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Exorcise redirects here. It is not to be confused with 1 Buddhism

Exorcism (from Greek , exorkismos bind- See also: Ghosts in Tibetan culture

2 Christianity
Main articles: Exorcism in Christianity and Exorcism in
the Catholic Church
See also: Minor exorcism in the Catholic Church
In Christianity, exorcism is the practice of casting out

Painting of Saint Francis Borgia performing an exorcism by Goya

ing by oath) is the religious or spiritual practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an
area they are believed to have possessed.[1] Depending on
the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, this may be done by
causing the entity to swear an oath, performing an elaborate ritual, or simply by commanding it to depart in the
name of a higher power. The practice is ancient and part
of the belief system of many cultures and religions.

Christ Exorcising a Mute by Gustav Dore, 1865.

demons. In Christian practice the person performing

the exorcism, known as an exorcist, is often a member
of the Christian Church, or an individual thought to be
graced with special powers or skills. The exorcist may
use prayers and religious material, such as set formulas,
gestures, symbols, icons, amulets, etc. The exorcist often
invokes God, Jesus and/or several dierent angels and
archangels to intervene with the exorcism. A survey of
Christian exorcists found that most exorcists believe that
any mature Christian can perform an exorcism, not just
members of clergy. Christian exorcists most commonly
believe the authority given to them by the Father, Son,

Requested and performed exorcisms had begun to decline

in the United States by the 18th century and occurred
rarely until the latter half of the 20th century when the
public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting. There was a 50% increase in the
number of exorcisms performed between the early 1960s
and the mid-1970s.[2]


and Holy Spirit (the Trinity) is the source of their ability

to cast out demons.[3]
In general, people considered to be possessed are not regarded as evil in themselves, nor wholly responsible for
their actions, because possession is considered to be unwilling manipulation by a demon resulting in harm to self
or others. Therefore, practitioners regard exorcism as
more of a cure than a punishment. The mainstream rituals usually take this into account, making sure that there is
no violence to the possessed, only that they be tied down
if there is potential for violence.[4]



In Catholic Christianity, exorcisms are performed in the

name of Jesus Christ.[5] A distinction is made between a
formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest
during a baptism or with the permission of a Bishop, and
prayers of deliverance which can be said by anyone.
The Catholic rite for a formal exorcism, called a Major Exorcism, is given in Section 11 of the Rituale Romanum.[6][7] The Ritual lists guidelines for conducting an
exorcism, and for determining when a formal exorcism is The image of Hanuman at the Hanuman temple in Sarangpur is
required.[8] Priests are instructed to carefully determine said to be so powerful that a mere look at it by people aected by
that the nature of the aiction is not actually a psycho- evil spirits, drives the evil spirits out of the people aected[12]
logical or physical illness before proceeding.[5]
In Catholic practice the person performing the exorcism,
known as an exorcist, is a consecrated priest. The exorcist recites prayers according to the rubrics of the rite,
and may make use of religious materials such as icons and
sacramentals. The exorcist invokes Godspecically the
Name of Jesusas well as members of the Church Triumphant and the Archangel Michael to intervene with
the exorcism. According to Catholic understanding, several weekly exorcisms over many years are sometimes required to expel a deeply entrenched demon.[8][9]

names of Narasimha and reading scriptures, notably the

Bhagavata Purana aloud.

According to Gita Mahatmya of Padma Purana, reading

the 3rd, 7th and 9th chapter of Bhagavad Gita and mentally oering the result to departed persons helps them to
get released from their ghostly situation. Kirtan, continuous playing of mantras, keeping scriptures and holy pictures of the deities (Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman, Brahma,
Shakti, etc.) (especially of Narasimha) in the house,
In general, possessed persons are not regarded as evil in burning incense oered during a Puja, sprinkling water
themselves, nor wholly responsible for their actions.[10] from holy rivers, and blowing conches used in puja are
Therefore, practitioners regard exorcism as a cure and other eective practices.
not some kind of punishment. The Catholic rite usu- The main puranic resource on ghost and death-related inally take this into account, ensuring that there is no vi- formation is Garuda Purana.[16]
olence to those possessed, only that they be tied down if
A complete description of birth and death and also about
deemed necessary for their own protection and that of the
the human soul are explained in Kat Upanishad, a part
of Yajur Veda. A summary of this is also available as a
separate scripture called Kttaka.


Beliefs and practices pertaining to the practice of exorcism are prominently connected with Hindus. Of the four
Vedas (holy books of the Hindus), the Atharva Veda is
said to contain the secrets related to exorcism,[13] magic
and alchemy.[14][15] The basic means of exorcism are the
mantra and the yajna used in both Vedic and Tantric traditions. Vaishnava traditions also employ a recitation of

4 Islam
Main article: Exorcism in Islam
In Islam, exorcism is called ruqya. It is used to repair
the damage caused by sihr or black magic. Exorcisms
today are part of a wider body of contemporary Islamic

alternative medicine called al-Tibb al-Nabawi (Medicine symptoms associated with physical or mental illnesses,
of the Prophet).[17]
such as hysteria, mania, psychosis, Tourettes syndrome,
schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorIslamic exorcisms consist of the treated person lying epilepsy,
down, while a sheikh places a hand on a patients head
while reciting verses from the Quran.[17] The drinking of Additionally, there is a form of monomania called deholy water (Zamzam Water from Zamzam Well ) may monomania or demonopathy in which the patient believes
also take place.[18]
that he or she is possessed by one or more demons.[27]
Specic verses from the Quran are recited, which glorify The illusion that exorcism works on people experiencing
by some to placebo
God (e.g. The Throne Verse (Arabic: Ay- symptoms of possession is attributed
Some cases sugatul Kursi)), and invoke Gods help. In some cases, the
actually naradhan/"ah-zan (the call for daily prayers) is also read, as
and act dethis has the eect of repelling non-angelic unseen beings
or the jinn.
Within the scientic community, the work of psychiatrist
M. Scott Peck, a believer in exorcism, generated signicant debate and derision. Much was made of his association with (and admiration for) the controversial Malachi
Martin, a Roman Catholic priest and a former Jesuit, despite the fact that Peck consistently called Martin a liar
and manipulator.[31][32] Other criticisms leveled against
5 Judaism
Peck included claims that he had transgressed the boundaries of professional ethics by attempting to persuade his
Josephus reports exorcisms performed by administer- patients to accept Christianity.[31]
ing poisonous root extracts and others by making
sacrices.[19] The Dead Sea Scrolls mention that exorcisms were done by the Essene branch of Judaism.
7 Exorcism and mental illness
The Islamic prophet Muhammad taught his followers to
read the last three suras from the Quran, Surat al-Ikhlas
(The Fidelity), Surat al-Falaq (The Dawn) and Surat alNas (Mankind).

In more recent times, Rabbi Yehuda Fetaya authored the

book Minchat Yahuda, which deals extensively with exorcism, his experience with possessed people, and other
subjects of Jewish thought. The book is written in Hebrew and was translated into English.

One scholar has described psychosurgery as Neurosurgical Exorcisms, with trepanation having been widely used
to release demons from the brain[33] Meanwhile, another
scholar has equated psychotherapy with exorcism.[34]

Rabbi Gershon Winkler of New Mexico explains that the

procedure for a Jewish exorcism is intended not only to
drive away the possessing force, but to help both the pos- 8 Notable exorcisms and exorcists
sessor and the possessed in an act of healing. The Jewish
exorcism ritual is performed by a rabbi who has mastered See also: Louviers possessions, Aix-en-Provence possespractical Kabbalah. Also present is a minyan (a group of sions and Loudun possessions
ten adult males), who gather in a circle around the possessed person. The group recites Psalm 91 three times,
and then the rabbi blows a shofar (a rams horn).[20]
An October 2007 mkutu lifting in the Wellington,
The shofar is blown in a certain way, with various notes
New Zealand suburb of Wainuiomata led to the
and tones, in eect to shatter the body so that the posdeath by drowning of a woman and the hospitalizasessing force will be shaken loose. After it has been
tion of a teen. After a long trial, ve family memshaken loose, the rabbi begins to communicate with it and
bers were convicted and sentenced to non-custodial
ask it questions such as why it is possessing the body of
the possessed. The minyan may pray for it and perform
Mother Teresa allegedly underwent an exorcism late
a ceremony for it in order to enable it to feel safe, and so
in life under the direction of the Archbishop of Calthat it can leave the persons body.
cutta, Henry D'Souza, after he noticed she seemed
to be extremely agitated in her sleep and feared she
might be under the attack of the evil one.[36]

Scientic view

Demonic possession is not a valid psychiatric or medical diagnosis recognized by either the DSM-V or the
ICD-10. Those who profess a belief in demonic
possession have sometimes ascribed to possession the

Anneliese Michel was a Catholic woman from Germany who was said to be possessed by six or
more demons and subsequently underwent a secret
ten-month-long voluntary exorcism in 1975. Two
motion pictures, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and

Requiem are loosely based on Annelieses story. The
documentary movie Exorcism of Anneliese Michel
(in Polish, with English subtitles) features the
original audio tapes from the exorcism. The two
priests and her parents were convicted of negligent
manslaughter for failing to call a medical doctor to
address her eating disorder as she died weighing only
68 pounds. The case has been labelled a misidentication of mental illness, negligence, abuse, and
religious hysteria.
Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, wrote an essay
in 1994 about his personal experience of performing
an exorcism on an intimate friend named Susan
while in college.[38]
Michael Taylor in 1974.[39]
A boy identied as Robbie Mannheim,[40][41] was
the subject of an exorcism in 1949, which became
the chief inspiration for The Exorcist, a horror novel
and lm written by William Peter Blatty, who heard
about the case while he was a student in the class of
1950 at Georgetown University. Robbie was taken
into the care of Rev. Luther Miles Schulze, the boys
Lutheran pastor, after psychiatric and medical doctors were unable to explain the disturbing events associated with the teen; the minister then referred
the boy to Rev. Edward Hughes, who performed
the rst exorcism on the teen.[42] The subsequent
exorcism was partially performed in both Cottage
City, Maryland and Bel-Nor, Missouri[43] by Father
William S. Bowdern, S.J., Father Raymond Bishop
S.J. and a then Jesuit scholastic Fr. Walter Halloran,
Salvador Dal is reputed to have received an exorcism from Italian friar Gabriele Maria Berardi while
he was in France in 1947. Dal created a sculpture of
Christ on the cross that he gave the friar in thanks.[45]
Clara Germana Cele was a South African school girl
who claimed to be possessed in 1906.[46]
Johann Blumhardt performed the exorcism of Gottliebin Dittus over a two-year period in Mttlingen, Germany from 18421844. Pastor Blumhardts
parish subsequently experienced growth marked by
confession and healing, which he attributed to the
successful exorcism.[47][48]
George Lukins in 1778.[49]

Cultural references

Exorcism has been a popular subject in ction, especially

Tulasi Dalam (1980 Telugu serial)


The Dybbuk (1914 play by S. Ansky)

The Exorcist (1971 novel by William Peter Blatty,
adapted into the classic 1973 lm, was inspired by
the exorcism of Robbie Mannheim)
Repossessed (1990 comic movie starring Linda Blair
and Leslie Nielsen)
Blue Exorcist (manga written and illustrated by
Kazue Kato, then adapted to anime television series
by A-1 Pictures during 2011 and adapted into an
anime lm in December 2012)
The X-Files (1995 TV series Season 2, Episode 21)
Days of Our Lives (1995 saw the rst ever exorcism
performed on a daytime soap opera)
Marley Davidson (1995 comic book series debut of
Marley Davidson, an exorcist in a ctionalized South
Stigmata (1999 lm starring Patricia Arquette and
Gabriel Bryne)
Possessed (2000 lm inspired by exorcism of Robbie
Exorcism (2003) lm.
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004 movie) a prequel to
the 1973 lm The Exorcist.
Supernatural (2005 television series, has many exorcisms throughout)
Constantine (2005 movie) is based on the
DC/Vertigo comic book Hellblazer.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005 movie) was inspired by the Anneliese Michel case.
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005 movie) was
an alternate prequel to The Exorcist directed by Paul
A Haunting (2005 Discovery Channel TV series about reportedly true stories, many involving
demons and exorcisms.)
Requiem (2006 German-language movie by HansChristian Schmid) is based on the Anneliese Michel
D.Gray-man (2006 Japanese animation series by
Hoshino Katsura)
Apparitions (2008 BBC TV series)
Boys Do Cry (2007 Family Guy episode about the
town of Quahog trying to exorcise Stewie, forcing
the family to leave Rhode Island)

Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (Showtime TV series) Season 5, Episode 5 Exorcism, air date: April 19,
2007. Provides some skeptical commentary on the
usefulness and scientic validity of exorcisms.
Babylon 5: The Lost Tales (2007 direct-to-DVD
anthology) has one episode where a worker arrives
back on the Babylon 5 space station after a trip to
Earth with a biblical demon possessing him, and one
of the few remaining priests (religion is waning) is
requested to exorcise the demon... a request made
by the demon itself!
1920 (2008 Bollywood movie)
True Blood (2008 HBO television series)
Paranormal State (2008 A&E TV series)
The Unborn (2009 lm)
The Last Exorcism (2010 American mockumentary
horror lm)
Exorcismus (2010 horror lm)
The Rite (2011 lm)
Season of the Witch (2011 lm)
6 Days on Earth (2011 lm)
The Devil Inside (2012 lm)
The Possession (2012 lm)
American Horror Story: Asylum (2012 FX TV series)
The Conjuring (2013 lm)
The Last Exorcism Part II (2013 lm)
Pazuzu (2014 lm)
Exorcism (2014 lm)
Penny Dreadful (2014 Showtime TV series)
Natsumes Book of Friends (2005 Japanese manga
and later anime series by Yuki Midorikawa)

11 References
[1] Jacobs, Louis (1999). Exorcism. Oxford Reference Online (Oxford University Press). Retrieved 24 Jan 2011.
[2] Martin, M (1992). Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans. San
Francisco: Harper San Francisco. p. 120.
[3] Mohr, M. D., & Royal, K. D. (2012). Investigating the
Practice of Christian Exorcism and the Methods Used to
Cast out Demons, Journal of Christian Ministry, 4, p.
35. Available at:
[4] Malachi M. (1976) Hostage to the Devil: the possession
and exorcism of ve living Americans. San Francisco,
Harpercollins p. 462 ISBN 0-06-065337-X
[5] Libreria Editrice Vaticana; Pope John Paul II, eds. (April
28, 2000), Part II: The Celebration of The Christian Mystery, Section II: The Seven Sacraments of The
Church, Chapter IV: Other Liturgical Celebrations, Catechism of the Catholic Church (2ND ed.) (Citta del Vaticano: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops):
928, ISBN 978-1-57455-110-5, retrieved Feb 15, 2012
|chapter= ignored (help)
[6] THE ROMAN RITUAL Translated by PHILIP T.



[8] The Rite by Matt Baglio; Doubleday, New York, 2009.

[9] An Exorcist Tells His Story by Fr. Gabriele Amorth; Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1999. Anthropological date
collected by Mohr and Royal (2012), in which they surveyed nearly 200 Protestant Christian exorcists, revealed
stark contrasts to traditional Catholic practices.
[10] p. 33, An Exorcist Tells His Story by Fr. Gabriele
Amorth; Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1999.
[11] Malachi M. (1976) Hostage to the Devil: the possession
and exorcism of ve living Americans. San Francisco,
Harpercollins p. 462 ISBN 0-06-065337-X
[12] Rajaram Narayan Saletore (1981). Indian witchcraft. Abhinav Publications. p. 40. Retrieved May 14, 2009.


See also

Maha Sohona
Deliverance ministry
International Association of Exorcists
List of exorcists
Yoruba religion
Gay exorcism

[13] Usha Srivastava (2011).

Encyclopaedia of Indian
Medicines (3 Volume Set). Pinnacle Technology. pp. 56.
[14] Werner 1994, p. 166
[15] Monier-Williams 1974, pp. 2541
[16] Holly A. Hunt. Emotional Exorcism: Expelling the Four
Psychological Demons That Make Us Backslide. ABCCLIO. p. 6.


[19] Josephus, B. J. vii. 6, 3; Sanh. 65b.

[20] Belanger, Je (November 29, 2003). Dybbuk - Spiritual
Possession and Jewish Folklore. Retrieved December 12, 2014.
[21] Henderson, J. (1981). Exorcism and Possession in Psychotherapy Practice. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 27:
[22] Maniam, T. (1987). Exorcism and Psychiatric Illness: Two
Case Reports. Medical Journal of Malaysia. 42: 31719.
[23] Pfeifer, S. (1994). Belief in demons and exorcism in psychiatric patients in Switzerland. British Journal of Medical
Psychology 4 24758.
[24] Beyerstein, Barry L. (1995). Dissociative States: Possession and Exorcism. In Gordon Stein (ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. pp. 54452.
ISBN 1-57392-021-5
[25] Tajima-Pozo, K., Zambrano-Enriquez, D., de Anta, L.,
Moron, M., Carrasco, J., Lopez-Ibor, J., & Diaz-Marsa,
M. (2011). Practicing exorcism in schizophrenia. Case
[26] Ross, C. A., Schroeder, B. A. & Ness, L. (2013). Dissociation and symptoms of culture-bound syndromes in North
America: A preliminary study. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 14: 22435.
[27] Noll, Richard. (2006). The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. Facts On File Inc. p.
129. ISBN 0-8160-6405-9
[28] Levack, Brian P. (1992). Possession and Exorcism. Routledge. p. 5. ISBN 0-8153-1031-5
[29] Radford, Benjamin. (2005). Voice of Reason: Exorcisms, Fictional and Fatal. LiveScience. To the extent
that exorcisms work, it is primarily due to the power of
suggestion and the placebo eect.
[30] Levack, Brian P. (1992). Possession and Exorcism. Routledge. p. 277. ISBN 0-8153-1031-5
[31] The devil you know, National Catholic Reporter, April 29,
2005, a commentary on Glimpses of the Devil by Richard
[32] The Patient Is the Exorcist, an interview with M. Scott
Peck by Laura Sheahen
[33] Silverman, W A. Neurosurgical Exorcism. Paediatric
and Perinatal Epidemiology, 15.2 (2001): 9899.
[34] Gettis, Alan. Psychotherapy as exorcism. Journal of Religion and Health 15.3 (1976): 18890.
[35] Deadly curse verdict: ve found guilty. The Dominion
Post. 13 June 2009. Retrieved 30 September 2011.
[36] Bindra, Satinder (September 7, 2001). Archbishop:
Mother Teresa underwent exorcism. CNN. Archived
from the original on September 17, 2005. Retrieved December 12, 2014.
[37] Video on YouTube


[39] Bill Ellis. Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and
the Media. University Press of Kentucky. p. 97.
[40] Powers of the mind. TV Books. May 1999. ISBN 9781-57500-028-2. Retrieved 2007-12-31. The Reverend
Luther Miles Schulze, was called in to help and took
Mannheim to his home where he could study the phenomenon at close range;
[41] Paranormal Experiences. Unicorn Books. 2009-0608. ISBN 978-81-7806-166-5. Retrieved 2007-1231. A thirteen-year-old American boy named, Robert
Mannheim, started using an...The Reverend Luther Miles
Schulze, who was called to look into the matter,...
[42] A Faraway Ancient Country. Lulu. 2007. ISBN 978-0615-15801-3. Retrieved 2010-03-27.
[43] St. Louis News Hell of a House
[44] Part I The Haunted Boy: the Inspiration for the Exorcist
[45] Dalis gift to exorcist uncovered Catholic News 14 October 2005
[46] Rosemary Guiley. The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology. Infobase Publishing. p. 12.
[47] Blumhardts Battle: A Conict With Satan. Thomas E.
Lowe, LTD. Retrieved 2009-09-23.
[48] Friedrich Zuendel. The Awakening: One Mans Battle
With Darkness. The Plough. Retrieved 2009-09-23.
[49] Tessa Harris. The Devils Breath. Kensington Books. p.

12 Further reading
Gabriele Amorth. (1999). An Exorcist Tells His
Story. San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
Barry Beyerstein. (1995). Dissociative States:
Possession and Exorcism. In Gordon Stein (ed.).
The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal. Prometheus
Books. pp. 54452. ISBN 1-57392-021-5
David M. Kiely and Christina McKenna. (2007).
The Dark Sacrament : True Stories of Modern-Day
Demon Possession and Exorcism. HarperOne. ISBN
Malachi Martin. (1976). Hostage to the Devil: The
Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans.
ISBN 0-06-065337-X
M. Scott Peck. (2005). Glimpses of the Devil: A
Psychiatrists Personal Accounts of Possession, Exorcism, and Redemption.

Josephine McCarthy. (2010). The Exorcists Handbook. Golem Media Publishers. ISBN 978-1933993-91-1
Girolamo Menghi, Gaetano Paxia. (2002). The
Devils Scourge Exorcism during the Italian Renaissance. Weiser Books.
Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo et al. (2011). Practicing exorcism in schizophrenia. Case Reports.
Frederick M. Smith. (2006). The Self Possessed:
Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asian Literature
and Civilization. New York: Columbia University
Press. ISBN 0-231-13748-6
William Trethowan. (1976). Exorcism: A Psychiatric Viewpoint. Journal of Medical Ethics 2: 127
Walter F. Williams. (2000). Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience: From Alien Abductions to Zone Therapy.
Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 10304
Catechism of the Catholic Church, nn. 39195;


External links

Exorcism: Facts and Fiction About Demonic Possession by Benjamin Radford.

An Evening with an Exorcist, a talk given by Fr.
Thomas J. Euteneuer* Catholic Exorcism - Web Site
Bobby Jindal. BEATING A DEMON: Physical Dimensions of Spiritual Warfare. (New Oxford Review, December 1994)
"Exorcism". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York:
Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
"Exorcism". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.).
Jewish Encyclopedia: Exorcism
Diocese of Worcester webpages on Ministry of Deliverance Anglican View
Exorcism in the Orthodox Church
The Catholic Prayer of Exorcism in Latin




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VolkovBot, TreasuryTag, Ericdn, TallNapoleon, Kevinkor2, Janazex, J miester25, Philip Trueman, TXiKiBoT, Steven J. Anderson, Zhadan
Tanya, Seb az86556, Greeko669, Bob f it, Living on sunlight, Suriel1981, BlueH2O, Maxmish, Falcon8765, EddyJawed, Keepssouth, Brianga, Mary quite contrary, MatthewTStone, SieBot, LovelyLillith, RichardMarquis, Akrogulski, Happysailor, Chromaticity, Tiptoety, Oda
Mari, Babsthechicken, Mudithachampika, Aqccorp, Vmrgrsergr, KathrynLybarger, Noozguy1, Rehansyed81, Nefariousski, Tesi1700, Florentino oro, Thomas Michael Methuselah Dowd, Zew320, Stillwaterising, WordyGirl90, ImageRemovalBot, Danausplexippus, Twinsday,
ClueBot, Nakiketa, Fyyer, The Thing That Should Not Be, Arakunem, Drmies, Stethom, Hafspajen, Niceguyedc, Harland1, Stylteralmaldo,
Auntof6, Lindja-y02, Excirial, Nymf, Arjayay, Peter.C, 0XQ, Torquemama007, Bleubeatle, BOTarate, La Pianista, Gregschaefer, Thingg,
Namesareoverrated, Versus22, Editor2020, Azrael Nightwalker, DumZiBoT, Wednesday Next, XLinkBot, Hotcrocodile, PokemontrainerNelly, Chjd, Rreagan007, Beach drifter, Colliric, Miggght, HexaChord, Addbot, Otterathome, Some jerk on the Internet, Reyagray9,
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AnomieBOT, Tar444, Jim1138, Dwayne, Ballmer23, FatherChristian, Bruce Campbell, Yachtsman1, Princess Clown, Algorithme, Citation bot, OllieFury, LilHelpa, Gsmgm, Xqbot, Bihco, 4twenty42o, Jerey Mall, SamSamSamSamSam, Gdallaire, Srich32977, J04n,
GrouchoBot, Alumnum, Khalsa1699, S p ming, Quegosh, Grinofwales, Dan6hell66, FrescoBot, Surv1v4l1st, J Guinness, Ester nomax, Wrigleysey, 4chmis, JanisLK, Yayamact, Father Sieberer, TexasYenta, Hazir, Citation bot 1, Javert, Moritheil, I dream of horses,
Omerta62, Jonesey95, Xorichaxoxo, Hamtechperson, Hoo man, Footwarrior, Reconsider the static, Niri.M, TobeBot, Srschu273, Bajjibala, Wolfehhgg, Sheogorath, Vrenator, Correctionwriter, 000masa000, Diannaa, Ganage, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Hajatvrc, Sbrianhicks,
Onef9day, WikitanvirBot, Najeeb1010, TheSoundAndTheFury, Solarra, Slightsmile, Ben joiner, Gerald daniels, Qwesiya, Go2ruhul, F,
Shleezy, Shmilyshy, Ludovica1, Morgankevinj, Donner60,
, ChuispastonBot, Lizaweb, Lyreslider, VictorianMutant, Ad Orientem,
ClueBot NG, MelbourneStar, Joefromrandb, Larry koh, Delusion23, Parjlarsson, JLA87, Mrys145, Mtking, Zakryan1, Rdk007, Helpful
Pixie Bot, Jeraphine Gryphon, Trinity2211, BG19bot, Rrivera1977, Ahsan zia, Mark Arsten, Q6637p, ERJANIK, Cadiomals, Joydeep, Lbmosher, MrBill3, Dontreader, Epicurus B., Glacialfox, A D Wilding, Muhammadbilal.a5, Cynival, BattyBot, RichardMills65, Rev Fr John,
ChrisGualtieri, GoShow, Khazar2, Mogism, TwoTwoHello, CaSJer, Jamesx12345, Faizi1997, Kdroya2, GoodParabol, Vrrajiv, Cnephas,
Simo606, Tappertip123, Theericnoscar, Faizanhb2, Thearjunpp, Josebarbosa, Steeletrap, Bro(sv), Theoreader, Modysayed1, Potenttomato,
Bladesmulti, Lord0fHats, OccultZone, Library Guy, Rubym123, Shane Cyrus, Goblin Face, Tenjan, Rickymawnster, Medlicense, ClarkAb
and Anonymous: 858



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