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Some features about the FTBF

To do a Shift there, follow the instructions in the DocDB 10682:

1)Understand all monitors in the Control-Room (Also how to make
sure DAQ is working).
2)What is a Pedestal & what a LI?
3)How to convert RAW to DST?
4)Difference between TB & MD working mechanisms?
5)What the Test-Beam does and measures?
6)CRIM & CROCS at the FTBF.
7)Run-->Subrun--->Gates. Death Times.
8)Root-Manual wrote by Anne Norrick.
9)Difference between HV & TripXACQ?

AFZB, 02/25

Pedestals--->to analyze electric-noise from the FEBs.

LI (Light-Injection)--->To detect failures in the scintillators.

OBS: Pedestals can be made during 2 beam-spills

because during that times no events are generated so the
status of the electronic devices can be studied by
analyzing their noise-distribution.

Some monitors in the Control-Room

Elog--->The 1st thing to do when doing a Shift.


When the Run-Control is running, the monitor for the SC


PMT HV Distribution

Counter & Beam-Status Monitor

Arachne-monitor: To see tracks of particles

Minerva Counters Monitor

Differences TB & MD

TB: Uses a Beam of Hadrons (& some electrons, depending on the

MD:Uses the neutrino NuMI Beam.
At the TB: Protons from the Main Injector (120GeV) collide on Al-Target
and then the beam is bent with the aid of magnetic-fields, and collimator
are used to select specific values of P (momentum) related to the Radius
of Curvature of that Beam.
The collimated beam (with fixed P) has many particles (mainly hadrons).
At very low-Enery (1.5-2Gev) we have 70% of electrons in that collimated
beam. As the energy increases we have less electrons but more protons.
The electrons are harder to identity by muons because they can be
captured by atoms.
At the TB-detector, we have really few neutrinos (most of them are

Controlled Access--->Radiation % Safety Division is

in charge of this. Inside the Control-Room we are
safe (when the beam is ON).

Scintilliator---->Light is delivered to the PMTs, there

the photoelectric effect & the CW permits to convert
In a Gate: We have a given amount of Charge at a
given time.
CRIM: Controls Times & Gates.
We have 3 CROCs beside the CRIM, for each CROC
there are up to 4 CHAINS (=channel-1) & for each
CHAIN up to 5 FEBs.
CROCs---->Deliver a Binary File (RAW) to the PC, this
file has to be decoded by a Shell-Script (Based on
Binary File--------->Root-File & n-tuple (series of
events, for each event time & charged are stored).

Scintilliator---->Light is delivered to the PMTs, there

the photoelectric effect & the CW permits to convert
In a Gate: We have a given amount of Charge at a
given time.
CRIM: Controls Times & Gates.
We have 3 CROCs beside the CRIM, for each CROC
there are up to 4 CHAINS (=channel-1) & for each
CHAIN up to 5 FEBs.
CROCs---->Deliver a Binary File (RAW) to the PC, this
file has to be decoded by a Shell-Script (Based on
Binary File--------->Root-File & n-tuple (series of
events, for each event time & charged are stored).


The longer the Sub-Run---->The longer it takes

to set-up (Death-Time) but we have more
Gates. We can reduce the # of gates per SubRun but we will need more Sub-Runs and in
between there are many Gaps (each
contributes a specific Death-Time).
For this reason, an OPTIMUM value is needed:
~ 3'000 Gates/Subrun.
Order: Run--->Sub-Run--->Gate.

About the Slow-Control

Here one can analyze the Hardware

downloading some specific-Files (in the
Manual they are specified).
Some numbers: 5(Trip-T chip), 3(FEB),
2(Channel=Chain+1), 3(CROCE), 0(CRATE) in
that order can be read to specify a piece of
There is an option where we find a specific
order in which some numbers have to
appear(shown in the next slide), otherwise
there is a problem.

Persons who guided me at the


Geoff Savage (Interface Electronics &


Rob Fine (Veto)

Anne Norrick (Cosmics, ToF)

Carrie McGivern (DAQ)

Aaron Bercellie

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