N1PQ1A (75 ohms) and N1PQ1B (100
ohms/120 ohms). In the context, the N1PQ1 refers to both the N1PQ1A and the N1PQ1B, unless
otherwise specified.
l Interface boards are used to provide interfaces for optical or electrical signals and transmit the optical
or electrical signals to the proper processing boards.


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4 Tools


When replacing boards, you need some necessary tools such as ESD wrist strap and T2000.
Table 4-1 lists the tools necessary for replacing boards.
Table 4-1 Required tools and meters

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)


Tools and Meters


ESD wriststrap

Used to prevent the electrostatic discharge generated by

human body from damaging static-sensitive components.

Antistatic bag

Used to pack the static sensitive parts.

Screw driver

Used to drive on or off the screws.


Used to perform NM operations.

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OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

5 Replacing PDH Boards

Replacing PDH Boards

This section describes how to replace the PDH processing boards. When a PDH processing board
becomes faulty, you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
There are two types of PDH boards: interface boards and processing boards. After replacement,
their impact on services is different.

In the case of replacing an interface board, services are interrupted.

In the case of replacing a processing board, when the board is configured with the TPS
protection, services are protected. When the board is not configured with the TPS
protection, services are interrupted.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Query the current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.

If you need to replace interface boards, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.

If you need to replace processing boards, go to Step 2.

Step 2 Perform the following steps to check whether the board that needs to be replaced is configured
with the TPS protection. If no TPS protection is configured, or if the protection board is faulty,
proceed with Step 4.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Select Configuration > TPS Protection from the Function Tree.


Click Query. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

Step 3 In the case of no switching, initiate the switching on the T2000.

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Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.

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5 Replacing PDH Boards


Select Configuration > TPS Protection from the Function Tree.


Right-click the board that needs to be replaced and select Manual Switching. A dialog box
is displayed. Click Confirm. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Query alarms and performance events. Make sure that except the alarm for TPS switching
(TPS_ALM), no other alarms and performance events are raised. Query whether services
are running normally. If yes, it indicates that the switching is successful.

Step 4 Inform the on-site maintenance personnel of removing the faulty board. For details, refer to
Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 5 Confirm the new board works normally and there is no abnormal alarm and performance event.
Step 6 If the manual switching is set, follow the steps to cancel the manual switching on the T2000.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Configuration > TPS Protection from the Function Tree.


Right-click the board to be replaced and select Manual Restoration. An Operation

Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Query the alarms and performance events on NM. Make sure that there are no new alarms
and performance events. If the service is also normal, it means that the switching is

Step 7 Verify if the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms are

Related Information
When replacing PDH processing boards, you need to learn the corresponding relationship
between the processing and interface boards. Refer to Table 5-1.
Table 5-1 Corresponding relationship between PDH processing and interface boards


Processing Boards

Interface Boards


L75S, L12S

PD1 (OptiX OSN 1500A)

L75S, L12S

PD1 (OptiX OSN 1500B)

D75S, D12S


D75S, D12S, D12B


D12S, D12B

PD3, PQ3



C34S, D34S





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Processing Boards

5 Replacing PDH Boards

Interface Boards

Note: When replacing the processing boards mentioned in the table, you must pay attention
to their each corresponding interface board and impedance. For details, refer to the OptiX
OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System Hardware Description

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Parts Replacement

6 Replacing SDH Interface Boards

Replacing SDH Interface Boards

This section describes how to replace SDH interface boards. When an SDH interface board
becomes faulty, you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If the board is not configured with protection, replacing the board may cause service interruption
on the board.
The board is configured with protection. When the switching is normal, replacement of the SDH
processing board does not affect services.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board. Select the correct backup board whose name, type and
parameters are the same with those of the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Query the network protection configuration. Use the NM to query whether the equipment is
configured with protection. If it is not configured, replace the faulty board. The following are
the steps that are related to querying the MSP.

Choose Configuration > Protection View from the Main Menu. Select Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.


Choose a subnet configured with the MSP from the list box on the left. The state of the
nodes on the subnet is indicated in the list box on the right.


Click Query to check the switching state of a particular node.

Step 4 In the case of no switching, initiate the switching on the T2000. The following are the steps that
are related to initiating the MSP switching.
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6 Replacing SDH Interface Boards

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Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.


Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Exercise-Ring from the short-cut menu.
An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Exercise-Ring is displayed, it indicates the
normal MSP switching.


Query the alarms and performance events on the NM. Confirm that there is no new alarm
and performance events (exclusive of the alarms (APS_INDI) and performance events that
are caused by switching exercise). Switching is successful when no new alarm or
performance alarm occurs.


Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Forced Switching to Protection-Ring. An

Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State from the short-cut menu. If Forced Switching is
displayed, it indicates that the switching is successful.

Step 5 Replace the faulty board. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 6 Release the MSP switching by using the NM.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.


Confirm the new board works normally and there is no abnormal alarm and performance


Select the board that is being replaced. Choose Clear from the short-cut menu. An
Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Normal is displayed, it indicates that the
switching is disabled.

Step 7 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms
are cleared. Perform and verify exercise switching.

Related Information
The SEP board is an STM-1 line processing board. It achieves the STM-1 accessing and
processing in conjunction with the EU08/EU04/OU08 boards


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Parts Replacement

7 Replacing Ethernet Boards

Replacing Ethernet Boards

This section describes how to replace Ethernet boards. When the Ethernet board becomes faulty,
you need to replace the faulty board for the normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
The Ethernet boards are classified into the transparent transmission boards and the switching
boards. Replacing the boards of different types has the following impacts on services:

If you replace a transparent transmission board, the services on the board are interrupted.

When you replace a switching board, if the processing board is configured with the TPS/
BPS/PPS/DLAG protection, the services on the processing board are protected.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup Ethernet board. The selected backup Ethernet board must share the
same name, type, and parameters with the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms of the board. Refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the board in the field. Refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

Related Information
When replacing the EFS0/EFS4/EFT8/ETF8/EFF8 board, pay attention to the corresponding
relationship between the Ethernet and interface boards. Refer to Table 7-1.
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7 Replacing Ethernet Boards

Table 7-1 EFS0/EFS4/EFT8/ETF8/EFF8 corresponding relationship between processing and

interface boards
Processing Boards

Interface Boards






l The EFS4 board accesses and processes 4 x FE services.
l The EFT8 can be used with the interface board (ETF8/EFF8) to access and process 8 x electrical
Ethernet signals or 8 x optical Ethernet signals. It alone can also transparently transmit 8 x FE Ethernet
l When the EFS0 adopts the TPS protection, the EFS0 board to be replaced is required to switch to the
backup board before replacement.
l To replace these boards, it is required to use the board with the signal transport distance in compliance
with the network design requirements.

Precautions for replacing the N2EGS2/N2EGT2 board:


The optical transmission distance depends on the specifications of the optical interface on
the N2EGS2/N2EGT2 board. The optical module is a small form factor pluggable module.

When replacing the N2EGS2/N2EGT2 board, use the optical module whose optical
transmission distance meets the network design requirements.

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8 Replacing SAN Boards

Replacing SAN Boards

This section describes how to replace SAN boards. When a SAN interface board becomes faulty,
you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
The services on the board are interrupted, and the services take a long time to restore.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup Ethernet board. The selected backup Ethernet board must share the
same name, type, and parameters with the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms of the board. Refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the board in the field. Refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

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9 Replacing ATM/IMA Boards

Replacing ATM/IMA Boards

This section describes how to replace ATM/IMA service boards. When the ATM/IMA service
boards become faulty, you need to replace the faulty boards for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If 1+1 protection is configured, replacement of the board does not affect the services in case of
normal switching.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup Ethernet board. The selected backup Ethernet board must share the
same name, type, and parameters with the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms of the board. Refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the board in the field. Refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

Related Information
When the board adopts 1+1 protection, the board that needs to be replaced is required to switch
to the backup board before replacement.

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10 Replacing WDM Interface Boards

Replacing WDM Interface Boards

This section describes how to replace WDM boards. When a WDM interface board becomes
faulty, you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If the LWX board is configured with 1+1 protection, replacement of the faulty board does not
affect services in case of normal switching.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup Ethernet board. The selected backup Ethernet board must share the
same name, type, and parameters with the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms of the board. Refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the board in the field. Refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

Related Information
The LWX board converts wavelength. Therefore, the wavelength at the optical interface needs
to be the same. When the LWX board adopts the 1+1 protection mode, you need to switch the
LWX board to be replaced to the standby board before the replacement.
The MR2A and MR2C boards do not accommodate any indicator. Hence, you do not need to
observe the indicator.
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11 Replacing CXL Boards

Replacing CXL Boards

This section describes how to replace CXL boards. When a CXL board is faulty, it needs to be
replaced so that the associated network can return to a normal state.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If a board is provided with 1+1 protection, normally, the services are not affected when you
replace a working CXL board.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board. Select the correct backup board whose name, type, board
software version and parameters are the same as those of the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. Refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Upload confirmation data.

In the Main Menu, select Configuration > Configuration Data Management.


In the left pane, select the NE where a board is to be replaced and click
the NE appears in the Configuration Data Management List.


Right-click the NE in the Configuration Data Management List. Select Upload from the
shortcut menu.

. Then,

Step 4 Query the user data of NE.


Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Security > NE User Management.


Select the NE in NE User Management Table. Click

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. Click Query.

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11 Replacing CXL Boards


Record the NE user data for the use in data recovery.

Step 5 Query the current user.


Select the NE, and select Function Tree > Security > NE Login Management.


Select the NE in NE Login Management. Click


Record the login user data for the use in data recovery.

. Click Query.

Step 6 Perform working/protection switching. If the protection board is faulty, go to Step 7.

Before working/protection switching, check whether there are any alarms on the protection
board. If the working board is faulty, services switch to the protection board automatically. In
this case, go to Step 7.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Select Function Tree > Configuration > Board 1+1 Protection.


Right-click the Cross-connect Protection Pair of the NE from the 1+1 Protection List.
Select Working/Protection Switching from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed.
Click Confirm. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close. If the board ID
and name of the protection board are displayed, it indicates that the switching is complete.


Query whether there are any new alarms or performance events on the NM, and the service
is normal. If yes, it indicates that the switching succeeds.

Step 7 Replace the faulty CXL board in the field. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 8 Log in to the NE by using the T2000.

The user data on the NE is lost after the CXL is replaced. Log in to the NE with the default user root on
the T2000 (The password is password), to create the NE user again.


When the CXL is in working state, recover the communication between the NE and the


Right-click the NE icon, and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Security > NE Login Management.


Select the NE in the NE Login Management and click Switch NE User.


Enter the user name (root) and the password (password) to switch the current user of NE
to root.

Step 9 Configure a user of the NE.


Choose Function Tree > Security > NE User Management.


Select the NE in the NE User Management Table and click Add.


Create the user of NE according to original user numbers.

Step 10 Recover the current user of the NE.


Choose Function Tree > Security > NE Login Management.

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11 Replacing CXL Boards


Select the NE in the NE Login Management, and click Switch NE User.


Enter the user name and password of the user just before replacing the board.

Step 11 Download the original configuration data.


Choose Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu after
the CXL board is in working state.


In the left pane, select the NE where a board is to be replaced and click
the NE appears in the Configuration Data Management List.


Right-click the NE in the Configuration Data Management List. Select Download from
the shortcut menu.

. Then


When the configuration data is downloaded, the T2000 is in the interrupt mode by default. Hence, services are
interrupted for several minutes. For the following conditions, change the mode to uninterrupt mode. In this way,
services are not affected.
l The cross-connect board does not adjust the buses.
l The service data at the T2000 side remain unchanged.
l The data to be downloaded is of a small volume.

Step 12 Switch the services back to the working board.


Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Board 1+1 Protection.


Right-click the Cross-connect Protection Pair of the NE from the 1+1 Protection List.
Select Restore Working/Protection from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed.
Click Confirm. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Wait at least five minutes, and click Query. An Operation Result dialog box is displayed.
Click Close. If the board ID and name of the protection board are displayed, it indicates
that the switching is complete.

If an error returns when the board recovers the active or standby state, it indicates that the active and standby
boards are undergoing backup. Wait five minutes at least and then proceed with the recovering operation.

Step 13 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and performance events, and confirm
that there is no new alarm or performance event.

Related Information
Pay attention to the following points when you replace CXL boards.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

If CXL boards are provided with 1+1 protection, when both the working and protection
boards need to replaced, replace the protection CXL board first. After the new CXL board
is activated normally, replace the working CXL board. You do not need to reset the board
ID or reconfigure service data. Consistency of configuration data is automatically verified
between the working and protection CXL boards. If the configuration data on the two boards
is found to be inconsistent, the data on the working board is duplicated to the protection
board. Query current NE alarms. If the HSC_UNAVAIL alarm disappears, it indicates that
the protection board functions normally.
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11 Replacing CXL Boards

If no 1+1 protection is configured, after the replacement, when the new board ID is different
from the old one, the MSP is performed. In this case, services are interrupted. You need to
reset the board ID.

If the CXL board that needs to be replaced is configured with services, services of the
original NE are affected after the replacement. As a result of the replacement, services are

Because the protective switching between the working and protection CXL boards is nonrevertive, you need to switch to the original working slot through the NM system after the
CXL board on the original working slot functions normally.

The CXL1, CXL4, and CXL16 have four versions: R1, Q1, Q2 and Q3. The Q1 version is not
delivered any more. Each of the CXL1, CXL4, and CXL16 has three corresponding logical
boards on the T2000, as listed in Table 11-1.
Table 11-1 Corresponding relationship between CXL and logical boards



Corresponding Logical























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12 Replacing the Optical Power Amplifier Board

Replacing the Optical Power Amplifier

This section describes how to replace a faulty optical power amplifier board. When a BA2/BPA
board becomes faulty, you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If the board is not configured with protection, the services are interrupted or signals are degraded
when you replace the board.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board. Select the correct backup board whose name, type and
parameters are the same with those of the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Query the network protection configuration. Use the NM to query whether the equipment is
configured with protection. If it is not configured, go to step 5. The following are the steps that
are related to querying the MSP.

Choose Configuration > Protection View from the Main Menu. Select Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.


Choose a subnet configured with the MSP from the list box on the left. The state of the
nodes on the subnet is indicated in the list box on the right.


Click Query to check the switching state of a particular node.

Step 4 In the case of no switching, initiate the switching on the T2000. The following are the steps that
are related to initiating the MSP switching.
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Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.

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12 Replacing the Optical Power Amplifier Board

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Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.


Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Exercise-Ring from the shortcut menu. An
Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Exercise-Ring is displayed, it indicates the
normal MSP switching.


Query the alarms and performance events on the NM. Confirm that there is no new alarm
and performance events (exclusive of the alarms(APS_INDI) and performance events that
are caused by switching exercise) and the service is normal. If yes, it indicates that the
switching is successful.


Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Forced Switching to Protection-Ring. An

Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State from the shortcut menu. If Forced Switching is
displayed, it indicates that the switching is successful.

Step 5 Replace the faulty board. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 6 Release the MSP switching by using the NM.

Confirm the new board works normally and there is no abnormal alarm and performance


Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.


Select the board that is being replaced. Choose Clear from the shortcut menu. An
Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Normal is displayed, it indicates that the
switching is disabled.

Step 7 Verify that the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms are
cleared. Perform and verify exercise switching.


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13 Replacing DCU Boards

Replacing DCU Boards

This section describes how to replace DCU boards. When a DCU board becomes faulty, you
need to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
If the board is not configured with protection, the signals are degraded when you replace the

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board. Select the correct backup board whose name, type and
parameters are the same with those of the faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Query the network protection configuration. Use the NM to query whether the equipment is
configured with protection. If it is not configured, go to step 5. The following are the steps that
are related to querying the MSP.

Choose Configuration > Protection View from the Main Menu. Select Protection
View > SDH Protection Subnet Maintenance.


Choose a subnet configured with the MSP from the list box on the left. The state of the
nodes on the subnet is indicated in the list box on the right.


Click Query to check the switching state of a particular node.

Step 4 In the case of no switching, initiate the switching on the T2000. The following are the steps that
are related to initiating the MSP switching.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.

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13 Replacing DCU Boards

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Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Exercise-Ring from the shortcut menu. An
Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Exercise-Ring is displayed, it indicates the
normal MSP switching.


Query the alarms and performance events on the NM. Check whether there are no new
alarms and performance events and services are normal. If yes, it indicates that the switching
is successful.


Right-click the board to be replaced, and select Forced Switching to Protection-Ring. An

Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State from the shortcut menu. If Forced Switching is
displayed, it indicates that the switching is successful.

Step 5 Replace the faulty board. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 6 Release the MSP switching by using the NM.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Choose Function Tree > Configuration > Ring MS.


Select the board that is being replaced. Choose Clear from the shortcut menu. An
Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Click Query > Query Switching State. If Normal is displayed, it indicates that the
switching is disabled.

Step 7 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms
are cleared. Perform and verify exercise switching.


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14 Replacing AUX/EOW Boards

Replacing AUX/EOW Boards

This section describes how to replace the faulty AUX/EOW boards. When an AUX board
becomes faulty, it is required to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services

NEs are unreachable after you replace the AUX/EOW board on the GNE. Thus, you need
to log in to NEs through the standby gateway after replacing the AUX/EOW board.

When replacing the AUX/EOW board, ensure that no protection switching occurs on the
NE. Otherwise, services are interrupted.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board whose name, type and parameters are the same as those of the
faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the faulty board. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.

The interfaces on the AUX/EOW board are RJ-45 interfaces, which access different signals.
These interfaces must be connected in a correct manner to avoid mis-insertion.
Step 4 Verify that the fault is fixed. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms has cleared.
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14 Replacing AUX/EOW Boards

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When the AUX board is replaced, the HARD_BAD alarm is reported, which, however, does not indicate
an anomaly. This alarm automatically clears after some time.



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15 Replacing TSB8/TSB4 Boards

Replacing TSB8/TSB4 Boards

This section describes how to replace the TSB8/TSB4 boards. When a TSB8/TSB4 board
becomes faulty, it is required to replace the faulty board for normal operation of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
Services are affected when the faulty board is replaced.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board whose name, type and parameters are the same as those of the
faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Query the TPS switching state.

Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Select Function Tree > Configuration > TPS Protection.


Click Query to view the state of the TPS protection. An Operation Result dialog box is
displayed. Click Close.

Step 4 Replace the faulty board. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 5 Test whether the TPS function is normal.

Confirm the new board works normally and there is no abnormal alarm and performance


Right-click the NE icon and select NE Explorer.


Select Function Tree > Configuration > TPS Protection.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


15 Replacing TSB8/TSB4 Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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Right-click the board with TPS and select Manual Switching from the short-cut menu. A
dialog box is displayed. Click Confirm. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed.
Click Close.


Query the alarms and performance events on NM and check whether the service is normal.
If the service is normal, there should be no new alarm and performance event except for
TPS_ALM. It means that the switching is successful.


Right-click the board configured with TPS protection and select Manual Restoration from
the short-cut menu. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Query the alarms and performance events on the NM. Check whether there are no new
alarms and performance events and whether services are normal. If yes, it indicates that the
restoration is successful.

Step 6 Verify that the fault is fixed. Query board alarms and confirm that the original alarms are cleared.


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OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement


16 Replacing PIU Boards

Replacing PIU Boards

This section describes how to replace PIU boards. When a PIU board becomes faulty, it is
required to replace the faulty board for normal running of the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
The PIU is of 1+1 backup. If the backup PIU is replaced, services are not affected.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Background Information

Before you replace the board, turn off the power switch of the DC power distribution box. Do
not connect the power connector to the interface. After the PIU board is installed, connect the
power connector and turn on the power switch on the DC power distribution box.
Note the mapping relation between the faulty board and the switch on the top of the subrack to
prevent power failure of the subrack or short-circuit of the power supply caused by improper
operation on site.
For details on the DC power distribution box, see DC PDU in the Hardware Description.

Step 1 Select the correct backup board whose name, type and parameters are the same as those of the
faulty board.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
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16 Replacing PIU Boards

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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Step 3 Replace the faulty PIU board. Refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.


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17 Replacing COA Amplifiers

Replacing COA Amplifiers

When a COA amplifier is faulty, you need to replace the faulty unit to restore the network.

You must be an T2000 user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
When you replace a COA, the services are interrupted.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select a correct spare amplifier. Select a COA amplifier whose name, type and parameters match
those of the faulty amplifier.
Step 2 Query and record the current alarm of the board. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms
on T2000.
Step 3 Remove and replace the faulty unit on site.

To avoid eye injury, do not come into direct contact with the laser beam when replacing an
optical amplifier.

Power off the COA optical amplifier.


Remove the cables on the faulty COA amplifier.


Remove the faulty unit, and then put it in an antistatic bag.


Insert the spare amplifier, and then connect the cables.


Power on the COA optical amplifier.

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17 Replacing COA Amplifiers

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.


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Parts Replacement

18 Replacing Fans


Replacing Fans

When a fan is faulty, you need to replace the faulty unit to restore the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
The equipment may be faulty because of heat dissipation failure. For this reason, you must
replace a fan in time when it is faulty.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup fan. Select the backup fan whose name, type and parameters match
with those of the faulty fan.
Step 2 Query and record the current alarm of the board. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms
on T2000.
Step 3 Remove and replace the faulty fan on site.

Remove the faulty fan and put it in an antistatic bag.


Insert the backup fan.

Step 4 Verify whether the fault is rectified. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

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OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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19 Replacing FIB Board

Replacing FIB Board

When an FIB board becomes faulty, you need to replace the faulty board for normal running of
the network.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Impact on Services
When you replace an FIB board, signals are degraded or services are interrupted.

Antistatic bag, T2000

Step 1 Select the correct backup board. Select the backup board whose types and parameters match
with those of the faulty optical module.
Step 2 Query current alarms. For details, refer to Querying Current Alarms on T2000.
Step 3 Replace the faulty board in the field. For details, refer to Replacing Boards Onsite.
Step 4 Verify whether the fault is fixed. Query board alarms and confirm whether the original alarms
are cleared.

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OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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20 Board Version Replacement

Board Version Replacement

About This Chapter

The equipment supports the function of board version replacement.
20.1 Background
The board version replacement function is intended to solve the version compatibility problem
of boards and NE software, to achieve smooth board replacement, upgrade, and maintenance,
and thus to reduce the operation expenditure.
20.2 Board Version Replacement Relations
The board version replacement function is available for certain boards. Before using the board
version replacement function, learn the board version replacement relations.
20.3 Board Replacement
When an old ID board becomes faulty, replace it using a new ID board. In this case, remove the
old ID board and insert the new ID board and no settings are necessary.
20.4 Board Capacity Expansion
Configure new boards for idle slots on the NE to expand the total capacity.
20.5 Board ID Modification
A multiple ID board works as an ID board or new ID board. Due to change in configuration, the
board ID may mismatch the NE software. In this case, modify the board ID of the multiple ID

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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20 Board Version Replacement

20.1 Background
The board version replacement function is intended to solve the version compatibility problem
of boards and NE software, to achieve smooth board replacement, upgrade, and maintenance,
and thus to reduce the operation expenditure.

New ID Board and Old ID Board

In the case of board version replacement, boards of new versions are new ID boards and those
of old versions are old ID boards.

The new ID boards and old ID boards are specific to the scenarios for replacement. For example, when the
N2EFS0 is to replace the N1EFS0, the N2EFS0 is a new ID board while the N1EFS0 is an old ID board; when
the N4EFS0 is to replace the N2EFS0, however, the N4EFS0 is a new ID board while the N2EFS0 is an old ID

Multiple ID Board
A multiple ID board is a new ID board with multiple board IDs. When a new ID board is to
replace an old ID board, the new ID board works with the board ID as that of the old ID board.
When the new ID board does not replace the old ID board, the former works with the board ID
of itself.

Board Version Replacement

Using the board version replacement function, you can replace an old version board with a new
version board. After the replacement, the configuration and service status of the new version
board are the same as those of the old version board. Only the boards with multiple IDs support
the board version replacement function.
The board version replacement function is manifested as follows:

The new version board can be used with the old version NE software.

The new version board can be used with the new version NE software.

The new version board provides the functions of the old version board.

Application Scenarios

Board replacement
The old version board needs to be replaced due to a board fault or other reasons.

Board capacity expansion

The expansion means that a new version board is added into an empty slot in the NE. In
this case, the corresponding logical board is not yet configured in the NE.
In the case of the old version NE software, the board has a negotiation with the NE
software. After a corresponding logical board supported by the NE software is added,
the board starts to work properly. The board may perform an automatic reset before it
starts to work.
In the case of the new version NE software that supports all board IDs of an inserted
board, the board automatically works as a latest version board. The reason is that, in
most cases, the inserted board starts to work by using the latest board ID. Hence, you


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Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

Parts Replacement

20 Board Version Replacement

need to query the board name and then add a corresponding logical board so that the
board can work properly. If you want the new version board to use the ID of the old
version board, you need to wait for the board reset after you add the logical board. After
the board reset, the board starts to work by using the ID of the old version board.

Board ID modification
A multiple ID board works as an ID board or new ID board. Due to change in configuration,
the board ID may mismatch the NE software. In this case, modify the board ID of the
multiple ID board by deleting the original logical board and then adding a logical board
matching the NE software.
Certain data boards, such as the N4EFS0 and N2EFS4, automatically match themselves
and then work as the logical boards newly configured.
Other boards need to be manually reset (cold) and, after a period, work as the logical
boards newly configured.

20.2 Board Version Replacement Relations

The board version replacement function is available for certain boards. Before using the board
version replacement function, learn the board version replacement relations.
Table 20-1 lists the board version replacement relations.
Table 20-1 Board version replacement relations
Board That Supports Multiple Board

Board That Can Be Replaced



















20.3 Board Replacement

When an old ID board becomes faulty, replace it using a new ID board. In this case, remove the
old ID board and insert the new ID board and no settings are necessary.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.
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20 Board Version Replacement

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent Optical Transmission System

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The operation procedures listed in Table 20-1 for board replacement apply to all the boards that support the
board version replacement function.

Impact on Service
In an unprotected mode, the service is interrupted during the board replacement.

Step 1 Remove the old ID board. For details, refer to Removing the Boards.
Step 2 Insert the new ID board. For details, refer to Installing the Boards.
Step 3 Query whether the current working board enables the board version replacement function. For
details, refer to Checking Enabling Status of the Board Version Replacement Function.

20.4 Board Capacity Expansion

Configure new boards for idle slots on the NE to expand the total capacity.

You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

The operation steps listed in Table 20-1 for board capacity expansion apply to all the boards that support the
board version replacement function.

Impact on Service
In an unprotected mode, the service is interrupted during the board replacement.

Step 1 Insert a new board in the slot. For details, see Installing the Boards.
Step 2 Add the logical slot of the board. Right-click the required NE icon in the Main Topology, and
choose OPEN.
Step 3 Select the slot for the board to be inserted from Basic Slot, and then right-click it to add the
required logical board.
Step 4 Query whether the current working board enables the board version replacement function. For
details, see Checking Enabling Status of the Board Version Replacement Function.


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Parts Replacement

20 Board Version Replacement

20.5 Board ID Modification

A multiple ID board works as an ID board or new ID board. Due to change in configuration, the
board ID may mismatch the NE software. In this case, modify the board ID of the multiple ID

You must be an NE user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

The operation procedures listed in Table 20-1 for board ID modification apply to all the boards that support the
board version replacement function.

Impact on Service
In an unprotected mode, the service is interrupted during the board replacement.

Step 1 In the Main Topology, right-click the icon of the NE where the board ID is to modified and
select NE Explorer.
Step 2 Right-click the logical board of the new ID board and select Delete.
Step 3 Right-click the idle slot where the logical board is deleted and select the logical board for the
old ID board.
Step 4 Optional: If the WRG_BD_TYPE alarm is reported, right-clock the logical board for the old ID
board and select Cold Reset.

Certain data boards, such as the N4EFS0 and N2EFS4, automatically match themselves and no cold reset is

Step 5 Query whether the current working board enables the board version replacement function. For
details, refer to Checking Enabling Status of the Board Version Replacement Function.

Issue 03 (2010-11-30)

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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