The Globe - January/February 2015

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January - February 2015

Student Writings from IEI

Best Gifts

Scary Experience

By: Fahad Alalawi (Saudi Arabia)

By: Moayad Almutairi (Saudi Arabia)

My best gift was a plane ticket. My mother

gave me money when I was 22. She gave me
money because it was my birthday in 2013. It was
my best gift because I finished school.
My brother gave me a car because he
helped me. My cousin gave me a watch because it
was my birthday. My brother gave me money
because he helped me. My sister gave me a t-shirt
because it was my birthday. My grandmother gave
me a jacket because I traveled. My friend gave me
a horse because I liked it. My teacher gave me a
notebook because I am a student.

First, I was with my friend in his car. We

went to my work. After that, there was a crash on
the street. This was a scary experience. Second,
I came to the U.S.A. It was a scary experience
because it was the first time I came here.

My City is Smyrna
By: Hamad Altharf (Saudi Arabia)
My home is Smyrna. Smyrna is a small
town. The town is cheaper and not noisy. There
are not many smokey factories and traffic because
there are less people than in the city. I live in
Smyrna with a homestay. The small town is better
because it is nicer than a city. Smyrna has
hospitals, farms, and stores. Smyrna is very good.
Smyrna is near to Nashville.

Scary Experience
By: Abeer Bagafar (Saudi Arabia)
I had a scary experience in my life. I
studied in high school. I had a final test for history.
Then I went to school. I was surprised because I
had an English test. I was very hurt, and I cried.
After that, my teacher said to me, Do not worry.
She helped me and explained all the grammar.
Then she gave me the test. In the end, I won full
marks on the test.

Living in a Big City

By: Faisal Althumayri (Saudi Arabia)
I agree that living in a big city is better
because a big city has more restaurants, people,
and work. It has more activities. Living in a big
city is more fun. A big city has more hospitals. A
big city has more parks, buildings, and a mall. I
think living in a big city is more relaxed.

Best Gift
By: Hassan Alhendas (Saudi Arabia)
My best gift was a car. My father gave me
a car because I finished school. It was my best gift
because my gift was good.

My Best Gift
By Motaz Hassan (Saudi Arabia)
My best gift was a car. My father gave
me a car. He gave me a car because I finished
my school. It was my best gift because I needed
it, and I didn't have a car for a long time before
that. I was happy because of that. It helped me
every time. Then I didn't need any help if I
wanted to go somewhere. It is a red model
GMC car. It is a wonderful car. I can take 8
people in my car. I think it was the best gift in
my life.

Dont Go Back to Get Your Shoes

Two Million Dollars

By: Truyen Huynh (Vietnam)

By: Hector Alvarez-Ruiz (Mexico)

About 12 years ago, there was a scary
story in Mexico. There was a lot of rain in the
mountains. A truck drove too fast, and then it
turned over. Many people came to see what
happened at this accident. The people who were in
the truck were fine. So, all the people started to go
home again.
However, one man had a problem. His
shoes came off while he was walking. His shoes
got stuck in the mud! So, he decided to go back
and pick up his shoes. All the other people
shouted, Dont go back to get your shoes! A mud
slide is coming down the mountain now! But it was
to late! The mud slide swept the man away down
to the river, and nobody saw the man again. So,
we should remember, people are more important
than things. If we must choose between our friends
and our shoes, then we should choose to go with
our friends!

If I have two million dollars, I will do three

things. First, I will help the homeless people in
my country and the US, because they need
help. They need to eat and drink. They need
clothes for winter. They want to read, write, and
more. But they dont have money. So, I will help
them. Second, if I have two million dollars, I will
use it to learn about the profession that I love. It
is technology. I will pay the number one teacher
in the world to teach me. I will visit a famous
technology company. Finally, I will give my
parents half the money I have.

Good Friend
By: Hussain Alshareef (Saudi Arabia)
My best friends name is Hattem. He was
my friend in high school. He has some
interesting personality characteristics. First, he is
friendly. For example, when I was in high school,
he was sociable with every new student.
Second, he helped everyone who needed help.
For example, if anyone has a problem, he
always helps him. In conclusion, I like Hattem,
because he is friendly and helpful.

My Father
By: Fathi Saied (Libya)
My father is handsome and wonderful.
He is 66 years old. His name is Mohamad. He
has black hair and small blue eyes. He is very
kind, helpful, and friendly. Also, he likes to talk
with people. He lives in Libya.

Class Trip to Starbucks

The Man in the Photo

By: Ibraheem Alalwan (Saudi Arabia)

By: Mihoko Hayashi (Japan)

We went on a class trip with a group of

Writing-3 students. We went to Opry Mills Mall
by car. When we arrived, we entered Gate 5.
We saw several restaurants, but we chose
coffee. The name of the coffee shop is
Fathis drink was coffee latte. Hectors
drink was Mexican tea. Truyen drank green tea.
Hussain and I ordered hot chocolate. While we
were waiting, our waitress Danielle put our
names on our cups. We sat around the table
with the teacher, and we talked in English. The
teacher took photographs. Then she emailed the
picture to us.

He is the male sex. He is heavy-weight,

and he is strong. He has a tattoo on the right
arm. He has a circular face, big eyes, a short
nose, a mustache and a beard. He has a warm
cap on his head. I guess he is American.

My Babys Room

information on this city. I learn more from the

American people.

My Brother
By: Rasha Shafi (Saudi Arabia)
In May, 2014, my brother graduated from
the university with a Masters Degree. His name
is Shafi. He is younger than I am. He is 26 years
old. He is handsome. My brother Shafi is smart,
kind and polite. In the picture, he is wearing a
graduation robe. Finally, I am lucky because he
is my brother.

By: Maram Afifi (Saudi Arabia)

My babys room is very comfortable. It
has a baby crib beside the wall and has many
toys inside the toy basket. It has a TV and a long
table. Also, it has a lamp for the corner of the
room. Between the lamp and the door on the
west of the room, it has the babys closet. There
are shelves inside the clothes to put his clothes.
It has a closet basket to put the dirty clothes in.
Next, there is a bathroom. It has a bathtub in the
middle. Inside the bathtub, there are many balls.

My Dad
By: Abdulaziz Hawsawi (Saudi Arabia)
My dad is special. Since I was a child, I
considered him my idol. He had all the
criteria of the perfect man ever. He is smart and
very kind because he prioritized his
children over himself. In addition, he had a
special sense to detect the good from the
bad people based on his long experience. That
does not mean he judged the people on
how they look, but he knew them from the way
they act, speak, and behave with
others. My father is my hero. He is the first
person who taught me how to hold a pen and
write down the first letter of my name. Because
of that, I was the only one in my
grade who knew how to write his name in clear
letter. As I grew up, he supported me
and stayed beside me. He pushed me to the
limit to follow my dreams. In conclusion, I wish to
be like my father one day and make him proud
of me.

The New Country

By: Eman Alghoribi (Saudi Arabia)
I think, when I am living in another
country, it has made me a better person. First, it
is better for my work. For example, when I dont
find a job in my country, maybe I get it in another
Second, it is better for myself. For example,
when I change to a new country, I can learn a
new language and talk with people.
Third, I like to see all the places in the world
because I like to know what this place has. For
example, when I live in Nashville, I learn a lot of

Famous Person

My Favorite City

By: Mohammed Alnuwaysir (Saudi Arabia)

By: Maher Muawwadh (Saudi Arabia)

The famous person for me is Abd Al

Halem. He is a singer. He is from Egypt. He is
out of life. The people in Egypt love him and
they listen to his music a lot. When he died,
many people died after him. I like his voice. That
is why he is my famous person.

My favorite city is Jeddah city in K.S.A.

Jed city is the second biggest city and there are
a lot of towers, malls, big beach, and some
famous restaurants. Also, this city is famous for
the weather. So, I am comfortable in this city
because I like to visit a city where there is a
beach, but sometimes I am angry because it is
too crowded. Also, people in this city are very
friendly and are so happy when they start any
vacation because in this vacation comes a lot of
people from all cities because they spend
vacation in this beautiful city. I wish all people
visit this city and I think they will be so happy
when they see this city and meet with people in
the city. Also, I wish you visit this city.

My Friend
By: Amal Alharbi (Saudi Arabia)
Rasha is a better friend. She is twentyfive years old. She has one child. Also, she is so
pretty. She has long hair and is very tall. She is
very polite and quiet. She always helps me. For
example, one day, my husband was sick. He
couldnt come to school, but I didnt worry
because I have a friend to help me every time.
Finally, everyone hopes to be my friend.

By: Miguel Bejarano (Argentina)
Conviction is a strong belief that is not likely to change, or the strong feeling that your belief is
right. Conviction is a word that defines my personality and is manifested in what I believe, in how I live
and how I think.
First, I have strong conviction about what I believe. For example, I have faith. In the world, the
people have different ways of thinking about faith. I am a person of faith. I believe in Jesus and God in
my heart and for me this is the most important thing. I know that Jesus changed my life because I was a
very bad person in the community, but the day I met Jesus, my life changed radically and although I
know that others dont want to believe, my conviction in my faith has not changed. Hope is very important
to me. It is the reason that I live and I can really enjoy life with the people that I love. Even though a lot of
people dont believe in hope, I believe with all my heart. So, for me love is the most important feeling that
the human can feel. This truth in my life doesnt change even though I go through hard times, my hope
does not die.
Secondly, you can see conviction in how I live. I want to be a man of integrity. For me, it is very
necessary to listen to what my wife thinks about me. I want to be a man that my wife admires, and thats
why I need to be a person that lives a life of integrity for my wife, my son, and also for other people in the
community. On the other hand, many people think that integrity is ridiculous, but to me it is the most
important thing in my life.
Finally you can see conviction in how I think. For example, many people think that lying is not
bad, but to me it is very bad because it destroys relationships between family and friends. For example,
when a person lies, they lose trust and credibility among their loved ones such as his parents, siblings,
and friends. I believe that a person should not lie, even though there are many people that do not have
problem lying and fooling other people. To me, also it is the most important in my life because I want to
be a man of integrity, honest and friendly who always speaks truth to be a good example among the
people I love.
In my life, these three manifestations of conviction define my personality. You can see strong
convictions in what I believe, how I live and how I think. Remember, a conviction can be strong, but I also
have love, I believe it can be of help to other people.

By: Mohammed Alharbi (Saudi Arabia)
Education is the process by which the organization is exercised by the teacher. Do you object to
any person on the importance of education? I think education is important for everyone.
First, adult education is helping people to live more successfully. For example, in my country,
there is school at night every day for adults.
Secondly, there is home school. It is when parents teach their children an academic curriculum at
home instead of sending them out to public school, such as when a father has experience in science and
he teaches the science to his children.
Finally, there is school education. Students learn at school, and join different organizations. For
instance, we learn English at IEI.
In conclusion, education is important for society and people. We have to learn to build ourselves
and have successful life.

By: Ahmed Alrayiqi (Saudi Arabia)
Friendliness is the characteristic of the people who have ability to make other people happy. And
help other friends when they have problems, and talk with other people politely. First, a happy person
feels something fun for example someone gave you a gift or something like that, and you have to smile,
and you must get good mood because you are happy about the gift.
Second, helping other is always wonderful because some people want help and, help them for
example if you dont have car, and you want go to airport because you have to fly to travel to anther
country and the person is taking you to airport, his is called help.
Third, talking with other people politely is like talking or listen, and discussing to make friends with
relationship. Also organize your words with them if you are friendly person, so you have to be nice with
anyone who meets you.
In conclusion, in this life we should be friendly if we want to get nice friend. Also help other, and
you should be polite with other people. If you are friendly, and you can be happy or help anther person,
and be polite with any person

By: Abdulaziz Alharbi (Saudi Arabia)
Friendliness means the characteristic of or behaving as a friend. Being friendly is to form a good
relationship with others. There are three characteristics of friendliness which are trustful, Neighborly, and
Trustful means inclined to believe or confide readily. When people see that you are a trustful
person they are going to like you. If you are a trustful person, people will know that you are also friendly.
For example, if you are at your home and then someone come to you and he said to you keep this
money with you until next month and then I will come to you and I will take it from you if you saved it until
he comes, you will be a trustful person to him and friendly.
Neighborly means exhibiting the quantities expected in a friendly neighbor. For example, if you
dont bother your neighbor at night with music, you are going to be a friendly neighbor.
Kind means showing a tender and considerate and, helpful nature. If you are a professor and one of your
students failed the test and you helped him by allowing him to retake the test again, you are going to be
kind and friendly at the same time.

Thus, Trustful, neighborly, and kind, these are the three characteristics of friendliness. All people
should help other people. In the future, try as best as you can to be friendly and people will like you and
they will trust you with their lives.

By: Meshal Algreesha (Saudi Arabia)
The most important thing to make life better is relationship. The dictionary definition of
relationship is emotional or other connection between people, such as relationship between teachers and
students. There are many different ways to make relationship, so you can make relationship with family,
work, and friends.
First of all, the first thing before marriage is the relationship, so relationship is very important
before marriage because a couple understand each other. For example, my friend Mohammed with his
wife before they got married were in a relationship together, so they understood each other, and what
they like and hate.
Second, relationship is crucial at work because you feel more comfortable in your work. So if
someone doesnt have relationship with workers, so they wont like that person. In another example if
someone has a good relationship with workers, so absolutely that person will feel happy in his/her life
because if they need help, all the workers going to help them.
Third, there is relationship between friends. For example, the relationship between old friends is more
serious than new friends because old friends know each other secrets also, old friends are more
confident than new friends.
In short, the relationship in our life is wonderful, and you will be glad if you have a good
relationship with people who live around you also, you should have an honest, respectable relationship
because if you dont you wont have a good relationship.

By: Matt Mehmet Sugut (Turkey)
Honesty is very important in human life. Everyone needs to have honesty, virtue and also
everyone should be respectful of each other. Any person has to comply with these rules. If used to
applying rules, I think life norm can be better than before slowly but surely. Also, honesty and virtue
arent just important in life. Its important for family life, business life and for future life too. We can use all
honesty rules and terms.
Family life is so different because family is the first in our small world. We are learning everything
from family be honest, respectful, trustworthy and safe If we learn everything good, we can be useful
and helpful for public, government, and each other.
I think that business is the second step for life, but it is very important for us. If we are honest to
colleagues, management, and business rules, we will be successful at the moment and for the future.
If we want to be good for future life, we must try to be successful for now. Also, we need to pass
hard times and life terms. We should be patient for the future. Sometimes we try to lie and it does not
work very well. If we do it in this way, we can never be successful. We lose our job, friends and
everything. But if we are honest and virtuous, we can always win.
As a result, if we work a lot and we handle all hard times, and if we are honest to each other, I
believe that everything will be great and successful. Just believe and need to be strong. We have to be
honest anytime.

Table Tennis
By: Keyin Yang (China)
Table tennis means a game similar to lawn tennis played on a table with wooden paddles and a
small hollow plastic ball. The table tennis is interesting. It is a good exercise that I can do with my father.
It helps me make a lot of new friends and makes me strong and healthy.
Table tennis is the most interesting sport in my life, because I can play it well. I can play with my
best friends and my father. I used to play table tennis on every Saturday. How to play is very difficult.
You need to spend a lot of time. If you want to play well, you will have a good body and reflex.
When I was ten years old, my father started to teach me how to play table tennis. At first, it was
very hard and boring. Over time, I kept going and never gave up. After one year, I enjoy this game. The
table tennis lets me and my father be like friends and talk a lot.
In China table tennis is popular. So many people play table tennis at school. I play a lot with my
friend. We learn from each other, and have a good friendship. It makes us strong and healthy.
I have played table tennis for ten more years, and I like it. I think every people can play it. It is not
dangerous. You should join us. It is fun.

By: Ahmed Al Falah (Saudi Arabia)
The fact that education is the best way for people to be successful in their lives is well known. For
that reason, education is very important for people. In my point of view, education broadens knowledge,
helps us to get our dreams, and helps to make a good relationship with people.
In the first reason, education enhances peoples knowledge. Education has a positive effect on
people. When you are interested in education, you will get good skills. For instance, my brother who is a
doctor likes reading. Education provides the kind of skills such as writing, reading, and listening. These
skills are very important in education and for our future.
The second reason is that education helps you to achieve your dreams. Actually, some people
are thinking about their future to be professional in their lives. If you concentrate on your study, you will
get your dreams such as studying abroad or learning different languages. For instance, I was a hard
working student, thus; I got a good job. I am a teacher. In my opinion, it is important for people to spend
their time studying until they get their dreams.
Thirdly, education helps you to get a good relationship with people. When you have a good
articulation with people, people will love you. For example, I have known my friend for 16 years from my
class in the school. Now, my friend is an actor and has many friends. Also, during the school you can get
a good relationship with people.
In conclusion, people should think about their future well.
I believe that education is important to improve people such as
gaining knowledge, helping them to reach their dream, and
making good relationships with others. In fact, education is
brightness for our life.

Travel by Airplane or Car

By: Raed Alzahrani (Saudi Arabia)
Compare between a car and an airplane. What is the best, a car or an airplane? Airplanes and cars are
types of transportation that people use for mobility like travel. So, all on have advantages and disadvantages.
For example the cost, travel time, and the activities.
First, some people like to travel by a car. Therefore, you should make a plan for your money before you
travel. Then, when you travel by a car you need some basic stuff, like gas and food. If the travel time is long,
you need a break for housing like a motel. Often the travel by a car is uncomfortable because you take a long
time on the way. For example, a month ago, I went to California by a car. It took 38 hours from Nashville to
Los Angeles. It was so tiring. However, at the same time, it was fun because I visited new places on my way,
and we played games and sang. I will never forget it.
Secondly, some people like to travel by airplane. Fist, if you want get a good cost, you should book
early. Usually the cost is expensive. Also, you need to pay for something more like luggage and food. I think
traveling by airplane is more comfortable than a car because you will take a short time. In addition, there are
more comfortable places in a plane like first class. Also, you have some activities on plane like watching
movies. I think most of the time you can sleep.
To conclude, I think each part has some good things. There are many differences, like cost because
often the plan is expensive, and the time of a car takes more time. I think the activities when you travel by car
are more fun.

By: Abdullatif Almulhim, aka Latif (Saudi Arabia)
Have you ever heard about something never ending? Education is something like this. Education
is important to get a good position in your job in the future. We can get education from our relatives,
English school, and our job.
First, my parents have affected my knowledge of education. They have taught me from when I
was in my childhood up to now. For example , if I have a hard choice , and I need advice from their
experience or to convince me if I dont know how to take a decision in my life, like before I came to the
U.S.A . They convinced me to go the U.S.A and complete my education.
Second, school is most valuable place to learn, especially English school. For instance, my
teachers correct my spelling when I wrote a word incorrectly and chose a good level for me via the
placement test before the classes began. In addition, teachers give the students a lot of homework which
is a good way to practice.
Third, the job is the perfect place to practice what you studied in your school and learn new
information. For example, you can learn how you can deal with patients if you are working in the medical
field. Also, your supervisor in your job is the one who will teach you. Moreover, you could learn a lot from
your colleagues in your department.
In conclusion, education is important and can be found in our family, school, and job. Without
education we can not improve the world, which is important. I strongly recommend everyone to complete
their education and keep going even if you are facing a problem or a hard step to be reached for your

Travel by Car or Airplane

By: Othman Almishari (Saudi Arabia)
What do you prefer to travel by, a car or an airplane? Before you answer this question, you
should read all of this essay because I will bring a lot of information about a traveling by a car or airplane.
All of these topics have information about agreements and disagreements. You should collect as much
as you can about the traveling method. Therefore, we should contrast the cost, travel time, and comfort.
First, the cost is different between both. When you travel by a car you have to put gas in the car,
and the gallon price is about $ 2 dollars. Therefore, if your destination is 500 miles, and your car needs
about 100 gallons, it will cost $200. On the other hand, an airplane is more expensive. The cost of an
airplane ticket at least $ 400. The reason for this higher cost is the ability to travel farther and quicker.
Second, the travel time is also different When you travel by a car, you will have to follow the
speed limit. That means you will spend a lot of time during your travel. However, an airplane is faster.
The airplane has unlimited speed, so it swims through the sky. For example, if I want to travel to New
York city by car, it will take 12 hours. In contrast, if I fly, it will take 2 hours.
Third, the comfort varies between both forms of transportation. The airplane has several services
during the travel. The airplane has T.V, a restroom, and more space. On the other hand, the car usually
doesn't have a T.V. or restroom, and only has a small space. To illustrate this, from my experience,
traveling by an airplane is more comfortable because I can watch T.V., sleep, and travel quickly.
In conclusion, we can contrast between a car and an airplane by using three categories: the cost, travel
time, and a comfort . My thought is, if you are interested, I believe that an airplane is better than a car.

By: Bashaer Alshahrani (Saudi Arabia)
What does happiness mean? All people disagree on the meaning of happiness. Some of them see
the money, comfort, position, and fame. A lot of people in various walks of life are looking for happiness.
Happiness comes in differing temperament, interests and aspirations and even in the same community.
Some people think happiness comes from money, health and fame.
First, money is not the key to happiness. On the contrary, family, relatives, friends, and the social
relation networks are important factors for happiness. Happiness is independent from financial wealth. For
example, money does not prevent good people from death.
Second, happiness brings health. The more happiness you have the healthier you will be. Happiness
can be practiced by people to ensure his or her health. For instance, a sound mind in a sound body will have
Third, fame does not bring happiness. Happiness is far from fame. Let's be a happy target of love, beside
to trust it. For example, Princess Diana was the most famous woman in the world, but she did not earn
happiness. She died because of fame.
In conclusion, happiness is far from fame and money. Let's be happy and healthy along with family and
friends. Are you really happy?


By: Alawiyyah Alsaeedi (Saudi Arabia)
Have you faced a problem and then beat it? Or did you hope for something and then achieve it? If
your answer is yes, that means you have achieved success in your life. The success means to have the
ability of how to use your abilities, and your talents to reach your goals, and to achieve them. Success is
divided into two sides. These are moral and physical. Moral success includes social success and
personal success, while physical involves business.
First, personal success means to be able to live life as you choose and when you choose. So, the
first important thing is time management. Time management is to organize your time to begin success
because the most common reason for failure is starting from lack of time management. While you
organize your time, that means to give everything its time without increasing or decreasing something
else, and to do them in a suitable amount of time. That is one secret of success. Most people do not
achieve their success because they dont know how to manage their time, and then they lose their
success. The person who is able to manage his time, will be able to benefit every minute in his day. In
addition, he can achieve success more than any other person who doesnt do that. So, start to do that.
Second, set your goals, and go for it. You have to be certain you can do anything and just believe in
yourself. Make your goals your concentration and then go through it. For example, if your goals are to
achieve your education success, then think what you need: studying hard, attending your classes on
time, and paying attention to them. Then make these points your focus to reach your goals. Additionally,
if your goal is to solve your problems, first select the main things in that problem, and put all your
suggestions for solutions. Second, write negative and positive points for all the suggestions. Finally,
decide what the best one for you is. Believe that will be a suitable solution for your problem.
Second, social success is something that is not easy to get. It needs high skills. Moreover, social
success has different meaning that depends on what social means for you. It may mean family, friends,
or society. Family success of course is something most people think about. For example, a single person
dreams he will get his family. Family success means to be a good brother or sister, a great father or
mother, and a wonderful grandfather or mother. In addition to family, friends are the most beautiful
relationship. Friend success doesnt mean to have a lot of friends. Friendship is never measured by the
number, it is measured by a strong relationship. Moreover, social success means to give your
motherland some of your success to benefit each person in society.
Finally, the first thing to think about when you hear business success is to get a good job, to have
a good salary, and to start a company. All these points include money. Who doesnt like money? To get
money, you have to work, but what kind of work do you have to do. However, the work is not only to get
money. The secret of that is to love your work, then you will notice what will happen. The work may give
you money, but if you love work, it will give you all your dreams, and the first is success.
In conclusion, we have many kinds of success: personal success, social success, and business
success. To be able to achieve all of these, first, manage your time, second, be honest with your
relationships, and finally, love your work. Then you will find your successes.


By: Renad Alharbi (Saudi Arabia)
What does passion look like? Passion looks like great feelings that happen when you are doing
what you love. Passion makes everything in your life beautiful, even boring things will return to amazing
things. I have many types of passion like learning new things, passion about my lovely kid, and passion
for cooking.
First, I become curious when I hear about something new or even something I know a little
about. That makes me happy and a more educated person . You can learn a lot of stuff like how to save
your money or how to deal with different situations. You have many methods to learn such as using the
Internet, reading interesting books, talking to someone you know, or talking with a stranger and watching
educational TV shows. That is very important for your life because your brain and your soul will benefit.
I prefer reading because reading helps you in different directions and your understanding will be larger
than before. However, sometimes a lot of random learning may hurt you when you are asking about
something wrong or personal so you must analyze carefully what you are learning about.
Second, I also have a special passion for my kid. He is a gift from Allah because I was waiting for
him for along time. He creates my smile and makes me laugh. I feel safe when I am with him. Now, he
is two years old and this age is a very interesting year in a child's life because they learn how to talk, how
to eat, and how to act like an adult. Furthermore, their personality changes completely, and I enjoy that .
With days, he is coming closer to me, and he is like my friend now. His actions are a copy of mine. I
love him so much, and I am thinking about him all the time.
Finally, I have passion for cooking. I think if you love anyone, you will cook for them.Therefore,
cooking is showing how much you are loving someone or caring about them. In addition, cooking is
another way to take care of your family and your friends, and others. When I am cooking, I feel happy
because I enjoy tasting and smelling the food. My family loves my cooking and they encourage me all
the time. I saw a beautiful smile on their faces. Every time when I make a new recipe, I have fun eating
and tasting the food. Another benefit of cooking is I go quickly to cook when I feel bad or when I feel
stress. Cooking changes my mood and does not let me think or memorize noisy things.
In conclusion, everyone has a need for passion in their life. My passion is for knowledge, my son,
and cooking. Some other people have another kind of passion, maybe for stranger things. I recommend
everyone to apply his passion. If you do not have one, try to find something that makes you happy and
busy. When we look, we can find a lot of successful people and their secret is they are loving what they
are doing. In another words, their job is their passion . This is important, so if you are like them, you will
be lucky.

By: Asma Alwehaibi (Saudi Arabia)
Education is an important tool to be what you want. You can get education from many ways such
as school, university and experience. When you have education, you can get a job easily, make a lot of
money, and you have many friends..
First, you can get job easily, and you will do very well with an education. Since the word is
changing quickly, many jobs require education. If two people go into a company for the same job
opening, the one that has the high education is most likely going to get it. For example, for most
companies, people need to be proficient in technology. Technology is our future as well as our present.
Technology driven jobs are getting more popular..

Second, when you have a lot of education, you can make a lot of money. People who have higher
education usually earn more money than those who do not. With education, you give yourself the
opportunity to make some considerable amounts of money. For example, when people have higher
education, they can make a private business easier than people with lower education..
Finally, people with higher education have a lot of friends. When you have higher education,
everyone asks you about your education because they want some advice from you. People with higher
education are considered to be more socially active. Because they had studied in university, they have
met a lot of people..
In conclusion, education is necessary because it will help you get a job, money, and friends. If you
want to be successful, you should have as much education as you can.

By: Ly Ngyuen (Vietnam)
There are two popular ways to travel; they are by car or airplane. Which way is most convenient
depends on how far you travel. When comparing traveling between a car and airplane, there are three
important factors to contrast: time, comfort, and safety. The three good things when traveling by car is
that you can bring a lot of baggage, stop any time you want, and have no flight delay. The three good
things when traveling by airplane is that you can travel over seas, bring many friends, and sleep during
the flight.
First, when traveling near by, its best to travel by car. As for comfort, you can travel any time you
want without buying a plane ticket. For safety, youre able to control your car. When traveling by car you
can bring a lot of baggage. No one needs to check their baggage when you travel by a car. In addition,
you can stop any time you want. For example, if you want to eat or explore, you can stop any time. You
dont have to worry about a delayed flight.
In contrast, traveling by airplane is very different from a car. When traveling far, its best to travel
by airplane because you get there faster. As for comfort, you can recline in the chair and you can sit
comfortably. For safety, you can travel safer in the airplane than a car. Also, many friends can travel with
you, and you can sleep during the flight.
In conclusion, traveling by car and airplane has many differences. Traveling between a car and
airplane has three important factors to contrast: time, comfort, and safety. The best things when traveling
by car is that you can bring a lot of baggage, stop any time you want, and have no flight delay. The best
thing about traveling by airplane is that you can travel over seas, bring many friends, and sleep during
the flight. If I travel nationwide I will use a car, and if I travel internationally I will travel by airplane.

By: Ezequiel Ossemane (Mozambique)
Defining education can be easy or complex, it depends on the context. We could look at
education like the process to build the future men. So, time after time the education has become worse
and has brought new challenges for parents, government, and so on. Can you think what the world
would be like without education? Maybe the world would be ungovernable. Everyone can get education
in many different places like, school, family and with friends. From different places you will get different
types of education, and perhaps it can define your future.


When the children reached the appropriate age to attend school, most of the parents enrolled
them from first time at school. The school education is the most important, because you will learn how to
take the first steps in the world. At school, the students can learn science, socialize, live around
multicultural situations, and respect other people and enjoy playing games. Sometimes, a multicultural
environment can help children grow up out of segregation. Furthermore, there are countries with few
schools, and the price of private schools or high schools is too high, so that compels parents to find
another way for their children in order to get an education.
Today we frequently see parents teaching their children at home or paying someone to do it.
Teaching children at home, most of the time, is optional and the solution if there is no condition to keep a
child at school. When parents dont have enough time to follow the activity of a child, it could be a big
problem, because the parents will not be able to say what is wrong or correct. Another little issue is when
the parents try to force a child to become like them in all aspects.
Sometimes, a friends relationship can be good or dangerous when you dont distinguish different
kinds of play or a nice place to meet friends. Friends education can bring a new point of view in our lives
like sharing ideas, getting experience, and learning with success and failure with other people. Moreover,
good companies help young people improve the concept of BE in society. For example, try to follow a
better personality of someone to be your reference. Another way can drive you to a bad life and you will
forget all types of education.
Finally, the education that we take in different places or contexts where you are involved could be
much better if you know how to use the best of them in society. Also, good education is the aggregate of
all contexts, beginning at home, school, and with friends. Education will not be the same for all people,
so you can try to explore a lot of opportunities that you can get in real life.

By: Hassan Sonbul, aka f93oon (Saudi Arabia)
Education is when we learn a new thing, or know a new thing that you didnt know before. There
are many kinds of education including experiences, friends, and to get education to get a job and make
First of all, experience is the most important education for people. In this life, its important, in my
opinion. You can learn a lot from your mistakes in life when you fix it. For example, you can learn from
your life in the street in your neighborhood and from these people around of you. With these
experiences, you can fix any troubles you will face in the future.
Secondly, friends and people around us are big part in our life to get information or details from in
a lot of things. They are giving us a lot of advice to keep us on the safe side or to lead us in the right way.
Also, if you want to get married or if you are planning to travel to somewhere, you will ask for them
Finally, we have to get education for ourselves to make sure we will get a great job. We have to
finish our education and get a degree to have this job that you dream all night about. If you want it, you
have to work for it by getting your education and completing it. Then get your degree to get a job that can
help you in your future and your familys future.
As one can see, education is important in this time of the world, and you can get it from
experiences and your mistakes, friends, and people and around you from their advice and their feedback
to you. Your education is your degree to get a better job for yourself and to make sure you will have a
great future in your life.

IEI Under a Microscope
By: Qasem Al Humais (Yemen)
The international English Institute is an institute in which the international student learns English
language as a second language. Founded in 1977, it is located in Nashville, Tennessee. According to
IEIs web site, "Our mission is to teach English with excellence and love to speakers of other languages
in a friendly atmosphere and to serve as a bridge between cultures." (IEIs website).
As a kind of constructive criticism and a positive evaluation for IEI, I randomly asked ten faculty
members, ten current students and ten former IEI alumni students this question: do you think the
students who graduated from IEI are ready to enter universities? Yes or No, and Why? According to the
twenty five responses that I have received on the questionnaire, although ten answered, No, the
graduated students from IEI are not ready to enter universities, ten answered, Yes and five answered,
It depends on some conditions.
Four out ten of students who answered no said, that IEI just gives the student 50% and the
other 50% is the responsibility of the students: IEI program is good yet not enough , it only teach[sic] you
the basic skills to learn English Language, the rest is depend [sic] on your owner[sic] efforts,(student
from the Middle East). However, I believe all the institutes that teach English language as a second
language give the students just 50% or less and the other percent is the responsibility of the students. IEI
students who have good study skills and self-discipline will be able to cope with any issues to learn the
English language and will be successful (one of the faculty at IEI).One student from south America
added the faculty of IEI teaches the students the best they have according to a scientific program.
Other students claim that IEI is not an academic institute and just looking for money. One student
alumni from IEI said that the general English is one thing and the academic English is another thing.
Another student added that IEI is not an academic institute to help the student to study and understand.
However, while IEI is a commercial institute, its program is designed according to scientific rules. Our
curriculum is designed around university based linguistic demands and is periodically reviewed to ensure
that it continues to represents of universities, (one faculty member). Another instructor adds, I think the
IEI curriculum prepares students for university well. Furthermore, she said, I think that faculty at IEI do
their job well in understanding the curriculum, pushing the students to perform well, and making sound
decisions about students ability to continue their language learning beyond our curriculum, and IEI has
agreements with local universities if a student completes all levels at IEI, that student will meet the
language requirement for that university.
Some students said that the students who are currently in high levels or those who graduated
from the IEI got low grade in IELTS or TOEFL. There [sic] no relation between what are we studying at
IEI and the preparation for IELTS and TOEFL, (student alumni) Also some students who were in high
levels at IEI once transferred to another institute, then began at a lower level. On the other hand the
Academic Director Mr. Duane Berry said, Most of our students are capable of surpassing minimum
TOEFL and IELTS scores required for university matriculation prior to graduating our program. In
addition, he adds feedback from admissions officers at local universities demonstrates a high level of
confidence in our program based on their experiences with our students who have matriculated into their
degree program.
Finally five out of 25 of responses noted, sometimes yes and sometimes no. One faculty
member said there are so many different ways to define ready academically, emotionally, culturally and
so on. Another added, it depends on what you mean by graduated in this case, if you mean that a

student has successfully accomplished our levels, in that they have tested out of those levels, then
absolutely, I believe they are ready for university study. However, if your definition of graduated is more
relaxed, and refers to if a student leaves IEI and gains entrance to university, then my answer is
maybe, (one of IEIs faculty members).
In conclusion, according to the questionnaire there are different opinions. Some said yes, the
students who graduated from IEI are ready to enter the universities; furthermore, they named many
logical reasons. Others said no, the graduated students from IEI are not ready to enter the universities,
and they mentioned some reasons. The third opinion said sometimes yes and sometimes no, depending
on some conditions.
Work Cited
IEI website < >

Medical Mistakes
By: Fatimah Alabandi (Saudi Arabia)
Do you think one day your therapist may be the cause of your death? When you are a patient you
trust you are in good hands, but even the best doctor or nurse can make a mistake on you or someone
you love. The number of dead in the United States because of medical mistakes are up to 440,000
Americans (Deaths by medical mistakes). This puts medical errors as the third leading cause of death in
the U.S. All wonder about the cause of medical errors. This paper will discuss the most important
reasons of medical errors, such as inefficiency, lake of manpower, and forgery of degrees.
First of all, inefficiency is the most important cause of medical errors in my country. First
inefficiency is the result of incompetency of universities to give enough information in medicine; this leads
to the inability of doctors to diagnose the disease. Moreover, misdiagnose means the wrong treatment
and leads to irrevocable diseases or death in some cases. Second, some people in my country believe
studying medicine will bring them social status. Thus they may go this direction, even if they do not love
it--only for money and social status. In the end, the patient is a victim. For example, while I was working
in King Saud Medical City hospital I saw many nurses didnt inefficient to be a nursethey just wanted a
job and money. And sometimes the parents are forcing their children to enter the college of medicine for
same reasons we mentioned earlier. For example, my niece wanted to study engineering, but my sister
forced her daughter to enter the college of medicine. All these reasons lead to medical errors. Namely,
inefficiency leads to threatening the patients life.
Second, the lack of manpower will increase working hours and this leads to lack of sleep. If the
doctor doesnt take sufficient rest that will effect their balance that may in turn affect the lives of patients.
This leads to say an increase of medical errors. Doctor who work thirty-hour shifts were seven times
more likely to make mistake (Contemporary Helen Solrzano Topice-27). For example, my brothers
doctor sometimes works up to 12 hours and when he talks with head doctors he said there is not a
sufficient number of doctors There is a study that indicating that resident doctors work about 36 hours
per shift without rest or sleep. According to studies, doctors with few hours of sleep were primary cause
of about 50% of heavy and deadly medical errors (Medical Errors in Saudi Arabia. Terrifying stories).
Finally, there are organizations that pay to forge certificates. According to a survey done by the
Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia there were 568 fraud cases in medical specialties in 2010. The number
of fraudulent medicine certificates are on the rise reaching 2,443 cases in 2013 (organisations medical
specialties revel 2443 forgery medical certificates). At the end, the patients are the victims from this work.


These are the causes of medical errors. But what are the damages that are occur from these
mistakes. There are many damages that can be caused by these errors, such as complex diseases,
physical disabilities, or death. For example, when my cousin was pregnant a negligent doctor gave her
the treatment that cannot be taken during pregnancy; this led to the babys incomplete growth and a lot
of diseases. There are lots and lots of horror stories that we hear daily, like a child that who was injured
by paralysis, and the fertility clinic that used the wrong sperm in N.Y.
In conclusion, medical mistakes are an unending succession resulting in paying with their health.
Thousands of patients who are victims of medical errors. And the lucky ones may come out of those
mistake but in a wheelchair. There are many people who paid with their lives for medical crimes.
Therefore, medical errors become an obsession for all who enter the hospital.
Works cited
Deaths by medical mistake hit records. July 18, 2014 <January 25, 2015>
Jan, 22, 2013 .organisations medical specialties revel 2443 forgery medical certificate <January 25,
2015> today[].html
Jan, 18, 2014. Medical Errors in Saudi Arabia. Terrifying stories. <January 25,2015.>

By: Ghareeb Alfarsi (Saudi Arabia)
What does relaxation mean? Relaxation means activity for restarting your body or mind. There
are three causes that can create peacefulness for people. Food can change the mood of people either
positively or negatively. Also, places can have an effect on the mind. Finally, tranquility can occur
through the senses.
First, in general, food can help to integrate the system of our body completely. For example, an
orange is good for the heart and it helps hypertension. Through eating good food, our body will work
normally which makes the body unwind. In addition, green tea can clean the poisons from our bodies.
After drinking this tea, we will feel at ease.
Somethings like vegetable, fruit and nuts. There helpful the body to completely rest and To flush
out toxins from the body helps the blood to pass on a regular basis and smooth in addition to vitamins,
proteins, cells supports the full comfort and do not forget proper eating in a healthy body destination here
that a healthy body is at rest stage for long periods. Such as Cummins, orange, banana, avocado and
Another cause that can increase relaxation is activities location. Many places have conditions
that change our mood and help us distress. For example, beaches can help people to feel very relaxed.
In addition, many people like to relax in their rooms. Sometimes the freedom and privacy make an
environment to relax the mind. Also going to a spa helps the bodys circulation system. The favorite place
is beach for unknot. Some of these techniques you can do in that places somethings like Progressive
Muscle Relaxation (tense & relax), Visual Imagery, Deep Breathing, Meditation, Hypnosis, Yoga and
Biofeedback. A lot of places and activities there helpful the rest.
Finally, our senses help us. The senses are a means of perception among organisms. There are
five senses: hearing, touch, smell, sight and taste. The eyes give us information about a natural place.
In addition hearing a birdsong helps us remember a beautiful time. Touching another can help them

smile. The nose when it smells odors can change the breathing. The tongue for tastes different flowers
like sugar, chocolate. The senses completely communicate whats happening within.
In conclusion, food, places, and senses combined together can lead to relaxation. These are just
sample ways that you can use to rest.
Works cited

The Causes of Culture Shock

By: Abdullah Alshaikmubarak (Saudi Arabia)
When a person moves to a new country and that country has a different culture, it doesnt matter
what kind of different it has, such as food, development, people. When he see this different thing that will
be culture shock.
First, when you go to a new place, such as a new country or even a new city, you often enter a
culture that is different from the one you left. Sometimes your culture and the new culture are similar.
Othertimes, they can be very different and even contradictory. What might be perfectly normal in one
culture for instance, spending hours eating a meal with your family may be unusual in other culture.
Second, sometimes we got culture shock from our community or our culture. Such as, If I trust
any source to give me certain facts as a support for my study, suddenly with each passing day we
discover that he was a false source. Otherwise, when you marry someone and they go to spend that
phase in other country and begin to note the difference between the current country and the original
country or strange celebration and customs in some religion, some customs around the world make
weird things such as scratch their heads and some people say that is kind of disgusting.
Third, when you visit some new places, especially restaurants, a lot of people have particular kind
of food they love. For instance, the majority of Arab people are used to eating Arabic food or American
food. Therefore, if they visit Japanese restaurants that will be strange thing for them; even if Japanese
people want to taste Arabian food it will be the same sense. Also, I have two pieces of advice for
minimizing culture shock related to food. First, dont be afraid to eat at familiar places. McDonalds,
Wendys, Pizza Hut, KFC, and other familiar fast food spots are everywhere. They will have some
different items on the menu, but will also have familiar items. My second tip is to take some packaged
food with you. Eating those can save you at a place with no good food options, or just give you that
familiar taste to help remind you of home.
In conclusion, culture shock is a strange thing created by the people and this constantly occurs
between east and west countries. In my opinion culture shock can be avoided studying different cultures
to increase your knowledge about other culture.


The Effects of Global Warming on the Poles

By: Carlos Carvajal (Chil)
Global warming has many effects in our Earth; one of those is on the poles. The effect on the
poles is a one of the principal effect about the world talks today, the effect is that every day they have
less ice because the temperature has increased. That is a big problem for the world because when the
ocean water level will increase, many countries and cities will be disappears under the water, that
problem will produce a lot of lateral effect in countries and peoples.
This problem has different point of views, some people think it is a natural effect so the weather
needs to change and it is a normal process. Those people think that the human race cant change the
weather; others think that theory is true, but humanity has helped accelerate that process.
When people talk about of melting ice caps and their effect in the world can be many different
ideas and anything are right or wrong before than the things will happen.
A Lot of scientists around the world have studied the possible effects of the change in
temperature at the poles. An analysis with more studies on polar ice estimates more accurately how fast
it is melting. Now the Antarctic and Greenland are losing mass three times faster that they were 20 years
ago. (Ever faster polar ice loss) The Scientist Andrew Shepherd at the University of Leeds, UK, Erik
Ivins at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and their colleagues compared and
mixed four types of satellite data about this. They found an important conclusion; they saw that since
1992, the ice melting has contributed more than an 11 millimeter rise to sea level. (Ever faster polar ice
Another analysis made by scientists at Princeton and Harvard Universities used a novel statistical
approach that reveals the polar ice sheets are vulnerable to ever under moderate global warming
scenarios. That melting would cause a increasing the global sea level. (polar ice Sheets)
About their analysis, an increase 2 C of global temperature could raise the sea level around 20-30 feet.
This increase would inundate many cities and countries; for example, in United State it would
permanently submerge New Orleans and much of southern Florida, but this could affect Europe too and
as a result most of the Netherlands under water. When this happened many people will not have a house
where their can live and as a result they will need to move for other countries or cities more safe.
As part of this study, the scientists put together a lot of information about sea-level indicators for a period
known as the last interglacial stage around 125,000 years ago. Polar temperatures during this period
were likely 3-5C (5-9F) warmer than today, and is expected to occur in the future if temperatures reach
about 2-3C above preindustrial level. (Polar ice Sheets).
A specialist magazine about clime change, called Dear EarthTalk has said that global warming
could bring a new ice age. Some scientists speculate there will a return to ice age conditions. Based on
many geological studies, the Earth has ice age periods around every 20,000 years. They maintain the
melting of the poles is impossible and many countries will be under ice and low temperatures in the
future. Everybody knew if an ice age came there will be a big problem for society, because people will
need to move to another place where they can live more comfortably and save. If this happened a lot of
people from the North America (Canada, Alaska, New York, etc), will move nearer to the equator.
Others scientists believe that greenhouse emissions can save us from another ice age, because
emissions stop the advance of low temperatures associated with an ice age, and the people will not have
to move out of their cities or countries. For that reason, they think that the humans are making a
contribution so the ice age will not happen (Dear EarthTalk).
First, when you are thinking about global warming, or more politically correct climate change,
you need to know the effect in the world and how it could affect you. An example for that is the increase
in sea level; if you live near the ocean or beach, maybe you will move to another place or city higher for
your own security, because here are many possibilities that the water will raise their level and enter
inside the city. This possibility is around 95%.

Secondly, another thing that you need to think about is how you could help to stop this problem.
Maybe you will not do too much, but if all the people will do something we will have more time to live in
this world. For example people can use less their cars and road on bikes when will go to works, use on
daily life recycle products, and many more simples ideas for help.
Finally, when you talk about climate change, you can take two positions, believe or not if the
human had effects on the Earth, is right use the Earth how we are using or we are only visitors on the
Works Cited
"Dear EarthTalk: it has been said that global warming will bring a new ice age." EarthTalk: Questions &
Answers About Our Environment. A Weekly Column 15 Nov. 2009. Academic OneFile. Web. 6 Feb.
"Ever faster polar ice loss." Nature 492.7427 (2012): 11. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.
"Polar ice sheets." The Science Teacher 77.2 (2010): 15. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Why People Burnout and What Kind of Consequence it Makes?

By: Juhui Cho (South Korea)
Has a person ever burned out in their whole life? The terminology burnout was discovered by
the American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in the 1970s. There is an unspecific and unclear
definition by professionals since it is hard to organize and its undeveloped analysis yet as another
disease. Doctors can make an incorrect diagnosis as depression due to really similar symptoms. For
example, if a person has extreme exhaustion, feels gloomy, and declines in performance, a doctor might
determine it is as burnout even if the person has depression. Also, people cannot technically call it a real
disease (What is Burnout).
How can people know what is the symptoms of burnout are? They can use certain tools two
measure burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson), or
self-diagnosis by asking themselves easily these three questions below. First of all, irrespective of
extremely perfecting their task; do they feel insufficiency of satisfaction from their achievement? Or are
they abusing food, pills, or alcohol to get a better feeling or to not feel anything from their life? Or do they
often feel irritated, annoyed, or out of control with their company, clients, family, or friends nowadays? If
they have these signs, they should suspect burnout (Job Burnout). The symptoms of burnout is
spending a terrible time and exhausting every day, seeing their life as a huge challenge, and feeling like
they cannot change anything or it is not appreciated. In other words, the symptoms of burnout can fall
within physical, emotional, and behavioral categories (Smith, Segal, and Segal).
There are numerous people in the world; however, why do specific people have a particular
susceptibility to for burnout even though they look like they have average and ordinary behavior? There
are several reasons of burnout as related to work, lifestyle, and personality traits.
First of all, works have to be very passionate but burnout makes you passive. Burnout is
connected to work that they might not be able to control, work that has a lot of expectation, and work
does not have benefit. Usually people perform their task for their benefit; nonetheless, the people who
will burn out suffer restriction from their tasks. Besides they have high job expectations from themselves
or others. For example, they have to work hard as a workaholic for others view, no matter what their
decision is. It can bring disorder or high pressure circumstances that they always consider must be
achieved with perfect results every moment. They work like a dog; nevertheless, they receive not enough
rewards compared to their countless efforts of hard work. It makes them feel monotonous and

unchallenged doing work. They desire someone, especially their family or friends, to notice their efforts;
however nobody recognizes their result (Smith, Segal, and Segal). If they have micromanaging parents
or supervisor or colleagues in their life, it makes them lack in confidence (Job Burnout). They might
think that if they work hard every day, the reward will always be less than their efforts and everybody will
not recognize them. This is might lead to despair and cause burnout. In summary, burnout is
complicatedly related with work that they cannot manage well as tasks controlling them. Also they may
have many expectations from themselves or others; it can bring high pressure since they do not have an
adequate amount of reward and recognitions and it causes a lack of confidence. What a terrible situation!
It looks like they are living in the worst case in the world. Therefore work is automatic factor in reading to
In addition, everybody has various lifestyles as a hard worker or a flexible worker. Has a person
ever imagined that their lifestyle can make them sick? There are certain lifestyles that can make people
burn out. For instance, if a person is a hard worker, but, does not spend sufficient time for oneself with
family and friends, or in sound sleep or pleasure time, it can bring the person to burnout. They are
capable of working as hard as they like if it is essential to them; though, the person also needs to spend
time relaxing. Having rest is necessary for a person since it provides energy to perform their work.
Another lifestyle which the person may have is the one who has many expectations from lots of people.
Of course sometimes expectations can create the motive to keep working hard as great meaning.
However, if the person cannot balance both sides, it makes the person have to do plenty of work even
though the person would not like to do it form the corresponding expectation. Similar to this situation, if a
person has many responsibilities, it can make them burn out due to the fact that they cannot control the
pressure in their mind. Of course it can be great stimulation when the person considers making their
choice. On the other hand, if it is so connected with their attitude, a side effect such as burnout or
selective disorder may occur. The other lifestyle causing burnout is insufficient helpful or friendly
relationships. The life is not easy to live alone, even if people are totally independent, so everyone needs
their colleagues with whom they can have supportive or intimate relationships (Smith, Segal, and Segal).
To sum up, lifestyle might cause burnout such as having hard work without spending time for themselves,
enduring lots of expectations and responsibilities, and enjoying fewer assisting and intimate relationships.
Furthermore, people have diverse personalities. Burnout may have a higher rate in certain
personalities, such as those who are perfectionist, those who have a pessimistic view often themselves
and the world, those who want to be in control of everything without others opinions, or those who are
high achieving. For example, a person may have done a great job in others view and also created an
excellent outcome; nonetheless, the person is not satisfy with oneself and cannot admit their nice work.
The person may even criticize the result and oneself as the person who could have made a better result
if they had tried harder. Although sometimes people need to pursue their aims without others,
concentrate only their goals, and do their best in life, too much reproach and desire to control everything
can bring the worst result such as burnout (Smith, Segal, and Segal).
When people have burned out, what kind of results will appear? There are a few effects such as
going into a prolonged slump and needing a chance to cope.
First, negative thinking and depression are effect of burnout. Does a person have experience that
the person does not want to do anything and suffers from their terrible life due to burnout? For instance,
does a person have the same routine every day, and does not want to try anything and does not have
enough power to attempt new due to feeling exhausted and useless in the world? The lack of satisfaction
about their life can make them desire to change their life, job, lifestyle, and career. Burnout can also have
negative impacts on physical and mental health is everyday seems the same; furthermore, it makes them
feel terrible with depression, anxiety. Sometimes the person does not want to do their work and has feels
of apathy and cynicism. Similarly burnout can make you uninterested to hang out with others or do any
activity. The other effect of burnout is difficult to take a risk or undertake challenging work (Rosenstein).
These situations will happen over and over as a vicious cycle unless the person gets through the
dreadful situations.

Are all effects of burnout only negative and burdensome to people? Burnout can be a great
opportunity to overcome. Everyone is not perfect even famous scholars or eminent and revered people.
Thus, people should view burnout as way to understand their weakness. Also, people require challenge
in their lives sometimes since they are not hamsters in a wheel. Burnout can provide a reminder of their
first admired goal. In general it is normal that people face the ups and downs of life. Of course, although
everyones ideal life is great without obstacles, it is impossible to come true. Thus burnout can be a great
opportunity to get through the obstacles and achieve a more fantastic life.
How can people overcome burnout symptoms? If people have the sign of burnout, try these
Three Rs for recognize, reverse, resilience : first, recognize the warming signs of burnout; second,
reverse the negative impact by attempting to handle their stress and discovering support; finally, they
should develop concern about their physical and emotional health (Smith, Segal, and Segal). In order to
do this, when people overcome the situation, people can be stronger and more flexible than before
In conclusion, work, lifestyle, and personality can contribute to burnout so it might makes people
feel like they fell into a hole and consider life to be terrible; nonetheless, ponder over this situation, as it is
a great opportunity to challenge themselves and offer spectacular view during their whole life.
In my opinion, burnout makes them feel exhausted and steals their power; on the other hands,
occasionally people require burnout from the same routine to allow for a fresh mind and new ambition.
Works Cited
Preventing Burnout Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Coping Strategies Smith, Melinda, Jeanne Segal,
and Robert Segal. 25. Dec. 2014.
Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>
Job burnout: How to spot it and take Action Mayo Clinic Staff. 08. Dec. 2012.
Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>
What is Burnout Syndrome? Pub Med Health. 17. Jan. 2014.
Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>
The Measurement of Experienced Burnout Maslach Christina and Susan Jackson. University of
California, Berkeley.
Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>
Physician Stress and Burnout : Prevalence, Cause, and Effect Rosenstein. Alan H, MD. Aug. 2012
Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>

The Human Circle of Life is Continuing

By: Le Thi Minh Anh (Vietnam)
When you do something bad for someone, the bad things will come back to you. I call that: The
circle life is going on with the human That can be the rule of life. It keeps going on like a circle, and
never stops. Sometimes you think that does not happen, but the truth is that it has always existed and
happened today. You just cant see it in reality. Its not only when you do something bad; when you do
something good for other people, the good things will come to you from another. The circle makes you
think a lot about why it happens in our life. Its called Karma. Life has a lot of reasons to do that: it is a
way to teach people everything has value, balance people and wake them up. The result of that really
affects yourself, your future, and people around you.


The life wants to make people know everything has value. The wrongdoing has worse happening,
the good things have better result. You have to pay all for justice. Everybody has difference
personalities: nobody is free of mistakes, can with stand all crimes. You cant be Cinderella in this world.
There can be evil for revenge because they want to satisfy with their feeling. So they would do
something for someone. But they do not know they were getting bad things for themselves. Jealousy can
be a reason for example. The result immediately comes after that or maybe that will be in the future; you
cant know what will happen next. The murderers hide five years or fifteen years, but they cant hide
forever. The life needs equality for the people. Furthermore, if you were a good person, you would have
a good life. All the bad things cant come to someone who is good forever. It would be unfair with nice
guy. The bad people cant have a beautiful life without punishment. Thats why everybody has different
lives, different situations, different everything. With the evil, the karma will wake them up, let them know
they went the wrong way. It changes the life of the human. At school, when a student bullies another
student, that student will be bullied from someone in the social environment. The law was created to
control people, make them in the shape of sociality and let the people know their wrongdoing. For
example the murderers will have a long time in the jail or prison. This world will be crazy if the humans
are not afraid with anything.
Actually, the karma is useful and the people realize it. The plot is always talking about karma in
movies, drama, and books. The God and evil are realized in the end of the story. The consequence is
the effect of karma.
Your fault will follow you, stay with you and make you feel down. Because you did everything
wrong, so you will pay for that in the future. Maybe you realize it, or maybe you do not; its not important.
Karma not only happens with you when you do the bad things. You will have more than good when you
do something good for someone. The good just helps someone to do something or try to do anything
and not give up. Maybe you put a lot of your hard work into your future, so you will get a lot of success
after that. The karma can happen with your relationship. For example, when you cheated with your
boyfriend or your girlfriend, you didnt love them with all your heart and you lied to them. After you and
your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up, you didnt think anything, but the bad would come to you: another
person came to you and you really loved them, but they didnt feel that with you. Therefore, you felt hurt
and you missed your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. They would do everything you did with your ex before.
You would understand what they felt and you regret about your mistakes, but everything is gone,
everything is over, you cannot take it back. Maybe you didnt do anything for your boyfriend or girlfriend,
but they did not love you with all their heart, so you could feel down or sad. You can cry or scream, and
feel crazy in that hard time because you are not ok. After that you have to realize you are worth more
than that. Someone wants to revenge, but another one thinks it is luck and forgives it. The God knows
who is good for you, and you will have another person suits you. The karma is always fair with
everybody, without exception. That does not happen only for relationships, it can happen when you try to
do something by yourself. You could have your favorite job if you studied hard every day, worked hard
every day. The success is your effort. Someone might say you are lucky, but the luck is just a small part
of success. If you respect your life, your live will respect back to you.
If the karma didnt come to you, it would come in the future. It can be a little effect, or it can be a
big effect. It can change everything around you. Some will affect to give opportunities to you in the future.
You cant control your feeling when you get angry. If you had experience, you would control their mind.
But if you couldnt do that, you would do everything with your anger. You just protected yourself, wanted
to have your justice. For example, when you were in high school, you cheated in your test. Maybe your
teacher didnt know about that, and you had high scores, nobody knew. In your mind, you would think
you can do that on the other test. When you had a big exam, you cheated again. If nobody knew about
that, you would be lucky. But that created a habit inside you: you are not honest; you do not do
everything by yourself. Thus is not yours. That connects with a lot of things in the future; it is difficult to
study in the university; you cant have a good job; nobody is true to you. In another example, you tried to
make someone have trouble with another person. In the future, nobody wants to make friend with you,
nobody helps you or cares anything for you. You will be alone in this world. Did you hear about the story,

The Shepherds Boy? It was about a young boy who tended his sheep and lied about the wolf with the
villagers. He tried to trick them for excitement. When a wolf came out from the forest and ate his sheep,
he was calling out, but nobody came to help him. At the end of the story, the wise man of the village said:
A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. That story is a kind of karma.
Some situations, the karma happens to the people who are your family and are important to you.
If you do a bad thing to someone, you dont have anything. But the bad thing will also happen to your
family. Your child does not know anything, but they receive everything from you. If you are a good
person, they will have a good life from you. If you are a bad person, they will inherit an unlucky life from
you. That can make your life goes to a circle: if you hadnt paid for all your errors, your child will have to
pay that for you. You cant stand to see the evil win the goodness in the movie or story. Romeo and
Juliet is the main story of love and about the karma. Because of the war of their family, they couldnt fall
in love together. They did everything to belong together. They tried to change their familys fault. In the
end, Romeo and Juliet were died. In the real life, you can see a lot of situations about how parents did
something wrong and the child has to try to pay for their parents. Tit for tat is an idiom to talk about
Karma exists in our life: it is the law of the humans; the rule of the life. Karma is useful and
helpful. It makes the human look at life in the other way; the human will know their life is valuable. It has
never stopped. The equality of the people is karma. The people have responsibility for what they do.
Nobody is perfect in the world; somebody is good for that, bad for another. Nobody is free of mistake. But
if you know your mistake, it will be corrected by your change. You dont need to try hard to be a good
guy; you have to get used to being your best. When you pay for your mistake, you can get more
experience for yourself; you think deeper when you try to do something. You live with your feeling, your
heart; you will have a lot of good people stand by you. Karma is like a big pile to stop humans from going
the wrong way; it can be a circle to keep people in the balance between God and evil.

The Benefits and Risks of X-ray (Digital Radiography) in Chilan Industry

By: Alvaro Parra (Chil)
An x-ray is an imaging test that has been used by doctors for medical purposes and industry. For
medical purposes, you can view the inside of the body. The x-ray was made public in 1896 with an
image of the hand of anatomist Albert von Kliker. Today, x-rays are used for specific purposes.
Actually, we use an x-ray technique like a Non-Destructive Examination (ASNT-American Society
of Non-Destructive Testing) to obtain images (two-dimensional) to evaluate possible mechanical damage
of equipment or failure in welding process.
The risks in medical purpose are small, because x-rays use small amounts of radiation. The level
of exposure is considered safe for adults. However, it is not considered safe for a developing fetus
In industry, several agencies regulate the use of radioactive materials in industry. The Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) and authorized state radiation programs issue licenses to companies to
use radioactive materials and require special safety measures for their use, storage and disposal. The
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues regulations and standards to help protect
workers from unsafe handling of radioactive material or equipment that creates radiation such as x-ray
machines (Radiation: Facts, Risks and Realities, EPA). In Chile, the agency which regulate the use of
radioactive materials is CCHEN (Chilean Commission Nuclear Energy).

Industry reports pose the decision as choosing between Computed Radiography (CR) as the
economical system and Digital Radiography (DR) as the faster system that could triple output of patients
(Imaging Dinamics). DR is more efficient than CR, but CR is cheaper. The images in DR can be seen in
seconds, with high resolution and quality images.
If you can use X rays to study lung problems or scan airport baggage, why not use it in a similar
way to detect faults lurking inside machines? That's the theory behind nondestructive testing, where
engineers x-ray all kinds of industrial equipment to help them track down things like cracks and fatigue in
metal components that might otherwise go undetected. Turbine blades in airplane jet engines are tested
in this way to make sure they're not harboring any problems that would cause them to fail suddenly
during flight. All kinds of other products are also routinely studied with x-rays. Oil paintings, for example,
are often x-rayed to prove their authenticity (occasionally showing up earlier versions of a picture or
entirely different images by the same artist on the same canvas) (Woodford, 2009).
Actually, Chilean industry had a high increase of in the last 20 years. Therefore, the requirement
of good services are higher. Non-Destructive Technology is the most important tool for Chilean
Engineering for inspection service today. In addition, engineers are more prepared for these new
necessities because they have the opportunity to do course and certification in the US. The effects to
use these technologies are huge. Our customers today do not want invasive services in their equipment
because it required higher cost. To evaluate an equipment with non-invasive testing is actually the most
powerful tool in the world. Today, the companies that have the knowledge and technology are the
leaders of the business. That is why it is so important to have the knowledge.
Today, in medicine x-ray technology is very usual in all hospitals; the risk to use this kind of
technology for the medicine is small, so they can control without any problems.
In the Chilean industry, we have used this technology for 5 years; it is safe considering certain
measures of protection. Now, the country have prepared engineers who usually study this technology in
the US so they have the knowledge to work safely. The benefits of x-ray in world industry are huge
comparing with the risk to use it. Therefore, the uses of this kind of non-destructive testing method are
increasing every day.
We have to be prepared about the use of actual technology, it is developing very quickly.
Works Cited
Digital Radiography in Industry, Wafik Harara. 17th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing,
25-28 Oct 2008, Shanghai, China.
Hamblin, Kenneth. X-ray Radiography in the Study of Structures in Homogeneous Sediments.
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology Vol. 32 (1962) No. 2. (June), Pages 201-210.
Medical X-ray Imaging, Page Last Updated 06/04/2014.
Krans, Brian. X-Rays.
Radiation: Facts, Risks and Realities. US Environment Protection Agency, April 2012.
Imaging Dynamics.
Woodford, Chris. (2009) X rays. Retrieved from


Morals and Beauty

By: Hussain Rashed (Saudi Arabia)
Thats always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because
theyre pretty. Its like picking your breakfast cereals based on colour instead of taste (John Green).
Throughout the ages, there has been a debate about whether the beauty is more important than morals
or not. Although some people think beauty is more significant than morals, morals are the most important
attributes in people.
Supporters of beauty as an indispensable value claim that the admiration is the door to love.
However, the question is, what is behind the door? In fact, we always look for quality when we choose
our machine or device, so why dont we look for quality which represents the morals in our beloved?
Moreover, the person without morals is the same as a wild animal. The social media teem by a lot of
crimes which represent the brutality of human beings when they take off their morals. For example the
ISIS group, who divests themselves of ethics, kills anyone standing in their path.
Supporters also mention that the human being is attracted to beauty. However, no one can live
with a person who doesnt have morals. I broke up one month after my first engagement. The main
reason we broke up was because she doesnt regard to morality as an important value. Moreover, the
ethics are the real beauty and the external beauty is bogus beauty. The best explanation of that is
Khwarizmis equation for humanity, which states that if the person has morals, it equals one and the
other things as beauty, money, etc are zeroes after one; when the number one (morality) is gone, then
the person will equal zeroes, which is nothing.
The final argument advanced by supporters of beauty being more important than morals is that
the behaviour of people is changeable while the external beauty is fixed. However, we all know that the
thinking and behaviours of the person are usually improved over time but beauty is decreased with age.
In addition, the effect of morals of a person remain even after death. For instance, Mohandas Gandhi
died in 1948, but his effects are still present and will remain forever because he inspired people with love
and morality. He said, Morality is the basis of things and truth is the substance of all morality.
It should be evident that the arguments of people who prefer beauty to morality are not valid. On
the contrary, the person without morals is wholly brutal, even if beautiful in appearance. The ethics are
the essence of mankind. Furthermore, the effect of the morals of a person is as an inscription on a rock.
Therefore, the morals are the most important values for people.
Work Cited

Car Accidents
By: Medo Qerisha (Saudi Arabia)
Drive safely your family needs you! Thousands of people have died around the world because of
drinking alcohol, rain and speeding. Also, people who drive fast are more likely to lose their family.
People are spotlights on this phenomenon. There are many causes of car accidents all over the world.
One common cause is speeding, and another common cause is drunk driving. Accidents happen
because of the environment, such as rain. Car accidents can happen to drivers anytime, anywhere.
Unfortunately, car accidents are a common part modern life.
One reason of car accidents is speeding while driving. Nearly one- third of all car accidents can be
attributed to speeding. According to serious, in 1999, speeding was a contributing factor
in 30 percent of all crashes, and 12,628 lives were lost in speeding. Its not something carried out by a

small minority, which makes it an emotional subject for a big percentage of the population. As a result,
speeding is shattering cars and lives. If you have an accident and you want to fix your car, you may lose
your ability to fix it. Also, we have large numbers of car accidents all over the world.
Another common cause of car accidents is drinking while driving. In fact, you will lose the ability to
focus if you drink and drive. In 2007 a lone, about 13,000 people were in fatal car accidents with drunk
drivers. In Addition, 211 children were killed in drunk driving crashes in 2010. Of those 211 children, 62%
were riding in the car with the impaired driver.
As a consequence, thousands of people died because drinking alcohol. In fact, in 2013, more than
three people were killed in drunk driving fatalities for every 100,000 Americans. Between 1991, when the
Foundation For Advancing Alcohol. Responsibility was founded, and 2013, the rate of drunk driving
fatalities per 100,000 population decreased 49% nationally.
In conclusion, in order to stay and maintain the safety of loved ones, keep safety information in
mind and do not become on of those unfortunate statistics! Driving safely is important. Cars are gifts to
make our lives easier, why are we losing life through it? Drive safely your family needs you!

By: Ayat Alanazi (Saudi Arabia)
Fall seven times and stand up eight! Cancer is a defect in the function of a cell in a part of body
that causes death and sometimes needs other solutions such as surgery. There are tow kinds of caner,
which are benign and malignant. These days, a lot of people suffer from cancer because of smoking,
genetics and exposure to chemical rays. Cancer considered the most dangerous disease that threatens
people's lives.
Be healthy and stop smoking. To avoid acquire that disease should be banned smoking.
Unfortunately, 22% of cancer patients use tobacco a lot (Wikipedia). Tobacco affects of parts of body
after a long time. It affects the blood, the lung and the artery. When the smoker gets cancer, in this stage
they cannot find treatment and dies. In some stages surgery is needed to eliminate the tumor. In
addition, never go to using it. Even if you live healthy you may die.
5-10% of cancer disease is caused by genetics defects. (Wikipedia). During delivery, if the baby
has cell problems, they may get cancer more than others. People who got tumor before, maybe they
took that disease from their family that have the same disease. Sometimes we see children who have
cancer without reason. To protect them should make test early and take a report about their stage and
attempt to treat early even inhibit the spread.
The severity of exposure to chemical rays in the childhood a lot, can causes to get tumor earlier.
Chemical rays are very dangerous to people who use it over and over. It affects the human body. Most
doctors advise us to use it in crucial cases. In addition, food, water and air include chemical dyes so we
should pay more attention during our lives. Because exhaust car smoking and exhaust factory smoking
the air has chemical dyes. So must decrease use it because we would keep our health.
Cancer consumes our people, our children, our members and our health. It is the leading cause
of death. It is a defect in the cell of any part of the body and can cause of death. The main ways to
acquire cancer are smoking, genetics, and chemical rays. Also it is consider the most dangerous disease
that threatens people's lives.

Global Warming
By: Karla Jumbo (Peru)
Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase observe in the last centuries of
the average temperature of the climate system of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that
is believe to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.
More than 90% of the additional energy stored in the climate system since 1970 has gone into
ocean warming. Climate change will have a significant impact on the sustainability of water supplies in
the coming decades. Experts say that in 20 years there will be no more drinking left water on Earth. By
2100, global average temperature is expected to warm at least twice as much as it has during the last
100 years.
Scientific understanding of the cause of global warming has been increasing by concentration of
greenhouse gases produced by the Carbon Dioxide produced by cars and the excess of forest fires.
Burning fossil fuels and deforestation have caused concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse
gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, water vapor and methane to increase in the atmosphere.
Where did this care from the production of waste cause damage to the ozone layer. This production is
because of the decomposition of garbage by not recycling it.
As the Earths temperature increases, the planets ice cover has begun to melt, causing sea
levels to rise. The rise in the Earths temperature will greatly affect the biodiversity of all ecosystems.
Species will become more vulnerable to extinction. Another important effect is the contamination of air
pollution that produces respiratory diseases and skin problems and also causes changes in the
Other consequence of the global warming is natural disasters like the intensification of water
events (hurricanes and storms) and the rise in sea level.
Global warming is the major challenge for our global society. There is no doubt that global
warming will change our climate in the next century. There must be an International political solution that
funding for developing cheap and clean energy production must be increased. We must not pin all our
hopes in politics laws we must produce lest dioxin Carbone, lest garbage and we must recycling more.
We cant stop global warming; but we can slow it down and lessen its effects.

Gradual Killer
By: Erkida Hunci (Albania)
Smoking is arguably a gradual killer. In the 20th century 100 million deaths were caused from
smoking and if the current trend continue there will be 1 billion deaths in 21st century. These are very
threatening statistics that our world is today dealing with the effects of smoking. Smoking causes death,
social problems and birth defects. As I mentioned before the statistics of deaths caused from smoking
are very disturbing. Smoking causes cancer, health disease, stroke, lung diseases, emphysema,
bronchitis, chronic airway obstruction and diabetes which all can have fata effects on our health.
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480.000 deaths per year in United States, including
41,000 from second hand smoking, which is one in five deaths or 1,300 deaths every day. On average a
smoker dies 10 years earlier than a nonsmoker. If smoking continues at the same rate among you in
United States, 5.6 millions of Americans younger than 18 years of age are projected to die prematurely
from a smoking related illness.

Smoking has a direct impact in our social life. Most smokers start experimenting with cigarette in
their teens. In UK only 0.5% of 11 year olds smoke regularly but by the age of 15 the number has risen
to 10%. There are many reasons why children start to smoke. Most of teenage smoking is related to their
siblings or parents being smokers as well. Young children look up to their elders and most of the time tire
to copy their habits. Culture is also another factor that causes smoking. People in cultures where
smoking is practiced freely are almost forced to follow same rituals or habits as their elders. In cultures
that smoking is forbidden or frowned upon the upcoming generations are less likely to start smoking.
Media can also play a big factor in smoking. If todays media paints a cool picture of smoking, than our
younger generations will most likely practice smoking. Such things as movies or movie stars smoking at
a movie set or during an interview can send the wrong message to teenagers and young adults.
Smoking also causes birth defects in newborn babies if mothers smoke during pregnancy. A
study has shown that mothers who smoke during their pregnancy are more likely to have a certain birth
defect than mothers who dont smoke. A 50-year research of scientific reviews that have looked at
connections between smoking and birth defects has shown that mothers who smoke had roughly 20% to
30% higher odds of having shortened or missing arms and legs, cleft lips and cleft palates and or
abnormal shaped heads. These defects are caused by nicotine, which prevents infants form developing
normally during the 9 months of mothers pregnancies. The same study also showed that infants born
from smokers had 50% higher odds of being born with their intestines hanging outside the body. These
birth defects can last a lifetime.
As you can see, the effects of smoking are very serious and life threatening. It is a habit that
gradually kills our society and will become even more dangerous in our lives it continues at the same
rate. The only solution to this is to educate our society about the causes and effects of smoking and what
impact has it have to our health, social lives and other things. The answer to smoking is quitting.

Drug Abuse
By: Salman Alanazi (Saudi Arabia)
Abusing drugs is when people become addiction. Drugs are illegal thing in most countries. In
Holland the drugs are legal you can buy any drugs you want. There are two kinds of drugs mild and
strong such as marijuana, alcohol, heroin, and stimulant. There are many causes and effects.
People around the world use drug even though they know the effects of it. If we need to solve
these issues we have to know the cause of drug abuse. There are a lot of reasons for that, one reason is
people want to feel happy or high, due to they use drugs. For instance, young people if they want to have
fun and having parity at least they would have alcohol. And some would have marijuana then some start
to be addiction to it. Another reason people who have stress want to relief the stress. For example, some
people have many problems or have to work a lot they may be start to feel stress, so they will start to
look for any way to have a good moment. And when they use it some become addiction to drugs, further
more they will have many effects.
There a lot of effects some are physically and behavior. Some of the physically are weaken the immune
system, liver failure. Also, change the behavior makes them aggressiveness, hallucination.


Drug Addiction
By: Bader Alamri (Saudi Arabia)
Drug addiction is a serious physical and psychological disease. It is a problem that can be found
in almost any country of the world. It seems that every year the number of people using drugs or those
who become drug addicts is increasing. It has many causes and effects, which include hereditary,
environment and psychological problems.
Some people become addicted to drugs because of the bad environment that they live in. They
live in a bad place that has a lot of people who use drugs. One cause to become addicted to drugs is that
your parents were using drugs, so you may be like them. A few of people who are using drug because
they thought this drug will make them happy and will change their life to be better. They are ignorant.
Drug addiction has many effects. Many of people who use drugs are in jail and they lost their life,
others may be dead because of this drug. They may be criminals. One of the effects of drugs is that your
parents are drug users could be their children will be drug user too. The worst thing of using drug is that
while you are high you want to be alone and you dont want to talk or do anything; you may be
Drug addiction is a powerful demon that may sneak up on you and take over your life before you
know it has even happened. Although, the problem of drug may seem impossible to eliminate.

By: Jennyfer Dang (Vietnam)
Abortion is murder of an innocent unborn baby. There are 1.3 million abortions happened yearly
in the US and over 43 million worldwide. It s the ending of pregnancy by the removal of forcing out from
the womb of a fetus or embryo before it s can survive on its own.
Some reasons make women do that because sometime they dont have ability to support or take
care the baby. Maybe they were too young or too poor to be pregnant. Many parents choose this
because they want to reduce the pain for their children. So they did that because when every month they
go to the doctor for a check of their children s health and see birth defects .No parent wants their child to
grow up with something that make them hurt. Abortion is the result of rape or incest. Recently crime rates
of rape rise very high so a lot of woman has to suffer. Sometimes womens health is so weak, physical or
mental condition do not allow the mother to have the baby as it endanger mother s health
Modern medicine uses medications or surgical methods to induce abortion. The two medications
are mifepristone and prostaglandin are as effective as a surgical method in the trimester. While the use
of medications may be effective in the trimester, surgical methods appear to have a lower risk of side
effects. Birth, including the pill and intrauterine devices can be started immediately after an abortion. The
World Health Organization recommends that this same level of safe and legal abortions be available to
all women globally. Unsafe abortions, however, result in approximately 47,000 maternal deaths and 5
million hospital admissions per year globally.
The US abortion rate is among the highest of developed countries In 2011, approximately 1.06
million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.21 million abortions in 2008, 1.29
million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million
legal abortions occurred in the U.S. In 2011, the highest number of reported abortions occurred in
California (181,730), New York (138,370) and Florida (84,990); the fewest occurred in Wyoming (120),
South Dakota (600) and North Dakota (1,250). The 2011 abortion rates by state ranged from a low of 3.8
abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in Mississippi (Wyoming had too few abortions for reliable
tabulation) to a high of 28.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 in New York

Nowadays technology develops so fast and there are so many ways avoid to pregnant like they
can use condoms, diaphragms, hormonal device, birth control patch, emergence contraception, etc. But
sometimes it suddenly it doesn't work. Finally it leads to pregnant. In 2011, unmarried women accounted
for 85.5% of all abortions. Women living with a partner to whom they are not married account for 25% of
abortions but only about 10% of women in the population. Women between the ages of 20-24 obtained
32.9% of all abortions in 2011; women between 25-29 obtained 24.9%. Espect, women in their 20's have
the highest abortion rates. In 2011, women aged 20-24 had 25.9 abortions for every one thousand 20-24
year-old women. Women aged 25-29 had 19.4 abortions for every one thousand 25-29 year-old women.
According to, now this is some way the people do abortion. There are 2 main methods of abortion
.It is medication and surgical. The most common early first-trimester medical abortion regimens use
mifepristone in combination with a prostaglandin analog (misoprostol or gemeprost) up to 9 weeks
gestational age. From the 15th week of gestation until approximately the 26th, other techniques must be
used. Dilation and evacuation (D&E) consists of opening the cervix of the uterus and emptying it using
surgical instruments and suction. In the third trimester of pregnancy, abortion may be performed by IDX
as described above, induction of labor, or by hysterectomy. Hysterectomy abortion is a procedure similar
to a caesarean section and is performed under general anesthesia. It requires a smaller incision than a
caesarean section and is used during later stages of pregnancy.

By: Alice Ngoc (Vietnam)
Nowadays, divorce is the most of serious problem in the family about the money, stressful condition
for wife and husband. They make the problem for family and the result is divorce. In the past, divorce
was rare. Today, a majority of marriages break up in the few years and many people can be get the
problem from this and special about the children.
There are many reason for separation and the first thing is personal problem. The parents divorce
makes the scary for children and they wont believe family more. Some time they married so young and
the lack of equality in the relationship. The children will study it and become divorce themselves. They
will feel unsafe and religious.
One more cause that about the life. The difficult of life always make human change. The divorce on
a couples financial situation. They dont have job or no major and the result is getting low income. They
dont solve this problem and divorce cant avoid. Their family is broken. Consequence, their childrens
need face each stage of develops from childhood and adult hood. This is making increasing the victim of
abases. Almost the person has victim and emotional problem from the parents divorce.
Another cause of marriages ending in a divorce is the lack of communication. Communication is the
key within any relationship, not just marital relationships. Many couple blinds their feeling and they feel
insecurity so that why they make decide is divorce. Some case, they didnt prepare for change before
they were married and they will give up. They want come back as before they were single. For child, they
have always met problem with their study when their parent divorce. If the children are young, they will
meet problem about the spelling and math. In addition, when they become a adult, they will be broken
with study in college.
In conclusion there are many ways make to divorce and the result will influence with children. In fact,
the victim made from the parent divorce children. They need think careful with the result before we
make decide. The end of the divorce is the broken heart of the children.


Tooth Decay
By: Haifa Aldawood (Saudi Arabia)
Everybody likes a great smile! This smile depends on how do you take care your
teeth. In order to have a nice smile you have to protect your teeth from decay. Tooth
Decay is breakdown of teeth due to the activities of bacteria. It causes of lack of clean, Smoking, and a
lot of sweets or soft drinks.
Regular cleaning of the mouth is one of causes to teeth decay. We should brush our teeth at least
two times per day. Also, we need to floss between the teeth once a day. A person that does not brush
his teeth at a perfect mode he may have teeth decay. After that he will be pain and difficulty eat.
In addition, a people who are smoking could have a bad breath and foul tastes. Therefore, they
will be had teeth decay and the tooth color will be change. For example, when you are smoking twice
everyday your breath, smell, and teeth color will be changed. It might vary about another people.
Eat a lot of sweets or drink a lot of soft drinks leads to tooth decay. So, we should switch water
with soft drinks and healthy food with sweets. Fluoride is naturally present in all water. Thus, it is the best
drink in the world.
Since then, the statistics have reversed, having a direct relation to tooth decay. This acid is
responsible for breaking down tooth enamel and causing cavities. Purpose: The purpose of the lab is to
determine which pop has the least amount of sugar, therefore decreasing tooth decay.
Anyone can get tooth decay. However, children and the elderly are the two groups at highest risk.
And people who already have other tooth problems. Tooth decay is also often a problem in young
babies. If a baby is given a bottle containing a sweet liquid before going to bed, or if parents soak the
baby's pacifier in sugar, honey, or another sweet substance, bacteria may grow on the baby's teeth and
cause tooth decay.
In conclusion, tooth decay is among the worlds most common health problems. The reasons for
tooth decay are poor cleaning of the mouth, smoking segregates, and eating or drinking not healthy. So,
preserve your teeth and your wonderful smile.

By: Alfonso Cabrera (Chil)
Obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy! . This condition in which excess body fat has
accumulate. That may have negative effects on health. There are a lot of factors that cause obesity, such as;
Lack of physical activity and excessive food energy. The consequence are various diseases, emotional
suffering and reduce life expectancy.
There is a lack of physical activity and excessive food energy Worldwide there has been a large shift
towards less physically demanding work, and currently at least 30% of the worlds population gest insufficient
work out. [1]. This is primarily due to increasing use of mechanized transportation and greater prevalence of
labor saving technology in the home. From the early 1970s to the late 1990s the average food energy
available per person per day (the amount of food bought) increased in all parts of the world except Eastern
Europe. The United States had the highest availability with 3,394 calories.
The consequences are a lot of, for example various diseases, emotional suffering and reduce life
expectancy. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide. In the United State obesity
is estimated to cause 111, 909 to 365,000 deaths per year, the main cause is that obesity increases the risk
of many physical and mental conditions. These comorbidities are most commonly show in metabolic
syndrome, a combination of medical disorders which includes: diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure,
high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. [2]

By: Raed Alabdali (Saudi Arabia) and Majed Sunbol (Saudi Arabia)

Have you ever thought that you could live in your dreams and imagination and they might come

The 3D technology has changed pictures to become the same reality by using simulation.
Developers have changed movies using this technology to convert them to be more like reality and to
put the watcher in the action. Now, there is a new invention glasses called Hololens. It is made by
Microsoft and has 3D technology. It will let you think and build your world, as you want in front of your
eyes. This summary explains what, when and how to use Hololens and your whole world is going to
be changed.

3D Will Become the Golden Revolution


As we have seen what happened when the smart phone spread around the world, soon, we are
going to be witnesses to what will happen when this technology takes everyones attention. It is a
complete operating system in glasses. It can do both, computer and smart phone jobs, by using 3D
technology which makes the user more comfortable than using a regular display. Also, it gives you
the freedom to move while you work with it. For example, you can use it while you are running or
lying down. It combines the real and imagined life at the same time with no problems.

Where are we able to use it?

One way to use this technology is in teaching by making a video call. For instance, fixing the

plumbing in a sink. The other person can see what I see, so he can point and draw wherever he wants.
Then, his drawing will appear in the places he wants. All of this work can be done with Hololens. That
helps us to follow each instruction easily and carefully.


How does it work?

This technology runs in windows 10 and it has a very high quality of sound that lets you
hear every single voice just as if you really live in that world with 3D sound system called
Pinpoint Precision. The shape of these glasses is different than any other glasses. It lets you
feel comfortable while wearing them and they are lightweight and fit any head size. Also, they
work without cords, phones, wires, and tethers. It is the future.

It is not ready for sale yet, but according to Microsoft, it is going to be available soon. The
3D technology is going to take us far from what we are doing right now. Also, the best thing here
is it doesnt need wires or anything to obstruct its flexibility in moving. I believe it will be used in
schools, official offices, companies, and even in the governments. Maybe in the future people will
work at their homes. Think of it for a minute, people will not carry any other electronic device. This
is just the beginning.

Football Club Barcelona

By: Kener Monterroso (Guatemala)
Barcelona, most known as Barca, is a football club which was founded by Joan Gamper in 1899.
This strong team is located in the city of Catalunya, Spain. Moreover Barcelona is one of the most
historical teams in the world. Also Barcelona has a prestigious history since year after year this team has
not stopped increasing its ability of playing soccer. Also, this team is known as more than a club
because all of its players can realize their dreams while playing soccer. Barcelona has school for boys
who are preparing themselves to be professional someday. However FC Barcelona created Tiki-Taka is
a style of play in soccer that includes passing and moving the ball and maintaining the ball possession.
This style makes Barcelona different from other teams. Barca has one of the biggest stadium in the
world. The stadium is called Camp Nou, which has an immense capacity of 98,787 spectators. Finally
Barcelona has some of the best players around the world and has won many trophies.
2) All Trophies of Football Club Barcelona.
Year after year FC Barcelona has broken many records in soccer competition. In 2009 it was a
magic year, the team won every trophy with a total of six trophies. However there is no any other team
which has won all of these trophies in one consecutive year. This makes Barcelona more recognizeble to
Below is a list of championship and the number of times FC Barcelona has won:

4 Champions League
2 FIFA Club World Cup
4 European Cup Winners Cup
3 Fair Cup
4 European Super Cup
4 Latin Cup
22 Spanish League Championship
26 Spanish Cup
11 Spanish Super Cup
2 Spanish League Cup
1 Mediterranian League
1 Catalan League
23 Catalan League Championship
1 Super Cup Catalunya
8 Catalan Cup
2 Eva Duarte Cup
3) Famous Players of Barcelona:
a- Lionel Messi



Messi debuted in 2004 with the first team scoring one goal on his debut. Lionel is the clubs
record goal scorer. Also he was selected in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 as the world player of the year.
The Argentinan is a magnificent dribbler, passer, finisher and the best player of world.
b- Laszlo Kubala.
In the 50s Kubala a magnificent finisher had a great record of achievements for Barcelona team
with a total of 224 goals in 345 appearances between 1950 to 1961. Laszlo is the only European player
with three different national sides (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Spain). In addiction, he is the winner
of four Spanish titles and two fairs cups.
c- Xavi Hernandez



Xavi is an expert distributor of the ball with an incredible talent for controlling the ball. Now into his
30s, Xavi has been Barcelonas midfield center for many years. The Spanish center with an
unforgettable operation won the World Cup 2010 for his country. Hes been playing for FC Barcelona for
more than 15 years. Hes still increasing his abilities of controlling the ball as an all professional.
d- Ronaldinho Gaucho



Ronaldinho is an expert free kick taker. He came from Paris Saint German club which is located
in France. Ronaldinho started playing for Barcelona in 2003. For a while, Dinho was the best player in
the world. Then in 2008 he decided to move to AC Milan for the huge amount of 21 million Euros. AC
Milan is a great team located in Italy.
4- Fan Base
The FC Barcelona with its approximately 162,000 member is the second largest sport club in the
world. In Spain almost 26 percent of the population supports Barca as their primary club. Throughout
Europe fan regard FC Barcelona as their second club. In the 2003-04 season, membership rose from
100,000 to 170,000 associates. Moreover since 2009 there has been a 70 percent increase. Barcelona
has millions of supporters around the world. Also, FC Barcelona is popular for its own style of playing
5- Conclusion
FC Barcelona is characterized for some people just as a good team, but to Catalunya its much
more than a club because there are juvenile competitions that children play in, but children are not
concerned because these children can complete their education while doing what they love - playing
soccer in the stadium. This great club has surpassed all expectations by passing almost every record
imaginable. All of this great competition is due to the fans who support the club while they play morally as
well as economically. Without their fans a club might simply be a team without any motivation to increase
their abilities of play as they do now.

By: Nawal Hawsawi (Saudi Arabia)
Dyslexia is out of the foundations in many fields such as psychology, medicine, and education. It
presents as a specific reading disability of neurological origin, associated with difficulties in reading,
writing, spelling and working memory that is seen in every education level and age 'it is typically
characterised by an unusual balance of skills (Snowling, & Scanlon, 2004). Dyslexia defined as the state
when someone shows (educational) performance significantly behind what may be expected based on
his or her intelligence. (Lyon, Shaywitz, & Shaywitz, 2003). Although Dyslexia seems to be more


prevalent amongst males than females, with ratio between 3:1 and 5:1, the evidence suggests that two
thirds of dyslexic cases have a genetic cause. (Snowling, & Scanlon, 2004).

Dyslexia in different languages:

Scientists believe that Dyslexia has a different manifestation in different languages, as it is
consider as a language based learning disability, the complexity of a language's orthography is directly
related to the difficulty of learning reading, writing and spelling in that language (Friedmann, 2012).
Orthographic complexity also contributes to how dyslexia manifests in readers of different languages.
Readers in languages with a transparent orthography, such as Spanish, German, and Italian, have fewer
difficulties than readers in languages with nontransparent (opaque) orthography such as English and
French. Dyslexia in English orthographies is different from Dyslexia in Arabic which has complex two
orthographic types: transparent (shallow) and nontransparent (deep). Arabic orthography has a special
property which is directly affected by the letters position in the words whether (in the beginning, middle,
or end).
Also Arabic language orthography does not represent short vowels because this features Letter
position dyslexia is the most common among Arabic language which is defined as 'A deficit in the
orthographic-visual analysis system that selectively impairs the ability to encode the relative position of
letters within words and causes letter position errors such as reading form instead of from' (Friedmann,

Font Size and Dyslexia:

Several scientists in the Dyslexic field have found that special adjustments in font size will affect and
improved reading performance. An important difference in fonts is whether or not they have serifs (a
horizontal line at the end stroke of a letter). A well-known serif font is Times New Roman and a wellknown sans serif font is Aria. According to Pijpker, 2013 using serifs help children to distinguish between
the letters and the narrow space could affect the perceived readability therefore their reading
performance will increase. Another difference that affects reading performance is the size of the font
(Friedmann, 2012). Several studies showed that Dyslexic children preferred a larger font point size.

According to Bernard et al. (2002) the larger 14point size was reported as more legible and faster to read
than the 12-point size, also, a larger font size increased the reading speed and increase the accuracy.

Figure 2. Letters with serif and sans serif ( Pijpker, 2013)

Family Relationship
By: Pipi Nguyen (Vietnam)
For everyone, family is the first environment to help children attend to every social relationship,
experience any difficult status, and begin to understand the meaning of the society. As a result, in all
stages of the childrens development, family always has an important part of their life that cannot lack in
each one.
Families all over the world, in general, and in my country Viet Nam, in particular, contribute very
much to each members life in a roof, and especially, for the children. If the parents want their child to
grow up in a good environment, they have to treat them in the best way from the time they was born until
maturity. Do you know why? The reason is that its very easy for children to learn either the good or the
bad from adults. They try to learn the way we live, speak or how we eat.... they copy everything that is
happening around them from the people they see. If we have acceptable actions, our child will grow up
to be a pleasant person. Im sure.
Following a website in Viet Nam, the author mentions the issue: the ways parents should treat
their children when they were a child. He has seven ways to help their behavior much better: always
greet everyone whom they meet, answer the phone politely, teach them to tell the truth, teach them to
say thank you when someone helps them, teach them not to fight with other children, always know how
to realize their fault and say sorry and finally live socially and generally with human beings.

Relationships in a Vietnamese family are more complicated than those of Western countries. The
majority of families in Viet Nam are extended families as many generations co-live to take care of each
other. The family in Viet Nam looks similar to a system of mini society with the most elderly having the
strongest voice and taking charge of most activities in house.
Each family has its own rules and values that members are supposed to conform with. The
younger generation shows respect for the older generation and vice versa. The old generation tolerates
the young. In the relationships between parents and children, and between husband and wife as well,
traditional Vietnamese retain much of their long established customs and values.

We live with the whole extended family.

Although influenced by Chinese culture and Confucianism, in the eyes of children, Vietnamese
mothers still have the same status as their counterparts. They are the embodiments of love, self-denial,
and sacrifice. For Vietnamese parents, their children are their most valuable assets; therefore, within
their financial capacity, most of them are eager to have as many children as they can.
Well, most of them have a tendency to apply strict parenting to educate their beloved ones. As an
old saying in Viet Nam: Blood is thicker than water. That is to say, the family relationship has been
given higher prominence compared to other kinds of relationships. The concept of blood relationship is
always engraved in the mind of Vietnamese.
It means that as a member of a family, you are expected to receive moral support and material
assistance from other members, especially when you are in trouble. Vice versa, you also are expected to

help other members in your family. These are not only reflected in the emotional support but also when it
comes to material and financial issues. To illustrate, when you lack money for something, what will you
do? You would certainly ask your bank or credit card company. However, in Viet Nam, we will ask our
parents, our siblings, and our relatives first and so do our relatives. Therefore, with family ties getting
closer and closer, the values of family relationships in Viet Nam would certainly survive through time and
In conclusion, the family relationship in Viet Nam is very important for everyones life. It not only
affects how each member in the same family lives, but also builds a stronger relationship day by day.
Family teaches us the way to become a true person and know how to behave with other people before
going to the bigger environment society.
Works cited
The traditional picture:

Enjoy Your Break!


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