The Time Is Right To Tackle Bus Bosses: Rage Against Racism

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The time is right to

tackle bus bosses

hile bankers at HSBC have

been helping the rich stash
away their cash and avoid
their taxes, the attacks on workers
continue. This week figures were
announced that showed nearly
700,000 workers on zero hours
While the rich get richer, low
pay and the attack on rights at work
The fight for one rate for the
job on Londons buses is part of the
resistance to never-ending assaults
on workers living standards and
conditions at work.
The campaign seeks to end the
injustice of hundreds of different
pay rates across the citys 18 bus
operators, with drivers doing the
same job for up to 3 an hour
difference in pay.
The strikes so far were effective
and hit the headlines.
Unite made the decision to
suspend the two strikes planned for
13 and 16 February as a goodwill
The union called on the bus
operators to meet for talks and
attacked what it described as
National demonstration

Rage against
Stop the scapegoating of immigrants
No to Islamophobia
No to anti-Semitism Yes to diversity
Saturday 21 March
London: 12 noon, Portland Place
Glasgow: 11am, George Square
Cardiff: 11.30am, Clare Gdns, Riverside
Called by Stand up to Racism
Backed by Unite, Unison, PCS, CWU and UCU unions.
Also by Unite Against Fascism, Stand Up to UKIP and LMHR

Defending workers rights firefighters struck this week

Transport for Londons possibly

illegal interference in the dispute.
There is a real danger that the
suspension of strikes can see the
campaign stall and lose momentum.
Thats why if the employers dont
agree to talk now then the strikes
have to re-start and fast.
The union has now called a series
of cluster meetings for garages across
London to discuss your future pay and
terms and conditions.
Management has lied about the

unions campaign.
Drivers should get to the cluster
meetings and find out the facts about
the campaign.
The money is there for decent pay
for every driver, with the capitals bus
operators making 171 million profits
according to their last accounts.
With an election coming up fast
this is the best possible time to pile
the pressure on the bus operators,
TfL and Boris Johnson in City Hall.
Firefighters struck on Wednesday
to highlight how government
minister Penny Mordaunt lied about
the attacks on their pensions.
London Bus drivers should do the
same. That means no long gap before
more hard-hitting strikes are called.

Vote for a
In the general election all the mainstream
parties have the same message more
austerity, more cuts, more scapegoating.
The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
is standing candidates across Britain that
will stand up for working people.
They deserve our support.
Find out more at

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Buses 26/02/15

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