Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March 2015 Newsletter PDF

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fragrant life

Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks Womens Ministry

Portraits from Sandie

Do you not say, There are still four
months and then comes the harvest?
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes
and look at the fields, for they are
already white for harvest! John 4:35
I dont know about you, but I get
really convicted when I read John
4:35.I always feel I could be doing
more to share the Lord with the
people I meet. In this scripture Jesus
is encouraging His disciples not
to wait, but to go, and to share the
Good News with the masses. He
has prepared their hearts (the
people) and they are ready to give
them to Him. I know this
message is for us today as well.
As I look over our city I see the
fields white for the harvest, yet
the reapers are few, myself
I read somewhere that the
greatest joke that Satan has ever
played on humanity is convincing
them that there is no God. If this is
the greatest joke on the world, then I
believe the greatest joke he has ever
played on the church is that there is
still time. Jesus is warning His
disciples not to wait, anything thing
can happen in four months; today is
the day of salvation. We all know
what the Great Commission is yet
few of us are engaged in any form of
evangelism. Not because we dont
want to see people saved but because
we always have tomorrow.

March-April 2015
Did you know that on an average
day, 41 million people go to school,
10,000 people give blood, 3 million
people go to the movies, 1 million
people take a taxi, 121 million people
watch prime time TV, and 3 billion
phone calls are made? (Numbers
taken from Chuck Swindoll book,
Come Before Winter and Share My
Hope and the internet.) We are busy,
preoccupied people. And in a lot of
cases its
understandable, we are
busy, but most of us
have a minute to tell
someone about Jesus.
When was the last time
you told the bank teller
Jesus loves you, or the
grocery checker or your
neighbor or a friend that
doesnt know the Lord?
Our dear friend,
David Carroll, from
Gospel for Asia, said this, If every
Christian in the world led one person
to the Lord a year, in 20 years the
entire world would be evangelized.
Well we have had 2000 years and we
are barely making a dent in the
population. The fields are white for
the harvest and its time for the
church to roll up its sleeves and get to

The Joy of the

John 4:35
Do you not say, There
are still four months and
then comes the harvest?
Behold, I say to you, lift
up your eyes and look at
the fields, for they are
already white for harvest!

Question to Ponder:
Who is God leading me
to share Jesus with?
~A neighbor, friend, coworker, family member,
someone in a different
This can
seem overwhelming at
first, but remember that
wherever God guides,
He will provide. There
are many blessings for
those who step out in
faith and obedience to
share Jesus with
others. Whatever you
do, focus on sharing
Jesus in love.

Love, Sandie

Our desires for Womens Ministry is to: encourage deeper relationships and spiritual growth
for the women in the body of Christ; to provide a place where Women will be encouraged and uplifted
to seek Gods best for their lives; to give opportunity to study the Word of God together that Women
might grow in the grace and knowledge of Our Lord Jesus; and to equip Women to be lights in their
homes, neighborhoods and workplaces, reflecting the love of Jesus Christ to all.
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

Pastor Tom & Sandie

Page 1


Praise and Worship



(Billy and Cindy Foote 2004)

1 Peter 4:10
As each one has
received a gift, minister it
to one another, as good
stewards of the manifold
grace of God.

Helps Ministry
Food Pantry
Meals Ministry
Womens Greeters
Womens Conferences
Womens Koinonias
Womens Retreats
Womens Bible Study
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Missions Prayer
Childrens Ministry
Widows Ministry
Sharing Lives Ministry
Single Moms Ministry
Joyful Books Ministry
Fruit of Her Hands
Womens Newsletter
Home School Co-op
Book Store
Worship Ministry
Home Fellowships
Contact the Church
office if you would
like to find out how to
be part of any of
these ministries.
(775) 856-1110

You are not a God created

By human hands
You are not a God dependent
On any mortal man
You are not a God in need of
Anything we can give
By your plan, thats just the way it is

Youre the only God whose power

None can contend
Youre the only God whose name and
Praise will never end
Youre the God whos worthy
Of everything we can give
You are God, thats just the way it is

Unchangeable, unshakeable,
Unstoppable, thats what You are

You are God alone

From before time began
You were on Your throne
You were God alone
And right now
In the good times and bad


You are on Your throne

You are God alone

You are God alone

You are God alone

If you have a heart for missions, please join us the first Sunday of
every month after second service in the church foyer for our Missions
Prayer meeting.

Capilla de Calvario, Tejaro, Mexico

(Calvary Chapel Tejaro, Mexico)
Pastor Salomon and his wife Rosario thank you for your
continued prayers and support. They ask that you would
please pray for VBS, and that the parents would not prevent
the children from coming and attending the summer school. Please pray that the
Lord would bring many souls to him!

Email: If you wish to email them

Online Financial Support: Account # 4037
By Mail: Shepherds Staff P.O. Box 53640, Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640 Account # 4037


First: Present yourself to God (Romans 12:1) for confirmation that He

has planted you in this fellowship. If so, then discover your gifts and Gods calling in your life. Second: Study to show yourself approved unto
God (2 Timothy 2:15). As you grow in your relationship with God, let Him prepare you for effective service. Third: Be doers of the Word (James
1:22). Commit yourself to the work of Jesus Christ in this fellowship, and get involved as a yielded vessel to Gods guiding anywhere He directs.
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

Page 2

Hearts Ready For Hope by Pam Synder

The Joy of the Harvest is what we were to
write about. John 4:35 is our theme verse,
Do you not say, There are still four months
and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to
you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields,
for they are already white for harvest! Jesus,
prior to this verse in John chapter 4, had just
met with a Samaritan woman at the well asking
her to give Him a drink of water. One
commentator said, Why isnt Jesus a
gentleman here? Why doesnt He say, Let Me
draw water for you? Jesus says to the woman
Give to Me not because He wants the water,
but because He wants her heart. He wants to
see her saved. Jesus knows what is needed to
start a conversation with this Samaritan woman
and he chooses to ask her for a drink of water,
so that He could give her the Everlasting
Living Water.
The harvest was 4 months away.
The harvest was a time when many
would come together to reap what had
been sown in the fields. It was a
joyous occasion of work because as
they were reaping what had been
sown, they would enjoy the fruit of
their labor. Jesus, is telling his
disciples, and us, now is the time of
the harvest. Did you not see the
Samaritan women? Her heart was
ready to receive; she was tired of
living the life that she was living. She
needed to understand who Messiah
was and the Water of Life that He was
offering her. Jesus spent time with the
Samaritan woman; even though the

Samaritans were detested in the eyes

of the Jewish people. Jesus saw their
hearts, broken and ready for the
How many people does God put in
our lives each day, whose hearts are
ready for words of hope, words of
encouragement, the Word of eternal
life. We need to reach out to the
unlovely, the hurting, the abused, the
ignored and we need to show them
Jesus and share His story with them.
Proverbs 11:30 says, The fruit of the
righteous is a tree of life, and he
(she) who wins a soul is wise.
John 4:36 says, And he who
reaps receives wages, and gathers
fruit for eternal life, that both he who
sows and he who reaps may rejoice
together. We may be asked by our
Savior to sow, or we may be given the
privilege to reap, either one, we can
rejoice together that the LORD has
used our vessels to bring others unto
Him. Jesus took the time to share
with the Samaritan woman and we
read in John 4:39, And many of the
Samaritans of that city believed in
Him because of the word of the
woman who testified, He told me all
that I ever did. Find the Samaritans
that God has placed in your life and
enjoy the Joy of the Harvest!
Simply His, Pam Snyder

Single Moms Ministry

Contact Person: Melissa Crutcher



1 Thesselonians 5:11
Therefore comfort each
other and edify one
another, just as you also
are doing

Do you have a happy

heart and a smiley face?
How many of you have
been blessed when you
have walked in on
Sunday morning with a
Happy Hello?
If you would like to be
part of the Womens
Ministry Greeters we
would LOVE to have you!
Please fill out a ministry
questionnaire and turn it
in to our Church Office.
You will then be contacted
by Hoppy Sanchez who
will set up a meeting with
you and get you started
as a Womens Ministry

Single Moms Ministry will be meeting on

Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 12:30pm and
on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 6:30pm.
Ministry Contacts
Single Moms Ministry: Melissa Crutcher
Widows Ministry: Patsy Walton
Meals Ministry: Tammy Rimack
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

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Joyful Books

Contact Person: Kelly Gardner


A Story of Grace
Beyond The Iron Curtain

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine
before men, that they
may see your good works
and glorify your Father in

A Story of Grace by Phil Metzger is

far from a boring report of history of
Eastern Europe from the fall of
Communism to present day, it is a
record of Gods activity at work in a
nation. A Story of Grace is well
written and tells both mistakes and
failures as well as the success of
missionaries as they brought Jesus
Christ to a hurting country.

After nearly half a century of Soviet tyranny,

the Iron Curtain fell apart, communism had
failed, and the people betrayed by it struggled
to find some truth to hold onto. (But God,
who is rich in mercy, because of His great love
with which He loved us, Eph 2:4)
sent some unlikely missionaries.
Carrying guitars and the Bible, these
obedient missionaries told the people
of a God who loved them and longed
for relationship with them, and as a
result, an incredible story began to
A Story of Grace is a story of Hope
in the midst of hardship. A story of
Mercy in the darkest hour, and most
importantly a story of Grace found
only through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Joyful Books Book

Club Ministry is a
group of Women who
meet each week to
discuss the current
Womens Ministry Book

Filled with many stories of grace,

this is certainly an encouraging book.
One takeaway is a constant recognition
of Gods sovereignty in reaching the lost. The
missionaries constantly presented God as the
major character, God as the one who is
truly doing the work of grace, but faithfully
carrying it out through the simple obedience of
His willing people.

The Book Club is

designed to be a time
of fellowship and
encouragement as we
share examples of how
the Lord is growing and
changing our hearts to
become more like

Recipes from the Kitchen

Anyone is welcome to
join at anytime.
During the summer
months the book club
enjoys meeting under a
shady umbrella at
Starbucks on Longley
and McCarren.

Joyful Books Book Club meets every

Wednesday morning from 9:30-10:30 in the
Womens Prayer Room. We will be discussing
the current book throughout the months of
March and April. You are welcome anytime.

Spring Chicken Salad

16 oz of cooked/diced chicken breast
1/2 cup Craisins
1/2 cup chopped spicy Smokehouse Almonds
1 stalk celery chopped
2 green onions chopped
1/4 cup or more of Miracle Whip

Directions: Mix cooled chicken, Craisins,

almonds, celery and green onions together in a
large bowl. Add Miracle Whip so that your
salad holds together but is not too creamy.
Serve on a bed of greens or use to make


Fruit of Her Hands Ministry will be out for a few months and will resume shortly.
Please watch the newsletter for updates.
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

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The Joy Of The Harvest by Beverly Chong

Oh, the joy of watching all those seedlings
sprout up through the soil, where you carefully
planted your wildflower seeds. You worked
hard preparing the area to be planted, watering
and nurturing, until you have a harvest so
beautiful, you can hardly contain your voice
from joyously alerting the whole valley. Well,
there is a harvest even more beautiful; a
harvest of souls that is far more precious and
when the work is all done,
Heavens rejoicing will be
deafening for sure. Seeds of
truth, salvation through Jesus
Christ, are constantly being
planted, watered with Gods
word, and grown through the
power of the Holy Spirit, and
when hearts are ready for
Harvesting, God looks for those
willing to be used as vessels to
participate in such a joyous
Sometimes we might think Not me. I
dont know enough, Im not qualified, or I
wouldnt know where to begin. You know, if
you have believed on the Lord Jesus, invited
Him to come into your heart and tasted of
what He can and is doing in your lifeguess
whatyou ARE qualified!
When we realize that our willingness to be
used opens the door for the Holy Spirit to
empower us for that use, He can be counted on
to speak through us and direct us to share
something we may have in common with
someone else: something that just might be
exactly what they needed to hear, and


something that would plant that seed or be a

part of harvesting that already planted seed.
Have you ever experienced speaking to
someone and for some strange reason your
ears kind of step back and hear the words
coming out of your mouth as if you were
listening to someone else talking? That is an
amazing experience and that is exactly how
the Holy Spirit works
through us. Its like, whoa,
did you just hear that? as if
someone else was there
with you to share the
Remember, God knows
exactly what each and every
person needs to know, hear,
see and understand in relation to their need for
salvation. Luke 10:2 reads, Then He said to
them, The harvest truly is great, but the
laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the
harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
Jesus obviously has His reasons for
wanting us to share in the Harvest and be a
part of the incredible Joy that only He knows
is ahead for us all. Just imagine the
tumultuous joy that erupts in the presence of
angels when one sinner repents, Luke 15:10.
Then, when all the hard work is finished and
our time is up, we all can look forward to the
Joyous reward of the Harvest. Have a very
blessed, Send me Lord kind of day!



2 Timothy 2:15
Be diligent to present
yourself approved to God,
a worker who does not
need to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of

Calvary Chapel
Womens Ministry Bible
Study meets in small
groups on both
Monday mornings at
10am and Monday
evenings at 6:30pm.
Short devotionals
taught by various
teachers are preceded
by a discussion of the
weekly lesson within
the small groups.
Child care is provided
during the Monday
morning Bible study

Please Contact
Sandie Luitwieler or
DiAnn Wolfe for more

Womens Bible Study meets on Monday mornings at 10am and

Monday evenings at 6:30pm. We will be continuing through the
book of Nehemiah through March 16. Then beginning March 23May 11, 2015 we will begin a new study, HEROES OF FAITH.
Please sign up at the Womens Ministry Counter.
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

Radio: 87.9FM & 103.3FM in the Reno

Area Pure Milk of the Word
Saturdays 1:00PM
Page 5

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a chid in the
way he should go, and
when he is old he will not
depart from it.

Why Serving in
Ministry is
Did you know that
85% of people
who come to
Christ do so
before the age of
18. The heart of
a child is the most
fertile soil in
which to plant the
Word of God.
Studies show
children learn
more in their early
years than at any
other time in life.

Sharing Lives Contact Person: Kimmie Bowser

Sharing Lives a Thursday night Bible study for young adult women.
Beginning Thursday, July 9, 2015, we will meet every Thursday at Calvary
Chapel in the 3rd and 4th grade room from 6:30 8:30pm. This is a study for 18 to
30-somethings, those who are not married and dont have children.

Teaching Our Children

Teaching Our Children To
Share Jesus With Others
You shall love the LORD your God
with all your heart, with all your soul,
with all your strength,and will all your
mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 10:27
In the book The Pursuit of
Excellence by Ted Engstrom, Ted tells a
story of a little boys courage that I
believe would make any parent proud.
Babe Ruth had hit 714 home runs during
his baseball career and was playing one
of his last full major league games. It was
the Braves versus the Reds in Cincinnati.
But the great Ruth was no longer as agile
as he had once been. He fumbled the ball
and threw badly, and in one inning alone
his errors were responsible for most of the
five runs scored by Cincinnati. As the
Babe walked off the field after the third
out and headed toward the dugout, a
crescendo of yelling and booing reached
his ears. Just then a boy jumped over the
railing onto the playing field. With tears
streaming down his face, he threw his
arms around the legs of his hero. Ruth
didnt hesitate for one second. He picked
up the boy, hugged him, and set him down
on his feet, patting his head gently. The

noise from the stands came to an abrupt

halt. Suddenly there was no more booing.
In fact, hush fell over the entire park. In
those brief moments, the fans saw two
heroes: Ruth, who in spite of his dismal
day on the field could still care about a
little boy; and the small lad, who cared
about the feelings of another human
being. Both had melted the hearts of the
As I think about this little boy who was
not afraid and who demonstrated that he
cared enough about the feelings of another
person; I cant help but wonder how we
can teach our children to look for
opportunities to share the love of Jesus?
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when
he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED IN CHILDRENS MINISTRY? Once you have attended Calvary Chapel RenoSparks for at least 6 months, and you have made this church your home, you will need to fill out a Childrens
Ministry questionnaire and turn it in to the church office. Pastor Juan will then contact you.
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

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Sowing For The Harvest by Mary Jane Robinette

I remember as a small child working
alongside my dad in the family garden. His
focus was to see the fruits of his labors in the
next four months come to harvest. Hed hoe the
ground and plant the seeds. Hed cover them
gently with well-nourished dirt and pour water
over them to help them grow. He was faithful
in taking care of those little seedlings, making
sure the weeds that sprung up around them were
always removed. His joy came at harvest time
when his seedlings came to maturity.
We as Christians are all Gods gardeners. We
must be ready to work in His fields
planting the seeds of truth to the
unsaved. Our bible is the groundwork
of truth that we are to use in revealing
the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant,
because your adversary the devil walks
about like a roaring lion, seeking whom
he may devour. Every day the
unsaved remain vulnerable prey to his
demons who lures them to live by the
sinful temptations of the world. It is the
Holy Spirit who fills us with the words we need
to share the significance of the road to
salvation. The message is, Jesus death was the
living sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins,
sparing us eternal death and gifting us eternal
life. Grace is given to those who come in faith,
broken in spirit to repentance of their sins, and
humbled to accept Jesus as their Lord and

John 4:35 Do you not say, There are four

months and then comes the harvest? Behold, I
say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the
fields, for they are already white for harvest!
Jesus was referring to His spiritual
nourishment. This verse is telling us we are to
serve by doing Gods will, by helping to bring
His work of salvation to completion. We only
need to look around us and we will find people
ready to hear Gods Word. This spiritual
nourishment isnt just for us in what we glean
in reading the Word of God, but the gardening
we do in using those truths to witness to others.
The fields are plentiful. The
harvest awaits. As workers in
the fields we plant the seeds.
We can only sow the seeds, we
cannot make them grow in the
unsaved. They must nourish the
seeds within their heart by
repentance of their sins, and
allow the blood of Jesus cover
them so that the evil one can
longer have them. The evidence
is when a persons life changes. They no longer
want to do the things they did before. Matthew
9:37-38 The harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,
therefore, to send out workers into his harvest
field. The harvest is abundant around the
world. Pray for gardeners, Gods workers to
sow the seeds of truth, Jesus Christ and His
redeeming love.

Annual Mother-Daughter Tea

Please join us on Saturday, March 28,
2015 from 10am - 12pm for our Annual
Mother-Daughter Tea in Cafe 2:42. Sign
up at the Womens Ministry Counter for a
potluck dish.


Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by
prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your
requests be made known
to God;

Have you had a

chance to PRAY
today? One the most
joyful parts of being a
Christian is the time
spent in prayer. This
special relationship
between you and the
Father is an important
part of your growth as
you get to know the
Fathers heart.
At Calvary Chapel
there are several
opportunities to get
together with other
believers and pray
corporately. Please
consider taking the
time and joining in
prayer for the body of
Christ as well as for
our Missionaries.
Womens Prayer
Wednesday Evenings
Thursday Mornings
Missions Prayer
1st Sunday of the
month after 2nd
service in the foyer.

Home School Co-Op: contact Heather at or 775-475-0998
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

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My Saviors Love


by Charles Gabriel (1905)


I stand amazed in the presence

Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.

1 Peter 2:2

How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! How wonderful
Is my Saviors love for me!

as newborn babes, desire the

pure milk of the word, that you
may grow thereby
220 Edison Way, Reno, NV
(775) 856-1110 Church Office

Calvary Chapel
Tom Luitwieler, Senior Pastor
Rob Wolfe, Admin Pastor
Juan Rodriguez, Youth Pastor
Scott Cresta, Worship Pastor
Leonard Sanchez, Missions/
H.S. High Pastor

Church Secretary
Kimmie Bowser

Pastors Wives
Sandie Luitwieler
DiAnn Wolfe
Julie Rodriguez
Hoppy Sanchez

For me it was in the garden

He prayed: Not My will, but Thine.
He had no tears for His own griefs,
But sweat drops of blood for mine.

In pity angels beheld Him,

And came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows
He bore for my soul that night.
He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvry
And suffered and died alone.
When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love fore me.

Do you find yourself often discouraged? I know I often do. I many times forget just how
much Jesus Loves Me! and wind up in the doldrums. As Resurrection Sunday quickly
approaches, take a moment and spend time on your knees with Jesus. Talk to Him and tell him
all that is going on in your life. I can assure you that He will listen and hear you!
Do you not know Jesus? Did you know you can take this time right now and invite Him to be
your Lord and Savior, but most of all your best friend.
The first step to inviting Jesus into your heart is to admit you are a sinner and you
desperately need him. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of
the glory of God, This means before we can come to know God we have to recognize we are
a sinner.
Once we have recognized we are in need of a Savior the Bible tells us in Romans 6:23 For
the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. and in
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. That is what Easter is about! Did you know that?
Finally, the Bible tells us in Romans 10:13 For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved. and in Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
and believe in your heart that god has raised Him for the dead, you will be saved. For with the
heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.

Ann (775) 673-1238
Eileen (775) 972-1790

Church Services
Sunday 9am &10:45 a.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday Service

Friday, April 3rd 7PM

Resurrection Sunday

Sunday, April 5th

9am and 10:45am

Pray this prayer right now, Dear

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a
sinner, and I ask for Your
forgiveness. I believe You died for
my sins and rose from the dead. I
turn from my sins and invite You to
come into my heart and life. I want
to trust and follow You as my Lord
and Savior. In Jesus name I pray,
Amen. Now go and tell others the
GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ!

If you would like to have a copy of this newsletter emailed to you, so you may print in color or share with
friends and family, email your name to
Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks March-April 2015

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