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Question 4

a) What do you understand by stress?

(4 marks)
Stress is a state of tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary
demands, constraints, or opportunities.
Stress have positive and negative value. The positive value called eustress
that healthy, positive, constructive outcome of stressful events and stress response.
On the other hand, negative value of stress are called distress that the
degree of physiological, psychological, and behavioral deviation from healthy

b) Explain three (3) ways of managing stress at an individual level?

(6 marks)
The three ways to manage stress at an individual level are; by physical
exercise, relaxation techniques, social support.
Physical exercise such as aerobic, walking, jogging, swimming, and riding
bicycle, is an effective way in in dealing with stress because it help to increase heart
capacity and provide a mental diversion from work pressure.
Relaxation technique such as meditation, hypnosis and biofeedback. This
technique will help a person to feel physically relaxed. As for muslims, a deeps state
of relaxation can be achieved through prayers, zikir, reciting the Al-Quran and
Yassin due to closer relationship with the creator.
Social support from co-workers, supervisors, family members, friends, and
others is one of the more effective stress management practices.

c) Describe three (3) sources of organizational factors and two (2) sources
of individual factors that may causes stress?
(10 marks)
There are three (3) of the sources of organizational factors are and two (2)
sources of individual factors that may causes stress. There are; organizational- task
demand, interpersonal demand and physical setting. Individual- economic problem
and personality.
Task demands that relate to a persons job such as job design (autonomy,
task variety, degree of automation), working condition, and physical layout can put
pressure on an employee. For example, working in overcrowded room can increase
anxiety and stress.

Interpersonal demands pressure created by other employees. Bad

relationship, lack of social support from colleagues, or working with others with
whom one does not get along can cause stress to employees.
Physical setting employee get stress when being bothered by noise, lack of
privacy, pollution or other unpleasant working condition.
Economic problems that individual financial problem can create stress for
employees and distract their attention from their work.
Family problems marital difficulties, the breaking off relationship, and
discipline troubles with children that can create stress for employees. These
problems result in spillover effect that can affect them at work.

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