1.1. The Background of Study

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Chapter I


The Background of Study

The opening or reconstruction of the new highway network in an
area which is very wide, isolated, and the extreme topography
environment physical condition sometimes causes many complex
problems, whether it can be seen from many aspects, namely: technical,
economy, sociocultural, or the environment and safety. The large expense,
much power, and the long of time are needed for finding the information
out or the result of evaluation data, in a field research manner (teresterial)
which is enough to recommend that location is suitable and exact for the
opening or the new reconstruction highway. So the knowledge about the
information of developing new highway planning will be the important
thing to prevent the speculative elements and risk of financial loss because
of the unappropriated new highway infrastructure equipping. The effort to
collect the information especially refers more to the data, it is not really
easy and cheap because there are many obstacles from the extreme
environment physical condition. The approach of support area capacity has
a spatial base is the choice to solve the problem. The source of the data
does not take directly all from at the site, but it also comes from the
Geospatial Information Data (IG), they are: Citra Map, Rupa Bumi Map
(RBI), Geology Map, and the other based Map. The planner was invited to
work in collecting the information and the data comprehensively. The
location and form of highway are the important thing applied in method
based on support area capacity. The location standard (trase) and the form
of highway (alinemen) which are good and high head for the easy
reconstruction, easy safeguarding, and the best usage.
The important aspects in reconstructing the highway network
mentioned above can be reached if it is through the exact stakeholder
policy. The accuracy is measured from the development for handling
accord and the best potential of human resources, natural resources, and

infrastructures. Dardak (2005) states that the reconstruction policy which

is not based on three potential resources will be difficult to reach the
sustainable reconstruction. It happened when flood in main traffic lane
economy is caused by the reconstruction that pays less attention to the
support area capacity until the functional system of river and drainage are
not enough. It also can be seen from the traffic jam (bottleneck) in many
transportation network which is caused by the reconstruction that does not
pay attention to the method of making use field, until the physical
resources capacity (unnatural) is not enough for taking in human and
things course which as the result of making use method of the field.
In the development context and area planning, the support area
capacity is the reference for arranging art or printing layout planning of
area (RTRW). Hierarchy, the development of highway network must be
done appropriate with the scenario of development area added to art or
printing layout planning, which is referred to improve the accessibility
from the centra production to marketing in the framework of driving the
national economy growth, and also is directed to open the left behind and
isolated areas in order to asymmetry of the development area can be
There are many important reasons why the studies of development
highway network based on the support area capacity is done, they are so
because: (1). There is unstable population spreading, the wide different
area, the various physical condition and geographic area, (2). It is not all
areas success to develop the potential specifically for the widest area, and




of the

highway network

infrastucture, (3). Need to consider the support area capacity aspect in all
the infrastructure of the reconstruction activity, and (4). There is no studies
of support area capacity which specifically for the developing of outside
the highway network yet.
The choice to concern Gorontalo Province as an area study of the
developing highway network support area based was taken because there

are many consideration, namely: (1) Gorontalo is the youngest province

(32nd Province) in Indonesia that energetically to catch up the
reconstruction area especially in the highway network infrastructure, (2)
Gorontalo Province in National scale, is the part of the economy corridor
of Acceleration Masterplan and the Indonesia Reconstruction Economy
Expansion (MP3EI) that has many best quality, especially in Agricultural
and Maritime sectors. Generally, the potential spread the mountain ranges
out that has the limited accessibility. (3) the highway network lenght that
spread out in Gorontalo Province until 2010, more or less 6.452,191 km. If
it is compared with the broad area of Gorontalo Province, the highway
density (ratio) to the broad area classified minor is range 0,528 km per
unit-area (km/km2), means uncharged with the standard 5 km/km2.


The Problem Statement of Study

As the respond of problems that have mentioned above and by
considering the urgency in transportation sector, so the Government pass
through the art or printing layout planning of area (RTRW 2010-2030)
Gorontalo Province, the transportation planning, is the developing of new
highway network that connect between the area in Gorontalo Province











reconstruction/developing of highway network (1) Marisa-Tolinggula, (2)

Tapa-Atinggola, and (3) Aladi-Tulabolo. The aim that wants to be reached
by the reconstruction of the highway network is to improve the economy
in areas that have the low income, all at once to open the isolated areas
which spread out at the place. Based on the problems that has been
explained above, so the study focuses on 3 formulated questions, they are:
(1) How the Support area capacity of Gorontalo Province in effort the
highway network reconstruction is. (2) Which area has the potential
(makes possible) to the highway network reconstruction based on the the
support area capacity in Gorontalo Province, and (3) How the direction of

the highway network reconstruction based on the support area capacity

condition in Gorontalo Province is.


The Purpose of Study

Based on the background of study and problem statement that have
been explained above, generally this research is designed to apply the
Geography studies critically and deep in examining the highway network
reconstruction based on the support area capacity. Specifically, the study
intents to (1) examine the support area capacity of Gorontalo Province in
effort the developing highway network; (2) analyze the area that the
potential (make possible) to the developing highway network based on the
support area capacity in Gorontalo Province; and (3) arrange the direction
of developing highway network based on the support area condition in
Gorontalo Province.


The Aim of Study

The aim of study, they are: (1) theoretically, hopeful, it can develop
the knowledge, especially the concept of developing highway network
based on the support area capacity; (2) Practically, it can be the substance
input for the stakeholder in developing the highway network system in
Gorontalo Province.


Timeliness, Originality, and the Recent of Study

The study is the authentic and original thoughts which have never
been done before, by observing, processing, analyzing, and evaluating an
area that has big obstacles geographically, with the most extreme
topography area condition, to the developing highway network, through
the spatial approach that integrated with the Geographic Information
System (SIG). It is actual because the developing transportation area

especially the needs for the highway network is dynamic and interrelated
with the developing area that is studied, based on Geography studies,
modeling spatial, and the recent developing condition appropriate with the
data which can be accounted for. The study is done by harmonious steps,
by entangling the various methods, components and different technical
analysis that support each other and are done simultanously. The method is
the new studies method which has never been applied in the earlier
research. Likewise, the simultanously studies, hopeful it can make a result
of the formulation strategy and the policy brief of the developing highway
network optimal, it can be applied in Gorontalo Province.
Hopeful, it so happens a recent result of the study to reconstruct the
approach method that connect in the developing highway network
planning of the new developed or the isolated areas, through the level of
big Geographical obstacles, but has the potential values of natural
resources overflow, especially in some areas in Gorontalo Province.
Some approach methods are studied for analyzing the support area








(physiography), parametrik approach (scoring system), and the approach

of the receiving area capacity which are integrated by SIG application
(Geography Information System). In SIG application, the support area
capacity can be determinated by 3 micro statistical variable components,
namely: (1) the variable component of the support physical environment
capacity (the constant variable), (2) the receiving area capacity component
(unconstant variable), and (3) the variable component of utilizing area
(unconstant variable). Socio-economy and sociocultural approaches are
used to complete the spatial approach, in explaining the economy
condition, sociocultural that is considered influential to the effort of
developing highway network in Gorontalo Province.


The common reconstruction highway is done in Indonesia which has

the first step for planning, then feasibility study and detail design. After
that, the construction step and the last maintenance step. In Indonesia
Republic Constitution (UUD RI) No. 38, 2004 about highway, generally
manage the highway coordination in Indonesia, covers: (1) the highway
arrangement is the formulation planning policy, the disposition general
planning, and the arrangement of the other constitution regulation, (2) the
founding is the arrangement orientation activity and technical standard, the
service, empowerment of human resources, the study and the developing
highway, (3) the reconstruction highway is the programa and budgeting
activity, technical planning, the implementation of construction, the
operation, and highway maintenance, and (4) the highway supervision is
the activity done for giving shape to the correct regulation, founding, and
reconstruction highway.
Indonesia Republic Government Regulation No. 34, 2006 about the
highway is the carrying out regulation of UU No. 38/2004, that
specifically control the highway implementation activity include of the
arrangement, the founding, reconstruction, and the highway supervision,
the sides as the highway organizers, the highway network system, and
highway ledger. The range of PP No.34/2006 include of the general and
spesific highway regulation. In PP No. 34/2006, the general highway
implementation is done by giving priority to the reconstruction of highway
network in the central production and they connect the central production
with marketing area. It is appropriate with the direction of the highway
implementation policy in UU No. 38/2004, that is from the economy
aspect hold the position as catalyst between the production process,

central, and the last consumer, so the highway as the proponent economics
matters that will be able to have an optimal role.

Library Research

2.1.1 The Highway Network Standard Planning Based on the Determinate

of Constitution and Government Regulation
Indonesia Republic Constitution No. 38/ 2004, the Indonesia
Government Regulation No. 34/2006 about the highway and Indonesia
Republic Constitution No. 14/ 2009 of traffic and the highway
transportation, to regulate the highway classification which appropriate
with the trip character, and the user of highway transportation are observed
by the aspect of transportation dimension, the highway function that is
represented by the speed of trip trasportation, and the weight of it.
Basically, the classification become the measurement minimum standard
for giving shape to the land transportation safety that uses the highway.
Standarization of using the highway that is regulated appropriated by
regulation and constitution prevailed, is concised in the table 2.1
Table 2.1 The highway class standard based on the function and the
use. The Highway Standard Based on Technical Determinate
The highway is settled the existence in a space that is called: (1) The
Highway Use Space (Rumaja), (2) The Highway Property Space (Rumija),
(3) The Highway Observation Space (Ruwasja). The spaces are prepared
for guaranting the smoothness and safety of the highway user besides the
totality highway construction. The space dimension that minimum for
guaranting the safety of highway user is regulated appropriate by the
function and infrastructure. Typical highway space schematically is
showed in a figure 2.1
In the wide measure the highway body, the large depends more on
the number of highway lane suitable with the function and type of

equipping infrastructure which is used. The wide highway body minimum

appropriate with the highway function which is presented in table 2.2 The Highway Standard Based on Interurban Highway Geometric
The highway standard which is more detail will be explained
completely in planning policy, in the determinate of Highway Geometric
Design. The reference of the highway Geometric planning that has been
published, for example, the customs and manner of the Highway
Geometric planning interurban (No.38.TBM/1997) and can be suited by
the regulation of common work Secretary (No.19/PRT/M/2011). One of
the determinates for the interurban highway design (the highway in
Highway Primer system) is showed in tabel 2.3.

The Standard and Support Area Capacity Factor which are

Considered in Developing Highway Network The Support Area of Physical Environment (DDLF)


Suitability of Terrain for the position of highway network crossing

The terrain suitability to the highway network crossing position
(trase) has a meaning as the appropriateness level of the terrain for the
highway network user. The terrain is a land tract that correlates with the
physical characteristics of earths surface and near from the complex
surface and important for the humans (Van Zuidam and Cancelado, 1979).
Van Zuidam and Cancelado (1979) states that to develop the
inventory and the land resources evaluation, which then be acquanted with
ITC System of Terrain Classification. The approach is the terrain analysis.
Mapping unit is the terrain system and terrain unit which respective for
broad outline study level and detail study. The objective of study is terrain
classification and evaluation for all sorts of need. The collected data is all
terrain characteristic elements and terrain quality, namely include of relief,

geomorphology process, rocks type, the land characteristics, the surface

water, the land water, the natural vegetasi, and other land use.
In the study, the appropriateness terrain is used for the variable
component to evaluate terrain as the aim of engineering, include of
highway past. Terrain past for the highway is the terrain unit capability to
prop up the land cross movement transportation by way of it (Sunarto and
Woro, 1994). There are various types and land transportation tonnage
which through the highway. It is not all the highways can be passed by the
various transportation. Condition of inability of highway in propping up
the transportation cross movement because the low terrain line. The
evaluation is done to know the terrain crossing. There are 4 factors that
can influnce the terrain crossing for the highway network, namely:
geomorphology, geology, land, and hydrology (Sunarto and Woro, 1994).
The analysis unit of study is the terrain unit analysis. It is the
terrain class which is showed by the land form or the land form complex
that has certain characteristics as matters relating to districs earths surface
unit arranged from relief condition, rocks, land, geomorphology process,
and hydrology (Van Zuidam and Cancelado, 1979). Terrain unit has a
certain criteria as marker is used for distinguishing a terrain with others,
and evaluation unit appropriate with the aim of study. The connection with
the aim of study, the appropriateness terrain for the highway network
which relevant from each using type is definited, based on the low and
high score of appropriateness terrain.
The criteria is used for giving the terrain distinctive feature in the
study is the land form, the declivity, the rocks and land type. Terrain unit
can be gotten by overlay, the land form tematik map, slope map, geology
map, and the land type map. It can be called appropriately if terrain
arrangement factor has the appropriatness level that is suitable with the
aim of study. Terrain factor is unappropriate for highway crossing which is
called as the border factor, with the result that the more border factor will
be able to cause the descend terrain appropriateness level.


The Land Form

The land form is the visible terrain which is formed by the
geomorphology processes that has the physical characteristic range and
visual whenever the land form is found. The information of the land form
unit can be achieved by the visual interpretation (to monitor screen) using
Citra Alos 2008. there are three approaches to identify the land form,
namely: (a) approach model, where the chosen area becomes the main
landscape, then being detail based on (i) form, (ii) rivers channel/ rivel
flowing/ drainage, (iii) the visible erosion, and (iv) vegetasi and the
extending culture; (b) geomorphology approach or physiographic, is the
chosen area based on the genesis process formed; and (c) the land form
parameter element approach, namely: (i) form, (ii) density, (iii) location or
landscape. The result of interpretation image can be mapped, then. To
know the truth of it can be done the observation, through semi detail
survey level.


The Declivity
It is definited by a medium likes arcviewgis software in geographic
information system by the contour interpolation way from the Rupa Bumi
Indonesia (RBI) map. To know the truth of accounting result can be done
the range verification by using abney level. The range verification can be
done randomly by using sampling is already there.


The Land Type Based on Sensivity to Erosion

It is definited by a medium likes arcviewgis software in geographic
information system by the interpretation way of the Rupa Bumi Indonesia
(RBI) map and the observed land map. To know the truth of interpreting
result can be done the range verification by using abney level. The range
verification can be done randomly by using sampling is already there.


The Rocks Type Based on Rocks Strength

It is definited by a medium likes arcviewgis software in geographic
information system by the interpretation way of geology map. To know the

truth of interpreting result can be done the range verification. It can be

done randomly by using sampling is already there.

Unsafe Disaster
The natural disaster can be differed by the geology disaster
(earthquake, erupt of a volcano, tsunami, landslide, flood, and so on) and
other natural disaster (conflagration forest, dryness, or typhoon).
Connected with troubled disaster area, so the geology disaster type must
be paid attention, namely: flood-area, landslide, tsunami, erupt of a
volcano, and earthquake. It is so because the disaster cannot be avoided, it
is caused by the main factor as the geology process. Determining of
troubled natural disaster area, especially be related to geology disaster, will
focus on hazard assessment and risk assessment are appeared. The
determining of where and when the geology disaster had ever occured in
the past, or the determining of hazard frequency that maybe emerge
because of physical ravage, is a part of prediction that must be done. In
correlation with the terrain appropriateness for developing the highway
network, a variabel that is used in the study, namely: (1) an erosion hazard
can be predicted, based on a field condition, by paying attention to the
sheet erosion, rill erosion, and gully erosion. The approach is done for
predicting the level of erosion hazard in the study, is by observing the land
surface which vanish (average) by the year, is compared by a un-erosion
land which is featured by the Horizon A. It is usually featured by the dark
color because it is relative contains of the higher organic substance, (2) the
puddle danger because of flood as the combination influeced by the
profundity and duration of it. The both of data can be gotten by
instansional secondary data survey and the interview with the society, and
(3) the danger of slide because rock phase movement can be achieved by
the observation. It can be done randomly by using the sampling is already
there. The Reveiving Capacity Area (DTW: Daya Tampung Wilayah)

In applying the concept of receiving capacity area need to be done
the analysis of the support capacity which compare the need between the
method of making use of land and the natural environment or un-natural
environment system. The aim is for studying the impact of population
growth city development system, public facility system, and the
observation. The receiving capacity area correlated with border-sill
capacity as the base to limit the growth recommendation. Analysis
procedure of receiving capacity area can be done by considering the border
factor/ border-sill or identify the environment and geography quality
(Kaiser et all: 1995). Whereas the main variable that have to be known in
analyzing the receiving capacity area is the potential land and the number
of population. It can be showed by the changes of land consumption rate.
The value of the support area capacity with the land consumption rate to
the various measure of city population in the study by using the land
consumption rate criteria which is developed by Yeates (1980). The Land Use
The land use is the humans engineering-form to natural resources
and un-natural resources that have purpose to to fulfill the life necessity. It
is the important element in developing area. According to Campbell
(1996), besides it is as important factor in planning, by its nature the city
planning is the land-use planning. The land-use information can be gotten
by doing Citra Alos interpretation map in 2008 and teresterial survey. In
this study, the land-use is limited and refers to the type of land-use which
mentioned in RTRWP.
In developing highway planning there are socio-economy and
cultural society aspects that must be considered, so those give the positive
impact to the society continously. The population existences or the society
in an area directly can influence to the allocation resources usage activity.

The condition of socio economy-cultural society must be paid

more attention to the developing highway is the productivity level, income
and education level. The Socio-Economy and Cultural Aspects

Framework of Study
To know the support area capacity of Gorontalo in efforts the
developing highway network by doing the support area capacity analysis
based n two analysis components, they are: the support physical
environment area analysis and receiving capacity area analysis. The first is
based on 2 sub-analysis component, they are: classification and evaluation
terrain, and classification and sensivity disaster evaluation. Moreover, the
second is based on the border-sill area analysis which is measured, based
on ratio projection of land necessity rate. By considering the terrain
appropriateness to highway-cross position, troubled disaster area,
receiving capacity area, the land-use, social condition, economy, local
culture and highway network which have been planned, so, hopeful, it is
the realization of the support area capacity to space readiness for
developing highway network.
The final result of study is provided the spatial spreading of
support area capacity for the developing highway network which is
implemented in recommendation form and direction of developing
highway network. Briefly, to bridge the library research with a method tha
is developed in this disertation, so the framework of study is made and it
can be seen in Figure. 2.2.

The study of developing highway network base the support area
capacity in Gorontalo Province is research and development method as the
qualitative descriptive, through geographic studies approach by the spatial
approach. The support area capacity analysis is a synthetic result from
terrain appropriateness analysis which is explained from the land-potential
aspect, land-physical condition is explained from the troubled disaster
potential aspect, receiving capacity area is explained from population
necessity aspect to a land, and the land-use type condition analysis (SIG)
is used for evaluating terrain unit.
Based on population exitence, the study is a kind of sampling
study, depends on the object characteristics, so the study is a survey
research and based on analysis method, the study is a quantitative and
qualitative research. Quantitative and qualitative method are used in
terrain analysis, is like to be developed for various necessity in the study,
which means to be appropriated with the standard highway network
planning which prevails.
The study is done in area of Gorontalo province, by taking 3
locations as the sampling which represents all areas, they are: (1) the place
that connect with Marisa subdistrict and Tolinggula as the first sampling, it
is in Pohuwato, Boalemo, and Gorontalo Utara regency; (2) the area that
connect with Tapa and Atinggola as the second sampling, which lies on
Bone Bolango and Gorontalo Utara regency; and (3) the area which
connect with Kota Timur-Aladi-Tulabolo and Pinogu as the third
sampling, be in a place in Gorontalo city and Bone Bolango regency, as
the spatial location research which can be showed in figure 3.1

Phase of Study
Sistematic phase of study in study location can be showed in a
current chart of figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2. A current chart of study phase in developing highway

network based on support are capacity.

Material and Medium of Study


The Material of Study

a. Advance Land Observing Satellite in Gorontalo Province AVNIR-2 in June





ALAV2A071333590, ALAV2-A098903580, ALAV2A098903590) with spatial

resolution in the amount of 10 m. LAPAN source is used for making the
land-form map in 2011 and the land-use map in 2011.
b. Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) 1:50.000, in 1991. BAKOSURTANAL, is
used as the geometcric and topographic reference for the administrative map
(location sampling map of study), the declivity, the height map, land-form
map, geology map, land-type map, Isohiet map, river flow model map,
mineral resources map, troubled disaster map, the direction protection area
and cultivation map, the land-use map and highway network map in 2011.
c. Geology map 1:250.000, Kotamobagu thread 2316, 2317 edition 1997, ToliToli thread 2016, 2116, 2317 edition 19976, Tilamuta thread 2216 and 2217,
edition 1993, to know the rocks type condition.
d. Highway Network System Map of Gorontalo Province 1:250.000 in 2010 is
achieved by Dinas P.U/ Kimpraswil Gorontalo Province, to know the
highway network existance condition is already there in Gorontalo.
e. The secondary data, they are RTRW maps of Gorontalo Province in 2010,
the geographhic location data and Administrative area, Agroklimat, riverflow area, geology, transportation network, forest area, mine workings area,
strategic area, the declivity, morphology, the land-use, space-pattern,
troubled-flood and slide, troubled disaster, river unit area, spatial structure,
land, topography and demography data, social, economy and cultural society
in 2009.

The Medium of Study

The medium of study, they are: (a) Global Positioning System
(GPS), the determiner position to coordinate location of study; (b) Digital

Camera to take a picture of Observation field; and (c) Analysis Computer

base software (ArcView GIS 3.3).

Variable of Study


Variable of Support Physical Environment Area Capacity (DDLF) Appropriateness Terrain Based on Terrain Unit


The land-form,


The declivity,


Rocks Type, and


Land Type. Terrain Physical Condition Based on Troubled-Natural Disaster


Surface Erosion,


Puddle causes of flood, and


Soil erosion causes of rocks phase movement.


Receiving Capacity Area


the wide area, and


the number of population.


Existence Land-Use Variable


The land-Use type, and


The Wide Area.


Characteristics Variable Socio Economy-Cultural

a. Demography,
b. Socio-Economy, and
c. Socio-Culture.


Terrain Evaluation Variable Model for Highway Network


Terrain Appropriateness Class,


Troubled-Disaster Class,


Receiving Border-Sill Capacity Class,


The Land-Use Type Class,


The function of highway network

The Analysis Data

The method of anaysis data is used in the study is (1) the spatial
combination analysis base map by scoring analysis that integrated by the
Geographic Information System (SIG), (2) Descriptive quantitative and
qualitative analysis of socio-economy and socio-cultural, (3) scenario
analysis to the determining of cross-location highway network (trase), and
(4) descriptive qualitative analysis to the determining of highway network

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