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MYCOM is a leading global provider of best-in-class Next Generation OSS
Service Assurance software solutions and innovative ICT engineering services
to the telecoms industry. Since its inception in 1997 MYCOM has executed
projects in more than 30 countries covering EMEA, APAC and the Americas.
Today, MYCOM has 18 offices in 3 continents and over 500 employees of
more than 26 nationalities and languages.

MYCOMs NIMS-PrOptima offers a carrier grade multi-vendor and multitechnology OSS Service and Resource Assurance solution. It is designed
to manage the quality, performance and capacity of entire mobile and
fixed converged networks including 2G/3G/4G LTE. Based on its unique
analytical capabilities and unprecedented performance, scalability and
reliability, NIMS-PrOptima correlates information from various domains
enabling performance reporting, network diagnostics, and
optimization of the network and cells to ensure maximum
service level for subscribers.

The NIMS-PrOptima suite of software is characterized

by a set of key advantages:
Commercially Off The Shelf Software
Carrier-Grade software reliability and scalability
Most advanced COTS solution in the market
NIMS-PrOptima is instrumental for Customer
Experience Management (CEM) capabilities
Maximize return on investment
Key performance enabler for the swap
and rollout activities
Support Converged Mobile
and Fixed Networks - Truly E2E
Future proof - long term strategy.

Market Differentiators
and Advantages

Capability Overview
The overall NIMS-PrOptima framework is a truly multi-vendor,
multi-technology, multi-domain solution which enables:
F ull integration of performance management of all Network
Resources including: GSM, UMTS, LTE, HSPA, CDMA, Packet Core,
Circuit Core, IMS, IP, ATM, TDM, MPLS, MetroEthernet (PWE3, VPLS)
and a large variety of VAS platforms including IN, VMS, MMS
 single platform for both file based and SNMP/IP polling
data management
 utomation at the system level including the collection, mediation,
aggregation and storage of any type of network data
 ser friendly GUI providing advanced analysis and professional
customized presentations
 dvanced and professional end-to-end network performance
reporting through multiple types of dynamic views
E fficient distribution of information across the organization
at various levels including executive, management,
engineering, operational
Near real time monitoring of resources and services performance
Event based data importation engine aligned with ETL standards
Performance driven ETL and application process distribution
S calability of the system to match customer network
dimensioning and growth.

NGOSS Coverage (eTOM)

Processes covered by MYCOM
Support &



Customer Relationship Management

Service Management and Operations

Resource Management and Operations

(Application, Computing and Network)
Supplier/Partner Relationship Management

1. Intuitive
Users can access large amounts of complex network statistics
and visualize the results in a meaningful and actionable way:
Drag & drop technology across the graphical user interface
Fully unified report builder and view for fast ad-hoc analysis

of scripting and SQL requirements for ultra-fast
analysis capability

network topology navigation with drilldown and rollups,
including KPI drilldowns.
2. Carrier Grade Robustness
System software is equipped with a large set of advanced stability
and availability improving mechanisms and frameworks:
System overload protection
Data importation load protection
Data availability and consistency framework.
3. Business Process Automation
NIMS-PrOptima is ideally placed to operational processes
in complex radio access networks including:

planning to optimize mobile network site rollouts
and carrier additions

congestion control and alleviation during special
events and venues
Network parameterization audits and correction campaigns

area management and frequency / code
allocation checks
Sleeping Cell detection and reporting.


Enhanced Network Analytics

NIMS-PrOptima offers a collection of enhanced analytical modules designed for high-volume data analysis and fast computation.

a fully integrated GIS module which is
directly synchronized with the rest of the
application. Any PM and CM data can be
visualized and correlated together in a
map in order to better troubleshoot and
optimize Network performance.

Decision Support System

module designed for flexible and extensive
process automation.
a utomatically performs calculations
and evaluations.
a powerful and innovative module that
will help you to retain your knowledge
and dramatically increase your operational

provides near-real time monitoring and
automatic notification function of network
performance degradation.

forwarding capability can be
configured for email distribution and full
integration with fault management systems.

Network Planning
provides traffic forecasting capabilities
as well as network element capacity
exhaustion dates prediction.
f acilitates network capacity analysis
and helps to reduce and avoid network
element capacity bottlenecks.

MYCOM delivers comprehensive 24x7 global

support and sales from its network of offices
in the UK, USA, France, Dubai UAE, Thailand,
Taiwan and China.

automatically derives the average
performance profile of each Network
Element or Network Area based on the
analysis of historical performance data
over a sliding or fixed period.
 be used as a triggering mechanism
within the Alarm Module to alert the
operator when an elements performance
falls outside an acceptable window.

provides the capability to merge
together in a single view all types
of NIMS-PrOptima views (table,
graph, geographical).
 ll views can be synchronized together
using an intelligent concept of master/
mate views.

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